Restore Windows 7 system rollback. Reverting the system from safe mode. How to create a restore point in Windows and perform a system rollback

20.12.2019 Memory cards

Microsoft programmers have provided a convenient opportunity to roll back Windows 7 to the state before the day of the failure.

In what cases is it necessary to roll back Windows 7?

This is a last resort, because... refers to the way the system is debugged. Performed in cases of incorrect installation of applications that led to Windows failure. It often happens that you need to roll back the entire OS due to failures in only one specific software, which does not directly affect the functioning of Windows 7 as a whole, but is a very important utility for the user.

An example of such a program would be a license office, which is required for the daily work of the computer owner and, moreover, the purchase of which was spent financial resources. There can be many such examples. Rolling back Windows will entail returning all software to initial state, as it was on the day the restore point was created. The system rollback procedure is not difficult to do, and it does not take a significant amount of time.

The essence of the OS recovery procedure

The rollback principle is based on the operating system creating special restore points. To roll back, the computer owner needs to take several simple sequential steps described below. Carrying out the procedure is not difficult.

Restore points

This is what the saved versions of Windows were called. This process is carried out during the normal functioning of the operating system, which stores its state in memory during normal operation and makes a mark in order to return to it when errors occur.

Step-by-step OS recovery guide

The process does not require the use of specially installed individual applications, since the entire procedure is carried out using Windows tools 7.

Where to begin?

You will need to do the following:

How to choose a restore point?

After completing the initial four steps, you will see special menu for the user to determine the OS restore point. In this menu, the algorithm for performing actions is as follows:

When performing the procedure Windows rollback 7 It is not allowed to turn off or restart the PC, otherwise it will lead to permanent deletion all information from system partition, because You may have to completely reinstall the OS.


Using the above guide, rolling back the OS will not be difficult even inexperienced user. If the computer owner is not able to do the above steps on his own, then it is recommended to contact customer service.

It should be noted that there is no strict sequence of necessary steps that must be taken when there are no OS restore points. But, when the reason lies in the incorrect functioning of the drivers, it makes sense to take advantage of the opportunity to switch to the latest working version when starting the operating system.

Surely each of you has encountered a situation when the operating system of your PC suddenly began to glitch or stopped working altogether. This happens by various reasons: consequences of viruses, system errors, failures that occur when the PC is turned off incorrectly, etc. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is the process of reinstalling the OS, as well as the likelihood of complete loss of personal data. To avoid this, every self-respecting PC user should know how to perform a system restore on Windows 7.

Before proceeding directly to the recovery process, it is perhaps worth explaining to those who are not yet aware of what it is all about. From time to time, your system automatically makes a kind of self-save, which is stored in a compressed format. When you have certain problems with it, you can use the recovery function and load this same save, thereby returning the files to the state in which they were at the time of its creation.

Simply put, you roll back all system files to a few days, weeks or months ago (depending on when the system was created). last point recovery), allowing you to return to the moment when there were no problems with your computer and prevent them from occurring. Unfortunately, all files that were downloaded, installed or created on your PC during this time will disappear. But you will be able to save everything that was on the computer at the time of saving.

How to perform a system restore on Windows 7 using the system utility

The easiest option to recover data from the Windows 7 operating system is to use system utility, built into it. Here's how to do it:

This recovery option is the simplest, however, it has one significant drawback– it can only be used if your computer is functioning normally. You will learn further about how to roll back a Windows 7 system if you cannot boot your computer normally.

Reverting the system from safe mode

If the system files on your PC are so damaged that it is impossible to boot it normally, you can try starting Safe Mode and rolling back from it. How to do it? The first thing you need to do is, of course, turn on the system in safe mode. Usually when damaged system files The computer automatically prompts you to sign in to Safe Mode at startup. But if this does not happen for you, then immediately after turning on the PC you should click on “ F8”, after which the options will definitely appear on your screen. Then everything is done as in the previous instructions.

As you can see this method not much more complicated than the previous one, and differs by only one action. Of course, it is also not always possible to start the system in safe mode, and therefore there is a way to restore the system on Windows 7 without directly starting it.

Restoring the OS via BIOS

This method should be used only as a last resort, as it is quite complex and requires a pre-created boot disk. If you don’t have this, then you won’t be able to restore the system on Win 7 through the BIOS.

