In case the network components will be completely. Network connections: basic concepts and settings. What does the network location of a computer mean?

24.11.2019 Hard disks

Practical work №4/2

"Settings network components systems. Sharing network resources."

1. Understanding built-in network support inWindows

The Windows system contains the necessary software(software) for connecting several PCs into a 32-bit protected mode network Microsoft Windows Network or to connect a Windows PC to Windows NT, Novell NetWare, LAN Manager networks.

2. Installation network configuration PC

Selecting an adapter and installing a driver.

In most cases, determining the parameters of the network adapter and its Windows setup performs automatically using Plug and Play technology. Windows comes with a set of drivers that support both CAs from well-known manufacturers and CAs of the NDIS 3.1 (Network Device Interface Specification) standard. If the program Windows installations If you couldn’t install the CA yourself or incorrectly determined its type, then this can be done manually.

2.2. Client selection and installation.

To select and install a network client, you must enter the network configuration dialog box and click the Add button. A window will appear on the screen asking you to select the network configuration component to install.

Select the Client component and the add button. A window for selecting standard network clients that supports Windows will appear on the screen.

2.3.Selection and installation of a network protocol.

The selection and installation of the network protocol is carried out from the network configuration panel. To add a new protocol to the network configuration, you must:

· Click the Add button

· Select Protocol as the network configuration component and click on the Add button,

· Specify the manufacturer and protocol type in the network protocol selection window and click on the Ok button.

2.4.Selection and installation of network services.

Most network services are available immediately after installing the client, adapter, and protocol. If this does not happen, you can add the necessary services manually:

· Press the button. Add,

· Select Servise as the component to be added and click Add.

· For the manufacturer Microsoft, select the network service File and Printers Sharing for MS Networks and press the button. Ok

· Once back in the network configuration panel, click the File and Print Sharing button

· In the dialog box that appears, check the boxes next to the types of resources that you want to make available to other users and click Ok.

3.Network environment.

If you point to the Network Neighborhood icon and double-click the mouse, a folder will appear on the screen that contains computers that are part of the workgroup.

4. Computer identification.

To specify or change computer identification names, you must select the Computer tab in the Network dialog box:

1.go to the network configuration window the Computer tab the dialog box that appears, set three options for identifying a PC on the network:

· Computer name

· Working group

· Description of the computer

4.To change any identification parameters, just enter them from the keyboard and click on the button. Ok and if necessary, restart the PC.

5.Quick access to the desired computer networks.

For quick access It is preferable to create a shortcut to the desired computer on the network.

Automatically search for a PC by its network name: the right button. Click on the Network Neighborhood icon and then select Find Computer.

2.In the dialog box that appears, enter the name of the workstation and click Find.

3.To view, click on the left button. On its icon in the Name column.

6. Sharing of network resources.

Sharing resources in a Windows-based peer-to-peer network allows you to view and edit files on other PCs on the network from one PC, send files and folders between computers on the network, print a document from one PC to a printer connected to another, and also run stored programs from one PC on another.

7. Setting up a PC for sharing resources.

Windows makes it easy sharing folders on your PC so that other network users can access the files in them. If your computer is connected to a network, other network users can access shared resources on your PC if they have access rights to them. The first step to organize such work is to set up a shared PC to share resources.

7.1.Setting up file and printer separation tools.

When organizing peer-to-peer networks based on Windows, provision of your computer's resources for system-wide use will be possible if the Microsoft Network File and Printer Sharing Service is installed in the network configuration of this PC. Its installation is carried out in the network configuration window and was discussed earlier in this lab.

If this service is not installed or has been removed from the configuration, then this PC is installed as a network client. That is, he will have access to all shared resources of the network, but he himself will Network environment will not be visible and its resources will not be available to other PCs on the network.

7.2. Setting up access to computer resources.

If a PC is configured as a client only, then it has access to other PCs, but they cannot access it. In this case, ensuring its security is no different from protecting a standalone PC.


student of group 08-B-2

Dubinin Sergey

Assoc. Kocheshkov A. A.

Nizhny Novgorod


Goal of the work: study the properties, methods of organization and features of the use of peer-to-peer computer networks. Learn how to install, configure and manage a LAN based on Microsoft Windows XP.


1 .Configure components network tools Windows.

