Travel tariffs: roaming and intercity MGTS. Long-distance communication from Rostelecom: dialing the correct number Calls from landlines

19.12.2023 Memory cards

When you go on a trip, you want to be able to connect with family and friends. Choosing the optimal tariff for your phone in such cases becomes one of the most important parameters. MTS has taken care of the convenience of subscribers using home tariffs.

A trip around Russia turns into pleasure with tariffs from MTS

"Smart Mini" from MTS in Russia.

The “Smart Mini” package includes the following tariffs:

  1. All incoming calls within Russia are completely free. At the same time, you can communicate with friends and acquaintances for free for as much as 350 minutes a month if they are also MTS or MGTS subscribers.
  2. The tariff for outgoing calls to other operators or to a city number in a given region is only one and a half rubles per minute for the same 350 minutes. The tariff for calls to subscribers of other companies and communication with landline phones in other regions of the country is only 3 rubles per minute.
  3. Communication with subscribers located in other countries is also pleasing with the prices. A call to a friend from the CIS will cost only 29 rubles/min. To one of the European countries - only 49 rubles/min. To other countries of the world – 70 rubles/min.
  4. If you like to communicate via SMS and MMS, then you will be pleased with the prices for these services. For incoming messages of both formats, no money is withdrawn from the MTS or MGTS subscriber. At the same time, the package includes free SMS that can be sent to subscribers in the “home” region.
  5. When communicating with subscribers of different operators in your “home” region, it is worth remembering that an SMS in this case costs 0.50 rubles. For messages to numbers of other Russian operators throughout the country, the cost is 3.80 rubles.
  6. An SMS message to a friend abroad will cost the subscriber 5.25 rubles.
  7. The MMS service is priced at 9.90 rubles per message.
  8. The package includes 2 GB of received and sent Internet connection traffic.

Features of the tariffs of the “Smart NonStop” package

The “Smart NonStop” tariff package gives subscribers more advantages over other operators. Please note the main points of the tariff plan:

  1. All incoming calls are free of charge (regardless of the originating signal location).
  2. The operator provides free communication between MTS and MGTS subscribers for 500 minutes per month.
  3. In Moscow and the region, calls to other operators, as well as landline numbers, are charged at 1.5 rubles/min. (no more than 500 minutes per month).
  4. Communication with numbers of other operators throughout Russia costs 3 rubles/min.

International tariffs and the cost of SMS and MMS messages of the “Smart NonStop” and “Smart Mini” tariffs are absolutely identical. At the same time, the free Internet connection package in the “Smart NonStop” tariff is 20 GB.

Operator services for traveling around the world

No matter where you go, many mobile phone functions can be blocked when you cross a border. MTS has taken care of the convenience of travelers, therefore it provides a number of specialized services:

  1. Easy roaming and international access, allowing you to use the services of partner operators in other countries for free.
  2. Accounting for expenses on an international trip. This service is provided in the form of an SMS message, which is sent to the number when communication costs reach 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 rubles. The feature is completely free.
  3. A separate option “Zero without borders” makes it possible to enjoy a number of discounts on roaming in other countries.
  4. The “Zabugorische” option provides Internet services, but for this you need to connect “International and national roaming”, “GPRS” or “Easy roaming and international access” and “GPRS”.
  5. If you want to communicate via SMS, just spend 250 rubles and you will receive 50 messages for a month that you can send to friends from European countries.
  6. You can send 100 SMS from Europe by paying for the service for only 350 rubles.
  7. When traveling around the world, you can send 50 SMS in 30 days, paying only 500 rubles.
  8. A hundred SMS messages sent from anywhere in the world cost 700 rubles for 30 days.
  9. To be able to use an Internet connection while roaming around the world with discounts, you must activate the “International and National Roaming”, “GPRS” or “Easy Roaming and International Access” and “GPRS” tariffs.

When going on a trip, do not forget to contact the Internet assistant in your MGTS personal account. Here you will find all the data on tariffs and options that will make your trip more comfortable.

The need to use landline phones to communicate with business partners, relatives, friends and just loved ones has not disappeared even in the era of mobile phones. Offices, houses and apartments continue to be equipped with conventional landline telephone systems. To understand how to make long-distance calls, you just need to carefully read the instructions for your telephone.

Calls from landlines

Calls from a landline phone to subscribers located in another city are easy and simple: just dial the number 8, wait for a long network signal, then consecutively, without stopping, dial the area code and the number of the called subscriber. In Russia, the city code consists of three digits. For example, the codes of Moscow are 495 and 499, and the code of Nizhny Novgorod is 831. The codes of small settlements are supplemented with several more digits so that the number of digits in the telephone number and city code is ten.

Various operators

Long-distance communication services in Russia are provided not only by Rostelecom. To determine how to make long-distance calls cheaper, you need to compare the prices of operators. They depend on the distance between subscribers, the costs of a particular operator, the degree of development of the communication system, etc. Concluding an agreement with one of the operators significantly reduces the cost of communication.

International call

In order to connect to a subscriber located abroad, it is not necessary to have access to 8. It is enough to pay and purchase a single payment card. It can be real plastic or virtual. To make a call, you need to dial the number shown on the card, and then follow the instructions of the call center operator or sequentially execute the voice menu commands. In both cases, you will have to dial the PIN code or tell it to the operator, dial or say the number of the called subscriber in international format.

