Cons of iphone x. Comparison of iPhone X and iPhone XR: pros and cons, prices. Extra free space

25.11.2019 external HDs

Pavel Gorodnitsky tested the new iPhone extremely meticulously and compiled a guide for those who are still wondering whether to buy the “top ten”.

I've been using the iPhone X for exactly a week and a half. I’ll say right away: probably, taken together, this best smartphone in my life, although it is not far removed from the super-practical iPhone 7 Plus.

There are already a lot of reviews of the “ten”, so I tried to pay attention to the most key and universal points that are important not only for me.

What's annoying?

1. It's incredibly annoying that there's no battery percentage in the corner by default. The percentages are visible when you lower the “Control Center”, but this procedure is terribly annoying: it is much more pleasant when they are displayed without any manipulation.

When there is no interest, it seems like the battery is about to die. Seriously, there are some problems with the icons, because even at 35% charge, the drawn iOS 11 battery looks almost empty.

I talked to many developers, and they are confident that in one of the next iOS updates the percentages will inevitably return.

2. “Control Center” is also imperfect. Let me remind you that this is where the widget with the player is located.

Previously (on older iPhones), access to the player was lightning fast: swipe up from bottom to switch songs. Now you have to aim for the right one top corner, swipe from top to bottom, and then aim at the player keys. Doing this with one hand is terribly inconvenient. Try it if you don't believe me.

3. Entering text with one hand would be great if it weren’t for the language switching button, which was relegated to the very bottom.

4. Closing applications has become torture. You need to pull your finger from bottom to top, then press the pad into the screen, and then press firmly on the application name so that a minus icon appears. After this, you need to tap on minus, and the app will slam shut. Catastrophe.

It may be objected to me that iOS, in principle, does not need to close applications, but I disagree: it happens that they freeze and need to be restarted, so there is no way to close them. Unfortunately, this was implemented in the most flawed way.

5. Face ID works monstrously for me. Or rather, it works like everyone else, but I’m not happy with this unlocking method. I calibrated the face recognition in different ways (both in the dark and in the light), played with the settings, rebooted the iPhone - all to no avail. Face ID wants the iPhone X to be perfectly in front of your eyes: if this condition is not met, the device will first act up and then prompt you to enter a password.

It feels like the recognition rate is no higher than the first one Generation Touch ID. And this despite the fact that I have neither squints nor burns on my face that interfere with setting up Face ID.

What do you like?

1. External speaker volume. The sound is truly deafening, spacious and not wheezing. Here Apple gets 10 points out of 10.

2. Branded leather case. I thought I would buy it and put it on the shelf, but I tried it and I really really liked it. The case does not interfere with work and is pleasant to the touch, and the phone does not slip out of your hands. Optimal layout. I think it's worth paying the 4 thousand so as not to worry about scratches.

3. iPhone X weight. Heavy phones are great. It feels solid (of course, for 80k), and not like with the Galaxy S8, which gives the impression of a toy flagship.

4. Huge Power button. It was sorely missed in previous iPhones, where it was tiny. Here she is gigantic, and she also has an excellent move. A very wise decision in terms of ergonomics.

5. Switching between apps is genius. You grab the strip and instantly twist it in any direction, rather than opening the clumsy multitasking menu and poking around in it.

The toggle gesture is the best thing about the iPhone X. It made me completely stop missing the Home button. It's a shame that Apple will never implement this masterpiece of an option in older iPhones - people will continue to struggle with the key.

Five things that did not evoke emotions

1. Wireless charging. I bought a Qumo adapter for 450 rubles. I tested it - the iPhone did not burn out, but it took an infinitely long time to charge. Therefore, I’m waiting for AirPower to charge the watch at the same time.

2. Animoji. Sent three roosters, two pigs and one poop the entire time. Then I got tired of it. The topic of animoji karaoke also seems to have died – that’s where it belongs.

3. Camera. Although vertical, in terms of quality there are no radical differences compared to the iPhone 7 Plus. In short: the best on the market.

