State automated system of the Russian Federation “Elections. Key areas of development. · Supervisory authority

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The purpose of studying the topic is the relationships associated with the use of the State Automated System in the electoral process Russian Federation"Elections".

Having studied topic 7, the student should know:

mechanism for using the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections” in the electoral process.

analyze the functioning of information technologies in the electoral process, the organization of the work of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections”.

to get skills:

working with regulations governing the use of GAS “Elections” in order to obtain relevant information about the progress of elections; through the State Automated System “Elections”, the use of analytical data on the electoral process in the training course and real electoral practice.

focus on the concepts:

information Technology, State automated system of the Russian Federation "Elections", system resources, multi-channel information structure, national voter registration (accounting) system, system administrator, confidential information, a set of automation systems, functional sets of tasks, the procedure for posting GAS "Elections" data on the Internet, on-mode line, information resource, information protection, information security.

Information technologies in the electoral process. 7.2.

The concept of GAS “Elections”. 7.3.

Regulatory basis for the functioning of the State Automated System “Elections” 7.4.

Formation of the State Automated System “Elections”. 7.5.

Functions of the State Automated System “Elections”. 7.6.

Organizational and technological parameters of the State Automated System “Elections”. 7.7.

Financing of the State Automated System “Elections”. 7.8.

Control over the use of automation tools in the electoral process. 7.9.

Providing on-line mode. 7.10.

The procedure for posting GAS “Elections” data on the Internet.

They are playing an increasingly important role in Russian electoral law. modern technologies, especially in improving the electoral process. Among them is the use of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections”. Currently, the work of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections” (hereinafter referred to as the State Automated System “Elections”) is regulated by more than 150 different legal acts: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the federation .

This information system, on the one hand, is the largest geographically distributed multi-level automated system, which is used to automate information processes and support the activities of election commissions during the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums. On the other hand, this is an objective database of the information society, ensuring democracy, guaranteeing every citizen prompt and reliable receipt of data on the preparation and conduct of elections.

When studying the influence of the State Automated System “Elections” on information and legal The space is affected by several branches of legal science, and in many ways the norms regulating the functioning of the State Automated System “Elections” have a dual sectoral nature. The adopted law on the State Automated System “Elections”1 is the first comprehensive legal

Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 20-FZ “On the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections”” // SZ RF. 2003. No. 2. Art. 172.

196 act of the highest legal force regulating the issues of automation and information support systems during the election campaign.

The adoption of the law was the result of ten years of work159 related to the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1994 No. 1723 “On the development and creation of the state automated system of the Russian Federation “Elections”160. The society received a universal tool for monitoring the progress of the preparation and conduct of elections using computer technology.

GAS “Elections” was created along with the formation of the electoral power system itself on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, taking into account Presidential Decree No. 1400 “On step-by-step constitutional reform”161 the first provisions on the elections of deputies of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia162, as well as the first Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights” of 19945. It was then that the concept of GAS “Elections” took shape, its regulatory support and direct development, the creation of GAS “Elections”, including the first experimental and experimental use of individual elements of the system in the by-elections of a State Duma deputy in the Mytishchi single-mandate electoral district No. 109 back on October 30, 1994 and in the federal elections of State Duma deputies on December 17, 1995.

Today, the development of the State Automated System “Elections”, as already noted, takes place on the basis of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 20-FZ “On the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections” and taking into account the long-term plan for improving the system. Work is underway to convert data from all automation systems. old version systems into a single database of GAS "Elections", transfer of data from GAS "Elections" to channels digital communications, the use of system resources together with the Government of the Russian Federation in solving problems not related to elections, including on a competitive basis.

The official consolidation of the idea of ​​​​using the GAS “Elections” took place in the developed Concept for the creation of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections”, approved by the Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on July 12, 1994 “On proposals for the implementation of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections”163. The general customer of the GAS “Elections” was the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (clause 3), which was later enshrined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1994 “On the development and creation of the state automated system of the Russian Federation “Elections”164 (clause 2). The use of GAS “Elections” has become one of the guarantees for the implementation of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of ensuring transparency, reliability, efficiency and complete information about elections165.

However, it is worth noting that the country’s public had an ambivalent reaction to the development of the State Automated System “Elections”166. On the one hand, everyone understood the need to introduce the system in conditions of a significantly increased volume of information processed during the election campaign and referendums. On the other hand, lawyers, political scientists, specialists and the public have wondered to what extent this system will ensure the reliability of the voting results, despite the fact that the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation immediately oriented the public towards transparency and controllability of both the development and implementation of the system and its functioning.

Therefore, publications sometimes appeared in the press in which the authors claimed that the work of the State Automated System “Elections” system is closed to access outside observers and that it is only formally controlled by the Central Election Commission, that these systems are superficial and give practically no idea about the course of the elections and there is no way to verify their reliability.

However, the concept of the State Automated System “Elections” provided for the creation of a hierarchical multi-level and multi-channel information structure within the framework of the current system of election commissions in the Russian Federation. Russian embassies and consulates general were equipped with automation systems. By 1997, for example, this had been done in 40 of them167. The technical resources of the State Automated System “Elections” are used to conduct sociological studies of the state and dynamics of electoral culture and voter activity.

Important for the formation of the State Automated System “Elections” was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1995 No. 227 “On ensuring the creation, operation and development of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections”168. It solved important problems related to material support, including the provision of office space on a free rental basis for the installation of software and hardware systems of the State Automated System “Elections” and staffing of the system. In addition, specific deadlines were established for the preparation of information for compiling voter lists as of July 1, 1995, i.e. the organization of the Nationwide Voter Registration System received approval.

An important place was given to the legal training of organizers of the electoral process on the organizational and technological foundations of the electoral process at all its stages and levels, including the implementation of the State Automated System “Elections”. The same training was carried out during the operation of the State Automated System “Elections” in regional and local elections, special attention was paid to training in methods of legal protection of this system, organizational connection of all links of the technological process and control over all operations, primarily in the registration of voters and determination of voting results. Since 1995, the system of election commissions has introduced the position of system administrator as an official servicing the software and hardware complex of the automated system. Provisions were developed on the level of qualification requirements, the responsibilities of a system administrator, his rights, on the procedure for approving job descriptions of a system administrator, and also established measures of responsibility for improper performance of one’s duties, for violation of the procedure for the safety of received information and, most importantly, for its reliability , as well as for the preservation of software and technical means.

