What is android 4.4 kitkat. Problems with mobile data and LTE connection on Android KitKat

02.09.2020 Hard disks

It has long been no secret that there is already a test version latest version Software for loved ones mobile devices, and it has a humorous name - KitKat, by the way, one of my favorite chocolates, but that’s not about that today. Next, I will talk about when the official release date of Android 4.4.2 KitKat will happen, as well as how to install the test version on your gadget, I will post instructions, so to speak.

Main features of the firmware: changing the interface, now it will become more usable, may seem unusual at first, but when you get used to it, you will have thoughts about how you can even have a phone with different software! Let's go further, the kernel has been redesigned, now the performance will be many times greater, that is, with the current hardware there is better loading speed, hi-fi optimization. Accordingly, the device will heat up less during several simultaneous tasks and less power will be wasted, this is a sore story about Android devices!

Android 4.4.2 KitKat firmware release date: the official appearance will take place in March 2014, that is, the wait is very short, just over a month, but for those who can’t wait, you can install it now. IMPORTANT: Now you will learn how to install Android KitKat, but you should not try to install the firmware if you don’t understand anything about it, you will need a little handling skills and some experience. And second, only suitable for phones Samsung Galaxy S4.

Instructions for Android installation 4.4.2 KitKat (for Samsung Galaxy S4)

1) First of all, we find the firmware on the Internet (there is a lot of it everywhere), download it, it weighs more than 1GB, so you have to wait.
2) At the same time, download Odin3 v3.09.
3) Unzip both files and open the program from step 2.
4) We press several buttons on the smartphone at the same time - lower volume, home and shutdown.
5) Connect the gadget to the computer and wait for the icon to appear.
6) Now it’s a little more complicated, you need to add I9505XXUFNA1_I9505OXAFNA1_I9505XXUFNA1_HOME.tar.md5 to the AP, we make sure that re-partition is active, but it is active by default.
7) Press the button - start and wait. The installation will take about 5-10 minutes.
8) Use and enjoy!

What to do if the firmware is not installed/installed incorrectly!

1) First of all, let’s get our nerves in order, know that everything will be fine in the end.
2) You need to restore the operating system, to do this, click on the magic bunch of buttons, namely home, volume up and off.
3) Next, activate the wipe/factory reset option. Of course, everything that was deleted will be deleted, but you took the risk and in the end you will get at least a working system.
4) reboot - click on this button and return previous version Android, you will agree that this option is much more impressive than the useless tape.

That’s basically all, if anything didn’t work out for anyone, write in the comments, we’ll help you figure out what you did wrong!

Many people speculated about the release date of Android 4.4 in the fall of 2013. At first she was “assigned” to mid-October. But then the 15th arrived and nothing happened. There was information about October 18, but new information brought everything down to the end of October, in particular to the 31st. And so it happened - the release date of Android 4.4 was set for October 31, 2013.

Google decided to make us happy on Halloween in a special way and it succeeded. It was possible not only to announce the new system, but also the new smartphone Nexus 5 - a 5-inch device, main feature which is an excellent screen, a high-performance processor and affordable price. But we will stop at this towards the end of the article.

Note that the new version 4.4 offers significantly more changes. In general, the last release was mainly aimed at developers. From the point of view of programmers, everything was just fine there: OpenGL ES 3.0, updated APIs with animation support, and so on. In general, programs should become cooler. But Android 4.4 already offers new features aimed at everyday use. There are changes both in the interface and built-in basic programs. By the way, there are even more such programs. It’s not for nothing that the code name has finally changed from Jelly Bean to KitKat. But first things first.

Android 4.4 – what's new?

Of course, this is not a new major version of the system from Google - back in May 2013, but instead Android 4.3 was released, and now 4.4. So we don't expect any major changes to the interface. No, they exist, but they are rather cosmetic. Like the white color of the font and icons in the notification bar at the top, which replaced the blue one first introduced in Android 4.0. The panel itself is made translucent. The Roboto font used in the system has also been redesigned. Google's OS has once again been simplified in terms of interface - it is not so intrusive and does not distract from work.

