What is the difference between receiving information and receiving a message? Receiving the information. Analog and digital information

27.11.2019 Memory cards

In everyday life, we often come across such concepts as information, computer science, information technology, etc. These concepts are used by scientists, TV announcers, journalists and politicians. However, to date there is no generally accepted definition of the concept “information”: numerous researchers offer a variety of definitions. The compilers of dictionary and encyclopedic publications were actually forced to admit the intractability of this problem, and therefore abandoned attempts to give a unified definition of information. In one dictionary entry you can find a list of several concepts of information at once.

Attempts to connect information with the usual concepts of matter or energy were unsuccessful. Wiener's famous negative definition is known: “information is information, not matter and not energy.” Only one conclusion follows from this definition: in its significance, the concept of information is not inferior to such basic physical concepts as matter or energy.

Using the concept of “information” in everyday practice does not cause us any particular difficulties. When we talk about information, we usually mean an explanation, a message, a presentation, some information, data, an announcement. In the usual, “everyday” sense, information is the sum of information that a certain subject, person, group of people or animals receives about the world around him, about himself, about another subject or the phenomenon being studied. Using this information, a person can predict the results of his actions, choose various ways to achieve your goals.

The SES provides the following definition of information: 1) information is information transmitted by people orally, in writing or in any other way (using conventional signs, signals, technical means and so on.); 2) since the mid-twentieth century, information is the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton, the exchange of signals in the living and plant world, the transfer of characteristics from cell to cell, from organism to organism.

Another common definition is known: information is information that reduces the uncertainty of our knowledge about the world around us, which is the object of storage, transformation, transmission and use.

In his book “Synergetics and Information” D.S. Chernavsky provides an extensive collection of unsatisfactory, in his opinion, tautological definitions of information. A large number of similar and dissimilar definitions of the concept “information” means that there is no generally accepted definition of information yet. Moreover, notes D.S. Chernavsky, there is not even a clear understanding of the essence of this phenomenon, although the need for it has long been ripe.

Talking about information, N.N. Moiseev comes to the conclusion that, being a central concept in computer science, it still does not have a clear definition. N.N. Moiseev argues that information is not a universal property of matter and believes that the need for the concept of information arises only when studying systems that have goal-setting.

There is an approach that introduces the concept of information as reflected diversity. The source of diversity, according to V.M. Glushkov, is the heterogeneity of the distribution of matter and energy in space and time. Hence the definition given by V.M. Glushkov: information is a measure of the heterogeneity of the distribution of matter and energy in space and time, an indicator of changes that accompany all processes occurring in the world.

The difficulty in constructing a general definition of information is that there are different types of information. For example, social information, biological information, economic information, scientific information. In the simplest case, we are talking about information that is entered into a computer to solve a problem, or about information transmitted over wires and radio channels. In this case, you can determine the amount of information, indicate the storage medium, memory, and evaluate the quality of information. Note that we are dealing here with data rather than information. In general, when we talk about information when studying the world around us, only questions arise that have no answers yet.

Another important concept in computer science is data. This term occurs no less often than information and is also fundamental in computer science, but does not cause such difficulties in definition. There are several different in form, but equivalent in substance, definitions of what “data” is. The most common definitions are:

    Data are recorded signals.

    Data is information presented in a form that allows it to be remembered, stored, transmitted or processed using technical means.

    Data is information about an object or relationships between objects, expressed in symbolic form.

The first definition, in our opinion, is the most successful and most general. A signal here is understood as a conventional sign, a physical process, a phenomenon that carries a message about an event, the state of an object and its operating mode, or transmits control commands and alerts. A signal is a time-varying physical process. Signal recording can include: recording music on a tape recorder, recording a lecture in a notebook, recording observations during an experiment in the form of numbers, graphs, photographing any objects, memorizing material in a lesson by a student, drawing a plan, recording data in computer memory, HDD etc.

The second and third definitions of “data” are unsuccessful because they attempt to define data through information. It turns out circulus vitiosus - a vicious circle. The second definition narrows the generality of the concept of “data” to the level of data used in technology. The third definition is also of an applied nature and relates to databases.

The concepts of “data” and “information” are close, but not identical. These concepts are often confused and, as noted above, attempts are made to define one through the other. Data and information are interconnected. Information cannot exist without data, without any medium: it must somehow be represented using data. It is this fact that the authors of the second definition of data tried to emphasize. On the other hand, any data always carries some information.