Personal data about voters located in the State Automated System “Elections” database belonged to the category confidential information. The voter had the right to access documented information only about himself.

In the mid-90s, under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the Federal Center for Informatization began to be created for organizational, information and methodological support GAS "Elections". The federally owned property complex of the GAS “Elections” system was transferred to the operational management of the created Federal Center. FCI was a state institution, had an independent balance sheet, had separate property, had current and other accounts in banking institutions, a seal and forms with its name, and could also act as a plaintiff and defendant in court, in its own name enter into agreements, contracts, acquire and carry out property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be liable for their obligations with the funds at their disposal.

The lead contractor for the creation of the first stage of the State System of Elections was the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific Research Institute Voskhod. In development of a special software JSC Lanit-System, JSC Argussoft Company, 27th Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Palmintech LLC took part in the event. Factor-TS LLC, Dialog-Nauka CJSC, NIP Informzashchita CJSC and some others took part in the development of general software and hardware169. On December 17, 1995, at the federal elections of deputies of the State Duma of the second convocation, the GAS “Elections” system was used for the first time. By Election Day, about three thousand GAS “Election” terminals were equipped and installed in territorial election commissions in most regions of Russia. 87 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were equipped with complex automation equipment. 79 subjects of the Federation ensured the collection and transmission of information through the State Automated System “Elections”, the rest transmitted information in the traditional way. An information board was installed in the building of the Federation Council on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, to which preliminary information received from the regions about voter activity and preliminary voting results was transmitted in an operational visual mode170.

The system was created in as soon as possible. According to the chief designer of the GAS “Elections” Yu.S. Lomova, “Few people believed that such a task was feasible in principle, because in two years it was necessary to construct a system of analogues that did not exist in the world. The uniqueness of the system lay, in particular, in the fact that it was designed not only as an electronic counter of votes, but also as a controller for the correctness of their counting, and in accordance with the norms of election legislation”171.

The GAS “Elections” was put into trial operation in 1996. The special software - functional complexes of tasks (FKZ) - was gradually refined. Considerable attention was paid to improving the system for holding elections to government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and to local self-government bodies. The FKZ implemented on the automation systems of the State Automated System “Elections” made it possible to ensure multi-level conduct of elections.

Implemented as a set of automation systems (ASS), deployed in the information centers of election commissions and interconnected by switched and dedicated communication channels and personnel ensuring the operation of these complexes, the system operated at three levels:

KSA of the Central Election Commission, KSA of information centers of election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (88, except for the Chechen Republic) and KSA at information centers of territorial election commissions (2715). To automate the processes of information processing during voting, the following federal laws were developed: “Voter”, “Territory”, “Candidate”, “Cartography”, “Results”. To control the use of automation tools, a special group (control group) was formed in each election commission from among the members of the commission with the right of decisive and advisory vote. But it is worth noting that important principle It was not possible to maintain the functioning of the State Automated System “Elections” “one KSA per election commission”.

Sometimes up to five district election commissions were served in one electoral commission, so it was necessary to urgently develop a number of organizational and technical measures172.

Much attention was paid to the development and experimental use of the functional set of tasks (FKZ) “Law” and others, for example “Itogi”. In preparation for the elections of the State Duma of the third convocation, a new set of tasks “Financial Control” was developed, which ensured information support process of control of special election funds of candidates173.

Consistent work on developing the functionality of GAS “Elections” led to the improvement of special software (SPO). For example, at the end of 1998, open source software version 5.0 began to be introduced into the system. A new version allowed in one information process carry out all basic work on the preparation and conduct of elections. As statistics show, with the use of regional elections GAS “Elections” systems, 57 (62.6%) out of 91 election campaigns took place in 1997; in 1998 - 68 (94.4%) out of 72; in 1999 - 69 (95.8%) out of 72; in 2000 - 199 (97%) out of 206, which were not combined with the elections of the President of the Russian Federation174. The functioning of the system has shown its ability to provide automation of electoral processes during more complex, combined election campaigns. Attention was drawn to this and appropriate training was provided to members of election commissions. In general, the system operated without failures in receiving and processing information175.

For the 1999/2000 election campaigns. special software was finalized, including the FKZ GAS “Elections”: “Territory”, “Planning”, “Candidate/Deputy”, “Results”, version 5.1, which received a certificate from the State Standard of Russia. In order to improve work Email the software version of the Dionysus hosts was replaced, etc.

It should be noted that the activities carried out allowed us to effectively and efficiently obtain relevant information. All parts of the State Automated System “Elections” worked as usual. The data, after being received by the KSA of the CEC of Russia, was presented to the FCI “Elections”, to the highest government bodies and to the international Internet on the websites of the CEC of Russia (where information on the preliminary election results was updated online every hour, starting from 23:00 on March 26, 2000 until 15:00 the next day). In each case, more than 10 thousand documents containing information about the preliminary election results with cumulative totals were converted. At that time, more than 10.5 thousand files were posted on the website of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in the section “Final election results”2.

In May 2000, by an act of the state commission, the State Automated System “Elections” was put into permanent operation3.

At the same time, today some publications are again returning to the problem of possible election fraud. For example, regulations provide only a general idea of ​​the State Automated System “Elections”, the documents do not form a coherent system of norms, and public control over the automated processing of results is significantly difficult.176. Other researchers note that such judgments mislead voters and convey the idea that the voting results are supposedly predetermined and do not depend on the will of voters177.

Eight years of experience in operating the GAS “Elections” (1995) showed the complete absence of possibilities for falsifying election results by the system itself. During this entire period, as the designer of the State Automated System “Elections” noted, there were not even lawsuits of this kind in the courts. The developers completely excluded, and therefore did not implement, the possibility of correcting data in the computers of territorial and district election commissions by higher commissions and the Federal Center for Informatization under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation178.

It is worth noting that detailed parameters for the development of the system, its operation and means of monitoring its use were given in fundamental textbooks that were published under the auspices of the Central Election Commission179 and could serve as a guide for well-known researchers in presenting the relevant material.

