Convert PDF to Word. How to convert PDF to Word for editing Can't convert pdf to word

21.06.2020 Data recovery

The PDF format is one of the most popular for distribution in read-only mode. Most often it is created from pre-formatted doc documents or docx using built-in tools Microsoft Word 2007-2016 . However, if such a file needs to be edited, it is better to do this using the original document. When you try to convert PDF, you will most likely lose layout, breaks, or even entire elements. However, such a possibility still exists.

To do this, go to the tab " File» press the button « Open", then find in file system required file and select it.

The program will warn you that the finished document may not contain certain formatting styles.

If you get an error instead, try closing the program window and launching Microsoft Word again, this time with administrator rights.

The opened document must now be saved in .doc format. To do this, go to the " File" - press " Save as". Then specify the desired file name and make sure that the required format is indicated in the field below (doc or docx).

In some cases, if Word is not able to determine what kind of document it is and what it consists of, it will ask you to manually set the encoding.

The best option is to choose standard encodingWindows. To do this, you need to check the box. Or select from the list on the right Unicode (UTF-8), which is the most common encoding. In the sample field you can see what the future document will look like.

Also, even if what you received is not what you expected, you don’t have to worry about the original PDF file. It remains unchanged. Word just pulls information out of it.

It should be noted that it is best to experiment with converting from PDF to Word on documents that consist almost entirely of text. If there is an abundance of tables, images and complex detailed formatting, you can be sure that the doc will not look like this.

In some cases, Word may save charts or other elements as images to preserve formatting. They will look exactly like PDFs, but they cannot be edited.

The difficulty with such formatting is that PDF files do not retain connections between individual elements of the document, sometimes without even recognizing that these are different fragments.

For versions Microsoft Word 2003-2010 The function to convert from PDF to doc does not work. To carry out this operation, you need to install extensions (preferably from trusted developers) or use third-party software or online resources.

Best Tool to Convert PDF to Word

It's simple. Download the PDF document from hard drive/ from cloud storage or drag and drop into the upload field.

After downloading the PDF file, select the Microsoft Word format from the drop-down menu. There are two options available: DOC and DOCX.

Online PDF to Word Converter Tool

You don't need to download an app or install a program. PDF2Go works online in any browser..

Forget about malware and viruses, just download the resulting Word document.

Why create Word from a PDF file?

Despite the versatility of the format, PDF documents are difficult to edit. To extract or edit text, you must convert the PDF to editable Word.

Optical character recognition (OCR) allows you to edit even scanned books. Don't waste time copying text manually, we'll take care of everything!

Safely convert PDF to Word!

If you convert PDF to Microsoft document Word on PDF2Go, your file is safe.

SSL encryption, regular server cleaning, security for uploading and downloading files. All rights to the documents remain with you.

For getting additional information read the Privacy Policy.

Mobile PDF Converter

Convert PDF files on your computer, smartphone or tablet!

PDF2Go online service allows you to convert PDF files to Word. On the train or bus, on vacation, at work or at home - just connect to the network!

This term refers to the transfer of data contained in the source file into full-fledged, editable Word text. By the usual name Word we mean any editor identical to it, for example, the free Writer from Libre Office. Converting from Word to PDF is usually straightforward. This feature is built into text editors and does not cause any complaints. Converting a file from PDF to Word can be almost impossible.

With conversion " simple» PDF files, the data of which consists entirely of text, are usually nothing complicated. An example of such a file would be a PDF created from text data directly in an editor such as Word.
Here are several conversion options, the first two methods are applicable offline :

The third is a great way online conversion:

Here's how to translate "difficult", consisting of combined data PDF file to Word? Such files are not uncommon. And it is with them that difficulties arise. The previous methods are completely unsuitable here. An image included in a complex file is not edited in any way along with the text. Here is an example of a complex file:

The task is to convert all the data in the source file into a full-fledged, editable text file Word format. There are two real, good ones online way to solve this problem:

Perhaps we’ll start with them, as the most interesting ones.

