Which scientists gave birth to the term webmaster? Everything for a newbie webmaster. The emergence and development of the webmaster profession

31.05.2022 Memory cards

Yandex Webmaster is a service that provides tools for analyzing and tracking page indexing, checking the technical condition of the site and its positions in the search results.

Anyone involved in website promotion should know why Yandex Webmaster is needed. Over time, errors may appear in an online store or blog. Most often they are associated with technical failures or new requirements for content quality. Yandex checks your project and points out shortcomings, makes recommendations for eliminating them, and only accepts corrected work. Like a teacher at school.

You correct mistakes. And the site begins to rank better in the search engine. Its position is growing, more visitors come to you. Conversion increases and profits grow.

Using Webmaster without registration

The full functionality of the service is available only after authorization. But even without it, you can use a number of options. This is useful not only for working with your own resources, but also for studying competitors.

  • Checking robots.txt. You can view bans and restrictions on indexing service pages. As you enter, the lines that Yandex accepts are highlighted separately. You will identify and correct errors in a timely manner.
  • Analysis Sitemap files. The tool checks for possible failures in the layout map.
  • Monitoring the server response. Indicates the response time for specific links.
  • Micro markup validator. Allows you to ensure that the data is well structured for search robots.
  • XML validator. With its help you can check the XML files that are needed when working with affiliate programs Yandex, for example - Y.Market.

Adding a site to Yandex Webmaster

When actively promoting a project, there is critically little limited functionality. You will definitely need a complete toolkit. It will give you the opportunity to view all information relevant to participation in the search results:

  • what sections the web spider visited and when;
  • indexed and excluded pages;
  • imposition of filters and sanctions;
  • keywords that users use;
  • technical errors and much more.

Thanks to this information, each developer makes corrections and improves the site’s position. To use the options, you need to register an account on Yandex and go to the webmaster.yandex.ru section.
After entering the domain address, you must confirm that the resource belongs to you. This can be done in several ways:

  • HTML file. The easiest option for beginners. Download the document proposed by the system and upload it to the root directory on the server. This is available both via ftp and through the admin panel of the hosting provider.
  • Meta tag. You need to insert the suggested data into the template code. Many CMS systems provide a special field for this in the admin panel. If you are using a self-written engine, this work should be entrusted to a programmer.
  • DNS record. Its implementation takes place on the domain registrar's side. In the dns control panel, add a text entry and paste the data from Webmaster. This is the longest option. Updates and verification take up to 72 hours.

General information about the site

After confirming your rights, you need to understand in more detail how to work with Yandex Webmaster. Advanced analytics and statistics become available to you:

  1. Pages in search. You can control how many of the published materials meet the system requirements.
  2. External links. Third-party resources that link to you are displayed. This helps analyze the development of organic user engagement and identify the tricks of competitors who mention you on “gray” portals.
  3. Content excluded by robot. You receive notifications about the imposition of sanctions, restrictions and explanations that will help remove them.
  4. Subject Citation Index. Determines authority in relation to other sites.

This information helps in assessing the condition and optimizing the site. To resolve common problems, perform an automatic analysis and, following the recommendations of the service, eliminate all shortcomings.

Initial setup of Yandex Webmaster

You can direct the search bot in the right way and adjust its actions. Make his job easier and avoid unnecessary mistakes. To do this, do a little preparation. Be sure to go through the following items:

  • Robots.txt. Check the presence of the file on the server and provide the address to it in Webmaster. Check whether all directives work correctly. Close service sections, RSS feeds and other materials that should not appear in search results from robots. Specify the main mirror and the path to the site map.
  • Regionality. Relevant for online stores and platforms focused on offline services. It is necessary so that search engines can increase the priority of the resource when asking for a specific city. Create a contact block indicating your office address and phone numbers. To link to a region, provide a link to it.
  • Sitemap. It is a kind of directory that helps define the hierarchy and quickly navigate subsections. This is especially important for large portals. Create a file and add a link to it.
  • Original texts. Before publishing unique content, add it to this section. This will retain your authorship and protect you from being demoted if the information is copied.
  • Examination mobile pages. IN modern conditions Traffic from phones and tablets predominates. To avoid losing it, make sure your posts meet the requirements.

Be sure to check the resource for errors. They are divided into 4 categories:

  • Fatal. There is no indexing access or connection to the server.
  • Critical. Exceeding the site response time or the number of broken links.
  • Possible. Control of redirects, duplicates, non-existent files and other things.
  • Recommendations. Relates to improving search robots’ understanding of the site.

Be sure to fix the first two problems in as soon as possible. Ignoring them will result in you dropping out of the search. The remaining ones are also important, but they only affect the ranking.

