Mining cryptocurrency using Minergate, as well as withdrawing it to a wallet. MinerGate is a mining service. Full review of Minergate I can’t register, I’m writing the wrong email

12.08.2020 Memory cards

A mining pool offering combined mining services for CryptoNote currencies. Continuing the topic, today we decided to tell you about how to work in a pool correctly and how to use cryptocurrencies obtained during the mining process.

You can use mining on the Minergate pool both while constantly working at your computer and during its downtime. If you don’t have a laptop, but a desktop PC, you are unlikely to turn it off when, for example, you go for a smoke break, go out to the nearest grocery store for shopping, or drink coffee in the kitchen with friends who suddenly show up “for a minute.”

As a rule, all this time your car just sits idle. So why not make your PC work even when you're not around? You can use the same principle on a laptop.

Launching a pre-installed miner program takes about 5-10 seconds. And if you have a powerful computer, with at least :) 8 cores, then even more so - load 6 cores for mining, and the remaining 2 will be enough for your current tasks or work.

Today we will talk about what to do with cryptocurrencies of the CryptoNote family, earned in . You have 3 options for what to do with the received cryptocurrencies:

You can keep them on the Minergate pool;
- You can withdraw them to their respective wallets;
- You can exchange them for the same Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency you need.

We have tried all of the above methods.

While your earned cryptocurrencies are on the pool, they simply lie on the pool. Nothing happens to them. They don't "spin". And the money must “spin”. The positive point is their relative safety while the pool is working. And may God grant him to work long and reliably. But if (suddenly) something happens to the pool, all your money is “bye bye”.

Based on this, we decided to try the second method and withdraw earned cryptocurrencies to our wallets from time to time. But here the question of having those same wallets on a personal computer arose. Of all the currencies in the CryptoNote family, we only had one wallet for the Monero coin. We started mining Monero much earlier than the Minergate pool appeared. Therefore, we already had a wallet.

We decided to start withdrawing Bytecoin. But as soon as we got acquainted with the official website of the coin, we realized that this option was not suitable for us either. Let's explain why. To install the Bytecoin wallet on your PC, you will need to download the distribution kit from the official website. There are two options:

1. Download full package(software files, wallet and chain blocks);
2. Download the binary package (software files and wallet only).

The full package weighs 2.25 GB and you need to install it on the “C” drive of your PC. The binary package weighs a little more 2 MB, but to open the wallet, you will need to download a package of chain blocks, which weighs the same 2.25 GB. Because we just squeezed valuable space system disk"C", we decided to go with the third option.

The third option, as described above, involves the withdrawal and exchange of cryptocurrencies of the CryptoNote family for a more accepted cryptocurrency for storage. We have defined Bitcoin as such a cryptocurrency.

Naturally, with a stupid smile on our faces, we rushed to the Cryptsy cryptocurrency exchange, which was repeatedly described on our website, but that was not the case. Cryptsy does not work with CryptoNote currencies. Accordingly, we had nothing to change there.

“After thinking about it” and reading several smart resources on CryptoNote, we ended up on the stock exchange. Almost all CryptoNote currencies are exchanged, sold and bought here, except three: FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. All other cryptocurrencies earned on Minergate can be exchanged here and now.

Conclusion: The miner program needs to mine all cryptocurrencies (simultaneously or separately) except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. Otherwise, difficulties may arise with their exchange.

After registering with Poloniex, you need to go to the " Balances"(Balances), where you can get personal details for each cryptocurrency. Using these details you withdraw funds from the Minergate pool.

Important! Withdrawals from the Minergate pool are carried out separately for each cryptocurrency. In the withdrawal order form there is an optional field " Payment ID". So keep in mind that in the Minergate-Poloniex connection this field is very, very important. If you do not indicate personal " Payment ID" - you will spend a long time searching for your funds! For each currency " Payment ID" different.

After the horror story paragraph, a few words about where to get your " Payment ID".

In Poloniex you need to go to the " Balances"(Balances) and find the desired cryptocurrency there, for example, Bytecoin. There you will see 2 very important parameters: "Deposit address" And " Payment ID".

"Deposit address" is the address to which funds will be withdrawn from Minergate and credited to Poloniex.

"Payment ID" is your personal identifier for a specific currency in Poloniex. It is by this that the exchange determines that the funds have arrived to you and not to “Uncle Vasya”. If " Payment ID"empty, click on the button" Generate New BCN Payment ID", after which a new identifier will be generated for you for the Bytecoin cryptocurrency.

