How to make an iPhone from an Android. How to turn an Android into an iPhone smartphone: best methods Configure android for iPhone

02.07.2024 Hard disks

Are you an Android smartphone user and dream of an iPhone, but there is no way to get this device? Or do you just like the iOS shell better? Later in the article you will learn how to turn the Android interface into a mobile operating system from Apple.

There are many applications to change the appearance of Android. In this article we will look at the solution to this issue using the example of working with several of them.

Step 1: Install Launcher

The CleanUI launcher will be used to change the Android shell. The advantage of this application is that it is often updated in accordance with the release of new iOS versions.

In addition to changing desktop icons, CleanUI changes the appearance of the top-down notification shade.

Dial screen in "Challenges", "Search" and the appearance of your contacts also becomes the same as on iPhone.

For user convenience, CleanUI has a separate desktop, which is designed to search for any information on the phone (contacts, SMS) or on the Internet through a browser.

To make small changes to the launcher, click on the icon .

You can also go to the launcher settings by clicking on the three dots on the smartphone’s desktop.

Here you will be prompted to apply the following changes:

This is where the influence of the launcher on the appearance of your phone ends

Step 2: Settings Window

Using a special application, you can completely change the appearance of system settings, but to download it you must have permission to install programs from unknown sources.

There is a possibility that you may encounter a problem of incorrect operation. The application may sometimes crash, but since it has no analogues, this is the only option left.

Step 3: Design SMS Messages

To change the screen view "Messages", you need to install the iPhonemessages iOS7 application, which, after installation, will be displayed on your smartphone under the name “Messages”.

After this, all messages in the launcher will be opened through a program that completely copies the messenger from the iOS shell.

Step 4: Lock Screen

The next step in turning Android into iOS is changing the lock screen. The Lock Screen Iphone style application was selected for installation.

  1. To install the application, follow the link and click "Install".
  2. Find the blocker icon on your desktop and click on it.
  3. The program has not been translated into Russian, but no serious knowledge is required to set it up. Initially, several permissions will be requested. To continue installation, press the button each time "Grant permission".
  4. After confirming all permissions, you will be in the settings menu. Here you can change the lock screen wallpaper, install widgets, set a PIN code and much more. But the main thing you need here is to enable the screen lock feature. To do this, click on "Activate Lock".
    1. You can now exit Settings and lock your phone. The next time you unlock, you will already see the iPhone interface.

      To display the quick access toolbar on the lock screen, swipe up from the bottom and it will appear immediately.

      This completes the installation of a blocker like on an iPhone.

      Step 5: Camera

      To make your Android smartphone even more like iOS, you can change the camera. To do this, follow the link below and download GEAK Camera, which replicates the iPhone camera interface.

      Thus, the transformation of an Android device into an iPhone is coming to an end. By installing all these programs, you will bring the appearance of your smartphone’s shell as close as possible to the iOS interface. But keep in mind that this will not be a full-fledged iPhone that works reliably with all the installed software. Using the launcher, blocker and other programs mentioned in the article entails a large load on the device’s RAM and battery, since they constantly work together with the rest of the Android system software.

Installing Android on iPhone and iPad: What should we do Droid?

Apple products are a successful combination of design, performance and functionality. At the end, the consumer receives a whole product, which is even inconvenient to separate into hardware and software components. The decisive role in this identification, first of all, was played by the closed nature of all Apple platforms, while the Android OS can be modified as much as you like and installed anywhere.

It is for this reason that the Android OS operating system has been installed on such a huge number of devices that we do not even dare to list them. Already today in official retail you can find Android smartphones, tablets, media players, e-books, netbooks, mp3 players and TVs. But in the unofficial...

Through apples to the stars.

Probably, the confrontation between Apple and Google, this cold war without winners and losers, will last indefinitely. Moreover, don't expect Apple to open up mobile device architecture to manufacturers. Suffice it to recall the epic with unlock iOS (unlinking the iPhone from the cellular operator) or jailbreak (gaining access to the root file system of iOS). The company carefully protects the consumer integrity of its mobile platform and reacts very harshly to attempts to break through the defenses of iOS.