How to use Yandex Webmaster to improve your site's rankings

It is important not only to know why Yandex Webmaster is needed, but also to understand how to use it to improve performance in search results. It all comes down to making each page more attractive to the end user. This improves behavioral factors. Which in turn is one of the most important parameters for search engines. Let's look at examples of how to apply this within each section of the service.


You fix obvious problems. Readers see a site that displays correctly and does not produce errors.

Search queries

You see what phrases visitors use and offer them more interesting thematic content.


By ordering robots to re-crawl the site, you help clients see more relevant data in the search.


You get the opportunity to fully control internal linking. By restoring broken links, you will prevent transitions to empty sections.

Information about the site

Owners of online stores can add information about products and create special snippets. They will give a complete picture of the names directly from the search engine.

Instantly display content on mobile devices. Save time and traffic.


You control loading speed, compatibility with phones and tablets, ease of crawling the resource by search bots, and much more. This makes not only people loyal, but also web robots.

In the article, you got acquainted with the Yandex Webmaster service, learned what it is, how to register and use it to promote sites in search results. Timely diagnostics and a thorough study of all the capabilities of the system will allow you to take your place in the TOP over time.

Welcome to the blog, site. From this article you will learn what kind of profession a webmaster is. With the active development of Internet technologies, today almost every interested user can start running their own website. Of course, this is not easy, even complex, painstaking work that requires a certain amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities. These are exactly what a specialist like a webmaster possesses.

Who is a webmaster and what does he do? What professional qualities should such a person have? Where to learn a profession, what are its pros and cons? We will provide you detailed information answering these questions.

Features of the webmaster profession

Developing websites, virtual resources or applications is a very responsible business. Only an experienced specialist, a true professional who knows how to work with special codes and programs, can cope with it. You can learn this, but it will take certain time.

A webmaster is just such a person. In his professional responsibilities includes the creation of websites, Internet resources, and web applications from scratch. Alternative names professions: website builder, web developer. They all imply the same profession, so such terms should not confuse or confuse you.

Who can become a webmaster?

We have already figured out what a webmaster is. Now let's understand who can quickly master the basics of this difficult profession. Most often, vacancies go to programmers or system administrators, although these criteria are also conditional. If you really want to take the place of such an employee, then you need to undergo special training. But first, decide in which area of ​​web development you want to work.

On a note. To denote the profession of a person who makes websites, the concept of webmaster has recently been used less and less. The fact is that the process of creating, filling, promoting, and designing websites has long been “divided” into several categories. For this reason, many types of professions related to website building have appeared.

Professions related to webmastering

Webmaster is a collective concept that includes several types of professions:

  1. . Such a specialist works with HTML/XHTML codes. In addition, he knows how to operate cascading tables CSS styles.
  2. Web Programmer. What does the webmaster of this profile do? It is this specialist who works with the programs and codes that are necessary to create a website from the very beginning. If you are interested in how to get trained to become a webmaster from scratch, then you should seek help from representatives of this profession. They conduct face-to-face lectures as well as webinars on the Internet. In addition, such professionals publish useful literature that will be interesting and necessary for novice webmasters. But such lessons are not always free, although special books can be found in freely accessible electronic versions that can be downloaded to your computer.
  3. . A specialist in this profile deals with graphic design of websites. Here, the capabilities of the Photoshop program are often used, but not the one that is popular with ordinary users, but a special, professional one.

So, we only briefly examined the question of who a webmaster is and what he does. Now let's study in more detail the main professional responsibilities of such a specialist.

Main responsibilities of a webmaster

Web master is a specialist who performs a number of duties. But for this he must:

  • know the features of operating HTML, CSS;
  • be able to use graphic editors (Photoshop and not only);
  • be able to develop the logical structure of a future website or web application;
  • have an understanding of the operating features of the HTTP network protocol;
  • be able to work with the CGI interface standard;
  • have basic knowledge in the field of Internet marketing and be able to use it in practice;
  • be able to operate the administrative part of the website - CMS. Read more about website engines here

Working as a webmaster takes a while to master. It may take many months for full training and career advancement. But the final result is worth the effort.

What does a web master do?

Previously, we looked at the basic skills, abilities, and knowledge that such a specialist should have. Now let’s take a closer look at the main functional tasks of this employee.

An employee of this profile specializes in:

  • filling the site with content to ensure its promotion (read more about the profession of a content manager here);
  • analysis of website traffic statistics;
  • website design: functionality/usability;
  • website layout;
  • website design;
  • introduction of innovative technologies to the resource;
  • analysis of competitors' activity;
  • creating various useful concepts for resource development;
  • monitoring the operation of the site on the server where it is hosted.

This is not all the features of the webmaster profession. But these are the basic provisions that everyone who wants to work in this specialty needs to know about and prepare for.

Where can I learn a profession, and what are its pros and cons?

