How many sticks of RAM. How to find out all the characteristics of the RAM sticks installed in it without disassembling a laptop. Memory type for older PCs

13.11.2019 Data recovery

RAM(RAM) is computer memory, which is responsible for the rapid exchange of user and system data with the processor. RAM is at least important device V system unit, how motherboard or processor. Choosing the right RAM is very difficult, since there are many types of them and they have many important features. That is why in this article we will try to tell you everything you need to know to the right choice RAM.

RAM Features

What is RAM needed for?

The purpose of RAM is to store information currently being used by the user or programs. RAM communicates with the processor directly or through the cache. The performance of RAM is tens or even hundreds of times higher than the operating speed hard drive. Let's give an example: the operating speed of DDR3 is 12800 Mb/sec, when the HDD speed is 80 Mb/sec. In this case, the difference is 160 times, which you will agree is very, very significant.

One of the features of RAM is its volatility, that is, it is able to retain information as long as the power is on; when the computer is turned off, all information is erased. There is really one exception - sleep mode, in this case all information from RAM is written to a special temporary file on the hard drive. Therefore, when you wake up your computer from sleep or standby mode, you can see applications, videos, music, documents that you haven’t closed and continue working from where you left off.

Why is the amount of RAM important?

The amount of RAM directly affects the performance of individual programs and the system as a whole. The larger the amount of RAM, the less the system will have to access the hard drive, and accordingly there will be no freezes or slight slowdowns.

In practice, RAM plays the role of a kind of buffer between hard drive and processor. For example, you decide to play a game. When the game has loaded, you see the game menu, which means that the data from the HDD has been transferred to RAM. Now you are working directly with RAM. Next, the game levels and your profile are loaded - this is also uploading data from the HDD to RAM. Myself game process- This is the interaction of RAM with the processor.

The same thing happens when you work with programs. The amount of RAM will determine how many documents you can work with at the same time, how many browser tabs you can open without freezing. If you have a large amount of RAM, then you can open all of the above together with the game, and you can also watch a movie in a small window in the corner of the screen. Large amount of RAM allows you to watch movies high resolution without freezing, and also use various graphic effects.

Selecting RAM

RAM type

When choosing the type of RAM, be sure to pay attention to the features of your motherboard, since it is this that will dictate the conditions for you. Usually on the manufacturer's website you will find comprehensive information about what type of RAM the motherboard supports and its other features for which the memory will be selected.

All modern models Motherboards support DDR3 RAM type. It is important to note that RAM is divided into: computer and laptop. That is, long panels are used for a computer, and short ones for a laptop, so they do not fit each other.

What amount of RAM to choose

If we are talking about a desktop computer, then today the most optimal amount of RAM is 8 GB. In tandem with well-balanced components, they are quite enough for most games, not to mention various programs and working with multimedia content.

A limitation in choosing the amount of RAM may become, since not all of them support large amounts of RAM. This is exactly what you need to find out first of all in the characteristics of the motherboard.

As for the laptop, first study its parameters: the number of RAM slots and supporting capacity. Thus, you should also find out whether there are free slots in the motherboard for installing additional RAM panels, and whether it will be supported motherboard given amount of RAM. For most laptops, 4 GB of RAM will be sufficient.

Also, when choosing RAM, remember that 32-bit operating systems do not support more than 4 GB of RAM, or even less. Therefore, there is no point in increasing its volume. It is worth buying larger RAM if you install a 64-bit operating system, which supports up to 64 GB of RAM. But for this you must have a powerful computer.

Number of slats

Computers in which the total amount of RAM is divided into an equal number of sticks for the slots available for them are the most the best option. Two 4 GB sticks are better than one 8 GB stick. The fact is that motherboards support two or more channel modes of working with RAM. In theory, by activating this mode, throughput increases by 2 times. In practice it is a little less, but it is quite noticeable. Therefore, try to distribute the total amount of RAM among the slots, but be prudent at the same time.

Sooner or later, you will need to upgrade your computer, so give yourself the opportunity to increase the amount of RAM in the future. For example, if you have 4 slots for RAM, buy two 4 GB panels, in the future you can buy 2 more 4 GB each - and thus correctly increase the volume. If you buy slats of a smaller volume, then later you will have to put them in a box and buy new ones, since they will be of no use. More RAM is welcome, but illogical.

