Or that moment comes too late. Sooner or later there comes a critical moment after which everything goes downhill. Surprise and unusualness

02.11.2019 Memory cards

Sooner or later, a moment comes when, looking in the mirror, it becomes obvious that it is time to take action. Otherwise, the number of wrinkles on the face will quickly grow and you will have to forget about fresh and elastic skin. And this will happen much faster than we would like.

Here is an effective recipe - a highly effective cream that restores youth to the skin.

The composition uses available ingredients (four in total); the cream is easy to make at home yourself. The best cream will not only remove premature wrinkles, but also reduce pigmentation and even out skin tone.


  • honey (1 tbsp.),
  • Vaseline (1 tsp),
  • pharmaceutical solution of iodine (1–2 drops),
  • castor oil (1 tbsp.)

You will need a glass jar with a wide neck and a lid. First, drop a couple of drops of iodine from the bottle, then add the remaining components and mix everything thoroughly.
The composition should be stored in a dark place (for example, a cupboard drawer), in a cool place. Storage time - up to 30 days.

Application procedure

1. Cleanse your face.

2. Apply a thin layer of the composition to clean skin, massaging lightly.

3. The same cream is suitable for use as a mask. It can be left on the skin for a quarter of an hour or more, but not longer than an hour.

! The cream should be stirred before each application.

The effect will be very noticeable: elasticity will increase, peeling and dry skin will disappear, the facial contour will be tightened, and the skin will receive excellent nutrition.

13, 10:53 am

How to save a relationship? This question has been haunting people for many years. Sooner or later a critical moment comes, after which everything goes downhill. The partner’s usual words and gestures irritate, compliments do not cause awe, and intimate life becomes a routine ritual. Is separation really the only way out? Don't be reckless, because everything can still be fixed.

Relationship stages

Conventionally, there are three stages of relationships. When passion is just emerging and there is a fire in the eyes, this stage is called “Happiness”. Lovers want to communicate endlessly, look into each other's eyes and never part.

When emotions subside, the next stage begins - “Stagnation”. Love is still alive, but boredom appears. Habitual phrases, actions, gifts and monotony become boring. If the partners do not correct the situation, then the next stage will begin - “Separation”. When one partner runs out of patience, he decides to break up. To win back love, you need to know how to save a relationship.

Let go!

As paradoxical as it sounds, in order to keep a person, you need to let him go. When one partner is emotionally completely dependent on the other, he begins to “suffocate” with his love. Intruding into your significant other's personal space is not a sign of a healthy relationship. This is the fear of loss. And constant fears and anxieties make communication difficult, it loses its weightlessness.

The union of two people who do not bind each other with oaths and promises is much stronger. After all, they are together not out of a sense of duty, but because they feel good together. Give a person freedom, there is no need to put him in a cage. Relationships are a kind of game in which the process is very important. Be a self-sufficient, interesting person and your partner himself will not want to leave you.

Surprise and unusualness

This method is quite simple, but it gives excellent results. Unconventionality revives those forgotten emotions that were present at the beginning of the relationship. There are many methods to revive relationships - it all depends on your capabilities and imagination. You can give your significant other an original item that matches their interests, or organize a romantic evening in an unexpected setting.

The essence of this method is to kill the routine. But don’t forget to keep your distance, because endless surprises can also get boring.

Take care of each other and stop manipulating

When we buy an expensive item, we protect it from any potential threats. But for some reason we consider it possible to “test the strength” of a loved one. Games of silence, an offended look and eloquent sighs kill love. When they become the norm, the “culprit” stops paying attention to them. The problem is not being solved, but, on the contrary, is acquiring new dimensions.