Earn money playing Dota 2. How to make money on the Steam trading platform

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    You can earn a little extra money playing Dota 2 while enjoying the game, but you can’t call it stable income. If you have a pumped up account, you can sell it on the sales site game accounts, but be careful in this area there are a lot of scammers who steal and then sell other people’s accounts. But the most popular way to make money in the game is by trading things.

    The option I see is this: pump up your account well, and then sell it to a person who is too lazy to upgrade, but doesn’t mind spending money on an already well-boosted account. You can also bet on victory, for example, bet with friends and win the bet. Or take part in championships and earn money for winning them (but this is an option for real pros).

    There are about a dozen options and ways to earn money playing the game Dota - 2. To get money in the game, you should start with the simplest thing - exchanging, buying or selling Dota items. Another way is to bet on dota2loung, but it's 50/50, either you'll be lucky or not. Among other things, you can sell your account, or post a video of the passage of this game. You can read more about making money in Dota 2 here.

    The option with bets is risky, you can lose, after all. There are sites where they exchange things, that’s where you can make money. The principle is that someone is looking for a specific thing for a set, you have it, since a person needs it, he is ready to exchange it for a pair of the same grade, so you increase your inventory, then you can change quantity for quality. The method is slow (although For some, it may work out quickly), but without a donation, for sure, and without risk. When I tried, I had 15 rubles a day. That’s not enough, that’s why I gave up, I had no luck with bets either. In the end I tried to earn money on postal services, there were rubles I raise 50-100 a day, and the main thing is that you don’t have to spend the whole day, but only 2-3 hours maximum. I don’t know how much a puja hook costs right now, but when I tried to make money on an exchange, it cost around 400-500 rubles. Well, count 5-6 days and the hook is yours. If anyone is interested, you can read about postal workers here http://rabota-sidyata-doma.rf/ Although the work there is certainly tedious, it’s more for nerds, but I’m a nerd myself) and that’s fine for me.

    There is one good view The way to make money playing Dota 2 is to shoot interesting videos of your games using different heroes.

    After that, post the most interesting and funny videos on YouTube and participate in an affiliate program, where you will receive money for a thousand views!

    A lot of video bloggers do this.

    While playing Dota, an unexpected moment may occur that you can take advantage of!

    Most The best way making money in the game Dota 2 is let's plays. Film yourself playing, show yours gaming capabilities to other people, show off your skills and people will watch you. Or play on streams and receive donations, as Karina Strimersha does.

    There are 2 options:

    1) This is to deposit in the keys and try to knock out the courier from the chest, which will most likely cost a lot and cover all your expenses at once. well it paid method and not everyone likes it, but it is also free.

    2) This is to place bets on the dota2lounge website, in the form of clothes, so you will rise from racks to racks and from racks to racks and from racks to keys 6 racks = 1 key, 1 key = 60 rubles for trading platform stim. That's all, good luck to you.

    Let's define it right away. In the game Dota 2, all players are equal. Therefore, it is not possible to sell a pumped up account. The only thing you can improve is your rating. You can make money on bets, but to do this you need to know the composition of the teams. And after every game, things fall out. Things are very rare and these are the ones that can be sold. Although any items you drop or buy do not affect the dexterity or strength of your account. I'll repeat it again. In Dota 2 everyone is equal.

    In the game Dota 2 you can earn money by playing. The first option is to buy and sell things, but you need to understand the price, and things can also drop out after the game. The second option is to upgrade and sell accounts. The third option is suitable for those who know how to play interestingly. You voice-over videos and post them on YouTube in your channel, people watch, money drips in =)

    There are several ways to earn money in this game. For example, at bets, buy, exchange things in Dota, or sell them.

    You can upgrade your account, although this will require some investment. and then sell it at a profit, because you can always find a buyer.

    You can earn money using videos posted on YouTube, but you need to have a lot of subscribers on the channel.

Dota 2 is no exception. Here you can withdraw a considerable amount, you just need to know how. Next, we will look at the main ways to make money in Dota 2.

1. Trade in things and objects

This is the most basic way to make money in Dota 2, but, unfortunately, it is not the most profitable. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Resell items;
  2. Wait for the drop.

