The reason is the flickering of the smartphone screen. Stripes or dots appear on the screen of your Android smartphone or tablet. The display of a smartphone or tablet ripples, flickers, and blurs the image. What to do and how to treat? If all else fails

30.10.2023 Hard disks

A. What to do and how to treat?

Many users encounter a problem when phone or The Android tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with defects of one kind or another in the image, color rendition, etc.. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software glitch- i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: Hardware failure- i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases there are problems operation of the system for adjusting color correction, detailing and other functions of the display smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings", find there "backup and reset", in which you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone number and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more effective it is, as a rule. The best tool to monitor system functions, corrects and corrects all possible settings and synchronization errors is an easy-to-use, free utility for Android devices. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)
Method 3.

Changing the device software, or as it is also called "re firmware ". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be solved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repairing your tablet a or smartphone a.

Stripes or dots appear on the screen of your Android smartphone or tablet. The display of a smartphone or tablet ripples, flickers, and blurs the image. What to do and how to treat?

Phone screen flickering is a very annoying problem. And noticeably dangerous to the eyes. After all, when flickering, the strain on the eyes increases greatly.

There are quite a few possible reasons for the phone screen flickering, both hardware and software. In this article we will look at them all in the recommended order of consideration.

Smartphone screen flickers - solutions

Firmware problem. You need to make sure that the problem is not software in nature. In the most ideal case, you should reset the phone to factory settings. We have how to do it. Don't forget, otherwise they will be lost forever. If after the reset the flickering does not disappear, then you have a problem with the device itself.

This problem is sometimes observed on old batteries. If the flickering disappears while charging, then the problem is definitely in the battery. If possible, try using a different battery.

Problem with the screen, cables and other elements. Damage to the screen or its cable is one of the most likely causes of flickering. Especially if the phone has previously been dropped or subjected to other physical impacts, for example, severe overheating. If all the above tips did not help you, then there is only one option left - contact a service center to have your phone repaired. Of course, you can replace the screen yourself, but this requires special tools and skills.

The screen is the main component of a mobile phone. Modern phones can be equipped with a wide variety of screens, which will allow even the most picky buyer to choose the most suitable device. Screens can be regular or touch screens and may differ in size, resolution, pixel density, and production technology. Touch screens differ in the type of touchscreen design, that is, a touch surface that responds to touch. Screen failure leads to a number of inconveniences for the user.

A dark screen, stripes on the screen, or image distortion interfere with the normal functioning of the device. To resolve any problems, you need to contact a phone repair service as quickly as possible. The longer you use a faulty phone, the more difficult and expensive it will be to repair.


The causes of screen problems can vary. Phone repair specialists note several of the most common problems:

The display itself is faulty. The breakdown is usually corrected by replacing the display with a new one. Many people perform this procedure on their own, but we do not recommend interfering with the mobile phone device. This task should be entrusted to specialists who know the structure of a mobile phone well and have sufficient experience in performing such a procedure.

Failure of the microcircuit that is responsible for controlling the screen. One of the most complex breakdowns that can occur. To carry out repairs in this case, special equipment and tools may be required, so the only right decision in this situation would be to go to a workshop, where it will be done quickly and efficiently.

A display malfunction may be due to a firmware failure. To fix it, just perform a flashing. However, you should not perform the procedure yourself or trust your phone in the hands of non-professionals. By contacting our workshop, you will have the opportunity to correctly install licensed software on your phone and configure all the necessary parameters.

Surprisingly, flickering phone screens may be due to battery failure. It’s easy to correct the situation - just install a new battery, the main thing is to choose it correctly for each specific model. In our workshop that repairs phones in Minka, we always have original batteries for various phone models in stock, which allows you to quickly select the right battery for your brand and replace it. #the phone screen is blinking #why #the phone screen is flickering #the phone has fallen and the screen is flickering


A dark screen, stripes on the screen, or flickering of the display lead to the user being unable to use it. To eliminate any type of malfunction, you will need the help of highly qualified specialists. Ours will provide you with the services of professional technicians who will be able to determine the cause of the problem by performing computer diagnostics of your phone and quickly restore its functionality. The necessary equipment and tools, original components are available in case of replacement of failed parts. All work performed and parts replaced are provided with a quality guarantee.

