Rpn personal account. Electronic digital signature for the Rosprirodnadzor portal. Purpose of the Rosprirodnadzor service

17.06.2024 USB Flash Drives

Prolonged exposure to the sun can not only leave a beautiful bronze tan on the skin (or burns!), but also lead to sunstroke, which can result in coma and even death. The sun's heat not only hits the skin, but also penetrates deeper, causing damage to the vascular system and the brain. There are three degrees of sunstroke. If it is mild, the person experiences nausea, dizziness, weakness and headache. The average degree threatens loss of consciousness, nosebleeds, gait disturbance and increased symptoms of the first stage. In the most severe form, the victim’s body temperature can exceed 41 degrees, consciousness changes, hallucinations are possible, the victim’s face becomes red, then sharply...

The results of a study by Australian scientists showed that people addicted to gadgets have a high risk of developing a horn-shaped bone spur on the back of the skull. For the average person, this doesn't sound very plausible. However, many experts are convinced that smartphones can seriously change human physiology. Why? When a person spends a lot of time with a gadget, he is forced to lean forward for a long time. This body position shifts the weight of the head away from the spine and toward the muscles at the back of the head, causing bones to grow into ligaments and tendons. Over time, a horn-like spur begins to form from the base of the skull. Researchers studied X-ray images of 1,200 participants in the experiment.…

What are the types of dietary antioxidants and how do they work Home Magazine Health 8 0 Andrey Fetisov June 29, 2019 Metabolism is continuously occurring in our body. Oxidation in tissues and the production of vital energy is provided by oxygen and its compounds - oxidants. Exceeding their quantity leads to the appearance of free radicals, causing cell destruction. Antioxidants will help restore balance, slowing down the formation of dangerous compounds. Despite the existence of various types of antioxidants, it is dietary antioxidants that can protect our body, restore strength, without adding extra centimeters. If you are watching your weight and want to prolong...

Step #1: Tie balloons to your nipples It sounds absurd, but it's actually a great way to lift your breasts naturally. There may be some difficulties with traveling on the subway, but you will get used to it. Don’t pay attention if your “air support” raises questions among others. Just say that this is a new trend and all bloggers are doing it too. Step #2: Do push-ups on your chest Have you ever seen how men do push-ups on their fingers to show off? Skins! Show your class by performing push-ups on the tips of your nipples. Don’t worry if the exercise doesn’t work out the first time, 50-60 approaches and you’ll master it masterfully. Step #3: Hire a special person who will support your breasts If you have the means, just install yourself...

German Chancellor Angela Merkel felt ill twice in recent days. German Chancellor Angela Merkel experienced severe tremors for the second time in the last 10 days. The second time this happened during a protocol event - at a reception with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on June 27. A video published in the media shows Merkel, standing at the right hand of the president, shaking violently. She was offered a glass of water, but the chancellor refused help. She later arrived in Osaka for the G20 summit as planned. “Everything is going as planned, everything is fine with the chancellor,” Angela Merkel’s press secretary Stefan Seibert said on Twitter. This case was the second in recent days. Previously, a similar incident...

Answers Dr. Sergei Agapkin, host of the program “About the Most Important Thing”: - The main causes of leg muscle cramps are electrolyte imbalance (loss of calcium, potassium, magnesium salts), blood supply disorders, osteochondrosis, disc herniations. Convulsions can also occur due to physical overexertion, high temperature (hyperthermic convulsions), intoxication, dehydration, significant sweating, and varicose veins. It is necessary to consult a doctor (phlebologist, neurologist), identify the cause and carry out treatment. Source

Photo: pixabay.com Scientists from the German Aviation and Space Center (DLR) say that the white streaks left by planes in the air and the clouds they create have a greater impact on global temperature rises than CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. They predict that the impact of artificial clouds on climate could triple in the coming decades. Scientists are seriously concerned about the white streaks and the resulting cirrus clouds, which are created at an altitude of about eight kilometers. Water vapor and soot from airplane exhaust are released into the cold air, resulting in ice clouds. By preventing the radiation of heat into space, they...

Adult women each have their own territory that the other does not interfere with: physical, psychological, work, any other. About adult women... Adult women do not give each other advice without asking, and do not consider their friend to be in need of guidance or correction. If you cannot treat your friend this way, she is either not your friend, or YOU are not an adult. Adult women are not friends with infantile women, they are not interested. Not because they don’t respect you, but because there is no time for non-enriching communication. Grown women don't compete with each other...

The older a child gets, the more he needs his mother and communication with her. He asks for advice, talks about his PROBLEMS, shares his impressions. The most important thing is that mom has TIME for this very communication. I remember I had a friend in Hungary, Kinga, a mother of three children, a marketing director. I was just pregnant, and at that moment she up and left work under the pretext “my family needs me.” I was surprised then and asked - your children are already older? She said: “They are 7, 10 and 13, they need me...

