How to give someone a static shock with your hand. Electric shock: consequences, necessary actions and correct measures. Inpatient treatment after electric shock

09.04.2020 Data recovery

So, answering the question: how to behave with a person who has just been electrocuted, the first thing that must be done is to separate the source of the current from the victim. If you do not do this, then the victim will continue to receive an electric shock, and the condition will gradually deteriorate, and besides, you yourself may receive an electric shock when touching the victim. It is necessary to pull the victim away from the power source; it is better to do this by holding him by a dry part of his clothing or wrapping his hands in a dry cloth. After the victim is isolated from the power source, you need to feel his pulse and check for breathing. The pulse can be felt best on the wrist joint on the side of the thumb. Using three fingers, press the radial artery to the bone, and with one of the fingers you will feel a pulsation. Pulsation can also be detected on the common carotid arteries, on the frontal and temporal arteries, on the arteries of the thigh, on the arteries in the popliteal cavity, on the arteries of the foot between the toes. The presence of breathing can be determined by listening directly, that is, by placing your ear to the victim’s mouth or nose, placing your hand on the chest (female type of breathing) or on the stomach (male type of breathing). If breathing is not heard and the activity of the respiratory muscles is low, then you can put a mirror, or, for example, a phone screen, to your mouth or nose; if the glass is fogged up, there is breathing. In the absence of respiratory movements and pulse, resuscitation measures must be carried out immediately. The most important measures are mechanical ventilation (artificial pulmonary ventilation) and chest compressions.

Let's start with artificial pulmonary ventilation and consider it as mechanical ventilation using the donor method. The method is not physically difficult, but psychologically difficult. It is necessary to overcome all fears in order to save a person’s life. The first thing to do is to place the patient in a supine position and first place some kind of cushion, you can even use clothing, at the level of the shoulder blades under the back and throw the victim’s head as far back as possible. Next, immediately and quickly examine the oral cavity. If a spasm of the masticatory muscles occurs, that is, the lower jaw does not drop, you need to use improvised objects: keys, a screwdriver, a stick, a pen refill, and so on. Now you must examine the victim’s oral cavity for the presence of mucus or vomit, which you must remove with your index finger, on which, for example, a handkerchief is wound. If his tongue has sunk to the roof of his mouth, then you need to turn it out with the same finger. Next, you yourself need to stand on the right side of the victim. With your left hand you hold the victim’s head and at the same time pinch the nasal passages with it. You protrude your lower jaw right hand forward and to the top. Well, then we take a deep breath, and tightly clasping the victim’s mouth with our lips, we exhale. For hygienic reasons, you can cover the victim's mouth with a clean cloth.

Indirect cardiac massage. It is performed with the aim of restoring the functions of the heart to maintain its functioning and restore continuous blood flow. In our case, cardiac arrest is sudden. Signs accompanying this condition are paleness of the skin, sudden loss of consciousness, at first the pulse is threadlike, and then not palpable at all, that is, it disappears upon palpation on the carotid arteries, cessation of breathing, dilation of the pupils. Indirect heart massage is based on the fact that when the chest is compressed from the front, the heart itself, which is located between the spine and the sternum, is compressed, and when it is compressed, the blood accumulated in the heart is accelerated through the vessels, and when the heart is straightened, venous blood enters it. A more effective massage is considered to be one that is started slowly. The effectiveness of chest compressions can be determined by three factors: spontaneous breaths, constriction of the victim’s pupils and the appearance of pulsation in the common carotid arteries in time with the massage being performed. The hands of the person massaging must be positioned correctly (one palm rests on the xiphoid process, the other palm covers the back of the first and the fingers are raised when massaging so as not to compress the chest). Hands should be straightened during massage. The person performing the massage must stand high enough to apply pressure not only with his hands, but with his entire body. The force of pressure on the chest should be very large, so as to shift the sternum by 5 cm towards the spine. The massage should be maintained in such a way that at least 60 presses are performed per minute. If resuscitation is carried out by one person, then he should do 60 compressions per minute and 8 breaths per minute. If resuscitation is carried out by two people, then one person makes 5 presses, the other takes a powerful breath every 5 presses, and so on 12 cycles per minute. If, during artificial ventilation of the lungs, air does not enter the lungs but into the stomach, it is necessary to press on the epigastric region so that the air leaves the stomach and does not complicate resuscitation. The time for resuscitation measures to restore cardiac and respiratory function should not be less than 30 minutes before the arrival of an ambulance.

