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04.11.2019 Tips for blogging.

How to blog on Instagram correctly: photos, texts, useful applications

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How to show your expertise? First of all, decide on the topic, since it is impossible to be an expert in many areas at the same time.

Tell us about your achievements

Tell us about your achievements and regalia. This is easy to do, and most importantly, quick and inexpensive:

Create a club;

Register your channel on YouTube;

Make a podcast;

Publish your own book.

Portfolio of publications - how to create

In addition, there are many resources on the Internet that allow you to publish for free. It is important to choose the right target audience and the topic of the portal on which you plan to post the material. If your topic turns out to be interesting enough (for example, how you managed to become popular on social networks), it may well attract the attention of the print media.

So, starting small, you can gradually collect a certain amount of materials in the media, and by publishing an article in one publication, it will be easier to get publications in others.

Portfolio of speeches - form a base

To prove your expertise, take part in specialized conferences, which you can then talk about on your blog. This will increase your status as a specialist in your field and help you find potential partners and clients. Information on how to take part in the conference and which ones are taking place in your city can be found online.

Employee image - components of the company image Apply all the tips listed above to your team members. Do not forget that the formation of an employee’s image is an important stage, since the concept of corporate image includes not only you as a manager, but also your subordinates., because each of them is perceived by the target audience as the face of the company. And if you manage to form the image of each employee, you will be able to create a corporate image of your organization.

Many people don't blog simply because they think it's complicated and requires a lot of time and money. It's actually not that scary. If desired, anyone can maintain a blog; all they need is access to the Internet and any device that allows them to send messages. Even the lack of a computer is not an obstacle now - in some cases a regular smartphone is enough.

If you want to join the huge global community of bloggers, don’t be shy, anyone can start their own blog. A simple algorithm will tell you where to start, literally from the first thoughts and awareness of desire until the bitter end.

and why do you need it?

For regular user Internet there are no significant differences between a website and a blog. By and large, these types of Internet resources differ only in structure, which is not obvious at first glance. However, a blog is simpler for the average user; it is somewhat reminiscent of a notepad - a convenient form of diary. It is diaries that make up a huge part of the blogs on the network. The owner writes there everything that comes to mind, shares music, pictures, his own opinion on any subject, and this is also a blog. Where to start creating an online diary for a beginner? All you have to do is choose any free blogging platform, register and start publishing, look for friends, and create your own social circle.

It is a little more difficult to create a so-called standalone blog, located on a separate paid hosting, with a second-level domain. At the same time, your resource does not depend on the official policy of the blogging platform, which gives a certain degree of freedom. How to start a blog from scratch if you want to become the owner of a fairly popular project that brings benefits to people? Here step-by-step instruction, answering all questions.

Decide on a goal and make a plan

Why do you need a blog? Beginning bloggers rarely ask this question, so failure is quite possible. In general, there are only three reasons: a diary of interests, a resource dedicated to a hobby or profession, a commercial resource that brings profit to the owner. In most cases, combining all three goals is quite difficult, it is simply impractical. A personal diary is very simple, but a commercial blog should be built according to principles that promote success.

How to start your own blog to make money from advertising or selling some of your services or products? Make a plan and stick to it, this will help you carry out all the necessary actions step by step.

Example of a simple plan:

  • decide on a topic;
  • create a semantic core;
  • prepare a starter content package;
  • provide design;
  • put together a blog and get it going;
  • continue to support the resource with regular publications.

Theme of your blog

For a commercial blog that generates profit, it is better to choose a narrow topic. This allows you to concentrate on the search queries that visitors use to find your resource. Of course, you can write about anything without limiting yourself to one topic, but then the blog will be like a fair where food, furniture, shoes and pets are sold at the same time. This is not as bad as it seems, it just requires a lot of effort to organize the information, and besides, the huge range of topics makes blogging difficult. Where to start if you have decided on a topic?

