Bonus program rules. Food for Delivery Club Points How to get points

02.05.2020 SSD drives

Today, citizens themselves can accumulate points for an old-age insurance pension by independently paying contributions to the Russian Pension Fund.

If there are not enough pension points to retire and receive an insurance pension, you can purchase them. Moreover, to purchase points it is not necessary to wait until the age of retirement approaches. They can be purchased at any time. We are talking about voluntary entry into legal relations regarding pension insurance.

Let us remind you that according to the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, the right to establish an insurance pension depends on the length of service and the size of the individual pension coefficient or score. If in order to receive an insurance pension in 2018, pension points of at least 13.8 were required, then in 2019 the requirement increased to 16.2.

Self-employed citizens, which include individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, educators, all kinds of domestic helpers, freelancers, translators and tutors and others, can buy the missing pension points. People who permanently or temporarily reside in the territory can purchase additional points Russian Federation who are not covered by compulsory pension insurance. And also, anyone can buy points for their relative or friend, if the employer does not pay for it. In addition, Russian citizens who work outside our country can buy points.

The calculation of the amounts of voluntary insurance contributions is carried out on a calendar basis and depends on the size of the minimum wage established at the beginning of the financial year. Until recently, the minimum annual contribution was calculated based on twice the minimum wage. According to the recently adopted federal law “On Amendments to Article 29 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”, the minimum amount of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance from 2019 is calculated based on a single minimum wage:

1 minimum wage x 26% x 12 = 29,779 rubles.

By paying this amount to the Pension Fund, a person will be able to earn 1,177 points and one year of insurance experience.

The periods of payment of insurance premiums are counted in the insurance period. However, the duration of the periods of payment of contributions counted towards the insurance period for payers cannot be more than half of the period of service required for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension. Therefore, you cannot buy pension points for your entire pension.

Payment of voluntary insurance premiums is carried out no later than December 31 of the year for which payment is made, and the reflection of the paid amounts on an individual personal account can only be seen after March 1 of the year following the reporting one.

You can submit an application and conclude an agreement under which voluntary contributions for compulsory pension insurance will be paid at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. Registration with the Pension Fund is carried out immediately on the day of application. You need to have a passport (or an identity document confirming registration at the place of residence (stay)) and SNILS with you. In some cases, documents confirming the fact of work may be required .

Details for paying contributions can be found on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund, and to generate a payment document you can use the convenient

Specialists studying in the NMiFO system must recruit in their specialty within five years 250 credits/points, i.e. By 50 ZET/credits/points Every year. How to complete this task?

What does it take to get 50 credits?

1. Complete training in an additional professional development program for continuing education lasting 36 hours.

To enroll in a cycle for additional professional program advanced training specialist must:

  • register on the NMIFO Portal;
  • create an individual training cycle in the specialty;
  • choose a cycle according to the advanced training program;
  • generate, print and sign a preliminary application for the selected cycle;
  • agree on a preliminary application with the employer;
  • send the agreed application for the cycle to the organization implementing it (by mail, e-mail, fax or in person);
  • receive a training voucher and a contract for the provision of paid services(for training on a contractual basis) from an educational organization.

After completing the cycle, the educational organization will confirm your training on the Portal of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Russian Ministry of Health and will give you ZET/points/credits.

2. Collect 14 ZET/points/credits by participating in educational events

Every week, the website hosts educational events: online conferences, online seminars on the hottest medical topics. Participation is free for listeners!

For receiving ZET/points/credits must participate in the training event and pass the final test after its completion. Within a week after the end of the educational event in personal account on in the "NMiFO Webinars" tab you can download a certificate with an individual confirmation code, which you need to independently activate on the Website of the Coordination Council for the Development of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia or on the Portal of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia to receive ZET /points/credits. Activation instructions are included with each event.

24.01.19 50 991 33

And other features of the Russian Railways Bonus program

About the opportunity to buy air tickets in exchange for airline miles

Victor Tyurin

often travels by train

Russian Railways has a similar program. It’s called “Russian Railways Bonus” and is structured in much the same way: you need to accumulate points for trips taken, and then use them to pay for tickets on long-distance trains.

I have been participating in the Russian Railways Bonus program since 2014. During this time, I accumulated 105,000 bonus points, bought 11 tickets for myself and my loved ones with them, and saved about 35 thousand rubles.

Who benefits from participating?

  1. You periodically travel around Russia by train and plan to do so in the future.
  2. You travel by train on business trips. Then you can earn points for these trips and exchange them for tickets for yourself.

