On New Year's Eve I will throw away all the trash. Cool statuses about the New Year. Cool statuses about the New Year

16.11.2019 external HDs

Despite my best efforts, there are people who like me.

New Year's Eve is a good reason to change your status on social networks to a cool holiday quote. Status on a social network is not only a way to express your mood, but also good way wish all friends a Happy New Year.

Also cool statuses about New Year can be used as predictions for guests. To do this, write or print statuses on small pieces of paper and put them in a box or in a wide vase from which it will be convenient for guests to take them out.

Funny statuses about the New Year in one line

And I hope that this New Year there will be many beautiful young Santa Clauses :) and at least a little sober...

Current advice: in the New Year, don’t click on your happiness with the mouse!

On New Year's Eve, fate opens doors to a new life for you, but how difficult it is to get into them at this time!

In the New Year I wish: 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525,600 minutes of love and 31,536,000 seconds of pleasant moments!

Happy New Year, everyone! Take care of your liver! You have only one!

Happy New Year, everyone! I wish that everyone’s table is full of food, and their bed is full of pleasure!

Celebrating the New Year is, in fact, a festive dinner, which flows smoothly and cheerfully into a festive breakfast.

The year has changed on Earth! The country is falling into the Olivier season.

Childhood is over - instead of Father Frost I am waiting for the Snow Maiden.

Good Grandfather Frost, beard made of cotton wool, we don’t need gifts! Raise your salary...

Dear Grandfather Frost, I can’t have sweets, so send me a box of semi-sweets!

Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year I want your list of boys who behaved badly.

I’m waiting for the jokes about “last year’s bread” to start.

I wish everyone good health in the body, crazy love in bed, money in the briefcase and no hassle!

Remember: if a Christmas tree toy breaks while decorating the Christmas tree, very soon your deepest wish will come true. You can't hit him on purpose.

I wanted to go to a snowflake party - a white dress, white tights. And I looked in the mirror - I was going to fall into a snowdrift.

Winter is the time when you tell everyone that you are waiting for summer, but you yourself are incredibly happy about the snowfall.

Every New Year you plan to celebrate in a special way, but it turns out to be a banal drunken party.

When the end of the world is near, people, apparently, will also call each other, but it’s already sad to say like this: “With

Who will remember the New Year? Those who do not smoke or drink will remember the New Year.

Only the most persistent will fall asleep in dessert on New Year's Eve.

The tangerines are in use, which means the New Year is coming soon!

New Year is a men's holiday. The men are happy, counting their drinks, the women are sad that the years are passing by.

New Year is when, in addition to empty mugs, tangerine peels begin to accumulate behind the computer!

One day, in the cold winter season, I left the house and immediately went in.

Drink, sing, have fun, but don’t lie under the Christmas tree :) So that Grandfather Frost doesn’t take you to the sobering-up station.

It's time to eat last year's food, watch eternal movies and completely forget New Year's Eve.

May your life in the New Year be like champagne - beautiful, light, exciting and overflowing!

As we age, the list of New Year's wishes becomes shorter and shorter, but what we really want cannot be bought with money.

I'm already prepared for the New Year! I bought Alkazeltser, Solpodein, activated carbon, festal, sorbex and enterosgel!

Cool New Year statuses in verses

1. Status for the New Year

New Year is coming,
It has been raining for three days.
In the field the grass is green,
Santa Claus is sweating in a fur coat.
Water pours down your collar...
Happy New Year, gentlemen!

2. Status for the New Year

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
Prosperity, successful,
Have a bright year!

3. Status for the New Year

Be happy in the year of the Boar,
Full of prosperity and health,
And don't forget to make friends
With luck, friendship and love.

4. Status for the New Year

Problems don't scare you
And the crisis will not beat you!
We're still beautiful
Let's celebrate the New Year!

5. Status for the New Year

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the stars fall at night
He will look into your window.

