How to create documents in google. Google Docs: registration, document creation, collaboration. Creating documents on the Internet

25.03.2021 external HDs

“Cloud” technologies, what is it and who are these technologies intended for? We believe that the vast majority of PC users will answer this question with a phrase like: “This is something very complex, intended for professionals in the computer industry.”
No, dear visitors of the MirSovetov website, this is absolutely not true. “Cloud” technologies are aimed primarily at the average user who does not have any specialized skills, and provide him with the opportunity to use high-quality licensed software completely free, using the computing capabilities of the server.
The basic concept of "cloud" technologies, sometimes called "cloud" computing, is that information is stored and processed using a web server, and the result of these calculations is provided to the user through a web browser. Using the cloud service web page controls, the user can enter and edit data, as well as save the final result to his computer.
Anticipating your question “Why are these technologies called “cloud”?”, we answer: traditionally, the Internet and remote services on computer circuits are designated as a cloud, it is this association that forms the basis for the name of the achievement of science and technology we are considering.
What exactly are the capabilities provided by cloud service providers? First of all, this:

  • ability to create and edit text documents;
  • the ability to create and work with mathematical tables;
  • create and demonstrate electronic presentations;
  • creating simple (vector) images;
  • editing graphic files (photos);
  • provider disk space usage for storage backup copies user data;
  • and, of course, the familiar ability to send and receive email messages.
We believe that theory is quite enough; it’s time to move on to practice. Among the most popular “cloud” services are the following representatives:
  • Google Docs from search engine Google systems;
  • Office Web Apps from Microsoft Corporation;
  • iCloud from Apple;
  • Dropbox from the company of the same name;
  • Amazon Cloud Drive from Amazon;
  • Pixlr from Autodesk.
The subject of our article is the Google Docs cloud services. Let's not waste time and start exploring the main capabilities of this service.

Getting started with Google Docs

A few words about which browser to choose. Of course, each or almost every PC user has personal preferences regarding web browsers; we are not going to add fuel to the fire of the “holy war” of browser manufacturers and will not convince anyone of anything. For the purposes of this article, we will only provide an excerpt from the official documentation of the developers. Correct work The following web browsers support Google Docs:
  • Google Chrome;
  • Firefox;
  • Safari version 4 or higher;
  • Internet Explorer no lower than version 8.
When working with other browsers, the correct functioning of the service is not guaranteed.
To gain access to the capabilities of the cloud service we are considering, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. To do this, open the main web page search engine Google ( and at the top of the page select the “Login” link in the opened new page select the “Create” link. A form for registering a new user will open.

Correctly fill out all fields of the registration form, remember, or better yet, save your login and password. This will save you from unnecessary hassle.
To log in, you must enter the user credentials you provided during registration.

Create a text document

To create your first text document, open the main page of the Google search engine, located at, select the “More” link at the top of the page. An additional menu will open in which you should select the “Documents” link. Your personal Google Docs cloud service page will open.
Of course, immediately after creating your account your personal page will not contain a single document, which is quite understandable. Let's not waste time by immediately starting to create a new text document.
Click on the “Create” button located at the top left of the web page.

An additional menu will open in which you should select the “Document” item. A new, currently empty text document will open, which you can begin creating. We believe that every PC user is familiar with how to enter text; at this stage, no explanation is required. The familiar functions of copying, cutting and pasting are implemented using the “Edit” menu command or using the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C for copying, Ctrl+X for cutting, Ctrl+V for pasting. It should be noted that these combinations are active in all Google Docs web applications.
To format the entered text, use the web interface of the Google Docs application.

