Viber cannot be installed on a Windows XP computer. How to install Viber on your phone or computer. Is it possible to install viber on a laptop without a phone?

04.03.2020 external HDs

Despite the enormous popularity mobile devices, the Viber messenger has not yet gained the same popularity on computers and laptops. To a certain extent, this is due to the fact that many users find it difficult or do not know at all how to install Viber on their computer.

For what reason might a person want to run Viber on a PC or laptop? Firstly, it’s convenient: a touch screen will never replace a full-fledged qwerty keyboard (besides, this approach eliminates the need to be distracted by two devices). Secondly, Viber is increasingly used as a platform for consulting clients in all kinds of online stores; Installing Viber on the manager’s computer will allow you to effectively and efficiently communicate with potential buyers.

How to install Viber on your computer

Viber for Windows

According to official information from the developers, anyone who owns a PC running Windows XP or higher (including Vista, 7, 8 and Windows 10) can install Viber on their computer. To do this, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the website and download the desktop version of Viber for Windows.
  1. Run the downloaded file to begin installing Viber on your PC. In the welcome window you must agree to the license terms. To do this, check the box as shown in the screenshot below. Then you need to click the “Install” button and wait for the installer to complete.

Hooray! The program is installed.

Viber on Linux and Mac

In addition to the application for Windows, the official Viber website contains free versions for operating systems on Linux based(Debian, Fedora, etc.) and MacOS.

Installing the program for these systems is no different from .

How to log into Viber from a computer

When you launch the program after installation, you will see the application's welcome window:

There are two options for activating Viber on a PC.

Method 1: Activation via QR code

In order to log into Viber on a computer, you need to open it on your smartphone, call the QR code reader from the messenger menu and read the QR code from the screen of your PC or laptop using your smartphone (as shown in the screenshots below):

After reading the code, you will be able to connect to Viber.

Method 2: if the camera does not work

It may happen that the camera on your smartphone does not work. How to read the QR code in this case? For this, the developers have provided the following mechanism:

  1. At the bottom of the window with the QR code, click on the button “My camera doesn’t work. What to do?".

  1. The program will generate a link with secret code. Copy it by clicking, oddly enough, the “Copy” button. Next, you should send this link to your phone (with installed by Viber) in any way convenient for you (for example, through another messenger or email). I will send this code to my smartphone using Telegram.

  1. Click on this link on your smartphone. The system will open it through a standard browser, but after that the request will be “forwarded” to Viber. In the messenger window that opens, you need to check the box next to “I want to activate...” and click the “Allow” button.

Now you know how to use Viber on a PC without using a smartphone camera.

How to completely remove Viber from your computer

To remove Viber from your computer, follow these steps:

For Windows XP: click the “Start” button, then “Control Panel”, in the window that opens, click on “Add or Remove Programs” and find Viber in the list of applications and uninstall it.

For Windows 7: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features” - find and uninstall Viber.

For Windows 10: “Start” - “Settings” - “Applications” and then everything is standard - find it in the list installed programs messenger and delete it.

Video instructions from PingviTech for Windows 10 owners:

Exists quick way access to the program management menu in any Windows versions: for this you need to write the command appwiz.cpl.

Important! Don't forget to delete personal files left after uninstalling Viber! Among these files will be all photos and videos received via Viber!

They are located at: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\ViberDownloads

Now you know how to completely remove Viber from your computer!


How to sync Viber with your computer

After logging into the messenger for the first time on a PC or laptop, the program automatically synchronizes all your contacts and groups in which you are a member. However, synchronization of dialogues and correspondence history will occur a little later in the process of using Viber. You will see a special window. Open the messenger on your phone, click the “Synchronize” button (on a PC), and then click the “Start” button (on a smartphone). Synchronization is complete.

In the future, all sent and received messages (including media files) will be available both on the phone and on the PC.

How to activate Viber on a computer without a phone

Let's just say that there is no “human” way to activate Viber without a smartphone, however, folk craftsmen suggest using a method based on using the BlueStacks emulator. A detailed algorithm of actions is outlined in the video instructions (although it seems easier to buy a simple smartphone!).

In the operating room Windows system 10, it became possible to quickly install the Viber application from Rakuten Viber. This is a mobile messenger that can now be present on laptops as a full-fledged application.