If you have it, then here's what you need to do:

This method, if you have a prepared disk, will allow you to reliably return your system to working condition.

The easiest way to restore the system on Windows 7: video

As you can see, restoring the system is no more difficult than reinstalling it again, but it is certainly much more convenient. This way, you can keep all your data and files virtually untouched. Therefore, every user should know how to perform a system restore on Windows 7. And of course, don’t forget about creating timely restore points (except automatic ones).

System Restore is useful tool, which is equipped with all versions of the Windows operating system with a graphical window interface. It allows you to roll back (return) the state of system files to one of the previous snapshots (OS states), saved as so-called restore points.

The mechanism by which system recovery works is as follows: the user or operating system creates a rollback (restore) point, which stores copies of critical system files, such as files Windows registry. By default, the operating system creates restore points when performing all actions that affect important system data in one way or another, for example, during the installation or removal of applications and drivers.

In one of our articles we already talked about. Today we will look at ways in which you can roll back your Windows 7 system if problems arise.

How to restore Windows 7?

This Windows 7 rollback method is suitable for cases when, after installing/uninstalling an application or driver for any hardware component of your computer, the operating system starts, but refuses to work normally, produces errors, slows down, etc. The main thing is that it boots and made it possible to launch the recovery tool.

  1. Windows 7 system recovery begins by launching the appropriate tool using one of the following methods.

Recovering Windows 7 via Start

  • We go to “Start” and begin to enter “recovery” into it search bar.

  • In the list of results displayed, click on the “System Restore” option.

How to roll back a Windows 7 system via the “Run” line?

We call the line for executing system commands using the key combination “Ctrl + R”, enter the command “rstrui.exe” into it and confirm its execution by pressing “Enter”.

In the “System Restore” window that opens, we get acquainted with the information about the procedure, where it is noted that the rollback Windows status before one of the previous ones will in no way affect your personal files.

  1. In the window that appears, click “Next”.

  1. Select the one you need control point mouse cursor and click “Ok” or “Enter”.

When choosing a rollback point, be guided by their names and date/time of creation.

  1. Choose system disk and confirm the operation by clicking on the “Finish” button.

4. In the confirmation dialog box, we agree to make changes, which can be canceled by clicking “Yes”.

After the system is restored and restarted, a window will appear with information about the successful completion of the operation.

  1. We close it by clicking on a single key or cross.

If the suggested method does not fix the problem, try selecting an earlier restore point.

Loading Last Known Known Configuration

This method of rolling back the Windows 7 operating system is the simplest and is based on the fact that in its system registry Data about the last successful boot of the operating system is stored. It should be enabled if the computer refuses to boot, making it impossible to launch the System Restore tool.

  1. Restart the computer and press the “F8” key immediately after BIOS boot.

We get to the menu additional parameters starting the operating system.

  1. In it, move to the “Last Known Good Configuration” option using the block of keyboard cursor keys and press “Enter”.

If the problem is not solved by this method, move on to the next one.

Recovering Windows 7 after a critical crash

Restoring the Windows 7 operating system from safe mode starts with restarting the computer.

1. Immediately after loading its BIOS, press “F8”.

2. In the window that appears with a black background, select “Safe Mode” to boot and wait until the operating system loads completely.

We launch the System Restore tool to roll back Windows 7 to one of its previous states.

3. Go to “Start” and start writing “recovery” in its text search bar. In the search results, stop at the desired option and click on it with the left mouse button.

4. Select the “Select another restore point” option and click “Next”.

5. Select the desired system rollback point and click “Next”.

6. In the next window, simply click “Finish”.

7. In the warning window, we agree to make changes that cannot be undone.

8. Confirm the operation by clicking “Finish”.

After this, the computer will restart in normal mode and will function if the selected restore point was made before the problem occurred.

Flash drive or boot disk for Windows 7 recovery

This mode Windows recovery is the most effective and allows you to return it to work, even when all previous methods are powerless.

  • We insert installation disk with the same version of the operating system that needs to be restored.
  • We boot from a disk or flash drive by pressing a key that brings up a dialog for selecting a boot source after loading the BIOS (usually the “F9” or “F11” key).
  • If you have multi boot disk/flash drive, select the installation option for your edition of Windows.
  • Next, click “System Restore”.

