Special means in service with the authorities. Special means in service with the bodies Order of the Ministry of Defense 265

01.11.2019 external HDs



On approval of the List of special

means in service with the authorities

internal affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic,

and Rules for the application by employees of authorities

Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic

special means

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Internal Affairs Bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic” and the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the delegation of certain rule-making powers of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to a number of state executive bodies” dated September 15, 2014 No. 530,


1. Approve:

- List of special means in service with the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic (Appendix 1);

- Rules for the use of special means by employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic (Appendix 2).

2. Heads of the main directorates, directorates, independent departments, services and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, the main directorate (GU) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic for the city of Osh and the Osh region, the main directorates of internal affairs (GUVD) for the city of Bishkek, Chui region, departments Internal Affairs (Internal Affairs Department) of regions and districts, city and district departments of internal affairs (GOROVD), commanders of a special purpose regiment (PSN) and a special rapid reaction detachment (SOBR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic shall ensure the study of the Rules for the use of special personal equipment by employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic composition in the service training system with subsequent acceptance of tests.

3. To the Head of the Financial and Economic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3.1. Strictly control the procedure for providing, issuing, recording, storing, transporting and destroying special equipment.

3.2. Prepare this order with attachments in a printed manner in the amount of 80 copies.

4. This order is subject to official publication in the state and official languages ​​in the Erkin-Too newspaper, as well as on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic; responsibility for organizing the publication is assigned to the head of the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

5. Responsibility for the execution of this order is assigned to the heads of the main departments, directorates, independent departments, services and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic for the city of Osh and the Osh region, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Bishkek, Chui region, the Department of Internal Affairs of the regions, the city police department and commanders of SOBR and PSN of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Annex 1

to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic


special means in service with the authorities

Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic

1. Poles made of polypropylene, polycarbonate, rubber, plastic, aluminum, metal and other materials, solid, telescopic with straight and side handles:

Tonfa, PR-73 and their analogues.

2. Cartridges and non-penetrating impact shots:

23mm cartridge with rubber bullet “Volna-R” and analogues;

Shock and diversion shots for special grenade launchers;

12mm,16mm,20mm,28mm,32mm cartridges with rubber bullet;

12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 28mm, 32mm with rubber and non-metallic buckshot.

3. Tear gas (special irritants):

3.1. Aerosol sprays:

Aerosol sprayers such as “Cheryomukha-10M”; "Lilac-10"; “Control-M”, “Control-MM”, “Control-MK”, “Reseda-10”, “Reseda-10M” and their analogues.

3.2. High pressure sprayers, backpack devices:

High pressure sprayers of the “RVD” type;

Aerosol sprayers for backpack carrying type AR-16 “Cloud”, “Primula” and their analogues;

Sprayers of the "Gadfly" type,

Compositions for sprayers “RVD”, AR-16 “Oblako”, “Primula”, “Gadfly” and their analogues.

3.3. Irritant (tear) hand grenades:

Hand aerosol grenades of the “Drift” type, RG-60-A “Drift-2” and their analogues;

Hand gas (tear) grenades;

Combined action hand grenades;

Hand smoke grenades and explosive packages;

Smoke and gas grenade shots with instant action;

Special (tear) grenade of increased power "Cheryomukha-12";

Hand-held irritant gas grenades such as “Siren-6”, “Siren-12” and their analogues;

Hand grenades of irritating shock-shock action of the “Krol” type and their analogues.

3.4. Cartridges and shots of irritant (tear) and shock action, gas pistols and guns for shooting gas cartridges:

Cartridge with remote gas (tear) grenade “Cheryomukha-7”, “Cheryomukha-7M”;

23mm cartridge with tear grenade;

23mm cartridge with irritant grenade “Siren-7”;

40mm shot with the “Nail” irritant grenade;

38mm tear cartridges;

Shots with a tear-irritant and shock-shock grenade;

Gas cartridges;

Traumatic cartridges;

Gas pistol with ammunition;

Shotguns for shooting gas cartridges with short and long barrels of 38mm, 40mm, 50mm and other calibers.

4. Pyrotechnic gas generators of the “Wormwood” type.

5. Handcuffs BR, BR-S, BKS-1, BOS, textile disposable handcuffs and their analogues.

6. Light and sound distraction devices:

Hand-held flash-and-sound grenades such as “Zarya-2”, “Fakel-S” and their analogues;

Flash and sound hand grenades;

Hand-held light-sound multi-element grenades of the “Torch” type and their analogues;

Devices such as “Gnome” and “Cloud” for shooting cassette elements of light-sound and combined action and their analogues;

Stationary operational-technical means “Flame”;

Shots with a light and sound grenade.