PDF to Word online converter Convertio

Let’s try “Method to recognize text in an image:”, described in the previous publication: Let me remind you that we used online converter with the consonant name Convertio. Everything is simple there. We go to the website (this is a link to the desired page), upload our file and enable the conversion. Here's the immediate result!

Absolutely all contents of the source file were transferred from PDF to Word. The text is perfectly editable. There are also conversion errors.

  1. It can be seen, for example, that instead of the original word RYAZAN it turned out to be RYAZANV.
  2. Part of the text is recognized as a table.

But overall, the problem was solved well! I would just like to draw your attention to two details.

  • The first thing is that not every time you need to convert PDF to Word, the converter does exactly what you need. Sometimes it tries to simplify the task, and by default does the same option as Adobe Acrobat DC when translated into Word. The resulting file produces an image plus text, rather than just text. Reloading the browser page helps. A good sign that Convertio has understood what you want from it will be a message like this after you upload the desired file to it:
  • Second. The number of free conversions from PDF to Word is limited to ten files per day. The easiest way is to pay, especially if you use this function often. There are different tariff plans. Well, if not often, then it’s very simple, clear it in your browser cookie, change IP address. Then reload the site page and continue working with the next dozen documents.

Periodically, to the best of my ability, I check the services that I recommend in the articles. As of February 2019, Convertio works quite well in test (free) mode.

PDF to Word online converter

As of February 2019, when the conversion is completed, allows you to download the result without registering or subscribing to a paid plan of $20 per year with no restrictions on the number of documents. Use it!

The most powerful algorithm in this OCR converter is what we choose. Or just follow this link.

Loading our complex file. We do not pay attention to the annoying offers to register, we turn on the conversion. This is the result.

You could say it's perfect.

  1. I didn’t find any errors, maybe you noticed?
  2. Unlike Convertio, there are no tables instead of text. In addition, a paid tariff is imposed, but not required. You can use it without restrictions on time and number of documents.

We can say that both online converters coped with the task. They preserve the text format. They can recognize an image as text. Convertio has errors. The task of converting PDF to Word is completed. A solid B for Convertio and it looks like an A+ for

PDF to Word in free Adobe Reader

First, let's try what happens when we try to convert our complex source code from pdf to Word. Let's start with the simplest action. Open the file, then click: “File”, then “Save as another...”, select “Text...”.

Here is the result. Actually, what they asked for is what they got. Only the text that was filled out on the form - a picture - has been preserved:

If we take as the converted file simple pdf, in which the data is presented as text, the result will be the same. The text is in .txt format, it can be copied, transferred to Word or Libre Office, but in any case, all formatting is lost forever.

Let's try the next step. Everything is the same as in the first case, only instead of “Text” we select “Word or Excel online...”. Sounds at least optimistic.

When you click on this field, a browser window opens with a surprisingly naive offer to pay 966 rubles per month for paid version. It’s good that there is the possibility of a free trial version for 7 days.

Well, let's start installing a seven-day test. I will not describe a fairly standard and understandable procedure. Let me just say that it took a fair amount of time. I was required to register twice. First on the website, just to download installation file. I had to re-enter my data after installation, or at its final stage, to be precise. Installing the program also took a lot of time. I didn’t time it because I was doing other work, but I periodically looked at the progress bar with curiosity, expecting success.

PDF to Word in paid Adobe Acrobat DC

So, paid (7-day trial) Adobe version Acrobat DC installed.

Let's try. Open our source file “Message about the availability of real estate objects”. Click “File”, then “Export to”, then “Microsoft Word”. Great! We see two options to choose from: “ Word document" and "Word Document 97-2003".

Let's start with the first one.

This is the result after trying to convert the pdf to Word:

The image from the original document remains an image. See the “anchor” icon on the left? Almost all the data, as it was a picture in PDF format, remains a picture that we cannot edit as text, only now it is inserted into a Word document. And only the data that was originally in the form of text is converted into full-fledged text that can be edited. The formatting of text data has been preserved.

Let's try the option with “Word 97-2003 Document”.