Do the same for other cryptocurrencies.

Once you have prepared all the details for withdrawal on the Poloniex exchange, you can start making withdrawals from the Minergate pool. Once you create a withdrawal order, it will take some time before your funds are credited to your exchange balances. Once the funds are credited, you can exchange them for the cryptocurrencies of your choice, such as Bitcoin.

Let's give an example of an exchange.

Let's say you want to exchange the same Bytecoin for Bitcoin. Go to the section " Exchange"on the stock exchange, then in the right block" BTC Markets"Find the line Bytecoin. Click on it.

In the central column you will see 3 colored blocks - green, yellow and red. When exchanging Bytecoin for Bitcoin, you are interested in the red block. This is an order to sell BCN. Click on the number under the phrase “You have”, after which the system will recalculate the result from the Bytecoin sale and display total amount and the amount of commission for the exchange. If you are satisfied with everything, just click the " Sell".

The amount of Bitcoins received from the exchange will be credited to your balance in the system.

If you would like to withdraw funds in Bitcoin to an external/personal wallet, simply go back to the " section Balances", find Bitcoin in the list and fill out the withdrawal form, where " Amount" - sum, " Address" - the address of your Bitcoin wallet.

After some time, the funds will be credited to your Bitcoin wallet.

That’s basically all we wanted to tell you about in our material today. Just in case, let’s write down the algorithm for working in Minergate from start to finish:

1 . Register in .
2 . Download, install and run the miner program. Use the miner while your PC is working or idle. The miner supports both CPU and GPU mining (processor and video card).
3 . Mine all cryptocurrencies (simultaneously or separately) except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. They are difficult to exchange.
4 . Register on the exchange.
5 . Generate all personal identifiers for each CryptoNote currency except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8.
6 . Withdraw funds from Minergate to the Poloniex exchange using the details received in Poloniex.
7 . After the exchange, you can withdraw funds to your personal Bitcoin wallet.

Minergate is a mining pool created by a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Minergate is the first pool that offers combined mining services - in the process of mining crypto money in this pool, you can generate various coins at the same time, without reducing the hashrate for mining the main currency.

Where to download the Minergate program

  • Download Minergate itself latest version you can on the official website

Features and benefits of MinerGate

  • The most profitable mining pool;
  • The easiest cross-platform miner to manage;
  • Support for combined mining;
  • Support for all cryptocurrency miners.

Now we will tell you how to work correctly in this pool and how to use the cryptocurrencies earned during the mining process.

Mining profitability calculator

Before you start mining useful coins, we recommend calculating your theoretical profit. The site has a calculator that will allow you to calculate the profitability of mining BTC, LTC and other cryptocurrencies (Bytecoin, Monero, FantomCoin, QuazarCoin, DarkNote, MonetaVerde, Aeon coin, Dashcoin, Infinium-8).

Minergate calculator

How to use the calculator:

  1. Select currency;
  2. Enter your hashrate information;
  3. Check mining profitability.

How to set up and use Minergate

After downloading and installing the program, wait for the analysis process of your PC (computer capabilities). This will happen automatically in 9 steps - everything will be shown in the software window. Time approximately 2 minutes.

Minergate benchmark
Minergate smart mining

Naturally, you can turn on and off the mining of other money yourself by simply clicking on the arrow next to them.

Minergate crypto list

The selected crypto will immediately light up green and the time and profit numbers will appear. Very small at first, but growing over time))

Minergate - achievements page

From time to time, pop-up windows with your achievements will appear - but we immediately turn off this circus by checking the appropriate box.

How to create a wallet and withdraw money

You can open a wallet through the Minergate program by switching to the Wallet tab. But this is not necessary, since withdrawal of mining is also possible through the pool itself (the link was above). We recommend withdrawing to the Polonix exchange.

Minergate wallet in the program

Once you have prepared all the details for withdrawal on the Poloniex exchange, you can start making withdrawals from the Minergate pool. Once you create a withdrawal order, it will take some time before your funds are credited to your balance on the exchange. Once the funds are credited, you can exchange them for the cryptocurrencies of your choice, such as Bitcoin.

