I filled up the Samsung phone with 6 edge. What to do if Galaxy S6 fell into water or other liquid? What to do if Samsung Galaxy S6 gets into water

02.09.2020 SSD drives

Alexander Grishin

It’s probably not very often that you meet a person whose smartphone has never fallen into water or at least just gotten a little wet. And if getting caught in the rain is not yet so fatal, then if your Samsung phone falls into the water, then you need to know what to do, because you definitely can’t delay saving it.

Important! Never, under any circumstances, grab a hairdryer and try to dry your phone with it! At best, this will simply do nothing, at worst, hot air flows will push the water even further into the depths of the phone, at the same time melting its insides.

Telephone ambulance

If your phone has been dropped and does not turn on, its screen does not show, or it is simply very wet, you need to immediately perform a number of actions:

  1. Remove back cover case and remove the battery.
  2. Unscrew all the screws and completely disassemble the phone (of course, if you have the tools and a certain skill)
  3. Wipe all parts of the Samsung dry, including the battery.
  4. Lay out all the parts on napkins and let them dry completely.

Leave the device in this state for several days, and only then assemble and turn it on.

If the solution described above did not help, or if it is not possible to disassemble the smartphone, then you can dry it with rice. This is possible due to the good absorbent properties of this cereal. Drying with rice is carried out in the following order:

  1. Remove the device from the water, open the back cover and remove the battery (if possible)
  2. Place dry rice in a bowl or jar.
  3. Place the phone along with the battery in the rice so that the grain completely covers all the parts.
  4. Leave the device in the rice for 1-2 days. After that, replace the battery and turn on the phone.

If a set of actions to save the phone was taken immediately, then there is a high probability that your Samsung will continue to operate as normal without any consequences.

If after a few days the smartphone does not work, all you have to do is contact service center, where they will conduct a full diagnosis and, if necessary, clean and replace components.

Emergency situations require you to be clear-headed and quick solutions. This also applies to the case when you get into water touch samsung. Most people begin to panic and simply do not know how to behave correctly in such a situation in order to save and extend the life of the device for several more years. And if it doesn't work touch screen when trying to do something with a smartphone or it refuses to turn on at all, the owners are completely overwhelmed by panic, and they don’t even think about the destructiveness of their actions. What to do if you are unlucky to find yourself in such a situation?

If the phone falls into water and does not turn on, it can still be saved, but this depends on the speed of reaction. It’s one thing when, while reading an article, you accidentally spilled a glass of water on the device and immediately turned it off, but it’s completely different when it was washed in your jacket pocket for several hours, and you, only noticing its absence, realized the loss. If the phone falls into the water, and especially into the hole from the washbasin or, even worse, the toilet, do not take it out with bare hands. Try to find something else, like ticks, because there are often cases when, along with the device, the self-esteem and health of the owner, who simply got stuck with his hand while lifting a drowned Samsung, suffers.

If your phone gets wet at home

If your Samsung falls into the sink at your home, immediately turn off the water. Then take a wrench and unscrew the pipe, often they have a zigzag shape just for such a case, and the lost device will not fall into the sewer without someone else's help. Once the gadget is in your hands, try to wipe it clean of spilled tea or wine and turn it off as quickly as possible, while simultaneously removing the battery. Such actions will save you from getting excess liquid that could remain on the phone and short circuits - your main enemies in this situation.

Additional actions

Don’t forget to take out any connected devices when your Samsung phone falls into the water, such as headphones or a charging cable. The latter should be removed from the socket first. What to do if the phone was not wiped in time and it does not turn on? Do not touch or try to start it again, it is best to place it in raw rice for several days, after 48 hours you can try again, and if even after your efforts it does not turn on, then you should take it to a service center or try to correct the mistake yourself.

Important! Do not try to remove a device that is charging from the mains from the water with your bare hands; first unplug the mains cord!

Why you shouldn't panic

Many people, seeing that the touch screen on the device cannot be manipulated and does not react in any way, immediately try to disassemble it on their own and make many mistakes, including breaking contacts. All this will not only complicate the work of craftsmen in the future, but will also seriously increase the cost of repairs, so do not try to fix anything with your own hands, your task at the moment is to provide first aid to the device and save it from moisture that has gotten inside, which can harm the board and become cause of oxidation of metals inside.

What to do if you get a sweet or salty drink on your gadget

After completing all the initial aid, try to bathe the device under running filtered, or in the worst case, running water. There will be no harm from excess moisture, but you can definitely save microcircuits from excess sugar and salts. Also blot the Samsung and all its cracks where water could seep in with dry wipes, then quickly remove the battery. This is not easy to do with monoblocks, so use any suction cups to quickly remove the back cover and disconnect the power contact, first wiping off excess moisture.

Why you shouldn't lie in a service center

Many people, when they bring their smartphones to the service center, begin to speak outright heresy and confuse employees, talking about a virus or simply an unknown breakdown of the phone. They do this because they do not want to spend their money and want to repair the device under the warranty card. But in fact, you can determine that the device has been recessed without even disassembling it; just remove the back cover where you will see a special indicator, which turns pink when moisture gets inside. Naturally, after this, trust in you, like free repair, you can't expect it.

If you don’t want to find yourself in such a situation, be a little more cunning and simply come up with any story that would best suit the conditions for using the device, and at the same time be close to the real cause of the breakdown. Yes, many modern smartphones they are not at all well protected from high humidity, so suffice it to say that the Samsung was just lying next to you while you were taking a bath, and suddenly turned off. This will allow the center’s workers to immediately find the root of the problem, and you will be left with money and with your nerves intact.


Also, if possible, unscrew everything that can be unscrewed when drying the phone. The main thing is not to forget later in what order to collect. This way you will be able to better dry the device and avoid moisture from the sensor getting onto the board through the cracks while it is drying. It is also important that the Samsung is in an open space and receives maximum air; this will speed up the evaporation of moisture and make it more likely to be “cured” without going to specialists.

Video instruction

Liquid getting into the phone is one of the worst problems that Samsung S6 owners face. In this case, the phone may not turn on, or it may turn on and malfunction severely. There are cases when the phone works properly for some time after moisture gets inside. And then it starts to fail. In any case, it is not recommended to use the phone after falling into water.

What to do if Samsung Galaxy S6 gets into water

This problem cannot be solved by leaving the phone to dry in the sun for a while. If water got into the Galaxy S6, then most likely it flowed into the narrowest connectors and reached the contacts on the boards. You cannot dry the internal parts of the phone and hope for normal operation of the phone in the future. The correct solution would be to contact a service center. The faster you do this, the greater the chance that the phone will be saved. Sooner or later, everyone whose phone has been damaged due to water contacts a service center.

Repairing Galaxy S6 after water

After accepting the order, specialists:

  • carefully disassemble the phone;
  • they will study through which holes and where the water got in to determine which parts were damaged and whether it makes sense to repair the phone;
  • will replace damaged boards and capacitors if restoration makes sense;
  • will check the functionality of all phone functions, especially those related to replaced parts.

If the Galaxy S6 fell into the water, the experts from the LP Pro service will make efforts to restore its functionality.

For the normal operation of your smartphone, it is important to completely prevent water and water vapor from entering your device. Samsung Galaxy. Various types of breakdowns caused by flooding of a smartphone are one of the most common reasons contacting the service center.

It is important to remember that the future of the device and the cost of its repair directly depend on the volume of water that gets inside your Samsung Galaxy. However, water vapor can be enough to cause corrosion of the electronic filling of the device, and prolonged exposure to water, even for a few minutes, is certainly fatal. It often happens that after contact with Samsung water Galaxy continues to work properly for some time - the consequences may come later. If water gets in for a short time and then the phone dries on its own, you are playing a kind of lottery - whether the smartphone will survive or not. Professionals in the field of Samsung Galaxy repair, if treated in a timely manner, can guarantee that after cleaning and drying, your device will work properly.

If any smartphone model is from Samsung, for example, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S6 fell into water, the following symptoms are likely to appear:

The smartphone does not turn on, the touchscreen does not function, they do not work Home buttons or Power; the gadget began to become very glitchy; the battery is broken, the smartphone no longer holds a charge or only works on mains power; There were serious problems with sound.

It doesn’t matter if the Samsung Galaxy falls into the toilet, the sea, the bathtub, or a plate of borscht - the smartphone can break even if it falls into water for just a few seconds. So, if your Samsung Galaxy ends up in water, pull it out immediately, seconds count. And be sure, I repeat again, be sure to turn off your smartphone. Carefully wipe your Samsung Galaxy with a dry cloth and immediately return it to a service center for drying, free diagnostics, cleaning and repair. I know that this is very difficult, but under no circumstances should you check whether your smartphone will start after falling into water or not.

The thing is that any liquid contains salts (I don’t think you will drown your device in distilled water), and there is oxygen in the air. As a result, numerous chemical reactions occur in the electronic filling, which are accelerated tenfold if the smartphone is turned on . And these reactions are for your device

will not bring anything good. Sometimes the process of destructive corrosion does not end in failure immediately, but after several days, weeks and even months, if the contacts on the boards are not cleaned in time.

To prevent water from ruining the life of your Samsung, use it carefully. It is advisable not to hold it in your hands in the bathroom, toilet or near a body of water - accidentally dropping your smartphone is easier than it seems. Particular care should be taken if your phone has cracks - the Samsung Galaxy is not a sealed device, and cracks further reduce its protection against water ingress.

The extent of damage to your Samsung Galaxy after exposure to water may vary depending on the time of contact with water. Cables, connectors, buttons, a camera, a battery - and, in fact, any electronic internals - can break due to exposure to water. So to minimize the damage to your “drowned car”, be sure to visit a service center.