Determine the composition and properties of the installed components:

Client for Microsoft networks,

Client for NetWare networks,

Network adapter,

IPX/SPX protocol

TCP/IP protocol

File and printer access service for Microsoft networks.

Assign a name working group, computer name.

Configure the TCP/IP protocol stack.

Check the functionality of the network using various protocols, changing the bindings of the network adapter to the protocols and the protocols to clients and services.

Configuring Windows network components.

Windows uses the following types of networking components:

    Network adapter drivers;


A protocol is a specific set of formalized rules that determine the sequence and format of messages exchanged between network components lying at the same level. A software module that implements a protocol is often called a “protocol” for short (for example, one of the Windows networking components).

Network services are designed to provide other network nodes with access to shared resources on the node or for other functions. Network clients allow the current node to use the resources of other network nodes (for example, shared directories, printers, etc.).

To configure the network components of Windows XP, use the Control Panel applet " Network connections" When you launch it, a window appears on the screen containing a list of existing network connections, including LAN connections and remote access connections. IN context menu each of them has an item related to the setting (Properties).

Let's display the properties panel for connecting via local network. The following window appears:

The network adapter being used and other network components (protocols, clients, services) are displayed here. By default, Windows XP has:

    Client for Microsoft networks (in the properties you can change the name service provider and the network address for the remote procedure call service - RPC. This will be either the Windows locator or the DCE Cell Directory Service, when selected, you can set the network address);

    QoS Packet Scheduler

    File and Printer Sharing Service for Microsoft Networks (Properties cannot be changed);

    Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Windows allows you to install additional components, for example:

    Client for NetWare networks (When activating this client and then rebooting the OS, after logging in you must select the Main server or Tree and default context, but if you do not do this, then after a few seconds you will be able to enjoy the desktop view. For normal operation this client requires the IPX/SPX protocol installed, therefore you must install it first, and vice versa, properties for this client are not available.);

    SAP Service Announcement Protocol

    Microsoft TCP/IP version 6 – a new version TCP/IP stack, which solves many problems, such as the problem of lack of IP addresses, redundancy bandwidth and etc.

    NWLinkIPX/SPX/NetBIOS compatible transport protocol is a protocol stack used primarily in Novell networks.

    Network Monitor Driver

You can also install third-party components that are not included in the Windows distribution.

In this window you can also configure installed components and remove unnecessary ones. The last operation will require a reboot, and the removed component will again be in the list of available for installation.

Task: install something from the list of suggested components and find the difference in operation.

For experiments, the “NWLinkIPX/SPX/NetBIOS compatible transport protocol” component was selected to support the IPX/SPX stack. By clicking the “Install” button and selecting the desired type of component (protocol), we get:

After a short installation, “NWLinkNetBIOS” and “NWLinkIPX/SPX/NetBIOS compatible transport” appear in the list of components. Only the last of them can be configured (here you can configure the internal IPX network number and the type of Ethernet packages used: Ethernet802.2, Ethernet802.3, EthernetII, EthernetSNAP, and Automatic selection).

Result: no differences in the operation of the network were noticed, but in adapters and bindings the IPX protocol became the first, instead of TCP/IP, which means that all packets are analyzed first for compliance with the first protocol, which theoretically should slow down the processing speed of TCP/IP packets /

Configuring the TCP/IP stack deserves special attention. The following options are available here:

    IP address (you can use one specified explicitly or allocated automatically by the DHCP server);

    Subnet mask;

    Gateway address;

    DNS name server address;

If there is no DHCP server on the network, addresses can be allocated statically. For configuration, the address specified as the network address is: The host addresses will be located in the low byte of the IP address and, naturally, will differ. The number 15 will be assigned to the first node, 14 to the second, etc. The main thing is that the addresses are unique.

When you click the “Advanced” button, the advanced settings window is called up.

Many options are available in this window, including the same ones as in the previous one.

For example, you can assign multiple IP addresses to a node. This is useful when multiple IP networks are in use and a given node requires a different IP address to communicate with each logical IP network.

The corresponding tabs contain DNS and WINS settings. In my case, there are no servers on the network, so the settings will not be changed.

The “Options” tab contains additional settings. In WindowsXP, only the TCP/IP traffic filtering setting is available. Filtering allows you to select the ports through which traffic will be passed. These settings apply to all adapters. However, it is not possible to block ICMP traffic using this filtering.