Today we decided to deal with the question: “How to roll back Windows 7?” Several options will be considered. Perhaps every user should definitely know how to produce fast recovery systems, because even cases may arise when professional specialist in the field of computer technology simply will not be able to determine what reason led to failures in the personal computer system. And therefore it is extremely difficult to fix a specific problem. However, Microsoft developers took care of their Windows system. In it, for certain cases, there is special function, which is called system rollback to certain point, so far there have been no problems with the operating system.


So, let's now talk a little about in what cases it is necessary to resort to extreme measures, or rather, restore the operating system, as well as how to roll back Windows system 7. We decided to bring you right away clear example, this way you will probably be able to understand everything much better. For example, at one point the user simply refused to work office program Microsoft Office Word. It was there that an incomprehensible failure occurred. Let's assume that the program was licensed, and the user needed it to work. In this case, it is not difficult to guess that the user loses not only comfortable working conditions, but also the money that was spent on purchasing this licensed program. At first, fear may indeed appear, since the owner simply does not have the knowledge of what to do in such a situation, or special skills. In order to restore the program and put it back into working mode, you will need to figure out how to roll back Windows 7. After you restore the operating system, the office program should work normally again. From this we can conclude that it is worth doing not only when you installed something incorrectly, but also in our given case. If some necessary and very important program for you has crashed and simply stopped working, then restoring the operating system will definitely help you solve this problem, and such an action will not require a lot of time.

Let's now move on to an overview of the principle on which operating system rollback works. Surely many people will be interested in knowing such information. In fact, the whole principle is very simple. Your operating system produces special restore points. We will now look at what these points are. We will also consider the question of how to roll back Windows 7, if not


We have given a conditional name under points, since a recovery point can generally be equated to a saved copy of the operating system. Saving such a plan occurs at a time when your operating system is working stably and without various types of errors. More precisely, it can be expressed that your system independently remembers its stable operating state and creates a note for itself so that in case of errors it can return to the time when the save occurred. Surely you were able to grasp this, since there is actually nothing complicated here. Although after the above answer you may have another, no less interest Ask: "How to roll back Windows 7 a day, and where is this copy stored?" Right away I would like to note the point that the operating system can create several such points, or rather copies. Let's now figure out where all the copies are located, and how they can fit if the amount of memory is not noticeable. The question is actually logical and very interesting, let’s talk about it in more detail now.

To the past...

In order to analyze this issue in detail, you will need to go back to the time when you just installed a new operating system on your computer. In most cases, users prefer to separate their HDD into two sectors (if you have only one partition, then you definitely need to split it, however, this is done using a special program). You will need one disk exclusively for the operating system, as well as programs that will be installed later, and the second disk will be needed for everything else that you plan to store on the computer, for example, these could be games, music, movies, photos, and so on. If you paid attention to disk space, then you probably might have noticed that several gigabytes disappear without a trace immediately after installing the operating system. For example, when purchasing a personal computer, the seller stated that the hard drive has 250 gigabytes. If you calculate how much space there is on the disks in general, then it turns out that several gigabytes are missing. They are exactly what is needed for backup copies, as we mentioned earlier, and there can be several such backups at once.

On practice

So, we’ve figured out how to roll back Windows 7 and what it is. Let's now begin the practical exercises. Now we will show you how to roll back Windows version 7. Remember that you do not need to use any additional programs, everything is done exclusively using standard parameters.


First of all, you need to go to the Start menu, then select the “All Programs” tab. After going to this tab, you will need to find the “Standard” folder and open it.

Now you need to find another folder called “Service”, it is located almost at the very bottom. After you have opened this folder, you can find the “System Restore” item that interests us, then click on it.

A small window should appear on your screen, prompting you to start restoring the operating system. However, if you have an activated version of the OS, then this window will automatically load and disappear, and instead a new program window will open, where you should click the “Next” button.

Where to start?

Now you should see a new window open where you can independently select a restore point for the operating system. Be sure to pay attention to the date. By the way, if you want to see all the restore points that are present on your personal computer, then you should click on the “Show other restore points” tab. However, as you can understand, the question is how to roll back Windows updates 7 is very simple, and if you pay attention to it, then no difficulties should arise. The most important thing is that you carry out all the processes carefully and slowly, so you will not make mistakes. When you have finally decided on the operating system restore point, you need to left-click on it, and then click the “Next” button, which is located at the bottom of the program window. Now a new window will open in front of you. Your task is to click on the “Done” button. Then a new window should appear in front of you, which contains a special warning that it will simply be impossible to interrupt the operating system recovery process until it is completely finished. If you agree to these terms and conditions, then you should click the “Yes” button.