In general, now Android has almost introduced its own Siri. Well, of course, not fully - we are not talking about a complete assistant, like the Apple or Samsung S Voice application. Rather, it's a quick call to voice search. Now, being on the desktop, just say “OK Google” and the Google Now application will open. If someone feels awkward about this, then you can simply “swipe” the screen from left to right and the same thing will happen.

Overall, Google Now has done a decent job. This application now searches not only the Internet, but takes into account data from your location, sites visited, and even TV shows watched. Just some kind! The similarity becomes even stronger when you learn that Google Now can direct you not to a particular page in the browser, but to the corresponding application. For example, to reserve a ticket, it will be launched required program. Of course, if one is installed.

Google also worked hard on the music player. First of all, the operation of the system was optimized during this process, which does not require significant diversion of computing resources. The company promises up to 60 hours of music playback. Plus, when something is playing or streaming on Chromecast (yes, this is also a new feature), an image of the album the song is included in is displayed in the background on the lock screen. Or it could be a movie cover. In addition, here you can control playback without unlocking the phone.

Remember the Back, Home and Call buttons context menu, which Google decided to remove from the smartphone and transfer to the screen? Do you remember how she endured them? All this was done so “powerfully” that these buttons “hung” even in games where they could be accidentally pressed! No, no one removed them, but Android 4.4 introduced a special “full-screen” mode where these buttons will not be present. I just want to shout: FINALLY! However, developers must still activate this mode in their applications. That's when there will be happiness. For now, only the desktop background will be distributed under these buttons.

Separately noted is the work on multitasking. Although everything is more modest here. In Android 4.4, they simply optimized the distribution of resources between applications. Now switching between them occurs more smoothly and without unnecessary delays.

By the way, Google generally positions new Android as a panacea for fragmentation. It seems to be able to work on devices with 512 MB of RAM, for which both the system itself and standard applications were optimized. Although the question is, how will Google force device manufacturers to update all of them to Android 4.4? After all, this is not iOS and not Windows Phone, where a notification about the possibility of updating will appear - here everything does not depend on the OS developer, which is a pity. But in any case, we’re still waiting budget smartphones with Android 4.4.

Some Android users are unhappy with the built-in dialer. Moreover, this may be the one that the manufacturer offers in its own shell. To eliminate the need to install separate application, the standard “dialer” was modernized. In fact, yellow pages were built into it - the most frequently called contacts. It has become easier to search by contacts, and not only by them - from the “dialer” you can also search by local companies and people added to your Google Apps domain.

By the way, Android 4.4 number will now be determined not only by your address book. More precisely, not so - if the caller’s number is not there, the system will try to find data about him somewhere else, for example, in Google Maps. Of course, its location will not be revealed, but if they call from any company whose number is publicly known, then information about it will be shown.

And Google clearly wants to oust WhatsApp. How else to explain such a serious integration of the native Hangouts application into Android 4.4? How serious? Yes, now it is used as the main means for sending SMS, MMS, as well as making voice and video calls. You can even send through it animated gifs! Of course, you can use a more traditional tool for SMS and MMS, but Hangouts is more versatile and functional. Moreover, Emoji icons have also been added - there is everything from emoticons to flowers with cars. Of course, this applies to changes in on-screen keyboard, not Hangouts - icons are available to any application.

In June 2012, and then, a year later in September 2013. Now Quickoffice is part of Android 4.4. Including this office suite integrated with Google Drive– all documents can be directly saved there. They can also be opened from there.

Another notable “office” innovation is printer support. You can send a photo, document, or web page for printing. The main thing here is to take care of connecting the printer. Not by wire, of course, but through an application like Google Cloud Print or HP ePrint, or any other similar plan from the store Google Play. In addition, applications can now add printing capabilities to their functionality.

Google lists other changes almost in one line, since they will be almost invisible to the average user. Although can you say the same about the built-in pedometer? Or about the redesigned application for downloading files? Among other things, we added an HDR+ mode to the camera application, redesigned the standard email client, and added a Location item to Quick Settings ( quick settings). Improved support for IR ports for management consumer electronics, if one is built into the smartphone. Another decent update is the new open architecture for NFC payments. All this is done through Host Card Emulation (HCE) and any application can use it.

