How to ensure permanent deletion of files (5 photos). How to delete files completely

04.10.2022 Memory cards


The first way to delete files and folders without possibilities subsequent recovery is as follows:
- select the file or folder to be deleted by left-clicking on it once;
- press the “Shift + Delete” key combination on your keyboard (on some keyboards, the “Delete” button may also be called “Del”);
- a dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the final deletion of the file;
- in this window, click the “Yes” button to confirm deleting the file or the “No” button to cancel this process.

The second method is to disable the Recycle Bin mode when deleting files. Do the following:
- select the system Trash folder by right-clicking on it once (the Trash folder is located on the Desktop as a shortcut);
- in the action selection menu that appears, click on the “Properties” line. The Trash properties window will pop up in front of you.
- in this window, select the "Global" tab. There are general settings for the operating system Recycle Bin;
- in the selected tab, check the box next to "Destroy" files immediately after deleting them, without placing them in the Recycle Bin." After that, all deleted files and the folders will be destroyed completely, that is, without possibilities their subsequent recovery.

If deleted files and the folders are already in the Trash, then to completely destroy them you need to empty the Trash. To do this, right-click on the Trash icon once and select “Empty Trash” from the menu that appears. Then simply confirm to empty the trash.

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Typically, a node is removed from the cluster in order to be redeployed, verified, or replaced. The process of removing or adding nodes must be completed before the quorum changes. For example, after you remove a node, wait for the process to complete before replacing it.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - system administration skills.


Perform a service return clusters V the initial state, so service clusters you won't succeed. To do this, run the “Administrator” command clusters", enter the following in the Run window of the main menu: Cluadmin.exe. Call context menu on the node that needs to be excluded from clusters server.

Select the option "Stop service" clusters" If the server is the last node in the cluster, do not do this. In this case, right-click on the node and select “Exclude Node”. This command will return to its original state.

Before removing a node from a cluster, check with your application vendors to determine whether these programs require a cluster removal procedure. Before doing this, close all applications as information loss may occur. When you remove the last node from clusters, the service account will not be automatically deleted. Remove it from the local Administrators group yourself if you no longer need it.

Complete this procedure; to do this, you must be a member of the Administrators group. Use the Run As command. Click on the “Start” button, select the “Control Panel” command, double-click on the “Administrative Tools” option, then “Administrator” clusters" Stopping a service clusters, as well as removing the last node from the cluster is sometimes impossible, for example, if you are trying to remove a node from XOX.

In this case, manually remove the service configuration clusters on this node. Enter in command line Cluster node node name. At any time you can add a remote node or create a new one. To return services clusters to its original state, go to the main menu, select the “Run” option. Enter the command cluster node “Node name” in the command line, then click the Enter button.

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Tip 3: How to permanently delete data from HDD

Situations regularly arise when it is necessary to restore personal and service files that were accidentally deleted or located on storage media. The opposite situation, when you need to delete data from the HDD so that no one will ever see it, is less common. However, if you decide to give someone else a hard drive on which confidential data was stored, it can be permanently deleted.

How to permanently delete a file or folder from your computer?
Are you aware that everything files And folders, which are deleted in a standard way, through the cart, really easy restore special programs. The point is that they ( deleted files and folders) are not erased immediately, they simply become invisible and are “overwritten” in the process. After files are deleted in the trash, Windows receives the go-ahead to use the previously occupied hard disk space deleted, but in fact became simply invisible, files, to write new information in their place. That is, placing new ones in their place files. Well, until this happened, and files not “overwritten”, they can always be, as I said earlier, restore special programs, For example, program R. Saver.

For guaranteed deleting files without the possibility of them recovery special p programs There are so-called shredder programs. One of these programs is Free File Wiper program. Program very easy to use and does not require installation.

Usage Free programs File Wiper.

Keep in mind that you must have the Microsoft platform on your computer. NET Framework version no lower than 3.5. If it is not installed or an earlier version is installed, install or update it. I recommend downloading the Microsoft .NET Framework from the official Microsoft website here.

The program is in the archive. We unpack it with any archiver for convenience on the desktop.

Open the folder with the program and launch it.

A program window will open, showing all the ways to use the Free File Wiper program. We close the window.

The program icon will appear on the desktop and the tray icon at the same time.

The Free File Wiper program can be configured for the number of passes, that is, the number of times it wipes the deleted files. The more passes, the better the removal. The maximum number of overwrites (passes) is 7. But keep in mind that the more passes, the more time it will take to guarantee the deletion of a file. If the file is small, then this is not critical, but if it is large... in short, experiment and make a decision yourself. I recommend overwriting the most private information with the maximum number of passes.

To set the number of mashing passes, right-click on the program icon and select “Wpe method” in the context menu and then select the number of mashing passes.

In order to permanently and irrevocably delete a file from your computer, drag it (by clicking on the file to be deleted with the left mouse button and without releasing the button, moving the deleted file to the location of the Free File Wiper program icon) to the Free File Wiper program trash.