On modern stage the system was refined and modified (it was reported back in 2000180) and which now became known as the GAS “Vybory-M”. The modernized system has new functional and operational capabilities that make it possible to display data on the progress and results of voting for each polling station; the volume of transmitted data has been expanded; the speed of information transmission and processing has been increased; a digital communications subsystem and a subsystem have been created information security, a secure Internet portal, video conferencing subsystems, display and presentation of information to the Internet and television and radio companies from the building of the Central Election Commission of Russia.

The system has expanded the capabilities of ensuring openness and transparency in the preparation and conduct of elections, referendums, establishing voting results, determining the results of elections, referendums. For the first time in world practice, information about preliminary voting results is presented to the media in online mode Within 24 hours, protocols of precinct election commissions on voting results are posted on the Internet.

The updated system showed its high efficiency during the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation at the end of 2003 and the elections of the President of the Russian Federation in March 2004.

Meanwhile, issues of the work of the State Automated System “Elections” and its regulatory framework continued to be an important area of ​​work of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the FCI of the Russian Federation181. As noted by A.A. Veshnyakov at a meeting of the chairmen of election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on August 26, 2003, 97% of the automation systems were fully equipped with the technical means of the modernized GAS “Elections” and their deployment was fully completed in 81 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 46 terrestrial digital communication channels have been laid, of which 15 are already connected. Work is underway to organize 16 space communication channels, which will be used for the first time in Russia182.

On September 12, 2003, the Procedure for posting GAS “Elections” data on the Internet was approved, where, together with general provisions, regulated the procedure for posting information on the Internet, mandatory information for posting on the website of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, in sections of the websites of election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and approved the addresses of their websites in the Internet portal of the Central Election Commission of Russia183.

With the entry into force of the Federal Law “On the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections””, the system legally acquired the status of a federal automated information system.

The modernized GAS elections made it possible to conduct the 2003 election campaign even more successfully. 105 thousand units of equipment were supplied to the constituent entities of the federation. Four months before the elections, 3 thousand system administrators were retrained, and before that (from February to November) they received full-time training on new special software: 3029 - in service centers, 162 - at the Voskhod Research Institute. This was the largest information project in Europe. By creating a unified database at all objects of the State Automated System “Elections”, expanding the volume of transmitted data (for example, for the set of tasks “Control of Electoral Funds - by 100 times, the task for “Results” - by 30 times), increasing the transmission speed by 45 times and information processing, for the first time in world practice, fundamentally new solutions were implemented184.

It is worth noting the significant development of the regulatory framework of the State Automated System “Elections”. Together with the Federal Law “On the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Elections”185” adopted in 2003, it consists of the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of October 10, 1995 No. 2-FKZ “On the referendum of the Russian Federation” (Article 39)186; Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2002 No. 67-FZ “On the basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” (Article 74)187; Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2003 No. 19-FZ “On the elections of the President of the Russian Federation” (Article 80)188; Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2002 No. 175-FZ “On the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” (Article 90)189. As you know, a new Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2005 No. 51-FZ “On the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” was adopted, which regulates the issues of the State Automated System “Elections” (Article 87)190. An important source remains the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of February 20, 1995 No. 24 - Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”191.

The database of the Federal Code of Law "Pravo" of the Central Election Commission of Russia contains in electronic form more than 16 thousand legislative and other regulatory legal acts. Of these, 3.5 thousand are federal acts, including resolutions of the Central Election Commission of Russia, and 12.5 thousand are regional: constitutions of republics, charters of territories, regions, autonomous districts, laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums , court decisions in constituent entities of the Russian Federation in cases of election disputes, resolutions of election commissions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, resolutions of district and territorial election commissions.

During the preparation and conduct of the 2003/2004 election campaigns. Much attention was paid to the issues of ensuring the protection and information security of the State Automated System “Elections”. The main threats to the information security of GAS “Elections” were the disclosure, leakage and disclosure of confidential information, unauthorized disruption of the system, violation of integrity associated with the destruction, substitution and modification of information, violation of the rules for limiting access to information, software and hardware resources192.

And yet, the scale of computer attacks on the State Automated System “Elections” was amazing. As noted by A.A. Veshnyakov, the measures taken to ensure the security of information of the State Automated System “Elections” made it possible only on election days to repel 1,800 computer attacks on the Internet complex, 20% of which were launched from abroad193.

The work of the GAS “Elections” system during the period of summarizing the voting results received a positive assessment in the report of the OSCE/ODIHR Mission, which monitored the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 7, 2003. In particular, it was noted that electronic system vote counting, the State Automated System “Elections” worked efficiently and made it possible to publish preliminary results within 24 hours after the polling stations closed. International observers received comprehensive information about the State Automated System “Elections” and visited the control room of the State Automated System “Elections” during the period of summing up the voting results194.

When studying topic No. 7 you must:

Work with legislative acts: , , , ,

Volkova O.N. Use of the State Automated System “Elections” //NTI. Organization and methodology information work. 1996. No. 8. (Ser. 1).

State automated system of the Russian Federation “Elections”: Development, use in election campaigns of 1995 - 2001. Development prospects. - M., 2002.

Kopylov V.A. Information law: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Lawyer, 1997. Control test 1.

In what year did the development of the GAS “Elections” system begin?

A. in 1985;

b. in 1990;

V. in 1994;

in 1997;

d. in 2000;

e. in 2003 2.

Technical resources of the State Automated System “Elections” are used:

A. during elections;

b. when conducting sociological research;

V. for voter registration;

d. to study voter activity;

d. in other branches of law;

e. primarily during elections, and can also be used in other areas and branches of law. 3.

An official servicing the software and hardware complex of an automated system:

A. operator;

b. engineer;

V. service technician;

d. member of the election commission;

d. system administrator;

e. expert;

and. information instructor. 4.

Information on the preliminary election results is updated online on the website of the Russian Central Election Commission:

A. every minute;

b. in 5 minutes;

V. at 15 minutes;

in 30 minutes;

d. every hour;

e. every 2 hours;

and. every 3 hours.

The complex for processing ballot papers (KOIP) is:

A. control system; 6.

financing system;

V. corporate information resource;

d. ballot paper processing system;

d. a set of technical means for displaying information.

Test questions 1.

