What is more important in a computer? The main components of a computer. Personal computer device. RAM module

27.04.2020 Hard disks

What is the most important thing in a computer?

What is the most important thing in a computer?

This question is asked by most users, because the correct answer to it will allow you to choose and purchase a good, “correct” computer. So what is the main thing in a computer?
There will be several answers to this question. Firstly, price is important in a computer. I don't think there's any need to explain why. A good and fast computer cannot be cheap - this is a consequence of the nature of market relations, and nothing can be done about it. On average, the price of a new, well-equipped computer ranges from $1,000 to $1,500. And here’s the question: why don’t new computers get cheaper from year to year? Why do they all cost $1000-1500 as a selection? Manufacturer collusion? After all, in theory, with the development of the computer industry, prices for products should fall!
The point is that every new part computer system more powerful, faster and more reliable than the previous version. This result is achieved through complication and updating old scheme devices, which inevitably leads to a complication of the production process.

For example, the number of transistors in processors increases every year. Moreover, in the near future, standard materials will probably be replaced by nanotechnologies, since the physical properties (resistance, size, heat dissipation, etc.) of modern semiconductors, when their number in the processor increases to a certain number, is no longer capable of effectively performing the tasks assigned to them. Nanotechnology will help solve these problems - with their help it will be possible to create lightweight and easily scalable materials, the use of which will increase the power of computers significantly. As well as their prices.
When choosing a processor for yourself, keep in mind that purchasing the most latest model will seriously reduce the contents of your wallet! At the same time, the difference in system performance compared to the previous CPU model will be insignificant (which cannot be said about the price). We advise you to choose not the most latest processor, but take, for example, something previous modern processor. By the way, the processor is, dare I say it, a fairly liquid component of a computer. This means that it will be easy to sell again, and without losing much in price.

It is important to understand that the cost of a computer and, accordingly, all its components does not depend on the number of gigahertz, but on a large number of “hardware” characteristics. IN fast computer you need good dual memory (DDRIII - Double Data Rate), in which, in addition to its volume, the speed of its response to writing and reading is also fundamentally important - its performance depends on this. You can find out these characteristics from an experienced seller, or by personally testing the hardware using special programs(such as AIDA32 or SiSoft Sandra).

One of the most important components is the video card. However, you should not buy the latest, top model, since all new products are greatly overpriced, by approximately 30% - in three months it will become cheaper. So take it previous version- It doesn’t differ much from the new one, while it costs much less.

The main rule of a competent buyer is to think strategically and look forward. When choosing a particular part, try to immediately provide for the possibility of replacing or expanding it, as this can be done, for example, with hard drive. From this point of view, it is not worth paying a lot of money and buying HDD for terabytes - you’re not buying a server after all! Both RAM and hard disks can be easily purchased and delivered to the system, so choose the optimal size for both memory and do not spend extra money. Moreover, the price of the largest hard drives just like any other computer component, at first it is greatly overpriced.

Saving on memory is never worth saving on the motherboard! Because this is the basis of the entire system and if it needs to be replaced, everything will have to be changed. To prevent such an unpleasant need from arising, buy motherboard better.
Many users greatly underestimate the importance of a good case, while this purely physical component of a computer means quite a lot. After all, just like the motherboard, the maximum possible number of hard drives and DVD Bluray drives in the system depends on the case (they are attached to it - in special baskets). Speaking of drives, you shouldn’t buy the most expensive ones either, because today they are all approximately the same level of quality. The average lifespan of these devices is two years.

· Processor. This is the brain of the computer. It is the main component and performs all calculations in the computer, controls all operations and processes. It is also one of the most expensive components.

There are processors from Intel and AMD. Intel heats up less and consumes less power. With all this AMD is better Graphics processing is in progress, i.e. would be more suitable for gaming computers and those where work will be carried out with powerful editors images, 3D graphics, videos.

