How to reduce the size in contact. How to reduce page scale in different cases? Changing the scale in Microsoft Word

18.04.2020 Hard disks

The user does not always feel comfortable working with standard browser settings and settings. This may be due to the monitor used, or something else.

However, every person is able to customize the parameters of any program for themselves. As an example, you can try reducing the page scale by different browsers(or office programs like Word).

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MS Word

  • If you want to zoom out a page in Word, you can do this by holding down the Ctrl key and scrolling the mouse wheel (if you have one).
  • If you have a recent version of Word, then at the bottom right there will be a slider (from minus to plus) - by moving it (or clicking on the “minus”), you can reduce (or enlarge) the page.
  • If your mouse does not have a wheel, you can try using the key combination "Ctrl + -" (Ctrl and the minus key, on the right side of the keyboard).

Simultaneously pressing the “Ctrl and minus key” and “Ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel” keys are universal means of scaling a page not only in Word, but also in other programs. Try these keyboard shortcuts - they'll probably be just what you need.

FireFox and IE

If you are using a browser Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer, do the following:

  • Press the "Alt" button on your keyboard, you will see horizontal menu, select "View"
  • Then click on the "Scale" item.
  • Next, click on “Decrease Ctrl+-”. You can do this action several times if necessary.
  • To return everything to the initial state, instead of the "Reduce" item, you need to select "Reset". Or press the key combination Ctrl+0. And in Internet Explorer, simply select “100%” from the proposed options.


You can zoom out a page on Safari by following these steps:

  • Find and click the page icon (located on the right top corner programs).
  • Go to the menu called "Page".
  • Select "Change Zoom".
  • You can reduce the page size using the "Ctrl -" key.
  • If you want to return the page to its original state, click Actual Size.


For users Opera browser you need to do the following:

  • Go to the "Tools" menu.
  • Select "Settings" and then "General settings".
  • Find the "Web Pages" tab, here you can select the required page scale in percentage.
  • Pay attention to the "Fit to width" item. If you check this box, the browser will display pages to fit their full width.

Google Chrome

To reduce the page scale in Google Chrome, necessary:

  • Click on the icon located in the upper right corner of the program.
  • In the menu that appears we will see the “Scale” item. A button with a minus sign will reduce the page. Click on it.
  • If you need to return the page to its original state, set the page scale to 100%.
  • Also here you can find the “Full Screen” item, depicted as an intuitive icon.

These methods work for absolutely all sites. By setting up your browser properly, you will be able to work comfortably and your productivity will increase.

Not many users knowSuch information can be very useful, not only in situations where the interface of a site or program is difficult to read or you need to enlarge an object to view it. It often happens that the user accidentally increases or decreases the screen scale, but does not know how to return it to its original position. Therefore, we will take a closer look at the issue of scaling within the browser and the PC screen as a whole.

When the user knows exactly how to change the screen scale, the process takes a minimum of time and is completed in literally two mouse clicks. Let's take a closer look at the question of how to scale the screen in the browser.

Google Chrome

If large icons screen was caused by a change in resolution, you need to return the settings to the recommended ones. To do this, just right-click on an empty space and select the “Screen Resolution” menu item. In the corresponding item, the drop-down menu will show the available parameters and highlight the recommended value in accordance with the diagonal of the current monitor. Select this value.

If you need to reduce the size of not only icons, but also inscriptions, then in the current resolution settings window you should select the “Make text and other elements larger or smaller” section. The link will open a window that is responsible for making the screen easier to read; it has three scale options.

You can also change the size of icons on the screen by right-clicking on an empty space. Select “View” and set the preferred label size, there are three options available: small, regular and large. In addition, you can reduce the scale of icons by pressing the ctrl button and turning the mouse wheel.

Apple operating system

Recently, computers have become increasingly popular. Everyone knows that these devices have their own operating system, so it’s worth clarifyingMac OS X.

  1. Click on the apple icon in the upper left corner of the screen and select the system settings section. Then go to the "Accessibility" section, find the "View" panel and open it. In the window that opens, find the “Scale” or Zoom option and activate it. After this, to reduce the screen, just press the Command button and hold it down and press “-” several times until the desired result is achieved.
  2. You can also use a mouse with a wheel to adjust the zoom. To do this, just hold down the command button and rotate the wheel until the scale reaches the required value.

The trackpad will handle the task in a similar way. Hold down the hot button and swipe down on the trackpad with two fingers to zoom out and vice versa.

Another OS that I want to pay attention to. Although it is mostly used for maintaining servers, the shell is often found among ordinary users.

Controlling the screen scale in this shell is no less simple than in previous versions. Depending on the situation, we will consider the process of decreasing or increasing the zoom, which is necessary for more convenient use of the device. The only clarification is that the approach only works within the file browser and does not affect the desktop scale.

The social network VKontakte is used today by a huge number of people. This is a place where you can chat with your friends, meet new people, or just have fun watching a movie or playing an exciting game.

But sometimes, in the process of using this social network, small troubles happen. For example, as a result of incorrectly pressing keys, the page scale is reduced and in the same “news” entries appear that are published in too small a font.

However, this problem can be solved as easily as it arises. As an example, let's try to increase the scale of VKontakte to the standard value in several ways.