7. Means of destroying barriers:

Small-sized explosive devices such as “Key”, “Impulse” and their analogues;

GV-50 round and muzzle braking device for the special RGS-50 grenade launcher system.

8. Means of forced stop of transport, razor belts and spirals of them, networks:

Vehicle stopping devices “Ezh”, “Diana” and their analogues;

Automatic minelayer "Harpoon";

Spirals from ACL, ASCL, AMCL;

Modernized razor tapes MKL-1, MKL-2, MKL-3;

A means of restricting the movement of biological objects “Nevod” and analogues.

9. Water cannons, armored vehicles:

Water jet machines of various modifications;

Armored personnel carriers BTR-60PB, BTR-70, BTR-80, BTR-80A;

BRDM-2 combat reconnaissance patrol vehicle;

BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle.

11. Special coloring agents.

12. Service animals (dogs, horses).

13. Electroshock devices:

Electroshock devices, autonomous spark gaps;

Contact-remote electroshock devices such as “Taizer”, “AIR-107U” and their analogues;

Electroshock devices of the “ESHU-200” type and their analogues.

14. Personal protective equipment:

Shockproof shields of the “Stained Glass” type and their analogues;

Tactical, heavy, mobile bulletproof shields such as BZT-75, BZS-75, “Fence” and their analogues;

Lightweight protective vests type ZhZL-74 and their analogues;

Body armor 1-6 protection class for external and concealed wear;

Body armor such as “Kora”, “Module”, “Corundum”, “Sturm”, “Basalt” and their analogues;

Unloading vests;

Unloading armored vests;

Bullet-resistant helmets such as “Mask”, “ZSh-1”, SSSH-94 “Sfera-S” and their analogues;

Bulletproof Kevlar helmets;

Anti-fragmentation helmet SSH-68;

Impact-resistant protective helmets with visor type PSh-97 “Jeta”, “Mask-2” and their analogues;

Impact-resistant protective helmets with visor;

Anti-shock protection suit for riots such as “RoboCop”, “Shield”;

Set of shockproof shields;

Assault defense complex;

Protective explosives suit "VEK-Grot";

Protective suit for sapper "Grotto";

Technical means for localizing the explosive device “Call”;

Gas masks of various modifications;

Chemical protection suits of various modifications;

Armored mobile complex "VEK-Shield".

Appendix 2

to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic


application by employees of internal affairs bodies

Kyrgyz Republic special means

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the use of special means by employees of internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic performing tasks determined by the Law on Internal Affairs Bodies (hereinafter referred to as ATS) of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic who have undergone appropriate special training and education and have passed a test on the legal basis, security measures, tactics and features of the use of special means have the right to use special means.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic who have not passed the test are prohibited from using special means.

3. Personal responsibility for organizing training and the professional suitability of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic for actions involving the use of special means rests with the relevant heads of divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic.

It is prohibited to use special means against women, minors, or persons with obvious signs of limited health, except in cases where they have committed a life-threatening attack, a group attack, or armed resistance.

4. Employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic are required to comply with the rules for the operation and storage of special equipment.

In cases of conducting operations, exercises (trainings) using special means of active defense and supporting special operations, employees of the medical units of the internal affairs department of the Kyrgyz Republic or other medical institutions upon written request must be involved in advance to provide medical assistance.

Special means are classified into:

Individual protection means;

Active defense equipment;

Means for supporting special operations.

Individual protection means:

1) Head protection - various helmets with and without visor, shockproof,

anti-fragmentation and bulletproof.

2) Torso protection - light protective vests, body armor of 1-6 protection classes for external and concealed wear, unloading armored vests.

3) Protection of the body and limbs - shockproof suits for mass riots of the “RoboCop” type, sets of shockproof shields, assault protective complexes, protective suits for explosive technicians and sappers.

4) Shields are shockproof, bulletproof, tactical, heavy, mobile and others.

Active defense means:

1) Sticks made of polypropylene, polycarbonate, rubber, plastic, aluminum, metal and other materials, solid, telescopic with straight and side handles.

2) Cartridges and non-penetrating impact shots:

Shock and diversionary shots;

3) Tear gas (special irritants):

Aerosol sprays;

High pressure sprayers, backpack devices;

Hand grenades of irritant (tear) and combined action;

Smoke grenades;

Cartridges and shots of irritating (tear) and shock-shock action, gas pistols and guns for shooting gas and shock-shock cartridges;

Pyrotechnic gas generators.