If you are interested in the profession in question, then you are probably interested in knowing how to become a webmaster from scratch. You must take into account the fact that no university has such a separate specialty. But there are directions that will help you do this. For example, you can go to study to become a programmer, and then use various training manuals, sign up for trainings, lectures or webinars from experienced webmasters.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other, the webmaster profession has its pros and cons. The main advantages of this work include:

  • the opportunity to continuously earn money, since the services of this professional are in great demand today;
  • the ability to work in any convenient place and at any convenient time;
  • independence from social sentiments;
  • absence of a manager with the exception of clients who can only express their wishes regarding the future design of the resource;
  • decent income;
  • the opportunity to take a vacation at any convenient time.

And there are many other positive aspects.

As for the disadvantages of this profession, they are:

  • the presence of such a personal quality as discipline, which, unfortunately, is not characteristic of all people;
  • dependence of income on the volume of work done;
  • careful and constant monitoring of current market trends.

As you can see, the webmaster profession has more advantages than disadvantages. And another undeniable advantage is that work can be found on freelance exchanges, and there are a huge number of them in the modern virtual space.

We live in an age of high technology, when computerized devices provide human convenience, and the Internet provides access to any type of information.

Just a few generations ago, few would have thought about not doing manual labor. Hard work robbed people of their strength and health. But now the labor market is teeming with vacancies that require mental work.

Naturally, the World Wide Web is not only news, weather and funny pictures. The Internet has long become a place of work for many specialists ( not necessarily in the IT field). However, this article will consider such a profession as a webmaster, namely, what you need to be able to do for it and where you can learn it:

Who are webmasters

If they meet you in a dark alley, they put a knife to your throat and ask “ Who is a webmaster?”, then you can safely say that this is a person who does everything. There are practically no impossible tasks for a webmaster ( in the customer's view), and the main thing is that the activity is related to the creation of the site.

Let's imagine that in some random society of potential customers you called yourself a webmaster. Let's look at the list of requirements that may be presented to you.

  • Design the website. For any novice webmaster, the words “HTML” and “CSS” should be near and dear. In addition to words, you must master the appropriate technologies:

During the work process, the customer will provide you with a finished design that needs to be transferred to web pages. You will be required not only to accurately replicate the layout, but also to correctly display the site in different browsers (cross-browser compatibility).

  • Program any processes on the site. While doing layout, you will not be involved in the development and implementation various algorithms (programming is full of things). Implement user registration, online ordering of goods, optimization of database functioning - all this is work for the webmaster ( well paid job);
  • Design design information resource. In this case, you should understand that the profession of a web designer is quite specific. If you graduated from a higher educational institution, became a certified artist, know everything about the techniques of fine art, this does not mean one bit that you will immediately be able to design appearance sites:

The primary task of a web designer is to make an Internet resource attractive to users ( first of all – understandable, and secondly – ​​stylish). In this case, it is necessary to master the creation tools computer graphics (design on paper is unlikely to interest anyone today).

  • Optimize site content. The information component of any resource is the basis for success among users:

The profession of a webmaster implies the skills of creating texts that are valued not only by visitors, but also search engines. Keyword density, “nausea” and “water” indicators - all this is taken into account and taken into account when creating text for the site. In addition, the title and description of each article plays an important role in SEO optimization of content.

The picture that emerges is that a webmaster is a generalist, a jack of all trades and an expert in any field. Some people position themselves this way when they offer their services on the labor market.

However, in modern conditions, “narrow” specialists who work in a specific area are valued. A reputable customer is unlikely to hire the same person to design a website and write content.

Where do they teach to be a webmaster?

If you do not have sufficient knowledge in web technologies, but have firmly decided that the webmaster profession is suitable for you, then several training options are presented below.

  • Universities. It should be understood that in higher educational institutions there is no such specialty as a webmaster. Training should be perceived as an opportunity to gain basic knowledge ( to make it easier to master in the future specific technologies ). Of course, in addition to the basics of programming, you will learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. However, familiarity with these technologies will be superficial, and the acquired skills will not allow you to immediately engage in the work of a webmaster;
  • Webmaster courses. It is worth noting here that there are various courses, the completion of which can give you certain knowledge and some kind of document on completion of training ( often without any weight). However, IT companies often organize their own courses in order to hire the best ones upon completion of training and internship;
  • Self-education. If you are reading this article, then you are already engaged in self-development and are becoming one step closer to the profession of a webmaster. There is a huge amount of literature ( both English and Russian), video lessons and articles on the Internet that can provide real help to a webmaster. Next we will look at some useful recommendations on self-education.

Help for webmasters

In order to perform the assigned tasks efficiently, any webmaster must have the appropriate tools.