07.05.2015 Pelagia Zuikova Save:

Pleasant and not so pleasant consequences... Introduction to a series of articles about energy on a raw food diet.

Dear reader, you may have already wondered where the author of the blog, Pelagia, has gone, since it’s been a month since she has had any personal articles. To be honest, I took a creative break for myself to gain strength and inspiration to write new articles. In addition, I wrote it down. And a lot of strange things happened in my life that, frankly speaking, scared me and interested me at the same time. And this, as you understand from the title, is about increasing energy on live food. I'm getting electrocuted.)

As you know, with normal nutrition, the body spends a lot of energy processing food that is unnatural for it. And when a person switches to a raw food diet, the same energy is spent on removing toxins, toxins and other rubbish. The main cleansing ends, leaving a lot of energy as a result. And at the same time, very interesting effects appear, which, on the one hand, are interesting, and on the other hand, frightening. The second happens more often, because you don’t know what to do about it.

There are even cases where, due to a large excess of energy that suddenly appeared in an unprepared person, a person breaks away from live food, muffling the flow of energy with cooked food. This especially happens if a person is afraid of what happens to him when he becomes a walking lump of energy.

And it is precisely for such people who do not know what to do if such strange changes in energy have occurred in their lives that I will tell my story. Like many of you, I was simply afraid to share with her before, because I thought they wouldn’t understand. They will say that it’s time to go to the psychiatric hospital, fortunately there are psychiatrists I know, like they will help with the arrangement of the ward.

But I began to understand this topic in order to understand how to control all this so that a raw food diet would be a joy for me, and not a burden. And finally, I have collected enough material to gradually share it with you, friends. Someday, perhaps, I will put it in a form that is more convenient for reading and comprehension - in the form of a book.

But I WARN you in advance! This does not happen to all raw foodists, and not necessarily immediately after a year of transition, as it did for me. You shouldn’t wind yourself up in advance, and what I will write about next will happen to you. Many factors play a role here, for example, the transition process itself and the duration of cleansing the body, which depends on its clogging.

In my case, some strange characteristics of the body appear more likely due to the fact that some family heredity simply increased due to a raw food diet. You, Reader, may develop them over time on a pure raw food diet, but I have not yet studied such cases, and I do not advise anyone to study them in detail for now. But if this concerns you, like me, then my experience will undoubtedly be useful to you. So go for it!

What will I talk about today?

In this introductory article, I will tell you about the very first strange event in my life that first made me think: “What is happening to me? Will it pass? Read carefully, you will find it interesting!

The first “strange” manifestation of increased energy. Advantages and disadvantages

Starting in 2014, when I had been on a raw food diet for about 10 months, I began to experience static electricity many times more often. And it’s okay if after long walks in the air or something like that. Or, for example, on those days when I wore a synthetic down jacket for the weather, I wouldn’t take the whole thing seriously. But throughout my entire life, I have only occasionally received an electric shock, at most a few times in my entire 20 years.

At first I thought it was because my mother has increased electro-sensitivity, and the same thing began to happen to me. I remember as a child, she often showed me how a completely clean candy wrapper literally hung and rolled near her fingers! Okay, small pieces of paper, but a big wrapper.

I always looked and admired my mother with my mouth open, but no matter how much I rubbed my hands, no matter how many times I tried, it didn’t work out... I was very sick as a child, so my energy was weak...

And on a raw food diet, I became not just electrically sensitive, but literally constantly electrocute! Vova and I thought about why this happened, and our beloved came to one very interesting conclusion, which you can read in his article.

Personally, I studied these cases in detail, and noticed that I get electric shocks only when I experience strong emotions. And not only in cold weather, but all year round. Physically, this most often manifests itself when emotions have a negative connotation. For example:

  1. When Vova went to his home, I was naturally upset inside from our parting, and with a kiss I could electrocute him on the nose.
  2. When, after a discussion with him, I’m in a bad mood, I can also crush him. Vova even happens and says: “Polya, calm down, otherwise she’s already starting to shy away from the electric shock.” And when we get to general solution and I calm down, everything becomes normal.
  3. Also when I'm in my usual state, sometimes when working at the computer, for example, when typing or drawing web designs. I literally have a tingling sensation in my fingers; I can feel some strange radiation.

