Is it possible to update android on a smartphone. Why update android and whether you need to do it at all. For advanced users

25.04.2020 Hard drives

Operating version Android is constantly updated: there are new versions, patches, improvements, and so on. Naturally, it is important for each user that on his mobile device there was an up-to-date version of the "OS" with latest updates.

It often happens that a person acquires new smartphone, on which the current, relevant at the time of manufacture of the device, the default version of the system, the so-called basic configuration, is installed. Accordingly, for comfort and stable operation gadget, you can make the latest updates. In addition, while using the gadget, the brand manufacturer may release a software update with a new version. operating system to which you can update the device. In any case, the user is wondering: "How to update the version of Android on the phone?"

There are several ways to do this. In our article, we will analyze in detail each method of updating the OS on a smartphone.

Why update Android?

Like any complex and multifunctional system, the Android OS requires constant improvements. This is due to the fact that in each version of the "OS" vulnerabilities appear over time, which can lead to critical errors. Therefore, along with the update, the system eliminates shortcomings previous versions, optimizes the stability and speed of the OS. In addition, the system adapts to the installation of new applications that might not run on older versions of the OS.

It is very important to consider that when updating the system, all user settings and files may fly off. Therefore, before updating the phone to latest version Android, you need to transfer all the necessary applications to a memory card, and save photos, videos, documents and other personal files on your computer or also copy them to external memory.

In order to update the Android system, there are two main ways:

    Via smartphone settings

    Using a computer

We will analyze detailed instructions for each method.

Android update through settings

System updates appear quite often. To install them, the user does not need any special knowledge, and in addition, all updates are supplied free of charge. For their installation, it is important to observe several conditions:

    The phone must be connected to the Internet

    You need a sufficient supply of traffic to download a large update package, and it is better if the smartphone is connected to the Internet via WiFi networks

    The device must be charged at least 50%, as updates, depending on the volume, may require a significant amount of time

After the phone is prepared for the update, you can proceed to the procedure itself. For most Android smartphone models, the system update process follows the same algorithm.

For compiling detailed instructions updates we needed a powerful and at the same time affordable smartphone on the current version of Android, which supports regular software updates. As a test gadget, we decided to use the products of the British company Wileyfox. Smartphones of a young brand over the past 1.5 years have been steadily different high quality assembly, excellent performance and the availability of up-to-date software that requires only the most necessary system updates.

We will demonstrate how to update Android version on Wileyfox Swift 2 phone. One of the most notable novelties of 2017 in the budget segment, this model stands out from its competitors with quite powerful hardware. The 1.4GHz octa-core processor has plenty of power not only to run heavy applications, but also to keep the system stable and fully upgraded.

It is worth noting that a capacious 2700 mAh lithium-polymer battery was more than enough for the entire process of updating the system. Given the active work of the processor, during the entire update, the battery indicator decreased by only 5%.

The process of updating Android through the settings is very simple:

    Enter Android Settings

    Select "About phone"

    Click on "Updates over Wi-Fi"

    The system will notify you current version and will also prompt you to check for updates

    In the drop down menu on the right upper corner you can configure the frequency of checking for updates, as well as set manual or automatic download of updates when Wi-Fi is on

    Turn on the Internet to check for updates

    Select the "Update" command

    After the update package is downloaded, click "Install Updates".

The system will reboot several times during the update process. First, the shell update process will be performed, after which Android will reconfigure system applications.

Update Android using a computer

You can also upgrade the operating system using a computer. This is a more complex and responsible procedure, since it requires installation additional programs for flashing and updating gadgets. If you are not sure of your technical knowledge, it is better not to take on an independent update via a PC, but to contact a specialist.

For certain models, separate utilities are suitable that can be downloaded for free on the Internet. In particular, Wileyfox smartphones are updated using the Flash Tool. In addition, you will additionally need to download the firmware with an updated version of Android. Wileyfox users can find required firmware on the official forum of the company.

To install the firmware, follow these steps:

    Connect smartphone to PC via USB cable

    Find your gadget in Device Manager and check for drivers. You can download and install them automatically.

    Launch Flash Tool

    Specify the path to the firmware file (scatter file) by clicking the "Scatter Loading" item

    In download mode, select "Download Only" Cancel reboot, Click "Download"

After a few minutes, the updates will be installed. Once again, we warn you that this way requires a responsible approach and special technical skills. Much more convenient to use in a standard way system update, when Android will do almost all the work for you.