What regulations regulate the functioning of the State Automated System “Elections”? 2.

At what time did the formation of the State Automated System “Elections” take place? 3.

Who was the main customer of the State Automated System “Elections”? 4.

Within what system does the State Automated System “Elections” operate? 5.

What do the methods of legal protection of the State Automated System “Elections” include?

b. What is the legal status of the FCI? 7.

What are the functions of a system administrator? 8.

What is the essence of confidential information in the State Automated System “Elections” system? 9.

What functional sets of tasks are included in the State Automated System “Elections”? 10.

What are the main characteristics of the modernized GAS system “Vybory-M”? eleven.

What are the features of legal liability for violating the functioning of the State Automated System “Elections”?

Seminar lesson plan: 1.

Formation of the State Automated System “Elections”. 2.

Legal status of the FCI. 3.

Functional activities of system administrators. 4.

Features of the use of ballot processing complexes. 5.

Security of information in the State Automated System "Elections". 6.

Responsibility for violations of the work of the State Automated System “Elections”.

State Automated System "Justice" (GAS "Justice") is a territorially distributed automated information system designed to form a unified information space courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court.

The key goal of creating the system is to carry out comprehensive automation of all functional and supporting tasks facing courts of general jurisdiction, bodies of the judicial community, the apparatus of the Judicial Department and its departments (departments) in the constituent entities of Russia, and some of the routine functions are not only automated, but also performed automatically.

Informatization federal courts of general jurisdiction carried out by means of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Justice”.

Data at the end of 2017:

  • the total number of automated workplaces is about 120 thousand units (excluding arbitration and magistrate courts);
  • property complex – over 700 thousand units of equipment;
  • nearly 2,900 automation/location facilities;
  • 26 information subsystems.

Key subsystems of GAS "Justice": “Judicial records management and statistics”, “Bank of court decisions”, “Forensic examination”, “Organizational support”, “Departmental statistics”, “Material and technical resources”, “Internet portal of the State Automated System “Justice”, “Law”, “ Document flow and citizens' appeals" and others.

Informatization federal arbitration courts, as well as the Intellectual Property Court, is carried out through developed and licensed software and hardware systems, built primarily on the basis of portal technologies.

  • preferential placement of components in the data center;
  • electronic legally significant document flow within individual decisions);
  • More than 100 large automation objects;
  • 24 software and hardware components.

Key components and services: “Card index of arbitration cases”, “Calendar of court decisions”, “Breaks in court hearings”, “Complaint filing systems”, “My arbitrator” (submitting documents from the court in electronic form), the unified staffing system (SUSH).

Taking into account the significant specifics of arbitration proceedings (primarily openness), as well as the relatively small number of automation facilities located in large cities and having access to broadband communication channels, developments in the field of informatization of arbitration courts can be considered more advanced in terms of the introduction of modern information technologies, but at the same time less applicable within a unified judicial system.

Import substitution

For the functioning of the servers of the GAS “Justice” subsystems, the following operating systems are considered:

  • Microsoft Windows 2012 Server 64 bit (if server software is Windows-only);
  • Alt Linux SPT 6.0 (for use on security servers) or an analogue that complies with GOST R 54593-2011, certified by FSTEC;
  • ALT Linux 7.0 Centaur (for running other server software running under Linux) or an analogue that complies with GOST R 54593-2011.

For the functioning of automated user workstations, the use of:

  • operating systems of the Microsoft Windows 7/8 family (32 or 64-bit versions) and the MS Office 2013 office suite;
  • Alt Linux 7.0 Desktop (with package office programs LibreOffice) or an analogue that complies with GOST R 54593-2011.

Legal basis for informatization of the judicial system

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Legislation of the Russian Federation on the judicial system;
  • Federal Law of December 22, 2008 No. 262-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation May 7, 2012 No. 601 “On the main directions for improving the system government controlled", order of the President of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2010 No. Pr-3645 on increasing the openness and accessibility of justice;
  • regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of informatization and ensuring the security of information of federal government bodies;
  • Regulatory legal acts of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated 02/05/2014 No. 2-FKZ “On the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation was abolished, and issues of administration of justice falling within its jurisdiction were transferred to jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.


In 2004-2006 About 1.5 billion rubles were spent on the creation of the State Automated System “Justice”. within the target federal program"Development of the judicial system." Another 2 billion rubles. for its support and operation was provided for in similar program for 2007-2011

Key areas of development

The modernization and development of information systems of courts within the framework of the single information space of the State Automated System “Justice” is carried out in accordance with the Concept for the development of informatization of courts until 2020 (approved by Resolution of the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation dated February 19, 2015 No. 439).

  • development of services for building an information society, qualitative expansion of access of citizens and organizations to information about judicial activities;
  • expanding the use of modern information technologies in the activities of courts, creating conditions for the use of elements of electronic justice;
  • full-scale introduction of legally significant electronic document management, electronic archives and services into the activities of courts;
  • improvement of information security means;
  • updating and modernization of software and hardware.

For 2016

  • development of working documentation;
  • development of design solutions (first stage) at stands and experimental areas;
  • implementation of some infrastructure solutions.

For 2017

  • modernization of automation equipment systems based on the results of trial operation of the first stage of subsystems, taking into account priorities and the amount of allocated funding;
  • development of design solutions (second stage) at test benches and experimental areas.

For 2018-2020

  • provision of software and hardware and personnel training;
  • modernization of automation systems based on the results of trial operation (taking into account priorities and the amount of allocated funding).
  • input into industrial operation.


2019: Processing of the millionth claim in electronic form


Purchase of video conferencing Avaya and Polycom


There is now the possibility of legally significant filing of claims in court via the Internet

At the end of the year, the Federal State Budgetary Institution IAC of the Judicial Department announced the launch into commercial operation of a service for filing claims and other procedural documents in federal courts of general jurisdiction and receiving legally significant decisions from courts via the Internet. This opportunity is implemented on the websites of all federal courts of general jurisdiction on the State Automated System “Justice” portal.

IN personal account Users of the Portal are given the opportunity to send claims, statements, petitions and other procedural documents to the court in electronic form and receive copies of judicial acts, notices, summonses and other documents in the form electronic documents, signed by the judge with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

To authorize and carry out legally significant interaction, it is enough for a citizen to have a strengthened qualified electronic signature, issued by any certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, or a confirmed account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (), which more than twenty million Russian citizens have already received on the government services website.