In general, lately I’ve started keeping my phone away from me, in my bag, because it seems somehow unpleasant to me. I started surfing the Internet much less, and started listening to music using headphones on a long cable. And since my work is currently related to this (I do web design), I often have to relieve stress by simply washing my hands or doing exercises.

When my emotions are positive, everything happens differently. On the contrary, inside myself I feel like I want to move madly, do something, I don’t want to sit still at all! Sometimes it is this activity that encourages me to play sports.

And here's another thing! When I communicate with people, they began to say that I was literally glowing from within, that they wanted to communicate with me again and again. I have always been told that I know how to listen, and now people are drawn to me more and more in life, as if I were a pleasant warm light.) Even on the Internet, strangers often write to me, not only raw foodists, they probably feel my attractive energy. Do you think, dear Reader, there is such a thing?

I don’t know, it’s a little off topic, but I remembered that seeds, when I’m in a great mood, only germinate this way, much faster! Vova noticed this fact that they sprouted well next to me in just 1 night, but even Vovkin’s secret gives results 2 times slower. Shungite water also mineralizes and becomes structured much faster due to my presence.

I noticed that together with Vova we exchange good energy and radiate it very powerfully + stabilize each other’s potential.

I get electric shock: a small solution to the problem

I like my overall increase in energy on a raw food diet, but I need to learn how to distribute the excess energy correctly, otherwise there will be unpleasant external consequences such as: electric shock, unpleasant mood, excessive activity. So what to do with excess negative and positive energy potential when it physically begins to annoy you?

Here are my universal methods that I advise you:

Solution 1. If you get an electric shock, ground yourself! Maybe about something iron; and on the street the ideal option is earth or wood. At home, it is advisable for all such raw foodists and others to ground themselves by washing their hands, face, and feet.

Ideal shower option. After all, for example, you come home feeling unhappy or angry, something is pressing... If you take water treatments, your mood immediately improves! When flushing, not only static electricity leaves, but also various bad energy from other people collected during the day.

Solution 2. Do physical exercise to release excess energy. Excess energy, although positive, only causes harm if it is not released into the environment.

Sport is a profitable exchange with the World. You give him energy, and he gives you a healthy and strong body. This option is for those who want to be healthy, but definitely not lazy! By the way, spiritually, it’s the same!

Solution 3. Direct your energy to study healing practices, and at the same time help people! Only this topic should be studied carefully. I will definitely tell you exactly how to use my abilities.

Don’t try it yourself, without the help of someone who has been through it, otherwise you will make a lot of mistakes, like me! For example, at first I stupidly took on other people’s illnesses during treatment, instead of throwing negativity into the void. Literally, I'm not joking at all.

I will tell you more in the next series of articles about energy on a raw food diet. For example, about healing with your hands. There you will find out exactly whether you should do this, and if so, how to properly treat with your hands so as not to harm yourself; I’ll tell you about a very interesting ability, directly related to healing, that I acquired while on a raw food diet. So subscribe to the newsletter in the form below the article so as not to miss these articles!

P.S. If strange events began to happen to you in your life after switching to a raw food diet or for other reasons, then do not hesitate to write below in the comments. I definitely won’t laugh at you, since I myself have encountered this and am ready to help you.

Subscribe to blog updates– there are still many interesting articles ahead!

Electricity has given humanity a lot of convenience and comfort. His absence is perceived by most of us almost as a tragedy. However, often the price to pay for making life easier is an electric shock. It can come your way at any moment, even if you are not in the habit of blow-drying your hair while sitting in the bath. The wiring came off washing machine when you opened it - and have an unpleasant feeling. But much more dangerous is a high-voltage electric shock, the consequences of which often lead to death. And neither caution nor attentiveness helps. Even the most vigilant person cannot notice a broken wire, quietly sparkling in the tall grass or waiting in a puddle.

What you need to know about electric shock

First, let's define the incoming conditions. The current can be of different strengths, which depends on the applied voltage. In everyday life, if you are “jerked” by a faulty appliance, in most cases you should not expect severe consequences (unless you closed the circuit by inserting the plug into the socket). The main consequences are shock, nervous twitching that goes away on its own, and hair standing on end. However, if a person was exposed to even a weak current not for a second or two, but longer, then more serious symptoms may be observed: loss of consciousness, sweating, intermittent breathing, possibly burns at the point of contact with the conductor. For adults, this usually passes without further complications, but in the case where even a weak electric shock strikes a child, vigilance should be increased: it is difficult to predict how it will affect an immature body.