RAM sticks can be sold individually or as a set. Buying RAM in a set is more profitable than buying one at a time.

Clock speed, bandwidth and supply voltage

When you choose RAM, pay attention to clock frequency,bandwidth and supply voltage were maintained by the mother chamber. By the way, the higher the value of the listed parameters, the more powerful the RAM.


Website experts strongly recommend giving preference to RAM models with a heatsink. The RAM heatsink is a metal plate that is located on the socket chips. Radiators are used to improve heat transfer, mainly in models operating at high frequencies.

Which company is best to buy RAM?

The company that produces the RAM is also very important. Today, RAM sockets from such manufacturers as:

  • Corsair;

  • Kingston;

  • Hynix;

  • Patriot Memory;

  • Transcend.

When choosing RAM, try to ensure that all available sockets are not only from the same company, but also from the same model and with the same parameters, for high-quality and synchronous operation.


RAM in comparison with other components, such as: motherboard, and others, is quite cheap. A pair of 4 GB DDR3 sticks (with a total capacity of 8 GB) costs from 2500 to 3000 rubles. If you buy the strips separately, they will cost a little more.

There is no need to buy the newly released RAM models (for example, 32 GB DDR3). Firstly, on average, one megabyte of memory in this case costs more, and secondly, you are unlikely to find a way to use the entire amount of memory. As a rule, 8 GB of RAM is enough for comfortable work any user.

Operation speed personal computer directly depends on the correct selection and installation of all its components. Correct selection and installation of RAM memory modules is the most important key to the successful operation of your PC.

In the previous article we looked at . In this article we will look at the issues of selecting RAM and its proper arrangement in the motherboard connectors.

Basic recommendations applicable to all types and types of memory:
– it is best to install DIMM modules with the same memory capacity;
– the modules must match in operating frequency (Mhz); if you install modules with different operating frequencies, then in the end they will all operate at the frequency of the slowest memory;
– for installed RAM cards, it is advisable to combine timings and memory latencies (delays);
– it is better to select modules from one manufacturer and one model.

Some enthusiasts try to buy modules from the same batch, but this, it seems to me, is already a perversion!

These tips are not strictly followed; situations vary. If memory modules differ from each other in manufacturer, volume and operating frequency, this does not mean at all that they will not work. In this case, there are no special memory layout secrets - just installing them is enough.

There are also no special features when installing already outdated types of memory such as SDRAM (there is one rule - the more, the better).

But in modern computers, motherboards support special operating memory modes. It is in these modes that the speed of RAM memory will be most efficient. Therefore, to achieve the best performance, you should consider the operating modes of the DIMMs and their correct installation. Let's look at the most common RAM operating modes today.

RAM operating modes


Single Mode (single channel or asymmetric mode) – this mode is implemented when only one memory module is installed in the system or all DIMMs differ from each other in memory capacity, operating frequency or manufacturer. It doesn’t matter in which slots or what memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.

If there is only one module, then it can be installed in any memory slot:

Two or three different memory modules can also be installed in any configuration:

This mode is more need, when you already have RAM, and the first place is to increase the amount of memory and save money, and not to achieve the best PC performance. If you are just buying a computer, of course, it is better to avoid such a memory installation.


Dual Mode (two-channel or symmetrical mode) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each DIMM channel. Modules are selected according to operating frequency. On motherboards, the DIMM sockets for each channel are different colors. Next to them is written the name of the connector, and sometimes the channel number. The purpose of the connectors and their location along the channels must be indicated in the motherboard manual. The total memory volume is equal to the total volume of all installed modules. Each channel is served by its own memory controller. System performance increases by 5-10%.

Dual Mode can be implemented using two, three or four DIMMs.

If two identical RAM memory modules are used, they should be connected to the same connectors (the same color) from different channels. For example, install one module in the slot 0 channel A, and the second - into the connector 0 channel B:

That is, to enable the mode Dual Channel(alternating mode) the following conditions must be met:
– the same configuration of DIMM modules is installed on each memory channel;
– memory is inserted into symmetrical channel connectors ( Slot 0 or Slot 1) .

