Windows authentication - how to disable it in different versions of the operating system. Authentication. Windows authenticity - how to disable it in different versions of the operating system How to determine windows authenticity in a system property

26.10.2021 SSD drives

Hello friends. How to find out if Windows is licensed on your computer? The answer to this question is obvious to you if you bought a new PC, laptop or tablet with the Home edition activated at any reputable hardware store. Or if you purchased . But how can you check whether a license is real if it was purchased in an OEM, boxed version, or in the form of the same electronic key in some online store? Or if we purchased a computer device on the secondary market, and the buyer swore to us that he was selling it along with the most genuine Windows?Let's try to understand this issue and of course I will give you several examples from my practice when I was able to prove to my clients that the activated system installed on their computer was not licensed.

Friends, I strongly recommend that you first read it. This is a complex and tortuous topic, Microsoft has created a lot of jungle in it, but we still tried to present it as simply and clearly as possible. Thus, deception may lie not only in the authenticity of the OS keys, but also in the type of licenses (in particular, free trial ones) to which these keys provide access. So it is necessary to have at least a basic understanding of the types of Windows licenses.

Non-activated, pirated and licensed Windows

OS from Microsoft in the context of its activation can be divided into three types:

  • Not activated;
  • Activated pirate;
  • Activated license.

Unactivated Windows- This is an OS limited by certain capabilities. In Win7, this is a black desktop and psychologically pressing notifications that we have become a victim of software fraud. In Win8.1, this is the inability to choose a color for the start screen and the activation window that appears every 4 hours. In Win10, this is to block all personalization settings. A universal way for all versions to find out whether the system is activated or not is the control panel. Press Win+Pause on the keyboard and look at the “Windows Activation” column. If there is activation, we will see it.

If there is no activation, then this.

Or this, if Win7 is used within a monthly trial period.

An activated system will be listed as such regardless of the activation method - pirated or legal.

Activated pirated Windows externally and functionally no different from a legally activated system. Unless, of course, we are talking about a system installed from a clean distribution and a separate activation stage using, for example, a KMS activator.

If third party Windows assembly it is initially supplied activated, its functionality can be interfered with - something is cut out, something is disabled, something (including malicious) is additionally installed. About all the pros and cons of pirated assemblies. Disadvantages of pirated activation:

It may fly off periodically;

Activator files and processes are blocked by antiviruses;

Its detection by the competent authorities will result in prosecution - civil, administrative or even criminal. As well as, we read the practice of courts on the website of judicial decisions of the Russian Federation. We go to the website http://judicial decisions.rf. And in the “Document text” field we enter a key query, for example, “Windows KMS”.

  • Note: I especially recommend reading the judicial practice in cases of copyright infringement of developers in your spare time to all those “smart guys” who, in the comments of the site, insult those who have chosen the path of using paid licensed software.

Activated licensed Windows is a legitimate way to use it that will allow us to sleep peacefully at night. And not to be afraid of any inspections by the competent authorities if we use the system for our individual entrepreneurs or head any structural unit companies.

So, genuine and pirated Windows are indistinguishable in appearance and functionality. How to understand which one we are dealing with?

Windows Authenticity Stickers

You can find out whether Windows is licensed or not by looking at the authenticity stickers on the computer device. What are these stickers? This:

Certificate of Authenticity (COA) - a sticker on the PC case, on the bottom of the laptop or inside its battery compartment, and also inside the latter on Surface tablets;

The GML sticker is a hologram sticker with changing colors depending on the viewing angle, introduced in September 2017, the sticking locations are the same as for COA.

If license key was purchased separately from the device, by purchasing a boxed version of Windows - an installation DVD or flash drive; authenticity stickers should be on their packaging, respectively. For boxed versions, the same types of stickers are used,

Same as for device cases - certificate of authenticity (COA) and holograms.

How to find out if Windows is licensed using the command line

If the seller of a used computer swears that he is selling it with licensed Windows, if a new device is bought from a store with a reputation hitherto unknown to us, the authenticity of the OS can be verified by asking to enter something into the command line. We run it as administrator. And enter:

slmgr –ato

If the activation is pirated, we will see something like this message in the script window that appears.

Or something like this message.

But if the system is genuine, we will see in the script the inscription “Activation completed successfully.”

In addition to the direct activation message in the script window, it is also important to pay attention to Windows edition. If the title of the edition contains the addition “Eval”, for example, “EnterpriseSEval”, alas, such authenticity of activation is of little use.