It's a different matter if you've been exposed to electric current. high voltage. It usually forms necrotic burns, both at the point of entry of electricity and at the point of its exit. Fainting, respiratory and cardiac arrest are almost always observed. In such cases, only the prompt actions of others can help the victim survive until the arrival of medical specialists.

Strictly prohibited actions

If there is a suspicion of an electric shock (the photo is given in the article), then there is a certain range of body movements that should not be undertaken under any circumstances.

  1. A ban on touching a person until it is certain that he is no longer in contact with the source.
  2. Relocation of the victim is allowed only in the most extreme cases. It is not uncommon for people to break bones when they fall. Not having all the information can cause harm.
  3. If there is a sparking wire, you should not come close to it. The minimum distance is 6 meters.
  4. If a person is hit by a broken cable, you should not walk towards it with wide strides. A stepping arc may appear between your legs, and you will find yourself next to the rescued person in a helpless state. You need to walk shallowly, trying to keep your feet on the ground.

No matter how cynical it may sound, when helping someone who has experienced an electric shock, you must first take care of your own safety. Otherwise, you can’t help the victim, and you can harm yourself.

Mandatory actions

In particular, if residual twitching of the body is observed, you need to turn off the device in which the short circuit occurred or try to push the wire away with something wooden. If you don’t see the wire, pull the person away, but also using a dielectric: pull him by his clothes, if they are dry, put on gloves or roll him away using the same stick.

The next step is to check your breathing and heartbeat. In the absence of one or the other, start stimulating them artificially.

It is also necessary to place the victim on his back and slightly raise his legs. In this case, a person can more easily withstand an electric shock and its consequences.

If the victim is conscious, it’s a good idea to give him a drop of Valocordin, even for children, just smaller ones, maximum 2-3 drops. And plenty of warm drinks, but not coffee or alcohol. The tea is better, too weak.

In severe cases: closed cardiac massage

Even in everyday conditions, there is a chance of getting a strong electric shock. In this case, the likelihood of cardiac arrest is very high. And before the ambulance arrives, his activity needs to be stimulated. In this case, we follow this algorithm.

  1. We determine the position of the person who received the electric shock. If necessary, carefully adjust: position on your back, arms and legs straight.
  2. Let's stand on the left.
  3. We place one palm on the lower section of the sternum so that its entire main part is at the lower end of the chest. We place the palm of the other hand on top of this palm and begin to sharply push the chest with a frequency of once per second.

The work is very hard; if possible, it is advisable to often change with a partner, otherwise the pushes will not be strong enough. Symptoms of the effectiveness of the efforts made: constriction of the pupils, the appearance of a heartbeat, increased blood pressure.

The key to salvation: artificial respiration

Even if the heartbeat continues, the spasm can temporarily paralyze breathing, and this is a common symptom that causes electric shock. What to do in this case is obvious: you need to force the person to breathe.

  1. If the victim wears removable dentures, they are removed.
  2. Cover the patient's mouth and nose with a napkin.
  3. As much air as possible is inhaled, which is blown forcefully into the mouth (in some cases, into the nose) of the person who has lost consciousness.

In a minute you need to manage to inhale air at least 14 times. If there is also indirect cardiac massage, then after every 20-30th compression.

Additional precautions for pregnant women

Women are burdened with responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the child they are carrying. Electric shock during pregnancy is dangerous even if it seems trivial. The basic principles of assistance remain the same, but in any case, the expectant mother should consult a doctor after the lesion, even if she feels well.

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such a concept as electrification. The briefest touch to someone - a small flash, a weak electric shock. Unruly electrified hair. Light flashes when rubbing synthetic materials. All of this is an example of the manifestation of mysterious electrification, a kind of superpower that any person can control from time to time. Some people experience this unusual phenomenon much more often than others, they are constantly shocked and try to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. Such people ask the question “I am very electrified and constantly receive electric shock, what should I do? How to eliminate this effect?

Why does a person get electrocuted?

In order to understand why a person receives an electric shock, you will have to familiarize yourself with the physics of the phenomenon.

