Delete the archive in your mts personal account. Details of MTS calls through your personal account. Regular receipt of call information

13.07.2020 Data recovery

The details of MTS calls for a selected period of time will allow you to analyze the use of communication services and the associated costs. This can be a printout for up to 3 years, which you can receive at the company’s office, or an electronic report form for any time period up to six months, which can be very quickly ordered via the Internet:

Not a penny will be debited from your MTS account for the information received - the service is provided free of charge.

What is it for?

The call detailing service is very similar to the well-known bank statement, which indicates the main items of expenses, the time of transactions, and so on. If, for example, you received an excessively large bill at the end of the month, you can always check the correctness of the calculations using detailing.

If an error is identified, you must point it out to the operator, who will apologize and recalculate, providing bonuses to the tariff as moral compensation. This is the most obvious purpose of the Call Detailing service; now let’s talk about two other advantages.

In any case, given that “Call Details” is free, we can safely say that this is a convenient and useful function that allows you to quickly check information that is important for any adult.

What information will be provided?

The detailed statement will indicate absolutely all operations that were performed using your number: SMS and MMS messages, calls and spent traffic.
In addition, the statement will display all account replenishments and movements of funds on it. There are often situations when one of the spouses or children, in secret from their significant other or parents, respectively, transferred money to their account. These points will be reflected in the statement. The likelihood that someone in your family or work colleagues is doing something similar is very low, but it is always useful to be aware of the status of your account.

Order using the My MTS application

So, you have already installed the “My MTS” application on your smartphone or tablet, all that remains is to figure out how to order a detailed call via Personal Area. Well, you have to follow a few simple steps.

  1. Login to the application.
  2. In the main menu, select the “Account” section.
  3. Find the sub-item “Order details”.
  4. Select the type of detail: by balance or conversations.
  5. Specify the period for generating the statement, then click “Order”.

Done, request sent! After this, the statement will be sent to your email in the form of a file, or it will open in mobile version personal account. Everything is as simple as possible. If you don't succeed the first time, try again! The number of requests is not limited, and the service itself is free, so you don’t have to worry about it.

If you need to obtain a statement that is more than six months old, contact the nearest MTS communication store. This service is already paid, but you will receive data not only electronically, but also in printed form.


Have no idea what services MTS debits money from your account for? Do you think that you spend much more on communications than you could? To understand your expenses for cellular communications, you need to get access to a document in which information about all paid transactions performed on the number for a certain period will be translated. To get a report like this, you don’t have to waste time going to the office. It is enough to know how to make details on MTS and you will be able to adjust your communication costs.

MTS provides subscribers with very handy tool, which allows you to control and analyze your expenses. Receiving details allows you to view all charges on a number down to the minute and penny. Ordering a financial report will allow you to familiarize yourself with and, which are useless and only lead to additional costs. As part of this review, we will tell you how to make details on MTS. There are several free options and we will look at them all.

How to make details on MTS for free

MTS has made sure that any subscriber can get account details for free, with a minimum of effort. Everyone will be able to choose a convenient way to receive a financial report.

You can make details on MTS:

Account details are provided free of charge, and the number of requests is unlimited. The report will contain information on expenses for all types of communication services. You can order a detailed balance sheet report, which includes general information about expenses and information with details on services provided from the moment the last regular invoice is issued until the receipt of an application for receiving a report. You can also get conversation details, which include detailed information about calls, SMS and traffic for any period over the last six months. In general, you will receive a document that includes a fairly impressive amount of information about expenses by number.

MTS provides the following report options:

  • State of an account;
  • Cost control;
  • Monthly bill;
  • Invoice;
  • Prepayment invoice.

At first glance, it may seem that everything is quite complicated, but in practice everything is much simpler. Below we will describe in detail the process of obtaining a report, which will contain information about all communication expenses incurred over a certain period.

We order details in your MTS personal account

Speaking about how to make details on MTS, first of all you should pay attention to the Internet assistant. MTS personal account allows you to perform many times personal transactions with number and order details including.