For example, you love traveling and decided to dedicate your Internet resource to this. The topic of travel is broad enough not to get bored, and allows you to combine stories about countries and cities, tips for tourists, features of buying tickets and booking hotel rooms around the world.

How and where to create a blog?

If you decide not to bother with purchasing a domain and hosting, there are many opportunities to create a blog without the slightest investment. This has its advantages: if at some point you do not pay the money, you do not risk suddenly seeing the resource “disabled for non-payment.” On the other hand, you depend on the owners of the resource, which provides its space for everyone to create blogs, you can suddenly discover advertising that does not bring profit to you, or one day you find out that the service is closed. When thinking about how to start a blog and where to host it, you may not want to pay too much attention to the passionate advocates of standalone blogs or specific platforms. Every place has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular platforms for free creation blogs are Wordpress, Blogger, LiveJournal. They are fundamentally different from each other. If LiveJournal is more suitable for keeping a personal diary, then Blogger is perfect for anything. WordPress is considered a universal resource for creating a blog. Where to begin? You can try all three platforms to make your choice. If you decide to switch to Wordpress someday, it will be an excellent training base.

Why is regular publication necessary?

If you only have a few posts on your blog, chances are they will quickly become irrelevant. The best example is news resources - news is becoming outdated at record speed. How to start blogging to keep readers' attention? People want to see something new, get fresh impressions. If a visitor is interested in a topic, he will be glad to see that something new, interesting and useful is constantly published on the selected resource.

However, the muse is sometimes capricious, and if you create content yourself, it is better to take care of some reserve of publications in case of departure, illness, or simply a prolonged lack of inspiration. A very useful feature is scheduled posting, when you post an article or other materials, marking some distant date with the date of publication. It will become available to readers strictly on the day and time you set; this creates the illusion that you are there and won’t let your visitors get bored. You want to create a blog. How to start publishing information and what frequency to choose? Depends on the topic, not every topic requires a flurry of daily updates. Stock up on materials for some time ahead, this will help establish regularity.

Where can I get pictures?

Many bloggers, without hesitation, take any pictures they like from the Internet. However, images may be protected by copyright, in addition, numerous repetitions create a somewhat spoiled situation for search engines. It’s not enough to figure out how to start writing a blog; it’s advisable to understand the sources of other types of content. It is ideal if you create images or video materials yourself, but you can buy them from photographers or take them for free from photo banks, where permission is given for the free and free publication of images under certain conditions.

Where do readers come to your blog from?

There are several ways to attract readers to your blog. You can advertise the resource on other sites and blogs, submit an ad in such well-known systems as Google or Yandex. For personal diaries Subscribing to other blogs with similar content works well - usually the owners mutually add each other as friends, forming a kind of community, but this system does not work with commercial blogs. This is where the laws of competition come into force.

If you've left behind the creation of a blog, how can you start attracting visitors? When searching for information, Internet users usually ask relevant queries to the main search engines, Google or Yandex. The dropped options are looked through in search of the necessary information. This is what specialists rely on when optimizing a blog or website for better traffic in search engines.

Search engines and the semantic core

Many beginners are interested in how to start blogging and where to get visitors. It is better to rely on search engines, and for this you need to take action before you even prepare the content. What is it that optimizers talk so much about? Without delving into special terms, this is the semantic content of the resource. For example, you are going to devote your blog to beauty and cosmetics. Backbone semantic core will represent the main areas of cosmetological skin care, decorative cosmetics, certain types of makeup and care techniques. Already on this backbone are narrower topics, new products in the beauty industry, special articles and master classes.

If you've already created a blog, where do you start in the battle for search engine visitors? If you remember, you have found more than once necessary information by asking the appropriate question in Google or Yandex. Rest assured, you are not the only one who does this. Search engines collect and systematize search queries users, based on this, you can create a list of key phrases that interest visitors, and demand creates supply.

How do bloggers make money?

