How to convert a text file to fb2. Convert PDF to FB2. Some tricks for working with the FB2 format

10.11.2019 SSD drives

Programs for convert pdf to fb2

But on the Internet, not all books or magazines are distributed in fb2 format. A lot of literature is in pdf format. Of course, this is far from the worst option for reading literature on a computer. But those who have had the opportunity to compare these two formats will agree that fb2 is much more convenient and practical compared to pdf. What to do if you have an interesting book or magazine in pdf format, but you prefer fb2? All you need is . Moreover, this procedure will not take much time. Good programs allowing convert pdf to fb2 not so many, but still they are there. Let's look at a few of the most convenient programs.


One of the most convenient programs is called Caliber. This program is not directly a convector. This is the manager e-books. But among other functions of the program there is also conversion of one format to another. Immediately after starting the program, a window will appear in which you need to select the program interface language (Russian is available) and the folder for storing books. Please note that the folder for storing books must be empty, so it is better to create such a folder in advance. After selecting these options, the user is taken to the main menu.

The principle of operation of the program is incredibly simple. In the main menu of the program you need to select “add books”. Then use Browse to select the book you will convert pdf to fb2. The book will be added to the main menu of the program. Then in the main menu you need to select this book. After selection, you need to click “convert books”. A window will appear in which you can select conversion options. On the right top corner window, you need to click on the arrow (next to the output format) and select fb2. After this, just click “OK” and the conversion will begin. All converted files are saved in the previously selected folder.

ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0

Another program with which you can convert pdf to fb2, called ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0. When downloading the program, you need to take into account that earlier versions of the program do not support conversion pdf to fb2, so you need to download at least version 3.0. The advantage of converting using this program is that it completely preserves the internal structure of the document (diagrams, pages, footnotes, etc.). The principle of operation of the program is also quite simple. After starting the program, you need to open the pdf document. After opening it, in the main menu you need to select a folder to store the converted file, and then click “convert”. Then you need to select fb2 as the convertible format. If necessary, before starting the conversion, you can configure some settings, for example, change the structure of the document.

Another option is to consider a tandem of two programs. This is Solid Converter PDF. Using this program you can convert a pdf document into plain text. And the second program is Any to FB2. With the help of which you can already convert text directly into fb2. This is done quite quickly. You need to launch Solid Converter PDF. Then open the pdf document. Select "convert to Word". After this you need to run Any to FB2. Choose Word document, and select fb2 as the output format. After a few seconds, the document will be converted.

For some, the third method may seem a little troublesome. But very often, the quality of an fb2 document is better after conversion from a Word document, and not from a pdf directly. So, if the quality of the document plays an important role, then it is recommended to use the third method.

FB2 is an extremely popular format, and most often you can find e-books in it. There are special reader applications that provide not only support for this format, but also the convenience of displaying content. It’s logical, because many are accustomed to reading not only on a computer screen, but also on mobile devices Oh.

No matter how cool, convenient and widespread FB2 is, the main software solution for creating and storing text data still remains Microsoft Word and its standard DOC and DOCX formats. In addition, many e-books are still distributed there the old fashioned way.

You can open such a file on any computer with established by the Office, but it won’t look very convenient for reading, and not every user will want to bother with changing the text formatting. It is for this reason that the need to translate a Word document into FB2 is so urgent. Actually, we will tell you how to do this below.

Unfortunately, standard means text editor Microsoft Word cannot convert a DOCX document to FB2. To solve this problem you will have to resort to using third-party software, namely . This is not the most popular program, but for our purposes its functionality is more than enough.

Although installation file It takes up less than 1 MB, the characteristics of the application are pleasantly surprising. You can familiarize yourself with them below; you can download this converter on the official website of its developer.

1. After downloading the archive, unpack it using the archiver installed on your computer. If there is none, choose the appropriate one from our . We recommend using one of best solutions for working with archives - the WinZip program.

2. Extract the contents of the archive to a convenient location on your hard drive, place all files in one folder. Once done, run the executable file.

3. After launching the program, open the Word document that you want to convert to FB2. To do this, click the button in the form of a folder on the toolbar.

4. After specifying the path to the file, open it by clicking "Open", Text Document will be opened (but not displayed) in the program interface. The top window will simply indicate the path to it.

5. Now click the button "File" and select "Convert". As can be seen from the tooltip next to this item, you can start the conversion process using the key "F9".