To get details, follow these steps:

  1. and open the “Account” section;
  2. Next, you will see five sections with detailed description their capabilities. Select the “Expense Control” section, which allows you to receive a report with information on payments and expenses (if you are interested in other information, select the appropriate section);
  3. Select what information you are interested in - expenses for the current month, expenses for past months or call details;
  4. Select the report delivery method (to your personal account or to email address);
  5. If you ordered a report by mail, you must indicate the document format suitable for you (XML, HTML, PDF, XLS);
  6. Check the information provided and confirm your decision by clicking on the “order” button.

If you need to make details for past months, use the appropriate section and indicate the month you are interested in. You can receive a report for a specific month or for several months at once. The time it takes for the report to arrive at the specified email address depends on the network load. You can receive details almost immediately, or wait several hours.

We order details in the “My MTS” application

It is also possible to make details on MTS through. In principle, even though the application has a section for ordering details, and the operator himself advises using the application, if you do not have access to a computer, to complete the operation you will still have to log into your personal account, albeit through your phone browser. That is, in certain moment The My MTS application will prompt you to open the page in the browser and continue the steps to obtain details in the mobile version of your personal account.

To make details on MTS in the “My MTS” application, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “My MTS” application;
  2. In the main menu, select the “Account” section;
  3. Click on the “Order details” button;
  4. Select the type of detailing you are interested in (detailed balance sheet report or detailing of conversations);
  5. If the first type of detailing is selected, it will open in the browser and your subsequent actions will not differ from those described earlier;
  6. If call detailing is selected, the next step is to select the detail period and indicate the email address to which the report will be sent;
  7. After clicking on the “order” button, a notification will appear on the screen that the request has been sent.

As for waiting for details, here, again, everything depends on the network load. Usually the report arrives by email instantly, but delays are possible. A letter from Mobile TeleSystems PJSC will be sent to the specified email address. The attachment will include PDF file with detail.

If the options described above for some reason do not suit you, then you can make details at the MTS office. The main thing is to take your passport with you, and the SIM card must be registered in your name. This option is not the fastest and most convenient, so it is wiser to use your personal account. Although, situations are different and sometimes contacting the office is the only solution.

Do you want to keep track of your spending on mobile communications? Are you wondering where your children, husband or wife are calling? Do you need to know when, for what and how much funds from the account were spent? All these questions will be answered by a free service - MTS call detailing, and we will tell you how to do it through the subscriber’s Personal Account.

The MTS personal account allows you to monitor your status from any computer with Internet access. personal account, control the debiting of funds from it, check the recorded Internet traffic and, most importantly, see when and where calls were made and SMS sent, where the calls and messages came from, and exactly how much money was spent on it. You can order completely free of charge through the Internet Assistant service.

How to make call details?

The procedure for obtaining details is extremely simple and will require you to complete four simple steps, but let's start from the very beginning.

Log in to your “Personal Account” and then go to the “Internet Assistant” section on the official MTS website. In the Internet Assistant menu, go to the “Expense Control” subsection of the “Account” section. Then open the Conversation Details page. Required sections in the screenshots below they are highlighted in green.

Now you and I can start receiving details of MTS calls by filling out the order form step by step - we will look at all 4 steps in detail.

1. Selecting a reporting period

At this stage, you are asked to select or manually enter a range of dates for which you would like to make call details. Select and click on the “Next” button.

2. Choosing a delivery method for details

Here you need to choose the method in which you would like to receive details - there are currently two options available: “in the Internet assistant” and “by email”. If you select the first item - “to the Internet assistant”, then in the end the detail will either be displayed on the screen or it will start downloading (it all depends on your next steps). If you select “by email”, then after completing the order, MTS call details will be sent to your address free of charge Email. Please note that in the second paragraph you need to enter your email address. Have you chosen? Click "Next".