It is important!

Be sure to remember that during system recovery you should not interrupt it or restart the computer under any circumstances. In this way, you can create irreversible consequences and, accordingly, you will simply need to reinstall the operating system. In this case, you will also lose all your data that was stored on the disk with the operating system.

Summing up

With this, the question of how to roll back Windows 7 was completely resolved. Surely this information will help you solve your problem. However, if you don’t know how to roll back Windows 7 or are simply afraid to do it yourself, then contact a specialist. We also emphasize that there is no specific method for rolling back the system without pre-created restore points. However, if the problem is related to problems with the drivers, you can try going to the last known known configuration while loading the OS.

So, you bought a computer and decided to immediately try it out. But then suddenly some kind of problem occurs and the system stops starting. This is where the question comes to mind: “How to do it on Windows 7?” The answer is quite simple. But first, let's talk about when it's actually necessary to perform and why it might be required.

Why does this happen?

In general, there are many reasons for all kinds of failures that may require a rollback of Windows 7. Let's look at the most common of them.

The first is the user's "crookedness". Particularly curious people love to dig into the Windows folder, which stores system data. If you remove them or somehow fix them, then the first time you reboot the computer will stop working.

The second is viruses. They are usually main reason the question arises: on "Windows 7"? "Various Trojans and worms penetrate your operating system and "clean up" Windows folder. Therefore, you need to be careful when using the Internet.

System tools

The first way to answer the question: “How to roll back the system to Windows 7?” - This is recovery using system means. Typically, this method works well when viruses have not damaged important system files.

Before you roll back Windows 7, check your computer for viruses. If there are any, it is best to clean the system and only then get down to business. When the process is complete, recovery can be carried out.

To answer the question of how to perform a system rollback in Windows 7, go to the Start menu. There, find "Standards". Go to the "Service" tab. All you need to do next is select Windows 7." Now a window should pop up in which you will need to select the date to roll back to. Click "Next" and wait until the computer reboots.

So that you can do this process, you need to take care in advance that your system creates By default, this feature is enabled. You can use special programs, which allow you to make these points yourself.


In order to fully understand how to roll back the system to Windows 7, let's continue our study. Sometimes there are cases when system tools turn out to be useless. More precisely, the computer does not even log into the OS. Then special resuscitation disks come to the rescue.

If you cannot log into the system, then you will need any LIVE CD or a so-called resuscitator. Turn on your computer and insert the media. In the BIOS, set the loading of the first stage - “reading CD-Rom”. Next, it will be easy for you to figure out how to roll back the system to Windows 7.

You will just need to follow the instructions that appear after launch. You will see a window in which you will be given a choice of the date to which the “OS” will be rolled back. Once the day is selected, just wait for the process to complete. You can use your computer again.


So, if you are still wondering how to roll back the system to Windows 7, you can try another method. To do this, you will need an installation disk with the operating system.

Insert the disc and run the usual installation. Once you see the welcome window, pay attention to the inscriptions in the lower left corner. There is a small line there that you will need. It's called "System Restore".

Click on the inscription and a long menu will open in front of you. It will offer you different ways kickbacks. In order to successfully complete the case, you will need to "Restore using previous system states." Click on the "Next" button. A window will appear in which, as usual, you need to select the date to which the OS will roll back. The computer may restart several times. Eventually, you will be able to use your computer again.


But there is also an extreme method of dealing with computer failures. The fact is that all recovery tools work properly until something really serious happens to your system. In case of major damage or viruses, only extreme methods will help. This is a system reinstallation.

In order to reinstall the operating system, first of all, get the installation disk. You can download it or buy it in the store. After this, you need to set the BIOS to boot from disk. Insert the media into your computer and then reboot.

Wait for the initial window to load. Here you can select "Recovery" and "Reinstallation". If the first option does not help, choose the second. Next, select the “construction” method: clean install and on top old system. It is best to choose a clean one. It will help save space and remove viruses. Next, select the disk where the OS will be installed and start the installation. Wait for it to complete. Attention, the computer will reboot about 3 times during the process!