6. Wait for the process to complete, a window will appear in front of you in which you can set a name for the converted FB2 file and save it to your computer.

Note: By default, the program saves converted files to standard folder "Documentation", and by packing them into a ZIP archive.

7. Go to the folder with the archive that contains the FB2 file, extract it and run it in a reader program, for example, the capabilities of which you can familiarize yourself with on our website.

As you can see, a text document in FB2 format looks much more readable than in Word, especially since you can open this file on a mobile device. The same FBReader has an application for almost all desktop and mobile platforms.

This is just one of the possible options that allows you to convert a Word document to FB2. For those users who for some reason are not satisfied with this method, we have prepared another one, which will be discussed below.

Using an online converter

There are quite a few resources that allow you to convert files from one format to another online. The Word direction we need in FB2 is also present on some of them. So that you don’t have to search for a suitable, proven site for a long time, we have already done this for you and offer as many as three online converters to choose from.

Let's look at the conversion process using the last (third) site as an example.

1. Select Word file, which you want to convert to FB2 by specifying the path to it on your computer and opening it in the site interface.

Note: This resource also allows you to provide a link to text file, if it is posted on the web, or download a document from popular cloud storage— Dropbox and Google Drive.

2. In the next window you need to configure the conversion settings:

  • Paragraph “Program for reading a received e-book” We recommend leaving it unchanged;
  • If necessary, change the file name, author, and margin sizes;
  • Parameter "Change initial file encoding" It's better to leave it as it is - "Auto-detection".

3. Press the button "Convert File" and wait for the process to complete.

Note: The download of the converted file will start automatically, so simply specify the path to save it and click "Save".

Now you can open the FB2 file obtained from a Word document in any program that supports this format.

That’s all, as you can see, converting Word to FB2 format is not at all difficult. Just choose the appropriate method and use it, whether it is a converter program or an online resource is up to you.

A large number of books and magazines that can be downloaded on the Internet are not in fb2 format, but in pdf format. The Pdf format cannot be called completely unusable, but it is much less convenient and functional compared to fb2. So, if you have a text to read presented in pdf format, then using special programs you can convert pdf to fb2 format without much effort. There are not very many such programs, and we will tell you how to convert pdf to fb2, and which programs are the most convenient.

Caliber is one of the most convenient programs. But it does not directly serve as a converter, but is a manager. However, among the many services offered by Calibre, there is also the ability to convert one format to another. How to convert pdf to fb2? After launching Calibre, you need to select the interface language, and then a folder (empty) to store books. It is better to create such a folder in advance. By selecting these options, the user gains access to the main menu.

Working in the Caliber program is very simple and convenient. Select the “Add books” inscription, then, using “Browse”, designate the book that you are going to convert from pdf to fb2. The book is added to the main menu of the program, where you must select it. Next – “Convert books”. In the window that appears, the translation parameters are defined. In the upper right area of ​​the screen near the “Output Format” line, follow the arrow to go to the fb2 format. After clicking “Ok”, the conversion will begin. The received files will be placed in the previously selected folder.

ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0

We present another software tool with which text from pdf format to fb2. For this purpose, you can use program versions starting from 3.0. The great advantage of this program is the complete preservation of the structure of the converted document - pages, footnotes, diagrams.

The principle of operation of the program is simple. After launching it you need to open pdf document. The main menu indicates the folder in which the final generated file will be placed. Then click “Convert”. If necessary, before starting the conversion process, you can select transformation parameters that allow you to change the structure of the document. The last step is to select the format into which the document is converted - fb2.

Other options for converting pdf to fb2

How to convert pdf to fb2: another option for the desired file conversion would be to use a combination of two programs. First, we use the Solid Converter PDF program, the use of which will help convert a document in pdf format into a standard text document.doc with maximum preservation of formatting, links, illustrations, tables and diagrams.

And here's the next one Any program to FB2 already transforms text directly into fb2 format. After launching Any to FB2, selecting the Word file, designate fb2 as the output format. Literally within a minute the conversion will be completed.

This method may seem somewhat cumbersome. But the quality of the document converted from doc to fb2 is higher than the quality of text converted directly from pdf. This option is recommended for those users who value high quality characteristics.

As a result of using these conversion programs, you will receive text in fb2 format, which is more compact than pdf. In addition, the fb2 format is much easier to understand for e-books.