3. Selecting a document format

At this step, you have to choose in which format the report will be presented. If you don’t know which one is better, we’ll give you some advice. If you want to download a document to your computer and calmly study it or print it, then choose the XLS format (the document can be opened via Microsoft Excel), PDF (if you have Adobe Acrobat) or HTML (the file can be opened through a browser, for example the one in which you are now reading this text). Choose what suits you best and click on the “Next” button.

4. Confirmation of order for call details

This is the last and final step, in fact, a simple formality with summary information - feel free to click “Order”.

All call details have been ordered! If you previously chose delivery by email, go to your mailbox and check for a new letter from MTS (if not, it will arrive within a few minutes). If you chose the “Internet assistant” delivery method, follow the “Ordered documents” link in the left menu and download the call details to your computer.

That's all, keep track of your expenses, calls and our new articles!

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How to disable your personal account

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How to delete your MTS personal account: deactivating the option

Today, the “Personal Account” system provides excellent assistance to one or another subscriber cellular communications, since along with this service there is an excellent opportunity to simplify monetary transactions or connect certain options. If you do not want to waste your time and nerves on certain transactions, you can always turn to the specified type of program and execute necessary work to the maximum short time. In general, the use of this informational unit has long reached a high position, as numerous subscribers began to resolve their issues much faster. Agree, why waste time and go, for example, to an appointment with employees at the nearest office, if everything can be done without leaving the apartment? However, such a service may not always suit mobile communications users of Mobile Telesystems LLC, so today we will talk about how to delete an MTS personal account: what needs to be done, what actions to take, etc.

In general, removal unnecessary application allows you to close the possibilities of working with a simplified system once and for all. The portal believes that there should be answers to such questions, since users are still interested in such things. Our task is to provide the necessary knowledge and advice so that the operation is performed as efficiently and efficiently as possible.

IMPORTANT: We remind all site users that the relevance of information can be checked only if there is a successful solution to a particular issue related to the operation of mobile communications. However, if you were unable to complete the task of resolving the issue of connecting or disconnecting, you need to contact the main portal of MTS LLC, since its pages will certainly contain the required information on the necessary issues. Please remember that the above instructions apply to cases where our information on the portal could not give you the desired result.

How to remove the “Personal Account” system?

Today, an MTS personal account is, as mentioned above, a unique opportunity for a winning situation where you can easily save time and nerves, since certain operations will be performed by the computer itself inside the Mobile Telesystems LLC website. If you don’t want to constantly wait for your turn on a phone call like “0890” + “0” or on a direct visit to one or another office, you are encouraged to just use the “Personal Account” resource to simplify your work.

How to activate the option?

  1. Setting up your MTS personal account is extremely simple. All you need to do for this is go to the central portal mobile operator No. 1 in Russia and log in using the link located just above in the right corner. There you will see the inscription “Registration”. As soon as you do this, you will immediately be given the right to enter your data. Typically, the system will have several required fields, so you will need to complete them all. After this, a notification will be sent to your mobile phone, in the text of which you will find required parameters to log in, that is, login and password.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget in any case that the loss of input data is tantamount to a big headache, since recovery will require a lot of time: for example, you will definitely need to personally visit the company’s office, where you will need to show passport data and speak a codeword. In general, it is better to save than to lose.

So, once you receive your identification details, you will need to log in by entering them. The MTS telecom operator will complete the registration procedure as soon as you find yourself inside the option. And only after that you will be able to use the resource with full functionality.

  1. It is interesting to know that users do not always want to get a “personal account” system for themselves, since in certain cases it is necessary to disable the service: there are many reasons for this, we will not talk about them today.

The option can be disabled only at the time of termination of the contract (agreement) for the provision of mobile communication services, so we remind all users interested in solving the problem that you can get rid of the “Personal Account” only when you terminate the contract.

  1. It should be noted that certain people (both subscribers of MTS LLC and ordinary citizens) believe that you can disable your MTS personal account through some options that are located somewhere on the Internet. In other words, you can, according to people, find sites that can turn off the “personal account” system for a certain amount of money. The portal authoritatively declares that such versions have no right to life, since inside they are completely false. Remember that you can turn off the system only through the direct intervention of MTS LLC employees.