  1. Register with Minergate.
  2. Download, install and run the miner program. Use the miner while your PC is working or idle. The miner supports both CPU and GPU mining (processor and video card).
  3. Mine all cryptocurrencies (simultaneously or separately) except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. They are difficult to exchange.
  4. Register on the Poloniex exchange.
  5. Generate all personal identifiers for each CryptoNote currency except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8.
  6. Withdraw funds from Minergate to the Poloniex exchange using the details received in Poloniex.
  7. After the exchange, you can withdraw funds to your personal Bitcoin wallet.

How much can you earn from mining?

In tests with the configuration of an AMD 6300 computer with 6 cores with 3.4 GHz and 8 GB of memory and without the help of a video card (it is too weak), in a couple of hours it was possible on only 2 cores (you can switch them yourself and allocate the number of them for work) mine approximately 5 BCN bytecoins. That is, 0.1 dollar or 6 rubles. A trifle - but nice!

Video about MinerGate: registration, installation, configuration and withdrawal of funds

Well, if the power and number of video cards allows it, try it

A few days ago, while trying to find information on the Internet about an unknown cryptocurrency (Bytecoin), I came across an interesting service. It's called MinerGate and belong to the number of pools for mining cryptocurrencies. Although I spent quite a lot of time on various pools, I did not immediately classify this project as one of those.

The site has many features that set it apart from similar projects. It has its pros, cons, and what not...

In general, let me introduce you to the service more closely, show you how to make money on the MinerGate project, and you can decide for yourself whether it’s worth getting involved with this project.

Features of MinerGate

  • Probably the most main feature this pool - the use of the CryptoNight algorithm, based on the CryptoNote technology or protocol (read how ).
  • Based on the mentioned technology, a completely new cryptocurrency was created - Bytecoin. Then a number of other digital CryptoNote currencies appeared: Monero, MonetaVerde, Aeon and others. You can mine almost all of these cryptocurrencies on the MinerGate website.
  • The next feature of the service is to use your computer’s processor to mine cryptocurrency.
  • The degree of anonymity in the algorithm used is higher than in the Bitcoin network.

In short, these are perhaps the main non-standard features of the pool. But I can’t ignore one more little thing - the graphical interface of the miner. I’ll dwell on this a little later, but for now let’s figure out the registration, learn how to work on MinerGate and how to withdraw money from this pool.

Registration on the MinerGate website

So, to register, go to the MinerGate website and click the green “Sign up” button. Fill out the simplest form and click the button below (p. 1).

Now open your email and activate your account by clicking on the link.

If you have not received the email, then after registration, go to your profile and click “Verify e-mail”. After receiving the email and following the link, be sure to click “Save Changes.”

Earnings on the MinerGate pool

The MinerGate system offers its users several options for earning money:

  1. , without downloading software;
  2. Production virtual money using a program (miner) on the computer processor.

Going deeper into each of the points, I would like to start from the end of the list, since most of all new users are worried about the question “how to mine on MinerGate on a video card?” It all depends on your “video”. There will be 2 gigs free random access memory- the buttons in the GPU section will be active, but will not be, you will see the inscription “Not available” (p. 2).

There are also other, not entirely explainable reasons why it is impossible to start mining. This mainly applies to laptops. For example, my laptop, with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 card, does not want to mine any of the cryptocurrencies, although there are plenty of gigabytes for work.

CPU mining

The main earnings on the MinerGate project are based on (CPU). By going to the “Downloads” section you can download mining software, depending on the number of bits of your operating system Windows systems(p. 3).

To find out how many bits there are in Windows 7, click “Start”, then “Computer”. Right-click on the free area below and click “Properties”. In the window that opens, you can see the bit depth of your operating system(p. 4).

The main interface of the miners is represented by a convenient graphical control. But, there are also classic miners (Console Miners tab, p. 5).

How to use the MinerGate program

Installing the program is terribly simple, so I won’t dwell on it. After you have installed the software, click on the MinerGate shortcut. A window will open in front of you where you must enter your registration data from the pool (p. 6).

Next you will be taken to the MinerGate program control panel. By default, you will find yourself in the “SMART MINER” section; by pressing the green button, the program will automatically determine the most profitable cryptocurrency for mining and begin its mining.

If you want to mine a specific “cryptocurrency”, then go to the “MINER” section. Here you can mine one of the proposed cryptocurrencies:

  • Bytecoin (BCN);
  • DashCoin (DSH);
  • FantomCoin (FCN);
  • Monero (XMR);
  • MoneteVerde (MCN);
  • DarkNote (XDN) and others.