Well, or choose another deletion method from those that were shown when you launched the Free File Wiper program.

Then confirm your decision.

The file is permanently deleted from your computer.

Permanently deleting files from a computer is necessary to ensure user privacy. Free program CCleaner has a built-in tool for securely erasing information from your PC.

I may be asked, what does confidentiality have to do with it if the file is already deleted from the computer? It would seem that the file is no longer on the computer, what then should you worry about? It's not that simple here.

When deleting data from a computer, the operating system Windows system changes the file attribute, marking the file as deleted. At the same time, the contents of the file are physically located in the same place hard drive. Therefore, this file can be recovered using a specialized program, for example, R-Studio, EasyRecovery, etc.

If to the location of the remote file, via certain time During operation of the computer, other information was recorded, then it will no longer be possible to restore such a file, since the file was overwritten by other data. In the best case, individual fragments of the file located in another location on the disk will be saved if the file has been fragmented.

Just deleted files, which have not yet been overwritten, it is quite possible to restore. There is one problem: in some situations, a complete stranger can recover deleted data.

Permanent deletion of data is necessary when selling a computer, so that the new owner does not receive any confidential information concerning the previous owner of the PC. In other cases, when unauthorized persons have access to the computer, there is also the possibility of leakage of seemingly deleted confidential data.

To securely permanently delete files, a special shredder program is used to erase information from the hard drive. This program overwrites areas of the disk where deleted files were located. After this, it will be impossible to recover deleted data programmatically.

The process of erasing disks in CCleaner takes place in 4 stages:

  1. Selecting the erasing method.
  2. Selecting a rewrite method.
  3. Selecting a disk to erase.
  4. The process of erasing data on a disk.

To start the mashing process, you first need to select what you want to mash on this computer. There are two options available in the program: “Only free place" and "Entire disk (all data will be destroyed)."

If you choose to overwrite only free space, the area on the disk not occupied by files will be overwritten. After this, the areas of the hard drive on which previously deleted files were located will lose all information that was previously theoretically possible to recover.

Overwriting the entire disk will permanently delete files from the hard disk (selected disk partition, external hard disk, removable USB drive).

  • Easy rewrite (1 pass)
  • DOD22-M (3 passes)
  • NSA (7 passes)
  • Guttman (35 passes)

In most cases, simply overwriting the data will be sufficient. If necessary, you can choose a more advanced method of destroying information.

Keep in mind that the data erasing process will take some time, which depends on the size of the erased space and the method of overwriting ( large quantity passes will take longer). In any case, this is a rather lengthy process.

Select required disk, and then click on the “Erase” button. In this example, I chose the following settings: erase only free space, simple overwrite (1 pass), disk - USB drive (flash drive).

After this, the process of clearing free space will begin.

After the overwriting process is completed, a program window will open with the message: “Disk erasing completed successfully.”

Conclusions of the article

Free CCleaner program can be used to permanently delete files from your computer. The program reliably erases free space on the disk, or erases the entire disk, making it impossible to recover deleted files using software.

Deciding to cleanse HDD, users usually use formatting or manual deletion of files from Windows Recycle Bin. However, these methods do not guarantee complete erasure of data, and using special tools You can restore files and documents that were previously stored on the HDD.

If there is a need to completely get rid of important files so that no one else can restore them, standard methods operating system will not help. For these purposes, programs are used to complete removal data, including those deleted by conventional methods.

If files have already been deleted from the HDD, but you want to erase them permanently, then you need to use special software. Such software solutions allow you to erase files in such a way that later they will be impossible to recover even with the help of professional tools.

In short, the principle is as follows:

  1. You are deleting a file "X"(for example, through the “Trash”), and it disappears from your field of view.
  2. It physically remains on the disk, but the cell where it is stored is marked free.
  3. When writing new files to disk, the cell marked as free is used and the file is overwritten "X" new. If the cell was not used when saving a new file, then the previously deleted file "X" remains on the hard drive.
  4. After repeatedly overwriting the data on the cell (2-3 times), the initially deleted file "X" finally ceases to exist. If the file takes up more space than one cell, then in this case we are talking only about a fragment "X".

Therefore, you yourself can delete unnecessary files so that they cannot be restored. To do this, you need to write any other files 2-3 times to all the free space. However, this option is very inconvenient, so users usually prefer software tools that, using more complex mechanisms, do not allow them to recover deleted files.

Method 1: CCleaner

A well-known program designed to clean your hard drive of debris, it can also reliably delete data. At the user's request, you can clear the entire drive or just free space using one of four algorithms. In the second case, all system and user files will remain intact, but unallocated space will be securely erased and inaccessible for recovery.

Method 2: Eraser

Eraser, like CCleaner, is easy and free to use. It can reliably delete files and folders that the user wants to get rid of, and in addition to this, it cleans up free disk space. The user can choose one of 14 deletion algorithms at his discretion.