4) Electroshock devices.

Means of supporting special operations:

Light and sound distraction devices;

Means of destroying barriers;

Means of forced stopping of vehicles;

Water cannons, armored vehicles;

Special coloring agents;

Service animals (dogs, horses).

5. The type of special means and the intensity of its use are determined taking into account the current situation, the nature of the offense and the personality of the offender.

6. A warning at a considerable distance and to a large group of people can be given in the form of an appeal through the use of a public address system (equipment) and other speech amplifiers in the state or official languages. After a warning, offenders are given sufficient time to respond.

7. Internal affairs bodies can legally use special means to prevent and suppress crimes and other offenses, detain persons who committed them, self-defense, and overcome opposition to the legal demands of employees of internal affairs bodies, if non-violent methods do not ensure the fulfillment of assigned duties.

8. For police officers when using special means:

It is prohibited to use faulty, unsuitable or expired special products;

It is prohibited to hit the head, neck and clavicular area, abdomen, solar plexus, genitals and other vital organs with a tonfa or rubber stick. It is necessary to strive to cause the least harm to health, strike in the permitted places (muscular areas of the arms and legs);

It is prohibited to fire aimed cartridges with gas grenades at violators. The shooting angle should exclude a direct hit;

It is prohibited to violate the parameters for the use of special equipment and safety measures established by the tactical and technical characteristics;

It is prohibited to violate the safe distance established for firing shock-action cartridges from pump-action shotguns (20-25m). Targeted shooting is carried out at the legs of the intruder;

It is prohibited to violate the safe distance established for light and sound distraction devices. Light and sound grenades are thrown with precautions along the bottom (rolling) at a distance of no closer than 6 m from the violators;

It is prohibited to use means of destroying barriers (small explosive devices) in rooms where hostages are located and at a distance closer than 2 m from a person;

It is prohibited to use devices for forced stopping of transport in relation to public vehicles and trucks intended for transporting people (if there are passengers), vehicles belonging to diplomatic missions, motorcycles, sidecars, scooters, mopeds, as well as on mountain roads or sections of roads with limited visibility , railway crossings, bridges, overpasses, overpasses, in tunnels;

It is prohibited to use water cannons against rioters at temperatures below zero.

9. Responsibility for the legality of the use of special means, compliance with established rules and safety measures rests with all levels from management to execution.

At the end of the operation (training), police officers of the Kyrgyz Republic are required to inspect the premises and area in order to detect victims, collect or destroy special means that did not work, identify possible sources of fire and damage to life support facilities, other facilities, as well as identify and eliminate other negative consequences.

The use of special means in violation of these Rules entails liability established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

According to the Government Russian Federation dated March 27, 1998 N 360 “On federal rules for the use of airspace and federal aviation rules” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 14, Art. 1593; 2000, N 17, Art. 1875) I order:

1. The Federal Aviation Rules for medical support for state aviation flights (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) determine the procedure for medical support during state aviation flights of the Russian Federation in peacetime.

2. These Rules are mandatory for compliance by all aviation formations of federal executive authorities and organizations that include state aviation.

3. Medical support for flights is provided by medical units of military units, health care institutions that are part of aviation units, federal executive authorities and organizations that include state aviation, authorized to carry out relevant medical activities (hereinafter referred to as the medical service).

4. Medical support for flights is organized by the relevant heads of medical services, doctors of individual squadrons and other officials of medical specialties who directly allow flight crews and technical personnel to perform flights, direct flights, perform tasks on board the aircraft, parachute jumps, as well as repair work and maintenance of aviation equipment of aviation units of federal executive authorities and organizations that include state aviation, having the appropriate specialist certificate (hereinafter referred to as the head of the medical service of the aviation unit).

5. Medical support for flights is carried out with the involvement of the forces and means of medical units of military units and healthcare institutions that organize and provide medical care to citizens who are employees (employees, military personnel, civil servants) of the aviation unit (hereinafter referred to as the medical service of the aviation technical unit) .

6. During the period of flights, the head of the medical service of the aviation unit is subordinate to the person organizing the flights (hereinafter referred to as the commander of the aviation unit).

7. The head of the medical service of the aviation unit is responsible for the high-quality organization of medical support for flights and the timely identification of persons who, due to health conditions and level of performance, cannot be allowed to fly, manage them and maintain aircraft equipment.

8. The set of measures for medical support of flights carried out by the medical service includes: organization and conduct of medical examination by medical flight commissions, measures for medical support of flights, maintenance of functional condition and performance, rehabilitation of flight personnel.

