How to call Sberbank from Europe. Free hotline: Sberbank support phone number. Free hotline: Sberbank support phone number

16.05.2020 SSD drives

Get useful information from your bank you can different ways. One option is to contact the department in person. But it is not always possible to allocate time for such a trip. We have to look for remote ways of communication. This is especially true if you lose your bank card or have problems with payments. Also, sometimes emergency situations arise with loans or credit cards. In this case, calling the hotline will help.

But not everyone knows how to call Sberbank from a mobile phone for free. Although almost every user has this opportunity.

Where to find the number

Current phone numbers are always on bank cards. They are highlighted in bold on the back of the plastic. Also on the site pages this information is located in the middle at the top of the screen.

Main telephone numbers

To contact the Sberbank call center operator, mobile phone users can dial 900. This service number easy to remember and can also be entered into your phone directory for quick calling.

Dialing scheme to Sberbank

Subscribers mobile operators MTS, Beeline or Megafon will not pay for calls to this number when making intranet roaming calls or in their region. For other operators, you need to check with the hotline of cellular companies.

There is a phone that you can call from anywhere mobile number for free:

For a call from Russia to this number, subscribers of any network will not be debited. Even landline phone users do not pay for this call.

It happens that even multi-channel numbers are busy, since there are peak hours for dialing the hotline. In this case, you can use an additional toll-free number:

If you call the Sberbank operator, the automatic service will answer first. It will provide a list of items by which voice information is sorted. If you need to communicate with a real operator, you can make a request from any menu item by pressing the number “0”.

When a free employee becomes available, you will be automatically connected to an operator.

Basic questions to help clients

Information about new banking products, services and how to obtain them is provided by telephone. You can also find out about the location of the nearest company branches and get advice on connecting to Internet banking or Mobile Banking.

Call center specialists will configure the card before traveling abroad for safe use or, on the contrary, will help to block a lost card. Company employees will also provide advice on other issues related to Sberbank.

Additional communication tools

7 495 500 55 50

7 495 544-45-45

7 495 788-92-77

Those who have traveled abroad and wish to consult on banking products can be advised to contact the following numbers:

But tariffing will be carried out according to the cost of international calls. If you can't call, you can send a fax or email

to the mailbox:

7 495 747-38-88 (fax)

[email protected]

Communication is also available on the pages of all major social networks.

To solve all the problems of its clients, answer technical questions and receive complaints about the work of branches or services, Sberbank has a “Hotline”. For convenience, its number is the same for legal and individuals

and easy to dial: 8 800 555 55 50

The Hotline telephone is multi-channel, and the voice menu will allow the caller to quickly navigate the “direction” of the purpose of his call.

You can call the Hotline absolutely free from any region of the Russian Federation, and it doesn’t matter whether the call is from a mobile phone or a landline.

Hotline operators are experts in their field and are ready to take calls on any issue. But for the convenience of both the “line” itself and clients, there is a distribution of calls in the menu of the automated information service.

Using tone dialing, you must, while listening to the voice menu, select the desired item (and press the corresponding number), after which the system will connect you with a specialist. Sometimes it takes a while to wait.

The most common request from clients when calling the Hotline is to resolve an issue with any trouble that has happened to the card: loss or intentional theft, incorrectly entered PIN code by the owner and incorrect work an ATM that has chewed up the client’s card.

Therefore, most frequent request when contacting, the card is blocked.

Slightly less often, callers ask for clarification regarding account balance or credit balance. Recently, thanks to the Sberbank Online Internet service and mobile banking, clients have been figuring out this issue on their own.

Rules for communicating with a Sberbank operator

When preparing to present your problem to a bank call center employee, prepare for communication in advance, since the Sberbank representative at the other end of the line needs to make sure that it is the cardholder who is talking to him (if the question is not a general one).

Keep your personal data ready, the card itself (or data on it) and, in a particular case, bank account details and other documents accompanying banking topics at your disposal.

The employee may also ask you a codeword(by default - your mother’s maiden name), which the client should under no circumstances confuse with the “PIN” code of his card. Please remember that no bank representative has the right to ask you for this code.

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