How to find out if Windows is licensed using the task scheduler or how pirated activators work

It should be noted that the latest operating systems from Microsoft (Windows 8.1, 10) have a fairly strong mechanism for protecting against activation by pirated means, and at the moment there are only a few activators capable of activating the above-mentioned OS, the most famous isKMSAuto Net. But it works very simply and can be easily detected in the system. KMSAuto Net creates a folder at the address: C:\ProgramData\KMSAutoS and places its files in it.

To constantly reactivate the OS, he is also forced to create his own task in the scheduler.

One time, a friend brought me a laptop with installed and activated Windows 10

And he asked if the system was licensed. I stupidly opened the command line and entered the command already familiar to you: slmgr –ato, the result was very eloquent.

Then I opened the planner and showed my friend the task I had createdKMSAuto Net. The questions disappeared by themselves.

How to check Windows 7 for authenticity

If you are faced with the task of determining the authenticity of Windows 7, then first of all look at the sticker with the license key on the PC case or on the bottom of the laptop; if there is none, then the task becomes many times more complicated, since this OS has a weak mechanism for protecting against activation by pirated tools . If you ask this question on the official Microsoft website, they will advise you to install update KB971033, created specifically for OS authentication, but for example, on this PC this update installed,

and the system was activated by a pirate activator and I will prove this to you a little later.

You may also be advised to enter on the command line: slmgr.vbs /dli, but the message “License status: has a license” does not prove anything.

Also at the office. The Microsoft website will advise you to download the tool MGADiag.exe

providing detailed information about the authenticity of Windows, but often he will also not be able to distinguish a pirated OS from a licensed one, as in our case. The utility produces the result "V alidation status - Genuine" or "Verification status - Genuine".

In the "Licensing" window you can see the partial product key - 7TP9F and "License Status: Licensed".

But the key YKHFT-KW986-GK4PY-FDWYH-7TP9F can be on Win 7 installed on Acer laptops, But not at all on Win 7 installed on normal desktop computer,

I always come across him on pirate sevens. This key installs the pirated program Windows activation 7 Loader by DaZ Activator or Windows7 ULoader

A real license key will not be “Googled” at all, since information about it should not be on the Internet.

Trial Windows

Trial Windows - editions of Win10 Enterprise and offered on the Microsoft Evaluation Center website, which can be tested for free for 90 days - are completely legal systems. You can also add trial Win8.1 Enterprise to them; it is no longer available for download on the Evaluation Center website, but it can be found on the network, in particular. And, of course, the activation verification team will show that everything is fine with them. But this order will be temporary.

Evaluation builds are activated for 90 days with a temporary Evalution license activation key. If such an assembly will be installed on computers system administrators company, you don’t have to be afraid of any inspections by the competent authorities. Everything is legal here. It is also completely legal, because there is no direct prohibition, after 90 days you can cancel the Evalution license and use the system for another 90 days. And then another 90 days (activation is reset only three times). Well, then you can reinstall the system. Trial Evalution editions are the optimal solution for those who still reinstall the OS at least once a year. It is illegal if we are not an IT employee of the company and will use such an Evaluation assembly for commerce or for leisure activities. But this solution is definitely better than pirated activation – both in terms of technical aspects and in terms of legal liability.

So, there is nothing wrong with trial Evalution editions if they are not trying to sell them to us as a full-fledged system with a perpetual license. In addition to the method shown in the previous paragraph of the article, you can also identify the Evalution edition by the watermark in the lower right corner of the screen with an inscription in the form of a countdown to the end of the 90-day period. But such inscriptions are very easily removed by software like . We can make sure that we are dealing with an Evalution license and see the number of days remaining until the end of the 90-day period using the same command line. We run it as administrator. Enter:


And look at the information.

Documents on Windows

What documents confirm the authenticity of the key? Windows product? Evidence of legal use of the OS is:

An email from the seller of the electronic key - Microsoft itself or an online store. This letter specifically states the key. The system should be activated by him;

Sales receipts, invoices, acceptance certificates and similar documents from OEM suppliers for OEM devices. Without these documents, there will be a violation of the Microsoft licensing procedure in terms of failure to comply with the terms of use of the OEM license.

So, friends, buying OEM computers written off and stolen by company employees, as well as purchasing cheap OEM keys on eBay, is not The best decision. It is undoubtedly better than KMS activators and Evalution builds of Windows, but it is not a panacea for problems with inspection bodies.


