Where are VK voice messages saved? How to send a voice message to VK from your phone. How to listen to voice messages

17.03.2024 Hard disks

In September 2016, VK introduced a new feature - sending instant voice messages. With its help, you can record your speech in real time and immediately send the recording in personal correspondence or general chat. The function is available on the regular web version of the service for a personal computer with a microphone, as well as in VK mobile applications for iPhone and Android. This allows you to maintain a conversation with your interlocutors in cases where it is inconvenient to write a text message. For example, when driving a car. This saves time and is well suited for people who prefer voice communication.

In the web version of the site for PC, there is an icon with a microphone in the dialog window.

If you have never used the site’s functionality related to image or sound capture before, the browser will prompt you to select a default device for these purposes. In laptops, you can use the built-in microphone; in desktop computers, you can use a connected webcam with a microphone.

In mobile applications, you don’t need to select anything; the system automatically connects the device’s microphone.

However, when simply visiting the VKontakte website from a mobile phone, the function of sending a voice message is usually absent. Recordings are not saved in your audio recordings, but are stored exclusively in the dialog window: without a name, with an indication of duration and sound timbre graphs. They can also be rewinded, the volume level changed, and sent from one dialog window to another like simple messages.

How to send your voice message to your interlocutors

On the computer

Follow the instructions:
1. You need to open a dialogue window with a person or a group chat. Left-click on the icon with the image of a microphone, after which the audio track recording scale will appear.

2. When you see this scale move, say your message.

3. You can send it immediately by clicking on the arrow on the right. It is also possible to save the recording without sending it in order to listen to it yourself to assess the quality. To do this, click on the red square to the left of the scale.

4. Your message will be played and you can decide whether to send it to your interlocutor or not.

5. To cancel sending, simply click on the cross on the left and the message will be deleted. You cannot erase it after sending it.

On mobile phone

To send voice messages from a mobile phone, it is advisable to download the official VK application. Go to the dialog window. Touch the microphone icon with your finger and, without releasing it, say your message, then release it and the recording will be sent.

If this option seems inconvenient, you can swipe up on the screen. Then the recording will not be sent until you click the “send” button on the right.

If you need to cancel sending, swipe left on the touch screen and the recording will be deleted.

Why it might not work

Sometimes the described function may not work:

  • Audio input device is not defined in the web version for PC. Check the connection of your microphone or webcam, and when a window pops up in your browser asking you to select a device, indicate what is currently connected.
  • When visiting the mobile version of the VK website (

We spend most of our phone time communicating, so developers are trying to simplify this whole process for us as much as possible.

Most of us are used to using text messages, but now it’s time to learn about something new, and today this new thing has a name "Voice messages".

They allow you to no longer type text, you simply record an audio message and send it like a regular message.

In today's material I will try to tell you everything I know about this function. Starting with its creation, use, and of course, let's talk about the problems that may arise.

How to send/record a voice message in VK

The advantages of this type of message are as follows:

  • you can hear a person's voice;
  • much more information is included;
  • there is no need to type text;
  • easy to use.

Initially, everyone got used to using VKontakte from a computer, so I’ll start with this type of device. If you have a laptop, then this section is for you too.

Let's say you are communicating with a friend and you suddenly want to send this kind of message. You don’t need to go anywhere, because all this can be found in a regular dialogue.

  1. let's go to Messages and select the desired conversation;
  2. to the right of the text input field (near the emoticon icon) we see a microphone icon, click it;
  3. recording starts, say the desired text and press the button Send in the form of an airplane;
  4. if you change your mind, click on Cross to the left and everything will be cancelled.

Now you have sent the desired message and your interlocutor will be able to listen to it, regardless of what device he is using. Go ahead.

The number of users who prefer to use the Internet from their phone is growing every year, so there is also a need to send such messages to VKontakte.

As we all know, in the world of smartphones there has been a battle between operating systems such as iOS and Android for several years now.

All these users are also lovers of communication, and therefore, without offending anyone, let’s look at this function for each of the systems.

Apple smartphones have always played a special role among people, so the number of such users is growing every day and the number of iPhone owners has long exceeded millions.

People from the CIS countries most often use VK on such devices. To send a voice message you need to follow these steps:

  1. open the application;
  2. go to Messages and select the desired Dialogue;
  3. on the right side we see a microphone icon;
  4. Hold your finger and remove it from this button, then the button appears Send And Cancel.
  5. The recording began and as soon as the desired phrase was said, select the desired action.

Think carefully about what exactly you want to say. After all, you can then delete the message only from your own dialogue, but not from the dialogue of your interlocutor.

There are also a lot of Android devices and many prefer this particular OS. In terms of pricing and performance, such phones are usually not far behind, and some are on par with Apple.

As you know, quite often identical applications may differ from the version on a competitor, so to send a voice message we follow these instructions:

  1. launch the program;
  2. opening Messages choose the right one Dialogue;
  3. on the right, hold down the microphone in the same way and remove your finger from it until the necessary buttons appear;
  4. say the desired speech and press Cancel or Send.

That's all in principle, there is nothing particularly difficult about it. It’s quite easy to use, so communication now takes on a completely different look on VKontakte.

It is not surprising that people feel the need to download a particular recording. We always want to remember only the best moments and listen to them again and again.