  • · Motherboard (system) board. This is the largest board in the computer, which is the link between all other components. All other devices, including peripherals, are connected to the motherboard. There are many motherboard manufacturers, and ASUS and Gigabyte are at the top, as the most reliable and at the same time expensive, respectively. The main characteristics are: type of supported processor, type of supported random access memory(DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), form factor (determines which case you can place this board in), as well as the types of connectors for connecting other computer components. For example, modern hard drives (HDD) and SSD drives are connected via SATA3 connectors, and video adapters are connected via PCI-E x16 3.0 connectors.
  • · Memory. Here we will divide it into 2 main types, which will be important to pay attention to when purchasing:

RAM. This is temporary memory into which all running programs on the computer, processes, game “worlds” and everything else are loaded. This memory not intended for data storage. Therefore, you should not confuse it with memory, where all your files are stored. When turning off and restart The computer's RAM will be cleared and as you launch various programs, it will begin to fill up again. those. This is volatile memory. The more RAM, the better and the faster the computer will work. RAM looks like small elongated modules, and the volume of one module for DDR4 generation memory can already reach 128 GB.

Hard disk (HDD) and SSD. This is the memory on which all files are permanently stored, where programs, games are installed, movies, music and everything else are downloaded. This type of memory is not cleared after restarting or shutting down the computer, as is the case with RAM, i.e. is non-volatile. There are HDDs and SSDs. The latter began to be widely used not so long ago and are gradually replacing HDDs due to their undeniable advantages, the main one of which is the speed of writing / reading data. With SSD it is 10 times faster than HDD. Besides, SSD drive and much stronger, consume less energy, are silent, much lighter in weight, heat less. The disadvantage of SSD is its high cost. Therefore, it is more advisable to buy an SSD disk that is not very small in size (for example, 120 GB) and use it only for storing the operating system and installed programs, and all necessary files stored on a large HDD. The second drawback is that the number of rewrite cycles is significantly less than that of a HDD. This means that SSD drives last less. But progress does not stand still and over time, I think this problem will also be solved. The main characteristic of HDD and SSD is the amount of data storage. The larger it is, the more you can store on your computer. important documents. At the moment, the volumes of both are approximately equal. HDD volumes for home computers have already reached 10 TB. (terabyte). 10 TB = 10,000 GB.

  • · Video card. This device is responsible for generating and displaying images on the screen of a monitor or any other similar connected device. Video cards can be built-in or external. An external video card is connected to the board separately in the form of another board with its own cooling system (radiator or fan).
  • · The main characteristics of the video card are: connector for connecting to the board, frequency GPU, volume and type of video memory, video memory bus width.
  • · Sound adapter. Every computer has at least a built-in sound card and is responsible, respectively, for processing and outputting sound. Very often it is the built-in one, and not everyone buys a discrete sound card that connects to the motherboard. A discrete sound card will produce much better sound and is indispensable if you make music or work in any music processing programs.
  • · Network adapter. Used to connect the computer to the internal network and the Internet. Just like a sound adapter, it can very often be built-in, which is enough for many..e. in this case, you will not see an additional network adapter card in the computer. The main characteristic is throughput, measured in Mbit/sec. If the motherboard has a built-in network adapter, and it is, as a rule, available in the vast majority of motherboards, then there is no need to buy a new one for your home. You can determine its presence on the board by the connector for connecting the Internet cable. If there is such a connector, then the board has a built-in network adapter.
  • · Power supply unit (PSU). A very important computer component. It is connected to the electrical network and serves to supply DC all other computer components, converting mains voltage to the required values. The main characteristic of a power supply is its power and is measured, accordingly, in Watts. A power supply with such power is installed in the computer that it is enough to power all components of the computer. The power supply must have all the necessary connectors for connecting to all existing computer components: motherboard, processor, HDD and SSD drives, video adapter, disk drive.
  • · Disk drive (drive). This is an additional device, which, in principle, you can do without. Serves, respectively, for reading CD/DVD/Blu-Ray discs. If you plan to read or write any discs on your computer, then, of course, such a device is necessary. The only characteristics that can be noted are the drive’s ability to read and write. Various types drives, as well as a connector for connecting to the board.

A hard drive, or hard drive, is the main means of storing information in a computer. Modern hard drives are distinguished by high capacity (hundreds and even thousands of gigabytes), speed and reliability, and also not very high cost. They usually store the operating system, application programs and processed data. In addition, you can store a large number of pictures, music, videos and other voluminous information here.

Although floppy disks are considered an outdated means of storing information, their use is sometimes justified, and in some cases even necessary. For example, floppy disks can be used to update or restore the BIOS, and on some motherboards, updating or restoring from floppy disks is the only way possible way. The floppy drive is installed in the appropriate niche system unit and is connected to the controller on the system board using a cable, and to the power supply using a four-wire cable.