Standard procedure is authentication operating system Windows version 7 is in the process of being activated during initial software installation. This check is carried out automatically and does not require additional actions from the user.

If you need to verify the authenticity of the installed and used Windows OS version 7, you must call the main menu by clicking on the “Start” button and go to “All Programs”. Find the line with the name of the browser you are using and launch it. Go to the authentication page of the official Microsoft website and use the “Verify Now” command. The procedure takes a few seconds and consists of comparing the computer's hardware profile with a special key consisting of twenty-five characters. You can find this key in the certificate of authenticity.

Alternative method verification can be done by downloading a specialized authentication utility from the official Microsoft website. The utility is absolutely free and does not require special installation. You just need to launch the downloaded application to find out in a few seconds whether your computer's operating system is genuine.

If you want to make sure that other Microsoft products are officially licensed, we recommend checking for a Certificate of Authenticity (COA). The specialized web resource “Original or Fake” provides specific characteristics of legal specific products and lists the main indicators of counterfeits.

If it is impossible to authenticate the Windows operating system version 7, experts advise contacting the Product Identification Service, or using telephones hotline Microsoft company.

Video on the topic


  • Authentication
  • windows 7 authentication
  • How to Authenticate Windows 7

The operation of all software installed on the computer depends on how the operating system (OS) works. If your Windows system is not licensed, then malfunctions in the operation of the operating system itself may occur, and software conflicts between applications both with the OS and with each other are likely.

You will need

  • Computer running Windows operating system with Internet access



Be careful when purchasing software, pay attention to the condition of the appearance of the packaging first.

Helpful advice

Always report to Microsoft if you discover a counterfeit version of Windows.

Licensed copies of the operating system are very easy to distinguish from fakes. In addition to the significant external differences between optical media, there is also online verification of the authenticity of the installed software.

Hello dear readers.

Today you can often buy a device with already installed software. And sometimes sellers of such equipment claim that an original product is installed on it, demanding additional money for this. Therefore, many people want to know how to check their Windows license so as not to be deceived. Later in the article I will tell you several ways to achieve your plan.

general information

Everyone today has the opportunity to buy a licensed Windows 10 OS or any other version offered by the IT giant for their computer. However, previously this could only be done in official stores. At the moment, a variety of resellers are engaged in selling original software. Despite their status, even in such places there are sometimes products that require special attention from buyers, because for a lot of money you can buy a simple pirated version. The following are the main points that help convince you that you are being offered a truly normal product.


The first, easiest way Windows checks 7 and younger versions are inspected for the presence of a special sticker. If the seller states that the original software is installed on the computer, it means on the laptop (usually on the bottom cover) or on system unit relevant information must be available. This is what indicates the use of a legal program and not a pirated one.

The laminated paper indicates the key, version and assembly.

Portable device

If you intend to buy a new operating system separately, there should be no problems with verification at all. Windows 8.1 and other versions are offered on portable devices - plastic disks and flash drives. On legal versions, on the box you can find all the data mentioned at the end of the last heading. In general, the sticker indicates the same thing, only appearance a bit different.

In addition, the manufacturer applies a lot of holographic icons. This can be seen not only on the box, but also on the portable memory itself. On flash drives, the corresponding drawings are on the covers. On the disc packaging they can be found in different places. In addition, Microsoft designers have provided protection for the plastic memory itself.

Check by key

Sometimes some become victims of scammers who themselves print the relevant elements confirming authenticity. To avoid falling into the trap, there is a simple way to check.

So, future users need to turn on the device and on the “ Computer» call « Properties" A window will open where the necessary data will be indicated. This is where you need to check the product code. If everything matches, the license is installed.

Otherwise, in place of the letters and numbers there will be an inscription about failed activation.

In addition, the service life of the key installed in the system is indicated here. If this is not the case, the remaining time for entering characters is written. Usually this is given a month. Afterwards, messages begin to appear indicating that you need to undergo the appropriate procedure.

At the same time, some services may cease to perform their functions.


Another way to verify the authenticity of the operating system is to go to the manufacturer’s website. More precisely, you need to enter the appropriate combination of characters in the appropriate line on the web resource.

Important! This cannot be done for Windows XP, Windows Vista and version seven, since developer support is already closed for them.

Pirate build

To identify non-original software, you can use several methods. So, first, go to computer properties. If nothing is indicated in the activation clause, most likely a low-quality product is being used. But usually there is always some kind of inscription here.

Many Win Mobile users dream of checking their device to be sure that they are using the original image.