6. Status for the New Year

On this wonderful night
You can't live without a smile.
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

7. Status for the New Year

On New Year's Eve I will throw away all the trash.
And I will wipe the dust wherever I have left behind.
Only in my head there is continuous bedlam -
There are cockroaches... they decorated the Christmas tree.

Before we have time, dear readers, to look back, the long-awaited guest will arrive on the doorstep - the New Year 2017, and it will bring with it two weeks of bright and unforgettable holidays. During this fun time, everyone wants to surround their loved ones with that special magical atmosphere that comes from the smell of tangerines, a box of Christmas tree decorations, hot mulled wine with a cinnamon stick - in a word, from preparations for a grandiose celebration, coupled with pleasing New Year's paraphernalia.

When the level of festive atmosphere reaches its peak, active users of social networks will begin to look for suitable ones that match their mood. statuses about New Year 2019

It’s good that modern settings of public portals, in which people “disappear” for hours, allow users to decorate their accounts not only with beautiful backgrounds, but also with more than interesting statuses. This privilege becomes especially relevant on the eve of major holidays. And New Year 2017 is just this case.

Without a doubt, every advanced “user” social networks I remembered a simple unwritten rule - a short text at the very top of the page, coming from its owner, occupies an important place in the world of virtual communication. And no wonder. After all, when you go to this or that profile, your eyes come across not only the photo of the account owner, but also the saying that appears next to the photo.

It is worth remembering that a status change notification appears for everyone on the list of friends, so you need to update the status thoughtfully, carefully thinking about the text and checking it three times for errors. Who wants to appear illiterate? In addition, the new status appears in the news feed and you can safely use this convenient function and all your friends in one fell swoop. Or put an original funny status that will definitely cause a smile or even a roaring laugh from a friend or subscriber.

It’s good that in this technological milestone you don’t have to rack your brains for witty phrases. The Internet is literally replete with all kinds of statuses - copy and paste! We have also selected New Year’s statuses for you, ready to compete in sparkling humor or originality with the statuses of your friends.

Cool statuses about the New Year

  • One day, during a cold (rainy) time, I left the house... and quickly went in!
  • I love January 1st - you just woke up and had breakfast, and it’s already dark.
  • New Year's time is the time when your computer accumulates not only mugs of tea, but also tangerine peels.
  • Santa Claus, you are no longer needed. The Snow Maidens have arrived.
  • When you go out on New Year’s Eve, remember, friend, you can’t eat yellow snow!
  • I really hope that at least this New Year a handsome young Santa Claus will come to me. Or at least sober...
  • Proven advice: housewives, you shouldn’t put croutons in your New Year’s salad! They scratch your face painfully...
  • Dear Grandfather Frost! Make sure they stop teasing me. Vanya Kakushkin.
  • Grandfather Frost, help! My car won't start! Since childhood I dreamed of having one...
  • Current advice: in the New Year, don’t click on your happiness with the mouse!
  • I wish everyone good health in the body, crazy love in bed, money in the briefcase and no hassle!
  • I’m waiting for the jokes about “last year’s bread” to start...
  • Childhood is over - instead of Father Frost I am waiting for the Snow Maiden.
  • I've been very good all year! Santa Claus, can I behave very badly on New Year's Eve?
  • Good Grandfather Frost, beard made of cotton wool, we don’t need gifts! Raise your salary...
  • Only the most persistent will fall asleep in dessert on New Year's Eve.
  • It's time to eat last year's food, watch eternal movies and completely forget New Year's Eve.
  • We’re sitting at an awesome New Year’s table, and there are only fingerprints in our wallet... But the table is awesome!
  • What to give me for the New Year? Whatever! The main thing is that it is touch-sensitive and with red headphones.
  • Santa Claus! I can’t have sweets... but I can have semi-sweet.
  • Our children are not waiting for the moment when Grandfather Frost comes, rather, they are waiting for their parents to finally set sail.
  • The main thing is not to forget on December 31 at 23:59 to leave Odnoklassniki and celebrate the New Year.
  • Good Grandfather Frost, don’t put my New Year’s gift under the Christmas tree. Better get it into the garage right away.
  • I wanted to go to a snowflake party - a white dress, white tights. And I looked in the mirror - I was going to fall into a snowdrift.