  1. Printing a document.
  2. Undo the last action.
  3. Repeat last action.
  4. Copy a selected piece of text.
  5. Formatting the selected test as a title (6 levels available).
  6. Font selection.
  7. Selecting the font size.
  8. Bold font.
  9. Italics.
  10. Highlighting with underlined font.
  11. Text color design.
  12. Insert a hyperlink into a document.
  13. Inserting a picture into a document (to insert special characters into a document, select the menu command “Insert” - “ Special symbols"To insert page numbers, select the menu command "Insert" - "Page Number").
  14. Decrease indentation (tab).
  15. Increase indent.
Working with the above formatting tools is simple and intuitive, and hardly requires separate explanations.
It should be noted that the cloud application we are considering is equipped with a spell checker. No separate startup steps of this module not required because this function activated by default. All “unfamiliar” and incorrect words will be underlined in red dotted line. To display possible replacement options, call context menu the underlined word and choose one of the options provided.
From our point of view, the function looks interesting automatic translation document. To launch it, select the menu command “Tools” - “Translate document”. The “Document Translation” dialog box will open, in which you must enter the name of the translated document and select the direction of translation. Readers of MirSovetov should understand that the quality of translation, as in any other programs, leaves much to be desired.
I would like to draw the attention of MirSovetov readers to the fact that the developers of the “cloud” service we are considering have taken care of you in the sense that you should not worry about the safety of the entered data; any information will be automatically saved as an instant copy. So you can return document being created to one of the initial states. Viewing the history of changes is carried out using the menu command “File” - “View history of changes”.
One of the bright advantages of cloud services is the ability to collaborate on documents. You can allow your collaborators to view your documents and, if desired, edit the data. To provide general or selective access to the file being edited, click the “Grant access” button located in the right top corner program web interface. The Sharing Settings dialog box opens, with controls that allow you to configure access rights to the document you are editing.

Using the Google Docs application, you can print the document you are editing. To do this, select the menu command “File” - “Print”. Will open new inset browser in which you can set options for printing a document.

You can send the edited document as an attachment to an email message. To do this, select the menu command “File” - “Attach to email message.” mail." The Send Message dialog box will open, in which you should specify email addresses recipients (required), and enter the subject and text of the message to be sent.
You can upload to the provider's server a document created using local computer. Of course, you can later edit your document using the Google Docs application we are reviewing.
To download a document created on your local computer, you must open your personal Google page Docs and click the "Download" button located in the upper left corner of the web page.

An additional menu will open in which you should select “Files”. The next step will open the standard Open file dialog box, in which you should select the file to download. In the next dialog box, check the box next to “Convert documents, presentations, tables, and pictures to Google Docs format” because this option necessary for subsequent editing of your file.
All files created and downloaded by you are reflected on your home page Google Docs. To organize, delete, rename your files, use the context menu commands.
Of course, files created using the cloud service can be downloaded to a local computer for further editing offline. This is done using the menu command “File” - “Load as”.
At this point, the material on the Google Docs text editor can be considered complete; you can get additional information from the help section. Help can be accessed using the menu command “Help” - “Google Docs Help Center” in any Google app Docs.

Create a spreadsheet document

Most likely, no one needs to explain what mathematical tables are, so we will not focus on this (program Microsoft Excel is familiar to almost every PC user), and let’s immediately begin to study the main features of the Google Sheets web application.
To create a new table, on the main page of Google Docs, click on the “Create” button and select “Table” in the additional menu that appears. A new browser tab will automatically open containing an empty table.

Here are some explanations for the figure above:
  1. Print table.
  2. Undo the last action.
  3. Repeat last action.
  4. Copy a selected range of cells.
  5. Highlighting formatting color.
  6. Monetary format.
  7. Percentage format.
  8. Other formats.
  9. Font size (You can select a different font using the menu command “Format” - “Font”).
  10. Bold typeface.
  11. Selection with an underlined style (selection of other styles is carried out by the “Format” menu command).
  12. Text color design.
  13. Text background color scheme.
  14. Adding borders to the table.
  15. Aligning text in cells.
  16. Merging cells.
  17. Word wrapping.
  18. Inserting a function into a cell.
  19. Inserting a diagram into a cell (using the “Insert” menu command, you can place pictures, scripts, etc. in the table).
  20. Data filtering.
  21. Formula bar.
  22. Adding a new sheet to the table.
  23. Reflection of hidden sheets.
  24. Selecting table sheets.
So, let's create our first table using the Google Sheets cloud application. As is the case with Microsoft program Excel, entering a formula begins with entering the assignment operator, which is better known to the user as the equal sign (=). Links to the contents of other cells can be specified using the mouse by simply clicking on the desired cell. Using other mathematical operators, such as pole (+), minus (-), and so on, create the desired mathematical formula. The end of entering the formula should be indicated by pressing the “Enter” key.
To place a function in a cell, click the corresponding button in the web application toolbar. For help with built-in features, click the Features button again and select Advanced Features.
To give the table borders, select the desired range of cells and click the “Borders” button in the toolbar. To insert new columns and rows, use the Insert menu command. If necessary, you can give the entered data the desired formatting; to do this, use the corresponding buttons in the toolbar.