Daily dynamic medical monitoring of the health status of flight personnel and their tolerance to various types of flights (flight management), taking into account data from periodic medical examinations, medical examinations in order to study individual psychophysiological characteristics and timely detection of decreased performance, fatigue and diseases;

Flight crew training practical issues aviation medicine, provision of self- and mutual assistance, as well as self- and mutual monitoring of health and performance during flights;

Identification and study of occupational factors that have an adverse effect on the health and performance of flight personnel, development of measures to prevent their negative impact on flight safety;

In determining the size, selection and adjustment of special protective equipment for flight personnel, teaching them to breathe and speak under excess oxygen pressure;

10. Medical support during the preparation and execution of flights is carried out in relation to the flight personnel and technical equipment involved in flight operations, flight control and maintenance of aviation equipment, while the head of the medical service of the aviation unit builds relationships with the flight personnel on the basis of mutual trust, respect, tact, compliance with medical ethics standards in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

On approval of the license form for carrying out activities to provide regulated tourism and recreation in the territory of the national park

In accordance with paragraph 9 of the Regulations on the procedure for granting and canceling licenses to carry out activities to ensure regulated tourism and recreation in the territories of national parks, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.08.1996 N 916 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 33, Art. 3992), and paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 400 “On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2004 N 370” (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3347), I order: 1. To recognize as not subject to application the order of the Federal Forestry Service dated 08.25.1997 N 105 “On approval of the form of the License for carrying out activities to ensure regulated tourism and recreation in the territories of national parks” "*. 2. Approve the attached license form for carrying out activities to provide regulated tourism and recreation in the territory of the national park. 3. The Department of Legal Support and Property and Economic Activities (Shmokhin K.A.) organize the purchase in 2006 of 2000 license forms to carry out activities to provide regulated tourism and recreation in the territory of the national park (hereinafter referred to as license forms). 4. The Department of Economics, Finance and Environmental Expertise (Abdullaev N.A.) must ensure payment for the purchase of 2000 license forms in 2006. 5. The Department of Specially Protected Natural Areas and Permitting Activities (D.V. Fedotkin) shall carry out registration and storage of license forms in accordance with the established procedure, and also ensure their issuance to national parks. 6. Directors of national parks organize recording and storage of license forms in the prescribed manner. 7. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of the Federal Service O.L. Mitvol. Head S.I. Sai ______________________________ * Recognized by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as not requiring state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated October 6, 1997 N 07-02-1570-97) Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 3, 2006 Registration N 8442


Approved by order of the Federal Service
for supervision in the field of environmental management
dated July 31, 2006 N 265

RTO series
N 000000

Image of the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation

federal Service for supervision in the field of environmental management

to carry out activities to ensure regulated tourism and recreation in the territory of the national park

N __________ from " "__________20___

National Park______________________________________________________________

(name of the national park)


(For legal entities- full and abbreviated name

(if available), including company name,


organizational and legal form and legal address of the organization,


For individuals- last name, first name, patronymic, passport details


(series, number, when and by whom issued, place of residence)


(Kind of activity)

Conditions for carrying out the licensed type of activity ___________________________
Special conditions ______________________________________________________________
This license is granted for a period until " "____________20___.
based on the decision dated " "____________20___ N________.




(job title

authorized person)

authorized person)

authorized person)

The validity of this license has been extended until " "__________20___.
based on the decision dated " "___________20___ N _________.







In order to improve prosecutorial supervision, taking into account the legal positions set out in the resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 02.17.2015 N 2-P in the case of verifying the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", guided by paragraph 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law " On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", I order:

1. Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, heads of the main departments and directorates of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established competence, prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, cities and regions, military prosecutors equivalent to them and prosecutors of other specialized prosecutor's offices in the organization and implementation of supervision over the implementation of laws before the amendments provided for by the said resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are made to the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation":

1.1. When determining the deadline for the body (organization) to provide statistical and other information, certificates, documents, other materials and their copies at the request of the prosecutor, be guided by the principle of reasonableness.

Setting a deadline for fulfilling the prosecutor's request in less than one day is possible in the event of a threat of harm to the life and health of citizens, the environment, state security, property of individuals and legal entities, state or municipal property, natural and man-made emergencies.

1.2. When organizing and conducting inspections of compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the implementation of laws in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, representative (legislative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, military command and control bodies, control bodies, their officials, subjects of public control over the provision of human rights in places of forced detention and assistance to persons in places of forced detention, as well as management bodies and heads of commercial and non-profit organizations, bring the decision to conduct an inspection to the attention of the head or other an authorized representative of the inspected body (organization) no later than the day the inspection begins.