In general, we have described the necessary points that easily help you complete the necessary tasks. If you need to activate the “Personal Account” option, use the first steps that are published above. If, for certain reasons, you no longer wish to use the system, deactivate the current agreement and enter into a new one.

It is noteworthy that together with the system “ Personal assistant»You can always send an SMS, view your account, activate a particular service and much more.

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MTS personal account - login, registration, how to use, how to delete

MTS personal account is an excellent way of self-service current subscribers. With its help, you can independently perform such operations as changing the tariff plan, connecting the service you are interested in and disabling unnecessary functions, ordering your favorite songs instead of long beeps, receiving detailed statements of account movements, clarifying calls made, and much more. At the same time, subscribers do not need the help of managers and their advice. You can access your account from any device that supports the required format.

A big plus is the ability to order printouts of detailed calls for a certain period, which allows you to track the movement financial resources on personal account, and understand what services the money is written off for. To prevent information from falling into the hands of criminals, do not give your personal account login information to anyone.

Your personal account also has the following advantages:

  • number blocking;
  • ordering financial papers for legal entities;
  • detailed payment history;
  • opportunities for free SMS and MMS communication;
  • access to a bonus account and spending accrued points;
  • management of “favorite numbers”
  • establishment parental controls;
  • activation of the “Promised payment”.

As you can see, the number of functions available to the user is quite large, which allows you to promptly resolve the issue without calling or communicating with a consultant.

Registration of MTS personal account

How to register in your personal account and link it to your number? By visiting the website, you can fill out an application form to connect, after which an SMS message with a password will be sent to the number you specified. Just enter it in the appropriate section, following the pop-up instructions, and access to your personal account will be open. Do you need to change your password? This can also be done in your personal account. Choose a complex combination of numbers and letters that Internet hackers cannot crack. You can write down your login information on a separate piece of paper and hide it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes.

Do you use Internet services from MTS? Using your modem, you can access your account through any browser available in your country. Authorization occurs automatically, and the data is saved in the browser history.

It is worth noting that in the simplified scheme for logging in via modem, the simplest password is used, which is recommended to be changed to a more difficult one as soon as possible in order to prevent hacking by intruders and save your own financial resources.

A similar scheme is designed to work via a smartphone. If your device is configured to output to mobile networks, then the user just needs to use the default browser and go to the company’s website. As in the previous case, authorization will occur automatically. You can also use wireless connection(Wi-Fi) - this will not affect the quality of the service.

How to use your MTS personal account

On the main page, from which work with the personal account begins, information is provided on the financial status of the main and bonus accounts, current tariff and additional options connected to the number. Here you can also find windows for working with voicemail, subscriptions, Locator option and more.

A little in detail:

  • lost your smartphone? Block your phone in the section “Manage number - Actions with number - Block number”;
  • Do you have doubts about the confidentiality of personal data? You can find out about all the operations carried out in your personal account in the section “Number management - Account status information - Detailing”;
  • in “Settings” you can change the password;
  • here you can set up alerts in SMS mode, as well as view a list of your contacts;
  • changing the tariff plan and setting up call forwarding is available in “Number management - Actions with number”;
  • work with payment transactions is carried out in the “Payment Management” section;
  • to find out about the current account status, obtain information on outgoing and incoming transactions, and also monitor calls made, you should visit the section “Number management - Account status information”;
  • changing the tariff plan, control over connected services, using paid subscriptions and other interesting nuances are hidden in the “Number Management” section. If you cannot determine where the money is debited, it is possible that one or another service is connected to your number;
  • To send an SMS message, just use the appropriate form on home page personal account. The SMS will be linked to your number automatically.

Note! You should use the “Service Management” and “Number Management” sections thoughtfully and carefully so as not to accidentally order the connection of extra subscriptions and change tariff plan. Listen to the voice prompts of the automated robot until the end, and then take the intended action. Forgot your password for your personal account? You can apply for its recovery, which is possible after resending the password via SMS to your mobile number, tied to the personal account.