It is worth noting that today Cell phones with this operating system are released only by Microsoft partner companies, and therefore only genuine software is used on them.

Command line

Another convenient way to check system activation is to enter a special combination of characters via the command line. To do this, go to " Start" and in the search bar specify " cmd" The corresponding icon will appear. Call the context menu on it and open it with administrator rights.

A black window will appear in front of users. You need to enter the command in it: “ clmgr /xpr" Next, the operating system will display a message corresponding to the activation status.

If this does not help, you need to indicate in the line: “ cscript slmgr.vbs -xpr" The result should be the same.

In general, all methods are free and legal, so you can safely use one of them or even all of them at once.

I hope you will be able to implement your plans without problems.

It is no secret that a considerable part of users in our country work with a not very licensed Windows OS. This is due to many factors that we will not discuss in detail in this article. It's no surprise that Windows interferes with them - how can I disable this feature? Let's try to figure this out.

What is this anyway?

The main utility through which Microsoft finds out about unlicensed copies of Windows is the WGA program, which is installed when you first start the Windows Update service. In principle, in older versions of Windows, its only purpose was to block the update channel.

In Window Vista, its purpose was much more severe: the functionality of the unlicensed system was sharply curtailed, which pushed PC owners to purchase a legal copy of the system. But our users were not at all confused by the authentication. "Windows Authenticity - How to disable it?" - they asked on the forums.

Of course, the hivemind eventually found such a method. You can use all the methods described below only at your own peril and risk, since in some cases their use can lead to very adverse consequences for the entire system as a whole. But know that we do not advocate disabling authentication, since it is best to still buy a legal copy.

Windows XP

First, let's figure out how to disable Windows XP authentication. If you have the Windows Update service enabled, then the KB905474 update was installed on your system, which is causing numerous problems. Let’s make a reservation right away that, in general, the update service is extremely important, as it allows you to close the gaps found in security systems, which prevents virus attacks.

By the way, what prevents you from prohibiting the installation of KB905474 in advance? Of course, this is entirely possible. But you will soon get tired of constantly being distracted from work by prohibiting the download of this patch. Therefore, sooner or later it will be installed anyway.

What happens after installing WGA?

By the way, how do you know that your system contains this update? Unfortunately, it’s not difficult to guess: immediately after a failed authentication, you will see a notification “Unfortunately, your copy of Windows is not licensed.”

If you click the Cancel button or simply close the warning dialog, it will disappear. But it will appear the next time the system boots. If you click on the “Next” button, the system will offer you to buy a licensed version, simultaneously listing all the dangers that users of pirated software are exposed to. copies of Windows. If you are impressed, you can follow the advice.

If not, then you will purchase a small banner that will settle in the lower right corner of your desktop and will constantly remind you of your lack of consciousness. Important! Before you disable Windows XP authentication, be sure to not disable Windows service Update, since some of the methods proposed below will certainly not work in this case.

Let's start solving the problem

To do this, you will have to follow one of the tips below. Important! Not all of them can help in all cases, so you will have to go through them in order to find a really working method. So how do you disable Windows Authentication?

Deleting the KB905474 folder

When the system prompts you to install the “Notification Tool...”, you must click on the “Cancel” button, and then find the KB905474 folder. There are following files: wganotifypackageinner.exe, wgasetup.exe, and wga_eula.txt. Once you find them, delete the entire directory.

Since we are talking about Windows XP, you will not need any administrative privileges, nor will you have to log in. Next you will have to go to the “Scheduler” and delete the “WGASetup” task available there. Then we look for the WGASetup.job file and delete it.

Working with the registry

We offer this option for those who missed the installation of the ill-fated update, after which a malicious banner appeared on the desktop. Click on the “Start” button, look for the “Run” field there, and then enter the regedit command there. The registry editor will appear, with which we will work.

Before you disable Windows XP SP3 authentication, you will need to completely remove the Notify section. To do this, select it with the left mouse button, and then click on the Delete button.

All! As you can see, this method is not particularly difficult to implement! To check if it worked successfully, restart Windows. If everything is in order, you will no longer see messages about the illegal origin of your copy of the operating system.

Blocking a site with updates

Finding Opening last file in a regular Notepad, then add the line at the end of it: “”. To do this, right-click on it and select "Open with".

Important! We do not recommend doing this, since this method is equivalent to complete shutdown update services. This means that you will not receive any patches, and your system will be vulnerable to viruses and other malware.