Note . Full list all available toCryptocurrency mining CPU, you can see by clicking the “View” (p. 7). Here you can add or remove digital currencies from the main menu.

To , just click “Start mining” next to the currency you will mine (p. 8). A little to the right you can see collapsed “menus” with numbers. It is with the help of these numbers that you can increase the speed of cryptocurrency mining on the MinerGate pool.

In fact, these are not numbers taken out of thin air; from them you can determine the number of cores on your computer. It is important not to use the entire processor for mining, but to leave 1 - 2 cores free in order to avoid overload and maintain the normal functioning of the computer. For example, I have 8 cores on my laptop, but I never use more than 6 for mining.

In this way you can mine up to 3 currencies at the same time. The mined cryptocurrency will be simultaneously displayed in the program window and on the pool website.

Please note that virtual money is not credited to your main account immediately. Initially, they accumulate on an unconfirmed balance ( Unconfirmed) and only then are transferred to the main account. The crediting of coins to your main account depends on the type of reward you choose (PPS or PPLNS). When using PPLNS, the balance will be confirmed only after the round is resolved and the found block is confirmed. PPS payment involves the accumulation of a certain amount on the Unconfirmed balance.

Minimum verification requirements vary depending on the cryptocurrency. So, to transfer from an unconfirmed balance to the main one, you need to mine:

  • Bytecoin - 20;
  • Fantomcoin - 1;
  • Monero - 0.005;
  • DigitalNote - 1;
  • Aeon - 0, 01, etc.

Mining on the site

This is the lowest income earning on the MinerGate website. Go to the website and click the “Web Mining” button at the top. Then select the cryptocurrency you like and click “Start” (p. 9). Here, none of the power of your hardware is used, but the income, as I already wrote, is very low. Comparing to:

  • Web Mining. Hashrate - 1.2 H/s.
  • . Hashrate: 22 - 25 H/s.

CPU mining and cloud mining (webmining), you can use at the same time.

How to withdraw money from the MinerGate pool

I think that every second user of the MinerGate project has difficulties with withdrawing funds. I remember at one time, I also spent more than an hour until I understood how everything works here.

In general, the first thing you should understand is that you can withdraw from MinerGate only through Changelly exchanger . It's very easy to find. Click the Withdraw button on the site and at the very bottom of the window that opens you will see a link (p. 10).

2). On next page Click “Next” (p. 12). Indicate the wallet number to which you will withdraw money. For example, I indicated a BTC wallet (Blockchain).

3). We confirm the payment (p. 13).

4). Copy the address generated by the exchanger (p. 14).

5). Return to the MinerGate website, click “Withdraw” again, paste the copied address into the appropriate field, indicate the withdrawal amount and click the blue button below (p. 15).

6). Wait about 20 minutes and the money will arrive in your wallet!


How many interesting projects have already been created with which any beginner can make money. Particularly popular now are sites from which cryptocurrencies are mined. These can be faucets, axle boxes and much more, and the best option is mining. Coins are mined using the computing power of the user’s computer.

Cloud, mobile and simple mining with Minergate, this project offers several options for earning money. It is foreign, translated into many languages, and is gaining popularity all over the world. The main feature of the service is its unique software, which helps you obtain various cryptocurrencies and is easy to use.

How does Minergate work?

At the moment, this is the most profitable pool. The developers were a group of specialists well versed in cryptocurrencies. Such powerful functionality is not offered on any similar site. In addition, through the program the user can choose which coins to collect.

Over 1.2 million people already use the services of this service. Reviews about Minergate are only positive, it works stably. To quickly introduce you to the system, Let's look at some of its features:

  • this is the most profitable pool;
  • daily payments;
  • minimum amount 0.01 coins;
  • The mining program is simple and convenient;
  • Mining of several currencies is supported;
  • use one account to earn money on different devices;
  • mining is carried out without user participation (automatically);
  • there is a profitable one affiliate program(earnings without investments);
  • the most popular currency Bitcoin is mined here;
  • cloud mining available;
  • the program can be installed on a mobile device.

Users do not have to go into technical details of block distribution, coin generation, etc. Without investing a penny, you download the program and coin mining begins immediately. What to collect, decide for yourself The following currencies are currently available:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum;
  • Ethereum Classic;
  • Zcash;
  • Litecoin;
  • Bytecoin;
  • Monero;
  • FantomCoin;
  • Infirium-8;
  • Aeon;
  • Dashcoin;
  • Monetaverde;
  • Digitalnote;
  • Quazarcoin.