To place a chart in a table, select the range of cells containing the desired data and click the Insert Chart button. Select the appropriate chart type and provide other details.
The table is printed using the menu command “File” - “Print”. Complete the Printing Preferences dialog box that opens and print the document.
Loading algorithm spreadsheet document, as well as sharing and working with the history of changes are no different from those described earlier when considering the Google Docs application. As a reminder, you can use the Google Docs Help Center to get comprehensive help on all the features of the program.

Creating a presentation

Probably many people know what an electronic presentation is. For those who are hearing this phrase for the first time, let’s say that an electronic presentation is a sequence of specially prepared slides, compiled using an appropriate program, designed to simplify or make more visual the process of holding various conferences, business events, as well as for teaching activities. In addition to text data, electronic presentations can use graphic, audio, and video data.
From words to deeds. The Google Docs cloud service contains a web application for creating and demonstrating presentations. To create your first presentation, click the familiar “Create” button located on the user’s main page and select “Presentation” from the menu that appears.

Here are some explanations for the figure above:
  1. Layout of the created slide.
  2. Add a new slide.
  3. Create a copy of the current slide.
  4. Delete the current slide.
  5. Previous slide.
  6. Next slide.
  7. Font selection.
  8. Selecting the font size.
  9. Bold text.
  10. Italic text style.
  11. Underlined style.
  12. Text color design.
  13. Background color design.
  14. Inserting a link.
  15. Create a numbered list.
  16. Create a bulleted list.
  17. Decrease indentation.
  18. Increasing indentation.
  19. Align text to the left.
  20. Align text to the center.
  21. Align text to the right.
  22. Align text vertically.
  23. Clears previously created formatting.
  24. Interlinear text.
  25. Superscript text.
  26. Filling a text block.
  27. Inserting an image (inserting video clips, figures, and vector images is carried out using the “Insert” menu command).
  28. Inserting a text block.
  29. Copy selected text to the clipboard.
  30. Repeat last action.
  31. Undo the last action.
  32. Printing the presentation.
  33. Force saving of the presentation.
Let's briefly consider the algorithm for creating a presentation. Immediately after launching the web application we are considering, your presentation will contain only one slide. First, you should determine the theme of the future presentation. To do this, select the menu command “Format” - “Presentation Settings” - “Change Theme”. In the dialog box that appears, select one of the proposed options.
Enter the required text into the text blocks of the presentation and, if necessary, equip the slides with graphic and video data. To spatially orient information blocks on a slide, you can use the object movement handles located in all four corners of the object, or use the Format menu command.
To add a new slide, click the “Insert Slide” button in the program toolbar. To change the order in which the slides appear, use drag-and-drop. You can also add notes to the slide, which will not appear while viewing the presentation and serve solely as a cheat sheet. Adding notes is done using the “View speaker notes” button located in the lower right corner of the program’s web interface. At this point, the procedure for creating a presentation can be considered complete; let’s proceed to demonstrating the project.
To start the presentation, click the “Start Presentation” button located at the top of the program’s web interface. The browser you are using will launch in full screen mode, and you can control the progress of the presentation either using mouse clicks or using the corresponding arrows located in the lower left corner of the presentation viewer.
Don’t forget about the possibility of printing your presentation, as well as the possibility of collaborating on a project. How exactly to do this is discussed earlier in this article.
This concludes the material on the Google Slides web application. We hope that the presentations you create will be informative and engaging. And we continue to consider the main Google features Docs.

Create a drawing

What are the drawings created using the application of the same name, part of Google Docs? First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that you most likely will not be able to create anything highly artistic. The program is simply not designed for this; you can create quite primitive images consisting of various vector shapes: circles, arrows, etc. (for example, diagrams). Subsequently, when downloading to your computer, you can rasterize the images you created by selecting one of the appropriate downloadable file formats.
Of course, you can place various graphic images, located both on the local computer and on the World Wide Web.
Let's start creating the drawing. To create a graphic object, click the “Create” button located on the user’s main page and select “Drawing” from the menu that appears. A new, empty graphic file will be created.