Example: we listen to foreign speech on the phone, but do not understand it. Data recording is in progress (signal memorization), but there is no process of obtaining information. If we record this message on a tape recorder (register a signal) and transmit the recording to a translator, he will be able to convey to us the contents of the telephone message, and we will receive the information that it contained.

On the other hand, even without understanding foreign speech, we can get information about who called us - a man or a woman, what state the caller was in, and in some cases we can determine the language he spoke.

Any data (information) transfer process can be described using the following diagram: Rice. 1 General scheme

An example of the implementation of this scheme is the process of exchanging messages over the phone. The source of information is one of the subscribers. The encoding device is a microphone. He transforms sound vibrations into electrical signals, which are then transmitted along the telephone cable. The cable in this case is the communication channel.

Sometimes the communication channel is called the data transmission medium. During the transmission of signals over a communication channel, various types of interference may occur that distort the transmitted signal. In this case we hear in the telephone handset extraneous noise, crackling, etc. The decoding device is the speaker of the handset. It reversely converts the electrical signals received via the cable into acoustic vibrations, which are heard by another subscriber - the information receiver.

Another example: a teacher gives a lecture to students, during which information is transmitted. The communication channels in this case are the air and the blackboard, on which during the lecture the teacher makes explanatory notes with chalk. Interference - noise in the audience, events that distract the attention of listeners, poor quality of the board or chalk. The source of information is the teacher, his knowledge; encoding devices - vocal cords, tongue, chalk. Information signals through communication channels enter the organs of vision and hearing, where they are perceived and recorded by listeners, decoded and remembered by them.

Data can be perceived by a person or a technical device; they can be translated from one sign system to another without losing the information they contain. To extract information from data, you need to apply processing methods that are “adequate” to these data. This acquisition of information from data, after applying adequate processing methods, is called “information technology”.

Technology is a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products in the process of material production. Or: technology - an algorithm for the targeted impact on raw materials, materials or semi-finished products using appropriate production tools. For example, technology in metallurgy, construction, clothing production, etc. The technological process in the field of material production can be represented in the form of a diagram:

R is. 2. General scheme of material production technology.

The difference between information technologies and material ones is that the role of a material resource is played by data, and the technological process comes down to the choice of adequate methods for processing this data using, as a rule, computer technology. As a result, we receive information, presented in turn in the form of some new data, to which other adequate processing methods can again be applied, new information is obtained, etc.

R is. 3. General scheme of information technologies.

An example of IT is the process of processing seismic data on a computer.

The result of such processing is, for example: information about the presence of oil deposits, their location and size; data on the structure of the Earth.

Other examples of IT: as a result of long-term meteorological observations, data on air temperature were obtained. This data is presented in the form of tables of numbers. Processing of such data makes it possible to make a forecast about possible changes in temperature, climate, etc. Processing the results of the Unified State Examination conducted in schools across the country makes it possible to obtain information about the level of knowledge and teaching in individual regions and in the country as a whole. An essential component of IT is the computer. So, information Technology

– computerized methods of processing, storing, transmitting and using information. The two main elements of IT are people and computers.

The main difference between IT and conventional technologies is that the use of material technologies changes the material world around us. And the result of the use of IT is information that influences the minds of people and motivates them to action. This property of IT is actively used in the media. It should be noted that by influencing people’s consciousness, IT indirectly affects the world around us. Term appeared in the mid-60s of the twentieth century almost simultaneously in France and in our country. It was used to denote the youngest science among other natural and technical sciences. As noted in the book by R.M. Yusupov and V.P. Kotenko, in 1963 an article by F.E. was published in the journal Izvestia Vuzov. Temnikova "Informatics". It presented the science of information as a combination of three sections: the theory of information elements, the theory of information systems and the theory of information processes. However, this article went unnoticed, and the French interpretation of the term “informatique” turned out to be more popular, which denoted the science of electronic computers (computers) and their application. In the USA, instead of the term computer science, the term “computer science” is used.

Attempts to define computer science have not stopped to this day. As with the concept of information, there are dozens of different definitions of what computer science is. Here are some of the most famous definitions.

Computer science– a science that studies the structure and general properties of information, as well as issues related to her collection, storage, search, transformation, distribution and use in various spheres of human activity.

In his textbook “Informatics” S.V. Simonovich gives the following definition: “ Computer science– a technical science that systematizes methods of creating, storing, reproducing, processing and transmitting data by means of computer technology, as well as the principles of operation of these means and methods of managing them.” In this definition, the emphasis is on the concept of “data”, while the concept of information is completely absent. Here there is a narrowing of computer science to the level of applied, technical science. This is what they call computer science in the USA.