4. Cutout. It can’t be a plus, but I got used to it in half a day and generally don’t understand the whiners who are not happy with this “unibrow.” Honestly, I don’t know who you have to be to sincerely grumble about your bangs or try to hide your hump using apps (such apps already exist, yes).

5. Battery. I expected that I would be disappointed after 7 Plus, but no: if you turn on energy saving in time, then the iPhone X, even with active use, will live from early morning (9:00) until late evening (23:00).

Is it worth upgrading?

Everything is simple here.

With iPhone 5s/SE/6 – yes.

With iPhone 6s/6s Plus - if you have free money.

With iPhone 7/7 Plus – probably not.

With iPhone 8...Hmm, it’s not for me to advise you if you are seriously thinking about upgrading from one new iPhone to another.

Apple’s position is easy to explain: the company is forced to stir up interest in the “ten”, since the device comes out almost a month and a half after the start of sales (which turned out to be essentially failures) of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Popular Science editor Rob Verger, Wired columnist Steven Levy, and the hosts of the Booredatwork, Soldier Knows Best and Highsnobiety channels got a chance to check out the iPhone X. All the videos, as you can see, were made in one room - apparently in one of retail stores Apple.

One of the main visual shortcomings of the device, critics included an unsightly notch with a TrueDepth camera at the top of the screen, which can spoil the impression of the frameless OLED panel. As a result, as Levy wrote, the iPhone X will take longer to get used to than any other iPhone. The journalist described the cutout for the sensors as, on the one hand, an “aesthetic failure” of Apple, and on the other, “a tiny distraction for your peripheral vision that you will eventually stop paying attention to.”

The Face ID facial recognition feature, which requires some setup, will also take some getting used to. Levy praised the 3D camera's integration with Apple Pay, calling the system "a clearer way to transact." The new gesture-based navigation will also require some relearning.

The reviewer called the iPhone X camera a “major update” when comparing it to the iPhone 7. He said nothing about the quality of the photos, leaving it to others to judge whether she “deserves a mobile photo crown.” Levy described the new product as “dazzling” and “impressive,” and the smartphone’s display, he said, “will strongly convince buyers that emptying their wallets for the iPhone X was not a stupid thing to do.”

Popular Science's Verger agreed that the smartphone "looks unique." The journalist cited the OLED display, the Face ID system, and the selfie mode with the front camera, which blurs the background, as the strengths of the gadget.

Video bloggers, in general, were also pleased with the “ten”, but the presenter Booredatwork complained that it was a little inconvenient for him to scroll the screen after unlocking using Face ID. Soldier Knows Best the notch at the top of the screen was also distracting, but not much. They found it easier to set up Face ID than Touch ID. "Apple has taken it to another level," said Highsnobiety's Noah Thomas, calling the iPhone X "a tribute to Steve Jobs." "He's really looking down and proud of the team," he concluded.

Full reviews of the iPhone X are expected on Friday, November 3, when the new product goes on sale. The device will be available for purchase in 53 countries, including Russia. The version with 64 GB memory will be sold for 79,990, with 256 GB - for 91,990 rubles.

Every exit or presentation new iPhone from Apple are accompanied by heated discussions on the Internet. Potential buyers are thinking about the question: is it worth buying or not. And to answer this question, it’s worth learning about the advantages and disadvantages in our case iPhone phone X, which, by the way, you can buy here – .

The advantages include the following points:

This model is classified as a smartphone with an “unlimited” screen. This means that the screen takes up more than 80 percent of the smartphone's panel. But you can call it that only if you omit the fact that there are millimeter frames at the edges, and on top there is an oval-shaped cutout where the front camera, microphone and other objects required for the operation of the smartphone are located.

Very nice appearance iPhone view X. This version is already available in two colors: gray and silver, depending on the chosen color, the edge of the case can be either chrome-plated if the color is silver, or non-chrome-plated and black.

New unlocking options using Face ID. The essence of this unlocking mechanism is that each time to unlock the smartphone, the face is read by a special camera, which is located on the front panel of the device. The camera projects a large number of dots onto the surface of your face, and then compares the received data with the ideal version. This takes no more than one second.