The search system of GAS "Justice" has been put into commercial operation

The system for storing judicial acts that have undergone the depersonalization procedure in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law of December 22, 2008 No. 262-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation” was created in 2014.

The system provides an opportunity for Internet users to obtain information about cases and decisions made in an impersonal form using convenient search mechanisms. A search system for court cases and court decisions is available on the official website of the State Automated System “Justice” Internet portal (

Technically, the source of information for the search system is the data warehouses of courts of general jurisdiction and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Therefore, information about cases and decisions made (in anonymized form) in the search system of the State Automated System “Justice” portal is identical to that contained on the websites of individual courts. The system for storing judicial acts, along with the official websites of courts, is the only reliable source of information about the activities of courts.

The peculiarity of access to information about cases and court decisions via the State Automated System “Justice” portal is the ability to analyze information across all of Russia using flexible search tools, detailing by region, court, proceedings, authorities and other criteria.

The search condition can be not only the requisite composition of a judicial act (subject, category of case, result of consideration, full names of participants, etc.), but also words and phrases appearing in the texts of judicial acts. This allows the user to perform an end-to-end search through the contents of the texts of all judicial acts available in the database - full-text search.

The ability to combine attribute and full-text search significantly increases the efficiency of search when selecting cases by topic.

Search tools also allow you to filter the array of data provided based on the initial query criteria.

Analytical tools of the judicial act storage system allow the user to track events at all stages of the case, including changes in the status of the consideration of the court case, the fact of the start or termination of legal proceedings, setting the date and time of the court hearing, and more.

The system for storing judicial acts contains more than 33 million court decisions in civil and administrative cases, cases of administrative offenses, and criminal cases of courts of general jurisdiction. Updating of information from the database of the judicial acts storage system is ensured continuously 24 hours a day.

In addition to decisions of federal courts of general jurisdiction, the search system contains judicial acts and information about cases pending before the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, including decisions of the judicial panel on economic disputes. IN search engine More than 450 thousand judicial acts of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation have been downloaded.

Technical project for modernization and development of the system

Rostelecom lost to its own subsidiary a mega-tender to move ships to the cloud

On November 28, 2016, the Rostelecom Group of Companies announced the conclusion of a contract with the Information and Analytical Center for Support of GAS Justice (FGBU IAC of the Judicial Department) to create a cloud computing infrastructure for the data processing center of GAS Justice.

Purchase of foreign videoconferencing equipment

On June 27, 2016, the plans of the IAC for support of the State Automated System "Justice" for the purchase of video conferencing equipment from the American companies Avaya and Polycom in 2016 became known. The planned action will cost Russian taxpayers approximately 635.4 million rubles.

Information on the procurement is available in the format of an electronic auction with an initial maximum contract price of 635.4 million rubles, due to which total amount costs for specified solutions over the past three years may reach 1.5 billion rubles. Applications for the tender were accepted until June 30, 2016. The auction is scheduled for July 8, 2016. The delivery time for equipment with installation and configuration is until November 10, 2016.

Interaction in the State Automated System "Justice", (2014)

The terms of reference indicate: the purchased equipment (communications and telephony, faxes, peripheral equipment, etc.) is necessary for conducting trials and interaction of judges, prosecutors and lawyers with convicted or under investigation, remote interrogation of witnesses and interviewing victims under the witness protection program (with distortion of the voice and hiding the eyes), communication between lawyers and relatives with convicts, interactive distance learning for employees of federal courts, as well as consultations, meetings, seminars of judges and court staff with colleagues.

In accordance with the tender documentation, the equipment must be “fully compatible with the software and hardware used in the State Automated System “Justice”: Avaya equipment for VoIP telephony and Polycom equipment for video conferencing equipment.”

According to the Cnews publication, the state customer holds similar competitions regularly, approximately once a year: in the summer of 2014, with an initial maximum contract price of 471 million rubles. The winner was Iterion LLC with an offer of 468.6 million rubles. The company's rival, Orbita-service LLC, offered exactly the same amount, but the application received a second number.

In the summer of 2015, a tender with identical terms was held: with a starting contract price of 405.4 million rubles. The contract was concluded with the only contender - “Iterion”, without reducing the specified amount.

Market opinions

The competition does not involve the use of anything other than a Polycom solution. This is a little strange, since the issue of safety remains open, and the manufacturer can impose sanctions on the supply of equipment at any time. This is a classic example of getting stuck in the videoconferencing hardware. The customer is dependent on old technologies, and the further it goes, the more expensive it will cost him. The terms of reference indicate a proprietary management server with which the terminals must be compatible. But it can be replaced different ways(if, of course, its purpose is indicated, and not the name and manufacturer). Now there are domestic solutions of a new generation, tested in government agencies, which can provide the same level of service and quality. Plus the manufacturer is always nearby.

The company is convinced of technical feasibility use other servers (not Polycom) based on the existing GAS hardware. Although limiting the functionality. Alternative solutions will not differ in price. Because for hardware terminals it is necessary to transcode video. Polycom HDX/Group terminals do not understand protocols other than SIP/H.323. The transition to an alternative server will take a long time due to the long-term use of foreign hardware in the GAS in question.

According to representatives Russian company Spirit trend of the global video conferencing market for 2016 is the transition from hardware systems to software. However, government organizations of the Russian Federation are in no hurry to abandon the previously purchased and installed expensive foreign hardware videoconferencing complexes and, by inertia, continue to expand their systems by adding new “polycoms”. This happens despite the availability of domestic, fully functional, world-class video conferencing software products.

Additionally, in arbitration courts, the personal video conferencing system for judges is organized on the basis of Microsoft Lync. The control and administration system for the video conferencing subsystem is also organized on the basis of software and hardware from Polycom models /DMA 5000/DMA 7000.

Cisco software and hardware of the ISR1 and ISR2 series are used as border routers at automation facilities of State Automated System "Justice": Cisco8xx, Cisco18xx, Cisco 28xx, Cisco 29xx, Cisco 39xx, with Cisco IOS software installed. The total number of edge routers is about 3 thousand units.