This service can be provided by the operator only in the event of termination of the contract for communication services with the subsequent liquidation of the number. If you do not want to visit your personal account, it is enough to set the appropriate level of protection in the form of a strong password and not enter your account.


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What is a “personal account” and why is it needed? A personal account is a fairly convenient service, thanks to which you can solve many questions about setting up your mobile phone, choosing a tariff plan, connecting or disconnecting a particular service and much more. Anyone can figure out exactly how to use their personal account without any problems. And this is very convenient, since you will not need to waste time traveling to service center to resolve this or that issue. You can solve all problems yourself without leaving home. But, oddly enough, not all subscribers of the mobile operator MTS want to use their personal account, so the question arises of deleting it. We will explain in detail how to do this in this article. You can also find the answer to this question at official portal MTS.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

How to disable your personal account

So, today there are several options for removing this system. We will tell you about this in detail below.

  1. If you do not want to use the “Personal Account” service and want to disable it, then in this case you will need to terminate the agreement with MTS. This can be done by contacting the office directly. You will need to write a corresponding application.
  2. If you think that you can disable the system yourself, then you are deeply mistaken and you should not trust dubious sites where you may have read such information. Please remember that deactivating this system requires only the intervention of a qualified specialist.
  3. If, on the contrary, you want to activate the service, you will have to follow these steps. First of all, go to the official MTS website and click the “Registration” button. Next you will need to fill in all the fields. After you have completed the above steps, you should receive a message on your phone containing information for logging into the system (username and password). This data that you will receive in the message must be remembered, otherwise, if you lose your login and password, it will be extremely difficult to regain access to the system.

Summarize. In this article we told you about possible ways connecting and disconnecting the “Personal Account” service. Do you need it or not this option- it's up to you to decide. Remember that you can activate the option yourself without any problems, but deactivation will require the intervention of qualified specialists.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

How to delete the archive of transactions in your mts personal account?

You can just change the password so that no one can look at the archive of transactions and safely forget about your personal account. Then both the archive and the personal account can be considered remote. To make sure this happens, terminate the contract for the provision of services, then the system will destroy your personal account. All other operations are performed according to the settings in your personal account.

The archive of the user’s personal transactions can be deleted in the MTS personal account. Go to your personal account in the transaction history column and view transactions; at the bottom there will be a delete button. Click it and delete it. Cannot be restored.

There are no difficulties in deleting archived transactions in the MTS personal account. Enter your password to log into your personal account. Click the delete button and all your archived operations will be deleted. It's simple.

There is no way to do this. There is no delete button in the transaction archive located in your personal account.

Everything is very simple, first you need to click on the personal account tab, then enter your password and login in the appropriate fields in the pop-up window... then there will be a delete operations tab... that's all, no one else will spy on anything.

To clean or delete the archive of transactions in your MTS personal account, the first thing you need to do is log into your account, for this you need to know your password and login. Next, access the archive of transactions and simply click delete.

To delete the archive in your personal account on the MTS website, you need to log in to the site, or if you have not registered yet, then request a password, which will be sent by SMS message. In your personal account in the settings, click on delete history.

So, to begin with, you should go to your personal account - to do this, simply enter your login and password, then, having gained access to the archive of transactions, click the delete button. Now no one will know for sure what operations you performed previously.

In order to delete transactions in the archive, you need to go to the MTS website in your personal account. You will need a password, you can get it by SMS decree only your number. Open this section and click the delete button. Everything is quite simple

MTS personal account - OperatorsMobile

If earlier we could not even imagine that managing our mobile account It will be possible via the Internet, but now the situation has changed radically. Mobile operators Russia, one after another, has introduced into widespread use its own developments in the field of providing a special personal account for its subscribers, allowing the user to perform a lot of operations on which previously he would have spent a lot of time.