Developers were able to use the engine Chrome browser in your applications to display various web components. And in general, all applications will be executed in a special protected environment, Security-Enhanced Linux. Android 4.4 also now includes a remote device search service.

You can speed up your 3D games using RenderScript. The corresponding graph shows a noticeable increase in speed. But again, support must be provided by the developer himself. Continuing the topic of graphics and screens in particular, we’ll add that the standard is now supported Wi-Fi Miracast, allowing you to broadcast images to a TV.

By the way, a very cool feature is the ability to capture the screen to record video. Why this is needed, everyone will decide for themselves (for example, to demonstrate an application, create marketing material, and so on), but in any case, it is a useful thing. The video is recorded in screen resolution or close to it. All this can be configured, as well as the bitrate. The resulting video will be saved as an MP4 file. And yes, none special program no need - everything is built into Android 4.4!

To summarize, we note that there are noticeably more changes in Android 4.4 KitKat than in Android 4.3, introduced in July 2013. Moreover, these are changes to such basic applications as the dialer and SMS messages. Yes and systemic music player has become better, printer support will be useful to someone, as well as the pre-installed Quickoffice. Now we can say for sure that innovations are visible to the “naked eye” and they are really useful. However, we are all waiting for Android 5.0 and all that it has to offer us. And in conclusion, let's talk briefly about the Nexus 5.

Nexus 5

The Nexus 5 smartphone was introduced along with Android 4.4. Actually, this is the first device based on this system. In the summer, let us remind you that the Nexus 7 tablet was updated. And now, in addition to the “tiny” Nexus 4, an older brother has appeared. It's not hard to guess that its main change is a 5-inch screen (4.95-inch to be exact).

The Nexus 5 screen resolution has increased to 1920x1080 (445 ppi), which is exactly in line with the current trend. An IPS matrix is ​​also used. But the processor has become noticeably more powerful - it is a 2.26 GHz 4-core chip Qualcomm Snapdragon 800. It is considered to be one of the most quick solutions in the smartphone and even tablet market.

2 GB of RAM is installed - like many modern flagships. Built-in memory – 16 or 32 GB. Slots for microSD card everything is also not provided. They save money, you know! But there is an 8 MP camera and a 2300 mAh battery. At the same time, the weight of Nexus 5 is not very large - only 130 grams. Its thickness is 8.6 mm, which is also quite small. Plus, the smartphone supports wireless charging!

The cost of Nexus 5 is set at $349 for the 16 GB version and $399 for the 32 GB version. For the money this is a very good deal!

However, many are interested in the question: when will other smartphones receive Android 4.4? We answer: soon. More precisely, Google promised to provide an update “within weeks.” So in November 2013 the issue will be resolved. We are apparently talking about at least the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tablets, as well as Developer Edition devices – Galaxy S4 and HTC One with bare Android. A also HTC promised to equip it very, very quickly new system your HTC One. It would be absolutely wonderful!

But I wonder if Google is so actively promoting Android 4.4 as a super-optimized OS that can easily run on 512 MB of RAM and is perfect for budget devices, does that mean its Nexus One and Nexus S will also receive an update?? Yes, it has a single-core processor and only 512 MB of memory, but these are precisely those “budget” devices by modern standards!

Okay, let's leave it all up to Google. In the meantime, we will wait for the next Android. If only it were Android 5.0! And so we ask you to tell us about your experience with Android 4.4, as soon as it appears, in the comments below. Or just share your opinion about the new OS.

Android 4.4.2 is an operating system developed for mobile devices by Google. This version was called KitKat, and she, perhaps, best version firmware, if we consider all releases of Android 4. The operating system has become very widespread and is now used on many devices, delighting its users. If you wanted to download firmware for Android to update your phone or tablet more new version, then this page is for you!

The new update has significantly reduced system requirements OS, thereby increasing the number of smartphones that can now fully support it. Therefore, today almost every user has access to Android 4.4.2 firmware for free download in Russian, which can be downloaded at Cyclone-Soft! If you haven't been able to update your phone for a long time or don't know how to flash your tablet, then the installer package available for download via torrent will help you a lot. In other words, today almost any device supports Android 4.4.2, so you have an excellent opportunity to quickly update the operating system.