Text only. The same thing that happened after trying to convert to Adobe Reader.

Convert from PDF to Word to Google Drive

It is impossible not to remind that in Google service Drive easily organizes conversion from pdf to Word. However, to use this service you must have your own Google account, which is super easy to create. Who Account already exists, then go straight here:

To convert a file, just go to Google Drive, click the “Download” button, in the menu that opens, select the “Download files” option.

After downloading the pdf file, right-click on it and select “Open with” and “Google documents” from the suggested actions. Actually, that's it, as soon as the document is opened, it is converted.

True, our test complex file, after it was downloaded and opened with using Google Documents transferred to the document only that part of the data that was originally text. Some of the data that was the image was not transferred at all. That is, the result is the same version as in

To summarize:

For the most complex cases, files consisting of combined data, you can use an excellent online service or Convertio, which is a little worse, but also works .

I can’t say for sure that Convertio is completely bad; perhaps the quality of the result also depends on the source document. In our example on the test document, Convertio clearly lost.

For everyday use V online mode great fit. Main advantages compared to Adobe:

  • No additional software installation required.
  • Free, without any restrictions.
  • Suitable for most converted files.

Do you have other ideas for converting PDF to Word?

In practice, for storing electronic text documents use PDF format. And despite the large number of advantages and benefits of using of this format, one stands out significant drawback that the user may encounter.

This disadvantage is the difficulty of editing and changing the text (see). To resolve this issue, you need to use special applications. Let's look at options and ways to convert PDF to Word.

To convert, you need to perform the following steps sequentially:

Open the program, the icon looks like this:

Select “File” – “Open” from the menu. Find and open the text that requires conversion and move on to the next step

In the window that appears, enter the name of the new (converted text with the DOC extension) and the location where it will be saved. Then click the “Save” button

The new saved document will look like this as shown in the image

PDF to Word using FineReader

The sequence of actions is as described below:

Enter the program, the icon looks like this:

After opening, proceed to convert it by clicking on the menu “File” - “Save document as” - “Word document” or “97-2003”

In the window that appears, enter the name and location of the conversion result, confirm with the “Save” button.

Convert PDF to Word using Microsoft Word

To change the format of an electronic document, follow the instructions:

Right-click on the document that needs to be converted. In the menu presented, select “Open with” – “WORD (classic application). The opening process may take some time.

Enter the name of the document to be saved and select required format in the "Type" section. The conversion result will be saved after confirmation by clicking the “Save” button.

Using this method When converting using Microsoft Word, situations may arise when PDF text:

  • protected;
  • contains pictures or photos.

What to do in such situations?

The instructions for converting a protected document correspond to those described above, supplemented by only one action in step 2, namely, click the “Allow editing and only then proceed to saving.

Electronic text containing pictures is converted in the same way as text without pictures. The instructions are described above. The main difference that the user may notice is the long opening time and saving of results. This fact is explained by the fact that pictures and photos are often larger in size compared to files containing text.

Attention! When converting in this way, problems with fonts may arise (incorrect display - clunkers).

Convert PDF to DOC format on Mac OS

Owners of equipment equipped with Mac OS can use several methods:

  • convert using PDF Converter Free software;
  • use the function Microsoft Office Word.

The first program is available for download on App Store. This application is free. The software interface is as simplified as possible for the user, which makes it possible to convert to DOC without much difficulty and additional knowledge.

When choosing an option using Office Word can be based on the instructions discussed earlier in the section “Converting a file from using Microsoft Word".

Convert PDF to Word using Google Drive

You can use this method only if you have a Google account.

To translate (convert) the format, the sequence of actions is as follows:

Login to your Google account and go to Google Drive.

Find the required file or download it. Standing on it, right-click and select “Open with” and select the option shown in the picture below.

Select the menu language, as well as the PDF source to be converted and click the “Convert” button

In the window that appears, click “Download” to download the results.

