Why did the Windows Defender service turn off? An open source port scanner used to audit the antivirus service. — We use the operating system registry settings

25.11.2020 SSD drives

Windows Defender is a set of modules from Microsoft designed to monitor suspicious changes and eliminate potentially dangerous components. The program has various settings and the ability to disable it if not needed. This method identical on all versions of Windows.

Windows Defender Basics

Defender takes over the functions of the antivirus in the event of its absence. In practice, the application in question guarantees protection only from the so-called. "Trojans". To combat other malicious products you need to install third party antiviruses. The developer of the defender additionally notifies the owner about this.

The product arsenal is quite rich. Defender allows you to do the following:
monitor autostart;
control security settings;
monitor applications that are activated with IE;
control browser settings;
regulate the operation of various files and add-ons that start with the browser;
monitor the functioning of drivers and services;
regulate the actions of installed and already installed programs;
monitor files and add-ons for registering and launching various software products;
control the order of updating OS modules.

The list of functions may vary depending on the version of Defender and Windows itself.

Enabling Defender

To turn on the product and check that it is working correctly, go to Start.

The screenshot shows the window of the product in question. In all current versions of the OS, the menu has almost the same appearance.

If the defender does not turn on, activate it yourself. Find the “Services” program through the search bar in “Start” and go into it.

Open the defender service. Go to the Startup type tab, select automatically (delayed launch) from the drop-down list and turn on the defender by clicking on “Run”.

Defender will be activated.

Disabling Defender

If necessary, the defender can be turned off directly from its settings.
In Control Panel, turn on Small Icons and then look for Windows Defender.

Open the "Programs" item.

2. Open the branch: Local editor group policy-> Politics " Local computer" -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Defender or ( Endpoint Protection) -> Real-time protection and in the right window select Turn off real-time protection

Table of Contents

What is the Accessibility Service Indicator?

An icon displayed in the Firefox tab bar which communicates to users that Firefox Accessibility Service is enabled and in use.

What is Firefox Accessibility Service?

Firefox Accessibility Service is a technology built into Firefox that provides 3rd party applications running on the same device the ability to inspect, monitor, visualize, and alter web page content hosted within Firefox.

Assistive Technologies

Applications that provide access to web content hosted in Firefox for users with physical impairments often enable Firefox Accessibility Service. This is the intended use of Firefox Accessibility Service.

Often described as "browser protections" promoting security improvements, these features rarely add valuable security to Firefox and other browsers. Most are poorly designed and poorly tested, and can inadvertently disable more effective security measures built into Firefox. These features also often cause problems during upgrades to Firefox, triggering nasty startup crashes and other abnormalities.

Mozilla does not support or sanction this use of Accessibility Service and actively works with anti-virus vendors to migrate their Accessibility Service extensions to other Firefox extension mechanisms designed for this use.

Mozilla recommends disabling these anti-virus features if they enable Firefox Accessibility Service.

Corporate sign-on assistive technologies, copyright protection, employee and student monitoring, and remote access through remote desktop technologies often turn Firefox Accessibility Service on.

Niche Shareware or Freeware applications

Firefox Accessibility service is occasionally consumed by niche software applications that interact with your web browser to accomplish unique tasks or duties. Examples include: automatic web page form filling, time use tracking, and media managers.

Mozilla does not support or sanction this use of Accessibility Service and suggests these application vendors migrate their software to more appropriate browser extension mechanisms.

Mozilla recommends disabling or uninstalling these applications if they enable Firefox Accessibility Service.

Malware and Adware

Firefox Accessibility Service can be abused by malware, if present, to monitor user behavior or access user information on the web.

If you suspect your device is infected with malware, consider purchasing and running a competent anti-malware software product to address the issue.

What is the impact of having Firefox Accessibility Service enabled?

  • Firefox Accessibility Service may negatively impact Firefox browsing performance
  • Third party applications may be monitoring your web surfing activity
  • Firefox stability may be adversely affected

My Accessibility Service Indicator is visible, what should I do?