Some currencies are just beginning to gain popularity, however, we all know the history of Bitcoin, the rate of which exceeded $3,000. Once upon a time, less than a dollar was given for one coin, so it makes sense to save other crypto money, hoping for long-term prospects. In addition, until they become famous, it is much easier to mine them.

First register on Minigrate, registration link above. Next, watch the clearly useful video instructions:

How to use the Minergate program?

The main type of income with this project is a desktop program. It needs to be downloaded from the official website after registration and installed. Then you log in with your profile and immediately start receiving currency. Although the software is easy to use, let's look at its most important functions:

  1. The program is installed like any other software (except that it takes a lot of time). When you launch the utility for the first time, you will need to log in (you register on the website):

  1. To avoid confusion, it is better to set up Minergate right away. First of all, we choose which currencies to display in the window. It is better to choose those coins that you can exchange (look at popular exchanges):

  1. Users themselves decide how much power to provide to the miner. Opposite each cryptocurrency there is a drop-down menu (near the button to start mining), where you select the number of computer cores involved. It is advisable to leave a couple of cores so that the system does not slow down:

  1. Mining is carried out through the processor and video card. The program displays 2 columns, CPU is the processor, GPU is the video card. I have a laptop with a built-in video card, so this column empty:

Overall, the program is really simple and convenient. The main thing is not to try to install it on outdated PCs and other weak devices. This simply won't make sense. Professionals create entire farms for coin mining, collecting different devices together and thereby providing maximum power:

Now mining is so popular that similar farms can be found even on Avito. In addition to Minergate, there are other pools, however, this program is quite enough to collect normal income.

4 ways to make money on Minergate

The audience of MinerGate fans is growing at tremendous speed. Most often, users install software on their computers, but besides this, other ways to earn money are offered here. Some do not use PC resources at all:

  1. Regular mining.

We talked about it above, you install the program and make a profit. No one will ever tell you how many dollars it costs per day. Why? Because cryptocurrency rates are constantly floating and everyone’s power is different. Using a special calculator, you can make approximate calculations if you know the power of your system:

  1. Mobile mining.

Modern smartphones and tablets are also equipped with multi-core processors. Therefore, they can also be used for mining. MinerGate has developed a special tool for this. mobile app. It is only available in Play Market(for Android). No complicated settings, the interface is simpler than in the official program:

  1. Cloud mining.

Is your computer too weak? Then it is better to use cloud mining technology. In this case, equipment purchased by the company itself will be used. It works around the clock. The user himself chooses how much power to buy and how much money to spend on it:

  1. Affiliate program.

The last method has a mediocre relation to mining. MinerGate has a profitable affiliate program. Depending on how many referrals you invite, you are given a certain status and it determines what percentage is paid. It is allowed to use any methods of attracting users:

The international service MinerGate offers ways to earn money for every taste and color. Nobody forbids using all methods at the same time. In this case, you can squeeze out the maximum and collect the most coins.

How to withdraw money from Minergate?

Beginners are constantly interested in how to withdraw their earnings from MinerGate. The problem is that the user’s account maintains several balances for each type of cryptocurrency. Therefore, you will have to create wallets for each coin. However, there is a universal method - use the Poloniex exchange.

This site is often used as a multi-currency wallet. You can store many types of coins on it and quickly exchange them immediately. Let's assume that you managed to get Bytecoin using mining. The coins are not the most popular, so they are not available on regular exchangers.

An unconfirmed balance on MinerGate is funds that have not yet been processed by the company’s servers. Wait until they become available for withdrawal.

Register on Poloniex and personal account(Balances section) we are looking for this cryptocurrency. It provides a Deposit Address for making a deposit (we will use it for withdrawal from MinerGate) and a Payment ID - identifier:

Now we need to go to MinerGate and proceed to withdrawal of funds. We choose Bytecoin, but for other coins the instructions will be exactly the same. We are asked to indicate how much we want to withdraw, indicate the wallet address (this is the Deposit Address) and the identifier (Payment ID):

Let's assume you made a trade and received Bytecoin to your Poloniex account. What to do next with these coins? You can store them and wait for the exchange rate to rise to get rich. Can be converted to other electronic money. To do this, go to the Exchange section and under BTC Markets select Bytecoin:

For example, we decided to exchange ByteCoin for the more popular Bitcoin. Below the shape shown above are 3 colored blocks. We are interested in contracts for the sale of coins, so we select the pink block:

You need to click on the value (You have) to see how much BTC you will receive upon exchange and what the transaction fee will be charged. All that remains is to click the Sell button. Having received Bitcoins on your balance, you can transfer them to your address or find an exchanger in the BestChange system to withdraw funds to the card, online wallet and in other directions.

