Voice control laptop windows 7 program. Review of programs for voice control of a computer. Computer control from a web camera on laptops

05.05.2020 Data recovery

What computer user would not want to control it hands-free, that is, without touching the keyboard and mouse, but using only his voice? And for people with disabilities this function is simply irreplaceable. The original (not Russified) version of Windows 7 has this function, but it is designed only for English speech. However, even in Russified Windows versions 7 opportunity voice control computer with Windows 7 can be entered. There are several third-party programs for this.

This is one of the most common utilities for voice control of a Windows 7 computer. It can be downloaded from the Internet. It has two versions - free and paid (premium). Below we will talk about the free version.

After launching the program, it displays its main window:

In it you need to specify the user name and the text content of the command. Then you should press the red button (record) and say the desired command into the microphone, for example, “open zip seven.” Then click the “add” button. These actions create a sound image of the control command in the utility.

The next step is to link the specified sound image to a specific program or file on the computer. To do this, click on the button in the main window

And check the box we need:

A list appears installed programs computer where you should select 7-Zip File Manager. Then you need to click on “record” and “Add”.

After this, the created command will be added to the user profile in the main window:

Now all that remains is to check its implementation. To do this, you need to click “Start speaking” in the main window and say the cherished phrase “Open zip seven, after which the 7-zip utility will open.

Unfortunately, it cannot be said that Typle correctly recognizes Russian speech in all cases, but this is a drawback of most voice recognition programs.

Speechka program for voice control of a computer with Windows 7

Speechka is a simple and convenient program, recognizing the Russian language. This utility allows you to open programs, files, folders and Internet pages by voice, and search the Internet. The program is free and easy to download and install.

This is what its main window looks like:

Depending on his intentions, the user must click one of the buttons in the main window. After clicking one of them, a window appears to the right of the main window for setting voice command parameters. For example, when you click “Internet” a window like this will open:

It already shows the settings necessary to launch the Yandex page with the weather forecast. After clicking the “Add” button, you must voice this command. This is done as indicated in home page, by simultaneously pressing “Ctrl” and “Win”, after which you need to say a word or phrase into the microphone, for example “weather”, and release the keys. In the program settings, it is possible to activate sound recording using the “Ctrl” + “Win” combination, or simply by sound level.

By the way, you can check the operation of this utility with a microphone and adjust its volume immediately after starting the program by saying a few words into the microphone. If the level indicator does not respond, then there is a problem with the microphone connection or with insufficient volume.

Most often, when working on a personal computer, we have to type large texts. Sitting directly in front of the monitor, we lose a lot of time, although we could do some housework.

Last century

Let's figure out what voice control of a computer is. Let's make some analogy. Previously, and even now, a very common way to “free your hands” from the computer while working was to hire another employee - a stenographer or secretary. However, few people know that you can avoid unnecessary expenses by installing Personal Computer a number of programs and utilities that allow voice control of a computer in Russian.

With the advent of such software products as Gorynych and WebSpeach, you can forget about how long you had to sit and type some work, for example, a diploma, an order or any other documentation. With the development of computer technology, a use case appeared special program speech recognition.

Built-in utilities

Voice control Windows computer 8 is carried out using the built-in Windows utilities Speech Recognition. Unfortunately, in currently It is impossible to operate a computer in Russian. Microsoft is apparently trying to focus on the most common languages, but it is possible that support for the Russian language will soon be released.

If you still want to try to control your iron comrade using in English, follow the following instructions.

  1. Go to the control panel in the "Language" sub-item. You need to set the system language to English. If you do not have it, you will need to download the appropriate language pack.
  2. After downloading and installing the language, go to home screen with "tiles".
  3. Enter in Windows search Speech Recognition and press Enter. This starts the voice recognition program.
  4. When you first start it, you will be asked to set up your microphone. Choose your variety and say a few words.
  5. You will then be offered a 20-minute training course. It is held in English, so if you don't understand the language, feel free to skip it. The program's interface is absolutely clear, so even a child can understand it.
  6. To enable voice control of your computer, you will need to say the key phrase “Start listening”. This means "start listening". Now you can launch the program you need and start dictating text.

In general, the possibilities of this utility are inexhaustible. In addition to using basic commands, you can also create your own.


Many applications have been created for Russian and English speech recognition:

  • "Dictograph 5";
  • "Perpetuum Mobile";
  • Voice_PE;
  • Lucent;
  • VoiceType;
  • Sacrament.

However, the most popular ones are:

  • "Gorynych";
  • Web Speech;
  • RealSpeaker;
  • Speechka.

Let's take a closer look at them.


As the name suggests, the application was created by a team of Russian programmers and was named after a Russian fairy-tale character named Gorynych. Voice control of the computer in it is carried out in Russian, however, there is also support for English. "Gorynych" allows you to control a personal computer in user mode, that is, perform all possible actions that you can perform with a mouse and keyboard: working with windows, applications, processes running on a personal computer. Moreover, “Gorynych” recognizes the speech of only one owner, but not always.