Three memory modules are installed in a similar way - the total memory volumes in each channel are equal to each other (memory in the channel A equal in volume in the channel B):

And for four modules the same condition is satisfied. There are two parallel dual modes at work here:


(three-channel mode) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each of the three DIMM channels. Modules are selected according to speed and volume. On motherboards that support three-channel memory mode, 6 memory connectors are usually installed (two for each channel). Sometimes there are motherboards with four connectors - two connectors make up one channel, the other two are connected to the second and third channels, respectively.

With six or three sockets, installation is as simple as with dual-channel mode. If four memory slots are installed, three of which can work in , the memory should be installed in these slots.

(flexible mode) – allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but identical in operating frequency. As in dual-channel mode, memory cards are installed in the same connectors of different channels. For example, if there are two memory sticks with a capacity of 512Mb and 1Gb, then one of them should be installed in the slot 0 channel A, and the second - into the slot 0 channel B:

In this case, the 512 MB module will work in dual mode with the 512 MB memory capacity of the second module, and the remaining 512 MB of the 1 GB module will work in single-channel mode.

That’s basically all the recommendations for combining RAM. Of course, there may be more layout options, it all depends on the amount of RAM, the motherboard model and your financial capabilities. Motherboards with support also appeared on sale four-channel mode memory performance - this will give you maximum computer performance!

Those users who have at least once experienced the delight of increasing the size of their computer's RAM by two or more times are sure that the more memory, the faster the computer works. However, the rule "more memory - faster computer"doesn't always work. After a certain value, the effect decreases and then disappears altogether. Now let's try to figure out how much memory can theoretically be installed in a computer, and how much is actually needed for optimal operation of applications and the operating system.

How much memory can I install?

The theoretical limit for 32-bit systems is a little over 3 gigabytes. A 64-bit system could theoretically handle 16.8 million terabytes!

Today, when programs are optimized for working with large amounts of memory, the RAM disk is losing some of its attractiveness. And if you consider that all the data on it will be lost during a power failure, then the idea of ​​​​creating such a virtual drive at home loses its relevance.

So, the optimal amount of memory for a home computer is 8 GB. In this case, the memory sticks will justify the money you invested in them.

And the best answer to the question “What should I do with free memory?” sounds like this for modern operating systems: “Don’t interfere with your work!” Those. just leave the memory alone - the system itself knows how best to use it, just work with programs and games.

Be sure to pay attention to the article, which reveals many points on how memory works.

If the amount of RAM allows you to use a large number of programs simultaneously, this is great, because you can quickly switch between them without having to close programs.

When faced with the problem of optimizing the operation of a computer and increasing its performance, the first step to solving the problem, which is easiest to do, is to increase amount of RAM or optimize it by increasing performance. The most the best option Among the options proposed is the purchase of an additional memory stick (RAM) or the replacement of existing memory sticks with those that have a large capacity.

Difficulty in choosing when replacing an operational module Windows memory lies in the particular influence of its parameters on computer performance. It is worth remembering that RAM exchanges data with central processor. The stronger the relationship between these components, the faster the necessary calculations are carried out in the system. Therefore, the choice of memory must be approached based on the above, and then the RAM will work with maximum efficiency.

But before you go to the store for new trims, you need to install:

  • What amount of memory is currently installed and what is the maximum amount supported by the board?
  • What type of memory is supported by the motherboard and processor?
  • How many memory slots are there and in what mode do they operate?
  • What is the memory frequency supported by the processor?

Let's start in order. In general, what is RAM needed for? To temporarily store data to perform ongoing processor operations. The larger it is, the easier it is for the processor to simultaneously perform several tasks.

RAM is volatile, which means that after the computer is turned off, all data on it will be deleted, unlike data stored on the hard drive.

How to find out the current amount of RAM?

To do this, it is not even necessary to open the computer lid - we launch the Speccy utility we already know and find the current characteristics in the corresponding section. In principle, all the main characteristics are already presented here, which we will consider in detail below.

At the moment we are interested in capacity - I have 2 slots on my laptop, both of which are occupied. The total size is 2000 MB (2GB), that is, there are 2 1 GB sticks on the laptop.

