How can I be the first to know about new projects on the platform? How to find out about new pages that a competitor has started promoting Analysis of competitor link building

12.08.2020 Memory cards

MegaIndex has a tool for searching for new pages that a competitor has started promoting.

Monitoring new external links to new competitor pages allows you to:

  • Find new ones external links to competitors’ websites and promptly carry out work to place new links to your website for the purpose of search engine optimization;
  • Monitor the procurement of links to the site if you are a customer of Internet promotion services;
  • Find new marketing activities of competitors in order to copy the marketing campaign;
  • Analyze methods of promoting new competitors in a niche.
Example from the link - .

All sites for promotion in search engines post links. Using MegaIndex, you can:[key]&


Let's look at the process using the MVideo website as an example.

If not many competitors are known, you can conduct a competitor search. The search for competitors occurs on the basis of intersection by visibility. MegaIndex has a visibility base for each site and can determine which sites are ranked for the same queries.

Among the competitors:

Next, we can find new external links to new pages of competitors' websites using MegaIndex:

Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-f RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-d RewriteRule ^[^4]* /404 RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*AhrefsBot.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_ AGENT ) ".*MJ12bot.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*rogerBot.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*MegaIndex\.ru/2\.0.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*YandexBot. *" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*ia_archiver.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*bingbot.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*Baiduspider.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*archive\.org_bot .*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*BLEXBot.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*LinkpadBot.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*spbot.*" RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ".*Serpstatbot.* "RewriteRule".*" "-" [F]

Competitor link building analysis

External link analysis allows you to find sites and compile a list of sites used by competitors to place links.

The resulting list of external links must be analyzed and spam links removed. On the remaining high-quality sites, it is worth placing links to the promoted site, keeping up with competitors.

The service allows you to find out:

  • External/backlinks;
  • Outgoing links.
MegaIndex scans the entire Internet and finds, which allows you to monitor the link profile of competitors for the appearance of new external links and new pages of the competitor’s site.

Using the MegaIndex service, you can find out all external links You can visit your competitor’s website using the application - .

For any site, you can also find out everything from the site. Find out all outgoing links competitors links -.

In order to consistently earn money on the CRP Center platform, it is very important to be one of the first to enter investment projects, and for this you need to receive information about their launch as quickly as possible!

Today I will tell you about the ways to obtain this information and how you can find out about the launch of new promising projects in advance.

So, let's get straight to the point - what are the options for obtaining information about the upcoming launch of new projects:

And now about everything in order and in more detail...

Official SMS newsletter from CRP Center

Sometimes the managers of the CRP Center platform send mass SMS messages to the database of registered investors. Such messages usually contain a brief notification that at such and such a time, on such and such a date, the launch of such and such an investment project will take place.

Information arrives in advance and you can calmly prepare:

  1. Get to your computer;
  2. Independently analyze the announced project;
  3. It is possible to consult with competent people on this project;
  4. Decide whether to participate or not;

If in the end you decide to invest in this project, then even before its launch you, without any haste, take the necessary steps:

  1. Transfer funds to the desired wallets;
  2. Transfer the required amount of money to your account in the CRP Center;
  3. Perhaps you are telling your friends and acquaintances about the project;
  4. etc.

And as a result, by the time you launch a new investment project on the CRP Center platform, you have everything ready. You are one of the first to enter and get a significant advantage when working with this project!

This method is very convenient, since the information is sent directly to your mobile phone, which you always have with you. There is no need to sit at the computer and keep your finger on the pulse. But, unfortunately, SMS distribution from the CRP Center platform has a very serious drawback - it is done extremely rarely!

The reasons can be very different: sometimes the managers of the CRP Center platform themselves are not interested in massively attracting a large number of users to their website AT A TIME, as this can create heavy load to their servers. Sometimes investment project administrators do not want or cannot pay this service, since SMS messaging is still a paid option.

There may be other reasons, but this doesn’t make it any easier for us, investors! We always want to receive information about the launch of new projects as quickly as possible. In any case, I recommend that you go to your CRP Center profile and check if you have filled in the field with the number mobile phone. Be sure to fill it out if you haven't already!

E-mail newsletter from the CRP Center platform

The meaning here is absolutely the same as in the case of SMS mailing - to your email specified during registration on the CRP Center platform, an information letter is received.

The information in this letter reflects the following points:

  1. What kind of project is it, what is it called;
  2. What is its activity?
  3. What is the planned profitability;
  4. Type of affiliate program;
  5. When will the launch take place?
  6. etc.