Explanations for the picture above:
  1. Undo the last action.
  2. Repeat last action.
  3. Working with the clipboard.
  4. Highlighting formatting color.
  5. Adjusting the canvas to fit the screen.
  6. Loupe tool.
  7. Selection tool.
  8. Inserting lines.
  9. Inserting shapes.
  10. Inserting a text field.
  11. Inserting an image.
  12. Inserting a hyperlink.
Note: when inserting various objects the set of tools will change. Tools for selecting line thickness and color will be added, as well as a button for selecting fill color.
Well, let's create some simple objects. To insert a new object, you can use the corresponding buttons on the control panel or use the “Insert” menu command. To change the size and shape of objects, you can use the movement handles, the presence of which we mentioned earlier. You can move this or that image object by dragging with the mouse.
To change the color scheme of shapes and lines, use the corresponding buttons in the program toolbar. You can also change the background color of the picture (which is transparent by default) using the menu command "Format" - "Background".
To orient objects in the Z-plane (i.e. in space), you should use the menu command “Arrange” - “Arrange”. To align several selected shapes, select the menu command “Arrange” - “Align Horizontally” or “Arrange”  “Align Vertically”.
The functions we discussed earlier (sending by email, sharing, printing a drawing, and saving to a local computer) are also available in the Google Drawings application. The mechanism for launching them does not differ from that discussed earlier.

Instead of a conclusion

Briefly reviewing the functional component Google web applications Docs, one cannot help but note their certain limitations. Connoisseurs of similar famous applications will probably agree with us. To be fair, it should also be noted that not all functions of branded analogues are used by ordinary users, but the “cloud” service we examined never claimed to be a replacement for such software products like Word, Excel, etc. What exactly Google Docs provides us with is quite decent functionality combined with simplicity and accessibility.

Hello, friends! This article will discuss how to use the Google docs service online for a beginner? How can a beginner prepare a report online using Google Docs?

How to make a report via Google Docs online

This article was written for beginners who want to make money online, want to make a blog themselves, learn how to make money affiliate programs, want to build their own information business. To achieve your goals, you need to learn, which is what many beginners do. I myself took various courses and trainings, this was written about in articles on the blog “” and ““. During the learning process, you often need to prepare reports on the completion of various tasks and present them to teachers and coaches.

It is convenient for teachers and students to work in online mode when provided Feedback, when the mistakes of one of the students are sorted out, the rest listen and shake their heads. As a rule, the free online service Google Docs is used to work with documents. The Google docs service has in its arsenal a package of office programs, which are quite sufficient for work.

As it turned out, 95 - 97% of beginners do not know what it is and how to work with this service. Instead of taking courses, they are forced to search for materials on the Internet on working with the online service Google Docs (Google documents). There are such materials on the Internet, but they are usually heavily overloaded with unnecessary material.

Therefore, it was decided to write a training article on working online with the Google Docs service (Google documents) for beginners and provide a minimum of information in it. Based on this article, you can simply and quickly make a report without being distracted by studying unnecessary information, and later gradually master the remaining functions of the Google Docs service (Google documents online).

It is impossible to cover all the capabilities and functions of the online service Google Docs (Google documents) in one article; this will require a full-fledged video course, therefore, as mentioned above, we will consider the minimum information that is needed to create a report and distribute it specific people. So, first, let's do a short theoretical review of the Google Docs online service.

Over the past ten years, we have become accustomed to working with documents in various computer programs– Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other programs. It’s hard to imagine that today people write a draft on paper, and then type the corrected text, for example, in Word. Used to work with documents office programs, For example Microsoft Office in various configurations.

Office programs are installed on a computer, and you can work in them without the Internet - work offline. Often there is a need for collective work on documents, reading, editing, commenting. In enterprises and organizations this is easily solved; computers are combined into a network. How can people who live in different cities and countries work with the document?

This issue has been resolved by many Internet services through the use of cloud technologies processing and storing information. To put it simply, the work is performed on the service server, and the information is stored there. You do not process files on your computer; these files are not stored on your hard drive. With the help of such services, tens and hundreds of people from anywhere on the planet can work with a document at the same time - this is very handy tool. That is, this is an office package for work, but it is installed not on the computer, but on the service server.