Thus, a personal account is a large-scale project for remote servicing of a telecom operator client, in our case MTS. Let's take a closer look at how to register in your MTS personal account, what operations can be performed in it, how to manage the MTS Bonus program and donate points, as well as how call detailing is done.

Features of MTS personal account

  • Change tariff;
  • Connect or disconnect Additional services;
  • Activate the promised payment;
  • Send SMS and MMS messages;
  • Block number;
  • Determine the location of other subscribers;
  • Activate payment cards;
  • Add favorite numbers;
  • Manage voice mail;
  • Change ringtone;
  • Replenish an account;
  • Manage bonus points;
  • Disable paid subscriptions;
  • Receive a detailed account statement and calls.

In other words, by logging into your MTS personal account, you can perform almost any actions yourself, which are usually performed by support staff. This is very convenient, since you do not need to call hotline and wait for the consultant's response.

How to register in your MTS personal account?

More recently, mobile operators have begun to introduce personal account services on their websites. MTS was one of the first to offer this functionality to its subscribers. Thanks to this, each client has the opportunity to manage their mobile account without leaving home online.

detailed instructions

  1. Open the official MTS website in the browser - and click on the right top corner via the link “Personal Account”. In the pop-up window, select “Mobile communications”.
  2. Enter your mobile number in the appropriate field, click on the link “Receive password via SMS” and in a couple of seconds it will come to you via SMS. In addition, you can send a request to *111*25#, after which the password will be sent to you via SMS.

MTS personal account login by phone number

  1. You need to go to the official website The login login is your phone number.
  2. In order to receive a password, you need to click on the link “Receive password via SMS”, after which it will be sent to your number and you just have to enter it. You can also log in to your personal account using your account. social network.
  3. Having completed all the steps, you will see extensive operator capabilities available around the clock.

Personal office settings allow you to optimize your communication costs, select best rate, allowing you to save your budget as much as possible. And the “Autopayment” option will help you always stay connected and prevent disconnection at the right time.

If your mobile connection is paid for by a company, then you can order an advance payment of your bill by bank transfer or set up automatic payments on a schedule. This function will be useful for replenishing the account of children or pensioners who are not able to control their balance.

MTS personal account allows you to control your child’s phone. Here you can choose the appropriate tariff, block numbers and control the connected services of your children, as well as be aware of where they are.

If your entire family uses the services of the MTS mobile operator, then they can be combined into a single personal account and manage functions in one place. To do this, you need to enable the option on each phone and write a statement through the “Internet Assistant” system.

How is call detailing done in your MTS personal account?

If you have already completed all of the above operations, then move on to the next question - detailing conversations, which can be ordered in your personal account absolutely free of charge. To do this, go to your account and find the “Cost Control” item in the left menu, then “Detailing MTS conversations”. Here you will need to indicate the required period for which you need a call printout, but no later than 6 months.

Next, we specify the delivery method - either to your e-mail, or in a couple of minutes directly in your personal account of the Internet Assistant. If you chose the last option, then you can view the MTS details in a few minutes in the “Expense Control” section.

How to donate points through your personal account?

Again we turn our attention to the main menu on the left side of the MTS account. Here, in order to donate your accumulated bonus points to any other operator number to your family and friends, you can follow the “Give points” link and enter the recipient’s number and indicate the number of bonuses you want to give and click the “Send” button. After this, the subscriber to whom you give bonuses will receive an SMS with a code that must be confirmed in order to accept MTS bonus points from you.

That, in principle, is all I wanted to tell you today. It is also worth noting that in addition to all the operations already listed, in your personal account you can always find out what services you have connected to, connect and disconnect both paid and free services, Internet, dial tone, additional options, change your tariff plan and much more. So don't hesitate and go ahead and register.

Deleting your MTS personal account

It is possible to delete your MTS personal account only after terminating the contract with the telecom operator. If you don't want to use the service, then just forget about it.

MTS personal account how to delete transaction archive

How to delete the archive of transactions in your mts personal account?