Recently, I have become deeply interested in making money on the Internet based on technology related to cryptocurrency mining. At first I started using cloud mining - mining on Bitcoin faucets. However, there is also a cloudless one. For the second method, you need to use some service that provides a program for mining various cryptocurrencies. One of these, the newest and most effective, turned out to be Minergate.

How to use cryptocurrency mining using Minergate

1.Registration on the site and working with the mining program

Minergate is a mining pool created by a group of enthusiasts specializing in cryptocurrencies. This is the first pool that began to offer combined mining services A. This means that during the mining process in this pool, you can generate different coins at the same time, without reducing the hashrate for mining the main currency.

It's easy to use and the choice of currency is yours. All you need to do is register on the service and, by going to the “Downloads” page, select suitable version program corresponding to your OS, download and install the program.

The main window of the program, after you go to the “Miner” page, allows you to select the desired currency and start mining using the required number of cores of your computer. In some cases, you can mine using a video card.

This is what the main window looks like for reflecting operations on the site itself in the “Panel” section.

Actually, my task is more detailed version— explain how to withdraw mined cryptocurrency to your wallet. From start to finish. Therefore the next step is

2. How to withdraw mined cryptocurrency from the service

Getting currency is half the battle. It needs to be defined and used somehow. After you have obtained the minimum required to withdraw cryptocurrency, you can withdraw it. But where and how?

The most convenient way to withdraw mined cryptocurrency is on the POLONIEX exchange. This site will serve as an intermediate service for you, where you can withdraw the mined cryptocurrency and exchange it for a more suitable one, one that can be transferred, for example, to your personal Bitcoin wallet or used in trading.

Registration on poloniex will not take much time. Now let's get it out. Click on the “Withdraw” button on the Minergate website and enter required parameters "Address" and "Payment ID". If you want to withdraw everything, you don’t have to specify the amount in the “Amout” window.

Where can I get them? And on the site where we display it - POLONIEX. Let's open the window " Balances«⇒ "Deposit&Withdrawals".

In the window that opens, select the desired currency. In my case, this is “BCN” (note that I have already withdrawn some amount and there are no zeros there) - click “Deposit” (replenish).

Next, a window will open in which “ Payment ID", to open the address line, click on the line below - “Deposit Address”.

That’s it, your details are ready and now you can copy and paste them into the appropriate windows (see Fig. 3). The translation will arrive quite quickly. You can check it on the page " Balances«⇒ "History".

Instructions for exchanging currencies on POLONIEX

1. It’s better to use the Yandex browser, or Google Chrome, but not Mozilla - it hangs on the currency exchange page). By default, I have defined the mined cryptocurrency as an example. This is “BCN” (Bytecoin), it can be used thanks to the program in the same way as any of the proposed cryptocurrencies; Moreover, you can mine everything at once, if your processor does not jam. Be careful and install a suitable widget that shows the load on your computer while it is running!

2. Open the “Exchange” page
3. On the right top corner in the “Markets” column, select “BCN” (this is how the mined currency Bytecoin is designated).
4. As a result, we will see three blocks in the center of the page (below the graph). Select the far right one - “SELL BCN”. The cash you have in this currency, which was transferred from the site, should be reflected here.
This is an order to sell BCN. Click on the number to the right with the phrase “You have”, after which the system will recalculate the result from the Bytecoin sale, displaying the total amount and amount of the exchange commission. If you are satisfied with everything, just click the button "Sell".

The system will allow the exchange provided that your amount in terms of bitcoins is not less than 0.0001.
5. Then, if you wish to further withdraw funds in Bitcoin to an external/personal wallet, simply go to the section again "Balances"⇒» Balances«⇒ "Deposit&Withdrawals", find Bitcoin in the list, click now " Withdrawals" and fill out the form for withdrawal of funds, where “Amount” is the amount, “Address” is the address of your Bitcoin wallet.

That's all. Good luck!

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