However, there is one rather big drawback. The fact is that you need to enter the entire command base manually. That is, before you can do anything on the computer with your voice, you need to create an entire database with commands recorded in your voice. Even if you do this, if you suddenly become hoarse or the timbre of your voice changes even a little, “Gorynych” will completely refuse to understand you.

Another pitfall is that if you want to dictate texts to a computer, you will first need to create a huge dictionary for “Gorynych” with a good vocabulary so that he can understand what you dictate.


They can help ensure this third party applications installed on a personal computer. One of them is Speechka. Just like Gorynych, a Russian product created on the basis of Google technologies, Spichka allows the user to voice control the computer using a given set of commands. Speechka recognizes any speech quite well, and there is no need to record audio files. It is enough to simply enter a word on the keyboard and associate it with some action. Simply put, it's a worthy product, but one that is still in development, as features like closing windows or launching programs have only recently been added.


Having understood what voice control of a computer is, let’s consider the problem of typing. As already mentioned, not all applications allow this. In most cases, this requires first compiling an entire dictionary, and if you are a Windows 8 user, then the problem of supporting Russian speech also arises. To solve this problem, there is a voice dialing service created by Google.

Available only for Chrome browsers, Google app Web Speech recognizes 32 leading world languages, including Russian. To enter text by voice, you will need an appropriate browser, Internet and a microphone. Developments have advanced far enough that this utility is able to perceive literate Russian speech in whole words and translate it into printed text.

Another program for recognizing speech and dictating it to a personal computer is RealSpeaker. She uses modern technologies recognition of facial expressions. Absolutely any webcam is suitable for its use. The only inconvenience that arises during the work is that the speaker’s face must be exactly opposite the camera, at a distance of no more than 40 centimeters. This program has a Russian language dictionary, which the user can expand if desired. In general, this program is much more convenient than Gorynych.

Bottom line

If you are thinking about controlling your computer with your voice, believe me, this is not for Russia yet. Adequate recognition programs today exist only in English, and automatic voice dialing The text will contain so many errors that it will be easier to write the text from scratch than to correct all the typos. Of course, you can try to learn English and operate a computer in it, but you will need perfect diction and pronunciation.

In the new operating room Windows system 7 uses an important innovation - a voice interface. This function will be available in other versions of Microsoft software products, in particular in a future version of the office suite Microsoft Office 2010. Speech recognition will allow application in software products a new type of interface is voice, with which you can control your computer without a keyboard and mouse.

“Voice is a new type of interface for operating systems. This type of interface is the result of the natural evolution of modern computer control methods following the keyboard and touch screen“, notes Zig Serafin, head of the voice recognition group at Microsoft. — Voice control will soon become as common a way to command a computer as the keyboard and mouse were until recently. A concept first articulated by Bill Gates more than 10 years ago has now become a reality.”

The speech recognition feature in Windows 7 is a continuation of the interface that appeared back in Windows Vista, only improved and more functional.

Thanks to the use of speech recognition in Windows users can easily launch applications, execute commands and convert audio fragments into text. You can speak commands for the computer to carry out and dictate text to the computer. In addition, the developers software can use these voice recognition capabilities in their applications.

Before you start working with the Windows speech recognition program, you need to connect a microphone to your computer and train the recognition program, creating a voice profile - examples of how a person pronounces different commands. Based on the profile, that is, a template of standard phrases, the computer will perform recognition.

Using dictation of text to a computer, you can configure the transformation of the received information in the window text editor WordPad. In the same way, you can fill out interactive forms while surfing the web using Internet Explorer and edit text on a computer. Windows 7 OCR allows you to correct previously spoken text using the normal voice command “Correct This.” During the recognition process, the program can do typical mistakes, incorrectly recognizing the same words. They can be added to a special match list.

Speech recognition will also be coming to Exchange Server 2010 beta, with a new feature available. voicemail Preview, with which you can manage and search received messages, as well as dictate letters by voice and send them to a specified address.

Unfortunately, speech recognition is currently available in English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese, but not available in Russian and Ukrainian.

They tested it in Ukraine, and one of the operators is preparing it.

Even before the release of the Cortana interface for Windows 10, which is currently in the development, testing and debugging stage, users tried to organize voice control of the computer. We’ll talk about how such a function can be implemented in Windows released before 10 in today’s article.


Cortana - voice assistant with AI, developed by Microsoft for Windows 10, Phone and Android with further distribution of the project to XBox and iOS. It replaces the classic search bar and performs many actions, primarily related to searching for information and system commands, receiving them from the user in the form of voice commands. Deep integration into Windows 10, the absence of the Russian language (for now), the collection of virtually all information about the user with sending to Microsoft servers, and the lack of a final version do not allow most users to get full voice control of their own computer.

