What to do if the screen is upside down. How can I flip the monitor screen to its original position. Flip the screen of a laptop or computer using standard Windows tools

07.06.2020 Memory cards

The Windows operating system runs on the most different devices, and it has hundreds of settings that ordinary users don't need. One of the "hidden" Windows features is a flip of the image displayed on the monitor or any other screen by 90, 180 or 270 degrees. You can consciously rotate the image, but what if the screen on the laptop turned upside down or a similar problem occurred on desktop computer against your will? There are several ways to return the familiar picture on the monitor.

Flip an image using hotkeys

In some Windows versions 7, 8 and 10 you can flip the screen by pressing a combination of "hot keys". In order for the lower part of the displayed image to be on the side that you need, you should press on the keyboard: Ctrl+Alt+Arrow(depending on direction).

Important: work of "hot keys" is configured not in all Windows builds, and such a simple solution to the problem with screen rotation will work on a small number of computers.

If it was not possible to solve the problem and return the screen to its usual position, you should use the settings of Windows or the video card.

Flip the screen of a laptop or computer using standard Windows tools

Depending on the version of the Windows operating system, you should choose one of the methods to resolve the problem.

Windows 7, Windows 8

Windows 10

On Windows 10, there are several ways to flip the screen using the operating system.

First way:

Second way:

Important: The Windows 10 operating system is often installed on convertible laptops that combine features desktop computer and tablet. Such devices use accelerometers, which are responsible for automatically rotating the screen depending on its position in space. You can turn off image flip in them using the Windows 10 operating system in the “Display Settings” item.

Flipping the computer image in the video card software

If the computer has discrete graphics card, it most likely comes with its own software. Since the video card is responsible for displaying the image on the monitor screen (including on a laptop), you need to check the settings specified for it. Depending on the graphics card manufacturer, software may differ.

Screen flip in AMD graphics cards

Screen flip in NVIDIA graphics cards

Video tutorial: how to rotate the screen

Why did the screen flip on a laptop or computer?

There may be several reasons why the image on the monitor turned upside down, and not all of them are eliminated by one of the methods described above.


If the computer has "hot keys" for flipping the screen, then simple inattention can lead to a flip of the screen. A child or you yourself can accidentally press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + arrow and the screen will flip. In this case, returning the image to the proper plane is quite simple, using the "hot keys" as intended.

Software issues

Computer hardware may conflict with each other, resulting in software failures. Mistakes can cause the image on the screen to flip, and in such a situation, you should be on your guard. You may need diagnostic services to determine the exact cause of automatic image rotation on your computer.


Changing the screen orientation from landscape to portrait or any other on a computer can be due to viruses. There are several ways to get rid of them:

  • Check your computer with antivirus software
  • Perform a system restore
  • Reinstall Windows operating system

How to return back and is it difficult to do it? These questions are most often asked by laptop users. But there is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. If this happens, do not rush to call the master and do not panic. Try to correct this misunderstanding on your own. The recommendations in this article apply to Windows 7, 8, and 10.

The reasons

The Windows operating system has many settings that the user does not even know about. What to do if the screen on the laptop suddenly turned upside down? How to return back and why did this happen? The fact is that one of the "hidden" settings of the system is to rotate the image up to 270 degrees. You can flip the picture yourself, but it happens that Windows crashes and displays the image on the monitor in a twisted form. There are several reasons why the screen turned upside down on the device.

This happens due to the carelessness of the user. Enabling the "hot keys" responsible for screen rotation (Ctrl + Alt + arrow) accidentally leads to similar consequences. Software issues also cause the screen to flip. If this happens, then the laptop may need diagnostics to help eliminate the cause of the inverted image. Another cause of this phenomenon are viruses. The orientation from landscape to portrait changes if the laptop is struck. What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over due to viruses? How to get back the image? First, you need to check your computer antivirus program; secondly, restore the system; Thirdly, reinstall Windows.


If the screen on the laptop turned over, how to get the image back? There are ways to fix the problem. The picture can be flipped back using "hot keys", the usual settings of the installed OS and a flip in the video card software. All these methods are effective and solve the problem quickly and without the help of a specialist.

How to flip

What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over? How to get back the image? In addition to the "hot keys" flip image is possible using the OS settings. For Windows 7 and 8, the following solutions are relevant.