A successful blog with a steady stream of readers can make money by advertising. In this case, advertising can be both direct and through special systems. The largest search engines offer their own products - Google Adsense and Yandex.Direct. Using simple scripts, you can place contextual advertising on your blogs and earn income from clicks and impressions.

When newbies wonder how to start blogging, they rarely realize the real purpose. Therefore, attempts to monetize a blog may turn out to be a failure - from the very beginning it was necessary to take a course towards the most effective commercial preparation. However, it is never too late to make appropriate adjustments; the main thing is not to be afraid to move forward!

  • 1 5 reasons in favor of a blog: why you should start your own weblog and make it a source of income
  • 2 Top 5 popular Russian YouTube bloggers
  • 3 How to monetize a channel - step-by-step instructions
  • 4 7 benefits of blogging besides making money
  • 5 Secrets of popular YouTube channels
  • 6 Conclusion

Do you have your own channel, but you think that your earnings on YouTube are too small and want to increase it? Or are you just planning to start your video blog, but don’t know where to start? Calmly! We will tell you one by one how to create your own YouTube channel that will generate good income.

5 reasons in favor of a blog: why you should start your own weblog and make it a source of income

The first blog appeared in 1994. Student Justin Hall first began keeping a diary on the Internet, and in December 1997, Jorn Barger first used the word weblog. They had no idea that in the 21st century a large number of people would blog.

5 reasons why you should start your blog right now:

  1. Self-knowledge. A blog can be the same as a diary, only in a different format. With its help, you will get to know yourself better, see internal problems and be able to solve them.
  2. Search for like-minded people. With its help, you can easily find friends with similar interests, and it is possible that you will eventually decide to launch a joint project.
  3. Way of self-expression. Do you write texts well, like to make funny videos or do other interesting and useful things? So tell us about it.
  4. Influence on other people. Your experiences and life stories can influence, inspire and motivate others to take action.
  5. Improving your writing skills. A blog helps improve your writing skills. Both in text and in video blogs, the basis is text. In just 2-3 months you will feel the difference. If at first a blank sheet of paper caused you to panic, now you are calmly creating new document and write text in it.

A blog is not only a good way to express yourself, but also a means of earning money. You can receive your first money, for example, in 6 months or a year. It depends on your activity and regularity of publications.

Top 5 popular Russian YouTube bloggers

Beginning bloggers and popular YouTube channels regularly compile tops and ratings of famous authors. Most people base their ratings on the number of subscribers. In addition to subscribers, experts also evaluate the income of owners of popular channels.

EeOneGuy(Ivangay) or Ivan Rudskoy - 13,200,000 subscribers.

Maxim Golopolosov, AdamThomasMoran, channel author +100500 - 9,390,000 subscribers.

9,220,000 subscribers.

Mister Max's sister. 8,790 subscribers.

8,050,000 subscribers.

The main characters of the channels Like Nastya, Miss Katy and Mister Max are children, and their blogs are, of course, run by parents. They also shoot and edit the video. This topic is very popular, so if you are on maternity leave, you can easily start your own children's blog. Read,how to make money online while on maternity leave. You can take the idea from there, or come up with your own.

Bloggers created their own Russian Research Agency of Bloggers (RIAB), which studies trends in social networks and records the dynamics of the development of the blogosphere. The agency compiled its rating of YouTube channels taking into account the income of their owners.

The top 5 according to RIAB results looks like this:

— Valentin Petukhov. Valentina's channel has more than 6.3 million subscribers, and in 2017 he earned more than 51 million rubles. In his videos he reviews the technology: Cell Phones, printers, headphones, speakers and other new technology.

SOBOLEV- Nikolai Sobolev. More than 4.5 thousand people have subscribed to the channel, and earned more than 50 million rubles in a year. Nikolay Sobolev talks about Internet trends; he started with video pranks.

KHACH'S DIARY— Amiran Sardarov. The number of subscribers is more than 3 million people. Last year he earned about 40 million rubles. He runs a channel in which he talks about his life in Moscow.

