How to turn caps into regular ones. Change capital letters to lowercase letters in MS Word, how?! Using the Caps Lock key

25.04.2020 Data recovery

This post is a collection of useful tips for computer programs, which have come in handy over the past few weeks.

1. Translation Caps Lock

The Caps Lock function (typing text in capital letters) is activated by pressing the special “Caps Lock” button. We often notice that the Caps Lock key has been pressed even after a lot of text has been typed. Then it becomes necessary to remove caps lock in already typed text. You may also need to remove capslock in the text if you are copying material written in capital letters from another source and want to make the letters “normal,” because I already wrote that expressing thoughts in capslock is a sign of bad upbringing. Translating ready-made text from Caps Lock mode is very simple: paste the text in capital letters into Word, select it and press Shift+F3. Similarly, you can transform text and vice versa.

2. Sending messages on Skype

By default sending messages in Skype latest version occurs when you press the Enter key. But the key combinations in Skype can be changed if desired. Go to “Tools -> Settings -> Chats and SMS -> Chat Settings” and set the Enter key to “line break” instead of “send message”. Now messages will be sent using the Ctrl+Enter key combination.

3. How to change file extension in Windows 7

Changing the extension is not difficult, the main thing is to enable the display of file extensions. This is done as follows: open any folder on the computer and in the left top corner Click on the “Organize -> Folder and Search Options” button, on the “View” tab, uncheck the “Hide extensions for registered file types” line. After this, all files on your computer (music, graphics, text, etc.) are displayed with extensions. To change the extension, right-click on the file, select “Rename” and enter the desired extension instead of the existing one.

4. How to add a movie to iTunes

Previously, I never had a question about how to upload a movie to iTunes, because this is done, in principle, in an elementary way: the video file is simply dragged into the media library from the folder in which it is stored. The same action can be performed by clicking “File -> Add file to library” in the application menu or simply pressing the hot keys Ctrl+O. But today I was faced with the fact that several films of a format suitable for the iPad are not added to iTunes; the program simply ignores attempts to add the file without producing any errors. Google has arrived to help me, and told me what to do if in a standard way Movies are not transferred to iTunes: find the folder “Users/(username)/My Music/Itunes/iTunes Media/Automatically Add to iTunes” on your computer and put the required movies into it; restart iTunes and the films will appear in your library. Thus, I was able to upload all the films except one - it continues to “resist” and appears in the “Not added” subfolder created by the system in the “Automatically add to iTunes” folder.

Caps Lock key - handy tool, which can be used when the user needs to write one or more letters or even the entire text in capital letters. It is worth keeping in mind that pressing this key will cause a change appearance only letters to be typed: for example, numbers and others Special symbols will not change from its use.

Using the Caps Lock key

The Caps Lock key on a standard keyboard has a fairly convenient location: it is located in the middle of the left row of the main part of the keyboard, located between the Tab key, the letter A on the Latin layout and the Shift key. Enabling the Caps Lock key allows you to switch to using capital letters on a permanent basis. The transition to this mode is carried out by pressing the Caps Lock key once. In turn, in order to disable this mode, you must press the indicated button on the keyboard once again. In order to inform the user about enabling the mode, standard keyboards there is a special indication of this key: if it is pressed, above digital block on the right side of the printing device, a green indicator, indicated by the capital letter A, lights up, which goes out when the corresponding mode is turned off.

Additional options for using the key

Thus, the mode that turns on when you press the Caps Lock key is convenient if you need to type several words or even entire text in capital letters. If you need to capitalize one or more letters, you can resort to another method: for example, holding down the adjacent Shift button while pressing the key indicating the letter will automatically capitalize it. Some users find this method more convenient, since converting one letter to capital case actually requires only one press of an additional key, whereas Caps Lock mode must first be turned on and then turned off, that is, using a double press.

This technique, however, can be used in the opposite way. For example, you are typing text in capital letters with the Caps Lock key turned on, and you need to change one or more letters to lowercase. In this case, you should hold down the Shift button while pressing the desired letters: it will temporarily change to lowercase letters, and after you release it, the Caps Lock mode will become permanent again. Don't forget to turn it off after you've finished typing in capital letters.

Hello everyone, A keyboard is a device through which we can enter text on a PC. It sounds like it’s 1990 and no one knows what a keyboard is.. This means there are all sorts of buttons on the keyboard, if it’s a regular one, then there are few specific buttons. But there are keyboards for gamers, there can be a lot of additional buttons...

But here’s what caps lock is and why on the Internet they write things like don’t write caps lock or turn off caps lock. What does this even mean? Caps lock is simply a button that activates the entry of capital letters. If you press Caps Lock again, entering capital letters will be disabled.

