Got rid of broken links. External optimization and link building

13.04.2020 Memory cards

Hello. Denis Povaga is in touch.

Today there are several cases about making money on the site. I found the first case on the Internet, which shows how the site became a passive source of income, with a profit of around $3,000 rubles, but with a traffic of 10,000 people per day. Of course, there are more visitors... But don’t be upset, there are personal cases from myself, where I will show everything using the example of my projects. Make yourself comfortable))

The model on which the site below is organized is simple. These are reviews and new products in the field of smartphones. If you wish, you can find this site. The case was spotted on the blog of Alexander Shuvalov, who in turn was inspired by Alexey Glyzhev, the owner of the resource.

So, now we’ll sort it all out with you))

Profit on autopilot, from a site that receives around 10,000 visitors per day:

Case of the site
Attendance: around 10,000 unique visitors.
Profitability: 1500 $
Maintenance costs per month:
- 500 rub. hosting
- 6000 rub. journalist

Main sources of monetization:
Yandex Direct – 30,000 rubles per month

Google Adsence – 950 euros = 42,750 rubles.

Affiliate program – 22,000 rub. per month!

In total we consider:
Affiliate program – 22,000 rub.
Google Adsence – 42,750 rub.
Yandex Direct – 30,000 rub.

Hosting costs: 500 rub.
Costs for a journalist: 1000 rubles.

Total: 89,500 rubles!

As Alexander writes, this site works on complete autopilot, and no more than 1 hour a day is devoted to it. And a profit of more than $3,000 is passive income (at the current exchange rate this is already 180,000 rubles per month). And what’s interesting is that at the initial stage, not a single ruble was spent. Only painstaking work to fill the site with original articles.

Ask where to get articles? It's simple - either make your own reviews or remake them from other sites in your own way. There are a lot of options. The main desire!

Let's continue the Case...

Also, for the richness of the article)), I would like to show my results from sites and this blog. Thereby providing a clear picture of this business for you.

By the way! Yesterday, a little more than 1600 visitors visited the blog:

500 of which are direct calls. Screenshot below...

There was a short report on this topic in the previous article:

As for the electrical blog (Viktor Povag’s Blog), the 2000 thousand mark has also been surpassed:

As for other projects, traffic remains unchanged. For more than 3 years now, one has kept attendance at the same level, and I don’t go near it. By the way! I talked about one of these sites not only in the book, but also on the sales page, immediately after subscribing (video clip). If you haven’t read or seen it, I recommend watching it!

And now in terms of income...

How much can you earn on a site with 1000 visitors per day?

Well, I would like to say right away that there is no clear answer to profitability per thousand daily visitors. Because there are many factors involved here. Firstly, the topic, and secondly, how visitors pay off. It’s one thing when you create a website specifically to make money from contextual advertising.

And in this case, it is not necessary to open the newsletter, the main thing is to fill the site with articles, and then it becomes constant source income. If you wish, you support it by publishing new content. So, it turns out that clicks on advertising go on autopilot, and, accordingly, profit.

One site showed the following results in terms of clicks and profitability over several years:

Average site traffic is around 3,000 visitors per day. Hmm... not a thousand again))

In addition to making money from contextual advertising, you can place other advertisements. For example, a teaser or banners. Or maybe selling your courses. But about the courses, I’ll show this blog separately. When it was visited by only 500 visitors per day. And you will thereby determine how much you can earn from a blog that sells courses. Because this is the most profitable model. Keep a blog with the aim of collecting subscribers and further monetization. Here, profit does not depend on blog traffic, but on the number of subscription bases.

I have highlighted the number of clicks on teaser blocks in yellow. Here is an example of such ad units:

Plus, for an entertainment site, contextual advertising is placed. One from Yandex, the other from Google.

It turns out that total income increases.

Here is a screenshot of one of the blogs, which is visited by a little more than 1,300 people per day:

The top screen from Google for 30 days turned out to be 42 dollars. At the current exchange rate, this is 2,500 rubles per month.

Here, too, it turns out about the same as from Google. 2732 rub. in the past month.

So we think:

50 rubles from teasers = 1500 rubles per month.

1500 from teasers + 2500 from Google + 2700 from Yandex = 6700 rubles per month on full autopilot. Whether you write to the site or not. Month after month, you get this profit.

If you want more, increase your traffic from 1000 to 10,000. Simple math))

How much do you earn on thematic blogs with few visitors?

Now the results are not an entertainment site, but a niche blog. Using the example of the blog you are reading now. In his book, he described his earning model, how in the first few months of blogging he managed to earn 600,000 rubles from a blog with only 500-1000 visitors per day. The model is far from new, and you can repeat it from time to time. I still use it!

Here are the results in the first 2 years of blogging:

Everything is much more interesting here. You can earn more every year. Because the base of regular readers is increasing. And with a traffic of 1000 visitors per day, you can do more than 50,000 rubles every month.