Ability to operate and control iPhone using gestures. This may cause some difficulties at first, but once you get used to it, questions will no longer arise.

The most important advantage of this Apple ward is the camera. The camera opening has become wider compared to previous models, which allows you to hit more light into it.

Disadvantages of iPhone X

This model has few disadvantages, and they cannot be called disadvantages, rather just shortcomings. Many may think that the screen size for working with the phone is large, and it would be worth making it smaller than 5.8 inches, since this screen size causes discomfort when used with one hand. The cutout on the panel is very pronounced, which may be distracting to some, but without it the layout would be impossible front camera, a special infrared camera and other elements.

Comparing iPhone X with others Apple models, then it will take pride of place due to its high-quality cameras and a special Face ID unlocking mechanism in it, which can protect the user from unwanted penetration into his smartphone.

12-th of September Apple company introduced three new smartphones - iPhone 8, 8 Plus and iPhone X. Many may have already encountered the problem of which one to buy. Reviewers at The Verge suggest understanding the pros and cons of each model to ease the pain of choice.

Than their predecessor iPhone 7, and, most importantly, now you can charge your smartphone wirelessly - so say goodbye to the eternal search for a free outlet in a cafe. . This is the first iPhone to have an OLED display, and its screen occupies the entire body - from edge to edge.

The iPhone X also has some completely new features, such as no home button. The body now houses an infrared sensor, which is responsible for the Face ID facial recognition function. The phone will be able to recognize its owner literally by sight, even if he changes his hairstyle, puts on glasses or a hat.

Why you should buy an iPhone 8

  • iPhone 8 is the first phone in Apple's lineup to support wireless charging. This year, the company slightly changed the appearance of the gadget, replacing parts of the aluminum body with glass. Now you can charge your phone on any Qi-compatible charging platform. By the way, the term Qi refers to the energy “qi” - a fundamental concept from Chinese philosophy. In the US, for example, there are already many places where you can find wireless charging stations: for example, Starbucks and various stores. Similar platforms will soon appear in large Russian cities.
  • iPhone 8 has powerful processor A11 Bionic, same as iPhone X. Everything you need to know about A11 Bionic is the fastest and most powerful electronic chip Apple has ever put in a phone. It optimizes the operation of the gadget for various add-ons and applications, like those shown at the presentation in California. You'll soon need it to run the latest photo and video applications, as well as graphics-intensive games.
  • The iPhone 8 has the same 12-megapixel camera as the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. Its sensor is said to be "bigger and faster" than the iPhone 7, and it has optical image stabilization, so if If you want a phone with a cool camera, then this is what you need. The iPhone 8 camera can also record 4K video at 24, 30, or 60 frames per second.
  • The iPhone 8 screen supports Apple's True Tone technology, which changes the temperature and color saturation on the display depending on the lighting. This way your eyes will be less strained.
  • In terms of size, the iPhone 8, unlike the iPhone 8 Plus, is quite easy to use with one hand, especially for those with small hands. Another bonus: the iPhone 7 cases fit the iPhone 8.


  • The iPhone 8 is the only one of the new products that has a single main camera, which is inferior to the dual camera of the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X in terms of pictures in portrait mode. Also, this model does not support Portrait Lighting.
  • The 4.7-inch display is smaller and has a lower pixel count (1334x750) than the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. If you like your gadget to look really big, the iPhone 8 will likely disappoint.
  • This model has the weakest battery of the three new products. Most likely, while using the phone you will have to buy a charging case.

Why you should buy an iPhone 8 Plus

  • The first difference is the 5.5-inch LCD display, which supports True Tone. iPhone 8 Plus has a powerful processor and wireless charging function, as well as a dual photomodular camera on rear housing, which supports the Portrait Lighting feature.
  • This model has the Touch ID function - in case you don’t want to unlock the phone every time, looking at it point-blank.
  • Its battery is better and more powerful than that of the iPhone 8. The display diagonal of the iPhone 8 Plus may be slightly smaller than that of the iPhone X’s (5.8 inches), but the screen itself is slightly wider due to the aspect ratio.
  • Cases for iPhone 7 Plus will also fit iPhone 8 Plus.