Sasha Spielberg- Sasha Spielberg. More than 6.1 million people have subscribed to Sasha; over the past year, the girl earned about 36 million rubles. She plays video games and loves to sing and write songs. She also shares beauty secrets.

inDud— Yuri Dud. More than 4.1 million people have subscribed to Yuri’s channel. The blogger launched his channel in 2014, and his popularity was gained by video interviews with singers, businessmen, bloggers and other famous people. Over the past year, he earned about 35 million rubles.

All these people have one thing in common: they are hardworking, charismatic and creative. It was thanks to their diligence and hard work that they gained a large number of subscribers and received round sums over the past year. They definitely know how to make money on a video blog!

As you can see, bloggers’ earnings can allow them not to go to the office 5 days a week to do a job they don’t like. If you want to make your YouTube channel your main source of income, read: .

How to monetize a channel - step-by-step instructions

It would seem that becoming a popular YouTube blogger is not so difficult; all you need to do is upload videos every day. This is absolutely not true. Even if you make 500 videos in a year, this does not mean that you will earn a million. First you need to make your channel popular. This is done as follows:

Step 1. Right choice niches. If you have not yet decided on the topic of your video blog, then it is best to talk about your hobby. Do you love to crochet? Make a video of why it is better to crochet rather than knit, how to make this or that pattern, how to choose yarn, and so on. Viewers will see that you are interested and will wait for your videos.

Step 2. Blog design. The title of the video and its description should contain a key phrase. The correct title for the video would be “Learning to crochet. Lesson 10 - ribbon lace" than "Making ribbon lace". We also add to the video description what is discussed in the lesson.

Pay special attention to design. Make a good intro to start your video. If you rent a house, equip yourself with a separate corner so that your subscriber is not distracted by the constant change of the background. The exception is if you are filming a live video, for example, exercises in the gym.

Step 3. Channel promotion. Monetization on YouTube becomes available when 1,000 people or more are subscribed to the channel, and the total viewing time is 4 thousand hours (viewing figures may vary). To enable an affiliate program, you need to promote your channel. To do this, publish links to the video and channel on social networks and forums; use the “subscribe to channel” button, make viral videos, add more videos.

Step 4. Communication with subscribers. Don't ignore your subscribers! They are the indicator of which direction you are going. If the number of subscribers increases, then your videos are interesting. Don’t be afraid to ask them to like or answer a question at the end of the video. This way you will know what they are interested in and what information they are missing.

Once your channel has become popular, you can monetize it. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main ways to attract income:

  1. Affiliate. Find one or more affiliate programs that overlap with the topic of your blog. At the initial stage, pay attention to similar promotional resources. If you don't know what to choose, use VSP Group. It is a certified YouTube video hosting companion. It is described in detail here, .
  2. Direct advertising. Advertisers themselves contact the authors of popular channels, but you can find them yourself. Try contacting famous video bloggers. Also put a pre-roll or post-roll in the video for 20-30 seconds.
  3. Google Adsense. Contextual advertising brings bloggers about 60% of their income. Register on this service and connect it to the channel. After approval, commercials will appear on the channel.

7 benefits of blogging besides making money

You have started your blog, gained the required number of subscribers to receive a regular income. In addition to earning money, you receive various bonuses and develop skills:

  1. Self-discipline. Blogging requires you to publish regularly. You will learn to allocate time for writing text for videos, filming, editing, and communicating with subscribers. Without this, your brainchild will not be able to exist.
  2. Self-study. To run your blog, you will have to master a large number of skills: programming, copywriting, filming, video editing, new technologies, etc. The most important thing is not to get bogged down in information noise.
  3. Acquaintance. You will get to know big amount of people. At first it will only be your subscribers, over time you will get to know the authors of other blogs. Some may live in other countries and you will learn to communicate with them.
  4. Relevance. A blog helps you stay on trend and keep abreast of the main trends.
  5. Popularity. If you want to make a statement, then this is good way. You will become noticeable, they will begin to recognize you. It should be remembered that with popularity comes responsibility. Your subscribers will start repeating after you. So it's worth thinking about what you post.
  6. Skills. To run your blog, you will have to master a large number of skills: programming, copywriting, filming, video editing, etc. At first it will be difficult to understand everything, but over time the acquired skills and knowledge will fall into place.
  7. . Working hard on your channel will bring you financial earnings over time. If you become popular, your income from your blog will increase several times.