Usually the button is labeled Caps Lock and is located on the left side of the keyboard here:

So when you see that people say don’t write caps lock, then I think now you understand what they mean

Whatever the keyboard, the caps lock will always be in one place. Here's an example of a scary gaming keyboard:

And she has caps lock in the same place, if you look carefully:

Although the keyboard is really awesome

By the way, the caps lock button is the same as it has been on typewriters for many years. There, just like on computers, she changed the case of the entered text. I found this joke on the net:

When a user types text with caps lock enabled, it is perceived on the Internet as a scream. In such cases they say no capsi

Damn it, I completely forgot to write about the main thing, that’s how I could forget! When caps lock is turned on, the Caps Lock light on your keyboard will light up:

Has it ever happened to you that you are writing text and suddenly notice that all the letters are in uppercase? Or that you are typing a password in a program, and suddenly the prompt “turn off Caps Lock” appears? If yes, then this article is definitely for you!

The most annoying thing about accidentally pressing the Caps Lock key is not so much that you will have to turn it off, but rather the fact that you will now have to type all the text again. Since, unfortunately, very few programs can change the case of text (for example, qip).

And usually, when such problems arise, a completely logical thought pops into your head: “How annoying Caps Lock is to me! If only I could do something about it.” And there is such a possibility. In Windows XP, Vista and 7, keyboard buttons can be changed by making changes to the registry. All you need to do is change the specific key:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

Or rather, you need to change its "Scancode Map" parameter. The parameter itself contains a long binary code, so its changes are best done using special files with the ".reg" extension. Creating them is quite simple, so no problems should arise.

Disable Caps Lock in Windows 7 / XP / Vista

The most logical thing you can do is just turn off Caps Lock, and you won’t have to suffer anymore. And live in peace, knowing that now such a problem simply will not arise, except perhaps on another computer. All you need to do is create and run required file with the extension ".reg".

  1. Open notepad

  2. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,3a,00,00,00,00, 00

  3. Save the file with the name "del-capslock.reg" (be sure to make sure that the file is saved with the required extension)

Depending on the system settings, you can also use double click left mouse button in the 5th point.

Changing Caps Lock to Shift in Windows 7 / XP / Vista

If you think a little, you will notice that the main problem occurs when you accidentally miss and hit the Caps Lock button instead of the left Shift button. So why not solve the problem in a similar way? Just replace the Caps Lock button with Shift.

  1. It is advisable to create backup copy registry or system restore point
  2. Open notepad
  3. Copy and paste the following text

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,2a,00,3a,00,00,00,00, 00

  4. Save the file with the name "shift-capslock.reg" (be sure to make sure that the file is saved with the required extension)
  5. Right-click on the created file and select "Merge".
  6. When Windows Vista and 7 a UAC warning window may appear. If this happens, just click the "Yes" button.
  7. The changes will be added to the registry. However, you will not see any messages
  8. Reboot the system (Or login again)

How to restore CapsLock settings in Windows 7/XP/Vista

If you suddenly find that all the changes do not suit you. And suddenly it turned out that you really needed Caps Lock, you just “somehow” didn’t pay attention to this moment. So don't be upset. Everything can be quickly returned the same way. To do this you need:

  1. It is advisable to create a registry backup or a system restore point
  2. Open notepad
  3. Copy and paste the following text

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map"=-

  4. Save the file with the name "restore-capslock.reg" (be sure to make sure that the file is saved with the required extension)
  5. Right-click on the created file and select "Merge".
  6. For Windows Vista and 7, a UAC warning window may appear. If this happens, just click the "Yes" button.
  7. The changes will be added to the registry. However, you will not see any messages
  8. Reboot the system (Or login again)

Now you can disable or enable Caps Lock at any time.

  • Setting up hot keys in Windows (mapping)

Technical Tips

  • Before today I was sure that if I accidentally pressed CapsLock, there would be no turning back and I would have to retype everything. Because you can change lowercase to uppercase in the font options, but if you’ve already typed everything in capitals at once, then it’s a disaster :) Of course, this never happened to me, but once upon a time, my colleague typed the entire document in this manner and I had to retype it. If only I knew this simple secret back then!

    It turned out that you don’t need to use any complex scripts or anything like that for this.

    MS Word for Windows

    To replace all uppercase (typed with CapsLock on) letters in Word for Windows you need to select required text and press F3 holding Shift button. Easy 🙂 Checked for MS Word 2007 and 2010.

    You accidentally typed all the text in capital letters.

    Select the parts of the text that you want to convert to lowercase.

    Press Shift on your keyboard and hold down this key and press F3. Hooray! All selected text is now written in lowercase letters. Tested for Word 2007 and 2010.

    If you want to transform all lowercase letters into uppercase letters, then the same steps will help you do this too.

    MS Word for Mac

    To replace all uppercase (typed with CapsLock on) letters in Word for Mac you need to select required text and open menu “Format -> Change Case...”, select wanted option (there are 5 of them) and choose OK. Not so easy but variable :)

    If you have MS Office for Mac, then changing the case is also possible. In addition, this version of MS Word allows you to select the final result.

    Highlight variable text and open the “Format” menu (I have the English version, but the screenshot should make it clear what the equivalent is in the Russian version).

    In the menu, select the “Change Case” option (I think in the Russian version there may be something about changing the case).

    In the dialog box that appears, select the desired result. Unlike Word for Windows, the following transformations are possible:

    • The first letter in a sentence is capital, the rest are lowercase
    • all lower case
    • Every Word Started with a Capital Letter