Good New Year statuses with meaning

  • Dear Grandfather Frost! I don't need gifts! Please make sure that all people on Earth are happy.
  • As we get older, our New Year's wish list gets shorter and shorter, but what we really want is something money can't buy.
  • I wish that Santa Claus would put three gifts under the Christmas tree for all my friends - boundless happiness, selfless love and good health.
  • On the eve of a magical holiday, I would like to wish all my family and friends a fairy tale and a miracle.
  • Remember - if a Christmas tree toy breaks while decorating the Christmas tree, very soon your deepest wish will come true. You can't hit him on purpose.
  • I would like to wish everyone to briefly return to childhood, when on New Year’s Day the parents’ house smells of tangerines, and their favorite toy hangs on the Christmas tree, which seems to reflect an unknown little world with its own wonderful New Year’s fairy tale.

Beautiful statuses in verses

New Year is coming,
It has been raining for three days.
In the field the grass is green,
Santa Claus is sweating in a fur coat.
Water pours down your collar...
Happy New Year, gentlemen!

Let there be a New Year
The beginning of it all
And everything will come true
What have you dreamed of in life?

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
Prosperity, successful,
Have a bright year!

Be happy in the year of the Rooster
Full of prosperity and health,
And don't forget to make friends
With luck, friendship and love.

New Year is upon us again!
With new happiness! Good morning!

In a red fur coat, with a red nose
Grandfather is showing off in the cold,
In a hat with a stick and a bag,
And a drunken snowman.

Nearby is a rabbit in heels and
Snow Maiden on horns.
If you meet this rabble,
So it's soon NEW YEAR!!!

Problems don't scare you
And the crisis will not beat you!
We are still beautiful
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the stars fall at night
He will look into your window.

On this wonderful night
You can't live without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

Luck is smiling!
The end of the world is cancelled!
Life goes on!
New Year is approaching!
Christmas trees are dressing up!
Garlands are lit!
The light of the soul is turned on!
Miracles happen!
The holiday begins...)))

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
Prosperity, successful,
Have a bright year!

The toilets will also have a holiday,
Their New Year's surprise is also waiting for them,
And instead of boring naked asses,
They will see a lot of new faces!!!

Let the New Year caress you,
Will bring happiness in life.
Let hope warm you
Let fate protect you!

Santa is sleeping and his reindeer are sleeping,
And Frost still has a lot of worries.
We Russians cannot be brought to our knees!
On the 13th we drink to the Old New Year!

May New Year's Santa Claus
A cart will give you happiness,
Good health to boot,
In everything planned - good luck.
Peace, friendship, happiness, affection,
May life be like in a fairy tale!

On New Year's Eve I will throw away all the trash...
And I’ll wipe the dust wherever I’ve left behind...
Only in my head there is continuous bedlam...
There are cockroaches... they decorated the Christmas tree...

The tangerines are in use, which means the New Year is coming soon!

To the chime of the clock,
To the sounds of a waltz
New Year's Eve
We wish you again
Raise a glass
For peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

Myths about introverts.

Myth 1. Introverts don't like to talk
This is wrong. Introverts simply don't like to talk when they have nothing to say. They hate chatter. But if an introvert talks about something interesting to himself, he may not shut up for days.

Myth 2. Introverts are shy
Shyness has nothing to do with introversion. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of other people. What they really need is a reason to interact. They do not communicate simply out of a thirst for communication. If you want to talk to an introvert, just start talking. Don't worry about being polite.

Myth 3. Introverts are rude
Introverts often don’t see the point in dancing around social stroking. They want everyone to be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most situations, and introverts often feel pressured by social norms, which can be very depressing.

Myth 4. Introverts don't like people
In contrast, introverts highly value their few friends. They can count their close friends on the fingers of one hand. And if you're lucky enough to be one of them, you've probably gained an ally for life. Having once earned respect as a worthwhile person, you have firmly taken your place on this list.