As experts note, most screen damage is due to user negligence. Falls, impacts, spilled liquid, pressure on the screen are the most common situations that result in a broken display. Our technicians recommend that mobile phone owners be more attentive and careful when using their devices; use a protective film for the screen and a special case. By following these simple rules, you can reduce the likelihood of display failure and extend the life of your phone.

Modern smartphones can boast of very high-quality screens with significant technical parameters in the form of resolution and color reproduction. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers pay so much attention to the smartphone screen – it is literally the face of the device, and besides, the user’s interaction with the phone usually occurs through the screen.

If there is a problem with the screen, it can be seen immediately. One of the most unpleasant problems is that the screen of a Xiaomi Redmi 3S or another Xiaomi phone is flickering (some users characterize this as flickering). There are two main reasons - nuances in the software or hardware components, which will be presented in this article.

Types of screen blinking

The difference most often is the visibility of the problem with the normal eye, as well as its frequency.

  • Flicker often appears in the form of stripes or ripples, which can be barely noticeable at low screen brightness, or significant, with a change in colors, brightness in certain areas of the display, vertical and horizontal, or even mixed.
  • Certain areas of the display may go dark for a short time, and this can be either one specific place or a completely unpredictable piece. The phone at this time can either respond or not respond to presses.
  • The screen can turn on or off entirely at different frequencies, and when the backlight is turned off, it will continue to respond to finger presses.

Troubleshooting if it's a software issue

  • It’s trivial, of course, but try rebooting - perhaps the problem will disappear immediately and forever.
  • Auto-brightness not working properly sometimes causes the screen to flicker unpleasantly. Go to your phone settings and disable this feature, then restart your phone.

  • The operating system kernel is responsible for the stable operation of the display. It usually comes bundled with the firmware itself, but can also be installed separately, taking into account compatibility. Screen flickering very often appears when installing updates or completely flashing the phone, as well as when replacing the kernel. Usually the problem is solved by installing another firmware, based on a different kernel from the problematic one, or by searching for a separate kernel that is fully compatible with the current device and the firmware itself.
  • The kernel may be correct, but the custom firmware may be incorrectly ported or assembled crookedly, which is why some of its functions conflict with the current hardware. It is recommended to use only those firmwares that are fully compatible with the specific model, as well as with the hardware of the phone.

If all else fails

This means that most likely the operating system was not the cause; you should check the phone’s hardware itself. Typically, problems with the screen are the result of rough physical impact on the phone - usually dropping the device onto a hard surface from hand height, bathing the phone in a washbasin, or getting caught in pouring rain. The consequences appear in the form of an unstable backlight, which constantly blinks and the image is covered with multi-colored moving ripples.

  • If the phone was only recently purchased, and the firmware has not yet been updated, and the attitude towards it was reverent and careful, then we are dealing with a defect, and even the popular Xiaomi Redmi 3 sometimes has a screen that blinks due to a manufacturing error. Please contact the seller with proof of purchase and warranty. Urgently demand a complete replacement of the device with a new one with the warranty starting from the current day, in order to avoid recurrence of the problem in the future and save time and nerves on constant running around to service centers;
  • If the phone gets wet or is damaged due to an accidental fall, the matrix may be damaged. Typically, in this case, flickering is accompanied by non-working areas on the screen, which sometimes do not respond to touches. In this case, you should contact the service center to completely replace the matrix.
  • The third option is when, under a strong impact, the matrix cable jumps out of the groove due to poor contact.
  • Check the battery - an old or damaged battery sometimes does not provide enough voltage to adequately operate a powerful display, often accompanied by subtle but very unpleasant ripples, especially visible against a white background.

Display flickering is one of the most annoying problems that interfere with the normal operation of your phone. Correctly identifying the problem will help you fix the problem as soon as possible, returning to normal use of your smartphone.

The phone screen is flashing.

The other day something strange happened to my gadget. Samsung Galaxy S3 screen flickers and turns off. By and large, I was a little tense, even though the phone is not exactly new (about 2 years old), but I didn’t want to lose it. At first I thought it was a glitch. But after the 3rd day I realized something was wrong.

First of all, I decided to immediately transfer all the necessary information and contacts to the cloud. The program helped with the second one. Then, after installing the application, I checked the characteristics of the smartphone.