The network adapter is installed in the usual Windows way using PnP. Usually it can be detected by the system automatically. As with many other devices, for network adapter You can configure the hardware resources used (IRQ line and memory ranges). In addition, each network adapter provides several specific, manufacturer- and hardware-dependent parameters, which are also present in the device properties window. The latter can be called up from the Device Manager or from the network connection properties window.

When you click the “Configure” button in the connection properties window, the device properties window is displayed:

Network adapter-specific settings are located on the Advanced tab.

For example, here you can set the duplex mode used, select the transmission speed used (10/100 Mbit, half-duplex/full-duplex).

Windows can use several different protocol stacks with a single network connection because... It is possible to distinguish IP packets from, for example, IPX. In this case, the received packet is checked one by one to see if it belongs to one or another protocol in the order that is defined in the network adapter’s protocol binding. Correct ordering can improve performance (for example, if IP packets are much more common than IPX packets, it makes sense to check first to see if the incoming packet is an IP packet).

Protocol binding is configured using the menu item in the Network Connections folder “Advanced→Advanced Settings→Adapters and Bindings.” When this item is activated, a window appears on the screen:

It can be seen that the first protocol in the binding is NWLinkIPX/SPX/NETBIOS. Using the corresponding buttons, the entry corresponding to TCP/IP should be raised up. The client's binding for Microsoft networks changes in the same way. After this, IP packets will be processed immediately, without additional delays.

On the “Access Services Order” tab, the order of services is configured in the same way.

In peer-to-peer Windows network Each computer must have a unique name (NetBIOS name) and belong to a workgroup or domain. If the name is not unique, then problems may arise when accessing the node. For example, when Windows boots, it checks its host name (and IP) for uniqueness. If the check reveals the presence of such a name (and IP) on the network, an error message is displayed on the screen (even before the user logs in).

For easy identification, machines on the network are assigned the following names:

    userpc(address –WindowsXP

    COB-PC(address -Windows7

    userpc-virtual(address –WindowsXP

The workgroup name is MSHOME.

After you change the name, Windows displays a "Welcome to the MSHOME workgroup" message and then prompts you to restart, which is required to complete the name change.

After the reboot, you need to check the network functionality. Using the program ping. This program sends ICMP packets of type ECHO_REQUEST to specified network hosts at specified intervals. If they respond (also with an ICMP packet), the program displays the packet transmission time and its lifetime. The proportion of lost packets is also displayed.

Task: check network functionality using the ping command

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping userpc-virtual

Exchange of packets with userpc-virtual of 32 bytes:

<1мс TTL=128

Response from number of bytes=32 time<1мс TTL=128

Response from number of bytes=32 time<1мс TTL=128

Response from number of bytes=32 time<1мс TTL=128

Ping statistics for

Packets: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip time in ms:

Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Now I will turn off TCP/IP support in the network connection properties; TCP/IP in the network adapter binding to protocols will be disabled automatically. However, I will leave IPX/SPX enabled. Now ping will no longer help, because ICMP is not part of the IPX/SPX stack and cannot be processed correctly. As a result, when calling ping we get:

C:\Documents and Settings\->ping userpc

The ping failed to find the userpc node. Check the hostname and try again

those try.

To diagnose IPX and control the routing of IPX packets, use the command ipxroute. For example, ipxrouteconfig will display the used IPX network numbers and physical adapter addresses:

C:\Documents and Settings\->ipxroute config

NWLink IPX v2.00 routing management software

No. Name Network Node Frame


1. IpxLoopbackAdapter 1234cdef 000000000002

2. 00000000 0800274df9c3

3. NDISWANIPX 00000000 76c120524153 -

Disabled WAN Line

2 .Studying the properties of network resources in Windows XP.

Using an administrative account, describe shared file resources with different access.

Study and try different ways to connect network resources of other computers. Describe obtaining information about your network environment.

Test the use of administrative network resources for remote access.

Internet 35% (Wi-Fi)

Internet- this is the best invention of mankind, it unites more 35% population of the Earth, and also opens up unlimited opportunities for learning, work, recreation and communication. It appears on your computer using a network adapter that has wireless (Wi-Fi) or wired interface. In this article I will talk about setting up an adapter to connect to the network.