CD and DVD are the most popular means of distributing application programs, games, films, music and other digital information, so almost every computer is equipped with a drive for reading and writing them.

CDs have a capacity of about 700 MB; if you need to record more information, it is better to use DVDs with a capacity of 4.7 GB or more.

The modern world is so mobile that it is absolutely impossible to do without a computer. Electronic computers have appeared in various fields of human activity, so for full-fledged work you need to choose this device wisely.

Personal computer device

To understand what a computer consists of, you need to look at the standard set of devices. However, it is worth distinguishing between several types of electronic computers:

So, the main components of the architecture personal computer are the processor, internal memory, video system, input/output devices. It must be recalled that this characteristic applies to stationary machines. More specifically, the following components can be distinguished:

  • monitor (display, screen);
  • system unit;
  • keyboard;
  • manipulators:
    • mouse,
    • joystick,
    • trackball;
  • I/O devices:
    • scanner;
    • Webcam;
    • tablet;
    • microphone;
    • Printer;
    • acoustic system.

Of course, the monitor, keyboard and manipulators are included in the category of input-output devices, but they are distinguished as the main parts of the computer, because not a single stationary computer can do without them.

System unit

To understand what the computer system unit consists of, you need to clarify that it contains all the electronic components of the computer:

  • motherboard;
  • disk drives;
  • hard drives;
  • adapters and controllers;
  • power unit.

There are also the following types of disk drives and hard drives:

  • floppy drives;
  • drives on hard drives (non-removable hard drives);
  • removable hard disk drives;
  • optical drives;
  • flash drives.

What does it take to “create” your own computer?

If you want to “create” your own computer, you need to know how to assemble a system unit first. First, you need to determine what type of device the “created” machine will be: a budget option, a productive one, or an advanced one. The first category includes a computer that will perform all the tasks of a novice user: watching videos, playing games, surfing the Internet, etc. office programs. The second point includes models that are capable of performing the same tasks, but with greater productivity. Naturally, such a PC can be improved for the time being, since the main components will become obsolete and will be replaced with new ones. The third category includes machines that are particularly powerful. The disadvantage of such computers is their high cost.


The motherboard is the main component of the computer, since the other components of the computer are connected to it. When choosing motherboard you need to show maximum attention, since the performance of the system and the possibility of its improvement depend on it. The motherboard can be considered as a “collection” of devices, such as:

  • CPU;
  • memory;
  • mathematical processor;
  • expansion slots;
  • Chipset.

Usually on this computer component you can find built-in elements, for example, a network, sound and video card. This situation should not cause any concern, because at any moment you can replace the integrated device with an external one. After all, when assembling a computer, you need to take into account what the computer consists of, since each type of computer requires different parts. In some cases, the use of integrated elements is not acceptable. The manufacturer cannot predict what one user needs in terms of performance and what another needs. Therefore, motherboards are equipped with special expansion slots, thanks to which it becomes possible to improve the computer.


The processor is the main device of the computer, which controls the operation of all components of the machine and processes all incoming information. The main characteristics and components of the CPU are:

The processor bit capacity refers to the amount of information that the CPU can process in one clock cycle. Today, most computers are equipped with processors that process 64 bits, although there are also 32-bit ones. Cache memory is a kind of buffer for temporary storage of data that the processor may need at any time. The CPU accesses this information much faster than information from internal memory. The system bus connects the processor and RAM. Modern CPUs operate at a frequency that exceeds the performance of this board. The difference between the processor and system bus frequencies is called the multiplier. The larger the multiplier, the greater the ability to overclock the CPU.


The main purpose of RAM is the ability to temporarily store information and support the work being done. software. Another name for this device is RAM (Random Access Memory). So, RAM is also included in the list of what a computer consists of, and these components must be present. Information in RAM is erased when the power is turned off or rebooted. RAM refers to dynamic RAM, also known as DRAM. Today, DDR2 memory is the most popular, but soon its niche will be occupied by DDR3, which is particularly throughput And low power consumption. However, its disadvantage is the fabulous price. Advanced Users It is recommended to purchase a motherboard with DDR3 support so that in the future it will be possible to install this type of memory in the slot, although DDR2 is not much different in performance from its descendant. It is also worth paying attention to the number of slots for RAM: there should be at least 4 of them. This arrangement of things will make it more expedient to increase the internal memory. Today, normal computer operation already requires 2 GB, and in the near future you may need all 4 GB.


