How to find out the internal memory of a computer. How to find out how much RAM is in your computer. How to find out how much RAM you have using Windows tools

15.04.2020 external HDs

Increasing RAM is one of the easiest ways to speed up your computer if you have problems with reloading pages in the browser, slow minimizing and maximizing applications, and other symptoms of low RAM. - a simple procedure that can be handled without contacting the service.

However, it is necessary not only to install, but also to correctly select new modules for purchase. RAM varies in type, frequency and capacity. Before purchasing new RAM modules, you need to find out which RAM installed on your computer, select the appropriate one and purchase it.

Table of contents:

How to choose replacement RAM

Choosing RAM to install in your computer is quite simple. There are two possible cases:

Most often, users add RAM to a computer, and they need to determine what memory is currently installed.

How to find out what RAM is installed in your computer

There are dozens of ways to determine the basic parameters of RAM installed in a computer. We will not consider all of them, and we will present below the most convenient and simple options for the average user.

Video instruction

Visual inspection

The easiest way to find out the basic parameters of the RAM installed in your computer is to inspect the already installed RAM module. To do this, you must first turn off the power to the computer, then remove the cover and pull out the bar (to remove it, you will need to loosen the clamps on both sides). There should be a sticker on it with key information about the RAM.

Advantages of a visual inspection:

  • No need to turn on your computer or download third-party applications;
  • In addition to the basic parameters of RAM, you can find out its exact model.

Disadvantages of visual inspection:

  • If the sticker from the RAM has been torn off, the information cannot be found out;
  • Some modern RAM modules do not have stickers with information attached to them due to the presence of a cooling radiator on them;
  • This method is not suitable for laptops, since removing the cover from them is a very labor-intensive procedure.

Using BIOS

Through the BIOS or UEFI environment, you can determine the basic parameters of the RAM installed in the computer. To do this, before the operating system starts loading, that is, immediately after turning on the computer, press Del to go to BIOS settings. Next you will have to act depending on the BIOS or UEFI version:

Advantages of determining RAM parameters using BIOS:

  • You can obtain data even if Windows is not installed on the computer or does not load;
  • If you need to check several RAM modules in a row to see if they are detected by the system, this method is the fastest.

Disadvantages of obtaining information about RAM using BIOS:

  • Since there are many BIOS versions, and most often they are not localized, it can be difficult to find information about RAM among the mass of parameters;
  • The old BIOS does not always display all the necessary information, and often only the amount of RAM is visible.

Windows tools

operating room Windows system has built-in utilities that allow you to find out minimal information about RAM - its used volume. That is, it will not be possible to determine the memory type and frequency using operating system utilities.

There is another important limitation. Windows will only show the amount of memory used, not the total amount installed. This aspect should be taken into account if the computer is running 32-bit Windows, which does not support more than 3 GB of RAM. That is, if the computer has more RAM installed, it will not be displayed in diagnostic utilities, and the “extra” memory will not be used during operation.

Find out the amount of RAM using Windows possible in several ways. The easiest way to do this is as follows:

Third party applications

A lot of diagnostic applications have been released for Windows, each of which can be used to solve specific problems. Most of them provide the ability to find out information about RAM. Below are examples of such programs that can be downloaded for free from developer sites to determine information about RAM.


Information about RAM in the CPU-Z application is distributed across several tabs:


Another convenient application for viewing information about components installed on your computer is AIDA64. To find out information about RAM through the program, you need to select SPD in the “Motherboard” tab. The application determines all the main RAM parameters.

Hello again, dear friends! Today I will tell you about how to find out how much RAM is on your computer. If you have landed on this page, then you probably want to buy it (I think). Or just out of curiosity. Anyway, let's get straight to the point. First, I’ll bring you up to date and tell you what RAM is.