It doesn't matter who paid for the ticket. Points will be awarded to the person who actually rode the train. You can receive bonuses even if the company paid for your business trip ticket.

How to get involved

To join the program, you need to go to the Russian Railways Bonus website and fill out the standard registration form there. You will be assigned an individual participant number - this is a login for your personal account and an “account” in which bonuses are accumulated.

You will need your member number when exchanging bonuses for tickets. Write it down.

At the very beginning, you will be assigned a basic level of participation. There is also an elite one, also known as gold, with which points accumulate faster. To get the gold level, you need to accumulate 35,000 points during the calendar year or make 50 trips in a coupe or SV. Riding with a reserved seat earns points, but does not increase the level of participation. Russian Railways also periodically holds promotions and awards more points for certain trips.

When registering in the program, Russian Railways awards 500 welcome points. You can also get points for recent trips if you traveled somewhere by train no more than 30 days before the registration date.

How to earn points

Points are awarded for trips on Federal Passenger Company trains. This means - for all trips on long-distance trains that belong to Russian Railways. Points will also be awarded for high-speed trains “Lastochka” and “Strizh”, as well as high-speed trains “Sapsan” and “Allegro”.


will be refunded from the ticket price bonus points

The mathematics of the points is simple: 1 point for 3.34 R. 30% of the ticket price will be returned in points. The number of points does not depend on the travel distance or seat category - only on the cost of the ticket.

What points are not awarded for?

You will not receive Russian Railways points for trips on electric trains, Aeroexpress trains and trains of other railway companies, for example TransclassService.

These are the same trains that run on the same rails, but they are not part of Russian Railways and points for tickets for them are not awarded in the Russian Railways Bonus - they have their own bonus program.

Elite, gold level members receive more points. They are awarded 1 point for 2.23 R, that is, 45% of the ticket price will be returned to the bonus account in points.

Let's use examples.

Let's say Nikolai bought a ticket in a compartment of the Volga branded train for a trip on the Moscow - Tver route. The ticket cost 1621 RUR. For this trip, Nikolay will receive 486 points - 30% of the cost.

Gennady also traveled along the Moscow - Tver route, but bought a ticket for a reserved seat carriage for 529 RUR. For this trip Gennady will receive 158 points - also 30%.

And Ekaterina traveled along the route Moscow - Tver and back five times over the past year. Each time she traveled in a compartment carriage, the ticket cost an average of 1,500 RUR. For 5 trips there and back, Ekaterina spent 15,000 RUR. For this she received 4500 points - 30%.

You can earn additional points by using the services of program partners. On the website, all partners are divided into categories: “Banks”, “Hotels”, “Recreation and Entertainment”, “Other Partners”. But, to be honest, there are few options now. For example, only 5 hotel chains participate in the partnership program. I don’t see any opportunities for myself to earn points through Russian Railways partners.

How points are awarded

There are two ways to get points: automatic and manual.

You can simply indicate your program participant number when you buy a ticket on the Russian Railways website. Within 30 days after the trip, points will be awarded automatically. Information about bonuses will be sent by email.

If you did not indicate your number when purchasing, you can add points yourself through your personal account in the Russian Railways Bonus program. This can be done no earlier than 30 days and no later than 120 days after the start of the trip.

We'll plan your trip for you

I tried both options and ended up choosing the "manual" mode. With the automatic option, points arrived unpredictably: on an arbitrary date and not all at the same time. For one trip, the points did not arrive at all; I had to enter the information myself.

Now I do things differently. After the trip, I mark the date in 30 days on my calendar so I don’t forget to add points. In a month I will perform this operation. I look up ticket information in my Russian Railways personal account or simply save the ticket.

How many points do you need for a free ticket?

Accumulated points can be exchanged for compartment or SV tickets. You can also get a ticket for Sapsan. A ticket received in exchange for points is called a premium ticket.

You cannot use points to get a reserved seat ticket or a train ticket that travels outside the Russian Federation. Sometimes the ticket price does not include Additional services like bed linen or food, then you will have to pay extra for them. A warning about this will be visible when you issue a bonus ticket.

How many points do you need to buy an award ticket? Table from the Russian Railways Bonus website

How do I exchange points for tickets - examples

Example 1. I live in St. Petersburg and in the summer I decided to go to Moscow. The distance is about 600 km, the ticket price is on average 3000 RUR. I don’t specifically take the reserved seat car into account.

A bonus ticket on this route costs 7,000 points in a compartment of a regular train, Nevsky Express or Sapsan. I usually choose Sapsan: the cost in points is the same, and less travel time is spent.