A hard drive, known as HDD, hard drive and screw, is an indispensable computer device that is necessary for permanent storage of numerous information. When the power is turned off, the information will not disappear anywhere. A hard drive is both an electronic and mechanical device that is subject to wear and tear on some parts.

For HDD connections one of three interfaces may be required:

All three varieties are still in use today, although the first two types were developed back in 1986. If purchased new hard disk and is already connected to the computer, it needs to be divided into several logical partitions. There are several programs that will help you cope with this task. The list of their main functions includes:

  • creating a new disk;
  • deleting a section;
  • change in dimension;
  • formatting, etc.

Video card

A special device on a personal computer that displays images on a monitor is called a video card. We can say that it is the most important component. Other names for a video card: video card, video adapter, graphics adapter.

The main details of the device are:

  • video memory;
  • video processor;
  • digital-to-analog converter;
  • Video card BIOS.

Graphic adapters are divided into two types:

The first type is built into the motherboard. If broken, it cannot be replaced with another integrated part. However, you can use an external video card, which is also inserted into a specially designated slot on the motherboard.

The main characteristics of the graphics adapter include:

  • video memory volume;
  • RAMDAC frequency;
  • video memory type;
  • memory bus width;
  • video processor clock speed;
  • connectors.


To display graphical and text information a monitor is needed, known as a display, a screen. There are two types of this device: liquid crystal; on cathode ray tubes. The first type of monitor has recently become increasingly popular because it is compact, less dangerous to eyesight, and produces greater image clarity.

The main characteristics of any display are:

  • diagonal;
  • permission;
  • screen grain size;
  • regeneration frequency;
  • image formation;
  • color display accuracy;
  • viewing angle;
  • energy consumption and radiation;
  • interface;
  • scope of application.

In addition to the main types of monitors, there are others that are used much less frequently in everyday life:

  • plasma screens;
  • organic LED;
  • vacuum fluorescent;
  • electrostatic emission displays;
  • electroluminescent.


A keyboard is required to enter text information and control the computer. In a stationary computer, it acts as a separate unit, equipped with a main and additional module. The keyboard is included in the list of devices that determine what the computer consists of. It is possible to work without a keyboard, but it is extremely inconvenient. In laptops this device built into the body. Modern device has 105 keys. If there are more buttons, it means they are designed to control multimedia content.

The keyboard is connected to the computer using one of three methods:

Some devices are equipped with a built-in touchpad, similar to the pointing pad used in a laptop. In addition, you can take a closer look at the keyboard, the shape of which differs from the classic one. The ergonomic device is divided into two parts, where the hands are located at a certain angle to each other.


For convenient control The cursor is usually used with a mouse. This device is classified according to the following criteria: by the number of buttons; by connection method; according to the method of action. Based on the first attribute, mice are divided into two- and three-button. According to the second - for devices connected via cable or wirelessly. According to the third, they are optical and mechanical. Optical specimens equipped with a micro-camera at the bottom have recently gained particular popularity. It is necessary to fix the position of the mouse so that the signal can be processed by the CPU in the future. Optical models are characterized by high accuracy, no need for periodic cleaning and the presence of a mat.


If you need to print information on paper, then you cannot do without printers. This external devices, connected to the computer via cable. As a rule, they are connected via a USB port. There are monochrome (black and white) and color devices. In addition, printers are matrix, inkjet, and laser. The first type is used extremely rarely today due to its numerous and significant disadvantages - high cost, Low quality printing, high noise, low printing speed. Inkjet printers paint is applied through nozzles (special holes), and under the influence of electric current, the ink is fixed to the paper. The disadvantages of this type include low speed work, as well as the fact that when the ink dries in the matrix, the entire part must be replaced. Laser printers Printed using toner fixed by heat treatment. This device has only one drawback: its relative high cost.


