How to connect and log into your personal account megaphone. How to view and find out your password on VK How to find out a new password

08.09.2020 SSD drives

Megafon's personal account is no longer some kind of exclusive service from mobile operator. Everyone has it mobile operator now I have my own Personal Area. This is due to the fact that the personal account provides subscribers with the broadest functionality and the ability to manage services without visiting subscriber departments.

If we talk about Megafon’s personal account, access to it is provided only to Megafon subscribers. To enter your personal account, you do not need to connect any additional service or option: by default, each Megafon subscriber can log into his personal account and use it to manage services. Here we will tell you how to log into your Megafon personal account and create it.

First, you need to go to the website, where you can access your personal account. Note that the megaphone personal account is divided into two types: Corporate personal account (this type of personal account was created for companies that use the services of this operator) and personal account for individuals, which we will consider.

How to get a password from your Megafon Personal Account

To register in your Megafon Personal Account, you need to know your phone number and password. If there are no problems, then difficulties may arise with the password. In fact, getting a password from your personal account is quite simple, you just need to send USSD request type *105*00#. In response, you will receive an SMS message with the password for your personal account.

How to log into your personal account on Megafon

Now that you know your phone number and password, you can enter on the appropriate page and click the “Login” button. After this, you will find yourself in your personal account, where you can manage your services or balance, and also find out the remaining minutes on MegaFon.

If you enter the password incorrectly 5 times, access to your personal account will be blocked. To unlock it, you will again need to dial the USSD command *105*00# on your phone, and then log in to the system.

If something doesn’t work out for you or you can’t get the password, then call the Megafon operator and he will definitely help you solve your problem.

Before you write step by step actions, how you can find out and view your saved passwords in popular browsers, such as Yandex browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Internet Explorer And Microsoft Edge. I would still like to remind those who do not yet know that saving passwords in browsers is not recommended, it is not safe.

Remember your passwords in your head or use password managers, now there are quite a lot of them for every taste and color, but I recommend KeePass (free, there is a Portable version, which allows you to store all the data on a flash drive without fear that the computer will break and the data will be lost).

How to view your saved passwords in Yandex browser

1. In the right corner of the browser, click on the “Yandex Browser Settings” tab.
When you click on it, a drop-down list will open, select “Settings”.

2. After clicking “Settings”, a tab opens with all browser settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Show advanced settings” button and click it.

3. Scroll the page to the “Passwords and Forms” item and see the “Password Management” button, click it and see the sites on which you saved the password. Select the site we need and click show.

To display the password, you may need to enter the password from account Computer (do not confuse it, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer).

View your saved passwords in the Google Chrome browser

Viewing saved passwords in Google Chrome is practically no different from the Yandex browser.

All the same actions:

1. In the right corner of the browser, click the “Settings” tab

3. On opened additional settings We are looking for the item “Passwords and forms”.

On the line “Offer to save passwords for sites” there is a link “Customize”, click on it and a window with our sites and passwords will open.

Select the desired site and click show password.

To view, the browser may ask you to enter the password for your Computer user account. (don’t get confused, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer).

Find out your saved passwords in the Mozilla Firefox browser

View passwords in Mozilla browser Firefox, not much different from the browsers above, except for the names of some buttons and paths :)

The actions are the same:

1. In the right corner of the browser, click “Open menu”.
In the drop-down list, click “Settings”.

2. On the right side of the menu, click the “Protection” item and see the “Saved Passwords” button, click it and see the sites and saved passwords for them.

If you set your password for the “Master Password”, then before displaying the password, you will need to enter the master password.

View your passwords in the Opera browser

WITH Opera browser similar actions:

1. In the left corner of the browser, click “Menu” and in the drop-down list click “Settings”.
2. Click on the “Security” item.

3. On the settings page we see the “Passwords” item and the “Manage saved passwords” button, click on it and a window with our sites and passwords will open, select the desired site and click show password.

To view, you will need to enter the password for your Computer user account. (Don’t get confused, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer)

It's simple.

Well, the last view of passwords will be in the Microsoft Edge browser, also known as Internet Explorer

In these browsers, the paths where our passwords are saved are slightly different.

1. In the right corner, click on the “Service” item, also known as Settings.
Select “Internet Options” from the drop-down list. A tab will open where we need to switch to the contents tab.

2. In the “Autofill” item there is a “Options” button, click on it and another window will appear where we need to click the treasured “Password Management” button.

3. After clicking on the button, the “Internet Credential Manager” will open, where our sites and passwords will be, next to the password there will be a link to show the password, we click on it to view.

To view the password, you will need to enter the password for your Computer account. (Do not confuse it not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer)

Is everything much easier than expected? 🙂

Megafon company analyzes customer needs and then develops new services and tariffs. To activate the new functionality, subscribers need to go to the company’s office or use specialized codes. This is not entirely convenient, so the operator has created a personal account that allows you to manage services.

To receive a password to log into Megafon’s personal account, the client will need mobile device. This could be a smartphone, iPhone or tablet. You can get the secret combination:

  • By sending a USSD request;
  • Sending SMS;
  • Contact the contact center staff.

When the PIN code is received, the user will be able to log into his account on the website If necessary, subscribers can change the current password in the account settings.

USSD request

The simplest way to obtain a password is to send a USSD request. To do this, dial the command “*105*00#” on your mobile device. It's important to remember that similar request can only be sent from a Megafon SIM card.