Myth 5. Introverts don't like going out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts don't like to be in public for too long. They also tend to avoid the challenges associated with social activities. They absorb information and experiences very quickly, and as a result, they don't take long to get the hang of it. They are ready to go home, “reboot” and comprehend everything that is happening. By the way, rebooting is a vital thing for introverts.

Myth 7. Introverts are weird
Introverts are often individualists. They don't follow the crowd. They prefer to be appreciated for their innovative way of living. They think about themselves first and therefore often challenge the norm. They don't make decisions based on fashion or popularity.

Myth 8. Introverts are indifferent, closed people
Introverts are those people who are initially focused on their inner world and place great importance on their thoughts and feelings. This does not mean that they are not able to be aware of what is happening around them, it’s just that their inner life is much more exciting and rich for them.

Myth 9. Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts tend to relax at home or in nature rather than in noisy places. in public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and are not adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise around them, they simply “switch off.” Their brains are very sensitive to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Introverts and extroverts have different leading neural pathways. Just keep this in mind.

Myth 10. Introverts can pull themselves together and become extroverts
A world without introverts would be a world with virtually no scientists, musicians, artists, poets, directors, doctors, mathematicians, writers or philosophers. It is said that there are many techniques through which an extrovert can learn to interact with introverts. (Yes, I am switching these terms around on purpose now to show how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot “pull themselves together” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and their contributions to humanity.

Soon, under the influence of the holiday rush, many active users of social networks will begin to select funny statuses about New Year 2019, for example for " VC ».

Just recently, we were looking forward to the approach of 2018. And now the New Year 2019 is just around the corner, which will bring with it new impressions, beginnings and two weeks of unforgettable weekends. The smell of tangerines, a cup of hot mulled wine with a stick of fragrant cinnamon, boxes of Christmas tree decorations - all this creates an enchanting atmosphere of magic that you want to surround your loved ones with.

People who spend more and more free time on popular public portals now have the opportunity to decorate their accounts not only with beautiful photographs, but also with original statuses. This becomes especially relevant on the eve of the holidays, so New Year 2019 is a great opportunity to choose an interesting status for yourself.

Every advanced user of social networks knows that a short text written at the very top of the page plays an important role in virtual communication. This is not surprising, because when switching to a particular profile, we involuntarily pay attention not only to the photo of the account owner, but also to the short saying next to it.

You need to update your status thoughtfully, scrolling through the text in your head several times and checking for errors, because a notification about a status change appears in the news feed. You can use this function and congratulate all your friends at once or choose a funny status that will make them smile.

Nowadays you can find a huge number of all kinds of statuses on the Internet, so you don’t have to invent them yourself. We have also prepared interesting and original New Year statuses for you. They will certainly take pride of place on your social network page.

Funny New Year's statuses will definitely cheer you and your friends up on the eve of the long-awaited holiday.

  • The main thing is to remember to log out of Odnoklassniki on December 31 at 11:59 pm and celebrate the New Year.
  • “What day of the week is it today?” - the most difficult question from the first to the tenth of January.
  • It's time to finish last year's salads, watch eternal films and not remember the New Year at all.
  • Dear neighbors, thank you very much for the fireworks! It's good that someone has extra money for my delight.
  • Childhood is over - now instead of Father Frost I am waiting for the Snow Maiden.
  • Remember the rule: the more expensive you celebrate the New Year, the poorer you will live in January.
  • Just don't click on your happiness with the mouse in the New Year.
  • I wish that next year you will have someone who will peel your tangerines.
  • Advice for housewives: do not put croutons in the New Year's salad! They scratch your face painfully.
  • I hope that this New Year a handsome and young Santa Claus will come to me. Or at least sober...
  • As you celebrate the New Year, that’s how you need it.
  • Grandfather Frost, don’t put a gift under my Christmas tree this year. Better get it into the garage right away.
  • I'm a cat and I don't want to purr. I want to knock over the Christmas tree, break all the balls and eat the rain.
  • The most popular phrase on December 31 is: “Thank you, and you too.”
  • If you don't like New Year, then most likely you are a tangerine.
  • The New Year tree is better than a woman: you part without a scandal, and the gifts are not taken away.
  • I love January 1st - you just woke up and had breakfast, and it’s already dark.
  • My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.
  • A wave of photo sessions is approaching: Me and the Christmas tree. I'm under the tree. I'm behind the tree. Instead of a Christmas tree, it’s me too.
  • What do I want for the New Year? Whatever! The main thing is touchscreen and with red headphones.
  • How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, from January 31 to January 1, I plan to sleep, maybe it will work.
  • On New Year's Eve, tangerine juice flows in my veins.
  • As girls get older, they stop writing letters to Santa Claus. They are waiting for him to write first.
  • Until the New Year remains... 500 rubles.
  • On New Year's Eve, a good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a very good husband decorates his wife.
  • I still believe in Santa Claus. Previously, this was a problem for my parents, and now for my husband.
  • I want a tear-off calendar as a gift! With five thousand dollar bills. You wake up, tear off a leaf and... gray night again.......

