Image from PDF to JPEG. How to convert pdf to jpeg format. How to convert files or documents online or using a program. PDF files are completely secure

06.06.2024 external HDs

Adobe Photoshop does a great job of converting PDF files to JPG. You need to open the document in the program in the “import PDF” window and select the desired pages or individual images, edit and save the file in any format.

Photoshop is not installed on the computer, no problem - you can use a converter. Runet offers a large selection of such programs, here are some free PDF converters:

Portable Document Format;

AVS Document Converte;

Icecream PDF Converter.

The programs convert both from and to PDF format, merge source files into one document, and offer various settings as output.

If you don't want to clutter your computer with additional programs, convert PDF to JPG. This is easy and simple to do - go to the website, download the PDF file, click “convert”. In 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the document, the program produces JPG files. You can download them page by page or as an archive. Three popular online converters:;


How to “extract” pictures from PDF

Sometimes you not only need to convert a document, but also extract individual images from it. If you need one or two pictures, you can simply take a screenshot of the desired page or use an online converter, then process the file in a graphics editor: cut out the necessary pictures, edit them to the desired size.

You can do a similar procedure using Adobe Reader. Open the document in this program, select the required pictures, and select “take a picture” from the menu. Open the file via the clipboard in the graphic editor Paint or any other, crop it to the desired size and save as an image.

You have to work a lot with drawings, diagrams, templates in PDF format, and install the free Photo Converter program on your computer. The program works in batch mode, has editing tools, the picture can be rotated, cropped, and resized.

You can also use Adobe Acrobat to export pictures from PDF. This program has the “image export” functionality. A simple, lightweight utility, PDF Image Extraction Wizard, will help you solve the problem of extracting images from PDF. There are many ways to convert PDF files to JPG and “extract” pictures from PDF; everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Free photo editors. Program overview

Free PDF to JPEG converters. Program overview

When creating websites, there is often a need to convert (convert) PDF files to graphic formats JPEG or PNG for posting them on Internet pages. For this purpose, many programs have been developed that differ in conversion quality. When choosing a program, you should look not only at the resolution of the received JPEG or PNG images, but also on the quality and correctness of color rendering. For example, Fig. 1 shows fragments of the original PDF image (left) and the resulting one after conversion:

Fig.1. Errors converting colors from PDF to JPEG format

As you can see, the gold color of the source has become black. This result was given by several converters I tested, both simple and complex professional ones. The most correct color rendition during conversion is ensured, as you would expect, by Photoshop, since it was developed by the same company as Adobe Reader. By the way, the conversion process to Photoshop does not cause any difficulties: PDF documents are opened in the usual way, and then you can edit them and save them in any graphic format. But our article is dedicated free converters and therefore Photoshop will have to be excluded for obvious reasons... The first, easiest way to convert PDF files to graphic formats - using online converters. The free service offered on the website is suitable for this. We go to this site, indicate the source PDF file with the button Select a file, the desired output format (jpeg, gif, png, tiff and bmp are available to choose from) and quality (you can select a resolution from 50 to 300 dpi) and press the button Convert- Fig. 2:

Fig.2. Online PDF to JPEG converter

The conversion process is reflected in the growing diagram. Upon completion, all images are saved in a zip archive, which you will be prompted to download. No registration, collection of information or sending of e-mail is required from you. Conversion quality PDF to JPEG good, colors are not distorted. There are no restrictions on the number and size of uploaded files. The conversion process takes place on remote servers without loading your computer.

Second conversion method PDF files to graphic formats - installing special converter programs on your computer. Since they usually also have a viewing function PDF files, then they help out if you don’t have it installed Adobe Reader. In addition, most of these programs are “omnivorous” and allow you to view and convert various formats: graphic, text, etc., as well as read e-books.
Let's look at some free converter programs.

1. Cool PDF Reader 3.16
Developer's website -
Cool PDF Reader- a simple free converter that allows you to view, print and convert PDF files into TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, WMF, EMF, EPS formats. The size of the program is about 3.5 MB and it does not require installation: just download ( link Standalone Package on the downloads page) and run. Works with Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, etc., supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The working window is shown in Fig. 3:

Fig.3. Free PDF to JPEG Converter - Cool PDF Reader

Cool PDF Reader does not allow you to convert everything at once PDF pages, but only individually by command File - Save As... and as we see, it turns the gold color into black. The quality of conversion to jpeg is not adjustable.