The program is built into the context menu, so by clicking on unnecessary file with the right mouse button you can immediately send it for deletion in Eraser. A small minus is the lack of Russian in the interface, however, as a rule, basic knowledge of English is sufficient.

Method 3: File Shredder

The File Shredder program is similar in its operation to the previous one, Eraser. Through it you can also permanently delete unnecessary and confidential data and erase free space on the HDD. The program is built into Explorer and can be called by right-clicking on an unnecessary file.

There are only 5 erasure algorithms, but this is quite enough to safely delete information.

Note: Despite the fact that it is very easy to use such programs, this does not guarantee complete data deletion if only part of the disk is overwritten.

For example, if there is a need to permanently delete an image, but the OS has thumbnail display enabled, then simply deleting the file will not help. A knowledgeable person will be able to restore it using a photo that stores sketches. A similar situation is with the paging file and other system documents that store copies or sketches of any user data.

Method 4: Multiple formatting

Normal formatting of the hard drive, of course, will not delete any data, but will only hide it. Reliable way delete all data from the hard drive without the possibility of recovery - performing a full format with changing the file system type.

So, if you use the NTFS file system, then you need to complete(not fast) formatting to FAT and then again to NTFS. Additionally, you can mark up the drive by dividing it into several sections. After such manipulations, there is practically no chance of data recovery.

If you have to work with the hard drive where the operating system is installed, then all manipulations must be performed before booting. For this you can use bootable USB flash drive with OS or special program for working with disks.

Let's look at the process of multiple full formatting with changing the file system and partitioning the disk.

  1. Create a bootable USB flash drive with the desired operating system or use an existing one. On our website you can find instructions for creating a bootable flash with,.
  2. Connect the USB flash drive to your PC and make it the main one boot device via BIOS.

    In AMI BIOS: Boot > 1st Boot Priority > Your flash

    In Award BIOS: > Advanced BIOS Features > First Boot Device > Your flash

    Click F10, and then "Y" to save settings.

  3. Before Windows installation 7 click on the link "System Restore".

    In Windows 7 you are taken to "System Recovery Options", where you need to select the item "Command line".

    Before installing Windows 8 or 10, also click on the link "System Restore".

  4. From the recovery menu, select "Troubleshooting".

  5. Then "Extra options".

  6. Select "Command line".

  7. The system may prompt you to select a profile and also enter a password for it. If the password is account not installed, skip input and press "Continue".
  8. If you need to find out the real letter of the drive (provided that several HDDs are installed, or you only need to format the partition), enter the command in cmd

    wmic logicaldisk get deviceid, volumename, size, description

    and press Enter.

  9. Based on the size (in the table it is in bytes), you can determine which letter of the desired volume/partition is real and not assigned by the operating system. This will protect you from accidentally formatting the wrong drive.
  10. For complete formatting with changing the file system, write the command

    format /FS:FAT32 X: - if your hard drive currently has a file NTFS system
    format /FS:NTFS X: - if your hard drive currently has a FAT32 file system

    Instead of X Substitute the letter of your drive.

    Do not add a parameter to the command /q- it is responsible for quick formatting, after which file recovery can still be done. You only need to do a complete formatting!

  11. After formatting is complete, write the command from the previous step again, only with a different file system. That is, the formatting chain should be like this:

    NTFS > FAT32 > NTFS

    FAT32 > NTFS > FAT32

    After this, the installation of the system can be canceled or continued.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to permanently delete files from your computer, I also often see requests like: “how to delete deleted files” , but this also happens and what’s more, a surprising number of people want to find out!

Perhaps you have some information on your computer that you don’t want anyone to see. You went and deleted it, but not everyone knows that it can be restored! This is why the question arises: how to delete deleted files?

And everything is simple, you can restore files as long as you do not erase the area in which the files were. Those. Do not write other files to the same area several times; the more you do, the less chance you have of recovering these files.

You might think, what a fool, he doesn’t know anything about formatting, but no! Even after formatting the disk, it is possible to recover files.

In this case, the simplest thing is to try defragmentation. It optimizes clusters and you may be able to completely delete deleted files. But most likely you will have to move on!

There is a reliable program that completely deletes both free space and disks, download it.

How to delete deleted files?

So. Let's launch. Select on the left the disk with which you want to perform the action. And press the button on the left Wipe Unused Space, i.e. we want to save all files and erase all free space. Presumably, the place where your files were deleted.

There will be progress. Waiting.....

After completion or if you interrupt the program, you will be given a report.

This is how you can delete deleted files. But perhaps you moved something after deleting it, and in those clusters in which the files were, there are now other files, so just in case, if this is very important to you, I would recommend copying all the files from the disk so that there is nothing left on it necessary and erase this entire disk with the program, then no one will be able to restore anything! To do this, you need to press the killdisk key on the right and select the same method and start. But remember, in this case there will be nothing left on the disk! Therefore, copy it in advance and feel free to erase it. After this, restore deleted files It certainly won’t work (the main thing is to choose a good erasing method).