RAM- it is RAM(random access memory) or RAM(Random Access Memory is the same as RAM). Without this memory, no program would work in principle. In general, there are two types of memory: operational and physical. These types can be compared to two chests. One without a lock (RAM), and the other with a lock (physical). And it’s not about any encryption, but about the speed of receiving what is stored there. And judging by my example-association, this can be understood. By the way, when you turn off the computer, the RAM is reset to zero (just for reference).

The photo below shows what one stick of RAM looks like. By appearance Of course, they may differ, but the size is generally the same. Shown here is a fancy bar. They look simple without any external plastic. Only a green board on which a number of chips are installed.

If you know any other options, please write them in the comments to make the article complete. Thank you in advance. Well, I will begin to consider the above methods.

Method N1. Using standard windows tools

There are several variations this method. I will tell you about the simplest, fastest and most effective. If you are interested in other variations, you can look at the previous article. There I talked about the characteristics of the computer. More precisely about how to recognize them. So here it is.

The option itself is to go to the system properties. This can be done in several ways. Go to the control panel. Next, depending on how the icons are displayed, you need to open the “System” window.

Make the icons appear large, this can be done in the upper right corner. I believe that this display is the most convenient. After that, find the monitor icon labeled “System” and click on it. Find the information you need and you're done.

There is another simple option to find out how much RAM you have on your computer. This is through the task manager. You need to run it.

To do this, right-click on the taskbar. Then click on “Task Manager” or “Start Task Manager”. Someone like.

After launching, walk around, click around and you will find what you were looking for. I didn’t describe what and how, because in different windows versions the interface is different. In the screenshot above windows manager 10 and it seems to be the same in windows 8 and 8.1. It’s different in Windows 7, and even more so in Windows XP. But the point is the same: in the task manager you will definitely find information about the amount of installed RAM. By the way, you can also find out how much memory is already in use and how much is free online. Well, that is, here and now.

Method number 2. Using various programs

The advantage of this method is that you will get a lot of information about your computer and all this in one place. Well, the downside is that this is not a standard tool that comes with Windows. In any case, this option is well suited for home use. But if your work required you to find out how much RAM and not only RAM, then you will have to use standard means. In principle, you can learn a lot with their help. But in my opinion, third-party software will be much better for these purposes, since the developers have done everything to ensure ease of use. For example, after diagnosing a computer, the result can be saved in text file or some other format. Many computer diagnostic programs have this function.

Aida64 Extreme

One of the best diagnostic programs in my and not only my opinion. Gives very detailed description your computer.


It’s also a good program, convenient and free. There is a portable version of Aida64, it seems there is no such thing. Don't listen to me here, because I don't know. All I can say is that it is convenient and concise.


Method No. 3. Using bios

This method requires restarting your computer if you have it turned on. To launch bios at the initial stage of booting the computer, you will need to press a certain key. I can’t say for sure here, since it’s different everywhere. For me it is “Delete”. You can have F1, F2, F3, Esc, or even Ctrl+Alt+Esc, here.

As soon as the computer starts to boot, start pressing one of the indicated keys. If it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t matter, restart the computer and do the same again only with a different key. And so on until the bios is launched.

By going through the bios, you can find out how much RAM you currently have installed. Also in bios you can probably find out the type, frequency of the memory module and its manufacturer.

Method number 4. Using old packaging from memory modules

If you have old boxes or equipment packaging lying around, then perhaps you will find what you need. I’m no help here, you should know better. I just came up with an idea, and it’s up to you to use it. However, I found some RAM packaging lying around. This is what they look like:

Two sticks or memory modules (whichever is more convenient for you) of one gigabyte each and clock frequency 1333 MHz. Assembled in China. All basic information.

Why is there not enough RAM and what to do in such a situation? Solution

Surely every computer user has encountered slow work computer. Even if not, it will definitely collide. Because most often the reason for this behavior is a lack of RAM. This is purely my personal opinion. This problem can be noticed when several heavy programs are open. This process can also be observed in heavy games. But again, not always. It all depends on how much RAM is installed on your computer. The most important thing is that the computer has enough RAM to solve the assigned tasks.