The French Academy of Sciences offers the following definition: “ Computer science“is the science of the expedient processing of information, carried out primarily by automatic means, considered as the representation of knowledge and messages in technical, economic and social fields.”

Definition of A.P. Ershova: “ Computer science“is a fundamental natural science that studies the processes of transmission and processing of information.”

D.S. Chernavsky gives the following definition of computer science: “ Computer science- the science of the processes of transmission, occurrence, reception, storage and processing of information.” He proposes to distinguish three areas in computer science: technical, applied and fundamental. In the technical aspect, computer science includes the transmission, coding and reception of information. In the applied aspect, computer science deals with the development of computers and the creation of programs (computer science). A fundamental aspect of computer science involves the study of the processes of emergence, evolution, extraction and implementation of valuable information.

The value of information is related to goal setting and depends on how much this information contributes to achieving the goal. D.S.'s approach Chernavsky will be discussed in more detail in a separate paragraph.

Analyzing the proposed definitions of computer science, we can conclude that information has four main types of “movement”: perception, storage, transmission and processing.

On the question of whether information is a universal attribute of matter or not, scientists are divided into two main groups: attributeists and functionalists. I adhere to the position of functionalists, i.e. I believe that information is inherent only in living nature. Since it arises where there is a moment of goal setting - in systems capable of self-government and self-organization. The main argument in favor of functionalists is that in inanimate nature it is impossible to freely choose one of several equal states, in which information is generated in the system. In addition, in inanimate nature there is no information processing process.

Information has a number of properties. The main properties are the following:

    The information is irreproducible.

    Information is emergent (from the English “emergency”).

    Information is operational: information motivates action.

    Objectivity (depends on the methods of obtaining information).

    Completeness of information depends on the sufficiency of data to make a decision or create new data based on existing data (this is rather a property of the data).

    Reliability (depends on the noise level in the recorded signals and on the accuracy with which signals are recorded by sensors).

    Adequacy – a) the ability of information to uniquely correspond to the displayed object;

    b) the degree of correspondence to the real, objective state of affairs.

    Relevance - correspondence of information to a given point in time. The commercial value of information is often associated with the relevance of information.

    Commercial value is the possibility of obtaining additional profits or the ability to avoid losses through the use of information.

The first three properties are rarely mentioned in computer science textbooks, although they are the most characteristic of the phenomenon of information. Non-reproducibility means that when you receive a message carrying information again, you do not receive additional information. For example, you are waiting at the station for your train to depart and you hear an announcement saying that the departure is delayed by two hours. If you listen to this announcement again after some time, you will not receive any new information regarding the train's departure. Or you are waiting for the announcement of the result of a football match between two teams. Information about your team's victory is irreproducible in the sense that you will not learn anything new from repeating such a message.

The property of emergence of information means that information has the property of surprise. A message about an event carries more information, the less the possibility of this event occurring. For example, a message that on July 12 in Murmansk the temperature is expected to be -10  carries more information than a message that the temperature will be +10 . A message about a train departing on schedule carries less information than a message about a delay in departure (provided that trains usually depart on schedule). If a message lacks the property of emergence, then such a message is not information.

The property of operationality of information is that information motivates us to action. A message about a train delay leads to you taking unplanned action: going to the station kiosk, making phone calls to report the delay, etc. A message about a fall in stock prices on the stock exchange leads to an attempt to sell them. The news of possible rain makes you take an umbrella when leaving the house.

Another important property of information is that when you share information with someone, the amount of information you have does not decrease. We can say this: when transmitted, information increases in volume, there is more of it. This is what distinguishes it from other objects in the surrounding world. For example, if I give someone 100 rubles, then the other person will have them, but I will no longer have them; if I shared knowledge or information with someone, then I will have the same amount of information, but it will also appear in the person to whom I transferred it. When copying information using VT tools, we get a copy that is no different from the original, and the cost of making a copy is almost zero. Information begins to rapidly spread where there is a need for it. She strives to occupy the maximum possible volume in the surrounding world. That is why the fight against so-called “piracy” is so ineffective. This struggle in its effectiveness is reminiscent of attempts to block the path of water during river floods.

To fulfill your destiny, they teach you how to use your inner strength, discover new techniques and very often tell you how to act in life. Methods receiving information: 1. Clairvoyance 2. Clairaudience 3. Clairunderstanding 4. Prophetic dreams – receiving information in a dream. 5. Receipt information using objects (frames, pendulums, crystals). There are probably some other items that I don't know about. This method is inaccurate because...