The device needed to digitize information through image analysis is called a scanner. An ergonomic model for work is a tablet copy. It is assumed that an object will be placed on the glass of the tablet. It should be positioned with the side being scanned down. The object is protected by a special cover. Under the glass of the tablet there is a mechanism developed from a set of mirrors and rulers. During operation, the platform moves and transmits a full image to the screen. The scanner is capable of digitizing photographs, text, film, barcodes, etc.

This device has the following characteristics:

  • hardware resolution;
  • optical resolution;
  • color depth;
  • type of optical system;
  • way to connect to a computer.

How to choose a computer

When choosing a computer, you need to determine what tasks it should perform. There are three options for the purposes for which a computer is selected:

  • viewing mail, film; listening to music; chatting in Internet;
  • games; viewing mail, film; listening to music; chatting in Internet;
  • work in powerful programs; viewing high definition video.

In each of the three situations, the computer will be selected in a special way. So, for the first case, it is necessary to choose computers that are not particularly powerful, with average characteristics. In the second situation, you need to consider the type of game. This is what determines how powerful the car should be. In the third case you will need powerful processor, large amount of RAM, powerful video card. When choosing any computer, you need to remember that the machine must be balanced. This means that all components should be approximately equal in performance. Otherwise, the computer will function incorrectly and irrationally.


Today, almost every home has a computer. Its role is difficult to overestimate, because the number of areas in which computers are used is constantly growing. Therefore, there is a need to study its main components in order to understand the working principle of mankind’s technological achievement.

The main devices of the computer “live” in the system unit. These include: motherboard, processor, video card, RAM, hard drive. But outside of it, usually on the table, no less important computer devices also “live”. Such as: monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers, printer.

In this article we will look at, What does computer consist of what these devices look like, what function they perform and where they are located.

System unit.

In the first category, we will analyze those devices, or they are also called components, that are “hidden” in the system unit. They are the most important for his work. By the way, you can immediately look into the system unit. It is not difficult. It is enough to unscrew the two bolts on the back of the system unit and move the cover to the side, and then we will see a view of the most important devices of the computer, which we will now consider in order.

The motherboard is printed circuit board, which is designed to connect the main components of a computer. Some of them, for example, a processor or a video card, are installed directly on the motherboard itself in a dedicated slot. And the other part of the components, for example, a hard drive or power supply, is connected to the motherboard using special cables.

A processor is a microcircuit and at the same time the “brain” of a computer. Why? Because he is responsible for performing all operations. How better processor the faster it will perform these same operations, and accordingly the computer will work faster. The processor, of course, affects the speed of the computer, and even very strongly, but it depends on your hard drive, video card and RAM will also depend on the speed of the PC. So the most powerful processor does not guarantee greater computer speed if the remaining components are already outdated.

3. Video card.

A video card, or otherwise a graphics card, is designed to display images on a monitor screen. It is also installed on the motherboard, in a special PSI-Express connector. Less commonly, a video card can be built into the motherboard itself, but its power is most often only sufficient for office applications and browsing the Internet.

RAM is a rectangular strip, similar to a cartridge from old game consoles. It is intended for temporary storage of data. For example, it stores the clipboard. We copied some text on the site, and it immediately got into the RAM. Information about running programs, computer sleep mode and other temporary data are stored in RAM. A special feature of RAM is that the data from it is completely deleted after turning off the computer.

A hard drive, unlike RAM, is designed for long-term storage of files. It is otherwise called a hard drive. It stores data on special plates. SSD drives have also become widespread recently.

Their features include high speed of operation, but there is an immediate disadvantage - they are expensive. A 64 GB SSD drive will cost you the same price as a 750 GB hard drive. Can you imagine how much an SSD of several hundred gigabytes will cost? Whoa, whoa! But don’t be upset, you can buy a 64 GB SSD drive and use it as system disk, that is, install Windows on it. They say that the speed of work increases several times. The system starts up very quickly, programs fly. I plan to upgrade to an SSD and store regular files on a traditional hard drive.

A disk drive is needed to work with disks. Although it is used much less frequently, it is still desktop computers he won't interfere for now. At a minimum, the disk drive will be useful for installing the system.

6. Cooling systems.

The cooling system consists of fans that cool the components. Typically three or more coolers are installed. Be sure to have one on the processor, one on the video card, and one on the power supply, and then as desired. If something is warm, it is advisable to cool it. Fans are also installed on hard drives and in the case itself. If the cooler in the case is installed on the front panel, then it takes away heat, and coolers installed on the rear compartment supply cold air to the system.