The essence of normal work is to running applications consumed less of the allocated amount of RAM. In this case, the computer will be stable. If programs consume more of the available RAM, then alas. This option is accompanied by slowdowns.

It is worth paying attention to what HDD installed in the system unit. If installed HDD drive, then your chances of seeing your computer slow down increase. If an SSD is installed, then they decrease. It's a matter of data transfer speed. U HDD drives it is lower than that of SSD. Although I have not tested it in practice, having this information I make my own assumptions.

You may ask, what does this have to do with it? hard disks, if we are talking about RAM? The thing is that if there is not enough RAM, Windows starts using the hard drive, that is, physical memory. This is the so-called paging file, which is stored on the hard drive. I hope I answered the question, now let me make a brief summary and at the same time suggest a solution to this problem.

Brief summary: The problem with RAM is its usage. If running processes use more than the set amount, then there is a shortage of RAM and the computer begins to slow down. To solve this problem, I suggest you first read this one, maybe it will help. There you will learn that first you need to clean and set up everything. If it doesn’t help, then I advise you to use ReadyBoost technology. In my opinion this technology doesn't really help, but still. As they say, trying is not torture. And finally, if nothing helps at all, then all that remains is to buy additional RAM modules and its shortage will disappear. This matter also has its own nuances and I have yet to write about it. True, I don’t know when, but if there is no link here, then there is no article either.

That's all, friends! If you have any questions or have anything to add to the article, write in the comments, I will definitely answer. Also subscribe to my blog, there will definitely be posts. I will only send by email what I consider interesting. But there is not much interesting. In general, you won’t get tired of me, but rather get bored. So, well, that’s it.

I was with you, bye everyone.

Just four years ago, the amount of RAM in home computers rarely reached two gigabytes, and only the wealthiest comrades could afford four gigabytes of RAM. No one then thought about how to find out how much RAM was in his computer, because every megabyte counted. And if you remember about its cost, then it becomes clear that no one was in a hurry to upgrade. The very thought of increasing it so much important parameter could seem blasphemous, since the cost of such manipulation was simply prohibitive.

Fortunately, those days are gone. Nowadays, a home gaming desktop can easily be equipped with 16 GB of high-quality DDR3 memory without spending any money on it. big money. But if new computer If a beginner buys it, he often does not even know the very concept of “RAM”, since he has never encountered it.

Accordingly, when launching a particularly resource-demanding game, unpleasant situations often arise when it goes into “slideshow” mode on a powerful computer. However, RAM modules have a bad habit of failing quite often, since they are very sensitive to voltage drops and other incidents.

If this happens to you, then, first of all, you need to think about how to find out how much RAM your PC has. This is not difficult to do. Let's start from the very beginning simple way. Take your mouse and right-click on the “My Computer” icon, which is located on almost everyone’s desktop. In the drop-down menu, click on the line called “Properties”. The properties window for your system will open, in which you need to find the line “Installed RAM”. As you can see, even a beginner can find out the PC memory. This procedure is simple.

However, not everything is and is not always so simple. The fact is that when you want to update the components of your computer, you will have to face the fact that these parts have many characteristics. Moreover, volume among them is far from the main indicator. When improving the performance of a PC or laptop, it is better not to ask yourself the question of how to find out how much RAM, but to think about its frequency, type, and manufacturer.

The fact is that today DDR3 memory occupies a leading position on the market, but outdated computers are often found as well. motherboard which only DDR2 “understands”. Before upgrading, be sure to find out which one your computer supports.

To do this, it is more convenient to use utilities like HWiNFO64-32. This program is completely free and very easy to use. After launching it, on the left side of the dialog box, find the line “Memory”. By opening it (you just need to click on the small cross on the left), you can easily find out all the characteristics of the RAM installed in your computer.

Thus, there is no need to think about how to find out how much RAM your computer has, since finding its characteristics is extremely simple.

RAM is a volatile memory that contains temporary data of the processor program. The amount of RAM affects the ability to simultaneously work in several programs.