Other programs and online services for converting PDF to Word

In addition to the considered and most popular conversion methods, there are also others for conversion. Some of them are discussed below:

Free PDF to Word Converter. You can use it for free. The installation takes place automatically. To change the format, you need to log into the program and select the required file and the path where to save the results. The program interface is in English.

Icecream PDF Converter. Users are offered both free and PRO versions. Converts to DOC format and vice versa.

Fans will like it e-books. It has a built-in book reader function.

Online PDF service? DOC free. To start working with the service, you will need to log in using the link and then follow the instructions described below.


  1. In the window that opens, click the “Download” button.
  2. Select a PDF source, indicating the path to it. As a result right actions it will appear on the screen in the lower left corner.
  3. Next, click “Download”.
  4. Save the result to the required folder on your computer.

Another online converter is PDF to DOC.


  1. Follow the link.
  2. Select the first bookmark.
  3. Upload the text that requires conversion, click on the “Download” button and then specify the path to it.
  4. Click “Download” and save the result.

Go4Convert is an online service that does not require installation and converts to the desired formatDOC.


  1. Login via link.
  2. At the top of the screen, select the second tab from the left.
  3. Click the “Select file” button to download the text in PDF format.
  4. Once the document is selected, click “Launch”.
  5. The message “Your document is being processed” will appear, after which you need to wait a little.
  6. The file is converted and all you have to do is save it.

Frequently asked questions about converting PDF to Word

What is the main difference between converter programs and online services?

The following differences stand out: online services limit the possible size of files and often there is no way to convert text that contains pictures.

The program freezes when converting a document using Microsoft Word. What could be the problem?

One of the problems may be a large file. To convert volumetric electronic documents It's better to use Adobe Acrobat.

What is the best method to use to convert a PDF file with pictures?

It is better to use the first and second methods, namely, resort to the help of Adobe Acrobat or FineReader programs. They will preserve the quality of the pictures as much as possible. When converting via Word, the text can be optimized, as reported by the program itself.

When is it appropriate to use Google Drive for conversion?

Google Drive will help the user convert the PDF to DOC file format, regardless of his location. This service is available to the user anywhere in the world where there is Internet, just log into your account.

The purpose of this short guide article is to answer the question posed by its title.
Let us immediately thank Adobe for this wonderful format - PDF. Even greater thanks to those who push into this format everything that comes to hand: both text and graphics, and also considers it bad form to send you a regular letter without converting it to PDF...
But, calmly, without nerves! What does a translator need from PDF? That's right - TEXT. Even unformatted (Plain Text) is better. Well, you can also look at the pictures in Adobe Reader (formerly Acrobat Reader).
So, let's begin.

REMEMBER! If the customer wants to receive a PDF output, and even with raster drawings, and so that the formatting is preserved, feel free to send it to a layout designer with Adobe inDesign! Or master it yourself and demand a premium for layout!

First, try to get the PDF source from the customer - maybe it’s from your favorite Microsoft Word converter PDF and we made it... If it’s not there, then let’s figure out what types of PDF files there are and how to extract text from it.

1. The PDF contains real text (yay!). It can be removed simple selection and copying or in the usual “Adobe Reader” ( free program For PDF reader) in the “File” menu, select “Save as text” (or sometimes even “Save as text with formatting”, if possible and necessary). There are also more complex and non-free options, which we will talk about in more detail a little later.

1.1. The PDF contains real text (it's too early to rejoice!), but unknown forces do not allow us to copy it - the file is password protected and copying the text is prohibited. What to do? Either take the password from the customer, or use PDF utility Password Remover.

1.2. The PDF contains the actual text (rejoice early!). It can be pulled out by simple copying, but... its encoding is somehow wrong. And besides crocozyabrs and numbers, nothing can be pulled out. Don't panic - read the next paragraph.