To accumulate 7,000 points, you need to first spend 23,380 RUR on train tickets. Having spent this amount, I saved 3000 RUR. The result was a “cashback” of 12.8%.

Example 2. I can decide on a longer trip - for example, to Vladivostok. There are no trains from St. Petersburg to this city, which means you will need to get there through Moscow. The distance by rail from Moscow to Vladivostok will be 9,300 km. This trip will cost approximately 5,000 RUR if you travel on the upper side berth, 8,000 RUR on the lower berth in a reserved seat, 15,000 RUR on the upper berth in a compartment, 19,000 RUR on the lower berth in a compartment.

In any case, a bonus ticket to Vladivostok will cost at least 35,000 points. There are no options with a reserved seat for points, and the upper and lower bunk in a compartment for points cost the same. Of course, I take the most comfortable option - the bottom bunk in the compartment.

To get such a premium ticket, you need to first spend 116,900 RUR on tickets. By spending this amount, I can save 19,000 rubles - 16.2% of 116,900 RUR. In my opinion, a good “cashback”.

Example 3. One day I didn’t buy a ticket using points, but bought it with money.

From St. Petersburg you can go to Petrozavodsk. It is about 420 km and 5 hours on the road. A train ticket will cost from 900 RUR for a seat to 2000 RUR for the lower berth of a compartment.

A reward ticket will require 4,000 points. To get them, you need to spend 13,360 RUR. If you take a ticket in a compartment, the cashback will be 14.9%. But the duration of the trip is short, and in this situation I preferred to take a regular seat ticket and not spend 4,000 points.

Shorter trips require fewer points. But, in my opinion, this is unprofitable.

What happens if you return a ticket for points?

If there are more than 8 hours left before the train departs from the starting station, the points will be refunded in full.

If there are less than 8 hours left before the train departure, points will not be returned.

When is the Russian Railways Bonus most profitable?

Last minute ticket. As a rule, tickets become more expensive as the travel date approaches. Therefore, it is better to buy a ticket in advance for money. And the ticket price is fixed in points. Even if you purchase an award ticket on the day of departure, the points price will not change. The main thing is that you have enough points.

Branded train- for example, “Arctic”, “Volga”, “Red Arrow”. The cars on this train are new, the toilet is cleaner, there is a shower, the bed linen is better, and sometimes it is even laid in advance. Tickets for a branded train usually cost 20-50% more. And the price in points is the same as for a regular train. Therefore, you can travel with greater comfort for the same cost.

The lower shelf of the compartment. Tickets for the lower shelf are more expensive, sometimes even twice as expensive. It’s cheaper to buy the top shelf for rubles, but for points the top and bottom shelves cost the same. You can choose a shelf to suit your taste, without focusing on price.

How to buy a ticket with points

An award ticket for points can be purchased on the Russian Railways website. It's similar to buying a regular ticket.

Please note that you do not see all available seats and can only indicate a range of seats. It is not comfortable.

For example, you want to ride next to the window, but you don’t know what seat number to set for this.

I recommend doing something smarter. When you have decided on the train and carriage, open the Russian Railways website again in a separate tab. Simulate buying a ticket for money on the same train: enter the same date, route, select the same train and carriage as for an award ticket.

Return to the award ticket tab and select the interval that is most convenient for you, for example, 29-29. Now you will know exactly which place you will get.

How to issue a ticket for another person

Only the account owner can spend points in the Russian Railways Bonus. But you can still transfer them from account to account. I do this so I can buy tickets for my loved ones with points.

First, you need to register a person with Russian Railways Bonus so that he can have his own account. Then transfer points from one account to another. To do this, you will have to send a scanned application to Russian Railways.

I recommend transferring points in advance. According to the rules of the Russian Railways program, this takes 5 working days, and this period is usually respected. But I still try to do everything 2-3 weeks before the trip so that there are tickets for normal seats on the train.

Here's what the process looks like:

  1. Download from the program website and print out the application form for transferring points.
  2. Fill out and scan in JPEG format. This is important: PDF will not work.
  3. Send the scanned application to Russian Railways via the feedback form. Please attach a scanned page of your passport to your application.
  4. A few days later on email They will send you an email with a confirmation code. After this you will need to call hotline and inform employees of this code. They will confirm that everything is in order and transfer the points.

Upon receipt of the transfer, you will receive an email.