Naturally, the first path is the most practical, because in the second it is almost impossible to wait for something truly valuable, even by opening a bunch of chests. But even here, reselling items is not as easy as it might seem to a beginner. For each item resold, a commission of 15% is charged, so the player, in order to remain “in the black,” must sell it for at least 16% more than the purchase price.

Therefore, the following advantages and disadvantages can be identified in trading objects and things.

  • Stability;
  • Minimum investment.
  • Small profit;
  • A long time spent searching and reselling items and things;
  • Commission of 15%.

2. Selling accounts

If you are good at playing, you can upgrade your accounts to a high MMR and sell them. On average, an account with 3000 MMR costs 700 rubles. With 4000 MMR - already 2000 rubles. You can sell accounts with MMR on specialized public pages in social networks, simply by creating an announcement in game group discussions, on specialized forums. There are only scammers around, so sell carefully.

3. Upgrading accounts

The so-called "boost". In this case, they give you an account, and you upgrade it to the MMR value the customer needs. This is usually much more profitable than selling ready-made accounts. You can see the estimated income in the screenshot below. You can also try to join a team of boosters so that they can send you orders for a percentage. When no one knows you, it is very difficult to find customers.

4. Making things

There is another way to make money in Dota 2 - by creating unique items. But it is suitable only for those who are good at imagining and showing creativity, since it requires modeling of 2D and 3D models. The big advantage of this method is the pleasure that the creator of the item receives from the fact that it will enter the game and become available to other players. And what if he also “shows up” at The International!

To bring this idea to life, you need to come up with a concept, draw a 2D or 3D model and upload the result to the Steam Workshop. Of course, earning money here is completely different, in contrast to the previously discussed methods. Each item sold brings its creator 25% of the purchase. Therefore, everything depends on the developer himself and his skills. Who knows, maybe he will be able to create something like the Genuine Demon Shard, which costs $200. Imagine how much you can earn from each purchase!

Now we need to highlight the pros and cons of creating things.

  • The Creator will be able to become famous;
  • 25 percent interest rate for each purchase of a created item.
  • Modeling knowledge required;
  • Not every item is accepted.

5. Stream

Streaming game moments is currently the most popular way to make money in Dota 2. Moreover, it is available to everyone. But in order for the game to bring in real money, it is necessary to gather a certain number of viewers, otherwise there will be no income. How can you attract visitors?

For example, you can stream not only your own games, but also various tournaments. For streaming you can get 3.5 dollars. for every 1000 views.

This method has one advantage - the more subscribers and views, the greater the income of the channel owner.

There are several disadvantages:

  • A large number of subscribers is required;
  • You need a fairly powerful gaming computer;
  • Development of an interesting format that distinguishes it from other channels.

6. Bets

Betting in Dota 2 is more likely alternative way earnings rather than the main one, since it should still be classified as gambling. But it makes money, which means it can be included on our list.

How to place bets?

  1. Go to the website of any bookmaker;
  2. Select your favorite team;
  3. Place your bet;
  4. Wait for the results of the tournament.

Naturally, it is impossible to say for sure about the amount of earnings when using this method, since it will completely depend on the size of the bet made. Usually it is 20-30% of the rate.

The advantage of betting is quick earnings, but the disadvantages are the risk of losing the money bet, as well as the need to understand the composition of the teams in order to judge someone’s championship. Well, luck doesn't hurt. Read more about the method here - and follow this link -.

7. Participation in tournaments

Undoubtedly this method will be inaccessible to almost 99% of all Dota 2 players. After all, in order to get into professional sports, you need to play well and play all day long, and even then the chance is very small.

Even if you play very, very well, it is not enough to simply write to the team captain and wait for his response, which you are unlikely to receive, because he receives a lot of similar letters.

Then you need to figure out how to attract attention to your person, and what is needed in order to be noticed?

  1. You need to stream your own games. Subscribers, who will be added every time there is a good game, will repost you in in social networks, thereby creating a positive reputation for you and your channel;
  2. Creating your own team, which will begin its performance at small and less recognizable tournaments, which will then move on to large ones, and if you’re lucky, to international ones.

By the way, it would be nice to combine the two above methods. This will make your chances of joining a professional team much greater.