IN email, of course, you can fit much more detailed information than in SMS, but the essence does not change - you receive up-to-date information in advance, have the opportunity to calmly analyze everything and prepare for the launch of the project.

For some people a disadvantage this method may become an email link to personal computer. Not everyone has the opportunity to constantly sit in front of a monitor and check for new emails.

Yes, SMS message it’s much more difficult to miss, since the phone is always in your pocket. But on the other hand, if you have a smartphone, then you can easily install it on it official application Your email and instantly learn about new messages in your inbox.

True, the phone must be connected to the Internet for this, but today this should not be a problem, because all operators mobile communications offer inexpensive Internet traffic packages!

The clear advantage here is that e-mail mailings from the CRP Center platform are carried out much more often than SMS mailings, but still NOT always! It’s good if half of new investment projects are noted in the email newsletter...

Official CRP forum –

CRP Center has its own official forum, which today is the main information channel of this platform. The forum has many sections, threads and topics where investors, partners and investment project managers can communicate, share opinions, and discuss various investment issues and issues.

Platform managers regularly publish the most current information on this forum: events, reports, plans, results, etc. Thanks to the forum you can always keep up to date with everyone latest news at the CRP Center.

Important! Information about the upcoming launch of new projects is published on the forum much more often than in SMS or e-mail newsletters, but still NOT in 100% of cases. But information about the launch of a new project is always published on the forum!

If you can miss SMS or e-mail newsletters from CRP Center important information about new projects, then, just by reading the news on the forum, this is extremely difficult to do. However, this method requires a lot of time if you sit on the forum constantly.

In order not to constantly sit on the forum, you can subscribe to the corresponding thread, where information about new projects is announced. In this case, you will receive corresponding notifications to your email. But as is the case with e-mail newsletter, You will have to decide about mobile access to your mailbox.

The undoubted advantage of this method of obtaining information is the completeness and efficiency of the data obtained. The forum publishes 80% of projects that will be launched in the near future and 100% of already launched projects! By actively using the forum, you can be sure that almost no investment project launched on the CRP Center platform will pass you by.

How to subscribe to a forum thread?

Inside information

Insider information about the upcoming launch of a new project is NOT officially published anywhere, but occurs by word of mouth, in closed chats, etc. It can contain both the exact launch date of a new project and an approximate one.

Initially, only managers and administrators of the investment project or the CRP Center platform have this information. This information can then be passed on to investors, employees and acquaintances. And then - from investor to investor.

As a rule, insider information comes to investors from their higher supervisors and partners. It also sometimes comes to me, and I, in turn, can share it with my partners who have registered on the CRP Center platform

In order for me to share such information with you, we need to have an operational communication channel. The optimal channel for this purpose is SMS messaging.

If you want to receive insider information from me about the upcoming launch of new investment projects on the CRP Center platform, then fill out this form >>

Insider SMS newsletter for my partners in CRP

  • Enter your phone number in the format + country code phone number. For example, +7 for residents of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.
    1. I need research materials on topic N (any topic). Where can I find them?


    1. Where can I get books that are announced on the VTsIOM website?


    1. Does VTsIOM have ready-made studies that can be purchased or acquired in another way?
    2. How to learn about new VTsIOM research?
    3. I didn’t find any research data on the topic N. I think it’s interesting and relevant. Why didn’t VTsIOM conduct a study on this topic?
    4. How much does it cost to order a study from you?
    5. Where do you conduct your research?
    6. How many people are you interviewing?
    1. They called us on the phone (they came home) and introduced themselves as the VTsIOM company. How do you know that it is VTsIOM that is conducting the research and not scammers?
    2. I want to participate in a survey, how do I do this?
    3. Why was I never interviewed?



    1. Under what conditions can I use material published on the VTsIOM website?
    2. You can use it for your own consumption in any form J). But if it is intended to be published in the media, the Internet, or used in your printed work, then a link to VTsIOM is required.

      The bulk of the research results are published on our website. You just need to learn how to use our search and thematic rubricator. If you still can’t find what you need, then feel free to write to the administrator of our site.

    3. I need N statistics (any topic) in Russia. Do you have these statistics?
    4. VTsIOM does not provide statistical data on Russia or other countries; we present only data from public opinion polls. For statistical data, we recommend contacting Rosstat.