New Year's statuses with meaning

Good statuses with meaning will make you think about life, dream and believe in the best.

  • The New Year is an official chance to start a new life, cross out unnecessary people, stop being lazy and do what you promised.
  • I wish that on New Year's Eve Happiness knocked on your door! The main thing is to be at home at this time...
  • Grandfather Frost, put three gifts for my loved ones under the Christmas tree - great happiness, mutual love and good health.
  • I want the New Year to be a new beginning in my life.
  • On the eve of the New Year, the child in me wakes up: I want to see the Christmas tree, play snowballs, eat snow, and not be afraid of getting sick.
  • It doesn’t matter how old you are, you still love the New Year and believe that this winter everything will change...
  • Every year the list of New Year's wishes becomes shorter and shorter, because everything we really want cannot be bought with money.
  • Every time we wait with trepidation for the approach of the New Year to make our cherished wish. But everything is only in our hands. So let's act, friends! And everything will work out!
  • Santa Claus! I really want that in the New Year, every person on the planet will find what they want most.
  • There is a sign: if while decorating the Christmas tree one of your toys accidentally breaks, then soon your deepest wish will come true.

Beautiful New Year statuses in verses

With the help of poetic statuses, you can congratulate your loved ones in an original way or simply talk about your New Year’s mood.

May the New Year be generous,
Let him not skimp on happiness,
Let the stars light up on time,
May all your wishes come true!

I wish you all shades of happiness,
I wish you the warmth of friends,
Health, immeasurable joy,
And New Year's holiday lights!

May New Year's Santa Claus
A cart will give you happiness,
Good health to boot,
In everything planned - good luck.
Peace, friendship, happiness, affection,
May life be like in a fairy tale!

I wish for the coming year:
Don't know worries, don't measure money,
Love, hope and believe!

No gold, no royalty,
Not those miracles that the people invented,
But just human happiness
I wish you, friends, a Happy New Year!

May the New Year, like a fairy bird,
Under the fairy tale of sleep he will enter your home,
May all the good things that happened be repeated
And let all the bad things go away!

I'm standing by the Christmas tree, smiling,
The eyes shine, the nose turns red.
Well, where can you find such a macho?
To be as handsome as Santa Claus?

On New Year's Eve I will throw away all the trash,
And I will wipe the dust wherever I have left behind.
Only in my head there is continuous bedlam,
There cockroaches decorated the Christmas tree...

May the New Year knock on you,
And the house will be filled with happiness,
And everything you dreamed of,
May it come true this year!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the stars fall at night
He will look into your window.
On this wonderful night
You can't live without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

The New Year has arrived!
He didn't keep me waiting!
He brought the best with him.
He left everything bad in the seventeenth!

We hope you found our New Year's selection useful. By posting one of these original and memorable statuses on your page, you will make your friends and family laugh sincerely or receive gratitude for your congratulations. So have a happy New Year and beautiful statuses!