  • The design of the iPhone 8 Plus hasn't changed much compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 7 Plus.
  • Despite the presence of a 5.5-inch LCD display, in terms of its characteristics it is still inferior to OLED iPhone display X
  • It is not much cheaper than the iPhone X. If you, say, want to buy an iPhone 8 Plus with 256 GB of internal memory (76,990 rubles), then it will cost only three thousand less than the iPhone X with 64 GB of internal memory - 79,990 rubles.

Why you should buy an iPhone X

  • From an aesthetic point of view, this is the most impressive and futuristic phone Apple has ever made. The gadget has a 5.8-inch display that occupies the entire body, as well as an OLED screen with amazing resolution.
  • This model has a large display, which is located on a relatively compact body. The parameters of the iPhone X are not much larger than the iPhone 8 Plus, but the resolution of the OLED screen cannot be compared with the previous model. iPhone X will also be comfortable to hold and use with one hand, with only the screen in your palm.
  • OLED display has better contrast compared to iPhone screens 8 and 8 Plus, and it supports HDR video format.
  • You can unlock your phone just by looking at it. The Face ID function, according to the manufacturer, is currently the most secure.
  • The phone can recognize its owner even if he changes his hairstyle, puts on glasses or a hat. The function works thanks to a small infrared sensor located on the top of the case. Moreover, if the iPhone accidentally ends up in the hands of criminals, it still cannot be unlocked using a photo of the owner or even a special mask that resembles his face.
  • Physiognomic data is stored only in the device and is not transferred anywhere, the company claims. At the same time, the chance that a random person will have a face that a smartphone will mistake for yours is one in a million.
  • Animoji and portrait mode on the selfie camera. Face ID sensors can be used to create animated emoji that mimic your facial expressions and also allow you to take selfies with a blurred background. Other iPhone models can't do this.
  • Double lenses iPhone cameras X have a better lens aperture than the iPhone 8 Plus. (f/2.4 vs f/2.8).
  • Both cameras have optical image stabilization, which allows you to take great pictures in dark conditions. On the iPhone 8 Plus, only the main camera on the back of the case can do this.


  • This is the most expensive iPhone ever
  • It doesn't have a Home button or Touch ID fingerprint sensor. To unlock your smartphone, you will have to look at it point blank. And so every time.
  • A notch located on the front camera, which will distort the image (since the screen is located on the entire body). We suspect that this moment will greatly infuriate users.
  • IN selling iPhone X won't be out until November.

The release of each new Apple smartphone model becomes a notable event for the public. Specialists and regular users We are looking forward to the start of sales to test the new product and form our opinion about it. I could not avoid this fate and smartphone iPhone 10, announced on September 12, 2017 and went on sale a few weeks later. We will talk about its advantages and disadvantages in this article.

It is worth noting that this gadget has a special symbolic meaning, both for the manufacturing company and for fans of the brand who zealously follow new products. Exit of this smartphone dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the corporation founded by Steve Jobs. If analysts compare this model with others, they usually cite previous “Apple” creations as an example.

Design and display

The appearance of the smartphone did not come as a big surprise. However, it is unlikely that the company set itself the goal of undertaking any serious changes in this regard, since recognition benefits the product. The glass body of the flagship is protected from dust and water. Its screen is slightly elongated, which is not always conducive to comfort (for example, if the user needs to touch the bottom and top edges of the display in succession). The fundamental difference from previous models is the absence Home buttons, as such. Its functions have been transferred special system gesture control. It is quite convenient, but users will need some time to adapt to the innovation. Silver and “ gray space” – two colors in which this model is presented.

iPhone 10 became the first Apple smartphone, equipped with an OLED matrix with Super Retina HD resolution. The display diagonal is 5.8 inches. The big advantage of this model is its excellent color rendition. Color mode as close to natural as possible, the shades do not look oversaturated.