Among other things, the OS has been highly optimized, which can only mean that devices using it get a nice boost in power and performance. Of course, hardware plays the main role here, but it is often perfectly tuned software performs no less a task.

Features and innovations of Android 4.4.2 KitKat

Interface options and new features

There is no doubt that the most visible changes in this operating system has a user interface. It has become even more comfortable and informative, allowing you to conveniently and easily manage desktops and divide installed applications into types and categories. This is an excellent option on how to flash Android, because version 4.4.2 was considered much more successful than previous releases.

Choose the one you like color palette, use the convenient notification panel and translucent buttons at the bottom, which have been perfectly updated appearance operating systems. Android 4.4.2 firmware can be downloaded for free in Russian, which can be found at the end of the page, and has also received updated controls for many elements of the system. For example, the user can hide system elements that are unnecessary on-screen buttons and the notification panel itself.

Sensor support

New Android version has interesting updates in terms of processing specialized sensors. The fact is that now KitKat can receive all the information from them in batches and group the data at certain intervals. This solution helped not only to reduce the load on the device’s processor, but also to reduce power consumption, which depends on its operation. New program for firmware it has many new functions that allow you to use detection sensors, pedometer and many others in your smartphone.

The user will also have access to built-in support for infrared ports and a module for working with several Bluetooth profiles at once. KitKat 4.4.2 will help you print absolutely any documents wirelessly.

Updated photo editor

Android 4.4 received brand new graphics editor, which you can activate while in the gallery. The utility will do an excellent job of adding filters and frames, cropping photos and many other tasks. One could even argue that the functionality is in no way inferior to the Instagram application, in which you can process your photos. Crop frames, straighten the image, rotate it at the desired angle and create a mirror copy - all this is available to you!

How to update Android to version 4.4 KitKat

Downloading, installing and further updating the operating system will not cause you any difficulties, regardless of whether you decide to flash a smartphone or tablet. Download Android 4.4.2 KitKat and follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, which will answer all your questions about how to flash your Android phone or update your tablet OS.

Be sure to share the page with friends who do not yet have Android 4.4.2 KitKat, so that they can also update to this excellent version by flashing the firmware of their device. Write comments and don't forget to rate the software! Thank you for your attention!

It still seems that Android 4.4 KitKat is the latest version of the system, but let's remember that the four were introduced back in the fall of 2013! Over all this time, several firmware editions of this android have been released, these are 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3 and 4.4.4. The biggest changes affected basic version. There is no point in listing them all; this is a site with firmware, not an information resource for geeks.
One has only to mention the quantitative changes in subversions. This is necessary so that you understand exactly what firmware you need to download, and whether it is worth downloading at all.
Android version 4.4.1 received minimum changes, which is very strange, since usually after the first release many bugs appear that are fixed in the next build.
Update 4.4.2 is useful in that it introduces a useful wireless monitor feature. Thanks to it, it became possible to view photos taken on a mobile gadget on big screen smart TV with Wi-Fi. The most useful firmware version with Android 4.4.3. It received the largest number of changes and additions, comparable to the differences between the basic version and the previous generation. Numerous errors with the operation of the Internet, camera and system programs have been fixed. Well, Android 4.4.4 released only due to fixing glitches with security protocols.
It’s up to you to choose which firmware to download, but we recommend downloading only official assemblies in Russian language and preferably not beta. Alternative and other custom firmware can do more harm than good. Although, if you know how to flash a phone or tablet on Android (for example, with the Odin program), then this will only be an advantage for you.
It would be useful to remind you that before installing the firmware you need to do full backup systems!

Latest 20 added Android 4.4 KitKat firmware

Android 4.4.2 is an operating system developed for mobile devices by Google. This version is called KitKat, and it is perhaps the best version of the firmware if we consider all releases of Android 4. The operating system has become very widespread and is now used on many devices, delighting its users. If you wanted to download firmware for Android to update your phone or tablet with a newer version, then this page is for you!