G20 countries will strive to eliminate plastic emissions into the ocean by 2050, Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo said at a press conference following the summit. “We need to combine the requirements of environmental protection and economic growth into one positive cycle. We will strive to reduce plastic waste pollution to zero by 2050,” TASS quotes him as saying. According to Abe, G20 leaders had strong differences of opinion on climate issues. Earlier it was reported that the environment ministers of the G20 countries agreed to create a body to combat the pollution of oceans and seas with plastic waste. Source

Eggs and oatmeal are great healthy breakfast options. But when it comes to speed of preparation and energy value, smoothies should not be underestimated. Here are a few recipes that will energize you for the whole day. Protein is incredibly important for nourishing the body and maintaining its strength throughout the day. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a healthy dose of protein for breakfast, which is not always easy to get from traditional foods in the morning. But for such cases, there is not only a smart option, but also a very tasty one! Smoothies with protein powders are a healthy breakfast option, especially for those who...

What does science say? Research shows that women who take collagen supplements have 20% fewer wrinkles around their eyes after 2 months. It also reduces knee pain due to osteoarthritis. The reason is simple: collagen is rich in amino acids, which are involved in the creation of bone and muscle tissue. These acids also help get rid of “lazy bowel syndrome.” How to take it? People who took collagen supplements at breakfast for a month say they didn't feel hungry until lunch, with about 20 grams of protein per serving. It is odorless and tasteless, it dissolves perfectly in both hot and cold liquids. And what are the results? Many note that the skin of the face becomes softer and begins to glow, but the reduction of wrinkles is far from happening...

A Russian biologist said that by the end of 2019 he plans to transplant an embryo with edited DNA into a woman’s uterus. The scientific community is alarmed, because such research is considered questionable from an ethical point of view. Recently, news about genome editing has come mainly from China. Local researcher He Jiankui admitted that he changed the genomes of human embryos before artificial insemination, after which two genetically modified children were born. Using a method known as CRISPR/Cas9, he cut out the CCR5 gene from the DNA of embryos: as a result, the children became resistant to HIV. And now about similar ones...

Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation is a federal-level service that supervises the sphere of environmental management and controls the maintenance of environmental safety. Supervised persons—organizations and individual entrepreneurs whose activities involve harm to the environment—are required to regularly submit reports to Rosprirodnadzor.

The Rosprirodnadzor service personal account allows you to do this remotely, through the official portal of the Service.

Personal account features

Reporting that is allowed to be submitted electronically using the personal account of Rosprirodnadzor and an electronic signature:

  • 2-TP (waste).
  • 2-TP (reclamation).
  • Declaration of finished goods.
  • Reporting on compliance with recycling standards.

All reporting forms are available for downloading online and are provided with instructions, some with video materials.

Registration and login to your personal account

To send reports through your personal account of Rosprirodnadzor, you need to configure your work computer:

  1. Install one of the browsers compatible with the web service: Google Chrome, Yandex Browser or Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Install 2 plugins in the browser:
    • CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in.
    • (for non-Mozilla browsers) CryptoPro Extension for Cades Browser Plug-in.
  3. Install CryptoPro CSP software version 3.9R2 on your computer.
  4. Obtain an electronic signature from an accredited certification center, the certificate of which must indicate the TIN of the reporting organization.

You can access the personal account of a natural resource user if you open the official website of Rosprirodnadzor and go to the section:

  • “Electronic services” and click on the block “Web portal for reporting”.
  • “Reporting” and select the “Submit report” item in the “Electronic service” tab opposite the name of the required reporting.

The system supports logging into the personal account of Rosprirodnadzor using a confirmed ESIA - account obtained on the State Services Portal.

Scheme for obtaining a confirmed ESIA:

  1. Registration on the Portal as a user and receiving a login and password.
  2. Specifying personal information from your personal account settings.
  3. Confirmation of the specified information through:
    • Electronic signature certificate.
    • Personal visit with a passport to the Russian Post office to fill out the Identity Confirmation form for the State Services Portal.
    • Order a letter containing a unique confirmation code to the registration address.

On the government services website, you can recover your Unified Identification and Logistics password via email or mobile phone. The user requests a new access code, indicating the mentioned contact information or SNILS.

Dear nature users!