One of these advanced and popular online services is Google Docs, with its help you can create and edit various documents, hundreds of people can work with these documents at the same time. You can create documents similar to Word, Excel, graphic files, various presentations.

I hope this is clear? Now let's move on to practical work on the preparation of the report. To get started in online service Google Docs, we need to have an email from Google - gmail. If you do not have such an email, then you need to create one, this is done simply, and we will not consider this issue here. Now that we have mail, log in and go to the Google page. In the upper left corner you can click “Applications”, or in the upper right corner click “Services” (see screenshot).

In the window that opens, click on “Google Drive” (Drive), see the screenshot.

Now we have been redirected to the page for working with documents. Yours will be empty, I have already created some documents (see screenshot).

In this article we will look at working with two documents:

  1. “Document” is an analogue of a document made in regular Word.
  2. “Table” is an analogue of regular Excel, where data can be entered into a table or some calculations can be made.

To create a document, you need to click the “Create” button (see screenshot 3), select and click on “Document” in the drop-down menu (screenshot 4).

A new window of our future document opens (screen 5),

As you can see, the control panel is very similar to the Word control panel. Now we need to give a name to our document; to do this, click at the top of the page “ new document" A small window pops up, enter the name of the new document in the field and click “Ok”.

I won’t dwell on the control panel, it is almost the same as Word (see screenshot 5). On the left there are arrows “Back” and “Forward”, “Print”. Next, we can select the font, its size, bold, italics, and font color. To place text on the page, click “Advanced” and select the desired function(see screenshot 5).

An important difference from Word is that you don’t need to save anything here. If you want to correct something, feel free to correct it, this option will forever remain in the service’s memory. You simply close the window and continue working with other documents. By the way, all corrections also remain in memory and you can always return to them.

Let’s assume our document is ready, now we need to make sure to set up access; to do this, click the button in the upper right corner “Setting up access” (see screenshot 5). In the window that opens, click the “Enable access via link” button (screen 7).

You can also choose a mode - editing, commenting, reading. After clicking on the “Enable link access” button, a new window pops up, call up the pop-up window and select, for example, “Everyone who has a link can view” (screen 8) and click “Finish”.

Now, if you hover your mouse over the “Access Settings” button, an inscription on a black background will appear indicating who will have access to the created document (see screenshot 9).

Now you need to copy the link and send it to the recipient, everyone who has a link to the document will be able to view it. This completes the work with the document; it will not be difficult to figure out the remaining options. You can also watch the video:

Since the article turned out to be quite long, I will end here. Working with tables, creating folders, important features of working with online Google We will look at the document in the second part of the article. Subscribe to blog updates and you will be aware of the publication of new materials. The second part of the article can be viewed.

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The Google Document service allows you to work with text files in real time. By connecting your colleagues to work on a document, you can jointly edit, design and use it. There is no need to save files on your computer. You can work on a document anywhere, anytime, using the devices you have. Today we will take a look at creating a Google Doc.

Almost all solutions from Google are not only cross-platform, but also presented in two versions - web and mobile application. The document in each of them is created using a slightly different algorithm, and therefore further we will consider each of them in detail.

Option 1: Browser version

If you need to share access to the created file, you can use the instructions in the link below, it is suitable for everyone office applications from Google.

Option 2: Mobile application

Again, Google also has mobile applications to access the service in question, running on smartphones and tablets. Let's look at working with it using the Android version as an example - the version for iOS is identical.

This is how easy and convenient it is to create a Google Document.

Good day! From time to time, every user has to create some documents. However, Microsoft Office is quite an expensive program, so if you don't want to pay extra money for text editor, it's time to learn how to use Google Docs .

Currently, Google Docs is a full-fledged office suite working in the format cloud service. This means that you will need an Internet connection to operate. Although, in the absence of the Internet with Google help Docs can also create and edit documents, but the work cannot be saved to a remote storage.

What is Google Docs

In order not to speculate, start using it right away. The best way to understand how to use Google Docs is through practice. Google Docs is completely free, plus you get some gigabytes free space V cloud storage Google, where you can upload not only text documents, but also photos, videos and anything else.

  • The best way to use Google Docs is to use the Chrome web browser. In this case, you will get parallel access to all useful services Google and you can manage all your tasks from one place.