With the advent of various telecom operators providing international and long-distance communication services, intercity tariffs will decrease in accordance with the laws of the market.

Mobile phones are the most convenient and popular communication system. This does not deny the need for home devices, which many citizens still use. From time to time there is a need to call from home to mobile within the city, intercity or abroad.

It is worth noting that the dialing rules are the same for all mobile operators. You dial the code with which domestic numbers begin (+7), the code that is specific to your operator (ХХХ) and (ХХХХХХХ) the subscriber number. Examples of operator codes: 966, 495, 909, 965 for the Beeline mobile system.

For a home device, this dialing order is not suitable due to the absence of a plus sign on the disk or keyboard. Different rules apply here.

Dial rules

Please note that not all home devices can communicate with long-distance calls. The dialing service to numbers starting with 8 can be automatically disabled at the request of the owner of the device.

This often happens in rented apartments, in this way the owner protects himself from possible costs for home telephone services used by the tenants.

The familiar combination for calls within the country (+7) is replaced by (8). She is the one who says that communication goes beyond the scale of urban communication.

  1. Dial order:
  2. We dial (8) - this is the code for communication within the country for landline phones and wait for a long call.
  3. (XXX) The following combination is related to the operator code.

(ХХХХХХХ) number directly.

(8) (965) (222 6632)

Example: the order of dialing numbers to communicate with a Beeline subscriber will look like this:

How to reach Moscow

Moscow is the most popular metropolis, so the question most often arises is how to call a number in Moscow from a home phone. You don't need any special knowledge for this.

In front of you is a recorded familiar mobile number of a partner living in Moscow.

  1. The dialing procedure is as follows:
  2. 8 - waiting for a long beep
  3. XXX three digits indicating the mobile operator

XXXXXXX digits that are inherent in the subscriber number

As you can see, the dialing procedure when calling Moscow follows generally accepted rules.

Call abroad

All calls from your home phone abroad are subject to the same rules. For example, consider an international conversation with a German mobile operator. We first specify the code of the city we need in Germany.

  • Number order
  • (8) - a code that indicates that negotiations are moving to communication between cities, we expect a long beep.
  • (10) - code indicating access to international communications.
  • (49) - code assigned to Germany.
  • area code in Germany.

German operator code.

As you noticed, all international calls begin with the combination (8) (10).

  • Easy to remember:
  • (8) - going outside the city,

Tip: for a high-quality connection, you need to dial the entire combination at approximately the same speed. It is best to have the required sequence written down on a piece of paper in front of you while typing.

All of the above rules show that making any calls from landline home phones is not at all difficult.

    Appendix No. 1. Values ​​of selection codes for long-distance and international telephone operators Appendix No. 2. Values ​​of selection codes for long-distance and international telephone operators Appendix No. 3. Values ​​of selection codes for long-distance and international telephone operators

Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2010 N 46
"On the assignment of selection codes for long-distance and international telephone network operators"

With changes and additions from:

In order to ensure the right of a subscriber of a fixed telephone network to choose an operator providing long-distance and international telephone services, as well as on the basis of clause 8 of the Rules for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2004. N 350 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 29, Art. 3056; 2006, N 2, Art. 195; 2007, N 28, Art. 3440; 2007, N 41, Art. 4902; 2008, N 42, Art. 4832), and Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2008 N 117 “On approval of the Requirements for the provision of communication services in terms of establishing a dialing format for selecting a telecom operator providing long-distance and international telephone services using the automatic method of establishing a telephone number. connections" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 12, 2009, registration N 13318) (hereinafter referred to as Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia N 117) I order:

1. To ensure access for subscribers (users of communication services) to long-distance and international telephone services, assign selection codes for long-distance and international telephone network operators in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

2. Make the transition to using the dialing format established by Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia N 117 when providing long-distance and international telephone services as local and intra-zonal telephone operators create the technical and organizational ability to implement this format on their networks, but no later than January 1 2013. The stages of transition are determined by the telecom operator independently as technical capabilities become available.

3. If it is not technically possible to use the dialing format established by Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia N 117, during the period before January 1, 2013, use the dialing format, selection codes for long-distance and international telephone operators and the category values ​​of the terminal element of the communication network in accordance with Appendix N 2 and Appendix No. 3.

4. The values ​​of long-distance and international communication operator selection codes 10, 52, 54, 56, 58, 26, 27, 28 can be assigned no earlier than January 1, 2018.

5. Send this order to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for state registration.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation N.S. Mardera.

Registration N 16900

Access codes have been assigned for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services. The list of operators includes 15 companies (initially - 8). Among them are Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, MegaFon, VimpelCom, Rostelecom.

At the end of 2008, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia approved the dialing format for long-distance and international telephone connections. First, the national prefix (8), access code (15) and the telecom operator network selection code from 00 to 99 are dialed. Then, for a long-distance connection, the national prefix (8) and telephone number are dialed, and for an international connection, the international prefix and telephone number are dialed.

Operators need to switch to this format no later than January 1, 2013. If it is not technically possible, then you can use the previous dialing format and selection codes for long-distance and international telephone operators (provided in the appendix).

The values ​​of long-distance and international communication operator selection codes “10”, “52”, “54”, “56”, “58”, “26”, “27”, “28” can be assigned no earlier than January 1, 2018.

Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2010 N 46 "On the assignment of selection codes for long-distance and international telephone network operators"