Federal database of executive documents

Auditors' claims to the creation of a support center for State Automated System "Justice"

In turn, an analysis of the structure of expenses for informatization of the activities of federal courts of general jurisdiction and magistrates' courts showed that the amount allocated for this in 2013-2014. The budget resource was focused on financing the technical support for the functioning of the State Automated System “Justice” - 87%, while the remaining 4 works accounted for only 13%.

“That is, the purchase of goods and services for the automated workplaces of judges and court employees has been chosen as a priority for informatization of the activities of federal courts of general jurisdiction and magistrates’ courts, which clearly does not contribute to the formation of a unified information space for the judicial community and does not increase the availability of information about the activities of courts,” they note in the Accounts Chamber.

According to the auditors of the Accounts Chamber, the center’s financing scheme does not meet the requirements of the Budget Code in terms of including budget allocations for the purchase of goods, works and services for informatization of courts: more than 50% of the budget allocations provided for purchases in the ICT sector were spent without inclusion in the plan informatization of the judicial department and were not approved by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

In addition to comments on the scheme for financing the informatization of courts, the Accounts Chamber also had a number of questions regarding the accounting of the property complex of the State Automated System “Justice”. The auditors also found that data on the implementation of indicators for activities under the Federal Target Program “Development of the Judicial System of Russia for 2013-2020”, which were provided to the Ministry of Economic Development and the Accounts Chamber, were unreliable. Moreover, these unreliable data were also reflected in the report of the Russian government on the execution of the federal budget for 2013. The latter served as the basis for drawing up a protocol on an administrative violation, which was sent to Rosfinnadzor.


The tender for the supply of PCs within the framework of the State Automated System "Justice" was declared illegal

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) recognized as justified Depo Computers' complaint about the auction for the supply of 5.1 thousand computers, as well as a number of other equipment, for retrofitting automation facilities of the State Automated System "Justice" in the amount of about 265 million rubles.

All system units must be equipped with LCD LED monitors with a screen diagonal of at least 19 inches and a resolution of at least 1600x900, as well as a UPS with a rated power of at least 700 VA with a rated output voltage alternating current 220V, 50 Hz.

In turn, information kiosks must have at least five PCI-Express architecture expansion slots, at least one 10/100/1000 BaseT Ethernet port, at least one sound adapter, and at least six USB ports. Devices must also be equipped with anti-virus protection that works before the OS boot loader starts, and built-in protection against unauthorized access, certified by FSTEC. Kiosk displays must be touch-sensitive, vandal-proof, with surfactant technology, 17 inches diagonally in size and have a resolution of at least 1280x1024.

The second tender is related to the purchase of software and hardware for video conferencing. As stated in the documentation, the purchased PTS VKS are intended to organize real-time communication between courtrooms of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, regional and equal courts, district courts, city courts, district military courts (OVS), garrison military courts (GVS), as well as with institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

The software and hardware of the communication and data transmission subsystem (CSPD) and videoconferencing must be fully compatible with the software and hardware used in the State Automated System "Justice", namely: with Avaya products - in terms of VoIP telephony and with Polycom products - in terms of videoconferencing equipment. All software and hardware systems must be provided with a warranty of at least 36 months from the date of signing the acceptance certificate of goods under the contract.

The total cost of the VKS PTS is estimated by the customer at 395 million rubles. The purchase is financed through subsidies from the federal budget. For the delivery of goods and their commissioning, the customer allocated a period from the moment of conclusion of the civil contract until December 16, 2013.

Another 777 million rubles will be allocated for the retrofitting of automation facilities of the State Automated System “Justice”.

The Information and Analytical Center for Support of State Automated System "Justice" announced in September 2013 an open auction in electronic form for the supply, installation and configuration of software and hardware (audio-video recording kits) necessary for retrofitting automation facilities of State Automated System "Justice".

In general, the customer plans to purchase: 550 stationary audio-video recording modules; 1575 stationary audio recording modules; 925 mobile audio fixation modules; 387 storage modules; 187 modules to ensure the calling of witnesses to the courtroom; 70 courtroom sound modules; 800 Courtroom components; 415 components "Housing the Hidden Witness". It is also planned to install and configure the supplied goods consisting of: 3.05 thousand software and hardware kits for technical recording and recording of court hearings and 800 software and hardware kits to ensure the interrogation of a witness (victim) during a court hearing without the possibility of his identification by other participants in the process .

All work under the government contract is estimated by the customer at 777.98 million rubles. The work is financed through subsidies from the federal budget. To fulfill all obligations under the government contract (delivery, installation and configuration of goods), the IAC for support of the State Automated System “Justice” allots until December 30, 2013.

As stated in the auction documentation, purchased audio-video recording kits must provide the ability to: create and display text comments on fragments of audio (audio-video) recording results; carrying out automatic replication of the results of audio (audio-video) recording (ensuring their background copying) from the computer in the courtroom to data storage modules; saving and replicating copies of audio (audio-video) recording results onto removable media (CD/DVD disks) with support for checking the integrity of recordings; listening and viewing the results of audio (audio-video) recording and editing the text of the protocol on any multimedia computer with pre-installed client software (to listen and view the results on a computer without installing additional software, audio-video recording kits must have a web interface). Software and hardware must also provide the ability to integrate with the subsystem “Judicial Records Management and Statistics” of the State Automated System “Justice”.


The creation of the system began in 2004 as part of the targeted federal program “Development of the Judicial System”, and the GAS “Justice” was put into operation in 2006. More than 30 co-executors and suppliers of software and hardware took part in the development and implementation of the GAS “Justice” .

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  • Introduction
  • 1. GAS "Justice"
  • 2. Functions of the GAS “Justice” system
  • 3. GAS "Justice" "Judicial records management and statistics"
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature


A characteristic feature of our time is the intensively developing processes of informatization in almost all spheres of human activity. They led to the formation of a new information infrastructure, which is associated with a new type of social relations, with a new reality, with new information technologies for various types of activities.

Information technologies are becoming the most important tool for the scientific, technical and socio-economic development of society, playing a significant role in accelerating the processes of obtaining, disseminating and using new knowledge. By influencing the quality of intellectual resources of society, information technologies increase the level and quality of life itself.