2. PDF is compiled from pictures or fonts in it in curves or “curve” encoding. Now this is a “hard case”. Here you can’t do without the beloved “FineReader” (ABBYY PDF Transformer does not give the same good results as a PDF converter, because it is not able to correctly detect all blocks automatically. Let's put it this way: PDF Transformer is a stripped-down automatic version of FineReader). It would also be nice to receive an additional reward for converting to text, because you are spending your precious time on the recognition process, which does not always go as smoothly as you would like. But the customer doesn’t care whether you use electrical dictionaries and automation tools or not. So that's your problem. :(

3. PDF is compiled from pictures with unrecognizable text. Sorry. We print it out, forget about any “advanced programs”, hang the piece of paper on the tablet and translate, improving our keyboard smacking skills.

Now, as promised, in more detail on the first point. For example, let's take a rather complex file of non-standard paper format with a manual for a bicycle mount from the Shimano company website: SI-41R0F-PD-M970_540_520-EN.pdf (182 KB). It has everything: tables, images in raster, and text in different fonts and sizes. Let's try to transform it in different ways one by one.

1. The file is copy-enabled - no PDF Password Remover required.
2. The text is “live”. Let's try the free method:

Adobe Reader 7.0 or 8.0

Now let's try specialized PDF converter programs (not converters!). :

Adobe Acrobat 7.0 or 8.0

Adobe Acrobat 7.0 or 8.0 File - Save as... - *.doc, *.rtf
It’s better not to watch them: it’s some kind of horror. And this is a “native tool” for working with PDF?! Text format is the same as in Adobe Reader.
View the converted file:
Save as *.txt ,
Save as *.doc ,
Save as *.rtf

Solid PDF Converter 80 USD; 15.6 Mb

PDF to Word 40 USD; 4 Mb

The automatic processing mode was selected. The result, it should be noted, is not bad, but it is of little use for translation - the same extra paragraph marks, inconvenient text. Also shown here is a file saved in Word "As Plain Text"

BCL Jade 130 USD; 2 Mb

The thing is, of course, good. Only for BCL Jade to work you also need Adobe Acrobat itself (not Reader). It is built into it as a plugin. And you will have to get used to it - everything will have to be “zoned” manually. But he often copes with things that others cannot (though only with a “live” PDF). Usually used to “pull out” something that Solid didn’t pull out or didn’t pull out correctly.

BCL easyConverter

Truly the height of asceticism! Nothing extra. That is, nothing at all: “Failed to convert” is the only thing we managed to achieve from BCL easyConverter :(

ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional 100 USD; 434 Mb

Download, download, download... Well... downloaded! And I would like to marvel at the beautiful *.doc file. But hopes were disappointed: despite all the impressiveness, the program produced a file with MISSING fragments of text! Forget like a bad dream.

Infix PDF Editor 100 USD; 10 Mb

Almost in despair, I launch a certain Infix PDF Editor. I open the PDF, choose to save “As a simple text”... We look... And, lo and behold (!): we received a text that is digestible in the translation kitchen, there are no extra paragraph marks as a class - class, in general, and “approved” ( Even their RTF is pleasing to the eye - the font size and color are preserved).

And lastly, free online PDF converter s: ZamZar and Freepdfconvert. Meet us! But don’t forget: you shouldn’t convert files with secret data there;)

Online PDF converter

This online service is designed to convert everything to everything and download movies to YouTube and similar services, but it can also convert PDF files to DOC formats, RTF, ODT, TXT

The text file that emerged from the depths of Zamzar is terrible, but the *.doc was a pleasant surprise - this is the FIRST decent document layout. The pictures are pretty mutilated, but the text is still there. Even with special characters. However, it is completely unsuitable for translation: some kind of interstriping and only plus paragraph marks at the end of EACH line.

Online PDF converter FreePDFConvert

But this converter did a great job: everything looks very decent! Both pictures and text are of normal quality. Extra paragraph marks (which can be removed with a macro) are where they are in the PDF itself. If you work only in the “Page Layout” view, then “solid four”.

Result of test translation by service PDF file in Microsoft Word format -

There is an online service from the PDF creators themselves:

Conclusion: It’s worth starting with the most reliable and simple programs. If the result is unsatisfactory, you can try the rest.

Ugh. So this is what he is, this “pe-de-ef”. I hope I helped you at least a little. Good luck!