Chinese news agency Xinhua. National Tsing Hua University. Programs - Bachelor's - National Tsing Hua University

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The Hong Zhong She agency was officially established on November 7, 1931 at the first All-China Congress of Representatives of the Soviet Regions of China, held in Ruijing, Jiangxi Province. It conveyed the news of the creation of the Chinese Republic to the whole world.

At the very beginning of the agency's existence, the main sources of information were the Kuomintang Central News Agency and TASS. The work of the Hong Zhong She news agency and the Hongse Zhonghua (Red China) newspaper was provided by the same people - about ten people in total.

In January 1937, the Hong Zhongshe news agency was renamed Xinhua Tongxunshe (" New China").

Xinhua became the state news agency in 1949, after the formation of the People's Republic of China.

The agency's headquarters are located in Beijing.
(RIA Novosti, 07.11.2001)

Xinhua Agency offers its subscribers more than 50 types of industry and complex information products: text, photos, audio, video, graphics, etc.

Every day the agency transmits information totaling over 400 thousand Chinese characters. In addition to Chinese, agency information is available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Japanese.

Since November 1997, information from the Xinhua agency began to be officially disseminated via the Internet.

The Russian edition of the Xinhua agency was created in October 1956. Every day the editorial office transmits on average more than 60 messages in Russian, half of which are devoted to domestic Chinese problems, the other to international news.

Xinhua has entered into agreements for the exchange of information of a commercial or non-commercial nature with news agencies and other media in more than 100 countries.

In November 2006, Xinhua signed an information exchange and cooperation agreement with RIA Novosti.

Xinhua publishes more than 20 newspapers and magazines. Its newspapers, such as the Xinhua Daily Telegraph, and news magazines (The Outlook) are among the most reputable in the country.

The agency has the largest photo archive in China. Its collection consists of 2 million historical photographs, the oldest of which were taken at the end of the 19th century, during the Qing Dynasty.

Xinhua News Agency is a member of many international news organizations.
General Director of Xinhua Agency - Li Congjun; editor-in-chief - He Ping.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Currently, the Chinese news agency Xinhua is the source of absolutely all news inside China and almost all news about China that is reported by foreign media.

This one of the world's largest media corporations is also trying to become on the same level with Western media, and occupy an equal niche with them in the field of international news, emphasizing that: “Truth, objectivity, impartiality and immediacy are the principles that the agency" Xinhua strictly adheres to news publications."

However, despite such loud statements and ambitious plans, the main task of Xinhua remains the same - propaganda of the Communist Party, dissemination of the Communist Party's point of view and maintaining the Party's monopoly on information. All the agency’s correspondents, like decades ago, undergo strict ideological indoctrination, and it can be said without exaggeration that Xinhua is the “eyes, ears and voice” of the Communist Party.

History of creation

So, the Xinhua agency, which means “New China” in Chinese, was founded by Mao Zedong and was called “Red China” until January 1937. In 1949, after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) completely seized power in the country, Xinhua became the nation's main state-owned media outlet.

Needless to say, Xinhua is completely subservient to the CCP. Agency director Li Congjun is a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and chairman of the party branch. About 80% of the agency's journalists are members of the Communist Party.


Currently, the Xinhua Agency employs more than eight thousand people. There are agency branches in every province, central city and autonomous region of China, as well as correspondent offices in more than 50 cities across the country. In addition, Xinhua has its branches in 105 countries.

More than 40 thematic publications are published under the direct control of Xinhua. Xinhua covers news around the world in seven languages. The agency issues more than a thousand messages per day and provides information to at least 306 radio stations, 369 TV stations, 2,119 newspapers and 9,038 periodicals. On July 1, 2010, Xinhua launched a 24-hour satellite TV channel, CNC World, in English.


Every year the agency recruits new employees. Mainly the best students of journalism universities are selected. In addition to professional qualities, obedience and the ability to obey unquestioningly are highly valued. Preference is given to members of the Communist Youth League, student leaders and heads of communist cells.

In the first years of work, young employees are often subjected to “ideological renewal,” instilling the specifics of working as a journalist in the service of the party. At the seminars, leading staffers talk about the intricacies of politics, the rules and laws of China's rulers, and, as a side note, journalism itself.