The official version of the program can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store - basic, preset program in Windows 10. But sometimes users do not install Viber on their computer, and sometimes it does not even download it. Below we will look at the most popular problems and ways to solve them. Why can Viber not install on your computer?

Reason 1: Viber was downloaded from a third-party site

Installation errors can often occur if you use installation file, downloaded from a third-party site and not from an official source. To save yourself from possible difficulties on the shore, download official version applications.

Ready. Now you can access the application directly from the Microsoft store, or pin Viber to the Quick Launch panel.

Reason 2: The application is blocked by the antivirus

Sometimes programs or applications may become blocked antivirus programs after installation. In this case, you should add them to “ White list " In general, such a list can be called differently, it all depends on the antivirus you use. Let's look at an example of solving a problem in a program Avast Free Antivirus.

With Viber installed on desktop computer or laptop there are rarely problems because the application is hosted in the official Microsoft store and the OS also belongs to them. Therefore, compatibility should be maximum. And the solutions described above should completely eliminate all possible problems.

Viber(Viber) is a very popular messenger for phones and iPhones, which is developing rapidly in Russia and abroad. The main function of the application is to provide free calls and exchange of SMS between users who have the program installed. Many users often experience errors in Viber that prevent them from communicating for free. If Viber does not work immediately after installation, the problem may be with the hardware of your phone. If Viber stops calling and displays an error after some time of operation, this problem can be solved in several ways, which we will discuss today in this review.

For the program to work without connection errors, Viber is required for comfortable work the following phone or tablet parameters:

Basic requirements for Viber to work on your phone:

  • Android– Viber 3.0 or higher (latest version)
  • iPhone– Viber 3.0, or higher
  • Blackberry– Viber 2.4 or higher
  • Windows Phone 8 – Viber 2.2.3 (partial compatibility, synchronization problems may occur), or higher
  • Windows Phone 7, S40/S60 & Bada- No minimum requirements for Viber.
  • Availability of Internet on the phone - 3G or Wi-Fi for high-quality communication when making calls.

For Messenger Viber to work on a computer, the following requirements are required:


  • Windows XP Service pack 3 or higher.
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8

Mac: OSX 10.7 or higher.
Linux: 64-bit distribution (only)

Minimum hardware requirements to run Viber:

  1. CPU: Dual processor.
  2. Memory: 1GB random access memory.
  3. Microphone And speakers to commit voice calls, as well as a webcam for video communication.
  4. Compatible Bluetooth receiver for using Bluetooth devices.

Requirements for making video calls in Viber (if the video call does not work):

  • Installed Viber version 5.0 and higher.
  • Operating system Adnroid 4.0 and higher.
  • The front camera of the phone must be 1.3 megapixels or more!!!.
  • The amount of RAM installed in the phone is 1.5 Gigabytes or more!
  • If your phone does not meet at least one requirement - Video calling via Viber WILL NOT WORK!

Why doesn't Viber work on my phone and won't connect?

The first thing you need to check is the presence of Internet on your device. First, turn off the Wi-Fi network if it is connected, and try to launch the Viber application, connecting via mobile communications. If performance does not return, restart your phone or tablet and try again. In most cases this helps solve Viber errors and return stable work program.

VIber gives an “error” when activating the number - what should I do?

Message "Error" in Viber appears either immediately upon activation of the program, or after deactivating your account, or rearranging the messenger. What can cause an Error message in Viber?

1. Your number was blocked due to sending spam (the robot considered you a spammer). This error is very common among users who send many messages to a large group of people. Be it congratulations on the New Year, or another holiday. Urgently We recommend that you do not send messages on Viber to a large group of people ! The system automatically blocks and bans your number FOREVER! There have been cases when users wrote a letter to Viber technical support to have their number unblocked, there was no spam mailing, and this will not happen again in the future. But unblocking a number upon request is almost impossible. Therefore, the solution to this problem would be to activate Viber on another number that has not yet been blacklisted by the system.

  • 1. Reboot your gadget (phone or tablet);
  • 2. Disconnect from the network (Wi-Fi) and check the availability of the Internet;
  • 3. If steps 1. 2. did not help, completely remove and reinstall Viber (All correspondence will be deleted without recovery)
  • 4. There may be problems with your provider or on the Viber servers, wait until the service is restored.
  • 5. Your number may have been blocked (in the spam list).

If you have a different error and have not solved the problem, leave your problem in the comments, which we will be happy to help solve together with you.