The user should right-click on an empty field of the desktop and select the "Screen resolution" line. A menu should open with various options. Find the "Orientation" column. Select landscape orientation or another, in case of non-standard settings, and save the changes.

For the Windows 10 operating system, there are several ways to change the orientation. Second-click the Start icon and select Toolbar and Adjust Screen Resolution. Set the orientation to landscape and click Apply and Save Changes. Another way that is relevant for the tenth version of the operating system. On the desktop, click the second mouse button, find the line "Display Settings". In the system menu that appears, set the landscape orientation, which is standard for all versions, and save the changes.

Now users know what to do if the screen is flipped on the laptop. How to return back from Windows 10 if this OS is installed on laptops that combine the functions of a tablet and a computer? In this case, make sure the device has an accelerometer. It is responsible for auto-rotating the screen depending on the position of the laptop. Such a function exists in modern smartphones and tablets.

Setting in the video card

What to do if the screen is turned upside down on the laptop? How to return back? Windows 7 and later versions of the operating system provide the ability to adjust the display using a video card. If a discrete graphics card is installed in a laptop by the manufacturer, it means that it has its own software. It is the video card that is responsible for displaying the image on the device screen, so if it turned over, you should look at its settings. If the video card is from AMD, on the desktop field, click the 2nd mouse button and select AMD, find the line "General display tasks" - "Rotate desktop". Apply changes and save. If the video card is installed from the manufacturer NVIDIA, click, as already described, call up the settings, select "Display" - "Display Rotation". Next, set the required orientation. As you can see, the problem of flipping the screen is easy to solve on your own and without outside help.


What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over? How to get back the correct image orientation quickly? There is a simple shortcut for this. This option is suitable for modern operating rooms. Windows systems 7,8,10. Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+ arrow left, down, right, up depending on the direction. This combination may not work on some laptops due to the lack of appropriate settings.

Has the screen on your laptop or computer turned upside down? Don't know what to do? Already starting to call a computer wizard? Do not panic!) Despite the fact that it is extremely easy to return the screen to its place, many novice users are very scared. They think something bad has happened. However, decide this problem very simple. Now I will explain to you what to do if the screen of a computer or laptop is turned over and how to fix it. The instruction is extremely simple and it will certainly help in solving your problem. These methods are suitable for Windows 7.8 and 10 (however, they can help for other OS)

Flip screen with keyboard shortcuts

The first method that will help you if the screen is upside down is to use hotkeys. It doesn't always work, but it's worth a try as it's very simple. Just a few seconds and you're done.

What to do if the screen is upside down on a computer or laptop?

  • click CTRL + ALT + up arrow to flip the screen 180 degrees (helps if the screen is upside down or on its side)
  • click CTRL + ALT + down arrow if you need to flip the screen 180 degrees
  • click CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW if you need to flip the screen 90 degrees to the left
  • click CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW if you need to flip the screen 90 degrees to the right

Either way, one of these keyboard shortcuts should help you. If the computer does not respond in any way to these hot keys, then this method will not help you and you should try another.

Flip screen image through Windows settings

So the hotkey method didn't help you return windows screen 7 or 10 per seat. Let's move on to Windows settings. For more convenient settings, I recommend that you physically turn the monitor of your laptop or computer. Despite the fact that it will not be very convenient to work with a mouse or touchpad, at least you will not break your neck trying to see the information on the monitor =)

How to return the screen to its place if it turned over?

4. If the screen is back in place, save your changes. Otherwise, cancel them and try choosing a different screen orientation.

As you can see this way also does not differ in complexity and its development is accessible even to a beginner.

By the way, if you own a laptop with an accelerometer, then you can have automatic screen rotation enabled (as, for example, on mobile phones or tablets). In such a case, you can disable or enable this function in the same place where we changed the screen orientation. However, the percentage of such laptops is extremely small compared to “regular” models.

The screen turned upside down: we fix it using the video card settings

If the above two ways to return the screen to its place did not help you, then you can try to flip the screen in the graphics card settings. To do this, you need to go to the control panel of your video card: NVidia, AMD Catalyst, Intel HD. The Control Panel icon is usually found on the desktop taskbar. Also this program can be found in the list of all programs and run it from there.