Running your blog requires complete dedication. If you have time and energy, then start right now!

Secrets of popular YouTube channels

If you think that popular bloggers know the special YouTube secrets with which they make money, then you are mistaken. The most important secret is to love what you do. Without this, you won't succeed.

Do you like to crochet or do jigsaw puzzles? So show it in your videos! If you shoot them without soul, then your subscribers will notice it and stop watching you. Do you like technology and modern devices? Make a video telling your opinion about new iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi or other new phone. Yes, it’s difficult to watch 10 videos about Samsung in a row, but your subscribers will at least like it. You may notice details that other bloggers haven't highlighted.

Nowadays, channels aimed at children are gaining great popularity. Girls are still interested in beauty and the secrets of self-care, and men are still interested in technology. These are the most basic trends, of course there are many more of them. Don't be afraid to explore them all to find a topic that resonates with you.

There is no need to be afraid of forums. People love discussion platforms, especially since they allow them to gain useful information. If you are planning create and promote your forum, then check out the main ideas at the link provided..


You can really make money with your YouTube channel. We showed you with examples which ideas are the most popular for broadcasting. You found out how much legendary video bloggers earn and how exactly they conquered their audience. However, before your blog starts bringing in the first money, you will have to invest a lot of time and effort. But we believe that the time will definitely come when your brainchild will justify the efforts invested and will begin to delight you with its first income!

As a rule, about 2/3 of visitors come to websites through search engines. In order for visitors to find your website or blog through search, you need to add your address to search engines. Otherwise, your site will either never be found by them, or will be found with a long delay (only through links to your site/blog from already added sites/blogs)

Search engines by technical reasons cannot search across all sites at once. For this reason, search engines “walk” through all added sites, and on those pages they follow all the links that they find on the main pages of the sites and create a base that they then search for. The process of building such a database for a website is called indexing. This way, the search engine remembers the site pages in some form. In the form in which these pages were at the moment when the search robot “entered” the site/blog. Search robot periodically visits already viewed pages and builds the index again. Roughly speaking, he looks to see if anything has changed.

So, let's get down to business and let the major search engines know where our site/blog is.


Let's start with the most popular search engine in the world - Google.

In order to add a website\blog to Google, go to the address and fill in the appropriate fields: the address of our website\blog and the numbers from the picture. In the "Comments" field we can enter some information about our site, short description, what the site is about.. literally in a nutshell. After everything, click the “Add URL” button


Next in line and in order of importance is Yandex

To add a website/blog to Yandex, go to . We enter the address of the site or blog, including http:, and below we enter the number in the picture, then click the “Add” button.


In order to add a site to the rabler list, go to the address. Enter the name, site\blog address (including http), short description, what the site is about, and below is your name and email for feedback. This address will not be displayed anywhere, but will only be available to the rambler administration, which, in turn, does not transfer it to third parties and does not send spam. Click "Register".



To register a site with Yahoo, you need to register with Yahoo and receive a mailbox

Registration on Yahoo

To register on Yahoo, go to home page and click the "Sign Up" link

We see a form for creating a Yahoo account. In the Name fields, enter your first and last name. Field Gender - your gender. Male - male, Female - female. Birthdate - date of birth: month, day, then year. Next is your country. In the Postal Code field you can enter your postcode, or you can just enter 0000. It is important to enter at least something

Next, choose your email address. Enter the expected address to the dog in the "Yahoo! ID and Email" field, and select the appropriate server in the drop-down list to the right of the dog. For example, if you want to select [email protected], then enter alena in the field to the left of the dog, and leave in the right field. Next, click the "Check" button to check whether the selected address is already occupied by someone. If busy, a red inscription and a sign on the right “Thus ID is not available” will appear. If everything is in order, the field will disappear, and in its place a text with a new email will appear. If you entered but changed your mind, then click on the Chage link and enter something else.