The sound card outputs sound to the speakers. It is usually built into the motherboard. But it happens that it either breaks and therefore is purchased separately, or initially the PC owner is not satisfied with the quality of the standard one and he buys another sound system. In general, a sound card also has the right to be on this list of PC devices.

A power supply is needed for all of the computer devices described above to work. It provides all components with the necessary amount of electricity.

8. Body

And in order to put the motherboard, processor, video card, RAM, hard drive, floppy drive, sound card, power supply and possibly some additional components somewhere, we need a case. There, all this is carefully installed, screwed in, connected and begins daily life, from switching on to switching off. The required temperature is maintained in the case, and everything is protected from damage.

As a result, we get a full-fledged system unit, with all essential devices computers that are needed for its operation.


Well, in order to fully start working on the computer, and not look at the “buzzing” system unit, we will need Peripheral devices. These include those computer components that are outside the system unit.

A monitor is naturally needed to see what we are working with. The video card supplies the image to the monitor. They are connected to each other using a VGA or HDMI cable.

The keyboard is designed for entering information, well, of course, what kind of work is there without a full keyboard. To type text, play games, surf the Internet, and everywhere you need a keyboard.

3. Mouse.

The mouse is needed to control the cursor on the screen. Move it in different directions, click, open files and folders, call various functions and much more. Just like without a keyboard, you can’t live without a mouse.

4. Speakers.

Speakers are needed mainly for listening to music, watching movies and playing games. Who else today uses speakers more than ordinary users reproduce them daily in these tasks.

A printer and scanner are needed to print and scan documents and everything else needed in the field of printing. Or MFP, multifunctional device. It will be useful to all those who often print, scan, make photocopies and perform many other tasks with this device.

In this article we have only briefly reviewed the main computer devices, and in others, links to which you see below, we will consider in detail all the most popular peripherals, as well as components that are part of the system unit, that is, components.

Enjoy reading!

Date of publication: 05/21/2009

An article for novice computer users who want to get to know it better. Useful when choosing a computer before purchasing it or assembling a custom configuration.

CPU the most important part of a computer is its brain and heart in one bottle. Today in the processor market the struggle is between two giants - AMD and Intel. Each of these companies has its own supporters and opponents, advantages and disadvantages. But it is better to pay attention to the product itself, and not to the manufacturer.
There is an opinion that the higher the frequency, the higher the performance. This has not been the case for a long time. AMD processors, having a frequency lower than that of Intel, successfully compete with them. For example, the Athlon64 3000+ model is comparable to the Pentium 4 3000, although 3000+ is just a rating, the real frequency is 2000 MHz, that is, a third less than the competitor.
So, if you need a computer to work with video, then it is better to take Core2Duo or Core2Quad processors. They are also suitable for games, + Athlon64 X2 and Phenom. To work with office applications or to save money you can take Intel Celeron or AMD Sempron - budget options older models.

Motherboard– the second most important part of the computer. It connects all its parts into a single whole and coordinates their work. If it fails, then, most likely, you will have to change the entire computer, because all the components are connected to it, are “compatible” with it, it is the connecting link. And finding the same model after two or three years of using a computer is almost impossible - the process of updating models in the computer industry is proceeding rapidly and what was new yesterday is already old today.
By manufacturer we can distinguish maternal Asus boards, Abit, MicroStar, Giga-Byte.
If you are not a specialist, the description or characteristics of the motherboard will hardly tell you anything, so you should pay attention only to the things built into it. If the built-in “sound” will satisfy most buyers (but not those who will make music, for example, composers, DJs), then the built-in “video” will be suitable only for office applications and very old games. 3D applications and new games are likely to have problems.
Are you planning to play fancy games or make 3D projects? The motherboard shouldn't worry you at all. Any inexpensive one will do.