Correspondents' work

The agency's policy is that its correspondents should be all over the world, but not for “on-the-ground reporting,” which they practically do not do. They play more of a role as informants for the CCP, as well as support groups for Chinese officials during their official visits abroad.

For example, the behavior of Xinhua correspondents during press conferences organized by Chinese officials is strikingly different. These reporters always ask questions that help Chinese officials portray themselves in a positive light, and warmly applaud any statements or comments they make.

News creation

International news in Xinhua is made based on already published reports from foreign media, which are specially processed in accordance with the requirements of censorship and propaganda.

Xinhua National News is a special topic. All of them are divided into two categories: internal and for a wide audience.

Internal news includes information about protests, strikes, riots, as well as disasters and any other “negative” phenomena. These news are specially classified without any censorship through internal channels and are promptly sent directly to the offices of the party bosses so that they are aware of the real situation.

The Communist Party's propaganda department then decides which of these messages and in what form can be published to the public. Thus, news for a wide audience is significantly changed and often even distorted. The task of Xinhua News is to maintain the authority of the Communist Party and its leadership role in people's minds. Even news about the same event reported for Chinese and foreigners (in other languages) is sometimes very different, and some are reported only for foreigners.

Top Chinese officials hardly read national press reports, they only read these “internal communications.”

Xinhua gives the highest priority in news to the actions of senior officials, which are covered exclusively from the positive side.

Cooperation with the CCP's propaganda department plays an important role in Xinhua's work. Xinhua publishes news produced by this department as top priority. In fact, the propaganda department controls the topics and angles of news in Xinhua.

Inside Xinhua, there is a huge list of “sensitive” topics, such as the Uighurs, the Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, etc., that require special attention. There is also a list of rules, including, for example, a ban on criticism of the government and its members, positive coverage of countries “loyal to China” and the instillation of negative attitudes towards some major Western media, such as CNN, BBC World Service and others, which party bosses blame in "deliberate attempts to make China look bad."

In a subtle move to avoid criticism for being one-sided, Xinhua also covers the country's problems. But it does this very carefully, and always ends such messages with the fact that the authorities have already “paid attention” to the problem and are “taking appropriate measures” to eliminate it.

Information control

Xinhua employees are severely punished for any leak of information. For example, correspondent Wu Shisheng was sentenced to life imprisonment for sending a colleague from the Hong Kong publication Hong Kong Express the text of a speech by then-CCP leader Jiang Zemin, which he was supposed to deliver later at the 16th CPC Congress. The correspondent's wife, who also worked for Xinhua, was sentenced to six years for complicity in this “crime.” However, a week later, this speech by Jiang was published in full by many Chinese media.

As of 2006, 12 state media journalists were serving prison sentences in China.

The mouthpiece of dictatorial regimes

Xinhua never calls the heads of regimes of other countries dictators, and practically does not use this word at all. There was a case when a North American journalist was fired from Radio China International because, out of inexperience, he called Fidel Castro a dictator.

Countries such as Burma, Sudan and Pakistan are portrayed in a positive light by the agency. Xinhua has a similar approach to North Korea. It can be said without exaggeration that Xinhua is the mouthpiece of totalitarian regimes.


Thus, as a result of the work of this huge propaganda machine, those who look at China from the outside see it as prosperous with numerous glittering skyscrapers, wide roads and happy residents. They cannot even imagine that within this country, its system, absolutely nothing has changed over the past 60 years.

All data is taken from a report by the international organization Reporters Without Borders, stories from former Xinhua correspondents and internal sources.

National Tsing Hua University or National Tsing Hua University (NTHU listen)) is a public higher education institution in Taiwan. The history of NTHU dates back to 1911. While studying at National Tsing Hua University, students can take advantage of both city and country life thanks to the convenient location of the campus in the Hsinchu region.

University rating. National Tsing Hua University is ranked second in the national rankings in Taiwan. The university consistently occupies a good position, without leaving the top 10 best universities in Taiwan. The university is highly rated in the fields of Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences and Medicine, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Management, Chemistry, and Computer science". The educational institution is recognized as one of the best universities in terms of the quality of education and is included in the top 200 in the world ranking according to this criterion. The university’s high rating among employers provides its students with a high probability of employment after graduation from this educational institution.