You can browse the menu items and find the setting you need. Usually the menu item is called “Display Rotation”, “Rotate Desktop” or similar. Specify the desired display orientation and click save. This should help. Here is an example of a control panel for NVidia graphics cards:

What if the screen is still upside down?

Did the screen of your computer or laptop turn over, but the above methods did not help? Well, it's very strange, but anything can happen. What can be done in this case?

  • reinstall video card driver
  • reinstall OS
  • write in detail in the comments to the article about your problem with the obligatory indication of the model of the video card, OS and the actions that you took

If you doubt your abilities, then immediately go to step 3 and write in the comments to the article and I will definitely try to help you. Don't worry, we'll fix it =)

So, today we learned how to fix the problem when the screen turned upside down on a computer or laptop under Windows control 7,8.1 or 10. I hope the article helped you to return the image to its place and get rid of this problem.

The desktop is a key tool in managing the entire system, where the most important and frequently used files are located. Thus, setting up such a tool cannot bypass the user, because the desktop is the first thing a person encounters when using Windows.

Turning the screen along with the desktop is not required so often, but in cases where you attach the monitor to the wall and have any difficulties installing it in its original form, you can resort to using this Windows features. Also, this function can be convenient for transformer computers and tablets with a mobile station. You can safely install it in any position, and then turn the display in any convenient direction with simple movements.

Often such needs are faced by users who use programs where there are hotkeys similar to those installed in Windows. This problem is especially common on Windows XP, since it is on it that screen rotation occurs due to keyboard shortcuts that are often mistakenly used in applications, which we will discuss below.

There are 3 main ways to flip the desktop or return it to the correct position. Let's start with the simplest and fastest option, which is suitable for Windows Vista and newer versions.

Flip the desktop through the "Screen Resolution" menu

  • You need to right-click on an area of ​​the desktop that is free from shortcuts;
  • In the window that opens, you should find the option "Screen resolution" and click on it;

  • Among several settings, select "Orientation" and indicate the one you need, what they mean, we will consider below;

Available desktop screen rotation options

  1. landscape– this is the standard screen view;
  2. Portrait- rotated counterclockwise by 90 degrees;
  3. landscape inverted- this is a 180-degree inverted view (the taskbar is located at the top of the screen);
  4. portrait inverted- rotated counterclockwise by 270 degrees or clockwise by 90.

Along with the flip of the desktop, the taskbar also changes its place, the mouse cursor is inverted, starting to work along other X and Y axes. Use this function only when necessary, because it is extremely inconvenient to flip the desktop to an inappropriate this monitor corner.

Flip the desktop through the settings of the video adapter

We will consider an example with nvidia, that is Geforce graphics card, but similar actions are performed for the manufacturer Radeon. The only difference Radeon - is in the title of the table of contents.

1 way

1. Click on free space desktop right-click;

2. Select the "NVIDIA Control Panel" item, note this item will be available if you have installed drivers, for your device model, most likely you already have them;

3. Find the "Display" chapter in the right menu, from which a few more sub-items will drop out, for Radeon the name is "General Display Tasks";

5. You will see the same settings as in "Screen Resolution", so we will not dwell on this.

Pay attention to the chapter at the bottom of the window, which says "Typical Application Situations", it may help you to correctly set up your monitor screen.

2 way

Another method, which also applies to this point, is discussed below, since it uses the same video adapter driver.

  1. Click on the icon nvidia drivers right-click, usually it is hidden from the taskbar and located in the tray;
  2. Hover over "Graphics Options";
  3. Several additional options, you need to select Rotate;
  4. Specify the option you need with a simple click of the mouse.

Hotkeys for flipping the desktop

This method works for Windows XP due to the support for this desktop reorientation option. In order to perform these actions, press and hold Ctrl + Alt + up arrow - this combination will rotate the desktop to its original position. The angle of rotation of the desktop corresponding to the direction of the pressed arrow.

Try to avoid such hotkeys in utilities, programs, games and other applications, as this will most likely be misinterpreted by the system. In this case, instead of the action that the interceptor program should perform, you may change orientation. Choose which buttons to set actions in applications wisely so as not to get into such situations.