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Zoom in with the mouse

You can zoom in on the VKontakte page using the mouse and pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard:

  • First, you need to press (and hold!) the left "CTRL" key;
  • Then place your hand comfortably on computer mouse and scroll the wheel up until the desired scale is reached.

If nothing happened, you may not have had a browser page active at the time. In order to check the correctness of the actions, click once with the left mouse button on any part of the VKontakte page and immediately after that repeat the actions by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the "CTRL" key.

Using this principle, you can also reduce the page scale by turning the mouse wheel in the opposite direction.

Zooming in on the page using the keyboard

In some browsers (for example, Firefox), you can return the default page zoom settings using the "Ctrl+0" hotkey.

In order to increase (or decrease) the size of a page from the keyboard, you must first make the browser window active (to do this, you need to left-click once on the VKontakte page), and then perform the following steps:

  • With the finger of your left hand, hold down the left "CTRL" key;
  • Finger right hand press the “+” key (or “-” if we want to reduce the page) and press the appropriate combinations until the desired scale is achieved.

The text scaling function is very helpful in times when it is difficult to read small print on a website. The “hot keys” given as an example are universal and work on all sites, not just on VKontakte.

Scaling up gaming applications

Using the described scheme, you can even change the scale of various VKontakte applications (including gaming ones). But unlike regular pages, the quality of the game image will deteriorate.

Therefore, for games and applications, it is best to use the “go to” function. full screen mode”, if it is provided by the game developers - in this case, the scale will be increased and the image quality will be maintained.

There are two ways to reduce the screen scale. The first one is suitable if you need to change the size in a separate program. For example, in Word or Chrome. And the second method changes the size everywhere on the computer.

Zooming out via keyboard

1 . Open the program in which you need to zoom out.

2. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and roll the mouse wheel down.

With each turn of the wheel the size will decrease. If you need to increase it, on the contrary, then turn the wheel up.

You can do this without a mouse, but only with a keyboard. To do this, hold down Ctrl and press the minus sign (-) key. To increase everything is the same, but with the plus (+) key.

But to reset the scale, that is, return it to initial value, press Ctrl and the number zero (0).

Changing the scale through the program menu

Most computer programs have a tool that resizes the page. Usually it is located in the program menu - at the top of it.

Google Chrome



Mozilla Firefox

Word and Excel

And in Word and Excel you can change the scale through the bottom of the program. There is a slider for this.

How to Zoom Out on Your Entire Computer

You can change the scale not only in one computer program, but also in the entire system. Then the size of all screen elements will change: icons, program windows, buttons.

1 . Right-click on an empty area of ​​the screen. From the menu, select “Screen Resolution”.

If you have Windows system 10, you need to select “Screen options”, then “ Extra options screen."

2. In the window, in the “Resolution” section, select a larger value from the list. Click “OK” and “Apply”.

You can also play around with the size of the icons. To do this, right-click again on an empty area of ​​the Desktop and select “Screen Resolution”. At the top of the window, click on “Screen”.

In Windows 10 it’s a little different: Display settings -> Additional display options -> Additional changes to the size of text and other elements.

And there choose the appropriate size of the elements.

Then you will need to apply the settings and log out. Just before doing this, close all programs that you had open.

While surfing the Internet, you often come across small print on the pages of some sites.

It’s especially unpleasant when you have to peer at the text and read a long article.

1. Not everyone knows that you can zoom in on a page not only in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, but also in any text editor.

2. To zoom in on the page, you need to press the key Ctrl(located in the lower left corner of any keyboard) and, while holding it, roll the mouse wheel away from you or press the “+” key.

3. To return the page to its original size, press Ctrl and while holding it, press key "0" (zero). The page will take on the default scale.

4. In the same way, you can not only zoom in, but also zoom out on the page. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and hold it down, roll the mouse wheel towards yourself or press the “-” key.


How to use scale


  • To zoom in on the page, press and hold Ctrl and +
  • To zoom out on the page, press and hold Ctrl And-
  • To restore the scale, press and hold Ctrl and 0 .


If your mouse has a wheel, press and hold Ctrl and spin the wheel up to scale and down, to decrease.


  1. At the top of the Firefox window, press View, Then Scale.
  2. Select Increase + , Decrease - , or Reset for appropriate actions.
  • You can choose Text only, which will only act on text.

Try it - it's convenient!

By the way:

We all know that sitting in front of a monitor for hours, to put it mildly, is not beneficial. But where to go... Life forces you not to part with your computer. This has even led to the emergence of a new diagnosis in ophthalmology - computer vision syndrome.

Its symptoms are pain in the eyeballs, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, burning, redness of the whites of the eyes, decreased visual acuity in the evening. A good half of people who regularly sit in front of a monitor and 90% of avid computer geeks suffer from it.

But it turns out we can protect our eyes by choosing the right font for the job.

The US Vision Ergonomics Research Laboratory, commissioned by Microsoft, conducted a serious study of the influence of the most popular fonts on human vision.

A group of scientists led by Dr. Jim Sheedy found that the most eye-friendly font is Verdana, and its most convenient size for reading is 10-12 font.

Do you know