A 3rd party application is accessing your browser through Firefox Accessibility Service. Investigate what software might be involved to determine if you feel this access is acceptable. If you do not, consider uninstalling or disabling the application accessing Firefox Accessibility Service. If this is not possible, consider disabling Firefox Accessibility Service within Firefox.

  1. Enter about:support in the address bar. The Troubleshooting Information page will open.
  2. Find the "Accessibility" section and look at the value in the "Accessibility Instantiator" entry.
  • blank - No client information was retrieved
  • An application path that points to a program that accessed Firefox Accessibility Service.
Example path informationC:\Windows\System32\Magnify.exe
  • An encoded value, for example: "NVDA" indicating Firefox recognized the application. Listed below are common values ​​and a description of the client detected.
"NVDA"NVDA screen reader
"JAWS"A compatible version of JAWS screen reader
"OLDJAWS"An incompatible version of JAWS screen reader detected

Should I disable Firefox Accessibility Service?

Assistive Technologies

Do not disable Firefox Accessibility Service if you or someone who shares your device accesses the web through Firefox using any type of physical impairment assistive software.

Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Browser Plugins

If you determine an anti-virus software extension is enabling Firefox Accessibility Service Mozilla recommends you disable this 3rd party software feature. If a disable configuration option is not available Mozilla recommends disabling Firefox Accessibility Service from within Firefox.

Enterprise or Educational Monitoring and Access

Users in enterprise or educational networks should contact their administrator about disabling Firefox Accessibility Service.

When you search for virus software on your computer, all applications installed on your computer are among the suspects.

Viruses spread not only along with email messages, programs and files that enter the computer via the network and on external media, but also as part of screen savers, themes, toolbars and other add-ons in Windows 10. To protect your computer from interference by unwanted software, Windows 10 includes a special multifunctional tool - Windows Defender, which acts as an antivirus and general security program.

Windows Defender scans all data streams coming into your computer: downloaded files, emails, network traffic, instant messages, and files coming from external drives and disks. If necessary, you can also tell Windows Defender to view data stored in OneDrive folders. When Windows Defender detects actual or potential threats, it displays a message similar to the one shown in Figure 1. The job of a computer security program is to quarantine viruses and other malware before they can cause harm to your computer.

How to enable Windows Defender

If a window appears when you start Windows Defender "This application has been disabled by Group Policy" as shown above and fails to enable Windows Defender, do the following:

1. Open the window " execute" and enter gpedit.msc click OK

2. In the Local Group Policy Editor window that opens, go to Computer configuration >> Administrative Templates >> windows components >>Endpoint Protection

3. Click on the tab

4. In the window that appears in the upper left part, set the switch to Disabled and press OK

5.Restart your computer

6. After the computer reboots into search field enter a word Windows Defender and click

7. In the window that opens Windows Defender click on the button Launch

How to disable Windows Defender

To disable Windows Defender, you need to follow the first 3 steps from “How to enable Windows Defender”

  1. Open the Run window and type gpedit.msc click OK
  2. In the Local Group Policy Editor window that opens, go to Computer configuration >> Administrative Templates >> windows components >> Endpoint Protection
  3. Click on the tab Turn off Endpoint Protection
  4. In the window that appears in the upper left part, set the switch to position Included and press OK

Windows Defender is turned off, to check in the search field enter windows defender And click. We see that Application disabled by group policy but the defender itself does not work

How to update Windows Defender

Windows Defender updates fully automatically, allowing you to continuously scan your computer for background and recognize even the latest threats. However, if you notice that your computer is behaving strangely, force scan it for malware “infection”. To do this, you will need to launch Windows Defender manually.

  1. Click the Defender button Windows panels tasks (this button is located next to the clock icon). The window of the antivirus tool built into Windows 10 will appear on the screen.
  2. In the antivirus program window, click the Scan Now button. The computer is scanned for unwanted software immediately and continues for a specified period of time.