To date Google browser really became the best of all - speed indicators and functionality are beyond praise, so you won’t be bothered by the slightest delay in working with documents in Google Docs.

  • Initially, you need to download and install Google Drive on your computer - for this you also need, simply put, an email address. If you don’t yet have a Google account, you can get a new email address in five minutes and also for free.

Download Google Drive (Cloud Drive) can be found on the Google search page - there is a link there.

After installing Google Drive, some changes will occur on your computer.

IN Windows Explorer The corresponding folder for synchronization will appear. Any documents you place in this folder will be immediately saved to Google cloud storage. Very convenient - even if your computer breaks down, the house burns down and the whole city is washed away by a flood - all the documents you create will be securely saved in Google memory Docs.

New icons will appear on your computer desktop:

  • Google Docs.
  • Google Sheets.
  • Google Slides.
  • Application launcher.

With the help of these signs on the Desktop, you can immediately start writing applications for salary increases, memos, and requests for financial assistance without unnecessary delay.

Limitless possibilities of Google Docs

After installation Google Drive On your computer, it’s time to learn how to work in Google Dox and what you can do with this cloud-based office suite. When you dive into learning the functionality of Google Docs, you will be amazed at the endless possibilities and secretly be glad that you saved quite a lot of thousands of rubles by abandoning MS Office. You can buy your wife new Italian boots as a guaranteed remedy for headaches. And even if there is money left to wash the new thing.

So, just click on the Google Docs icon on your computer’s Desktop and the Chrome browser with a text editor interface will instantly open in front of you.

  • On the menu "File" select what you want to create - a text document, spreadsheet, drawing, presentation, form.
  • Hundreds of them are at your service ready-made templates for any kind of documents, all that remains is to replace the data with your own.
  • All editorial changes are saved automatically on Google Docs - you will never lose the work you have done, even if in a creative impulse you completely forget to press a button "Save".
  • A complete set of tools for formatting texts, inserting pictures, and checking spelling.
  • Insert mathematical formulas, tables and diagrams in documents.

Using Google Docs, you can conduct group work on projects remotely. For this purpose in "Settings" you need to specify the logins of the users to whom you allow access to the document. There is a convenient system for restricting access by level.

  1. Only for reading.
  2. To read and make comments.
  3. Full editing access.

All changes are displayed in documents in real time. In addition, using the built-in chat, project participants can discuss all edits and ideas right during the work process.

For complete creative freedom, Google Docs has mobile applications for smartphones and tablets. Even when your business partners are vacationing in the Canary Islands, they will still be able to take part in working on accounting reports or developing a presentation of a new product, lying on a sun lounger somewhere in the sunny Adriatic, in the company of young fashion models.

How to use Google Docs

How to create a document in Google Docs? In general, work on documents is carried out as in any word processor, only except standard features the user receives all the benefits and conveniences of the Google cloud service.

Here you will find all the usual tools, as in MS Word, and in addition, some specific and very useful cloud features.

  • The document can be published on the web and receive a link for sharing.
  • With help Google services You can instantly translate text into any language. Select a phrase and search in Google search directly on the document page, and then insert a relevant link to the source or image. Select the address in the text and paste Google Map indicating the location of the object and even directions.
  • Don't like and don't know how to type quickly? Use Voice Dialing Google. All that remains is to correct the errors later using the built-in spelling.

Remember that you work in Chrome browser And Email Google is at your fingertips. Any document can be instantly sent to all the right people.

Let's move on - how to create a table in Google Docs ? To start working with accounting reports and invoices, just click Menu "File" and select “Create Table”. As you can see, everything is from one interface.

Tables can be instantly converted into charts and inserted into text documents or presentations. How to create a presentation or form for surveys or surveys? All this is also done from the Menu "File""Create". Choose to work from scratch or look for a suitable template and insert user data.

Another question, what if you want to edit existing ones in Google Docs? Word document or Excel spreadsheet? How to upload a document to Google Docs . Everything is simple here. Document editor and Google Docs integrated. To access any file on your computer's hard drive, you just need to copy or move the document to the Google Drive folder. Required file will instantly appear in your Google Docs document list. You can start working.

That's all. See you soon!

Best regards, Evgeniy Kuzmenko.