The reason for the electrification of materials is static electricity. This concept hides a whole set of phenomena consisting in the emergence, preservation and relaxation of free electric charge, arising in everyday life as a result of friction of an object against an object. It is enough to carefully comb your hair, hold it in your fingers and rub pieces of synthetic fiber against each other - and behold, the intermolecular equilibrium quickly goes to hell. One part involved in friction loses an electron, and the other, on the contrary, gains it. The particles begin to move, forming oppositely charged electron layers. The resulting imbalance is called static electricity, which manifests itself in small flashes of current - sparking. This process occurs especially successfully in materials such as natural wool, fur, synthetics, paper, human hair, amber, plastic or polyethylene products. All these substances in large quantities surround us in everyday life, which is why any person is electrified to a greater or lesser extent.

Why does a person get electric shocks often and strongly, does his clothes become electrified, is this dangerous for him and how to get rid of static electricity. I have had this problem for a long time, which sometimes causes some inconvenience.
Frankly speaking, it’s not very pleasant to shock yourself. It’s sometimes painful and alarming because you don’t know what’s happening or why. But it’s okay if only I suffered. Sometimes those around you get it too. Not long ago, on a bus, I grabbed the handrail; the man standing next to me jumped away from me and then looked around for a long time. I understood what happened, and I was embarrassed about what happened.

Why does a person get electrocuted?

Physicists say that the ability to accumulate static electrical discharges is inherent in every person. Every person's body is a good conductor. Electricity accumulates, condenses, and at one point there will definitely be a discharge. This happens because there is no grounding.
We comb our hair, wear clothes made of synthetics, wool or fur, walk on synthetic carpeting, use electrical appliances and sit for hours at a computer - all this leads to the accumulation of charge. Sometimes it is so large that it hurts both the owner of the charge and those around him. A man receives an electric shock when opening the door while trying to wash his hands. Can hit another not only when touched, but even when kissed.

Why do some people get electric shocks often and severely, while others don’t have this problem?

Each of us has different electrical capacity and resistance. Moreover: the body also produces energy itself, because not a single life process in our body occurs without its participation. Also, thanks to the current, nerve impulses are transmitted. Figuratively speaking, man himself is a kind of small power plant. In which electricity performs the given work, but the unused work is accumulated in the form of static energy. And only when a person has died does his electrical potential equal zero.

They say that much of the ability to generate electricity depends on a person's temperament. His character also plays a role. For example, it is believed that choleric people are the most electrified and electrifying - they are active, more energetic, more emotional.
Is it dangerous?

The influence of this manifestation has not yet been well studied. Recent studies examining the effects of static electricity on the human body have shown that regular exposure to current can lead to malfunctions of some organs or systems. For many people this is really dangerous.

It is especially harmful for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack. It is possible that loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, frequent headaches and irritability are due to the accumulation of static electricity. Some people develop phobias - the fear of electrical discharge.

What to do to remove static electricity:

First of all, we need to understand that we must give a natural outlet to the accumulated static electricity. Therefore, if you notice that you are receiving frequent and strong electric shocks, then:

  • Wear clothes and shoes made from natural materials. Focus on linen and cotton. Wash clothes more often, add fabric softener when rinsing, which has an antistatic effect.
  • Pay attention to the materials your bedding is made from.
  • When combing your hair, use wooden combs, avoiding plastic ones.
  • If necessary, use antistatic agents, treating not only clothes, but also car seats and room carpets.
  • Whenever possible, walk barefoot on the ground, and at home - around the apartment - the excess current will go away.
  • Considering that dry air increases the accumulation of static electricity, use humidifiers in the apartment, ventilate the room more often, and do wet cleaning. Indoor flowers help improve the climate in the apartment and reduce static voltage.
  • Reduce the time spent at the computer and working with electrical appliances.

How to relieve tension:

  1. The best way to relieve voltage if a person is receiving an electric shock is to take any metal object and touch a grounded surface. For example, touch the radiator or refrigerator with the keys.
  2. When leaving the car, touch the glass.
  3. Wet your hands and lightly iron the clothes, but this has a short-term effect.
  4. Touch metal objects with the back of your hand - the blow will be less painful.
  5. When working with electrical devices or at a computer, wear a special antistatic wrist strap and connect it to grounded objects with copper wire (again, a radiator works great). If you can’t buy such a bracelet, then while working at the computer, touch the case from time to time system unit hands. This will remove static electricity before a lot of it has accumulated.