For normal daily Windows operation This is quite enough, but if you plan to play games with complex graphics or use heavy graphics or video programs, then it is advisable to set more.

By the way, each version of the operating system has minimum requirements on RAM, without which it simply will not work.

  • For Windows XP— At least 64 MB of RAM (at least 128 MB recommended)
  • Windows 10, 7 and 8- 1 gigabyte (GB) (for a 32-bit system) or 2 GB (for a 64-bit system) of random access memory (RAM).

Even when planning the volume for increase, you should find out from the characteristics of the motherboard or processor which maximum size supported. This is indicated in detailed description in the memory section. Yes, in the model Intel Core i54430 maximum size - 32 GB.

For an office PC on which work will only take place with office documents, 1 GB of memory is enough.
For home viewing of videos, photos, and using various applications, it is recommended to use at least 2 GB.
For a powerful gaming computer - 8GB and above.

However, keep in mind that 4 GB or more will only work fully on a 64-bit OS; Windows 32 and up will see no more than 3 GB.

Supported RAM type

The next indicator characterizing the RAM is its type. We list them as technologies develop - SDRAMM DIMM, DDR (or PC), DDR2 (PC-2) and DDR3 (PC-3).

As you can see from the above screenshot from the Speccy program, my laptop supports DDR3 memory, although today the latest modern standard is DDR4.

All modern processors They work with this standard, however, you can also find older standards on older boards. If your computer is many years old, then it is likely that it uses an outdated type and the memory module must be selected of this particular standard. Memory modules different types are incompatible with “foreign” slots on system board.

You can also find out the type of supported RAM from the characteristics of the processor (CPU) or motherboard model on the manufacturer's official website - you can also easily find out these models in the Speccy program or its analogues.

If you have spare sticks of RAM, it can also sometimes be difficult to determine what type it is. Usually they have a sticker indicating the type - PC, PC-2, PC-3 or DDR, DDR2, DDR3. But if there is no sticker, then we will determine it as follows.

The DDR and DDR2 strips are very similar in appearance and have 1 key (cutout) located almost in the center. But DDR has 180 contacts - 92 on each side. And on DDR2 - 240 - 120 on each side, and they are visually narrower than DDR2. It's easy to count them because they are numbered.

DDR3 modules have the same number of pins as PC-2, but the key is not in the middle, but shifted to the edge.

The memory module of the very old SDRAM standard is distinguished by the presence of two keys.

Number of slots for memory sticks and their operating mode

We also saw the number of slots intended for installing brackets in the program - I have 2 of them. If you open the lid of the computer case, you can see several characteristic one- or multi-colored connectors on the board. This is the place where the memory sticks are placed. There are 4 of them in the picture below.

The multicolored color tells us that the memory on this board can operate in dual-channel mode - that is, data is simultaneously transmitted to the controller to the processor or northbridge (depending on) via two channels, which increases the speed of data processing.

To activate this mode, you should purchase at least 2 strips and, as a rule, insert them into two same-color connectors. Which ones exactly? This is written in the instructions for the board and in different models colors may vary. If you buy 4 modules at once, then use all the slots at once.

You also need to take into account that if you currently have a total memory of 2 GB, like me, and you plan to increase it to 4 GB, then it is optimal to purchase 2 modules of 2 GB each rather than one 4 GB, since you can use them to the maximum in in two-channel mode.

It should also be noted here that when purchasing several modules, it is advisable to choose one manufacturer, or even better, take a ready-made kit (KIT) consisting of several strips at once - such a kit is guaranteed to work without problems.

Clock frequency

Another important indicator of memory is its clock speed, which is measured in megahertz (MHz). The speed of information processing depends on it. When choosing a module, be sure to look at what frequency your processor officially supports. The model that was shown in the screenshot above works with PC3-12800 (DDR3 1600 MHz), PC3-10600 (DDR3 1333 MHz), PC3-8500 (DDR3 1066 MHz) memory. The same characteristics can be seen on online store websites in the detailed description of memory modules. For example, let's look at a gaming kit of 4 4 GB sticks Corsair XMS3 DDR-III DIMM 32Gb KIT 4*8Gb:

RAM Bandwidth

A parameter such as throughput also depends on the frequency, which shows how much data can be transferred maximum per certain time. It is measured in megabytes per second (MB/s) and is calculated by multiplying the frequency by 8. That is, in our example, the memory has a frequency of 1333 MHz * 8 = 10667 MB/s, which is also visible in the description.