Smartphone screen flickering: reason

1. Display failure.

I won’t hide that this was the first thing I thought about. This may be strange for some, but for me this is one of the easiest solutions to the problem. Firstly, I already have a spare display, and secondly, I can easily solve the problem myself, without the help of a service center.

2. Chip problems, which controls the screen. This is what I feared most. I wouldn’t carry out the repairs myself at home, and I don’t have specialized equipment. In addition, the work is very painstaking. And as far as I know, this problem occurs quite rarely.

3. Outdated/broken firmware. I was hoping for this breakdown. On the one hand, I was always waiting for the moment to have a reason to reflash the gadget, on the other hand, it was not a very expensive procedure.

4. The display may flicker if moisture gets in. I ruled that out right away.

5. Battery.

Here's something, but I didn't attach any importance to the last point. As they say: “But I didn’t even notice the elephant.” Most likely because you are always waiting for something more serious, for which you are constantly preparing, but in the end it “shoots” in an unexpected place. And test programs did not show any problems with it.

The reason for the flickering and turning off of the screen was the exhausted battery. Replacing that, I got rid of the problem.

Secret codes for Android

Samsung smartphones are certainly distinguished by their quality and elegant design. But it is possible that after 1.5 - 2 years the owners encounter some problems that are very common for these models. The presence or absence of these breakdowns directly depends on the country of origin, and if the owner got a smartphone originally from Taiwan, then 48 gadgets out of 100 will eventually have problems with the screen. Therefore, if the screen flickers on your Samsung Galaxy, do not panic. You need to understand the cause of the malfunction and contact a quality service that will carry out repairs.

The main reasons for screen flickering may be the following:

  • Operating system failure. With prolonged use, the firmware becomes clogged, as a result of which there is simply not enough memory to carry out standard processes, or they can be disrupted when low-quality or viral applications are installed;
  • Display failure. When exposed to mechanical or thermal influence, Super Amoled screens installed on Galaxy smartphones easily become unusable. Most often this happens due to careless attitude towards them;
  • Insufficient battery power. A common reason that is most often ignored by owners because they do not understand the relationship between the parts of the smartphone. A gadget’s battery, like any other, has a certain period of full use and over time loses its power quality, especially when its warranty expires;
  • Closing the tracks of the microcircuit. A difficult-to-detect breakdown that can only be identified and repaired by an authorized service center. This occurs due to the ingress of moisture and dust when used in adverse weather conditions.

The above list is not all the reasons why the Samsung screen may flicker. If the owner really values ​​his phone, then he will not identify faults, much less repair it himself. First, it's easy to damage other parts, which can be much more expensive to replace. Secondly, you can waste money on something that is not the cause of the breakdown. For example, most people immediately resort to replacing the display, the price of which, depending on the manufacturer, varies from 6 to 12 thousand rubles at a time when all they need is new firmware. Thirdly, the official service will not only save the budget by inexpensively fixing the breakdown, but will also save time if the client needs delivery at a time convenient for him.

If problems arise with a wet gadget, do not connect it to the mains and stop pressing the buttons. as soon as possible and only then follow the advice in this article.

If you are sure that the inside of the smartphone is dry, feel free to continue.

1. Force restart your device

Your phone may be turned on but just frozen. In this case, the screen may be dark and not respond to any actions. So first try restarting your device using the hardware keys.

How to Force Restart iPhone

On iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and older models, hold the Home key and the top (or side) button for 10 seconds or more until the Apple logo appears.

On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus, hold down the Side key and the Volume Down button for 10 seconds or more until you see the Apple logo.

On an iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, hold and immediately release the volume up key and then the volume down key. After that, press and hold the Side button until the Apple logo appears.

How to force restart your Android smartphone

Press the Power button and Volume Down key at the same time and hold them for 10-15 seconds. If successful, the device will reboot automatically or display a menu on the screen in which you will need to select the restart command.

Some Android smartphones can reboot using other buttons. If the device does not respond, search the Internet for a key combination to restart your particular model.

2. Take out the battery and put it back

If your phone has a removable battery, remove the cover and remove the battery from the device. Wait at least 30 seconds and put the battery back. Then try to turn on the phone in the usual way - using the power button.

3. Put your phone on charge

Connect your phone to a power outlet using the original charger. If within an hour the charging indicator does not appear on the display and you cannot turn on the device, check the integrity and cleanliness of the connector, as well as the condition of the power cable and adapter. If possible, try different outlets, replace the cable and/or adapter.

4. Reset the device to factory settings

If after trying to turn on the screen the screen lights up, but the device does not boot properly, try restoring the factory settings using the hardware buttons.

During a system reset, you may lose personal data that was not synchronized with the server. Don't do this if you're afraid of erasing important information.

How to restore original settings on iPhone

Connect your phone to your computer using a cable and launch iTunes. Then force restart your iPhone (see step 1). When you see the Apple logo, continue to hold the buttons until recovery mode appears on the smartphone screen.

After this, a window with further instructions should appear on your computer monitor. Click "Update" and follow the system prompts.

iTunes will download the necessary software for your phone. If this process takes more than 15 minutes, the iPhone may exit recovery mode. In this case, press the forced restart buttons again and hold them until the device returns to this mode.

If the update works, the phone can turn on without resetting the system. If not, then in the iTunes window, click "Restore" to restore the factory settings.

How to restore original settings on an Android smartphone

Make sure your smartphone is turned off and try the following combinations to reset:

  • Volume up key + power button;
  • Volume down key + power button;
  • Volume down key + Volume up key + Power button;
  • Volume Down key + Power button + Home key.

You need to press all the keys at the same time and hold them for about 10–15 seconds. After this, a special menu will appear on the screen, in which you should select the Recovery item, and then the Wipe data / factory reset command. If you don’t see this command in Recovery mode, hold down the power button and momentarily press the volume up key.

After these steps, the smartphone should return to its original settings within a few minutes. If none of the key combinations work or you do not find the necessary commands in the service menu, look for reset instructions for your device model.

Every day, users of Android devices come to service centers complaining that their phone screen is flickering. This problem is far from new and has a number of reasons for its occurrence. Let's sort things out in order.

Despite the rapid development of mobile technologies, they have not yet made it possible to create a device that can withstand strong shocks or software failures. For each gadget, the cause of a display malfunction can be very different, so before drawing final conclusions, let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Screen damage

The first flickering and “jumping” of the picture on the phone can appear after a serious fall or contact of the device with water. In this case, the following may be damaged:

  1. Screen.
  2. Microcircuit (video controller).
  3. Cables connecting elements into a single system.

If in the first case, any specialist in the field of mobile technologies can deal with the problem with a minimum number of tools, then the second and third require a meticulous approach and the presence of special equipment.

Video controller

The so-called graphics subsystem, consisting of memory, processor and “piping,” is responsible for outputting images. When one of the elements on the electronic board burns out, problems begin - the appearance of ripples, “artifacts”, interference, blinking, flickering, stripes and other unpleasant symptoms on the smartphone screen. In this case, it is not recommended to act on your own; there is a possibility of damaging the video controller even more.

Software failure

Most users do not even suspect that the display begins to flicker due to a conflict in the operation of several applications, the presence of a virus in the system, excessive system contamination, or hidden software glitches. The user is able to independently clean the smartphone, roll it back to factory settings and install anti-virus programs from the official Google Play store.

However, if these manipulations turn out to be useless, reflash the device. It is better not to do something like this with your own hands, without prior practice, otherwise the gadget will be completely disabled. The right way out of this situation is to contact a service center.

Battery problems

As a rule, everyone begins to think that the malfunction was caused by damage to the device’s system, completely rejecting the simplest options. Flickering of the display can be caused by a weak battery. This happens due to the loss of its power when the battery is used for several years without replacement.

Testing this option in practice is quite simple. Connect the charger to the phone and look at the display; if you manage to get rid of flickering, then it’s all about power. We recommend taking another battery and performing a similar test. If this is really it, you should go to a specialized store and change the battery. At the same time, special attention should be paid to its originality; a Chinese fake can fail a month after purchase. In some cases, it can even cause harm.

However, one interesting catch may be the non-removable battery on your phone model. In this case, it is better not to take risks and entrust the solution to the problem to specialists.