RAM(RAM) is an important condition for the speed of a computer. It stores the data you are currently working with. When you turn off the computer or restart the operating system, this data is automatically erased. The more memory you have, the more data is processed per unit of time, the faster the computer runs.
How much RAM do you need? If you are going to work with office applications, surf the Internet, listen to movies and music, then 512 megabytes will be enough for you. If you want to play modern games, work with video or graphics, you need at least 2 gigabytes of memory.
Important note! All of the above applies to the operating room Windows system XP and earlier Windows versions, as well as operational Mac systems OS (installed on Apple computers). If you have it pre-installed on your computer (installed by the manufacturer or seller) Windows Vista, then the RAM must be at least 4 gigabytes! With less, Vista, which itself actively uses RAM for its system needs, runs very slowly. Keep this in mind!
HDD(HDD, hard drive) is the storage of your data. If any other part breaks, you will only lose money. If your hard drive fails, you will lose information that can be much more valuable than your entire computer.
However, as experience shows, hard drives of well-known brands can be “covered up” just as easily and naturally as their less well-known, but cheaper brothers - a voltage drop, an evil virus, and now, instead of the usual window, you see a black or blue screen and none of your incantations “Well, my dear, turn on!” for some reason they don't work. It is better to combat this misfortune with prevention and backup, which you can read about, for example, in, rather than relying on a well-known manufacturer's brand.
That's why main question when choosing a hard drive: how much memory do you need. If you are interested in photography, films or music, then you need to take a hard drive with at least 320 GB. For reference: one DVD movie takes up 4.5 GB, an HDTV movie takes up the same amount, a new game- 8 GB, average music collection - 20 GB. If you need a computer to work with documents and the Internet, store movies of normal quality and several games, then an 80 GB disk will be enough.
Video card(video adapter) is a device that works with graphics. That is, everything that you see on the monitor screen is the result of the operation of the video card (it cannot be otherwise, because the monitor is connected precisely to it). It determines how quickly and efficiently the image will be displayed.
If you are not going to play “sophisticated” games, then, frankly speaking, any one will suit you. So skip this point and move on to the next one.
If you are a fan of games or a fan of watching movies on your computer good quality, then, I advise you to thoroughly understand the issue.
The video card built into the motherboard is only suitable for working with office applications, movies, music and the Internet, and simple games. New generation games are out of the question. Therefore, if you have money and you are going to play new toys, you need a separate video adapter on your computer.
Some people mistakenly believe that the larger the video card, the better it is. In fact, the performance of a video adapter depends on its processor (not to be confused with the processor of the computer itself).
First, when choosing, pay attention to the memory bus width. It must be at least 128 bits. The number of bits affects the performance of the video card. For modern games It’s better to take a model with at least 256 bits.
You should definitely choose video adapters with a PCI-Express interface; AGP is already outdated, although it still holds some part of the market.
Next, you need to select the video card model and manufacturer. Chipsets (chipsets) for video cards are produced by two giants: ATI - Radeon series and Nvidia - Geforce series. The struggle between them has been going on for many years and they are fighting on equal terms, so it is impossible to recommend any one company, it’s all about your personal preferences.
Video cards Nvidia GeForce have a slightly higher price and performance. ATI Radeon video cards demonstrate good performance at fairly low prices. If you play games or work with graphics, it is better to take an ATI Radeon no lower than 3870 or an Nvidia Geforce no lower than 9600GT.
ATI and Nvidia produce only chipsets, while the video cards themselves are produced by other companies: Giga-Byte, ASUS, PalitDaytona, Sparkle, Sapphire. But here the manufacturer’s brand is practically unimportant.

Sound card. If you are not a composer or DJ for whom sound is a profession, then any sound card will suit you, even the cheapest one. Honestly!

DrivesCD andDVD discs. On modern computers It seems that even on the cheapest ones, “by default” there are combo drives that allow you to read and write all CD and DVD formats (with the exception of Blu-Ray, which is discussed below). Therefore, this section is needed more to expand your horizons than for practice.
The following types of drives exist: CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-RW, Blu-Ray. CD- and DVD-ROM can only read information from disks, CD- and DVD-RW can write to disks in addition to reading, and combo combines all four types. You can not only watch DVD movies, listen to music from CDs, but also record your own necessary information for any blanks. By the way, almost all modern combo drives now support recording double-layer DVDs, which means you can write 8.6 GB of information onto one disc.
Blu-Ray- These are new generation drives that allow you to read discs with a capacity of up to 54 GB. Since their appearance, the price of new models has dropped significantly, so if you have the means, then feel free to buy Blu-Ray.