How viruses penetrate a computer.

Even if your operating system has a special antivirus tool, to avoid the risk of malware entering your computer, follow the steps described in the instructions below.

  • Never send or open attachments to emails that you don't know about. If you receive a strange letter from a friend or work colleague, do not be lazy to first contact the sender and make sure that it was not sent by criminals.
  • Be extremely suspicious of all one-click attachments. For example, if you receive a message asking you to become friends with someone you don't know on Facebook, don't click on it. Instead, visit the Facebook website using a browser and make sure that the person in question actually wants to be your friend. The fewer links you click embedded in emails, the less likely you are to give malware access to your computer.
  • Do not even try to respond to one of the emails asking you to enter your login name and password to access your e-wallets or credit cards. Having seen a similar letter in mailbox, visit the website of your bank or other financial institution and complete the necessary financial transactions from there. Even if this is not particularly necessary, once again make sure that everything is in order with the money in your accounts. If you are careful and do not disclose your credentials, then nothing irreparable will happen. (The operation of extracting passwords for credit cards and credentials is called phishing; it is described in detail in the next section.)
  • Windows Defender updates itself completely automatically using Windows Update. This service starts with Windows 10 and continues to run until your computer shuts down, so you don't have to specifically update Windows Defender.
  • If you prefer to use third-party antivirus tools, you may not need to look into Windows Defender's capabilities. During the installation of any other antivirus, Windows Defender automatically stops working. You should not abuse the installation of several antivirus programs at once, since they are guaranteed to conflict with each other.

Windows Defender reliability

Like previous versions operating room Microsoft systems, Windows 10 includes basic set funds antivirus program Windows Defender. It is installed with the operating system, has high performance, is automatically updated and catches most of the malware that tries to penetrate the computer. The question is whether it copes better with the tasks assigned to it than a third-party software, especially distributed on a paid basis? The answer is ambiguous and depends on the criteria by which the effectiveness of the program is assessed.

For example, most third-party antivirus products are better at fighting viruses than Windows Defender. But the more carefully the antivirus looks for malware, the less fast the computer becomes. Some software displays warning messages on the screen so frequently that another threat has been detected that working on the computer becomes unbearable.

Windows Defender is ideal for users who are trained in the principles safe work on the computer. If you know how to recognize the main threats that come from attachments in email messages and links on sites of dubious origin, then you can get by with the built-in antivirus tool in Windows 10. If you need a system with a more serious level of data protection, then be prepared to purchase it for an additional fee. There is no single criterion.

Again, the choice of protection depends on your expectations. If you are able to purchase serious comprehensive computer protection software, then don’t hesitate to buy it. When using the antivirus tool built into Windows 10, you will often have to make your own decisions about blocking access to your computer for a variety of software, which is not always as difficult as it seems.

Many times I have been asked various questions about , for example, “Where to download offline updates,” “How to send a suspicious file for testing to a Microsoft laboratory,” etc. Moreover, users from search engines, and do not find an answer. That's why I decided to write this article.

As an introduction, I would like to immediately note that - high-quality, and at the same time demonic paid antivirus from Microsoft for home users and small businesses (up to 10 PCs), the engine of which is based on the commercial Forefront Endpoint Protection. It has all the modern antivirus technologies such as signature check, heuristic analysis And cloud protection mechanisms.

During client installation, special components are added that allow you to build protection at the kernel level, including detecting rootkits. Agree, only OS developers can have everything necessary tools, operating at a very low level, other vendors have to somehow get out.

I would consider the following characteristics to be the main advantages of MSE:

  • Free
  • Undemanding to resources
  • Integration with
  • Protection against Internet threats (integration with)
  • Dynamic Signature Service
  • Network monitoring system (protection against network exploits)

So, I will try to answer the most frequently asked questions from users:

Q: How often are signature databases updated? Microsoft Security Essentials?