How can I find out the amount of RAM in Windows 7?

Below are several ways to find out how much RAM is in a PC or laptop if Windows 7 is installed on it.

The standard steps for Windows 7 are as follows:

  1. In the menu that opens, find “System” and “Installed memory/RAM” - the amount of RAM is displayed here.

You can also use the following algorithm:

  1. Click “Start”;
  2. Log in to the “Control Panel”;
  3. Find "System".

PC parameters are indicated here: operating system version, hardware models, amount of installed RAM.

There is another easy method to enter the “System” menu:

  1. Right-click on “My Computer”
  2. Click on “Properties”.

How to find out how much RAM a PC is using on Winodws 7?

To find out the amount of RAM used, you need to do the following:

Obtaining detailed information about your computer's RAM

To see detailed information about the RAM used by Windows must be opened command line. It will allow you to find out the speed parameters and capacity of all memory modules.

The following steps are required:

Column Explanation

The “BankLabel” displays a list of slots where the RAM modules are located. “Capacity” shows the size of all of them in bytes. Also in “DeviceLocator” is a list of slots. “Speed” shows the speed of all modules individually.

Why doesn't Windows 7 see all of the computer's installed RAM?

This issue can be clarified by analyzing the following reasons:

  1. In the case of 32-bit Windows 7, which uses no more than 4 gigabytes of RAM. Even if you install RAM greater than this value, the 32-bit version of Windows will only see 4. How many bits operating system on your computer, you can find it in the “System” menu. To make higher RAM available, it is required Windows update to 64-bit.
  2. Conflict of RAM modules due to their operation at different speeds, i.e. do not work correctly in dual-channel mode. It is necessary to determine the operating speed of each of them using the command line (instructions for its use are given in the previous section of the article);
  3. If a module does not function correctly, the OS cannot see it. You need to run a test using the freely available application "MEMTEST";
  4. In case of hardware conflict between RAM and motherboard computer, then Windows will not see them. In order to determine the type of RAM suitable for your computer, you need to study the instructions that came with your PC equipment.

RAM is used to store data that programs are currently working with. Performance directly depends on the amount of RAM, so it is not surprising that when upgrading, users are faced with the question of how to determine the RAM on a computer.

Determine RAM

Why determine what RAM is installed on the computer? This is usually necessary in order to add RAM or change to a larger one, which can help optimize a PC or laptop.

Physical examination

All the necessary information is usually indicated on the RAM stick itself: manufacturer, model, volume, type. The problem is that this information (except for the volume - it is indicated in gigabytes) is presented in encrypted form. For example, DDR 3 type is designated as PC 3 (DDR 2 –PC 2, etc.).

In principle, there is nothing complicated here, given that users usually have enough information about the amount of RAM and its type. The rest of the information can be found from the same Wikipedia, where the articles on types of RAM provide standard specifications.

If you are only interested in the question of how to find out how much RAM is on your computer, then it is better not to go into system unit and use software methods.

System Information

Windows has handy tool viewing technical information, which is called "System Information". You can run it through the “Run” menu (called - Win + R) with the “msinfo32” command.

Another way to find out how much RAM is on your PC is to open the computer properties:

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Look at the value of the "Installed memory" line.

No more information embedded Windows tools do not provide. The question arises - how can I find out what kind of RAM I have and get acquainted with all its main characteristics?

Third party software

To see all the significant characteristics of the RAM, you need to use special utilities. First you can try downloading free program HWiNFO.

  1. Launch the utility.
  2. Go to the "Memory" section.
  3. Check the parameters of the installed RAM.

Answering the user question “how to find out how much RAM I have,” we could not ignore the utility. In the start window of this program, in the menu on the left there is a section “RAM”. Go into it - after a short wait while the program collects data, a complete list of characteristics of the detected random access memory devices will appear on the right.

Now you know how to find out how much RAM is on a PC or laptop, and you can also view the full specification of the bracket if necessary. Armed with this information, you can increase your computer's performance, so don't neglect this useful information.