Due to the fact that many natural resources users incorrectly interpret the message from the reporting web portal, please read the clarifications:

When trying to enter the reporting portal (https://pnv-rpn.ru/), the natural resource user sees the following message:

  • Sending reports from this portal is no longer carried out
  • Registration of new users on this portal is closed
  • Viewing information about previously submitted reports will be available until 06/30/2017

The new reporting portal is located athttps://lk.fsrpn.ru , please send reports to Rosprirodnadzor from it. thank you for understanding

The web portal for receiving reports, which was previously located at https://pnv-rpn.ru/, is now located at https://lk.fsrpn.ru/#/. In order to send a report generated in the Natural Resources User Module, you must have an account in the ESIA system (https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/). If the user did not previously have an account in the ESIA system, then it is necessary to register according to the instructions - https://docs.fsrpn.ru/esia_reg_lk.pdf

Please note that in order to send a report generated in the Natural Resources User Module through your Personal Account, NO ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE NEEDED. Reports and registration applications generated in the Natural Resources User Module program are sent from the Personal Account in the section Reporting. The required document in xml, xms format (if it was created through the Module, with an electronic signature) is selected in the dialog box that appears when you click on the “+” button, then Add.

After selecting the required document, it is sent.

Please note that the status of reports sent before 01/21/2017 can be viewed in the Personal Account at the old address (https://pnv-rpn.ru/), all reports sent after 01/21/2017 are displayed in the Personal Account at the new address address (https://lk.fsrpn.ru/#/) in the Reporting section. Next, you need to click on the selected report.

The federal-level service that provides control over environmental safety and environmental management is Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation. Its controlled persons are owners of enterprises whose production has a negative impact on the environment. They must constantly submit reports on pollution indicators and measures taken to eliminate them. The personal account of Rosprirodnadzor on the official website of the service allows you to submit reports remotely.

rpn.gov.ru— official website of Rosprirodnadzor

Personal account features

To submit reports in the Rosprirodnadzor personal account service, you will need to enter an electronic signature. In your account, you can generate and send the following types of reports:

  • 2-TP (reclamation);
  • 2-TP (waste);
  • declaration for packages and goods manufactured in Russia, which must be disposed of after use;
  • declaration of finished goods;
  • report on fees for environmental pollution;
  • certificates of compliance with recycling standards;
  • applications for the installation of objects for state registration that will pollute the environment.

All reporting forms are freely available to users, they can be downloaded, they are prepared for filling out; if you have any questions, you can ask for help from the video materials and instructions presented on the site. To send reports you must have an electronic signature.

Registration and login to your personal account

Before registering your Rosprirodnadzor personal account, you first need to set up the computer itself and install the appropriate software on it:

  • select one of the browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser and Google Chrome;
  • select one of the plugins for the browser: CryptoPro Extension for Cades Browser Plug-in and CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in;
  • install CryptoPro CSP software version from 3.9R2.

lk.fsrpn.ru— personal account of the nature user

Since it was indicated above, in order to manage reporting, it is necessary to obtain an electronic signature, which is issued by an accredited certification center, the TIN must be indicated in the issued certificate of the reporting organization.

Before logging into your account, you must use a confirmed ESIA account, which can be obtained on the State Services Portal.

Such a record is obtained in the following sequence:

  • You need to register on the portal; for this, the user must receive a password and login.
  • You will need to provide personal information, which can be found in your personal account settings.

All specified information must be confirmed, for which you should obtain an electronic signature certificate, and also visit the Russian Post Office with your passport to fill out an identity confirmation form there. You will also need to order a letter that will be sent to the user’s registration address with a unique confirmation code.

If suddenly the latter is lost, it can be restored on the State Services website, the new code will be sent to the email or mobile number specified during registration. When requesting a new code, you will need to provide the above data or SNILS.

https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/idp/rlogin?cc=bp— login through State Services

You can enter the personal account of a natural resource user if, after opening the official website of Rosprirodnadzor, go to the “Electronic Services” section, in it you need to select the “Web portal for reporting” block.

To prepare reports, you need to select the “Reporting” tab, then select the “Submit report” item, select the action opposite the desired type of reporting.

The process of logging into your personal account depends on the user’s status, it can be:

  • individual;
  • entity;
  • RPN employee.

Logging into your Rosprirodnadzor personal account, as well as registration, can be done by clicking the button in the corner of the window labeled “Login/registration” and then entering your login and password, using the account received from the State Services portal.

The website contains a list of all requirements for working in the system.

Creation of reports to Rosprirodnadzor

Territorial branches of this body accept reports on paper only after they have been submitted electronically; you must indicate the electronic report number assigned in your personal account.

http://rpn.gov.ru/otchetnost— environmental reporting to Rosprirodnadzor

The report is generated when you go to the reporting page, the “Plus” button will appear in the window right in the center, after its activation the required report form is downloaded, which is filled out by the user. After its preparation, the report is downloaded from the computer.

Sending reports can only be done using a FS certificate and using an electronic signature. To complete the process, you must click “Submit report file.”

After submitting reports, users can check their status; it can be uploaded to the Rosprirodnadzor portal or rejected. In the latter case, you must eliminate all identified errors and download the file again.

The site provides a journal of applications and reports in which you can copy, send and delete them.