Let's list some of the most necessary programs for webmaster:

  • Browsers. It is impossible to design websites without being able to see the results of your work:

Any self-respecting webmaster should have the most popular browsers in his arsenal ( and a couple of unpopular ones X). Google Chrome , Mozilla Firefox, Opera , Safari , Internet Explorer (with which quite specific problems often arise) should help ensure cross-browser compatibility of the site being developed.

  • Development environments. If we are talking about web programming, then you cannot do without decent editors that allow you to quickly create highly readable code in which it is easy to find and fix errors. As an example, we can cite environments such as Eclipse, Zend Studio, Aptana. Of course, you can write in a regular Notepad, but with large amounts of code this is fraught with enormous confusion;
  • File managers. When you develop a website, you are constantly uploading something to a remote server.

For convenient and fast work with files, programs such as FileZilla and Total Commander are useful.

  • Graphic editor. If you are engaged in web design, then you cannot do without specialized editors:

Of course, you can draw something in Paint, but if “something” does not meet the customer’s requirements, you will have to master webmaster software such as CorelDraw and Photoshop.

  • Programs for working with text. If you are going to create content, then in addition to standard text editors, you will need tools for checking articles for compliance with SEO requirements:

The Advego service has succeeded in this, and many domestic copywriters use its capabilities.

Searching for information on the Internet is usually carried out by entering a query Google, Yandex and the like. However, in certain topics, search engines return the same resources among the first results ( what speaks about their authority). Let's look at some sites that can benefit web resource creators.

A webmaster is a person professionally involved in the development and maintenance of websites.

The webmaster's area of ​​responsibility is the performance of the Internet portal. The specialist must ensure that the site is in order and that traffic is coming to it. And if any problems arise - a decrease in traffic or the site’s inaccessibility, then the specialist must find the problem and solve it.

Often webmasters are freelancers. For a small company that has a simple website, such a person is ideal. His strength is enough to keep the portal working.

However, if we are talking about large projects, then a team will be required - designer, layout designer, etc.

Requirements for webmasters

The webmaster profession does not have a generally accepted list of requirements and rules for a specialist. There is also no clear definition of its tasks. However, unwritten rules arose within the community, according to which a person who considers himself to be in this profession must have the following skills:

  1. Know at least one web programming language, but better understand all the popular ones (PHP, JavaScript, Python).
  2. Working with a standardized document markup language on the Internet.
  3. Ability to style the result using CSS.
  4. Working with the HTTP data transfer protocol.
  5. Basic knowledge of creating and processing drawings in graphic editors.
  6. Development of the website structure, its promotion and maintenance.

A novice webmaster must have basic knowledge to understand what is required of him, since customers cannot always correctly formulate the task. The responsibilities of a specialist usually include the creation of websites for small and medium-sized businesses, their maintenance and promotion on the Internet. To do this, they publish content, set up indexing and improve the site's presentation in results. search results, make changes to the code, change the layout.

How to become a specialist

There are several ways to acquire initial skills for work. First, get busy self-study– the Internet has all the necessary information for this. Secondly, sign up for special courses.

On the Internet it is quite easy to find training materials on programming, the basics of Internet marketing, working in graphic editors, etc. The courses usually provide theoretical and practical work skills. In some cases, certificates are issued indicating completion of training (they do not correspond to the state standard, but are suitable for adding to a specialist’s resume).
To debug, test, develop and maintain existing sites, a specialist must be:

  • A layout designer with knowledge of HTML/XHTML markup languages.
  • A web programmer capable of creating websites and ensuring their functioning.
  • A web designer whose responsibilities include designing the logical structures of the site, correct presentation of visual information and design of the project.

The main clients of the webmaster are website owners, small and medium-sized businesses that need a full-time or temporary employee to support corporate resources.

Very often they create their own project and lead it. This provides them with an additional source of income. Besides, a well-made website is the best proof that a person has certain skills. Clients value and trust such specialists.

Webmaster Tools

To perform assigned tasks, each specialist must have the necessary set of tools. They are used at all stages of work: from the creation and placement of a resource to its maintenance.

Programming is not complete without free integrated application development environments. Each specialist chooses for himself best option, allowing you to create code, analyze and correct errors; hide fragments of edited code or text, leaving only the desired line. The most popular development environments are Zend Studio, NetBeans, GNAT Programming Studio etc.

  1. Files are processed in software, with which the user controls the server.
  2. Artistic and design activities to create a visual component take place in graphic editors.
  3. When filling a site with content, the webmaster uses text editors and servers to check articles for compliance with SEO parameters.

Tools also include browsers. Websites are constructed with their help. Typically used are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

The search engines Yandex and Google offer specialists various tools for assessing site indexing, setting up descriptions and promoting positions in search results. With their help, a novice webmaster will be able to independently create, promote and advertise websites.