As far as I know, deleting the archive of transactions in your personal account is quite simple. You need to enter your password, log into your personal account and simply click on the delete button. And all your transactions will be deleted. This is if you do not want anyone to find out what operations you performed.

But if it comes to deleting your personal account itself, then the situation is much more complicated. Your personal account cannot be completely deleted. You can simply not use it and not enter it.

You can delete it only together with your mobile phone number, which will be disabled along with your personal account. To perform this action, the owner of the phone number must contact the MTS office and write a corresponding application.

the system chose this answer as the best

Everything is written so simply here.

I went into my personal account, then into the operations archive. But no matter how I look, I don't see the "delete" button. - more than a year ago

Cleaning the archive in your personal account is not at all difficult - to log in you will need your password and login, as usual, and as soon as access to the transaction history is opened, you will need to use the “Delete” button. In general, there is no need to perform any further additional actions - it will be very difficult for an ordinary ordinary user to restore the archive.

You can just change the password so that no one can look at the archive of transactions and safely forget about your personal account.

mts personal account how to delete the transaction archive: As far as I know, deleting the transaction archive in your personal account is quite simple. You need to enter your password, log into your personal account and simply click on the delete button. And all your operations will be deleted

Such an excellent opportunity as an MTS personal account is available to absolutely all subscribers of this mobile operator on its official website. This is an impeccable service that allows you to optimize your communication costs, save time and, in general, make your life much easier. Do not forget that now is the era of high technology, and if you have not yet switched to self-service systems on the Internet, then now is the time.

We understand that not all MTS subscribers are advanced users of PCs, the Internet, and even mobile services, so we want to offer our assistance in managing your personal account.


To enter your personal account you need to have your account. We have already written about how it is created in our other articles. You can find them, study them carefully, and then create your login. Rest assured that everything will work out for you, because we create our instructions so that any user can complete the required procedures with their help.

When you finally create your account, you need to follow these steps to log in:

  1. On the official MTS website, go to the Personal Account section (This condition applies to subscribers in all regions: Yekaterinburg, Samara, Voronezh, Astrakhan). Let's say even more, not only subscribers from Russia, but also Ukrainians and Belarusians must perform the same actions. Only their portal address will be slightly different.
  2. Enter your registration details.
  3. Click "Login".
  4. Ready.

Personal account from the inside

Inside your account on the MTS website, you will find a simple interface on a white background, which you can figure out in a matter of minutes. Immediately in the center there will be a main menu with all the options that you have. They are, of course, organized by topic.

We have already talked about the section with account replenishment, with its history of payments, expenses and details of calls, so we will consider other points of the main section of the site.

Blocking a number in your MTS personal account

This service You don’t have to describe it for a long time, its meaning is clear to everyone. If you suddenly lost your phone and do not want the person who found it to gain access to your personal data, calls and SMS, feel free to block the number in your personal account.

Ordering documents

The current section is intended for those MTS subscribers who want to order detailed invoices, or view information about the details they have previously acquired. Simply select the required time frame using a special slider, and the proposed information will be displayed in front of you.

My settings

And this section exists for making changes to your profile on the site. Your personal account on the official MTS website is your individual account, and only you can make changes to it. You get the opportunity:

  • Change static password;
  • Set up alerts in SMS messages about logins, errors when entering a password, etc.;
  • Specify and change the email address to which a report on call details and other services will be sent (the frequency of sending the report is regulated by you);
  • Edit the information specified during registration in your personal account.

Other sections

We still have a few sections of the site that we haven't covered. Since their purpose is obvious, we will simply list them:

  1. An archive of operations performed at one time or another in your personal account.
  2. Information on current tariffs, bonus systems and discounts.
  3. Data regarding MTS services and services that are relevant in your region and throughout the country.
  4. Top up your account using a voucher or by bank debit from a plastic card.
  5. Detailed information on the current account: history, condition, expenses.

This is all that is available to you on the official MTS website in your personal self-service account.