Admission and tuition fees. To enter a university, an applicant must provide documents about passed exams and previous performance. The competition among applicants cannot be called high; usually no more than 2 applicants apply for one place. The academic year is classically divided into two academic semesters. Studying for bachelors at NTHU can be considered inexpensive, since the tuition fee is less than 1,000 USD per year. Upon admission, bachelors should expect that a year of study at NTHU will cost. Even with low tuition fees, the institution offers financial assistance to students. The educational institution is included in the list of universities where it is possible to receive education remotely. On the official website of the university ( you can find more detailed information about the cost of programs depending on the field of study.

Composition of the university. National Tsing Hua University is a medium-sized educational institution, accommodating no more than 11 thousand students. The educational institution accepts both local and foreign citizens. The percentage of foreigners at NTHU is about 6% of the total student population. NTHU's academic staff includes approximately 763 teachers. Most of the teachers at NTHU are foreign specialists. The university actively participates in international exchange programs for students and university staff. The university has pages on where you can learn more about the life of the university.

University infrastructure. The university has its own library. The educational institution allows students to live on campus. National Tsing Hua University is a member of an elite association of universities - the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCW).

Programs - Bachelor's - National Tsing Hua University

Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's degreeBachelor of School of Technology and Management
Bachelor's degreeBachelor's Program of The College of Engineering
Bachelor's degreeBachelor's Program of The College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bachelor's degreeBachelor's Program of The College of Science
Bachelor's degreeBiomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Bachelor's degreeChemical Engineering
Bachelor's degreeChemistry
Bachelor's degreeChinese Literature
Bachelor's degreeComputer Science and Information Engineering
Bachelor's degreeEconomics
Bachelor's degreeElectrical Engineering
Bachelor's degreeEngineering and System Science
Bachelor's degreeForeign Languages ​​And Literature
Bachelor's degreeIndustrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Bachelor's degreeLife Sciences
Bachelor's degreeMaterials Science and Engineering
Bachelor's degreeMathematics
Bachelor's degreeMedical Science
Bachelor's degreeMotor Information
Bachelor's degreeNuclear Science
Bachelor's degreePhysics
Bachelor's degreePower Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's degreeQuantitative Finance

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Programs - Master's - National Tsing Hua University

Master's degreeAdvanced Light Source Technology
Master's degreeAnthropology
Master's degreeAstronomy
Master's degreeBioinformatics and Structural Biology
Master's degreeBiomedical Engineering
Master's degreeBiotechnology
Master's degreeCommunications Engineering
Master's degreeElectronic Engineering
Master's degreeHistory
Master's degreeIndustrial R&D Master Program
Master's degreeInformation Systems and Applications
Master's degreeInternational Professional MBA Program (Imba)
Master's degreeLaw For Science and Technology
Master's degreeLinguistics
Master's degreeMicroelectromechanical Systems
Master's degreeMolecular and Cellular Biology
Master's degreeMolecular Medicine
Master's degreeNuclear Engineering and Science
Master's degreeOptical Engineering
Master's degreeOptoelectronics Technology Industry R&D Master Program
Master's degreePhilosophy
Master's degreeService Science
Master's degreeSociology
Master's degreeStatistics
Master's degreeSystems Neuroscience
Master's degreeTaiwanese Literature
Master's degreeTechnology Management

The growth of Chinese influence on the Central Asian country is also recorded in information level, the news site of the Xinhua news agency was included in the 100 most visited sites in Tajikistan according to an independent assessment by The site took 97th position among web sites in Tajikistan.

After rebranding and entering social media The influence of Xinhua news is growing, with Russian-speaking visitors accounting for 1.1% of the site’s total traffic. Russian-speaking visitors took second place after China. The top five traffic source countries also include the United States (0.9%), Tajikistan (0.7%) and Taiwan (0.6%).

Xinhua News Agency is one of the largest suppliers of Russian-language news about China in the Russian segment of the Internet (60 thousand visitors in November 2015). Other suppliers include () the party publication People's Daily (230 thousand visitors), as well as the news agency RIA Novosti. Most Russian publications, however, continue to refer either to English-language versions of these media outlets, or to more timely reports from Reuters, Bloomberg, and The New York Times.