Sometimes it is necessary to convert a book or document from one format to another. For example, if you don't have a program on your computer that reads this format, or if your reader only reads a limited number of formats. In this case, e-book and document converters will help. There are converters made in the form of Internet services (they do not require installation on a PC) and converter programs that must be installed on a computer. I bring to your attention a catalog of various converters.

Online -converters (do not require installation on a computer)

All they are free.

  • Sorotokin. Convertsfb2 Vepub .
  • Oleksandr Tymoshenko. Convertsfb2 Vepub.
  • 2epub. Convertsdoc, odt, fb2, html, rtf, txt, pdf (text) and other formatsin epub, fb2, lit, lrf, mobi.
  • OnlineConvert. Convertsepub, lrf, mobi, html to formatsfb2, ltf, mobi, epub, lit, pdf.
  • Free Online File Converter. Practically universal converter; convertsdoc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx Vpdf; textpdf Vtxt; doc, docx, rtf, html and other formats infb2; Images Vpdf etc .
  • Convert File Online. Convertspdf, fb2, html Vtxt; txt Vpdf, fb2; html Vfb2; doc, docx, rtf Vfb2 Andpdf; bmp, jpg, gif, png Vpdf .
  • Go4Convert. Almost universal; converts file formats doc, fb2, epub, htm/html, odt and others to formats epub, pdf, fb2, doc, htm/html and others.

Converter programs ( requiring installation on a computer)

Free. To get to the converter’s website, click on its name (it’s highlighted in blue).

  • LordKiRon. Convertsfb2 Vepub. One-button. Only forWindows.
  • Converter by Mikhail Sharonov. Convertsfb2 Vlrf. One-button. Only forWindows.
  • Caliber. A very powerful program that allows you to convert fb2/epub/html/mobi/odt and many other formats in fb2/epub/mobi/lrf/doc and other formats. There are versions for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. It also allows you to read e-books in most formats, create collections, download news from the Internet and convert them into e-books.
  • fbtools plugin for OpenOffice/NeoOffice, suitable for conversiondoc, rtf, txt, odt, html Vfb2 .
  • Htmldocs2fb2. Convertshtml Vfb2, doc Vfb2). Only forWindows XP/Vista/7.
  • EPUBGen. Convertsdoc, fb2, rtf Vepub . Only forMacOS X.
  • Any to FB2 and FB2Any . Converttxt, html, doc Vfb2; fb2 Vtxt, rtf, lit, rb.
  • DjVu to PDF. Only forWindows.
  • pd4ml converter. Convertsdjvu Vpdf. There are versions forWindows, Linux, MacOS X.

The main file formats for electronic readers are FB2 and EPUB. Documents with such name extensions can be displayed correctly on almost any device, including the simplest readers. No less popular is PDF format, which stores a lot useful information, including rare materials. And if on a PC and most mobile devices such files can be read without problems, then electronic readers cannot cope with them all and not always.

Converters come to the rescue, allowing you to convert complex documents into simpler ones, and vice versa. Such solutions come in both desktop and browser applications. We will look at the latter - web services for converting PDF files into the FB2 e-book format.

If you have Internet access, you can convert a file from one format to another without downloading the appropriate software to your computer. For this, there are a number of universal online tools that perform the same tasks efficiently and quickly.

Such services are mostly free and do not use the resources of your computer. Everything is done using the computing power of dedicated servers.

Method 1: Online-Convert

One of the largest web converters. The service quickly copes even with large files and allows you to configure in detail the parameters of the resulting document. So, before starting the conversion you can specify target program to read a book, change its title and author, set the base font size, etc.

Method 2: Convertio

Unlike Online-Convert, this tool is less flexible, but at the same time more convenient and understandable for simple user. Working with Convertio involves a minimum of actions and the fastest possible results.

Method 3: ToEpub

A free tool that allows you to convert PDF files to various eBook formats, including FB2. The main distinguishing feature of the service is the high speed of document processing on the server. In addition, ToEpub can convert up to 20 files at the same time.

Method 4: Go4Convert

Online text format converter. The solution is simple, but at the same time powerful: processing large documents with its help requires a minimum of time. There are no size restrictions for input files.

The service does not offer the ability to choose where to export the finished document. After processing on the server is completed, the conversion result is automatically downloaded to your computer’s memory.

Method 5: Convert Files

One of the largest resources for converting files of the most various types. All are supported popular formats documents, audio and videos. A total of 300 combinations of input and output file formats are available, including the PDF -> FB2 pair.