There are several types of Internet connection:

  1. Phone line
  2. DSL, cable or wiring
  3. Mobile communications (2G,3G,4G - LTE)
  4. Optical fiber
  5. Satellite Internet

Each of them has its own specific features, but the computer is most often connected using a conventional twisted pair - RJ-45 cable, or using WiFi connections to the router (which, in turn, also works via twisted pair or USB modem).

Setup. Since most users use Windows 7, I will tell you using it as an example.

To do this we go to Control Panel-> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center shared access , then select from the menu on the left Change adapter settings.

Here you can see a list of all computer adapters and their connection status, including Bluetooth adapters, as well as virtual adapters like Hamachi.

Normal connection via twisted pair (without routers, modems)

Twisted pair cable - RJ-45 - 8P8C

There are also 2 options: You need to set up a connection and connect every time, or your provider supports DHCP technology and you just need to plug the cable into the connector.

Depending on your option, you need to configure the adapter correctly.

Option 1

Go to the list of adapters. Select the one you need (Local Area Connection...) and right-click on it (RMB), select here Properties. In the list that opens, select the component Internet Protocol Version 4 and press the button Properties. Here you need to enter the settings issued by your operator.

Option 2

The operation is similar to Option 1, only in the protocol properties you need to check the boxes Obtain an IP address automatically, Obtain a DNS server address automatically.

Connecting using a router

Typically a router has 5 connectors( 4 LAN and 1 WAN). You connect the cable from the Internet to the WAN port (it is separate from the others), and then use a second cable/Wi-Fi adapter to connect the router and computer. After that (See Option 2 in twisted pair connection) V Wi-Fi adapter These settings are by default.

To further configure the Internet, you go to the local address of the router( or - default) and perform the necessary actions.

How to set up an Asus router You can read in this article -

I won’t describe the other types; you can ask all questions in the comments.

Now in more detail about the adapter settings

To see these settings, you need to go to the list of adapters, right-click on the desired adapter, select Properties, then under the line with full name adapter press button Tune. Go to the tab here Additionally.

Basically, the properties are the same for all adapters, but there are still slight differences.

I will tell you with an example D-Link DGE-560T.

Below there will be a table indicating the property name and its description.

Property name Description Values
ARP Offload - ARP Offload The function allows you not to turn on the adapter to respond to an ARP request (determining the MAC address by IP)

Disable - the function is disabled.

Auto Disable Gigabit(Powersaving) - Automatic shutdown of 1 Gbps speed Power saving function - disables gigabit speed when reconnecting the cable.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Re-Link, Battery - shutdown when running on battery power.

Re-Link, Battery or AC - always disabled.

Energy Efficient Ethernet - Energy efficient internet

Disable - the function is disabled.

Flow Control -Flow control A special technology for slowing down the data flow if the adapter has not had time to process the previous information. Increases network performance.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Green Ethernet -Green internet Reducing adapter power consumption.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - energy saving is enabled.

Interrupt Moderation -Interrupt coordination A technology that allows a thread to be interrupted for processing only once instead of several times. Reduces CPU load.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - control enabled flow.

IPv4 Checksum Offload -IPv4 Offload Checksum If the option is enabled, the adapter itself performs the calculation of the file checksum when sending (Tx) and receiving (Rx). Reduces CPU load.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Rx Enabled - the function is enabled to receive files.

Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for sending files.

Rx & Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for sending and receiving files.

Jumbo Frame -Big frame This setting increases the standard frame size of transmitted data. Improves network performance when large frames make up the majority of traffic.

Disable - the function is disabled. Standard value.

xKB MTU - feature enabled, where X is the length of the large frame in KB.

Large Send Offload v2 (IPv4) -Large Send Offload (IPv4) Enables the data packet fragmentation feature. Fragmentation occurs due to the adapter. Network performance increases and CPU load decreases.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Large Send Offload v2 (IPv6) -Large Send Offload (IPv6) Everything is the same, only for the IPv6 protocol.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

Network Address -Network address Allows you to change the virtual MAC address of the device; the hardware (physical) MAC address does not change.

Absent - function disabled.

Value - you must enter the required MAC address.

NS Offload -NS unloading The function allows you not to turn on the adapter to respond to an NS request (neighbor discovery protocol).

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - the adapter is not enabled to respond to the request.