2. STDU Viewer- universal viewer and converter.
Developer's website -
Free (for non-commercial use) converter STDU Viewer allows you to view electronic documents in a variety of formats: PDF, multi-page TIFF, DjVu, JBIG2, WWF, BMP, PCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, DCX, WMF, EMF, PSD and XPS.

For lovers of e-books, the program will help you read books in FB2 (including FB2.ZIP), TXT, TCR, PalmDoc (PDB), MOBI, AZW, EPub formats. For those who like comics, CBR and CBZ formats are supported.

The viewer is Russified and has a wide range of functions: scaling, rotating pages, adjusting brightness and contrast for a document, choosing a convenient arrangement of pages (one at a time or spread), printing a document and much more.

STDU Viewer allows convert individual pages or the entire document into image files. Supported formats are BMP, GIF, JPEG or TIFF format. The resolution of the resulting image can be set in the range from 72 to 600 dpi.

Download latest version STDU Viewer available from the download page of the developer's website. Size about 2.5 MB, works with all versions of Windows.
Viewer working window STDU Viewer shown in Fig. 4:

Fig.4. Free viewer-converter - STDU Viewer

For conversion PDF document, select the command File - Export - As Image. The settings window will open - Fig. 5:

Fig.5. PDF conversion settings in STDU Viewer

Interface STDU Viewer clear and logical. If difficulties arise, the developer’s website has a detailed description of the program’s operation and functions.

3. Free PDF Converter
Developer's website -
A simple free converter designed only to convert PDF files to Word, Text, EPUB, Image, HTML, SWF and PDF formats. It does not have a viewing function. Despite its simplicity and a small number of settings, the converter Free PDF Converter works very well. The program size is about 35 MB, all versions of Windows are supported, 32- and 64-bit.

Download latest version Free PDF Converter you can from the developer's website. The program is Russified, the working window is shown in Fig. 6:

Fig.6. Free PDF to JPEG Converter - Free PDF Converter

I hope that everything is clear here without unnecessary words. Click on the prompts and in three steps, without noise and dust, you get a quite decent set of pages in the chosen format. When converting PDF V JPEG in the program settings you can select the quality of the output file High(High) or Normal(Normal). The only drawback I noticed is that this program has a limit on the size of the original PDF file of 50MB.

Hello, dear friends! The other day, one of the KARTONKINO readers expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the templates are posted for download not in JPG format, but in PDF format, which she finds very inconvenient. And, although this is a single signal, I think the problem is worth dwelling on separately. Moreover, in the absence of a graphic editor that supports PDF import (such as Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements), purely technical difficulties arise with editing scan images when you need to decorate them digitally. And the solution to this problem is . Moreover, you can do this quickly and for free in at least three ways.

Generally speaking, I chose the PDF format because of the ability to organize the templates included in a particular set and combine them in one file. This was one of the main reasons. Apparently, no one had any critical difficulties with downloading and using pdf files. If this is still not the case, please let me know.

At the same time, sometimes it is more expedient to upload files for download in jpg format, and I do not neglect this. It is clear that everyone’s habits and ideas about convenience and expediency are different. And the opportunity to choose will not be superfluous. So let's look at how you can convert PDF to JPG.

Method one: using the Adobe Reader pdf reader.

This method can be useful, for example, when you need to edit an image contained in a PDF file in a graphics editor that does not support PDF import. Of course, in this case we are talking about files that are not password protected.

Open the pdf file in Adobe Reader X. In the main menu of the program, select the command “Editing” - “Take a picture” (check the box).

By pressing the left mouse button, drag the cursor and select a sheet of the document. The image will be copied to the clipboard and a message will appear.

After this, in a graphic editor (for example, in the free Paint.NET) we create a new document of the same format as the original one, that is, A4 (210 x 297 mm), and paste the contents of the clipboard. If necessary, we adjust the image to the size of the canvas in order to maintain all the original proportions and dimensions.

After editing, save the file in any of the graphic formats.

Using this method, you can convert both entire pages of a PDF file and individual fragments of them into graphic formats.

Method two: using the free PDFCreator program (Russian language supported).

PDFCreator is a program designed to create documents in PDF format and, in addition, is capable of creating files in a number of other formats, including graphic ones.

PDFCreator works as a virtual printer. This means that you can create a file in the desired format from any program that has a print function.