Chinese visitors account for about 90% of the site's traffic, which is among the 10 most visited sites in China, but according to and Similar Web, it is currently in the 500th position, having seriously lost traffic in the winter season of 2015 of the year.

Interestingly, the top five keywords search queries, by which users find the site online, the same word “Xinhua” was included, and not, as one might assume, “China”, “China news”, “Xi Jinping”, “Chinese”, “Chinese-American ", "Chinese government" and other likely queries. The top five search queries for xinhua (12%) are شينخ (Arabic: Xinhua, 10%), 新华网 (Chinese: Xinhua, 8%), Russian Xinhua (6%), 中美互联网论坛 (Chinese-American Internet forum", 4%).

According to data from another independent platform for traffic assessment, Similar Web, whose error is usually about 10-15% of traffic, traffic to the Russian-language version in November of this year amounted to 50 thousand unique visitors. Note that until July 2015, the number of visitors to the Russian-language version of Xinhua was 20,000, and doubled after the appearance of Xinhua on Russian social networks such as VKontakte and OK.

Russia accounts for 46% of site visits; the top five in terms of traffic also include Russian speakers from China (10%), Ukraine (7%), Kazakhstan (6%) and Uzbekistan (5%).

The absence of Tajik residents in the top five visitors to the Russian-language version suggests that the flow of visitors from Tajikistan goes to the Chinese-language platform, and therefore, we can talk about a large presence in Tajikistan of Chinese officials and persons associated with the Chinese government.

Xinhua News Agency is the oldest news agency, which played the role of liaison between the Communist Party of China and the Comintern even before the formation of the PRC. Xinhua's birthday is November 7. Today, the Xinhua Corporation employs up to 10,000 people; the news agency's offices are located in all provinces and major cities of China, in almost all countries abroad, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Vladivostok, Minsk, Almaty and other capitals of the former THE USSR. Xinhua broadcasts in 11 languages: Chinese, Korean, Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Uyghur, Tibetan and Arabic. Xinhua's foreign department employs up to 100 foreign specialists. Every day, Xinhua news feed delivers up to 80-100 news items. Xinhua holding also has several magazines and publications. The head office is located in the Chinese capital Beijing.

The Hong Zhong She agency was officially established on November 7, 1931 at the first All-China Congress of Representatives of the Soviet Regions of China, held in Ruijing, Jiangxi Province. It conveyed the news of the creation of the Chinese Republic to the whole world.

At the very beginning of the agency's existence, the main sources of information were the Kuomintang Central News Agency and TASS. The work of the Hong Zhong She news agency and the Hongse Zhonghua (Red China) newspaper was provided by the same people - about ten people in total.

In January 1937, the Hong Zhong She news agency was renamed Xinhua Tongxunshe (New China).

Xinhua became the state news agency in 1949, after the formation of the People's Republic of China.

The agency's headquarters are located in Beijing.
(RIA Novosti, 07.11.2001)

Xinhua Agency offers its subscribers more than 50 types of industry and complex information products: text, photos, audio, video, graphics, etc.

Every day the agency transmits information totaling over 400 thousand Chinese characters. In addition to Chinese, agency information is available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Japanese.

Since November 1997, information from the Xinhua agency began to be officially disseminated via the Internet.

The Russian edition of the Xinhua agency was created in October 1956. Every day the editorial office transmits on average more than 60 messages in Russian, half of which are devoted to domestic Chinese problems, the other to international news.

Xinhua has entered into agreements for the exchange of information of a commercial or non-commercial nature with news agencies and other media in more than 100 countries.

In November 2006, Xinhua signed an information exchange and cooperation agreement with RIA Novosti.

Xinhua publishes more than 20 newspapers and magazines. Its newspapers, such as the Xinhua Daily Telegraph, and news magazines (The Outlook) are among the most reputable in the country.

The agency has the largest photo archive in China. Its collection consists of 2 million historical photographs, the oldest of which were taken at the end of the 19th century, during the Qing Dynasty.

Xinhua News Agency is a member of many international news organizations.
General Director of Xinhua Agency - Li Congjun; editor-in-chief - He Ping.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources