Reso training. Vocational training center. Basic conditions for employment

05.12.2023 Hard disks

So, you've decided to try your hand at the insurance industry. The insurance industry in Russia is now developing dynamically: companies are expanding their borders, opening additional branches, and introducing new products. The Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance (hereinafter referred to as OSAGO) had a significant impact on the growth of the industry. With its adoption, the circle of potential clients of insurance companies has increased, as has the need for new agents.

How to become an MTPL insurance agent?

To become an MTPL insurance agent and have the opportunity to earn money by selling policies, you must enter into an agreement with one or more insurance companies. An agreement with an agent involves freelance employment. However, the insurance company, as a rule, makes all necessary contributions to the Pension Fund based on the agent’s actual earnings (that is, the entire commission received from the sale of policies).

If you want to join a company, you need to track opportunities in the “Vacancies” section on company websites or on large job search portals.

Future agents have certain requirements that must be met. Let's look at them below.

Basic conditions for employment

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation, reaching the age of 18 years.
  • Availability of documents necessary for employment - passport, INN and SNILS.
  • Absence of unexpunged or outstanding convictions for articles related to economic crimes.

Education and Experience

  • Both secondary and higher (or incomplete higher) education. Some companies are not ready to see full-time students among their agents (for example, Renaissance Insurance).
  • Experience working with people is desirable.
  • Experience in active sales is desirable.

Other skills and personal qualities

  • Desire to learn (there will be a lot of information).
  • Desire to work with people.
  • High communication skills.
  • Preparedness for stressful and conflict situations.

When applying, remember that all companies provide training for newcomers. Usually it lasts at least 3 working days in a row. If you live in the region, distance learning will be provided for you and other applicants. So, you fully meet the requirements and still don’t know how to become an MTPL insurance agent. What to do? Read on.

Responsibilities of an MTPL insurance agent

All insurance companies describe the functionality of a future agent in approximately the same way:

  • Active search for clients (developing our own client base).
  • Consulting clients, assistance in choosing insurance programs.
  • Conducting meetings, negotiations (visits to clients).
  • Conclusion of insurance contracts, paperwork.

Also keep in mind that today all MTPL policies are issued in special programs and printed on a printer. Therefore, it is advisable to confidently use the computer and the Internet. And remember that you need to enter data into the computer very carefully - if you make a mistake by even one letter or number, the MTPL policy will have to be redone.

First steps

So, when asked who you want to work as, you answer: “I want to become an insurance agent for MTPL!” Well, when there is a goal, it's great! But, as you know, to achieve the desired, desire alone is not enough. The applicant must complete the following steps. First of all, you need to conclude an agreement with the insurance company. Such a document will allow you to carry out activities in the sale of insurance policies. Its conclusion is preceded by several stages:

  • Interview and/or testing.
  • Verification of your identity by the security service (takes up to 30 days).
  • Training and internship.

After submitting an application or filling out a questionnaire, the company manager will invite you to an introductory interview, where he will tell you in detail how to become an MTPL insurance agent. They will also explain the working conditions and ask about your experience and skills. Next, the company's security service will check you: are you who you say you are, have you been convicted, and so on. This check is due to the fact that the agent has to make cash payments every day, and most often in cash. The company wants to protect itself from fraud and theft. To check, you will need to make copies of your main documents - passport, TIN and SNILS.

How to become an MTPL insurance agent faster?

Once your candidacy is approved, you will begin training. You will have to study on weekdays, usually several days without a break. The educational process consists of a series of seminars on insurance products and tariffs and basic sales training. In addition, you will be taught how to use the insurance software or agent portal. Even if your goal is exclusively MTPL insurance, you will have to learn everything on a general basis. After training, you will be certified and join the ranks of agents.

Almost all companies provide internships under the guidance of a mentor lasting up to three months. Freelance agents typically work flexible hours, but will be required to attend the office regularly to provide reporting.

Are you still wondering how to become an MTPL insurance agent and which company to choose? The steps described above on the path to becoming an insurance agent are basic for all insurance companies. Most often, applicants for MTPL insurance agents choose for cooperation such companies as Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh, Reso-garantiya and Alfa-insurance. These companies have a high reliability rating and a good insurance claims record. Let's find out how agents are selected in each of them, study their conditions and requirements for candidates.

How to become an MTPL insurance agent (“ROSGOSSTRAKH”)?

The Rosgosstrakh company has been present on the insurance market for about 95 years. This provides her with good recognition and a wide range of clients. Rosgosstrakh is constantly recruiting new insurance agents. Here they will be glad to see among the interns an active, energetic person with a large circle of contacts. A huge plus: the company is widely represented in the regions. If you live and work in a small town where everyone knows you, or have already retired as a teacher, doctor or military officer, Rosgosstrakh will consider you an ideal candidate. The company also welcomes managers of network companies with experience in active personal sales. You can submit an application for concluding an agency agreement in one of the following ways:

  • Fill out a simple form on the company's website.
  • Visit an office convenient for you and fill out the form on the spot.

Then everything follows the standard scenario: interview - testing - training. The Rosgosstrakh company has a Corporate University. Training takes place continuously on weekdays. Existing freelance insurance agents receive insurance policy forms for work and go to work “in the fields.” Full-time employees are in the office and work with clients who come on their own initiative. At Rosgosstrakh, MTPL insurance is provided without reference to the region in which a specific branch is located. That is, a Muscovite will have no problem buying an MTPL policy in Kazan, and vice versa. Also, the advantages include the following: the company has its own technical inspection forms, there is no need to send the client with an expired diagnostic card to the inspection point.

How to become an MTPL insurance agent: Ingosstrakh

Ingosstrakh is one of the Top insurance companies in Russia. Branches are widely represented throughout the country. Declaring your desire to become an agent is simple:

  • Residents of large cities fill out a form on the website and wait for feedback.
  • Residents of the regions find their city on the company’s website in the “Offices” section and contact a representative independently.

The company's website states that the training lasts 5 days, but it usually takes 3 days. On the first day - general information and auto insurance, on the second - property insurance products, on the third - life and health insurance. The company will provide you with the necessary leaflets, brochures, memos, and so on. Ingosstrakh provides supervision for beginners. The company doesn't usually set a plan for new agents. But if there is a complete lack of results within several months, the contract with you may be terminated.

The Ingosstrakh agent portal for issuing policies has an intuitive interface and is extremely easy to use.


How can one become an MTPL insurance agent in this company? "RESO" is considered one of the most reliable insurance companies. The line of insurance products is standard: from compulsory motor liability insurance to voluntary medical insurance policies. In this company, in addition to the interview, psychological testing is provided for candidates. You can sign up for an interview in the following ways:

  • Fill out the form on the company’s website and send it to the specified email address.
  • Call and schedule an interview.

If you successfully pass the test, you will be invited to attend training at the company's Agent School. A prerequisite for enrollment as a student is to purchase a life and health insurance policy in the amount of 1,500 rubles. The training lasts 2 weeks and takes place continuously on weekdays. There are morning and evening groups, the duration of each lesson is 4 hours. Students are provided with teaching aids, and distance learning is also provided.

After completing the training and passing the certification, one of the company’s branches (usually the one that is convenient for you to visit) will enter into an agreement with you. Next, you will undergo an internship at the selected branch for 3 months under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

OSAGO insurance agents of the RESO company work in a special program called Citrix. This program is designed for issuing all auto insurance products: OSAGO, CASCO, DSAGO, etc. Mastering it will take time and practice; the program interface is quite complex.

"Alpha Insurance"

Alfa Insurance is part of the Alfa group of companies, has more than 4,000 employees throughout Russia and is considered a democratic company. Becoming an agent of an insurance company under compulsory motor liability insurance (“Alfastrakhovanie”) is simple. You need to fill out a form on the website, and the manager will call you to meet you.

The training lasts several working days. After learning the rules of insurance, studying the rates and products, you will pass the certification. If the result is successful, the company will enter into an agreement with you. Alfa Insurance guarantees its agents timely payment of commission and participation in motivational programs.

The portal for issuing policies is easy to study, in addition, all your work will be presented in graphs and figures.

Single agent or broker

How to become a single MTPL insurance agent? As a rule, future agents turn to the largest and most trusted insurance companies to conclude a contract. Many people enter into contracts with several companies at once. They understand that this way they will be able to offer the client a wide selection of products and tariffs, but also learn more about them - in each company separately. Until recently, working as an agent for several companies was prohibited. Now everything has changed, and the agency agreement no longer includes such a clause.

Often, agents who work with two or more insurers are mistakenly called a “single agent” or “broker.” This is fundamentally wrong. A “single agent” is not a person, but a system for selling MTPL policies, according to the rules of which the office of one insurance company offers the client to issue a policy for him from another organization. For example, you came to Rosgosstrakh and received a VSK policy. In this case, the distribution is carried out on the basis of the vehicle passport number.

A broker, in turn, is an individual or legal entity that has the appropriate license and is registered with Rosstrakhnadzor. The broker, carrying out insurance activities, earns only part of the commission from the sale of the product. Thus, an agent who has an agreement with several companies at once cannot call himself either a single agent or a broker, although the latter is often used for ease of understanding.

Working in a brokerage agency

How to become an MTPL insurance agent at home? Some job seekers, wanting to shorten the steps and simplify the hiring process, turn to brokerage agencies. If you want to work with several companies at once, but do not want to spend your time checking and training in each of them, you can do the same.

Brokerage agencies usually work with more than a dozen insurance companies. They take full responsibility for concluding contracts with companies, training their employees and document reporting. Such an agency will conclude an employment contract with you and issue a power of attorney for the right to conclude insurance contracts on its behalf.

Your income will be generated from interest on the sale of additional services, for example, an agreement between a client and an agency. And the commission from the sale of policies for other types of insurance - life or property - will have to be shared with management. Another feature of the job will be the need for constant presence at the workplace. Most often, employees of such agencies work on a shift schedule. Now it’s clear how to become an agent of an insurance company under MTPL? Go for it!

RESO school in St. Petersburg
The vocational training center solves the problem of creating new jobs in the region .

An insurance agent is a wonderful profession in which you can achieve tremendous success, constantly grow and develop your business.

The profession of an insurance agent is always in demand in the labor market.
Thanks to the RESO School, many residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region find their professional path and get the opportunity to earn good money.

Regular training courses for insurance agents began operating in St. Petersburg in 1998, during which time the specialists of the RESO School have accumulated a wealth of training experience. Classes on insurance products are taught by highly qualified company employees, managers and business trainers of the RESO School. On average, about 500 training or team-building events are held per year.

Over the past 8 years, the RESO School has trained more than 8 thousand people, some of whom have become agency directors or “super agents” involved in the annual distribution of company profits.

The salary level of an insurance agent depends on the number of contracts concluded, therefore, in addition to express courses designed to quickly master the basics of the profession, many programs and events are held for experienced agents and for those who seek to improve their professional level, improve communication skills, and learn new ones sales techniques, fight your own psychological attitudes that interfere with successful communication with clients. Students who have completed training at our insurance school are competent, highly qualified specialists, financial consultants who will always be successful.

The structure of the company is such that after completing training, new agents are assigned to a three-month internship at various company agencies, where, under the guidance of experienced mentors, they study the sales system, gain skills in searching for potential clients, conducting business negotiations, and drawing up insurance documents. Manager-mentors accompany trainees at the beginning of their professional journey, provide all the necessary information, support and correct their first steps in the profession. Mentoring reduces the risk of failure to a minimum - of course, with interest in the matter and perseverance.

It is far from uncommon for the company to have examples where a person who started training to be an insurance agent from scratch, within two years serves 200 clients, collects more than 7 million rubles in insurance premiums per year and earns 1 million 200 thousand rubles per year.