The higher the bandwidth, the higher the speed of the RAM module. However, we take into account the fact that

modern processors support memory with a maximum frequency of 1600 MHz.

If you buy an expensive stick with a higher frequency, it will work the same as a cheaper one at 1600 MHz.


Here we can also talk about such a characteristic as timing. This is the delay time when processing operations inside the RAM module chips themselves. The timing is recorded as a sequence of several numbers - in our example it is 9-9-9-24. The last 4th two-digit parameter characterizes the performance of the entire microcircuit as a whole.

Timing can also be indicated by the letters CL and a number, which indicates the first value in the detailed sequence. In our example, the short version would be designated as CL9.

The lower the timings, the better, but such modules also cost more. However, this only matters for high-performance, high-speed PCs—for home and office use, you can ignore this parameter.

Gamers can take advantage BIOS settings and manually play with changing the timings downward, but you need to do this carefully, otherwise you risk damaging the modules.

RAM for a laptop or desktop computer?

In theory, this is the first question that we should ask ourselves, but essentially it is not the most important, since it is simply impossible to confuse the form factor. For a laptop, the modules are wide and short, for a PC they are long and narrow.

On the websites in the characteristics they are indicated as follows:

  • DIMM- for PC,
  • SODIMM- for laptop.

Type of cooling of memory strips

If you are purchasing a RAM module for a powerful gaming computer, then you should pay attention to the type of cooling. At intensive work or “overclocking” by reducing timings, they can heat up, so the work of the internal case fans may not be enough to cool them.

On simple strips there is no cooling at all - you will see open soldered microcircuit chips. On more expensive models, the most common type of cooling is installed - a metal radiator.

For the most avid gamers, they even came up with such a thing as water cooling— such modules together with the system can significantly exceed the cost of both the motherboard and processor combined.

Decoding the RAM module

Now let's decipher the name of the memory module presented in one of the popular online stores:

Crucial Ballistix Sport XT BLS2C4G3D18ADS3CEU DDR-III DIMM 8Gb KIT 2*4Gb PC3-14900 CL10

  • So, manufacturer Cruisal, the kit consists of 2 modules of 4 Gb each.
  • Memory standard DDR-III and form factor DIMM, that is, for a desktop PC.
  • Bandwidth - 14900 Mb/s
  • Timing - CL10
  • In this case, the frequency must be looked at detailed specifications goods, or calculate it yourself by dividing throughput(14900) by 8.

Tips to follow when buying RAM

  • It is worth buying RAM from trusted manufacturers. The price of branded brands is much higher, but the quality guarantee and stable operation of the computer are worth it. Here is a list of verified companies: Corsair, Kingston, Kingmax, Transcend, OCZ, Hynix, Hyundai, Samsung.
  • RAM paired with chipset good quality are the key to maximum productivity, given that the first has a maximum operating frequency.
  • Remember that RAM should always be paired. It is necessary that the modules match in operating frequency; modules installed with different frequencies work at the memory frequency, which is the slowest of those that you installed, or do not work together at all. For example, if you have two channels for RAM and one of the slots has a 2GB stick, then you need to purchase another module with the same capacity, timings and from the same manufacturer.
    And the best option is to buy a set of modules (Kit), which is guaranteed by the manufacturer that these strips are compatible
  • For gaming computers preference should be given to RAM with the lowest time delays. Even at low frequencies, the memory always works at maximum efficiency.
  • Don't forget to make sure that your motherboard, processor and operating system compatible with the memory size you select. If your computer system is 32-bit, then you should purchase a stick of no more than 4GB, since a 32-bit system sees up to 3GB of RAM.
  • When purchasing memory to increase existing RAM, it would be better to purchase a model whose characteristics are similar to those installed in your computer. Purchasing a better or worse specification bar will lead to deterioration in computer performance.

In conclusion - detailed video on installing a memory module in a computer.