    5. What do the numbers in your press releases mean? Is this the number of people?
    6. The numbers in our press releases usually indicate a percentage of the total number of respondents (not their number. If you want to count the number, keep in mind that we usually interview 1600 people, not 100).

    7. Your data does not match the voting results on the N website. How can you explain this?
    8. This discrepancy is explained by different survey methods.

      VTsIOM interviews people in a classical scientific way, which is called “sampling”: first, a relatively small sample is simulated from the general population (for example, the entire population of Russia aged 18 years and older), and then our interviewers, using a special technique, find those people who, according to some a set of characteristics (such as gender, age, education, etc.) that meet our requirements. They find us and beg us to answer our questions. This research method allows you to find out the opinions of a fairly large group of people quite quickly, accurately and at relatively low cost.

      “Surveys on the N site” are done in a fundamentally different way: everyone answers them (and some - many times). This means that the results of such a survey do not carry any useful information, except for one thing: they represent the opinion of the people who took part in it. What kind of people are these? How do they compare with the population of Russia, any region or city? There is no answer to all these questions and there cannot be one.

      So, we are very glad that the results of our surveys and the survey on the N website did not coincide. It couldn’t be otherwise if we met all the scientific requirements for conducting surveys. Rather, it would be strange and highly suspicious if the results of our scientific sample surveys and theirs, unscientific and non-sample surveys, coincided.

  • We need to conduct research in a short time with a minimum budget, what can VTsIOM offer?
  • It usually happens like this: or short time, but a maximum budget - or a minimum budget, but long deadlines. On the other hand, what is the minimum budget? As they say, who has empty tea, and who has small pearls, everything is known by comparison. Moreover, modern sociology offers a wide arsenal of research methods, including quite economical ones. Want a more specific answer? Use the “order a study” service.

    To get started, use the search on our website. If it doesn’t help, take a look at our thematic rubricator. If you fail here too, write to the administrator of our site, he will definitely help.

    You can’t tell right away - it depends on a lot of factors. The easiest way for you to get an answer to your question is as follows: use the “order a study” service - and gradually you will find out everything.

    Where people live whose opinions our customers are interested in. Usually - in Russia and the largest CIS countries. Sometimes in other European countries. Rarely, but it happens - outside this area.

    The number of respondents depends on what general population (human community) you want to represent. If you are interested in the opinion of Russians as a whole, then 1600 people are enough (some polling services are limited to a smaller number - for example, 1500 people). If you are interested separately in the opinion of residents of each of the 83 regions of the Russian Federation, then the minimum number of respondents should be 50,000 people.

  • I saw that you interview 1600 people, this is very little. How can you talk about all Russians?
  • Science says this is more than enough. And if science is not an authority for you, then there is folk wisdom: to know the taste of the sea, you don’t have to drink it whole. Just one or two drops are enough. It’s the same with us: you don’t need to survey 142 million people to find out the opinion of the entire population of Russia. 1600 people quite enough. How is this possible? We recommend that you first take a university statistics course, and a lot will become clear to you.


      Alas, anything can happen. To prevent such cases, we issued our interviewers with our badges with VTsIOM symbols. In addition, each interviewer has a letter certifying his status as a VTsIOM interviewer. Ask for such a letter, and if it is not presented to you, you don’t have to answer his questions.

      In sample surveys, as in intelligence, “initiators” in various reasons do not like. If we need to interview you, we will come to you ourselves. In this case, please do not refuse us an interview.

      To date, every third adult resident of Russia has already participated at least once as a respondent in a sociological survey. Apparently you were just unlucky. But don’t lose hope: sooner or later we will definitely get to you! :)) And in this case, we really count on your willingness to answer our questions.

    Have a question?

    Write to . And we will definitely answer.

    Surely every registered user on VKontakte has a favorite group, public page, event or personal page, which he always reads with interest and looks forward to new posts. But regular monitoring of the news feed may not be tedious, and even take a lot of time. These problems can be easily avoided by setting up notifications about new posts. This feature will allow you to receive a notification the second a person or community you're interested in posts a new post.

    In order to receive news alerts on any personal page in VK, you need to go to the profile you are interested in and click on the button with three dots under the main profile photo.

    In the drop-down list that appears, click “Receive notifications.” Now each new publication on the wall of the selected account will be accompanied by a notification to your page.

    Each new notification will glow with the usual bell at the top of your VKontakte page, and by going there, you will learn more about the new published post, and by clicking on the notification message itself, you will go directly to the new post.