Management is a complex process, including the selection and implementation of a certain set of management influences on current time periods in order to solve the strategic task of ensuring its sustainable financial and socio-economic development. Information technologies greatly expand the possibilities of effective management, as they provide the latest methods for processing and analyzing information necessary for decision-making.

Carrying out this work effectively and at the proper level is impossible without the use of modern information technologies.

Within the framework of this abstract it is assumed:

1. Expand the concept - GAS "Justice"

2. consider the functions of the system

3. study - GAS "Justice" "Judicial record keeping and statistics"

1. GAS "Justice"

The federal target program “Development of the Russian Judicial System” for 2006-2015, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2006 No. 805, set such tasks as the formation of a unified information space, the implementation of the constitutional principles of independence of the judiciary and the independence of judges , ensuring the unity of the judicial system of the Russian Federation, increasing the efficiency of the courts, as well as the implementation of the rights of citizens and legal entities for judicial and legal information.

As part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program, it is envisaged to create the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Justice” (hereinafter referred to as the State Automated System “Justice”) in the interests of federal courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system.

When creating the State Automated System "Justice", the continuity of software and information systems for automating the activities of judicial officials, the existing property complex in courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department was preserved, and the continuity of its functioning in daily activities was ensured.

In accordance with the federal target program “Development of the Judicial System of Russia” for 2007-20011, starting from 2007, large-scale work has been launched to introduce information, software and technical solutions of the State Automated System “Justice” in courts of general jurisdiction and regional bodies of the Judicial Department, supply modern equipment.

In the process of implementation and further development State Automated System “Justice” pays great attention to the creation of a unified information space of the judicial system of the Russian Federation on the basis of Automated information technologies in economics and management: Textbook / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: UNITY, 2008. :

· ensuring information interaction between judicial bodies at various levels, as well as various software products deployed at automation facilities;

· connecting automation objects to high-speed data transmission channels;

· equipping the judiciary modern means automation and data transfer.

Much attention is paid to the processes of training users to work with GAS Justice software products. The following forms of work are organized:

· distance learning;

· full-time education;

· conducting seminars;

· delivery of electronic training courses to automation facilities.

Further development of the State Automated System “Justice” should ensure increased efficiency of the entire judicial system of the Russian Federation, including district-level facilities and world justice.

2 Functions of the GAS “Justice” system

GAS "Justice" provides automation of the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, issuing to display devices and transmitting via communication channels the following data Introduction to Legal Informatics / Under the general editorship. D.B. Novikov and V.L. Kamynina. M., 2008:

On the judicial authorities operating in the territory;

On the timing and status of the consideration of criminal and civil cases of administrative offenses in courts at various levels;

On the registration of judicial documents of criminal cases in the process of registration, familiarization, preparation, consideration of cases, sentencing, rulings, suspension of proceedings in the case, referral of the case to jurisdiction, termination of the case, transfer to the archive and presentation of materials of the court session at the level of the phonogram archive and formalized minutes of the meeting;

On the preparation of documents during the work of the board on civil, criminal cases and administrative offenses (registration of complaints and appeals, work with materials, acceptance of the case for proceedings and its registration, consideration of the case with the issuance of a ruling or resolution, transfer of cases to the office and to the archive, storage of the file in the archive);

On the results of processing judicial statistics to ensure an objective analysis of law enforcement practice and the structure of offenses;

On the state of cassation criminal and civil cases and cases of administrative offenses;

On unconsidered criminal and civil complaints, complaints for administrative offenses, requested cases and protests considered in a supervisory manner;

On the composition of criminal and civil boards;

On the workload of judges of criminal and civil boards;

ABOUT legal information according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation from automated legal databases;

On the administrative management of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system (information on the use of financial, material, technical, human and other types of resources; analytical information on situations, identified trends; planning materials, decisions made, monitoring the progress of decisions);

On organizational support (information about unified system classification and coding adopted by the State Automated System “Justice”, regulatory and reference information, organizational and administrative information regulating office work and the activities of court employees, information of territorial and object control; cataloged and library information);

On plans and projects for financing courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system, on the formation of budgetary allocations, on the execution of the federal budget expenditures;

On the organization of the financial control system and the results of control and audit activities;

On staffing the activities of courts and bodies of the Judicial Department, including needs, personnel certification, selection and professional training, formation of a reserve, issues social security, personal accounting;

About judicial practice, including a database (DB) of court decisions, information and analytical support for judicial records management;

On office work and document flow, including issues of monitoring the execution of documents and orders, organizing operational and archival storage;

On material and technical resources (MTR);

On issues of professional education of personnel of the judicial system;

On materials on interaction with federal governing bodies and authorities;

On coordination and development of international relations in the interests of ensuring the activities of the judicial system;

On the generalization and dissemination of the experience of the activities of the bodies of the judicial community;

On organizing media coverage of materials from the judicial system and media monitoring materials on key issues

On appeals from citizens regarding the forms and methods of operation of the judicial system;

On the interaction between central national bodies supporting the activities of courts (primarily within the CIS) with leading international legal and judicial organizations (International Court of Justice, Council of Europe and other foreign organizations).

At the same time, the functions of Legal Informatics are automated: Tutorial/ Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Yurist, 2007:

Document management (collective development of documents, document search, document exchange, execution control);

Legal support for the activities of courts;

Ensuring operation and maintenance of the system;

Management and control of the functioning of the system;

Training of users and system specialists;

Information and reference services for system users;

Conducting court hearings using video conferencing;

Presentation of information about courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system on the Internet and on public display media;

Formation of a protocol of the court hearing based on phonograms;

Ensuring information security.

System structure and purpose components“Justice” includes the following subsystems:

Subsystem "Administrative Management";

Subsystem “Organizational support”;

Subsystem "Law";

Subsystem "Finance";

Subsystem “Financial control”;

Subsystem "Personnel";

Subsystem “Judicial records management and statistics”;

Subsystem “Bank of court decisions (judicial practice)”;

Subsystem "Video conferencing";

Subsystem “Forensic Expertise”;

Subsystem "Document flow";

Subsystem “Departmental statistics of the Judicial Department”;

Subsystem "Training";

Subsystem “Public Relations”;

Subsystem “Material and technical resources”;

Subsystem “Citizens' Appeals”;

Subsystem “International Legal Cooperation”;

Subsystem "Real Estate";

Subsystem "Judicial Community".