Priority & VLAN -Priority and VLAN In addition to basic information, it adds packet priority information and a VLAN identifier to the Ethernet frame.

Disable - disables hardware VLAN tagging.

Enable - enables hardware VLAN tagging.

Receive Buffers -Receive Buffers This property specifies the number of memory buffers when the adapter receives any information. Increasing the value increases adapter performance, but also increases system memory consumption. You can set values ​​from 1 to... (Depending on the adapter. I have up to 512).
Receive Side Scaling(RSS) -Getting side scaling A load balancing mechanism in which TCP packets can be distributed across multiple CPU cores.

Disable - disables RSS.

Enable - allows RSS.

Shutdown Wake-On-Lan(WOL) -Turning on via local network after disconnecting Allows or disables the function of turning on a computer over a network via an adapter.

Disable - prohibits WOL.

Enable - allows WOL.

Speed ​​& Duplex -Speed ​​and duplex Allows you to set the desired connection speed and parallel data reception/transmission mode. Duplex- the device simultaneously receives and transmits information. Half duplex- the device either transmits or receives information.

Auto Negotiation - auto-negotiation with a network device.

10/100Mbps/Half/Full Duplex,

1.0 Gbps/Full Duplex - Operating modes.

TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4) -TCP Offload Checksum (IPv4)

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

TCP Checksum Offload (IPv6) -TCP Offload Checksum (IPv6) Allows the adapter to check checksum for TCP packets. Network speed increases and CPU load decreases.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

Transmit Buffers -Transmission Buffers This property specifies the number of memory buffers when the adapter transmits any information. Increasing the value increases adapter performance, but also increases system memory consumption. You can set values ​​from 1 to... (Depending on the adapter. I have up to 128).
UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4) -UDP Offload Checksum (IPv4)

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6) -UDP Offload Checksum (IPv6) Allows the adapter to check the checksum for UDP packets. Increases network performance and reduces CPU load.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

Wake on Magic Packet

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - the function is enabled.

Wake on pattern match Additional setup Wake-On-Lan

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - the function is enabled.

WOL & Shutdown Link Speed ​​-Speed ​​when turned on via local network after disconnecting Determines the initial connection speed for Wake-On-Lan

10Mbps First,

100Mbps First - sets the initial speed to 10/100 Mbps

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In the Windows XP operating system, any method of connecting computers with each other (directly, through a personal network, via the Internet) is described by the term network not.<лючение. Для создания и настройки подключений используется с медиальная папка Сетевые подключения (Пуск >Settings > Network Connections). Any connection can be configured to perform all necessary network operations.

What are the main categories of network connections?

All types of network connections can be i)divided into outgoing and incoming. In outgoing connections, the computer initiates the process of establishing a connection; in incoming connections, it receives protection from the outside and gives its consent to establish a connection. Outgoing connections differ in communication method, which is completely configurable within the specific connection. All internal details are hidden from any program using the connection.

What types of network connections are there?

operating room Windows system XP takes into account five basic types of network connections.

A dial-up connection is used to temporarily connect to another network. This type includes all connections using a modem.

Is the local network connection permanent: tf? connection. This is what is used within the local %! 1 network. Some types of Internet connections (ADSL, cable modem) also fall into this category.

A virtual private network connection is used for be- ,$&. secure data transmission over an open environment. All data is encrypted. Most often, this connection is a type of remote access connection.

Direct connection allows you to establish a connection between two computers without the use of special network hardware. The disadvantage of this method is usually the limited bandwidth of such a connection, as well as the fact that only two computers are involved in such a connection.

An incoming connection can be any of the types listed above, except for a local network connection. It allows the computer to respond to requests from the outside.

What equipment is needed to organize a network connection?

Depending on your system configuration and the types of connections you intend to make, you may need the following equipment.

Network adapter for connecting to a local network;

Modem (and access to an analogue telephone line);

An ADSL device or cable modem, which often also requires a network adapter. Additionally required Various types connecting cables. Network connections and network components

How to create a new connection?

If your computer has a network adapter installed, the Windows XP operating system automatically detects it and creates a local network connection. Moreover, every time you turn on the computer, the operating system checks for access to the network and immediately connects to it. Other types of network connections must be created manually. To do this, open the Network Connections folder (Start* Settings > Network Connections) and select File > New Connection. You can also use the link Create new< < ~о подключения в области задач. При этом запустится Мастер новых подключений, который позволяет задать required parameters connections.