As you know, VKontakte launched this function quite late compared to other messaging services. They have not yet fully realized all the possibilities.

Therefore, at the moment, it is not possible to download one of the voice messages. Whether there will be such a possibility in the future, we can only guess.

If you find yourself in a situation where the message comes empty, although you seem to have written it down and spoken, then there are not many options.

The main cause may be a bad microphone. When recording a message, you can see an equalizer that shows your speech activity. If he shows some action, then everything is fine.

If it's just a straight line without any movement, then you need to check if your microphone is working properly. Perhaps something was connected incorrectly.


I told you everything you need to know before using the voice messaging function on the VK social network on all types of devices.

The thing is quite convenient and I have many friends who constantly use it. Over time, many will switch to this type of communication, thanks to this the interlocutor will become one step closer.

Hi all. In this article, I will explain how to send a voice message to VK from an Android phone through the application, as well as through a browser if there is no microphone icon.

Or open the mobile version of the VKontakte website in any browser.

However, the user can go to the full version of the VKontakte website and send a message as if from a computer.

1. Launch the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet. Next, open a correspondence with a friend to whom you need to send a voice message.

2. Now you need to click on the microphone icon located in the lower right corner of the screen, after which the message recording will begin.

3. If you release the microphone icon, the message will be automatically sent, if you do not want to send this message, swipe (swipe, slide) to the left, then the message will be deleted.

4. To record a message without holding your finger on the icon, swipe up.

5. At the end of the recording, you can send a voice message or cancel.

The social network ok.ru has a lot of different functions, the existence of which not everyone even knows. We can send music via messages, play games together, watch videos and movies, and then share our impressions. But nothing can replace the voice of someone close to you! Except, of course, OK themselves. Today you will learn how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki from a computer, laptop, or phone.

How it works?

This function appeared on the site not so long ago. Back in 2013 it was not there. Naturally, it was received with a bang, because voice communication, especially if the interlocutors are far from each other, is much better than simple correspondence. We'll talk about how to send voice messages below. Now let's just say: during a dialogue you press a button, record your voice and send it. Approximately the same way as it is implemented in VKontakte.

From computer

So, let's go directly to the description of the sending process. In order for your friend or just an OK user to receive the message, do the following:

  1. Visit the person you want to send a voice message to by going to their page. When this is done, click the button that we have indicated with a red arrow.

  1. When the correspondence window opens, click on the paperclip icon and select the item from the pop-up menu "Audio message"(We designated it with the number “2”).

If you have previously corresponded with the user, their history will be displayed in the dialogue window.

  1. If you do not have a Flash player in your browser, you will be asked to install it.

  1. Next, the recording process itself will begin. During it, we can stop or immediately send a message to our opponent. There is also a button to activate full screen mode.

  1. As soon as we record the message and click "Stop", we will be notified that everything is ready to send. We can do this or rewrite the message if something goes wrong. You can also simply exit and reset the entry.

  1. When our voice is sent, it will appear in the dialog box. In this case, we ourselves can start playback.

If you hover your mouse over a message, three additional buttons will appear: Delete, Forward, and Exit.

That's all. Now you know how to send the “voice” to OK. Let's move on to consider similar actions on a mobile phone.

From a mobile phone

So, it’s time to find out how you can send a voice message via phone. We will use the application from Odnoklassniki for this.

So, we do the following:

  1. Going to the page of the user who should become our interlocutor, tap on the image of the envelope and the inscription "To write a message".

  1. To start recording, click on the microphone image, which is located in the lower right corner of the window.

And again everyone - hello!

Now it is difficult to imagine life without various social networks. Agree that for many people their morning begins with watching the news, comments, likes, and reposts. Text correspondence is no longer something surprising.

But sometimes it’s easier to tell than to type something in response. Now you can easily write voice message in VK and send it to your interlocutor, regardless of his status on the network. He will be pleasantly surprised, since this function was created quite recently.

Keep in mind that you can record and send this format of messages from any device that has a microphone and access to the Internet. You can surprise your friends and subscribers by sending them an unusual message.

To record it, you need:

  • Select an interlocutor on the VK social network. This could be your friend or subscriber.
  • Open dialog box. These steps are the same for sending texts or audio.
  • In the lower right corner, click on the microphone icon. You will see it next to the text field.
  • Allow microphone access for recording.

You can talk as much as you need. However, in everything you need to know when to stop. Nobody will listen to hour-long recordings. Keep it short and to the point. Once you are finished dictating, click the Stop button.

To understand how well the recording was done, listen to your message yourself. You won't be able to cut out certain pieces.

If you don't like what was said or the way the recording is played, it can be easily deleted. Just click on the cross located on the left. The entry will be deleted.

How to send a voice message in VK

Once you have made an entry, you can start sending. Let me remind you that there is no need to write down long messages. It is better to make several short recordings than one for 15 minutes.

Please note that you may not always be able to find the microphone icon. It appears only when you have already corresponded with your interlocutor. If you want to send a voice message to a new friend, you need to do the following:

How to send a VK voice message from an iPhone

If you cannot use this function from a desktop computer, but want to surprise your interlocutors, then you can send a VK voice message from an iPhone or tablet. The principle of creating a record is practically the same.

You need to select your interlocutor and go to the dialog box. Then click on the microphone icon. Allow access and start dictation. Keep the microphone icon pressed until you finish recording.