It also happens that a player who created a channel for streaming only to be noticed by professional teams gradually forgot about his main goal and began to concentrate only on his subscribers, because the stream is already bringing in a lot of money.

Now let's look at the advantages of this method:

  • Gaining international fame;
  • Earnings on a large scale.

Disadvantages of participating in tournaments:

  • It is necessary to play well;
  • Find good players for your team.


Here we have listed everything possible ways earning money in the game Dota 2. All of them have already been tried by many players and turned out to work quite well. Therefore, now you can not only enjoy the game, but also earn good money from it. Don't forget to combine several methods to earn more. For example, if you are going to boost your account, why not stream it?

30.07.18 49 210 46

How I earned 500,000 rubles in Dota 2

And spent 4400 hours in the game

Over the past year, the amount of prize money in tournaments for various online games has exceeded $100 million, and about a third of this money was distributed to players in Dota 2, which will be discussed in the article. Now Dota champions receive salaries of 15-20 thousand euros.

People don't mind paying for games. In 2017, game development companies earned more than $100 billion. Moreover, games that are distributed for free make good money at the box office. The world's most popular free-to-play game, League of Legends, earned $2.1 billion, while its competitor, Dota 2, earned $406 million.

$100 billion

makes up the gaming market in 2017. Since 2012 it has grown by more than $30 billion

The logic is this: having paid once, the player expects to get the entire game and is not going to pay any more. And the developer, who lured the player at a price of 0 rubles, can offer him additional goods and services, often for money.

Someone wants their virtual warrior to have a rare sword - and he shells out $16,000 for it, someone buys a virtual Amsterdam for $50,000, and others are ready to shell out $6 million for an entire planet. But most of these goods are an alternative color of the hero's hat, shining armor, a different color and type of weapon. The cost of such cosmetic changes is small: from a few rubles to several hundred. Developers rely on sales volumes.

For many, games are a real second life, where they also want to impress with their unusual appearance, weapons and virtual home. For them, a knife for $1000 in a game about a confrontation between terrorists and special forces is the same status symbol as new iPhone or an expensive foreign car.

Release of "Dota 2"

In 2011, Valve Corporation released the game Dota 2 in beta version. The essence of the game is the confrontation between two teams. Each team has its own base, surrounded by defensive buildings. To win, you need to destroy the central building at the enemy base.

Each team has five people, they control different heroes with a set of unique abilities. Heroes differ in appearance; it can be changed using in-game items - skins. Change in the same way appearance a courier who brings useful things to the hero from the base. For example, instead of a standard donkey, you can use a talking chest, a flying dog, a small robot or an unimaginable beast.

You can get a skin or item in several ways - buy from the developers in the in-game store, buy from other players on the trading platform or exchange from hand to hand, or, with great luck, get it after playing the game.

The developers sell new gaming fashion items in the in-game store; there is also a second-hand store based on the Steam gaming trading platform. Here players sell unwanted items and receive money for them minus a 13% commission. The money is credited to the internal Steam wallet - you cannot withdraw money from it, but you can spend it on other items on the trading platform or buy a new game.

My friend and I actively played Dota 2, so we had a good understanding of item fashion. We knew what was popular and therefore expensive.

Exchange of items in the game

Previously, items that could drop to a player after a match could be exchanged or sold immediately. That's what everyone did.

Items in Dota 2 are valued depending on their rarity. The higher the rarity, the less likely it was to get the item after the game and the more valuable it was.

My friend and I played a lot, and we had a large variety of items, including rare and mythical ones. We began to trade them, like currency in an exchange office: they offered to buy some rare thing from us for 7-8 less rare ones, and then looked for people from whom we could exchange it back at a more favorable rate.

On each transaction we earned 2-3 things, which in terms of rubles was quite a bit, less than 10 rubles. But this allowed us to expand our range, offer customers something that would be interesting to them, improving our position in price negotiations.

The exchange of things was very developed: the game was gaining popularity, people discussed it on forums and on social networks, boasted about their things, and were jealous of others. Players preferred exchanges to purchases on the trading platform - then they did not have to pay a commission.