  1. The Russian Railways Bonus program helps save money for those who at least occasionally travel by rail.
  2. Russian Railways returns bonus points from 30% of the ticket price. They can then be exchanged for tickets.
  3. Often different tickets cost the same number of points, so it is more profitable to use them to buy tickets for branded trains and for the lower berth of a compartment.
  4. A ticket for points can be issued to another person.
  5. You can receive points even if the company paid for your travel.

We worked on the material

Author - Victor Tyurin, chief editor and production editor - Marina Safonova, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, illustrator - Karina Golubenko, responsible - Anna Lesnykh, proofreader - Daria Semenova, layout designer - Evgenia Izotova

Dear Colleagues! The material will be useful to specialists with higher education who are about to join the system of continuing medical education. In this article we will tell you how doctors can receive CME points, where they are awarded and what to do with them.

Read in the article:

Why do you need CME points?

CME is new form advanced training for medical workers with points awarded for hours of training completed. It was developed to improve the quality of care provided and the development of doctors.

The basis of such a system is the so-called “old school”, when specialists were sent to four-week courses (144 hours) once every 5 years. But if previously doctors passed them on the basis of institutions, attending lectures, seminars, etc., now they have the right to continuous distance learning, which became available after the introduction of innovative technologies.

Reference: The ministry does not promise 100% distance education within the framework of the CME system, but most of the lectures will go into the information space.

The modern approach to training is aimed at eliminating gaps in knowledge, developing certain skills and competencies, but as much as possible without interrupting work. A specialist has the right to choose the trajectory and type of training, and not just listen general information, which is more suitable for his young colleagues without experience.

How many CME points do you need to earn?

On average, over 5 years, doctors must accumulate 250 points, which are equal to hours of training. The established norm has caused a wave of discontent among specialists, but so far there is no hurry to reduce it. To continue professional activity Each employee is required to gain a total of about 50 points annually for completing face-to-face events in the form of conferences and webinars, as well as educational cycles on the basis of an educational institution or remotely.

The law establishes how many points and for what type of training a specialist must score:

  • for intramural events - 14 hours per year or 70 CME points over 5 years;
  • for educational cycles - 36 hours per year or 180 CME points over 5 years.

A physician has the right to choose how he will collect CME points for educational cycles. He can take one 36-hour course or several 18-hour programs. Whether these are paid or free courses does not matter.

Reference: If a doctor has several specializations, he will have to score points for each of them. To save time and money, it is recommended to take courses that cover more than one specialization.

Status "Active citizen"

To place orders in the Rewards Store, you must obtain the “Active Citizen” status, namely, collect 1000 points. Once you have accumulated the required amount, you will have access to purchases in the Rewards Store. Stay tuned, there may be exceptions for newcomers in the “Rewards Store” - these are incentives available to all project participants.

How to get the “Active Citizen” status faster

1. Fill out your profile as much as possible. Please provide all possible information: full name, gender, date of birth, Family status, email address and necessarily place of residence. If you provide an address in your profile, you will receive not only citywide surveys, but also regional ones, which will also give you the opportunity to earn additional points. By the way, you can indicate three addresses - registration, actual place of residence and work, because surveys for each of these addresses concern you specifically. For a completed profile you will receive 20 additional points.

2. Don't miss a single survey! As a rule, surveys last from two weeks to a month, so do not forget to regularly visit the Active Citizen application or the website Each citywide survey will earn you 20 points, and each regional survey will earn you 5 points.

3. When you regularly visit the site or mobile application you will also be awarded additional points for active participation - 3 points per day.

Choice of incentive

If you already have the status of “Active Citizen”, then hurry up to place your order at

As a rule, the number of promotions is limited and may be available for order for a limited time.

Please read the promotion description carefully before placing your order. The promotion description specifies the information required to receive the promotion.

Please also ensure that your email address is entered correctly in the “Email” field in the “User Profile” section, as this address is used to send an email with order information.

If you have not received an email with order information and you have entered the correct email address, try checking your SPAM folder.


When placing an order from the “Souvenirs” section, select the distribution center where the reward is available and click on the “Order” button

You can claim your reward immediately after placing your order and strictly before the expiration date. To receive an incentive at the distribution center, you just need to provide your order number and the phone number by which you are registered in the project. We recommend that you take with you a printed letter with order information. Please note that not only you, but also your family members, your colleagues or acquaintances can pick up rewards from the distribution center. To receive an order, you just need to know the order number and the phone number by which you are registered in the project.

The order number, date of registration, expiration date and selected delivery center are indicated in the “My Orders” section and in the letter with information about the order.