But can this reason stop a real enthusiast who has in his hands the Android mobile platform with excellent functionality and open source code? After all, it is thanks to its openness that the Android OS, originally intended for ARM processors, was successfully ported to other platforms - for example, Intel x86.

Can you tell me how to do this?

As it turned out, installing Android on iPhone and iPad is a task that is difficult to complete, not at all feasible, or feasible but impossible. To date, several projects have been created for porting Android to iOS devices, of which I would like to highlight iPhoDroid and iDroid. Essentially, iPhoDroid is just a side branch of the larger iDroid project. The difference between them is that in the first case, the user will need to download the Bootlace installation package via Cydia, which will install the Open iBoot boot loader on the iPhone. To install Android OS on an iOS device using iPhoDroid, you will only need to download the OpenSSH installation package from Cydia, and then it’s a matter of technology.

We would like to note that today, any of the possible installations of Android on the iPhone involves something like Boot Camp or dual boot: the standard iOS on the device remains untouched, but a second alternative Android OS system appears.

So, before you install Android OS on your iPhone, you will need to download Bootlace, which is located in the Neonkoala repository at and add this resource to Cydia. Bootlace developer Nick Dawson decorated his creation with an icon depicting a worn-out shoe - this is exactly what should appear in the Cydia resource.

In short, Bootlace is a kind of client that allows the user to connect to the server and download OpeniBoot along with iDroid for subsequent installation on an Apple device. In addition, the application independently determines the current version of iDroid and, moreover, checks the compatibility of the hardware with the iDevice firmware.

The OpeniBoot installation itself takes a few minutes. Once booted, Bootlace notifies the user that changes have been made to the iOS kernel and OpeniBoot is ready for “multi-boot business.”

When you reboot the device, three launch options will appear on the display: iOS (the default mobile platform), OpeniBoot console (a console for accessing OpeniBoot from a PC connected via USB to the iDevice) and iDroid (an item for the Android OS that has not yet been installed). Switching between options is done using the power key, selection is done by pressing the Home button.

Of course, you need to select iOS and, after launching Bootlace, install iDroid. In the future, the installed iDroid can not only be removed, but also updated if the Bootlace client detects a new version.

So, all that remains is to reboot our iDevice and select that same green robot as boot.

What to expect?

Indeed, there are no problems installing Android on iOS devices, and the same iDroid can be installed literally in one click. The situation is complicated by the fact that the research path led the developers to only three models of i-devices - iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 1G. Regarding support for other Apple devices like iPad, iPad 2 or iPhone 4, the developer’s answer is short and clear: “Porting in progress.”

If we talk about the immediate results of the iDroid project, so far we have a typical alpha, which involves a whole bunch of restrictions and significant shortcomings. The bottom line is that the consumer will receive an iOS device with a fit, fresh major in the face of the standard iOS system and a thrice-wounded disabled veteran of the Japanese War in the face of the Android OS. The developers do not hide minor flaws (if they can be called minor) and all daredevils ready for an experiment are warned directly on the main page of the site: “Your video, flash animation, 3D effects, camera module, image gallery, charge management may not work correctly batteries and some other options." The result of dancing with a tambourine, the iDroid smartphone with an apple on the back panel works uncertainly with wi-fi, does not have a single service from Google and does not have a truly functional GPU driver. This is such a sad thing, friends!

Is it worth installing android on iphone?

In fact, porting another OS to another platform is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. It is much more difficult to debug everything, get all the components working and release truly stable firmware. Needless to say, how many alternative firmwares exist for the Android OS, but ask yourself: do they all work correctly?