The new update has significantly lowered the OS system requirements, thereby increasing the number of smartphones that can now fully support it. Therefore, today almost every user has access to Android 4.4.2 firmware for free download in Russian, which can be downloaded at Cyclone-Soft! If you haven't been able to update your phone for a long time or don't know how to flash your tablet, then the installer package available for download via torrent will help you a lot. In other words, today almost any device supports Android 4.4.2, so you have an excellent opportunity to quickly update the operating system.

Among other things, the OS has been highly optimized, which can only mean that devices using it get a nice boost in power and performance. Of course, hardware plays a major role here, but often perfectly debugged software performs an equally important task.

Features and innovations of Android 4.4.2 KitKat

Interface options and new features

There is no doubt that the most visible change in a given operating system is in the user interface. It has become even more comfortable and informative, allowing you to conveniently and easily manage desktops and divide installed applications into types and categories. This is an excellent option on how to flash Android, because version 4.4.2 was considered much more successful than previous releases.

Choose the color palette you like, use the convenient notification panel and translucent buttons at the bottom, which have perfectly updated the appearance of the operating system. Android 4.4.2 firmware can be downloaded for free in Russian, which can be found at the end of the page, and has also received updated controls for many elements of the system. For example, the user can hide system elements, unnecessary on-screen buttons, and the notification panel itself.

Sensor support

The new version of Android has interesting updates in terms of processing specialized sensors. The fact is that now KitKat can receive all the information from them in batches and group the data at certain intervals. This solution helped not only to reduce the load on the device’s processor, but also to reduce power consumption, which depends on its operation. The new firmware program has many new functions that allow you to use detection sensors, pedometer and many others in your smartphone.

The user will also have access to built-in support for infrared ports and a module for working with several Bluetooth profiles at once. KitKat 4.4.2 will help you print absolutely any documents wirelessly.

Updated photo editor

Android 4.4 has received a brand new graphic editor, which you can activate while in the gallery. The utility will do an excellent job of adding filters and frames, cropping photos and many other tasks. One could even argue that the functionality is in no way inferior to the Instagram application, in which you can process your photos. Crop frames, straighten the image, rotate it at the desired angle and create a mirror copy - all this is available to you!

How to update Android to version 4.4 KitKat

Downloading, installing and further updating the operating system will not cause you any difficulties, regardless of whether you decide to flash a smartphone or tablet. Download Android 4.4.2 KitKat and follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, which will answer all your questions about how to flash your Android phone or update your tablet OS.

Be sure to share the page with friends who do not yet have Android 4.4.2 KitKat, so that they can also update to this excellent version by flashing the firmware of their device. Write comments and don't forget to rate the software! Thank you for your attention!

It has long been no secret that there is already a test version of the latest version of the software for your favorite mobile devices, and it has a humorous name - KitKat, by the way, one of my favorite chocolates, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Next, I will talk about when the official release date of Android 4.4.2 KitKat will happen, as well as how to install the test version on your gadget, I will post instructions, so to speak.

Main features of the firmware: changing the interface, now it will become more usable, may seem unusual at first, but when you get used to it, you will have thoughts about how you can even have a phone with different software! Let's go further, the kernel has been redesigned, now the performance will be many times greater, that is, with the current hardware there is better loading speed, hi-fi optimization. Accordingly, the device will heat up less during several simultaneous tasks and less power will be wasted, this is a sore story about Android devices!

Android 4.4.2 KitKat firmware release date: the official appearance will take place in March 2014, that is, the wait is very short, just over a month, but for those who can’t wait, you can install it now. IMPORTANT: Now you will learn how to install Android KitKat, but you should not try to install the firmware if you don’t understand anything about it, you will need a little handling skills and some experience. And second, only suitable for phones Samsung Galaxy S4.

  • App Bar
  • Dark C-RoM
  • Active Display
  • Floating Windows
  • Gesture Anywhere
  • On-The-Go Mode
  • Animated controls
  • Lock screen notifications
  • Implement App Sidebar

If you are interested in spicing up your phablet Galaxy Note N7000, then presented below step-by-step preparation to flashing and installing the C-ROM assembly on your device.