How to change connection settings?

To change the settings of a previously created connection, open the Network Connections folder (Start? Settings > Network Connections). Click on the icon required connection Right-click and select nyeiK Properties in the context menu that opens. The properties dialog box for the selected connection opens. Basic settings are available on the General tab.

What basic settings are available for connection?

On network computers working under Windows control XP, five separate network software components can be configured. This is the network adapter itself (the Connection via field on the General tab of the properties dialog box is connected to it), as well as the network client, network service, scheduler, and network protocol. They are listed in the Checked components used by this connection list. To change the settings of a component, select it from the search box and click on the Properties button. If this button is inactive, the selected component does not have configurable parameters. Different connections may use different network components, for example, from -due to the fact that the computer is simultaneously part of several ceitiii.

What is a protocol?

A network protocol is a set of rules that a computer uses when communicating with another device over a network. For such interaction to be truly possible, different computers networks must use the same protocol. Thus, the choice of protocol is made when creating the network.

What types of protocols are used on typical networks?

A peer-to-peer local network running Windows XP relies on the TCP/IP protocol, which is also used when connecting to the Internet. IN previous versions Windows used the NetBEUI protocol on the local network (its support has been discontinued in Windows XP). The local network running the Novell NetWare server uses the 1PX/SPX protocol. You probably won't need other protocols. When setting up a network, you should not install protocols that will not be used, as this increases the load on the computer and reduces operating efficiency,

How to configure the network protocol?

Changing the network protocol setting only applies to a specific connection. To perform this setup, open the Network Connections folder (PusO Settings → Network Connections). Right-click on the icon for the desired connection and select Properties in the context menu that opens. Select the protocol you want to configure from the Selected components used by this connection list and click the Properties button. The protocol properties dialog box contains a number of tabs, the number and composition of which depends on the protocol used and the type of connection.

What is a network adapter?

Network adapter (network card) is hardware, providing physical connection computer to the network. This is either a special expansion board containing a socket for connecting network cables, or a separate device connected via USB port. U modern computers The network adapter is often integrated directly into motherboard. To use the network adapter, you must install the appropriate drivers.

How to install a network adapter?

If the network adapter meets the plug-and-play standard, then the drivers are installed automatically. In addition, the network adapter can be installed in the same way as any other device, that is, using the wizard Equipment installation,

How to configure a network adapter?

Access to the network adapter configuration tools is possible in two ways. First, you can use Device Manager (Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager). Secondly, by opening the Network Connections folder (Start > Settings * Network Connections), you can click;. right-click on the connection icon that uses this rep adapter and select Properties from the context menu. On the General tab, click the Configure button. Special network adapter configuration options are usually provided on the Advanced tab.

What is a network client?

A network client is a special up-tram software that provides access to the network and work with it, C< ^евые клиенты предназначены для использования определенного сетевого протокола и должны быть привязаны к нему.

How is a network client selected?

Network client that should be i. installed, determined in accordance with the network pro falcon used. The TCP/IP protocol is used by the Client for Microsoft Networks. If the network is based on the IPX/SPX protocol, you need the Client for NetWare Networks.

How to set up a network client?

To configure a network client, you need to open the properties dialog box for the corresponding connection (Start * Settings * Network Connections * Properties) and select the General tab, in the list of network components used, select the client you are configuring and click the Properties button. The possibilities for changing the settings of the shunt are minimal. If the network client does not allow settings at all, the Properties button will be disabled.

What is a network service?

A network service is a network subsystem designed to perform a specific task. tee. For example, in a Windows peer-to-peer network, file and printer sharing is provided by the shared service. Online work Email, file transfer and many other features are also provided by special services. Local networks organized in various ways can provide other types of services.

How to configure a network service?

For settings network service you need to open the properties dialog box for the corresponding connection (Start > Settings? Network Connections > Properties) and select the General tab. In the list of network components used, select the service you are configuring and click the Properties button. The settings available in the service properties dialog box vary depending on the specific service.

How do I add an additional software network component?

You should not add additional network components unless necessary. As a rule, the Windows operating system copes quite successfully with the tasks facing it, automatically adding network components if they are needed. But this operation can also be performed manually. Open the connection properties dialog box (Start * Settings > Network Connections > Properties) and select the General tab. Click the Install button. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, select the desired type (Client, Service, or Protocol) and click the Add button. Next, you can select the desired component from those offered by the operating system or use a separate distribution media (the Install from disk button).