In the case of iOS devices, the situation is somewhat different. The very fact of the release of firmware for devices seemingly incompatible with the Android OS (even if these firmware are frail and unstable) is at least encouraging. Once again you are convinced that the Android mobile OS created by Google is capable of living and developing further on the devices of its potential competitor. The true value of all the alpha attempts of the iDroid project lies not in the consumer properties of the resulting dual-OS smartphone, but in the victory of the enthusiasm and inquisitive mind of the developers over a deeply non-trivial task - porting an open mobile OS to a closed platform. In capable hands, the freely available Android code could become the second version of the operating system for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Another confirmation of the versatility of the Android OS gives rise to additional keen interest among developers, which, without a doubt, only benefits end users like you and me.

In this article we will look at the question of how to install iOS on Android.

As we know, everything is possible in our life, and installing iOS on Android is no exception. This is indeed possible. But it is difficult to say how successful the result will be. So, let's look at the question of how to install iOS on Android.

The operating system that is installed on the device when it is sold is already optimized software configured for normal operation of the phone.

When you install a completely different system on your smartphone that is not designed to work on it, you are taking a very big risk. Due to such manipulations, your gadget may become unstable, and this is the least dangerous option.

In the worst situation, the smartphone will simply become “dead”, and without the possibility of recovery. If this doesn’t scare you and you decide to do the installation anyway, then you need to do the following:

  1. First, flash your phone to AndroidGingerbread 2.3. If you have a newer version installed, then first study the question of whether it is possible to roll back Android on your model
  2. Charge your smartphone to avoid unexpected discharge during surgery
  3. Download the iOS firmware file for your phone model
  4. Back up your files and enable USB debugging in settings
  5. Move the firmware to the SD card
  6. Remove the battery from the phone
  7. Insert the memory card into your smartphone
  8. Insert the battery back and start the device in recovery mode
  9. Wipe all data from your phone using the Wipe data/factory reset section
  10. Select Install zip from SD card to start the installation and specify the file
  11. When the process is completed, perform a reset as in step 9
  12. Try to turn on the phone

If everything went well and your phone is turned on and working, then you can be congratulated. If the download does not proceed, the phone does not turn on at all, or other problems arise, then your only option is to go to the service center.


Modern smartphones, in terms of their functionality and operating principle, can easily be classified as miniature computers. After all, they operate under their own OS. However, it is no secret that the operating environment can be changed. If you are a person hungry for new experiences, then we will tell you how to make an iPhone from an Android. However, for those who are tired of the “Apple” interface, material for the experiment will also be provided. Well, let's rub our palms at random and start studying.

It was a shame, or the power of the desire to be original

Let’s not rack your brain, dear reader, about why you need this. We will be extremely loyal to your “wants”. However, forewarned means forearmed. And some omissions of many “mobile gurus” require open discussion. And the first method of software upgrade can put the feasibility of a practical solution on how to make an iPhone out of an Android into question. The unpredictability of the result of flashing simply goes off scale towards the likelihood that non-standard software will not work correctly in the “embraces” of the new hardware. If you are fearless, and your financial capabilities are limited only by your imagination, please let us begin!

First of all, you need to fully charge the battery of your device. Prepare a USB cable and copy all data from your phone to your computer. The next step is the most important - you will have to independently find a device for your model. Before downloading the found software, analyze whether this software corresponds to the modification of your device.

Carefully study the posts and comments to see how correctly the modified iPhone works on Android - the reviews may warn you or, on the contrary, inspire you to succeed in your enterprise.

Step #1: Root rights are required

If you do not know what we are talking about, study the issue yourself in more detail. Since the presented article cannot contain “the tale of how it all began.” The only clarification: you need to remove all restrictions on working with system files, so to speak, jailbreak your phone. Finally, you need to install a custom bootloader image - CWM.

Step No. 2: The immediate process of reinstalling the OS

If you are sure that you want to get an answer to the question of how to make an iPhone from an Android in practice, carefully follow the instructions below.