In addition to Cortana, there are many applications that allow you to control your PC through the user’s voice commands. Let's take a look at the most common products for solving this problem in Windows 7 and 10.


The application occupies a leading position among Russian-speaking users who want to control the computer via voice. The utility will easily replace a significant part of Cortana’s functions on Windows 10, and on the “seven” it will add a function that is often demonstrated in films where people control computers using their voice.

Before we start, let's create account and come up with a key phrase, upon hearing which the application is activated. Then we set a voice command to control the computer or perform a certain action and assign an operation to it (launching an application, going to a specified website). In the window for editing created commands, it becomes possible to set the parameters with which the application will be launched and specify the launch mode (full screen, windowed).

The functionality of the utility is very limited, and the interface is far from the Metro style implemented in Windows 10. Full voice control of a PC using Typle cannot be implemented: it only supports opening files, applications (with arguments) and following predefined links. There is even no support for controlling the player (pause, play the next track).


  • taking screenshots;
  • switching keyboard layout;
  • completion Windows operation 7;
  • launching the application;
  • opening a file.

The process of reading and recognizing information received by the microphone starts after pressing a given key (it is better to choose the button that you use least rarely to avoid false positives of the program). It takes quite a lot of time to process, recognize speech and execute a command - 5 or more seconds, which is what you have to pay for the cheapness. Keywords are specified by text, not words, so the recognized speech is compared with the entered text, which is far from ideal. There is no player control in the application.


Developers software package for managing a computer with Windows 7 and 10 are the first domestic team to release an application for solving this kind of problem. The core of the application is the Western “Dragon Dictate”, where a domestic software module for recognizing Russian speech was introduced.

Very soon, all equipment, from phones to kettles, will be equipped with voice control.

has been available for a long time and now secret laboratories of large corporations are working to improve this technology. But today you can take advantage of these future technologies and control computer equipment using your voice.

Voice control phone For several years now, smartphones on the most popular platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone

) have a built-in voice control system. Siri is one of the best incarnations artificial intelligence in modern technology. Siri is a voice assistant built into iPhone smartphones

4S which understands human speech and can conduct a dialogue with the owner of the smartphone. Siri allows you to control the basic functions of your smartphone, create tasks, search for any information, etc. The video I prepared for you will tell you better about Siri. This is an excerpt from the iPhone 4S presentation right at the point where one of the iPhone developers

talks about Siri (if the video is not visible, refresh the page): Today at Android smartphones

voice control is in no way inferior to Siri (in some places even superior) and performs almost the same tasks.

Voice control of your computer In addition to the phone, you can teach you to understand commands and your computer. IN Windows Vista And Windows 7 There is also a built-in voice control system, but it is not yet available in the Russian version of the operating system. To use the English voice control system, for example, your operating system

must be Ultimate or Enterprise and have the English language pack installed. But despite all these limitations, there are other options to start controlling your computer using your voice. Type - one of best programs allowing you to create different voice commands for computer . You record a voice command and assign an action to be performed after it is spoken. Typle copes with its responsibilities quite well. True, commands will have to be given in a clear, mechanical voice so that the program can recognize them. And the program can sometimes mistake it for a voice command extraneous sounds

. Therefore, do not be surprised if, after installing and configuring Typle, inexplicable events begin to occur on your computer. - Voice control.rf cloud service and program Speaker Speaker understands human speech much better. Another advantage of the program, unlike Typle, is that it begins to “listen” to commands only after pressing a command key - at the moment this is the mouse wheel. Thanks to this, the program will not execute commands when it is not needed. But in my opinion, using the wheel as a command key is not entirely convenient, because it is often used in other cases.

Voice control in Opera browser . For fans of the Opera Internet browser, there is built-in voice control that allows you to control the main functions of the browser with your voice. Opera does not have the ability to create your own commands, but uses existing commands in English. But I think that few people will be interested in such functionality, when using a mouse and keyboard you can perform all the same actions with no less speed.

Voice control on Google

deserves special attention. Everyone knows that Google always creates high-quality products and services. Many have become convinced of this by starting, for example, to use Gmail. At the moment, there are two options that I know of for voice control of Google services.

The first one is searching for information using voice V search engine Google. Helps you work much faster with the search engine.

Second - Google Translate , which allows you to dictate text (for now only) in English and automatically receive a translation into the desired language.

It is quite convenient to use voice input in Google Translate when reading text from an English textbook or, for example, product packaging, to quickly translate the necessary information into Russian.

Voice control in Google Chrome

OWeb extension- complements the existing voice control functions in Google Chrome. OWeb adds the ability to dictate text by voice on almost all sites where text input is implied - in search forms, in contact forms, in the comment field, etc. This is certainly not Siri, but it is also a great way to free your hands and save time on typing.

Watch the video in which I will show you the capabilities of the Oweb extension and examples of its use: