Program for generating passwords. Program for generating passwords - useful - programs - file directory - IT company compus

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Useful software, which will save you from the hassle of racking your brains over creating a new password. Secret code, in addition to meeting the requirements of the site, it is easy to remember and also meets security requirements.

Many users do not pay due attention to security and use simple passwords. For example, "qwerty" or "zzzzzz". And then they roar that their account was “taken away.” To avoid such situations, you should carefully approach the issue of choosing a password. A free password generator will help you with this.

This software is capable of generating passwords, while adjusting their complexity. The password you create can contain both letters and numbers, and can also be complicated by a combination of large and small case.

A nice feature is that the created combinations can be saved in text file by pressing one button. Thanks to this function, you will never lose passwords that are almost impossible to remember yourself. You can download a password generator for Windows 7, XP and Vista.

Password Generator features:

  • generation of passwords of any complexity;
  • setting the type (numbers, symbols), case (upper, lower), length and use of special characters;
  • the application is capable of generating several passwords in one run;
  • ability to save generated sets to a file.

Advantages of Password Generator:

  • takes up very tiny space on your hard drive;
  • Russian-language menu;
  • For a program that weighs less than 200 KB, the interface is quite nice;
  • does not load the system, allows you to perform several other tasks in parallel;
  • The password generation program can be downloaded for free.

Things to work on:

  • There is no password storage function, so you will have to remember all the passwords yourself.

To summarize, we can say that the program will be useful to everyone - how ordinary users to create protection for social networks and people processing classified information. The only drawback is that the program does not store created passwords, but only offers to write them to a file, which significantly compromises their security.

Password generator 2.0.0 – download a free program for generating passwords of varying lengths and complexity. The new generated password will be difficult to guess and hack, which will save your data, accounts, etc. in safety.

With the development of the Internet, the world has come to the point that now each of us has at least one account that needs to be protected with a password. As a rule, people have many such accounts. For example, an account from an online bank, from a social network, from Email, account from a smartphone and so on. According to all information security rules, each of your accounts must have its own unique password. But it’s simply unrealistic to come up with so many passwords, but there is a Password Generator program that will do everything for you.

Description of the program Password Generator

This program has a simple tab interface. The first tab is responsible for generating simple password strings, the second is for a combination of words, and the third is for a text buffer. But to create a variety of strong passwords, you only need to use the first tab. Here you will find several drop-down lists and an input field. In the drop-down lists, you will be able to specify the password style, for example, a string of 10 characters, its type, the case of letters in the password (uppercase or small letters), the use of symbols such as hyphen, underscore, etc., and the number of passwords that needs to be generated. After generating passwords, the program can only give you two options for saving them: copying them to the clipboard and then saving it manually, or saving directly to a file. I don’t immediately recommend the second option, since the file is not protected in any way and anyone can access it, so in this regard, this is a big minus for the Password Generator application.

To store your passwords that you created using the Password Generator program, you can use the application, which can be downloaded for free. This program allows you to store all your passwords in one place, securely and encrypted. Thus, using a combination of the application, you can ensure the security of all your accounts. You can download the Password Generator for free from the link below.


Version: Password generator 2.0.0
Russian language
Status: Free

The password that provides maximum security within the limits of its length is, of course, a random password. This program will help you create any “digital-letter combination” to your liking. All you have to do is remember the abracadabra you received (while training your memory at the same time). It is possible to configure which characters will be present in the password (uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers), as well as the length of the resulting password. It is possible to define additional characters.

This program does not encrypt data, it only helps you come up with a password that will be difficult to crack using brute force.

Additional features

3. All settings, as well as the position of the window, are remembered (or not remembered, depending on the position of the flag) and restored upon startup. The generated passwords, of course, are not remembered anywhere.

4. Copy to the clipboard and clear the clipboard, the ability to show or not show the password and clear the clipboard on exit.


Download Secure Password Generator 2.13.13 (31K, Russian version)

The program is distributed free of charge (FreeWare). Terms of use are specified in the readme.txt file.

No installation required. Just unzip the archive to any folder and run PassGen.exe. The archive also contains a readme.txt file, which is highly recommended reading.

When faced with the Internet, most people find themselves faced with the need to have many logins and passwords for various services. Mail, messengers, social media, forums and so on - they all require authorization. And when a person actively uses the Internet, the number of such services can reach tens, or even hundreds.

It is clear that it is difficult to remember such a number of passwords, so many people decide to take the simple route - either make easy passwords, or use the same ones everywhere. This, of course, makes life much easier, but has a catastrophic effect on the security of accounts.

Because by hacking one of them, an attacker automatically gains access to all the others. Therefore, security experts recommend using different passwords everywhere, but where to store them is a question for a separate article. Today we will look at the free Password Generator program. Sometimes you need to create many accounts with unique passwords, in which case this program will provide invaluable assistance.


generation of passwords of a given length and type with customization of the character set.

Principle of operation:

The program is very small, weighs only 200 kb, so it is as simple as possible. In its main window, you select the password style, character type, case, and number of combinations you want. Then click the “Get passwords” button, and the program instantly generates them. After which they can be copied to the clipboard or saved to a file.
In addition to simple strings, you can choose a combination of words or a text buffer as a password.


  • small size, fast work;
  • Wide range of password types.


  • can't store passwords.

This free program, although not particularly functional, it fulfills its role completely. If you need to quickly create many complex text combinations, you can download the Password Generator for free on our website.