The developers turned out some items so beautiful that the exchange rate for them soared from the standard 5-7 items of the previous level to 10, 20, and so on. We tried to monitor trends and proactively trade such items from people who did not realize their potential value.

After the game, a chest could also fall out; now they have already been taken out of the game. The chests also contained a certain set of items - rare or not so rare. Chests were opened with keys, after opening the key was destroyed. Keys were always needed, and they had their own stable rate - 70 rubles apiece, which is how much they cost in the in-game store.

Keys were the unofficial currency of Dota 2. Everyone knew how much they cost, and based on this, they calculated the cost of unique things. If a rare courier was sold on the trading platform for 1,500 rubles, you could write to the seller and offer 21 keys for the item - 21 × 70 R = 1470 R. And also ask for a discount - so that he does not have to pay a commission from the trading platform.

Withdrawing money from the game

Rare things that my friend and I found and traded in the game, we exchanged them for keys. Using the keys, we began to withdraw virtual money from the Steam wallet into real life. In the game store, one key cost 70 rubles, and we offered to buy them from us cheaper - for 50-60 rubles. Clients were found on gaming forums and in groups on social networks.

The market was just emerging, and at first people didn’t trust us: what if they transfer money, but we don’t hand over the keys? But we valued our reputation and never cheated. After each transaction, we asked for feedback, people usually agreed. This is how we earned a reputation and regular customers.

The item that changed the game

In 2012, we began to look closely at a new interesting subject. We were not mistaken - and about a year later it became the new currency of Dota 2. Here's how it happened.

There is a lot of competition on Steam now. You have to compete in reaction speed not only with other courier hunters, but also with bots. The programs automatically analyze the most popular items and buy them back if the price is attractive. Because of this, we are less likely to buy out interesting couriers - our main source of income.

Valve is making a lot of efforts to ensure that the marketplace is not used for speculation: there is a delay of a week between the purchase of an item and the opportunity to put it up for sale, and the endlessly scrolling feed of new products on the site, where it was convenient to look for good deals, has disappeared. Items that may drop after a match can no longer be sold or exchanged.

As part of the fight against bots and violations license agreement, Valve has banned the violators' accounts. Bot owners lost access to items with a total value of about $1 million that were in the inventories of blocked accounts

We had to slow down. Now we sell games mainly to friends and acquaintances, receiving about 10 thousand a month for each. Our group on Vkontakte has retrained as an entertainment group.

But general principles, described in the article, still work. You can earn money this way in Dota 2, CS:GO, PUBG and other games, items from which are available on the trading platform.

How to make money on the Steam trading platform

  1. Become a fan, follow news and trends.
  2. Look for unusual things on the marketplace. If an item has a standard price, but differs in a certain property, effect or description, you can make money on it.
  3. You can withdraw money from your wallet by selling games.
  4. If you take the time to learn how to code, you can write a bot that will browse the marketplace for you, but abusing bot trading may be considered a violation of the license agreement.
  5. Be prepared for your account to be blocked and for you to lose everything.

Currently one of the most popular computer games Dota 2 is considered worldwide. Dota 2 bets are made by millions of players every day in almost every country in the world. Thanks to this, many users who understand this game are able to earn decent amounts of money. To do this, you do not need to have special skills, you just need to understand where to look for the necessary information.

Effective earnings on Dota 2

Oddly enough, one of the best opportunities to increase your earnings by betting on eSports is to use expert opinions. Before each prominent match, any self-respecting streamer will definitely report his opinion on what the outcome of a particular competition will be.

To form your own opinion, you just need to watch a few similar videos and then you will create your own idea on which team is best to bet on. If you always listen to the opinions of experts, then very soon you will be able to achieve the following results:

  • earnings from bets will increase several times;
  • you will become much better at understanding your favorite game;
  • spend time with pleasure and benefit.

Do not forget that such income is not only profitable in terms of receiving a significant amount of money, but it is also as comfortable as possible. Imagine sitting in your comfortable chair and watching matches of your favorite game and getting paid for it. For this reason, it is not at all surprising that betting on Dota 2 is now so popular.

If you listen to the opinions of experts, you can easily achieve significant heights in this area. You just need to always improve your knowledge regarding game tactics and the latest events from the world of big e-sports in order to be aware of everything you need to make money on bets.