    You can receive notifications about new posts in your favorite community in the same way. First, go to a group or public page from your VKontakte profile. Click on the menu icon with three dots and select “Receive notifications”.

    Notifications notifying you of all new posts in the community will appear in the same block with a bell.

    With this simple function, you will always be the first to know about new posts on the pages of the VKontakte social network that interest you. Especially if the official VKontakte application for Android or iOS is installed on your smartphone, which will inform you about new entry via push message.

    We believe that all good things come at a price. It doesn’t always have to be money; often, to gain knowledge, the willingness to devote your time to it is enough. In this roundup, you'll find sites that cover an endless number of topics in science, design, marketing, business, and programming.

    Science and education

    In Russian:

    • - Develop your memory, count in your head, master public speaking skills.
    • - Non-profit educational project dedicated to humanitarian knowledge.
    • - The knowledge of thousands of experts from the world's leading universities is collected specifically for you on one platform.
    • - Courses on various topics are always with you. Anywhere, from any device.
    • - Courses from ITMO. IT"sMOre than a UNIVERSITY.
    • - Yegor Gaidar Open University. Lectures on economic and social disciplines.
    • - Khan Academy promotes free and quality education for all.
    • - Educational project Lectorium. Online courses specially prepared by the country's leading universities await you. There are topics for everyone: high school students, students and professionals.
    • - Lectorium. Video lectures and open educational materials from Physics and Technology.
    • - Video selection of the magazine “Science and Life”.
    • - Open education. The platform allows you to study basic undergraduate disciplines at Russian universities through online courses. Among the organizing partners are Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ITMO.
    • - Short video lectures, monologues of scientists on the topic of their research. Scientific theories, concepts, ideas and facts.
    • - Education in Russian. Project of the State Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin.
    • - Theories and practices - a place on the network for knowledge exchange.
    • - Online preparation for the “Total dictation”.
    • Academia - Academia project of the Culture TV channel. A TV project, each episode of which is an independent lecture on one of the fundamental sciences.
    • - TV channel Culture, a selection of video materials on educational topics.
    • - Universarium - open system e-education. Free educational programs from the best universities in Russia.
    • - Open educational video portal UniverTV. A collection of videos, recordings of lectures from leading Russian and foreign universities.
    • - Learn new things! Not school subjects for schoolchildren.
    • - Technology, personal growth, creativity, design, music.
    • - Collection of materials based on the results of Russia's first national award "Attention" in the field of educational video.
    In English:
    • - Courses for applicants, students of colleges, technical schools and their graduates, as well as bachelors, masters, doctors of science.
    • - Learn something new every day in just 5, 15 or 30 minutes.
    • - World-class quality education for everyone, everywhere.
    • - Receive a 5-minute lesson in your email every morning.
    • - Economics in all its manifestations.
    • - Design, business, technology, photography, cooking.
    • - Video courses in various areas from early childhood development to astronomy.

    Information technology and programming

    In Russian:
    • - Yandex - everything is there! In addition to the opportunity to enroll in one of the Yandex Academy schools, an archive of recordings of some reports is available on the site.
    • - Everyone should be able to study computer science on par with mainstream disciplines.
    • - Do you want to learn programming? Dozens of free resources are available on Geekbrains.
    • - How to become a programmer? To get started, go to this resource.
    • - Interactive courses and intensive courses for future IT gurus.
    • - A good selection of courses, including free ones.
    • - Portal of video tutorials on web development.
    • - A selection of courses from the Microsoft Virtual Academy.
    • - Video portal on development and modern technologies.
    • - SEO, SEM, Internet marketing.
    In English:
    • - Learn to code interactively.
    • - Web development training from A to Z for beginners and advanced developers.
    • - Learn, practice, achieve your goal!
    • - Online programming lessons and courses.
    • - More data to the data god. Learn to write code, work with data and build your projects.
    • - Learn SQL and Excel, become a master data scientist.
    • - Great DIY websites (HTML, CSS, Javascript).
    • - Get on the same page with a code for 1 month. Tempting isn't it?
    • - Marketing, programming and design from industry leaders.
    • - Ruby, PHP, SEO, design and more. Learn HTML, CSS, mobile development and more.
    • - The same “Silicon Valley University”.

    Business and career

    In Russian:
    • - Free advanced training in the field of entrepreneurial activity.
    • - Electronic knowledge of the business school Business environment (Sberbank).
    • - Sales, management, personal effectiveness. All here!