In conclusion, it should also be noted that on the forums, many users ask the question: “Is it possible to update the Android version on the phone through applications?”. We answer - it is possible. AT Google Play several special utilities to update the OS, such as ROM Manager or ClockWorkMod Recovery. But it is worth considering that they require rooting the phone for them to work. In addition to the fact that the process of obtaining root rights in itself can cause certain difficulties for an unprepared user, a rooted phone will forever fall out of warranty service.

Many experienced Android owners often force or deliberately update the firmware to fix bugs or get new features. How to update the firmware on Android, you will learn from this article.

Why update firmware on Android

Here is a partial list of reasons:

  1. Get new and/or previously unavailable features/features.
  2. Fix the identified errors and problems in the firmware.
  3. Close vulnerabilities and security holes.
  4. Improve device performance or speed up an outdated device.
  5. Download some games and applications that do not work on outdated versions systems.

Types, differences and features of updates

Standard Firmware

There are 2 types of updates:

  1. Intermediate.
  2. Complete.

The interim update contains fixes and improvements within the current OS version. For example, if Android is 5.0, then updates are applicable only to this version. Usually builds of this type contain only fixes and rarely seen innovations. Also, interim updates contain security fixes, where possible holes for hacking the device are closed.

The full version includes more changes than the intermediate version. The package contains everything necessary files for clean install. Suitable for restoring a device after an unsuccessful firmware or for updating to a new version of Android, for example from 7.1 to 8.0.

MIUI firmware

The system is presented mainly on Xiaomi devices. Also, firmware is often installed on models from other manufacturers in the form of custom modifications. As is the case with most other standard firmware, the system is also available as an intermediate and full package.

At the same time, MIUI uses a distinctive approach in the development and distribution of firmware, in comparison with other manufacturers. Two types of firmware are available:

Chinese. The firmware is intended for users / developers / testers from China, since it contains only English and Chinese localization. Release order: Alpha build - Beta, for developers - Stable version.

Global. The system is designed for users from other countries, as it contains an extended language pack. Release Order: Beta, Developer Stable.

Distinctive features of the firmware

Alpha version. The firmware contains the latest innovations and is updated more often. The system is only available to some Chinese testers/developers.

Beta version. Test assembly, where previously found errors were fixed. The firmware is available to everyone, and a new build is released weekly on Friday, except for major Chinese holidays.

stable version. Usually comes out every 3-6 months, where most of the bugs are fixed. The system is better debugged compared to weekly builds and more suitable for continuous use.

Third party firmware

The network also has many different firmware developed by companies, experienced developers or a group of enthusiasts. Builds are also classified into alpha, bata and final. The latter is the best option, containing fewer errors. The quality of implementation and support of the system is influenced by the experience and interest of developers.

Firmware update methods

The owner of Android has 4 ways to update the firmware:

  1. Built-in FOTA option.
  2. Through factory recovery.
  3. With the help of a computer.
  4. Using third party recovery.

Firmware update via FOTA

The abbreviation FOTA (OTA), translated from English Firmware Over The Air - firmware over the air. Standard method receive and update the firmware of most Android devices.

The principle of operation is to download the firmware from the manufacturer's server and then install it. The process is automated and does not require the participation of the owner. It is enough to check for updates, download the file if available and allow the installation. To do this, open the settings section, select the "updates" item and click on the check for updates button.

For Xiaomi devices with MIUI, in addition to OTA, a second update method is also available. If you have firmware, just download the file to your phone, and then go through the standard update menu, where you select and install the firmware.

The advantages of the method in full automation. The owner does not need to delve into the firmware installation process and should not worry about losing the warranty.

The disadvantage is the lack of long-term support from most manufacturers. Some models do not receive the update at all. Often, in fact, there is an update, but it is not possible to get the file from the server.

Firmware update via factory recovery

Android devices are equipped with recovery mode. The section is used primarily for resetting settings when the system does not boot, as well as for quickly clearing user data. At the same time, the factory recovery mode allows you to install firmware updates, usually only an intermediate type. And for Xiaomi smartphones, this method one of the main ones, to install a new firmware version.

The method is relevant when there is an update for the phone, but it is not downloaded via FOTA. Then it is enough to download the update file called “update” into memory, it will boot into recovery mode, where you select the file and start the update process.

The disadvantages include some difficulties with finding the update file. More action is required. It is also only possible to install official firmware, modifications cannot be installed. And since the device support cycle rarely exceeds more than a year, 1.5-2 years for flagships, updating the firmware will not always work.

Firmware update using a computer

A computer is required to install the full firmware package or some sections. More often, this method is used for official update. And for some models, firmware of semi-custom assemblies is available - partial modifications assembled on the factory firmware.