If you have questions about what and how to do, or what points are not clear... Or maybe you just want to ask for advice, then ask, my dears. Always happy to help!

This post will talk about creating a website with 1000 unique visitors per day and with the number of articles less than 100-150. You can say, “fuck, bro, I can write 30-50 articles and get such a visitor.”

Of course you can, but in this case I just want to talk about the system that I am currently trying on two sites.

There is nothing new in it, all this is used by many, but I will try to write everything sequentially and sort it into sections.

Algorithm of actions

So, what algorithm of actions did I write for myself?

Deciding on a topic

1) I select the topic for which articles will be written. Here you can simply experiment with cheap, entertaining themes. The main thing is that there is a lot of traffic in the topic. And for the next site, why not go into an expensive niche.

Selecting 30 titles for articles

2) I look at what sites there are in this topic and find 30 titles for articles that have no more than 10 competitors on Mutagen. At the same time, the frequency should be at least 1000 (preferably even more) and there should also be a lot of tails.

Here is an example of some of my phrases (they are hidden) that I selected for one site:

If we display such (in the sense, with a frequency of at least 1000) 30 articles in the top, then in theory we should get minimum 1000 uniques per day, because There are also a lot of tails.

How to find low-competition (according to mutagen) queries with normal frequency:
1) We enter any phrase on our topic (we check it first through so that there are many requests per month) into Yandex and open all the sites from the top 10. We close those that have little traffic on the counters. You can find out the visitor through (provided that there is a Li counter and the site participates in the ranking);

2) We look at how many pages are in the index, how many links to the site, and the age of the site. We need sites with no more than 300 pages, with 2000-3000 traffic per day and be 1-2 years old (preferably younger);

3) We also check their visibility (free) through:

d) Xtool

Let's look at what queries they are in the top for.

4) We check these requests through Mutagen. We select those with less competition. Gradually you will be able to collect many such requests. They will come to mind, some will be prompted by Mutagen.

I am writing 30 articles

3) We enter the first phrase for the title of our future article in Yandex and Google and see what articles are in the search results. We collect 10 different pieces.

Read also: How to implement an effective promotion policy using semantics and partners?

Based on them, we are writing an article that contains information from all these articles. That is, comprehensive information on the topic. So that a person who wants to look for something else in the search results after reading our article will not be able to find anything new.

Task: write such an article so that neither you nor Yandex and Google will be ashamed for placing it in 1st place in the top. It should help the user solve his problem, answer clearly and in detail the question that brought him to your site. Without unnecessary “water” and without unnecessary optimization for keywords.

So, I’m writing 30 such articles around which the entire site will revolve.

I order (buy) about 90 extra. articles for extras

4) For each article (out of that thirty) I make an anchor list. I will NOT use these anchors for purchased links. I will refer to them from other articles on the same site.

I order, or buy, for the site another 90 articles of any quality on the topic of the site. This could be a rewrite, or an inexpensive copyright. The size of articles is not particularly important, but 3000 characters or more is better.

Hints for article titles can be obtained using tool from Enter a phrase there and it will provide a large number of topics for similar articles.

From these articles there will be 3 (about 2-4) links to the main articles with anchors that I have already selected. Anchor links are diluted with non-anchor ones (in the form of a page URL, or the phrases “follow this link”, “read here”, etc.) so that search engines do not punish your site for internal spam. At the same time, it is better that the pages contain as few other internal links as possible.

The purpose of these articles is not to collect traffic, but to give “relevant” weight to the main cool articles for which we expect to collect the main traffic.

Therefore, you can generally find and buy ready-made articles on exchanges for $0.6-1 per piece.

But you can also sharpen them for micro-LF and consistently take the top, thereby attracting at least 1-2 visitors per article per day to these requests.

At the same time, I do not link from the main articles to other articles, so as not to lose this same weight. Although in theory the page does not lose weight. But by not linking to pages that are not needed (in terms of promotion), we do not give weight to “just anyone.”

How many website sales do you need per day? With 5 thousand visitors per day it will be a thousand times more sales than with 5 people. How to reach 5 thousand uniques per day? Sites with high traffic are planned as such. First, a sales plan is created and a website is designed for it.

Semantic core

A buzzword that sounds solid :) The semantic core is all the key queries for which you want to see the site in search engines. This list is made hierarchically: all key queries are divided into high-frequency and low-frequency ones. High-frequency queries are often searched on search engines. These are highly competitive requests for sites, because thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of users are interested in these requests and all sites are fighting for them. An example of a high-volume query is “buy wallpaper.” Low-frequency requests are requested less frequently; we are talking about hundreds, tens, and even units of requests per month. There is less competition for them, because Fewer users will come for them. Example: “Buy Rasch wallpaper in Moscow.”