After 2-3 seconds the operator sends an SMS. The password for your account will be indicated inside the message. To log in, you need to enter your phone number and secret combination sent by your provider on the Megafon website.

SMS message

People can find out the password for Megafon’s “Personal Account” via SMS request. To do this, you need to take your mobile device and write the text “00”. The message is sent to the number “000105”.

Just like in the first method, the response is sent via SMS. Typically it takes about 5 seconds to process the request. After receiving the answer, all that remains is to log in to the site.

The advantage of this method is that you only need to be within the network coverage area. As for authorization, without mobile internet not enough.

Call to operator

There are situations when it is not possible to use USSD commands or SMS. In this case, it is recommended to call “0500”. Before the operator provides the secret combination, several questions must be answered. This is necessary to confirm the client's identity.

When the data from the contract is confirmed, the operator will send an SMS with a code for authorization in your personal account. The user will only have to enter it in the appropriate field.

If the client is inside international roaming, you should call “8-800-50‑05-00”. Payment is charged according to the terms of the tariff plan.


Subscribers may forget or lose their PIN code, which means they will not be able to log into their personal account. Do not be upset, as the system provides for the restoration of the security code.

To change a lost code, you need to dial “*105*01#”. The updated secret combination will be sent immediately via text message. The person will only have to enter the code into the appropriate field on the web resource.

There is another way to recover your password. To do this, it is recommended to call the contact center staff. After connecting with the operator, you need to explain why there was a problem with authorization in your personal account. The call center employee will send an SMS containing the password.

There are times when you forgot your VKontakte password, you need to log in on another device, for example from a mobile phone, and you forgot the password, but sometimes you can look at your password.

Quick navigation:

How can you find out your VK password from an Android phone?

Practice viewing your password on devices running the operating system Android systems, does not at all work out in favor of the forgetful VKontakte user. The fact is that it is very difficult to look up the password from VK if you previously logged in from a mobile application or through a browser. Just think about how much different software you need to install, and there are no guarantees; on the contrary, you can waste time and catch some kind of infection. If you have the opportunity, then better take advantage.

Of course, you can dig up tips on how to do this using programs, but most likely such attempts will end in failure. After all, the speed of getting into the index search engines, leaves much to be desired, the most that can be found is programs that are a month old, or even a year old. Naturally, everything is already outdated. Of course, you can play Hacker, but then don’t say that we didn’t warn you when you catch a virus on your device.

Find out the password in the VK mobile application for iPhone.

Here, do not think that you will be able to go into the settings and find out your password. Even data about email and phone number is hidden, just a few characters are open to remember possibly forgotten information.

A working way to find out the password from VKontakte.

In my opinion, the best way to find out your password from VKontakte, and not only from any site. You can use the auto-save password features.

A page with saved passwords will open, in the search window, start typing the site and in the search results, you can see your password.

Other browsers have similar functions (See).

In any case, if you forgot your password and there is no way to remember it, you may have been hacked and changed your password. You can always recover your password (See).

Many subscribers of the Beeline operator know about the existence of such a convenient service as a personal account. Moreover, quite a large part of them systematically use it to view statistics on the use of services and monitor their expenses. But here’s the problem, a fairly common problem is when a user sets a static password for his personal account, then forgets it and loses access to the service.

This causes serious discomfort, and the password, naturally, needs to be restored. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

If you currently have access to your Beeline personal account

First, let's look at a situation in which you have access to your personal account, but you would like to warn possible problems with the loss of your password in the future, so that password recovery occurs quickly and without problems.

You need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. In the list of available sections of the site, select “Settings”.
  3. In the settings section, go to the subsection with password and account access settings.
  4. Scroll down a little to the “Password recovery” heading.
  5. Choose the recovery method that is most convenient for you:
  • Via SMS message;
  • By using Email.
  1. Please provide a current phone number or email address (depending on your choice).
  2. Save your changes.

Done, the settings you selected will be saved and if you forget the password for your Beeline personal account, you can restore it using the selected method.

If you currently do not have access to your personal account

Provided that the password was irretrievably lost or simply forgotten, and you did not have time to change the settings inside your account, you can also restore it. To do this, you need to go directly to home page personal account, where fields for entering login and password are displayed on the screen. Please note that there is information about receiving a password via SMS. It is located on the right next to the password entry field.

In order to receive a new login password, you only need to enter the USSD code in the format *110*9#.

In response, you will receive a password and can use it to log into your account. We recommend that you immediately change your password to one that you are sure to remember, and also set up the possibility of recovery for the future.

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to save your unique password in your browser settings so that during the next authentication procedures, the data is entered automatically using the “autofill” method.

How to find out the password for your Beeline personal account

Finally, let’s consider a situation in which you promptly specified in the settings the password recovery options that suit you, and the day came on which you forgot the treasured combination to log into your profile. You can be sure that now this is not a problem, because you took care of everything in advance. Perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open the main page of your personal account.
  2. To the left of the password entry field, immediately under the phrase “Password”, we find the text hyperlink “Get password”. Feel free to click on it.
  3. We find ourselves on the password recovery page, which offers you instructions on how to further actions. You need to indicate your login in the appropriate field. If you chose recovery via mail in the settings, specify your email, if via SMS, indicate your contact phone number. Click the “Submit” button.
  4. After some time you will receive a password, enter it in the appropriate field and you will be taken to the personal account interface.