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and when reading, it is revealed each time in a new way, depending on the spiritual growth of a person. ... into the very depths of the vessel. And to the one who transmits this receipt. I have a million, and you have nothing, it’s clear who depends on whom and who can give and who can’t. But I'm addicted to...

Lesson 1

Lesson topic: Computer science. Concept of information and message

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material

The purpose of the lesson:- introduce students to the concepts of “computer science”, “information”, information processes;

Consider types of information, methods of presentation

information, storage media;

Develop students' cognitive interests;

Foster a desire to acquire knowledge

Lesson structure

  1. Organizational moment (1 min)
  2. Learning new material (38 min)
  3. Lesson summary (5 min)
  4. Homework (1 min)

During the classes

  1. I. Organizing time

Meeting the students and checking their readiness for the lesson

  1. II. Learning new material

You begin to study a new subject for you - computer science. This science is relatively young: it was formed in the second half of the 20th century, but despite its young age, it has become an obligatory part of the education of a modern person.

  • Why do you think the science of computer science arose?

(Students express their opinions on this issue)

The teacher summarizes:

The rapid development and widespread use of computer technology served as prerequisites for the emergence of a new branch of science called computer science.

This word appeared in the early 60s and if it is translated literally from French, we get: computer science - automated information processing. The English version of the name computer science sounds like Computer Science.

The most remarkable achievement in this area was the creation of PCs, which quickly became part of our daily lives. Thanks to computers, you discover not only new entertainment, but also a window into the vast world of the Internet, into the world of creating computer images, texts, and various mathematical calculations.

  • What is the object of study of this science?

So, as you have already noticed, the word computer science has the same root as the word information. Perhaps information is the object of study in computer science.

Since ancient times, people have been surrounded by information. The need to express and convey information led to the emergence of speech, writing, visual and musical arts, and gave rise to printing, telephone, radio, and television. Even the simplest single-celled organisms constantly receive information (for example, about the ambient temperature) and use this information to select favorable conditions for their existence.

It is impossible to imagine the life of organisms without information; the absence of information would mean death for them.

A person exists in the world of information: he receives it with the help of his senses, stores it and processes it, transmits it and uses it in his life.

  • What is information? What is it like? What are they doing with her? Can it be measured?

We must answer these questions in our first lesson.

Students are told the topic of the lesson (which they write down in a notebook) and its goals.

The “Brain attack” technique is used

Let's try to explain the concept of information based on our own experience.

Students are asked to answer the following questions:

  • What is information?
  • How can I get information?
  • What methods of transmitting information do you know?
  • What types of information are there?

As a result of the reasoning, it is possible that the words necessary to compile the following diagram - “associative bush” - will appear on the board:

(The teacher can write the correct answer options on the back of the posters in advance and use them when summing up the lesson.)

Information- This is information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it.

Information (translated from Latin) is information transmitted by people, orally, written, etc. (using conventional signals, technical means, etc.). Information - This is data and information presented in various forms.

Let's look at examples of how you can get information.

Example No. 1 A person is in the hospital after an accident.

Sick patient. We have its indicators: a) temperature; b) pressure; c) pulse - which is reported by the nurse to the surgeon. The surgeon receives a message and has information on the basis of which it is possible to draw conclusions about the patient’s condition and possible actions of the medical staff.

  • Who is the object of research and who or what is the source of information?

In this case, the source of information coincides with the object that interests us.

Example No. 2 The work of an air traffic controller.

The object that interests us is a specific aircraft.

We have characteristics: its coordinates in the airspace, altitude, distance to the airfield, amount of fuel, aircraft speed, etc.

As a result of the data obtained, we have information about the movement of the aircraft. The task of the air traffic controller is to analyze this data and coordinate the landing of this aircraft.

Let us summarize the results obtained and consider the diagram:

Let's explain each element that is presented in the diagram.

Source is a physical object that provides information.

Data - results presented as a set of numbers, graphic images, words, signs. Data received from the source of information are messages (qualitative characteristics of the object).

Message - These are different forms of presenting any information.

Information can be defined as a message that removes uncertainty about an object that exists before receiving this message.

If messages do not remove uncertainty, then they can be attributed to information noise.

Noise- this is a kind of obstacle, but there is no pure noise. There are times when noise is transformed into information.

For example, a person calls the police and wants to tell them something very important, for example, their location, but extraneous noise prevents the police from hearing the interlocutor. After analyzing this noise, they come to the conclusion that it is a specific place (airport, train station, metro station, etc.)