If you do not claim your reward by the date specified in the email, your order will be canceled after the expiration date and your points will be permanently deducted from your account. Points cannot be refunded after the expiration date.

If you do not have time to pick up your order, you can cancel it before the expiration date in the “My Orders” section by clicking the “Cancel” button. You can check your points refund in the “My Points” section. Cancellation is only possible for the “Souvenirs” section, unless otherwise stated in the promotion description.

Please note that not only you, but also your family members, your colleagues or acquaintances can pick up rewards from the distribution center. To receive an order, it is enough to know the order number and full name indicated in the profile.

When receiving an incentive at the point of issue, you must sign an act in which you confirm that you have no complaints about the composition, size, quantity or quality of the goods, and are aware that the goods cannot be exchanged or returned. In this regard, we recommend checking the characteristics, quality and performance of souvenir products on site and before signing the act.

If you decide not to receive your reward, you can get your points back by canceling your order in the Order History section before the order expires.


When placing an order for a service, be careful: the methods for obtaining services are different! Information about the rules for receiving is indicated in the promotion description.

ATTENTION! If you plan to visit a museum, exhibition or event on different dates, place different orders for the service!

Check that the “Email” field in the “User Profile” section is filled out correctly, because after placing an order, an email with information about the order will be sent to the address specified in this field. If you do not see the email, be sure to check your SPAM folder.

If the reward description contains information about the distribution center, then you will need to receive the reward in the same way as a souvenir - at the distribution center. As a rule, this applies to incentives such as a ticket or an invitation to the theater or to an event.

We try to do everything possible to make your participation in the project as comfortable as possible, therefore, in most cases, a letter with a certificate will be sent to the email specified in your profile, which must be printed and presented/exchanged for a ticket at the place of service.

You must use the certificate strictly before its expiration date, otherwise your order will be canceled and the points will be permanently debited from your account. Points cannot be refunded after the expiration date.

It is impossible to cancel an order for a service, so we recommend that you plan your time in advance and carefully read the description of the incentive before placing an order, as well as the information on the official websites of event organizers.

Please note that information about exceptions or additional conditions always listed in the reward description! Therefore, be sure to always read the promotion description in full!

If you have any other questions, check if they are answered in the “Rules” sections or or contact technical support project at [email protected] or form feedback.

We will be glad to receive your suggestions and help in case of controversial issues. When contacting, please do not forget to indicate: the phone number that you use as a login, as well as information that will help us resolve your issue: order number/date, name of the reward, distribution center, etc. If possible, send links, screenshots and photos.

Please note that all incentives are FREE, no one anywhere can ask you to pay (in whole or in part) for any types of incentives. In case of violation of this rule, as well as in case of any other questions regarding the Rewards Store, please contact the technical support of the project.

Incentives are issued at public service centers every day, from 8.00 to 20.00, with the exception of public holidays.

Auction Rules

To ensure a fair distribution of the most popular incentives among the most active participants, an Auction may be announced for some incentives. In the store catalog, such incentives are marked with the “Auction” badge.

On the promotion page for the Auction, you can find the following information:

    Start and end date of the Auction;

    Minimum (starting) application price in points;

    Maximum number of rewards purchased by one member.

To participate in the Auction, submit an application that will compete with applications from other participants.

Each Auction participant can make one bid if they have a sufficient number of points. Withdrawal or modification of the application is not permitted.

To apply for participation in the Auction:

1. Study the description of the promotion, Auction rules and;

2. Click the “Participate” button no later than the end date of the Auction;

3. Enter your price in the window that appears, select the required quantity;

4. Check the application information and click “Confirm”. The declared amount of points will be debited from your account. If the application is rejected, points are returned on the day the Auction ends;

5. Check the automatically generated list of winners in the promotion description on the day the Auction ends:

· if you are on the list of winners, you will receive your order according to the standard rules for receiving an order.

· if you are not on the list, check the refund of points for a rejected application.

Rules for determining the winners of the Auction

1. Applications are placed in a queue.

o The higher the price in the application, the higher the order’s place in the queue.

o The earlier the application is made, the higher the position of the application in the queue if the prices of different participants are equal.

o A separate queue is formed for each distribution center.

2. Orders are placed one by one and the available balance at the distribution center is reduced by the amount specified in each order.

o If there is not enough free balance to fully satisfy the next application, then it is rejected and the application next in line is considered.

Thus, an application with a lower price and a smaller quantity may win if the more “expensive” application was issued for a quantity that was not in the issuing center at the time of consideration of the next application.