When using this method, you will need a laptop. More drivers for the device to be flashed, a program for installing the system and the firmware file itself. The process is not complicated either. It is enough to connect the device, run the program, where you specify the path to the file location and confirm the action. The rest will pass without user intervention.

The most crucial moment in the correct choice of firmware. Usually, protective mechanisms prevent the installation of an incorrect assembly, but sometimes there are exceptions, and the device has to be restored.

The advantages include the ability to install a full firmware package, which is important when the update is not available via OTA. Also flash an “improved” stock, where the author can remove unnecessary programs and services, and instead put the best version of applications.

The disadvantage is the same - the update rests on the presence of firmware released by the manufacturer. You also need a computer, a program, drivers and a synchronization cable.

Firmware update using modified recovery

The previous three methods described updating a standard system, where the installation rested on the presence of an intermediate or full firmware package. If the manufacturer has stopped support, the system will not be updated. In such a case, or when there is a desire to experience alternative firmware, for example MIUI instead of standard Android, custom, modified, firmware are available.

The development and support of such systems is carried out by enthusiasts or experienced programmers. The level of debugging of firmware cannot be compared with major electronics manufacturers. But it allows you to install the latest version of the OS on an old device and take advantage of new features.

You will first need to install a modified version of recovery, which requires you to unlock the bootloader. The unlocking method for each model is different - hacking through a vulnerability, paid remote unlocking or free unlocking through the manufacturer.

The benefits are in the installation of new versions of the system, which is relevant when the manufacturer has stopped supporting the device. Also the installation of "kernels" and other modifications, the creation backup system and restore the system at any time.

Among the shortcomings is the need for a third-party recovery and an unlocked bootloader. Just some time and knowledge on the part of the owner.

The Android system has a comfortable interface for receiving updates. This process is necessary for your device to receive full protection, improve functionality and performance. In addition, with the update of the operating system to the latest version, it is often possible to download new applications and widgets.

Smartphone update

by the most in a simple way update android on the phone is autoloading as well as installing the latest software. For this option, there is no need to use your PC, pre-load the firmware file on your gadget, etc. This procedure for obtaining updates is suitable if the device has an Android 4.0 operating system or lower.

The upgrade process is not much different on different models phones, while generally it looks like this:

Before installing a new update, it is advisable to backup your data (backup). So you can always be sure of the safety of your information, and in case of an unstable OS build or device incompatibility with the update, you can easily restore everything user settings. Backup It is advised to do it not only in the case of auto-update, but always when you are going to somehow change the firmware configuration.

Update on tablet

Everything is clear with updating the OS on smartphones, now you need to understand how to update Android on a tablet. The process of updating to the latest version is not much different from the version on the phone, but has its own characteristics.

If the tablet has constant access to wireless network, then it will automatically display a notification about the availability of a new version of the OS. All you have to do is accept or reject the update. If you accidentally clicked "Cancel", then there is no reason to panic. Just turn on the item "About the tablet PC", and then select the section with auto-update.

If for various reasons there is no automatic notification, then the process can be performed independently. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Enable the "Settings" section.
  2. In the subsection "About the tablet PC" find the item "System update". Select it.
  3. After that, autoloading of the latest version of the operating system will begin.
  4. When the process is complete, your tablet PC will restart. When you have a new version installed, you will naturally receive a notification from the system.

To prevent errors and problems with installing a new operating system, make sure you have more than 50% battery charge at the start of the update and that you have no problems with . To be sure, you can turn on the tablet to charge during the entire update process.

Update via computer

You can also update Android using a PC. All it takes is the appropriate software and the CD that came with your device. New firmware can also be downloaded from the Internet (if you don't have a disc or if you need a specific OS version).

  1. Connect your device to PC and then turn on Kies. The program will detect the device and check if a new version of the operating system has been released for your phone or tablet. The result of the query will be displayed on the screen.
  2. When a new version of the software is found, a dialog box will appear asking you to update. If confirmed, read the warning carefully.
  3. To confirm your consent, click "I have read all the information", and then click start updating. This will start auto-updating to the latest OS version that is fully compatible with your phone or tablet.
  4. As soon as the program installs the file (the update process is considered complete), you can enjoy all the benefits of your new firmware version.

In the same way, you can, if desired, return the old version of the OS.

Manual update

If you do not have, then you can complete the update process manually. To do this, you need to download the OS from the manufacturer's official website, and then place it in any convenient place in the device's memory. Then go to the Recovery Menu. To do this, turn off the phone and press a specific key sequence (depending on the manufacturer and version of the phone). The most common combinations are:

  • Volume up button + off key;
  • Volume change (more or less) + power button + "Home";
  • Volume up button + volume down button + off button.