Please enter your password below. As usual, the password must be entered twice. The password must be at least six characters long. It is not recommended to use Russian letters and symbols in the password. To the right of the password are four rectangles. They show how secure your password is. The more of these rectangles are filled with green, the better your password. On the other hand, don't make your password too complex or you'll end up forgetting it.

If you were unable to enter your created password twice in the same way, then you will see an error as in the figure below:

It is recommended to enter the password carefully and slowly twice. Don't forget to watch your tongue and CAPS LOCK. On some laptops, the numeric keypad is combined with the main alphabetic one; in this case, make sure that NUM LOCK is disabled. If you don't know what we're talking about, then most likely it's not about you :)

Next, below you can enter your main email in the “Alternate Email (optional)” field (in case you forget your Yahoo password). Next, you need to come up with two secret questions. To do this, select "type your question here" in the Secret Question drop-down lists. Under the drop-down lists will appear additional fields. Two questions - two groups of two fields. In the top field - your question, in the bottom - your answer to this question. The questions should be such that they have a very clear and unambiguous answer. In addition, they should be about something that only you know about, and strangers simply should not know about it. At the same time, it is necessary that you yourself do not forget the answers to these questions. If you have forgotten your password, you will have to enter the answers and these answers will need to be entered very accurately: exactly as you write them now.

After everything, enter the characters from the image and click "Create My Account". If everything is done correctly, you will be returned to the Yahoo home page.

Adding an Address to Yahoo

Go to the address, select "Submit a Website or Webpage"

A field for entering an address will appear, enter the address of our website/blog there (including http) and click “Submit URL”.

At this stage, we may be asked to enter our username and password for our Yahoo account. After this, we receive confirmation of the addition


Well, and finally, we’ll add our website\blog to the aport search engine and add an application for inclusion of the site in the aport directory

To do this, go to the address. In the field, enter the website/blog addresses, but this time without http://, since this part of the address is already entered. Click "Next".

Next, carefully fill out the form fields and keywords. Please note that in the picture below the “keywords” field is filled in with an error: tags should be separated by a space, and not separated by a comma, as I did by mistake. If your site has a version in English, then do not forget to check the appropriate box (circled in red). When ready, click next.

In the next step, select your region, for example, St. Petersburg, and mark it with a circle. Most regions are hidden in tree elements. For example, if you see that you belong to the Siberian Federal District, then expand the tree by clicking on the plus sign opposite the corresponding line and select the desired city. After everything, click next.

So we've reached the final step. Here we enter the characters in the picture, check that everything is written correctly (text below), if there are no errors, then click next. If we notice that we have entered something wrong, then we press back the required number of times to return to the step where we made the mistake, correct it and press further until we return to the final step. If everything is correct, click next.

At the end, we receive confirmation of adding the site

The final

So, following the instructions, you can add our site or blog to the main search engines. Please note that search engines can continue to ignore your site for quite a long time (about two to three weeks, and some search engines longer), so don’t worry about not getting results immediately.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”

Are you thinking about opening an Instagram account, but don’t know how to approach it and are sure that without fame or large investments you won’t be able to get there? There is some truth in this, but In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems! We will tell you how to develop on this platform.

You can represent a company or just be a passionate person who wants to make money online. This article contains life hacks for beginners that will suit everyone.

Let's start with the most important thing, with the foundation on which all further actions will be based.

How to start blogging on Instagram: planning

The most important work begins even before posting the first photo and even before registering an account. You need to understand why you are creating it. What will it be: just a page or a company profile? What is your goal? To let people know about the project more people, sell a product, receive money from advertising other people’s products, or build a personal brand?