Using this function, you can increase your productivity when you install the monitor in a position that is different from the original.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to flip the desktop screen in Windows?”, You can ask them in the comments

Question from user


Tell me what can be done: on my laptop, the screen turned 180 degrees and everything became upside down. The picture itself seems to be clear, without distortion, the laptop turns on and otherwise works as usual. Is it possible to rotate the screen without going to the service?

Sincerely, Marina.

Good day!

A fairly popular problem that occurs equally often, both on laptops and on PCs. Most likely, you just accidentally changed the video driver settings, or pressed a certain key combination. In this article I will give several ways how you can return everything back ...

Note: in some cases, flipping the screen is very useful! Do not think that software developers are specifically plotting you. For example, if you are watching a photo or video taken upside down - you clicked a couple of buttons and the screen turned. Comfortable? Comfortable!

Ways to flip the screen

Method number 1: using hot keys

Now on many laptops there are special keyboard shortcuts for rotating the screen. (they are called hot) . They allow you to change the orientation of the image on the screen in a matter of seconds, for example, make it portrait or landscape. As mentioned above, this function is quite convenient in some cases.

Keyboard shortcuts to rotate the image on the monitor:

  1. Ctrl+Alt+↓ (down arrow. By the way, you don't need to press the pluses!)- turning the screen 180 degrees (ie upside down);
  2. Ctrl+Alt+← - rotate 90 degrees to the left;
  3. Ctrl+Alt+→ - rotate 90 degrees to the right;
  4. Ctrl+Alt+ - return images to normal position.

Note: these keys will not work for everyone, for example, they can be disabled by default in the driver settings. Or the manufacturer did not lay them at all ...

Method number 2: through the video driver settings

To begin with, I want to say that you must have video drivers installed (as well as the control center for them. By the way, Windows often installs drivers during system installation, but they will be without the control center!).

If the driver for your video card is installed, you just need to look in the tray (next to the clock): there should be a corresponding icon (example below)

Or right-click anywhere on the desktop: context menu there should be a link to the control panel (example below).

In the Intel settings, you need to open the "Display" section. In the "Rotation" subsection, you can select a value of 90-180-270 degrees (see screenshot below).

In addition, in this section you can set the refresh rate, set the resolution, scaling, and other settings.

Note: Please note that after changing the resolution or rotating the image, a warning will appear on the screen asking you to confirm the changes. If suddenly the picture on your monitor has completely deteriorated, and you can’t see anything, then just wait 15 seconds, the changed parameters will be reset and return to their original values.

In the NVIDIA Control Panel, open the "Display" tab (on the left side of the menu), then open the "Display Rotation" link. There you will be able to choose the orientation:

  • landscape (default);
  • book;
  • landscape (folded);
  • book (folded).

When choosing between these modes, set the option to suit your viewing experience on the monitor.

In AMD Catalyst Center, everything is also quite obvious: open it in the menu on the left "General Display Tasks/Rotate Desktop" , select the mode from the list: landscape or portrait (there are also mirror options for them).

AMD Catalyst Center // display orientation selection: portrait, landscape

Note: The settings menu can vary greatly depending on the version of the video driver.

Method number 3: through the Windows settings

Windows 7

Right-click anywhere on the desktop, in the pop-up context menu, select "Screen resolution"(as in the screenshot below).

Important! When you change the resolution or orientation, Windows will wait for you to confirm the changed settings. So, if something goes wrong, just wait 15 seconds. and don't press any buttons...

Windows 8, 10

In principle, changing the orientation of the image occurs in the same way as on Windows 7. When you right-click on the desktop, a menu will appear - you need to select "Display Options".

Why can't the picture on the monitor rotate?

Sometimes you press buttons, change settings, but nothing happens - the picture on the monitor does not change in any way ... This can happen for the following reasons:

1) Changing the orientation of the wrong monitor. This is relevant if you have several monitors connected to your computer (or were previously connected). When setting up, pay attention to which monitor you are changing the orientation!

3) I also recommend checking your computer for viruses.. Some types of malware play games: change the resolution, make the mouse cursor "jump", rotate the image, and so on. Popular antiviruses of this year were cited in this article:

4) Lastly, try boot your Windows OS in safe mode. Often it is in this mode that one or another error can be corrected. In addition, if the problem is related to video drivers, then the image on the screen should be displayed in standard mode.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7/8/10 -

I hope the question is over!