How to remove a network component?

To remove a network component, open the connection properties dialog box (Start > Settings > Network Connections > Properties) and select the General tab. Select the component you want to remove from the list and click the Remove button. When you remove a specified component, components that rely on it are automatically removed. As in the case of installing network components, this operation should be resorted to only as a last resort - usually the operating system itself does everything that is NECESSARY. Also, keep in mind that deleting a component affects all connections that use it. After issuing a deletion command, the operating system will remind you of this and ask you to confirm the issued command.

How to connect computers directly?

With a direct cable connection, computer ports of the same type must be connected (serial to serial or parallel to parallel). It is also possible wireless connection, using the infrared ports of the computer. When connecting serial ports, a so-called null modem cable is used (ensuring the correct combination of outgoing and incoming signals). A special cable is also required to connect parallel ports. A direct connection through parallel ports is noticeably faster, since in this case the data is transferred not bit by bit, but by whole bytes at once.

How are connections configured when connecting computers directly?

When connecting computers directly< айн из компьютеров является ведущим, а другой ведомым. Ведущий компьютер инициирует соединение, в то время как ведомый принимает запрос и отвечает на него. Такое соединение обеспечивает ведущему компьютеру доступ к ресурсам ведомого компьютера.

How do I configure my computer to work in direct connection mode?

After opening the Network Connections folder, give the command File V New connection. In the New Connection Wizard window, click Next. Then select the radio button Establish a direct connection to another computer and click the Next button. Select the Connect directly to another comhyster radio button and click the Next button. At the next stage of the wizard, you need to set the switch Master computer or Slave KOMI "euter depending on the role that will play this system prg direct connection. Click the Next button. For the host computer, at subsequent stages of the Wizard, you must specify the computer name; i to which the connection is made, and the port that will be used for communication. For a slave computer, you can specify users who are allowed to connect.

How to establish a direct connection between computers?

Once direct connections have been created on the master and slave computers, you can establish communication between them. The slave computer has an icon direct connection has the signature Incoming connections. On the host computer, double-click the direct connection icon. The Connection dialog box will open, in which you must specify the user name and password to connect to the slave computer. operating system Windows XP allows you to enable password saving mode. After clicking the Connect button, the connection setup process continues automatically.

What is remote network access used for?

Remote network access allows you to connect to the network remote computer through telephone line. For the duration of the connection, the remote computer (usually a portable one) receives the same rights as a computer permanently connected to this network. Currently, this feature is used primarily to connect individual (home) computers to the Internet through an Internet service provider's local network. This feature can also be used to connect an organization's employees to the corporate network when they are not at their desk.

To set up a network, you need a network card installed in your computer with an RJ-45 connector for connecting a twisted pair cable. This can be either a regular PCI card or USB and PCMCIA adapters. Installation instructions can be found in the instructions for the network card.

Configuring connection settings

The network uses automatic retrieval network settings using the DHCP protocol, in Windows given the setting is the default. Steps to verify that your local network is configured correctly for different Windows versions, are described below.

For other systems, you must configure automatic receipt network address via DHCP protocol.

Windows XP

Open menu Start - Connection and select Show all network connections. Click on the connection corresponding to this network card(usually ), left click and select Properties. In the list of network components, it is necessary to disable km/computer for security purposes. File and Printer Sharing Service, then select Internet Protocol TCP/IP and press the button Properties. In the window that appears, select items and OK, close the window Local Area Connection - Properties.

Windows Vista

Go to menu Start - Control Panel - Network And Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Manage network connections(In the list of tasks on the left). IN open window highlight icon LAN connection Properties And . Next, highlight , press the button Properties Obtain an IP address automatically And Obtain DNS server address automatically. Save the settings with the button OK, close the protocol settings window.

Windows 7

Go to the Start menu - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings (In the task list on the left). In the open window, select the icon LAN connection, right-click and select Properties. In the window that appears, you need to disable components File and Printer Sharing Service And Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6). Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), press the button Properties. In the window that appears, select items Obtain an IP address automatically And Obtain DNS server address automatically. Save the settings with the button OK, close the network adapter properties window.