Face ID

Another significant difference between this smartphone and its other “relatives” is that the developers this time abandoned the Touch ID system, which implied unlocking using the owner’s fingerprint. It was replaced by Face ID, which provides facial recognition. It doesn’t take much time for the phone to “recognize” the user, although this technology has certain nuances:

  1. Face ID doesn't work horizontally.
  2. If a person has not used the gadget for several weeks and tries to unlock it, difficulties may arise. The sensor detects 3 main areas: eyes, lips, nose. If it does not find a match and denies access, you will have to unlock the device by entering the PIN code.
  3. Lighting does not affect the operation of the system. It is capable of recognizing faces both in the dark and during daylight hours.


Pictures taken with iPhone help 10 deserve attention already because the manufacturer managed to significantly increase the capabilities of the front camera. Full-fledged selfie portraits have become available, as there is a “Studio Light” mode. To create high-quality photographs, the dual optical stabilization function will not be superfluous. It allows you to achieve the best detail of objects. The resolution of the main camera is 12 megapixels, and the front one is 7 megapixels. By comparing the characteristics and analyzing the quality of photographs when different types lighting, experts came to the conclusion that the greatest similarity with this model is Galaxy smartphone Note8 from Samsung.

Performance and operating system

The gadget has the most powerful A11 Bionic processor to date. This circumstance could not but affect his capabilities. Considering that it has 3 GB of RAM and 64/256 GB of physical memory, the smartphone will be an excellent purchase for game lovers. The high demands of games such as Guns of Boom or Asphalt Extreme will not be an obstacle for him.

iPhone 10 runs on operating system iOS 11.1, which was only a couple of weeks ahead of the device in terms of release date. The system is distinguished by noticeable performance and the absence of annoying freezes for the user.

Autonomous operation

At the presentation of the device, it was stated that it can work 2 hours longer than the 7th version of the iPhone. It is noteworthy that for this model, in addition to the usual one, the function fast charging. Although in order to use it, you will have to additionally purchase the appropriate cable and adapter. The smartphone also supports wireless charging Air Power.

Important nuances

Not all the expectations of specialists associated with this new product were met, however, they are almost unanimous in their opinions and believe that the next flagship from the Apple brand has become a step towards the latest technologies. But given that the iPhone 10 has also become the most expensive smartphone in the manufacturer’s line throughout its history, before purchasing, buyers should pay attention to the main features. They can touch like technical characteristics, as well as the ease of use of the device, so each person should form their own opinion about them.

  1. The screen, which occupies almost the entire surface of the front panel of the device, has been called “endless” by some observers. It really makes a pleasant impression, but when scrolling, sometimes you need to grab the phone with your hand, which is by no means a sign comfortable work for the user.
  2. Solidity appearance adds the weight of the iPhone 10 (174 grams). In the recent past, manufacturers sought to reduce the weight of the phone at all costs. As a result, even premium models became so lightweight that they were perceived without the appropriate status.
  3. Those who complained that Apple products have an unreasonably small Power button will be pleasantly surprised by the anniversary flagship. It is not only large enough, but also conveniently located.
  4. Each popular technology there will be both fans and detractors. In this regard, Face ID will be compared to Touch ID for a long time. The facial recognition system takes no more than a second and this is a truly impressive result.
  5. When using a smartphone, quite often there is a need to access one application or another. In the iPhone 10, switching, according to users who managed to test it, is implemented much more conveniently than its analogues.
  6. The device has a place not only for useful, but also for entertainment functions. The most notable of these is Animoji. It is possible to record a short animated video by choosing the face you like. Despite the fact that for correct operation Animoji uses Face ID technology; the video can be recorded not only by the owner of the smartphone, but also by any person who happens to be in front of the camera.
  7. Before the release of the next new product from Apple, experts every time wonder whether the developers will be able to increase the battery life. In the case of this model, this was possible, but there is no need to talk about significant changes, since its battery capacity is 2761 mAh, which is a rather modest figure.