So, we have given an answer to one of the questions - the process of obtaining information.

The activities of modern man are closely connected with various information processes. You yourself can participate in such processes every day: writing homework in a notebook, listening to a radio program, searching for a TV program that interests you in a newspaper, etc.

  • What processes can be classified as information processes?
  • Search for information
  • Collection of information
  • Data processing
  • Transfer of information
  • Data storage
    • Talking about information processes, the question arises: how can information be transmitted, where can it be stored, how can it be transmitted?

Methods of transmitting information

1. From person to person

2. From person to device

3. From device to device

4. From device to person

(you can use information from the textbook)

Methods of presenting information

1) analog (continuous signal) - speech, radio, tape

2) digital (using discrete signals) – computing processes in a computer.

Storage medium is a material object for storing information.

The information carrier can be:

Any material object (paper, stone, wood, table)

Waves of various natures: acoustic (sound), electromagnetic (light, radio wave), gravitational (pressure, attraction)

Substance in different states: concentration of molecules in a liquid solution, temperature and gas pressure

Information search methods:

1) direct observation;

2) communication with specialists on issues of interest;

3) reading relevant literature;

4) watching videos and television programs;

5) listening to radio broadcasts and audio cassettes;

6) work in libraries and archives;

Let's find out in what forms we perceive information (or what types it can be divided into)

Students’ answers are summarized, systematized and recorded in a notebook in the form of a diagram:

  1. I. Summing up the lesson

When summing up the lesson, it is advisable to return to the “associative bush” compiled at the beginning of studying the topic of the lesson, replacing the signs with questions with answers to them.

Having studied the main questions of the lesson, we can now define computer science.

Computer science- a branch of science that studies the structure and general properties of information, as well as issues related to its search, collection, storage, processing, transformation, distribution and use in various spheres of human activity.

Information– information, knowledge contained in the message.

II. Homework: notes

To the question: What is the difference between information and data? given by the author philosophy the best answer is Information (from the Latin informatio - “teaching”, “information”, “notification”) is the product of the interaction of data and methods, considered in the context of this interaction. The information is primary and meaningful [source? ] is a category, [source?], therefore, it is introduced into the categorical apparatus of science by portrait description, through related categories: matter, system, structure, reflection. In the material world (of man), information materializes through its medium and exists thanks to it. The essence of the material world appears before the researcher in the unity of form and content. Information is transmitted through the medium. The material medium gives the information form. During the process of shaping, the information carrier is changed. The term information has no definition, since it is not [source? ] concept. There is information in the communication channels of control systems. The category information should not be confused with the concept of knowledge. Knowledge is defined [source? ] through the information category.
In the 20th century, the word “information” became a term in many scientific fields, receiving definitions and interpretations specific to them. .
According to the "Newest Philosophical Dictionary", INFORMATION (Latin informatio - explanation, presentation, awareness) is one of the most general concepts of science, denoting some information, a collection of any data, knowledge, etc. (article Information)
In an older and less strict representation, the word Information was derived from Inform, i.e., to supply any information (this meaning, for example, in an explanatory dictionary).
According to the same philosophical dictionary, Information cannot be transmitted, received or stored in its pure form. Its carrier is the message. Thus, information does not exist on its own, but only through the use of a medium, which can be a lot - from sound or shaking of solid objects to impulses of electrical energy.
Today, the most used types of information are textual (books, letters, documentation, etc.) and electronic (sets of electronic characters that record any information, from texts to films).
Apparently, only philosophy considers information as such, while scientific work is not aimed at it, but at various ways of obtaining information, methods of storage, transmission, processing, interpretation, in accordance with the specifics of scientific disciplines (such as Computer Science, Literary Studies, Biology, Jurisprudence and all other areas of knowledge).
Despite the lack of clarity in people’s understanding of the meaning of the word “information,” information itself is the only means of human interaction both with other people and with the knowable world. Of all the moments in which we "learned something" we can say that we "received information." Knowledge itself is possible only thanks to a person’s ability to extract information from the surrounding world (in the broadest sense of the word) and the suitability of the world to be a conductor for transmitting information.
Information services also use the following definitions of information: Information is a universal property of matter, which is the distribution in space and time of the content of objects (phenomena) of reality through objectively existing media of various natures. (I.M. Levkin). Also a pragmatic definition of information as a measure of reducing the unknown. Information is information about someone or something obtained from the outside world using various means.
Data (tracing paper from Latin data) is a representation of facts and ideas in a formalized form, suitable for transmission and processing in some information process.
Pasha Kukov
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