The inspection period should not exceed twenty working days. By decision of the prosecutor or his deputy, the period for conducting an inspection may be extended once by no more than twenty working days. A decision on a subsequent extension for a period not exceeding twenty working days may be made by a superior prosecutor or his deputy.

In relation to a body (organization) operating in the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the period for conducting an inspection is established separately for each branch, representative office, separate structural unit, regional department of the body (organization).

If it is necessary to conduct special studies, examinations, audits, obtain additional documents and information that may affect the conclusions of the inspection, its conduct may be suspended by decision of the prosecutor or his deputy for a period of up to six months. If it is impossible to complete these activities within six months or obtain the necessary documents and materials, the period of suspension of the inspection may be extended by decision of the superior prosecutor or his deputy.

The head or authorized representative of the inspected body (organization) is notified of the extension (suspension, resumption) of the inspection period.

After completion of the inspection, within ten working days, the head or authorized representative of the inspected body (organization) is given the right to familiarize himself with the inspection report.

1.3. Consistently seek from bodies (organizations) the timely provision of statistical and other information (not posted on the official website on the Internet), certificates, documents, other materials and their copies, as well as compliance with the requirements set out in the acts of prosecutorial response. In each case of failure to comply with the legal requirements of the prosecutor, bring the perpetrators to responsibility established by law.

3. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the first deputy and deputies of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

The order should be sent to the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, heads of the main departments and departments of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, equivalent military prosecutors and prosecutors of other specialized prosecutor's offices, who will bring its contents to the attention of subordinate employees.

Prosecutor General

Russian Federation

valid state

Counselor of Justice



On amendments to the order dated July 10, 2006 N 169 "On summing up the results of the first selection of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and projects for the provision of a state guarantee of the Russian Federation for the provision of land plots with engineering infrastructure and the modernization of communal infrastructure for the purpose of housing construction"

In order to harmonize the names and amounts of required guarantees for the implementation of investment projects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities that passed the first selection on June 29, 2006 for participation in the subprogram “Providing land plots with communal infrastructure for the purpose of housing construction” of the federal target program"Housing" for 2002-2010 to provide the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with state support at the expense of the 2006 federal budget funds allocated for the implementationsubprograms based on the protocols of the Commission for the selection of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and projects for participation in the subprograms “Providing housing for young families”, “Modernization of communal infrastructure” and “Providing land plots with communal infrastructure for housing construction”, which are part of the federal target program “Housing” " within the framework of the National Project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing for Citizens of Russia" dated 08/10/2006 N 4, dated 10/04/2006 N 5 I order:

1. Make the following changes to Appendix 1 to the order:

1.1. Paragraphs 1, 7, 37, 58 should be stated as follows:

Amur region

"Development of the Northern residential area municipality city ​​of Blagoveshchensk"


Vologda Region

"Construction of trunk networks for the development of the Zasheksninsky district (112 microdistrict) of the city of Cherepovets"


The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Engineering networks 203 sq. Ya Kutsk for housing construction


Stavropol region

"Layout of the microdistrict "Zapadny" in the city of P Yatigorsk, Stavropol Territory"


1.2. Exclude items:

Krasnodar region

Providing the land plot of the residential microdistrict "Pochtovy" with communal infrastructure for the purpose of housing construction in the city of K. Rasnodar


Krasnodar region

Providing the land plot of the residential microdistrict "Kubanskaya Embankment" with communal infrastructure for the purpose of housing construction in the city of Rasnodar


Krasnodar region

Providing a land plot on Zheleznodorozhnaya street with communal infrastructure for the purpose of housing construction in Krasnodar


Republic of Tatarstan

Residential complex "Riviera", apartment 71 and 59, Novo-Savinovsky district, Kazan.


Republic of Tatarstan

Residential buildings as part of the objects social sphere SEZ "Alabuga", E Labuga

Republic of Tatarstan

Residential district "Zamelekeskye", N.Aberezhnye Chelny


Republic of Tatarstan

Residential complex "Sunny City", residential buildings, Kazan


Republic of Tatarstan

Microdistrict"Old Airport", Kazan


Republic of Tatarstan

Microdistricts M1 and M2, g .Kazan


Republic of Tatarstan

Ecovillage"New Orekhovka"


Chita region

Project of the territory bounded by the street .N ovoboulevary, Shilov, Bogomyagkov, Kokhansky


1.3. The total amount of required guarantees for investment projects that have passed the selection should be stated as follows:

Head S.I. Kruglik