The number of visitors to the site directly depends on the semantic core of your site.

Where is the traffic coming from?

The site will attract good traffic (many visitors) if:

  1. the site lights up due to a large number of requests;
  2. the site is advertised (contextual advertising, banners, social media And so on);
  3. Popular sites link to the site.

This article is about search traffic. People enter various queries into a search engine, see your site in the first lines and come to you. And there are already conversions, sales, and profits...

Everyone strives for this, but not everyone succeeds. Why? Actually, the question contains the answer: all sites strive for this. Competition for a higher place in the sun in search engine results is intense and constantly growing. Therefore, the most rational and intelligent ones win.

High-frequency queries contain a lot of “garbage”. At the request “buy wallpaper” a crowd of people will come to your site who do not need your servants: competitors, manufacturers, website optimizers. And those who are really determined to search for a specific service or product go to the low frequencies.

How to make a website popular

The site can be made popular for high-frequency and low-frequency queries. High-frequency queries promise high traffic to the website. The problem is that high-frequency queries are highly competitive. It will be more difficult to reach the TOP for them than for low-frequency queries. And no matter how much we would like to develop for high-frequency queries, it is more economically profitable to reach the TOP of search engines for low-frequency queries.

Let's do the math: let's say our thematic high-frequency query generates 10 thousand queries per month, and a hundred or two low-frequency queries yield 50-100 queries per month. How can we, having refused to promote on a high-frequency search engine for 10 thousand requests, still get a similar number of visitors to the site? Yes, with the help of low frequencies, of course! Use semantic core, if you don’t want it yourself, order from the web studio .

Place articles on your site that fulfill the necessary low-frequency queries; you will attract key traffic to the site and turn it into sales. Low-frequency queries are low-competitive, there is a high probability that your site will be in the TOP automatically.

Practical use

In theory, you are ready to make your website popular. Now what to do. You can do it yourself, or you can order it from professionals.

1. Preparation of the semantic core

We are preparing a list of all the keywords and phrases that interest us. We create a hierarchy of keywords. The main page is promoted according to high-frequency queries, secondary ones - according to low-frequency queries.

2. Website design for the semantic core

It is necessary to lay down the structure of the site such that filling the site with the necessary content does not violate the ergonomics of the site and the site remains convenient. This is done by site architects. As a result of their work, a website prototype is born, onto which the designer draws the website design.

3. Filling the site with content

We fill the site with articles that fulfill (contain) key queries of the semantic core. Articles should be unique, interesting and useful. A good article improves the behavioral factors of the site and grows the site in search engines. Bad content ruins a website. Ideally, people who have experience in this matter should fill the site with interesting and useful content. People share useful articles on social networks and share links to it on their websites. This is how the natural promotion of your site occurs. Useful, quality content promotes itself. A site with interesting articles will grow naturally.

Count for yourself

Let's say you have a page that has reached the TOP for a query that gives you 100 visitors per month. That's 3 people a day. Does this seem like very little? Now imagine that there are 10, 100, 1000 such pages on the site. Each will bring 3 people, and in total 3000 people per day.

1000 pages of semantic content in this case will give 3000-4000 visitors per day. For most sites this is a dream come true. Read why and how to start a corporate blog to consolidate the information.

Therefore, you need to think about site traffic not after the site is launched, but before its creation begins. If you do not take care of the semantic core and do not plan the site for the semantic core, you will not be able to “fit” the entire amount of content on the site without damaging the site. You've probably seen sites like this, they have a lot of random material, everything is dumped on home page, there is no navigation and the only desire is to close it!

The plan to reach the level of 1000 visitors per day should start with filling out the site. Search engines and visitors from other resources will not pay attention to an empty site. But the content should not only be unique and meaningful, but also developed by an SEO specialist to ensure it meets possible user requests search engines. There are millions of sites on the World Wide Web with various types of content, but with traffic of up to hundreds of people per day.

Let's give an example from practice. A fairly successful car accessories dealer decided to open an online store to increase sales through online shoppers. The assortment included more than 20,000 products, which were automatically unloaded from software package 1C. Availability, assortment and prices on the site were regularly updated, but even after six months there were not even thirty visitors to the site per day.

After such disastrous results, it was decided to turn to promotion specialists. A superficial inspection of the online store immediately revealed the main error. Although the range of goods was large, and the demand for it at retail points of sale was constant, the product was initially presented incorrectly on the website. Products were uploaded with abbreviated names, without images and with the same description for products of the same group. Plus, it was not indicated which car, what year of manufacture and what configuration this product is suitable for. It seemed to the director of a trading company, as a specialist in this field, that the search for a product could easily be carried out using serial numbers, which are unique to each product and can tell about its application. But that's not how the Internet works.