Let's see how it's done. Since our source file is in PDF format, let's open it in Adobe Reader (or any other PDF reader).

Run the “Print” command. From the list of printers, select the PDFCreator virtual printer. We also select the page that needs to be converted.

We send it for printing.

PDFCreator works in 2 stages: first it creates a document in Postscript (.ps) format, and then prints it to a file of the specified format. Usually the transition to the second stage is automatic. In this case this did not happen, but this is not a big deal. You must launch PDF Print Monitor (from the PDFCreator folder - PDFCreator.exe - or from the Windows Start menu)

and add the created file with the extension “.ps” to the print queue.

After this, the following dialog box will open.

Here you can (but not necessarily) fill in the empty fields. Click “Settings” and select JPEG from the list of formats.

We set the required resolution and compression quality values, save the settings and click “Save”.

In the window that appears, select the JPEG format and save the file.

Single-page PDF files (or multi-page ones, when only the first page is needed) do not even need to be opened in Adobe Reader; you can directly add them to the print queue (PDF Print Monitor) and perform the manipulations described above.


Method three: using the free online converter

This method is the most basic. It does not require installation of any programs for reading pdf files or any converters on your computer.

Open the online converter website and download the pdf file from your computer.

We set the JPG quality - good (Good) or excellent (Excellent). You can also specify your e-mail to receive a notification about the completion of the conversion (this option is optional).

Click the “Convert PDF to JPG” button. The result will be 1 or several (if the source file is multi-page) jpg files, which can be downloaded individually or in an archive.

Everything is extremely simple.

Go to

I hope the methods discussed above will help you expand your capabilities when working with PDF files.

Thank you for attention! And see you again in KARTONKINO!

PS. Do you want to be the first to know about new lessons and master classes, as well as when new box templates and other useful and entertaining cardboard crafts appear on the site? Subscribe to updates and receive announcements directly to your email!

And since they allow you to choose the quality of JPG images. Offline we will use STDU Viewer. This program reads PDF, DJVU, ePUB and a bunch of other formats. In addition, there is a portable version that I recommend using.

Convert PDF to JPG online -

Click on the “Select file” button and select the PDF document.

Select quality from the drop-down list. I like the high quality - 600dpi, since it can always be lowered if necessary. I don’t yet know how to improve the quality of the drawings.

Click “Convert”

We wait a few minutes and select a location to save the ZIP archive. I'll save it to my desktop.

Go to the folder and view JPG files

Each page is saved in a separate file. The image quality is excellent.

How to convert PDF to JPG -

Click “Select File” and select the PDF document. We select the image format - JPG, it is advisable to select the quality “300 - High” and Paper Size. Click "Start"

Click until the PDF document is converted to JPG files. At the end of processing, we will be prompted to save the ZIP archive. We save and unpack the same as in the first case.

The quality is worse than in the previous version, but you can make out the pictures.

Convert PDF to JPG offline - STDU Viewer

Download STDU Viewer from the official website Download the portable version

Convert PDF to Image

Looking for a tool to convert PDF to image? He's in front of you! PDF2Go service allows you to convert PDF files to JPG, PNG and more.

Download the PDF. You can edit the resulting image if you wish. Change width and size, resolution (DPI), add effects. After that, click on “Save Changes”.

Each page of the PDF file will be converted into a separate image.

Simple and convenient converter

Many PDF converter sites offer you to download and install a program or application. The PDF2Go service does not require this. All conversions are done online to:

  • save time
  • do not take up disk space
  • save your nerves

We guarantee: convenient access, absence of malware and problems with file storage.

Why convert PDF to image?

PDF files are supported by many devices and platforms. However, in some cases it is more convenient to work with an image.

PDF files are completely secure

Convert PDF to JPG and don't worry about security. All files are processed automatically and are not transferred to third parties. We do not store files for a long time and regularly delete them from the server.

Of course, we do not claim rights to your file! Any doubts left? Read the Privacy Policy.

Document to Image

The PDF2Go service is designed to convert PDF files to JPG format. But you can convert the document to another graphic format.

For example:

PNG, GIF, SVG, TIFF, BMP, TGA, WEBP and others

Online image converter

No matter where you are: at home, at work or on the go... PDF2Go is always at your fingertips. Even on vacation.

The online converter converts files from one format to another directly in the browser. Just connect to the network and take your PDF converter with you!