Information and reference subsystem;

Subsystem “Internet portal of State Automated System “Justice”;

Subsystem “Display of collective information


Subsystem “Ensuring information security”;

Subsystem “Communication and data transfer”;

Subsystem “Management and control of functioning”;

Subsystem “Ensuring operation and service


Subsystem "Training".

GAS “Justice has a multi-level hierarchical structure corresponding to the levels of the hierarchy of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system.

Automation systems of the State Automated System "Justice" are built on the basis of structured local computer networks(LAN), allowing dynamically and quickly increasing computing and informational resources, the number of network users, including taking into account territorial distribution, logical combination of users into segments, distribution of user access to network resources, organization of technological communication rooms, rack placement of technical equipment.

Each level of ship automation and hierarchical structure The Judicial Department has its own set of automation tools, single for separately allocated objects and replicable for repeated ones. The structure of each automated control system implements standard technical solutions for the same type of LAN functional nodes.

Typical functional units include:

Server equipment;

Automated workstations (AWS) of users;

AWS of administrative and dispatch personnel;

Information Security System Tools (SOBI);

Means of the subsystem “Communication and data transmission” (CSPD);

Information display means (video projectors, plasma panels, televisions, information kiosks);

Active network equipment.

Composition and characteristics of technical means included in standard functional units, depending on the purpose of the KSA, they may differ to some extent (quantitatively and in performance), while maintaining the main functional purpose.

Based on the conditions for providing access to banks and databases, three document flow circuits can be used in KSA: departmental, public and secure (in KSA OVS and KSA GVS).

Requirements for the protection of information in the KSA and the security of the corporate network of the State Automated System “Justice”, including through technical communication channels (CC), have imposed corresponding restrictions on the organization of interaction between subscribers of the Intranet network. To guarantee the protection of the Intranet network from unauthorized actions (UND) and virus attacks, including from the Internet side, hardware solutions for KSA telecommunications equipment provide for the physical decoupling of means of storing and processing information from Intranet and Internet networks Kudinov A.T., Elkin V.D. Legal informatization in information society// Black holes in Russian legislation. N 4. 2009.

automated software information justice

3. GAS "Justice" "Judicial record keeping and statistics"

The system has developed means of searching for information and practically unlimited possibilities for preparing analytical information. Does not require additional technical resources.

Requirements: computer with operating system Win98 (and higher) with MSWord and MSExcel installed.

Statistics are calculated in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for maintaining judicial statistics. The system allows you to automatically generate standard statistical report forms in electronic form (Excel matrices).

The main advantage of this technology is that the system automates most routine functions, allowing not only to reduce the labor costs of court staff, but also to minimize the percentage of errors that occur when performing such functions.

The automated system includes modules for working with card files Nikitov V.A. and etc. Information Support government controlled. M., 2007:

· Supervisory authority

Registration of information about incoming supervisory complaints in criminal cases;

Criminal cases considered under supervisory procedures;

Registration of information about incoming supervisory complaints in civil cases;

Civil cases considered under supervisory procedures;

Registration of information about incoming complaints in cases of administrative offenses;

Cases of administrative offenses considered in a supervisory manner;

· Cassation instance

Criminal cases heard by federal judges;

Civil cases heard by federal judges;

Criminal cases heard by magistrates;

Civil cases heard by magistrates;

· Appellate instance

Criminal proceedings;

Civil cases;

Cases of administrative offenses

· First instance

Administrative Affairs;

Criminal proceedings;

Private prosecution cases;

Order proceedings;

Claim proceedings;

Cases arising from public legal relations;

Special production.

· Statistical reporting of ships

Operational reporting form No. 01, statistical report on form No. 1, statistical report on form No. 1AP, statistical report on form No. 2, statistical report on form No. 4, statistical report on form No. 6-bms,

statistical report on form No. 7-bms, statistical report on form No. 6,

statistical report on form No. 7, statistical report on form No. 8, statistical report on form No. 9

· Module "User Request Generator"

A tool that allows you to provide the user with information in any form convenient for him. Does not require deep knowledge to use SQL language. Designed for use by court database administrators.

· Module for working with documents

A tool that allows you to generate various court documents according to templates developed by users, using previously entered data on cases at the time of registration Legal informatics: Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Manuscript, 2011


The state automated system of the Russian Federation “Justice” is a territorially distributed automated information system designed to form a unified information space of courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (SD), providing information and technological support for legal proceedings on the principles of maintaining the required balance between needs citizens, society and the state in the free exchange of information and the necessary restrictions on the dissemination of information.

The functions of the subsystems of the State Automated System "Justice" are implemented by software and hardware of automation systems (CAS) of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system, sets of software and hardware (PTS) of interregional system support centers (MSC).

The automated system "Judicial Records Management and Statistics" is extremely easy to use and intuitive for users thanks to the tools developed by CASE for creating automated systems for judicial and enforcement proceedings. The uniformity of interfaces in all areas of court proceedings has the same structure and a similar set of functions, which makes it possible to train users to work with the system in the shortest possible time.

The system has developed means of searching for information and practically unlimited possibilities for preparing analytical information. Does not require additional technical resources. Requirements: a computer with the Win98 operating system (or higher) with MSWord and MSExcel installed.

List of used literature

1. Automated information technologies in economics and management: Textbook / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: UNITY, 2008.

2. Andreev B.V. Legal informatics. Tutorial. M.: IMP, 2008.

3. Introduction to legal informatics / Under the general editorship. D.B. Novikov and V.L. Kamynina. M., 2008.

4. Introduction to legal informatics / Under the general editorship of D.B. Novikova, V.L. Kamynina. M., 2007.

5. Kudinov A.T., Elkin V.D. Legal informatization in the information society // Black holes in Russian legislation. N 4. 2009.

6. Prosecutor's Handbook, 2010.

7. Nikitov V.A. and others. Information support for public administration. M., 2007.

8. Legal informatics: Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Manuscript, 2011.

9. Legal informatics: Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Yurist, 2007

10. Chubukova S.G., Elkin V.D. Fundamentals of legal informatics (legal and mathematical issues of informatics). Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Contract, 2010.

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