Once you answer this question, you need to understand who your target audience is. To do this, it is not enough to know gender and age. Determine what will unite readers. What problem will you solve for them? A thirst for knowledge, an interest in beautiful sketches from life, or they are interested in the product you produce. Based on this, it is recommended to choose the format and presentation of information, hashtags.

For example, you want to create a travel profile. In this case, the target audience varies, as do the trips themselves. Some people like active tourism, while others like “all inclusive”. The content of posts and photos will differ radically.

Let's say you don't know what to write about on Instagram, what then? We have prepared a list of areas for you in which you can successfully develop.

What topics can you blog about on Instagram?

With the advent of the era of meaningful texts in this social network, the field for activity has become simply limitless. Try to connect to popular niches: healthy lifestyle, fitness, beauty, cooking, if they are close to you. But remember that there is a lot of competition in them. Lifestyle accounts are no less common. It is important to understand here that a simple life will be of interest to few people. She really must have some style distinctive feature. Ideally, the page resembles a TV series.

What other blogs can you write on Instagram?

  • Movie. Reviews of new films, reviews.
  • Wine. There are such pages, but they are few and far between, and if you are a connoisseur of alcohol, then you are in luck. Here's the topic!
  • Education. Foreign, Russian languages, other subjects.
  • Gardening, landscape design, indoor flowers.
  • Extreme travel.
  • The backside of your specialty. If you are a pro at something, write about it.
  • Books. Share your impressions and lists.
  • Secrets, life hacks, instructions. Readers love helpful and detailed guides.
  • Social problems. Notes on human rights, history, and politics are popular with a fairly large audience.
  • Pets. Supplement beautiful photographs and videos with care tips.

What you can blog about on Instagram: topics for girls

If you don’t like any of the listed niches, use the following method. Write down all your interests and areas of activity on the list. Then highlight those that you are good at or are ready to learn a lot of new information. Try to write two or three informative posts on each of them, take pictures. Evaluate the quality of the text and your mood. Choose what was easiest for you to talk about and what inspired you. Also consider whether you will be able to produce enough photo content.

How to start your own personal blog on Instagram: first steps

Once you have decided on the format, target audience and focus of the page, you can start creating an account.

To do this you need to register account on Instagram. Come up with a short, memorable name. It must correspond to the activity. If you already have a company, use the existing name. It is better to develop a personal brand under your first and last name. Go to "Editing". Button next to the avatar. Choose a photo that will match the overall style of your feed. Choose a clear, eye-catching image. Save the result.

Tell us about yourself"

This section is located in the same settings, just below. What you indicate in it will be your profile header. This is the second thing a page visitor sees when they come to you. Therefore, pay special attention to the column. In 150 characters you need to include a short and interesting description of who you are and what this blog is about. They also add contacts, working conditions, location, information about discounts, and website address.

Use emoji to liven up text and emphasize important points. Don't put more than one for each phrase. Be original, spice up your self-presentation with emotions.

At this point, you can convert your profile to a business account. This will give access to statistics. You will be able to leave links through which the reader will contact you directly, and not through Direct. A gray inscription will appear under the avatar: goods and services, personal blog or another. It attracts attention. To choose new format, go to settings by clicking on the wheel or three dots in the upper right corner.

This is what a correctly filled header looks like.

How to blog on Instagram correctly: photos, texts, useful applications

Create a content plan for several days or a month. If you are promoting your product, be sure to alternate entertaining, informative and selling posts. These can be instructions for using the product, comparative characteristics, sweepstakes, surveys, voting, games, holiday greetings, news feeds from the professional or public sphere, work moments, funny stories and much more.

The main thing is to maintain a balance between topics and create activity among users themselves. Motivate to leave comments, respond to them. This increases the indicators that allow you to promote your profile. On your personal page, you can follow the same recommendations.

It happens that you need to give out a large block of information. You can't do this as a continuous canvas!