Secret codes for testing

There are several more ways to find a possible problem; to do this, refer to the service codes, which are suitable for all smartphones running Android. The codes can help in setting up the system and identifying the reasons when the smartphone screen begins to tremble (twitch) or shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

*#*#4636#*#* - allows you to view basic information about the phone, battery, user statistics.

*#*#7780#*#* - resets settings, removes only existing applications.

*2767*3855# - a complete reset of settings occurs, with reinstallation of the existing firmware.

*#*#0*#*#* - quick test of any LCD display.

*#*#2663#*#* - makes it possible to test the touch screen for response and the number of simultaneous presses.

*#*#1234#*#* - provides comprehensive data regarding the device firmware, which is necessary when reinstalling or updating the software.

*#06# - the most common code, used to obtain IMEI information.

Ask a question to a virtual expert

If you still have questions, ask them to a virtual expert, the bot will help you find the problem and tell you what to do. Talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

Type your question in the field and press Enter or Submit.


To sum up, we can say with confidence that it is quite difficult to identify a malfunction in the screen. This includes not only mechanical damage and partial malfunction of the software, but also problems with the battery, which over time could lose its power and cause unpleasant consequences in the form of flickering or flickering of the display.

The only correct decision in this case is to visit the nearest service center, where, using special equipment, they will conduct a full diagnosis of the device and identify the main cause of the breakdown.

Of course, you can repair your phone yourself, however, you should take into account that without the proper knowledge and practice, your smartphone can completely fail, without the possibility of further restoration.


Owners of mobile equipment, in order to save time and money, are simply obliged to carefully and carefully monitor it. Any signs of abnormal operation may be a harbinger of complete failure of the gadget. Below are common causes of problems with display devices, let's start with laptops.

The cause of the problem with your gadget could be any of the ones listed in this article, as well as something more exotic. Stop living in discomfort, call us and we will fix your equipment!

You can contact us by mail or call one of the numbers:

Often people are faced with such a problem as laptop screen flickering; this greatly harms a person’s vision and can also lead to more seriousdisplay breakdowns.

The reasons why a laptop screen may flicker are as follows:

  • the most common reason is the appearance microcracks on the transmission line. You can determine this yourself: if when you open or close the laptop, flickering appears and disappears on the screen. Unfortunately, it is not possible to solve this problem on your own; it is best not to hesitate to go to a service center, as this may result in a more serious problem - a broken screen, which will require a much more expensive repair.
  • the problem could also be damaged matrix. Modern laptops are light and compact, allowing you to take them with you almost everywhere, but unfortunately, because of this, they are subject to mechanical damage, even a small impact can damage the matrix, which can cause the screen to flicker.
  • Problems in the northbridge can cause interference. This mainly happens due to overheating of the laptop, which is caused by a dirty cooling system.
  • incorrect software - the problem is that the video card has The wrong driver is installed, which leads to unstable operation of the video card and the appearance of noise on the screen.

At first glance it is very difficult to immediately say what the reasons are display flickering, for this you need to carry out diagnostics at a service center, where they will tell you exactly the cause of the malfunction.

Cell phone screen flickering - possible causes

Sometimes cell phone owners have to deal with flickering screens on their gadgets. You will not be able to determine the cause of the malfunction on your own; the service center will be able to help you with this, so you should immediately contact a specialist.

Flickering on the phone screen is a fairly common problem that occurs when the following problems occur:

  • Most likely, the phone's display has failed, which can be caused by moisture getting inside or the phone being dropped. This problem is solved only by replacing the screen.
  • There is a problem with the chip that controls the display. This can also occur due to mechanical or electromagnetic influence. This failure can only be eliminated by replacing the microcircuit, which is difficult to do on your own.
  • Also, flickering on the phone screen can cause incorrectly installed software or virus programs. The problem can be resolved by reflashing the phone or removing incorrect programs. If you can still cope with removing incorrect programs on your own, then reflashing your phone is unlikely. After all, this requires not only special programs, but also the ability to work in them.
  • Flickering can occur when the phone battery is weak; this is perhaps the only problem that can be fixed on your own; you just need to purchase a new battery, but even here difficulties may await you. Some modern smartphones have a non-removable battery, in which case you will have to contact a specialist.

As you already understood, there are many reasons for screen flickering. In order not to rack your brains and quickly solve the problem, contact our specialist, he will diagnose and fix the problem.