WGA Crack

From this point on, our story finally moves into the theory section. We do not in any way suggest that you use this method, but describe it for informational purposes only. Even if you decide to take it into service, you will have to do so entirely at your own peril and risk.

So, you will have to find the “WGA Validation Crack” program on the vast expanses of the Internet, which is designed specifically to bypass the system authentication system. Its value is that after installation this application you can use without interference Windows system Update, installing all updates available on the Microsoft website.

Program installation

It's incredibly simple. All you need to do is unpack it and then run it with administrator rights. To do this, you need to right-click on it and then select context menu"Run as administrator" item. Further all operations will be performed automatically.

If Windows XP still requires activation

If all the methods described above do not produce results, we suggest you use the WPA-Kill module, which you will also have to search on the Internet yourself. Place it on a flash drive, having first disconnected it antivirus program.

First you need to boot the system into safe mode. To do this, press the F8 key immediately after the BIOS logo appears on the computer display. A list of all possible download options will appear, from which you need to select the method you require. Wait for the system to boot.

Connect the flash drive on which WPA-Kill is recorded to your computer, after disabling your antivirus program again. Go to the folder with the program, find the file antiwpa-2.0-winxp-2k3. Run it as an administrator by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate item in the context menu.

If the system displays a failure message, try erasing the data.dat file. Run the program again and follow its prompts as you work.

But how to disable authentication in Windows 7 (build 7600)? Fortunately, this is quite easy to do.

How to bypass Windows 7 authentication?

Everything would be fine, but not so long ago it was officially discontinued. Therefore, authentication does not make much sense. It makes sense to deactivate Windows authenticity (how to disable it so far) only in the case of Windows 7. If for some reason you are still Windows user Vista, then the method below will also help you.

This is another utility, the operating principle of which is somewhat different from the one described above. It allows you to easily download and install updates, even if you don't have a key on your system at all. In addition, at the moment it is not detected by the system itself, but antiviruses consider it dangerous.

So before you disable Windows 7 authentication, you will have to deactivate your antivirus protection(if there is one). After that you can continue. Installing the program is extremely simple and is no different in this regard from the application described above. After installation, it will reboot the system itself.

There is also a simpler option. Remember how we talked about deleting the update folder on Windows XP? Do you know how to disable authentication in Windows 7 (build 7601 and earlier) in approximately the same way? To do this, you need to follow all the same steps, but you should remove the KV971033 update. After this, you need to reboot the system.

Disable Windows 8 Authentication

The latest version of Microsoft's OS is a very tough nut to crack in terms of security. So how to disable Windows 8 authentication, how realistic is this? We regret to report that none of the above methods work for her.

In this operating system, authentication is closely tied to Internet services and account user, so modifying the registry or even system files won't give anything. You will have to either buy a legal version of Windows, or look for a valid key on the Internet.

That's what authentication is for. The authenticity of Windows (which we already know how to disable) is very important to receive all the important add-ons and services from Microsoft in full. So we still recommend purchasing legal Windows. Moreover, at present, many users still prefer to update their computers by the time new version, and therefore, in any case, they receive a legal operating system along with the purchased equipment. In addition, this way you encourage the work of its developers.


We remind you once again that you undertake all the above actions solely at your own peril and risk. In particular, we wrote about some utilities, after installation of which the system no longer checks its validity. It should be remembered that you have to look for them on very dubious sites where you can easily “pick up” a virus. So you need to be extremely careful and careful, otherwise, instead of a free system, you can lose all your data, and the system itself in addition.

Some unscrupulous sellers mark up their computer or laptop at Windows control, declaring that the operating system on the device is licensed. However, few of them know that Windows authentication is completed in a matter of seconds. In this instruction we will tell you exactly how.

Important: during the scan, the computer must have access to the Internet.

How to authenticate Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

Step 1: Press the keyboard shortcut Win +R and enter the command in the window that opens cmd.

Step 2: In the Command Prompt window, enter the following command:

Step 3. Wait for a window to appear with information about the authenticity of the Windows operating system installed on your computer.

Note: The command may take up to 60 seconds to complete. Be patient.

So, if the window that opens says “Activation completed successfully,” then you have a computer with a licensed license installed. Windows version. If the command signals an error, a pirated copy of the OS is installed on the computer.

The error indicates a pirated copy of Windows

How to Authenticate Windows XP and 7

In the case of Windows XP and Windows 7, the above method does not work. However, with the old Microsoft operating systems everything is still simpler. To verify the authenticity of the system, just go to special page official website of the company.