After the first stage of eliminating abbreviations in the product name, traffic increased by 50%. After specifying the model and make of the car for which the product is suitable, real sales began in the online store. This also made it possible to group products only by brand, and not by type, which tripled the average bill. Since the car owner took not only what he came to the online store for, but also what would also fit his car. After all the operations to bring the product card and the entire store as a whole into proper form, store traffic increased to 500-600 visitors per day. A year later, it amounted to 1,000 visitors, as recommendations for the store began to appear on third-party forums and social networks.

From this situation, we can conclude that traffic directly depends on the quality of the information presented on the page. And without the help of an SEO specialist, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve significant results, since they are the ones who have information on optimizing the site for search engines, for the behavioral factors of users and their purchasing activity.

After the stage of working on the website content, it is worth moving on to external factors that affect traffic. Better yet, engage in internal and external elements, influencing the ranking at the same time. Any promotion specialist will tell you that it is precisely because of the site’s ranking for certain queries that the resource’s traffic depends.

The specialist will also be able to analyze possible keywords for the resource and identify those for which it will be profitable to promote it in terms of high traffic due to the large number of requests for a certain key and little competition.

It is important that visitors to the site need targeted ones. That is, those who hope to find an answer to a question on your website or find a necessary product or service. And the site, accordingly, corresponds to the user’s request. You can find many traffic exchange and “site promotion” services, which, according to the description of these services, implies a large number of visitors. However, a person who is specifically redirected to your site and who does not find the necessary information there will simply leave the resource and never return to it. Moreover, such “promotion” may entail sanctions from search engines. If the visitor is not targeted, then there is a high probability that he will stay on the site for no longer than 10 seconds. And such visitors to PS statistics are recorded as refusals. The higher the failure rate, the worse it is for the resource. When a large percentage of failures on a site are reached, search engines classify the site as one that does not meet user requests and lower them in the search rankings. They reduce it significantly until the situation changes in the behavior of visitors. This demotion is called “sandboxing” when a site does not appear in the ranking of sites in search for any entered query before page 100. In fact, it is present, but only a few users reach page 100 in the list of sites. As a result, due to incorrect promotion, or rather cheating of visitor indicators, you can earn a site ban or a “sandbox” mode for it.

An SEO specialist will also be able to select targeted queries for such visitors. Such requests are divided into three types. High, medium and low frequency queries. Each of these requests is important in its own way, and for each type it is necessary to carry out scrupulous preparation. For each of these types of requests, their own types of pages are prepared.

Let's look back, using an example. An online store sells netbooks. The request “buy a netbook” will be high-frequency. It is often listed in the search bar, it brings a lot of traffic to sites and it is quite difficult to get to the TOP for such a request. However, it is not always necessary to chase such keys. It is worth considering the option of attracting visitors for mid-frequency and low-frequency queries. IN in this example a mid-frequency request will look like this: “buy an ASUS netbook.” There will be fewer clicks on it, but it will be easier to work with such keys. You know which brand is preferred by the buyer and optimize the page with netbooks of this company according to the request of the potential client. A low-frequency request will look like this: “buy a netbook ASUST101MT” or simply the exact model name “ASUSEeePCT101MT”. The user can also indicate a preference for color or one of the characteristics by adding to his request, for example, “black” or “250 GB.” If the site has a product that the user is looking for and the page with this product is optimized for his request, then the site will receive a targeted visitor, who is most likely a potential buyer. Often, it is on medium and low-frequency queries that traffic indicators increase.

Why is it worth paying attention to these categories of requests? A promotion specialist knows that high-frequency queries are quite expensive to promote, and for low-frequency and mid-range queries, the site can receive the same number of visitors, but with less budget expenditure.

Why is this so? For example, you have 10,000 product items on your website. Some are popular and some are not visited at all. But if at least one visitor visits 1000 product cards, then the site will receive the mark of 1000 visitors per day. Optimizing product pages is a little easier, since the product name already contains a key, albeit a low-frequency one. It is more difficult to optimize the general page with an offer for netbooks for the request “buy a netbook.” At the same time, 1000 visitors to one page may not make as many sales as 1000 people who deliberately visited the product cards.

All factors regarding the requests and behavior of visitors are taken into account SEO specialists. All the combined methods of promotion and promotion will give a figure of 1000 visitors, but it’s worth working on. We advise you to initially set the bar much lower. If you have a new resource that has been online for no more than a week, try starting with a limit of 20 visitors per day. If you want to achieve this figure on your own, you will understand how difficult it is to achieve results without professional advice. So the easiest way is to immediately turn to specialists. But when working with them, also take into account wishes for the gradual achievement of goals. Set a goal for the specialist to reach three hundred visitors in the first three months of the site’s existence. These will be real numbers that will serve as the foundation for pushing thousands of visits to your resource. And remember, it is also important not just to grow, but also to maintain old indicators at the same level.