gpon internet does not work. Mgts - home phone does not work. Contacting the contact center from a mobile phone

13.07.2020 Data recovery

Good afternoon

Please help me solve the problem related to the Internet and incompetent MGTS employees!

On 12/31/15 the Internet stopped working. On the same day, 12/31/15, I left application No. 10180673. Until 01/12/16, I called MGTS every day with a request to get the Internet working. Every day I try to find out the reason why no one has yet started solving the problem based on my application and why they couldn’t fix the Internet in 13 days? Each time I had to talk with 3-4 incompetent operators who redirected me to different departments. Technical operator MO support redirected me to those. support for Moscow, saying that my area is served by Moscow, and the tech operators. Moscow support sent me to the Moscow Region. Today I received an SMS stating that according to my application No. 10180673, work was scheduled only for January 19, by which day it will already be the 20th day from the date of application. After that, I called with a request to postpone the work to the 12th or 13th, but was refused. Please help me resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Phone number-84956352219
Application No. 10180673

Please help me decide this problem in the coming days, otherwise I will be forced to contact ROSPOTREBNADZOR and other authorities.

If you use telecommunications services, you have probably at least once encountered a situation where your phone stops working. The causes of failures can be very different - both mechanical (related to an individual device) and large-scale, for example, damage to transmission lines. Let's talk about the reasons why problems may occur, as well as what needs to be done in cases when the city telephone does not work MGTS phone.

What to do if there is a problem

Not all subscribers know what measures to take if telephone service suddenly disappears. First of all, specialists from the Moscow city telephone network recommend checking the integrity of the device and cable directly in the room with the device. It often happens that the wires are touched by a foot and pulled out of the socket, or damaged by the teeth of pets. In the first case, it is enough to restore the connection by inserting the cord into the device port; in the second, you will have to replace the cable.

Haven’t found the cause of the breakdown in the apartment/house and are sure that the problem is outside the home?

  • Contact by number hotline technical support subscribers – 8-495-636-03-63. There is no access to a landline and the call is made from mobile device? The combination of numbers you need is - short number 06-36. The contact center operates 24 hours a day, if you were unable to get through the first time, try again
  • Explain to the dispatcher in as much detail as possible what the problem is (no beeps, connection lost, extraneous noise in the tube). The more information a specialist receives, the sooner he will understand the cause of the breakdown and solve it. Confirm that there is no damage to your device or cable itself. An MGTS technical employee will try to solve your problem remotely, over the phone.
  • If the cause of the breakdown remains unclear, the operator submits a request for a specialist to visit. It is very important to leave the call center specialist with the exact address and your contact information so that you can support feedback. It is also necessary to determine a date and time for the visit that suits both parties.

It is possible that the reasons why the MGTS landline phone does not work do not lie in your device at all. Line breaks, adverse weather conditions, network overload and breakdown of basic equipment at the station - there can be many reasons. In this case, the specialist must announce the approximate time for troubleshooting, after which all that remains is to wait.

If the equipment needs to be repaired

If the reason why the MGTS landline phone does not work remains unclear, a technical specialist will come to your home. Keep in mind that the departure is carried out not by the employees of the Moscow city telephone network themselves, but by the contractors with whom they cooperate. Based on this, you will have to pay for the visit according to a separate tariff schedule established by MGTS partners. If you want to make sure that the company is doing quality work, look for reviews on the World Wide Web. Surely you are not the first one who needs repair or adjustment of equipment.

Further actions are simple - you are required to be at home at the appointed time. Upon arrival, the technician will diagnose your phone and determine where exactly the breakdown occurred. If it is necessary to repair the device or change the telephone cable, the subscriber will have to pay for it. Prices depend on the remoteness of the place, complexity, etc. Is the breakdown outside your home? They must eliminate it without the financial participation of the user.

It happens that the user of the services does not have the opportunity to make a call to the support service. The situation will be corrected by information containing the addresses of MGTS offices. There are more than 20 such salons in Moscow and the region. The exact location of each representative office can be found on the official website of the communication provider. Opening hours and directions to the place are also indicated there.

When planning to visit the office, do not forget that you will need an identity document. In addition to your passport, you must have an agreement for the provision of telecommunications services with you. In the presence of of this package You can contact any of the operating MGTS salons and leave a request for a specialist to visit you.

Important information for legal entities: if the concluded agreement is of a corporate nature, all questions that arise should be directed only to certain five offices located: on Vernadsky Avenue, Arbat, Timiryazevsky, Zelenogradsky and Proletarsky.

We have looked at the actions that need to be taken if the MGTS landline phone does not work. If you are unable to contact your communication provider by phone, feel free to go to the salon, they will definitely help you.

Interesting video - the new life of a home phone.

Internet and/or television from MGTS will appeal to many for a number of reasons:

  • No extra wires. If you have a landline telephone at home or in the office, you will not need to lay additional wires. All connections are made via the telephone cable you already have.
  • Single account. to you in Mailbox you will receive a regular invoice from MGTS, i.e. you will have one receipt to pay your phone, internet and TV bills. You will pay for services as you did before.
  • Credit scheme for payment of services. Just like telephone services, Internet and television, you will pay only after you have used them. No prepayments are required to access the services.
  • Affordable rates. MGTS provides a variety of tariff plans, from which you can choose the one that suits you; cost: from 7 to 1400 rubles per month; speed: from 1 to 200 Mbit/s.
  • Free connection. If you order an Internet connection, you receive a free modem, a splitter, a telephone wire for connecting one splitter and a telephone, and basic Internet setup for one device.

Advantages of MGTS television services

  • Personal television. If you only need the TV channels you have chosen, you can select them separately without connecting and paying for a separate channel package. The cost of the channel selection service is from 1 ruble.
  • High definition television. Currently, MGTS offers more than 15 channels in high resolution and this list is regularly updated.
  • Picture in picture. Even if you do not have a TV with this function, MGTS equipment will allow you to use big amount functions and properties.
  • Repeat. You have the opportunity to view any TV programs previously broadcast over the last two days... and much more: photo albums, traffic jams, weather, courses, online cinema, TV program.