Computer case. Some believe that it only depends on him appearance, that is, design. Today, a variety of “sophisticated” cases have appeared on sale - convex, multi-colored, and other non-standard shapes. In fact, the case is quite an important thing and it can cause… damage to your computer. The breakdown is not very serious, but if you are not an expert, it may throw you into some shock. When the computer “died”, that is, “completely died” - it does not show any signs of life, does not hum, does not light up with its lights and lights - the problem is in the case, or rather, in the power supply built into it, which also failed the computer it simply does not receive electricity, without which it is an ordinary piece of iron.
power unit supplies energy to all parts of the computer, so stability of operation depends on its quality. Poor quality power reduces the lifespan of all other devices and, moreover, can lead to their breakdown. For a new computer with an average configuration, the power supply must be at least 450 watts (W). The more watts, the better. Very good blocks food companies make FSP Group and Inwin (the latter, by the way, produces not only power supplies, but also computer cases themselves).
There are the following types of enclosures:

  • MiniTower is a very compact computer case, but not capable of containing all modern components.
  • MidiTower is the standard, most common case, suitable for any office and home computers.
  • BigTower is a large and spacious enclosure for servers and complex computing. If your work involves encoding and processing video or graphics, then you can take it - you can achieve very high performance.

The main companies producing computer cases, in descending order of price/quality:

  • Thermaltake are the best, but most expensive cases.
  • Chieftec, Supermicro - cheaper than Thermaltake, but the quality is also at the same level.
  • 3R System - slightly cheaper than the above-mentioned manufacturers
  • Inwin - produces high-quality cases and power supplies. Possibly the best inexpensive one.
  • Cooler Master - cases with a good cooling system and airflow. Recommended for fans of “overclocking” (updating your computer to increase its performance). Many models have mounts for installing water cooling.
  • Asus, Elan Vital, Acer Open are good mid-range cases.
  • Codegen, JNC, PowerMan, GeoIT, Genius - they make good cases, which cannot be said about power supplies.
  • Microtech, LinkWorld, Rolsen are the most budget options. If you don’t have a lot of money, then it’s better to go up a line or two.

I categorically do not recommend taking various non-standard cases - horizontal or ultra-compact, which many are now so keen on famous manufacturers, for example, Sony. They almost completely eliminate the possibility of an upgrade (update), and also make computer repair very difficult. If in a regular case you can change, for example, a hard drive or a video card yourself (unscrew two bolts, remove one part from the connector and insert another), then in various compact versions, to replace a part you often have to disassemble everything and this is even difficult for specialists. In addition, such cases are less well cooled, which means that if you have a powerful processor, overheating cannot be avoided, with all the ensuing sad consequences.

Monitor– a very important thing indeed. From the point of view of your health - the most important, since from the right choice monitor Not only the quality of the picture depends, but your health and performance. Good monitor does not strain your eyes and does not cause fatigue during long-term work. Let's make a reservation: here and further we are talking only about LCD (LCD) monitors, since CRT (CRT) monitors are already outdated and you are unlikely to find them in stores. Moreover, the difference between the average LCD models and CRT monitors- about 2000 rubles, but LCD is much better and safer.
When choosing an LCD monitor, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Format. There are two monitor formats: aspect ratio 4:3 (regular) and 16:10 (wide). Which one is better is up to you to decide. Wide monitors are more convenient for watching movies and some, for example, me, find them more comfortable for work, because... the eyes will only be oriented in two directions. In my opinion, the future belongs to widescreen monitors.
  • Diagonal. For a home computer, the optimal solution would be a monitor with a diagonal of 17", maximum 19" (inches). Huge monitors, of which there are so many on sale today, will, of course, impress your guests, but sitting in front of them is not very comfortable or useful - it’s not like a TV that is watched from a distance of 2-3 meters.
  • Matrix response time. The lower this indicator, the better (should be less than 25 ms). With modern monitors it can reach 2 milliseconds.
  • Viewing angle. This parameter must be at least 160 degrees vertically and horizontally. On some expensive LCD monitors it can be equal to 178 degrees.
  • Contrast and brightness. The contrast must be at least 350:1, brightness at least 240 cd/square meter. The higher these parameters, the better the saturation and detail of the picture.

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