  • Using a USB cable, connect the gadget to your computer.
  • Copy the downloaded firmware (ZIP file) to your phone's memory card.
  • Turn off your device.
  • Activate the Recovery mode (simultaneously pressing the navigation buttons in the sequence strictly corresponding to your modification).
  • In the service menu, select Wipe.
  • Next - Wipe Data and Wipe Dalvik Cache.
  • Activate the Install zip from SD card item and click Choose zip from SD card.
  • Find the firmware archive on the memory card and run it.
  • In just a few seconds, the operation to change the system kernel will be completed.
  • Return to the main bootloader menu and use the Reboot System Now command.

An easy way to turn an Android into an iPhone

If the device is under warranty, and an unauthorized change to the factory software will void literally all of the manufacturer’s obligations, you can use one of the “launcher” solutions.

  • Download the Launcher i6 downloader from the Play Store.
  • Then install a utility that will change the lock screen to match the iOS style HI LockScreen.
  • Of course, without a visually pleasing Apple keyboard, your device is unlikely to look like a Californian smartphone. The Simple iOS Keyboard utility will do an excellent job of “substitution.”
  • The Control Center app will be the latest organic Apple addition.

It is worth noting that after installing all the “chips” described above, your Android will indeed be transformed into an iPhone (smartphone). Of course, the changes will only affect the interface.

How to turn your iPhone into a dual-operation smartphone

Of course, you can reflash your iPhone to Android. However, the jailbreak procedure cannot be avoided, and this means the loss of all manufacturer warranties. However, if you have decided, let's start.

  • Through the Cydia center you need to install the Bootlace program, specifying the repository -
  • The kernel will be patched after running the mentioned utility.
  • Then reboot your phone.
  • Launch Bootlace again.
  • The OpeniBoot button will appear on the screen - click Install.
  • Once finished, activate the iDroid button.
  • Then - “Install” and “OK”.

After a short wait, you will need to reboot your smartphone. The loading screen of the device will change. You just have to choose which OS you want to use at the moment.


Nothing is impossible! And you managed to see this. However, do not forget about the warning, which was mentioned a little higher as an edification. Remember that non-original software can simply “kill” a fully functioning device. Even if the user completes the entire software upgrade process perfectly, there is still a risk that third-party software will not install correctly or something will go wrong. It's up to you, dear reader, to decide whether the game is worth the candle. Good luck with your device's transformation!

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 400w, content/uploads/2015/12/Android-iPhone-300x178.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 168px) 100vw, 168px"> Smartphones running the iOS operating system have their own unique design and special interface, which is why they are so popular among many users. However, not everyone can afford to purchase such a device. Many owners of Android smartphones are interested in possible ways to make something similar to an iPhone out of Google’s creation. How can this be brought to life?

If it is unlikely that the appearance of your device will be remade to match the iPhone style, we will start changing the “internals”. With the abundance of various add-ons in the Play Market, this is much easier to do.

Launchers and widgets

Of course, installing iOS on a regular smartphone is impossible. Even if you try to do this, you will most likely turn your phone into a lifeless brick. It is much easier to change standard (and not so standard) Android themes to the iPhone interface. To do this, we need various software add-ons: launchers, widgets and plugins.

.png" alt="EspierLauncher7Pro" width="100" height="100" class="lazy lazy-hidden alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-1005"> !} Espier Launcher 7 Pro V.1.4.5 is the first addition we need. You need it to replace the themes of your Android phone with the iOS design. Simply put, these are desktops with a design specific to the iPhone. Just download and install this launcher, and then follow the setup instructions and turn it on. Ready! iOS-style desktops and similar icons are in our pocket!
.png" alt="iLauncher" width="100" height="100" class="lazy lazy-hidden alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-1009"> !} iLauncher v a similar launcher. You can try installing both and choose the one that is most convenient for you. This launcher makes the interface of your smartphone completely identical to iOS phones.
.png" alt="EspierScreenLocker" width="100" height="100" class="lazy lazy-hidden alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1013"> !} Now, in order to bring everything we started to fruition, we additionally download a plugin for our launcher called Espier Locker 7 Pro. It is needed to make the lock screen look like the iPhone lock screen. Install the plugin and enjoy the results.