  • Always break your longread into meaningful chunks. One paragraph - one thought.
  • Do this using a line break. There should be no space at the end of the phrase.
  • Use a notepad or notes on your phone to write notes. They make it easier to format a post if the application still glues it together. Write - copy.
  • Insert emoji in the part that is important to emphasize. They can also be used to create lists.
  • If the text does not fit, type the remaining thoughts in a regular editor, take a screenshot and add to the gallery with the main photo.
  • Write simply and captivatingly, even if your topic is complex and serious.

An example of a properly formatted post

How to create a photo series for Instagram

The visual perception of a blog plays a big role in its development. Still, Instagram remains a network for visual people. But making a beautiful picture is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to study the theory of composition, lighting and practice a lot. On the Internet there is free lessons mobile photography. Browse pages famous companies or people, note interesting details.

It’s better to post posts every day, one or two when your target audience is active. Try to identify this part of the day in a practical way by posting at different times throughout the week: morning, afternoon and evening. The results of the experiment are clearly visible in the account statistics. The button is in the upper right corner.

Content Creation Tips

  • Look for unused angles. Any object will look unusual and beautiful if you approach the matter with imagination.
  • Process pictures in the same style: color, sequence of image and text (checkerboard format), frames.
  • Don't overload the picture. It should have one idea.
  • Dilute products and landscapes with selfies or portraits of other people and animals.
  • Take several shots at once. They will be a godsend on a day when shooting is impossible.
  • Use backgrounds and decorations. It could be anything. Even an old sweater, as long as it is photogenic.
  • Take a walk around the city, coffee shops, parks to capture unusual and beautiful moments in a collection of materials for posts.

Popular HR development apps:

  • VSCO Cam
  • Snapseed
  • Cover
  • Instafit.
  • Whitagram
  • Diptic
  • Frame Swagg

Don't forget about powerful tools like videos and stories. Both the first and second are popular among users and advertisers.

  • Instagram videos are short, but come up with a plot or logical sequence for them.
  • Look for unusual angles, break up the shooting with shots of the surrounding reality and details.
  • Add suitable background music.

If your end goal is monetization, be sure to reach beyond your audience and profile. To find new subscribers, sometimes it is enough to write thoughtful comments on posts on more well-known platforms on a regular basis (every day). Participate in SFS (mention exchange) and other initiatives of pages that interest you.

When you have a significant number of subscribers - more than a thousand, organize such mutual reposts yourself. Also, don’t leave visitors’ questions unanswered. Use a moderate number of thematic hashtags. Look at them from your competitors, come up with your own personal #.

How to start a book blog on Instagram

Such profiles can be created by stores or ordinary book lovers. This direction is now gaining momentum. Bookstagrams are what avid readers call their pages. Account management itself is not much different from any other. The requirements are the same: beautiful visuals, edited, clear, interesting text.

What you can write about:

  • Review of the work.
  • A story about new products.
  • Moments from the biography of writers.
  • Myths associated with any publications.
  • Sphere news.
  • Transfer of income if we are talking about a trading blog.
  • About the role of books.
  • About reading techniques.
  • Congratulations on the holiday.
  • About Me.
  • And much more.

Marathons and sweepstakes are successfully held. Posts can be serious or humorous, short or long.

The photo sequence depends solely on the imagination of the page creator. There are various displays with beautiful objects, scenes, unusual angles, and simply processed photographs of publications.

Book Instagrams are monetized just like others. If you run it with your soul and you already have at least a thousand subscribers, write to the publishing house with an offer of cooperation. Tell us about yourself, provide a link to your profile, show statistics and tell us under what conditions you want to work. Participate in competitions, put special hashtags that are thematically related to your activities.

Example of a designed post from a private book account

We told you how to start and properly maintain a blog on Instagram, and looked at topics for blogging. This article cannot discuss all the secrets of this social network, but we have given basic advice. Using them you can master a new area.