Articles and Lifehacks


Many smartphone users do not know why update Android. It seems to most that after the purchase it is better to leave the version of the OS that was originally.

But if you want to use new programs (say, for), as well as avoid software failures, then you cannot avoid updating.

Top Reasons to Update Android

The main factors which OS should be updated:
  • After installing the new version, the device starts working several times faster, while you do not change the elements inside the device.
  • Improving the functionality of the system.
  • The errors that appeared in the old version of the OS will disappear.
  • The new versions of the software run games and applications that did not run on the old software.
  • After updating the OS, it becomes more comfortable for you to work with the device.

Android updates are of two types :

  1. update .

    Such updates weigh about 500 MB, they are freely available on the Internet. When downloading, make sure you have a stable network connection.

    It is better to use wired Internet or Wi-Fi when downloading, since with gprs-Internet there may be breaks with the network, which will later lead to re-downloading.

  2. Micro .

    Such updates weigh about 50 MB, they are aimed at eliminating errors in applications. Most often they are invisible to the user.

    Such updates are aimed at changing some programs, and not at updating the OS as a whole.

Pros and Cons of Android Updates

If you are in doubt about whether you need to update Android on your gadget, then you should know that these actions will lead to an improvement in your device, like programs for, for example.

If you are tired of system glitches on your phone, then you should refresh your software version. This is the main plus of the update.

Cons of updates:

  • Possible disappearance of some icons on the desktop.
  • Installing new programs that are then difficult or not removed at all. This is due to the introduction of certain adjustments by the developers.
  • At home, firmware often fails, and if your device is under warranty, then you can lose it.
In the end, I want to say that you still need to update. This is useful both for the owner of the gadget (i.e. you), and for the system of the device and the performance of the smartphone.

There is no need to be afraid of this and put it off "for later." But at the same time, if you fundamentally do not want to update, you can not do this and use old version OS.

There are two main ways android updates through a computer: with saving user data and with a complete replacement of the operating system version with a new one. The second option is more universal, so it is suitable for devices that are no longer supported by the developer.

You can update both with the help of proprietary programs that are suitable only for a certain brand of phone, or with the help of all-inclusive applications that work with any device on the Android OS. Software for updating the firmware version can be used as ADB and Fastboot (universal way), and Kies, Odin (for Samsung devices) or KDZ Updater (LG phones) and Sony PC Companion (Sony).

How to Update Android with ADB and Fastboot

This software allows you to work directly with the phone system by sending commands via a USB cable. This method opens up a large number of functions and opportunities when working with any device. But how to update the Android OS on your phone using ADB and Fastboot programs through a computer?

The update process takes place in several steps:

  1. Install the driver for your phone model, and then confirm cable debugging in the "For Developers" section.
  2. Turn on ADB and type the query "ADB Devices". After that, the program will display the connected devices on the Android OS. If the field is left blank, then you should reinstall the drivers on your phone.
  3. Next step - Type the command "ADB reboot bootloader". If everything is done correctly, the device will reboot in the appropriate mode.
  4. A new one must be downloaded on your computer beforehand. android version compatible with your device. The program works with firmware with the extension ".zip".
  5. Go into stock recovery mode on your phone (usually you need to hold down the volume and off buttons at the same time). Find the "Apply update from ADB" section and tap on it.
  6. The last step is to send the firmware to the device. This is achieved by the command "ADB sideload "name of your file. zip". The version update will start automatically.
  7. The device will reboot with an already updated version of Android.

All files immediately after installation that were on internal memory, will be erased. To avoid losing data, save it to an external storage medium and then transfer it to the device.

Using the Kies utility is available only to owners Samsung phones. The following describes how you can update the Android system on your phone using this application via a computer.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Connect your phone to the computer via a USB cable, and then launch the program. Next will happen automatic check updates for your device.
  2. If there is an update for your model, you will see the corresponding dialog box. Agree to install.
  3. After reading all the information, check the box next to the agreement, and also select "Start updating". The program will start downloading the latest OS for your phone model.
  4. After downloading, an automatic Android update will start. In some versions of the program, additional confirmation is required for installation.
  5. This completes the update process. Reboot your phone and enjoy the new software features.

The application is designed to work with LG phones. Please install the USB driver on your Android device before starting the update, and also download new version OS with KDZ extension. Then follow the instructions:

After that, the process of installing a new version of the OS will begin directly, which will take about 10-15 minutes.

Update via Sony PC Companion

If you are the owner Sony phone, then you are unlikely to find an application better than the branded Sony PC Companion. The program supports virtually everything automatic updates, while allowing you to download and install a new version of the firmware directly from the official website of the developer.