A: MSE antivirus with default settings is updated once a day, at the same time at which it was installed. However, .

Q: Why Microsoft Security Essentials disables Windows Defender?

A: Windows Defender included in the OS Windows Vista/7, and designed to remove, quarantine, or prevent spyware. Microsoft Security Essentials This is a full-fledged antivirus, which, incl. It also protects against spyware. Therefore, if you have installed it, then Windows Defender is no longer needed.

Q: MSE is displayed in yellow and reports that the PC is "Probably Unprotected". What does this mean, and what should you do?

A: The antivirus displays a similar message when the signature databases are outdated or the system has not been scanned for a long time. Try updating your anti-virus databases and conducting a full system scan.
If this does not help, then you probably use system cleaning utilities, such as CCleaner.

Q: How can I update my antivirus on a computer that is not connected to the Internet?

A: You can download offline databases on the official website:

Q: When copying an executable file to a computer, the antivirus cannot detect it as malware, although it detects a threat when launched.

A: In the antivirus settings, set the option: Scan archive files. The fact is that this executable file is actually an archive containing malware. By default, MSE does not check archives.

Q: How do I send a file for scanning to the Microsoft antivirus laboratory?

A: You can send the file for verification to this address:

Q: How does the Dynamic Signature Service work?

A: If during the analysis the file is regarded as suspicious (for example, it tries to immediately change the protected parts of the OS), but the signature of this virus is not in the database, then a file profile is generated, which is sent for analysis to special Microsoft services - DSS (Dynamic Signature Service), SpyNet and MRS (Microsoft Reputation Services). If the update database already contains a signature, but has not downloaded it, the databases are automatically updated. Signatures contain not only part of the “body” of the virus, but also some typical behavior scenarios that make it possible to unambiguously determine the maliciousness of the program.

Q: How does the Network Monitoring System work?

A: The network monitoring system provides protection against network exploits that use network vulnerabilities to infect a computer. It checks the traffic of the network to which the computer is connected and proactively suppresses known attacks. It requires Windows Filtering Platform (WFP), available in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Network monitoring does not work in Windows XP.

Q: Where can I go for technical assistance if problems arise?

A: Provide competent and qualified technical assistance with Microsoft Security Essentials and others software products Microsoft companies will be able to help you on the official resource Microsoft Community http://answers.microsoft.com/ru-ru/protect/forum/mse

You can download Microsoft Security Essentials from the official Microsoft website

If you still have questions about this antivirus, write in the comments, I will try to answer them.

Good afternoon

I completely agree with you, Windows Defender completely replaces a paid antivirus without slowing down your computer. Finally, Microsoft made something that works and is convenient.

Windows Defender may be turned off for 2 reasons:

1. You are using a work computer and your System Administrator turned off the defender, for example, to use another antivirus.

2. You installed low-quality software that turned off the defender. Usually all sorts of dubious antiviruses and “security programs” do this. They are not made for your protection and, to some extent, are viruses themselves, which is why they disable the defender. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Whatever happens, turning on Windows Defender is not difficult; more on that below.

How to enable Windows Defender:

To enable Windows Defender we will use the registry. This is the easiest method that works on all editions of Windows.

1. Press the Win and R keys at the same time (read more about the Win key in our article: ), enter “regedit” in the window that appears and press Enter:

2. Navigate through the directory tree on the left: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Policies -> Microsoft -> Windows Defender:

Go through the subsections of the "Windows Defender" folder on the left, looking on the right for any options starting with "Disable". If you find any, click on them and set the value to “0”.

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  • 3. Restart your computer and try to re-enable Windows Defender: Click Win buttons S, write to search bar Windows Defender and select the application from the list.

    Most likely it will start and work normally. If not, additional steps below.

    4. Press the Win R keys, write “services.msc” in the line and press Enter. Find "Windows Defender Service" in the list and start the service if it is disabled:

    If you have any questions or need clarification, please, or leave a comment.