However, we warn you in advance that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions. If your smartphone gets damaged during installation, you are entirely responsible. You perform all actions at your own risk.

Preliminary preparation:

  • This manual is intended exclusively for the Galaxy Note N7000 phablet model. Be sure to check your device's model number in Settings (About phone).
  • Make a backup of your system using a custom recovery - ClockworkMod (CWM) or TWRP, as in case of any errors you need to be able to restore your phone. In recovery, use the backup option, and if necessary, restore.
  • Make sure everything necessary drivers for your smartphone are installed on your computer, but if you have not done this, then drivers for the Galaxy Note N7000 can be downloaded here: download.
  • Enable the option in the settings USB debugging: Settings/Developer Options (Note: Click 7 times on the firmware build number to unlock and open hidden possibilities, including USB debugging mode).
  • Make sure your device is charged to at least 80% to prevent unexpected shutdown Galaxy work Note when installing the firmware.
  • Make sure that the device is unlocked, that is, if it is not locked to an operator, and you also received root rights along with the latest version of the recovery. If you have never installed CWM recovery, I advise you to watch the video below.
  • If your device gets stuck while booting or has problem with constant rebooting, then perform Wipe Cache Partition and Wipe Dalvik Cache before next reboot.
  • After installing the firmware, give it some time to stabilize before working with it.

So now you need to download the following:

  • Special application package Google Apps Android 4.4.4: Google Stock and Full Package
  • You also need recovery Philz Touch Recovery v6.07.9 (CWM Recovery -> install the .tar file using Odin v3.09)

How to install Android 4.4.4 KitKat firmware on Galaxy Note N7000 using a custom C-ROM build:

  • Step 1. Download custom Android firmware 4.4.4 C-ROM to your computer.
  • Step 2. Connect your Galaxy Note to your computer using a USB cable.
  • Step 3. Copy the downloaded C-ROM file to the root folder of your smartphone's SD card.
  • Step 4. Turn off your Galaxy Note and disconnect USB cable from the computer.
  • Step 5. Now turn on your smartphone in recovery mode by pressing and holding the Volume Up and Home buttons.
  • Step 6. Once your Galaxy Note boots into CWM Recovery, do a Wipe Data/Factory Reset, but before that you should have done backup copy data.
  • Step 7 Then you need to do Wipe Cache Partition and wait for the process to complete.
  • Step 8 Then also make Wipe Dalvik Cache. To do this, you need to open the “advanced” item and select Wipe Dalvik Cache. This can save you in the future from any errors and constant system reboots that can happen when installing new firmware.
  • Step 9 Now go back to the main recovery menu and select the Install Zip from SD card option.
  • Step 10 Then select Choose Zip from SD card. Use the volume buttons to find the desired firmware file that you copied to the SD card earlier. Confirm your selection by pressing the Power button. Confirm on the next screen and the installation process will begin.
  • Step 11 After finishing installing the firmware, you need to select “+++++Go Back++++++” and click on Reboot System Now from the recovery menu.

After everything, the Galaxy Note will reboot. Don't worry if the first boot takes longer than usual.

Your Galaxy Note N7000 will now run the latest version of Android thanks to the C-ROM build. To check this, go to Settings/About phone, where you will see

The Android 5.0 Lollipop system does not run on every smartphone, but KitKat firmware is developed for almost any type of device. The version named above at one time proved to be the best. So why not upgrade your smartphone to this OS? In this article we will talk about version 4.4 from KitKat.

Quick installation of firmware on Android 4.4 KitKat: video


The device being updated is a Samsung tablet. First you need to find suitable version firmware for this device. Everything you need can be found on the website. Once on this resource, you will need to select a manufacturer and model. Next, find the firmware you are interested in and download it. As a rule, it comes with separate instructions and basic installation tips. In this case, the standard version Android KitKat supplemented on the page with drivers for the tablet.

Basically, the version can be updated using an SD card, but for the selected tablet you will need to download the flash driver - a utility that helps update the system firmware.

Process instructions

Now the update is in progress: