Beeline tariffs without subscription fee. Beeline tariffs

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Beeline is one of the brands of the international communications company VimpelCom. The well-known joint-stock company provides its services in such industries as the Internet (both mobile and landline), cellular communications, and various digital services.

VimpelCom Corporation positions itself as a progressive company that is constantly increasing its potential. A characteristic feature of the communications company's brands is high speeds. Moreover, the last statement applies not only to the services provided, but also to the work in general. VimpelCom tries to identify not only competitors, but also clients, as if anticipating their desires and constantly presenting technological innovations.

Beeline is the face of VimpelCom in Russia and the CIS countries. The creators made the brand as bright and memorable as possible. What generates interesting ideas for a company is people, their emotions, openness and creativity. This article will look at how Beeline cellular communications and the tariffs of this operator differ from other offers.

Beeline tariff packages: general characteristics

Some customers, looking for a more economical or convenient package, are wondering how to change the tariff on Beeline. And really, what should you give your preference to? All Beeline tariffs are quite profitable, but it is better to choose the best option that will match the requirements of a particular client.

Service packages are suitable for business people who actively make calls or use the Internet: the operator guarantees high-quality signal transmission that will ensure communication anywhere. At the same time, which is very important, the connection is unlimited. Another advantage of the brand is that you can easily find fairly favorable tariffs (many people choose Beeline precisely because of this), while another operator will demand a tidy sum for the same package of services.

The company is actively distributing the opportunity to make cheap calls throughout the country, and not just within the region. The advantages of Beeline also include a fixed payment amount for a certain range of services. This means that you do not need to pay separately for cellular communications, Internet and SMS messages.

For those customers who do not use a smartphone as actively as young people or businessmen, there will also be a suitable tariff that will provide the lowest amount of costs while having all the necessary capabilities. Thus, pensioners will not have to pay for services that older people do not use.

The company's tariff packages are suitable not only for telephones. Programs that are designed exclusively for the mobile Internet are in high demand among owners of tablets, modems and routers. However, before asking the question: “How to change the tariff on Beeline?”, you should decide on a new package plan.

Range of company services: not only mobile communications

Among other operators, Beeline distinguishes itself with a wide range of services. Thus, the company offers the following options to customers who are interested not only in cellular communications:

  • provision of fixed Internet;
  • home and mobile television;
  • city ​​(landline) telephone.

Tariff group "Everyone" from Beeline

The "All" package group includes the most favorable Beeline tariffs. The meaning of the presented tariffs is that for a fixed amount (monthly payment) the client receives a certain set of services. This tariff group includes the following packages:

  1. "All for three hundred." To switch to the tariff, you must have at least 100 rubles in your account, and the monthly payment is 300 monetary units. For this price, Beeline will provide two gigabytes of mobile Internet and 100 SMS messages. 300 minutes will be allocated for calls to the client.
  2. "Everything for five hundred." The fee for switching to this package is also 100 rubles, and the cost of the services directly per day is 16 rubles. 66 kopecks Thus, the total amount for one calendar month will be 500 rubles. The client can use five gigabytes of the Internet and 300 SMS messages; Beeline allocates 550 minutes for calls within this tariff.
  3. "Everything for eight hundred." The daily subscription fee in the “All for Eight Hundred” package is 26 rubles and 66 kopecks; for a month, accordingly, you will have to top up your account by 800 rubles. Within thirty days from the moment of replenishment (connection of the tariff), Beeline will provide seven gigabytes of Internet, 500 SMS messages and 1000 minutes for calls.
  4. "All for one thousand two hundred." The cost of one day of using the package is 40 rubles, for a month - 1200 rubles. The client in the “All for one thousand two hundred” tariff will have access to ten gigabytes of the Internet and 1000 SMS messages, 2000 minutes are allocated for calls.
  5. "Everything for one thousand eight hundred." The cost of switching to this package will be 100 rubles, and the daily subscription fee will be 60 rubles. For a month, the client is provided with fifteen gigabytes of Internet, 3,000 SMS messages and 3,000 minutes for mobile calls.

The difference between the tariff group and other Beeline packages is that the prepaid list of services includes cellular communications and messages within Russia (except for the “All for Three Hundred” tariff, where the SMS limit is limited to the Moscow region). Calls to numbers of any operators in Moscow will also be included in traffic.

Tariff "#everything is possible": unlimited internet

Almost all Beeline tariffs provide high-quality mobile Internet, but for those who consider chatting on the phone and SMS messages to be a thing of the last century, actively using exclusively (or predominantly) the World Wide Web, the “#EVERYTHING is possible” tariff was developed.

The cost of switching to this tariff plan from another Beeline package will be one hundred rubles, and the monthly subscription fee will be 600 rubles. So, you must first top up your account with an amount sufficient to pay for the transition itself and the first month. In the future, a certain amount (twenty rubles) will be charged daily.

The main service that the “#EVERYTHING” package includes is unlimited access to the Internet at all speeds (2G, 3G or 4G). The monthly limit of calls and messages to numbers of all operators is 250 minutes and SMS, and cellular communications within Beeline have no restrictions.

A similar solution within the boundaries of the package is a separate tariff “#possibleALL.Tablet” with a free transition. For a monthly subscription fee of six hundred rubles, the operator will provide unlimited Internet.

Tariff "Everything. Postpayment"

As part of the "Everything. Postpaid" tariff plan, the operator provides a certain number of minutes, calls and gigabytes, and the client pays for the amount spent. Thus, a person always remains in touch, and an important call will not be interrupted at the most inopportune moment just because the money in the account has run out.

When a customer spends fifty, eighty, or ninety-five percent of his data, he receives an SMS reminder, so it’s quite difficult to inadvertently miss the need to pay. The debt is paid within twenty days after the end of the service. For customers who top up their balance on time, the operator provides discounts and increases the available limit of calls, messages and mobile Internet.

The "Everything. Postpaid" tariff plan includes four forms that differ in cost and service limit:

  • the cost of ten gigabytes of Internet, 650 minutes and 300 SMS messages will be 1,450 rubles for the client;
  • for ten gigabytes of Internet, 1,100 minutes and 500 SMS messages you will need to pay 1,750 rubles;
  • the debt to the operator for twenty gigabytes of Internet, 2200 minutes and 100 SMS messages will be 2350 rubles;
  • for thirty gigabytes of Internet, 5,000 minutes and 3,000 SMS messages, you will need to deposit 3,550 rubles into your account.

Tariff "Zero doubts": for conversations

First of all, those who are interested in Beeline tariffs without the Internet should take a closer look at the “Zero Doubts” package. This tariff is suitable for those clients who cannot imagine their life without hours of telephone communication.

The cost of switching to this tariff plan is 150 rubles. During the first minute of conversation, the operator withdraws from the account an amount equal to 1 ruble and 30 kopecks. Starting from the second minute, cellular communications become absolutely free and unlimited. When using more than one megabyte of Internet, the Highway Beeline tariff will be automatically activated. It includes one gigabyte of Internet at maximum speed.

Tariff "Per second"

This package is the most minimalist. The main service provided is cellular communication. The cost of calls is five kopecks per second. The Highway Beeline tariff will be connected in the same way as in the previous case. The subscription fee for it will be seven rubles per day. The amount of switching to the "Per Second" package is 150 rubles.

Tariff "Mobile pensioner"

Almost all Beeline tariffs are replete with a variety of services provided, which Mobile Pensioner cannot boast of. However, it is precisely in the seemingly limited set of possibilities that the advantage of this package lies, because, accordingly, the payment of the bill will be minimal.

What else do pensioners need if not high-quality cellular communications? Beeline also offers interesting tariffs to this category of citizens. "Mobile Pensioner" is distinguished by a low cost of calls to any five numbers within the area (1 ruble 25 kopecks) and a twenty percent discount on any calls within the Moscow region (3 rubles 16 kopecks). All incoming calls (both from mobile and landline) are free. Switching to this tariff costs 300 rubles and is carried out only if you have a passport and pension certificate.

"WELCOME" tariff: for travelers

For tourists, not all Beeline tariffs are profitable, but for this case the company has prepared an optimal package. The advantage of "WELCOME" is a one-time payment. The tariff plan is attractive for customers who like to travel because it provides a large limit on calls throughout Russia and to other countries.

The subscription fee for the "WELCOME" tariff is 500 rubles per week. For this amount, the operator will provide 100 minutes of calls throughout Russia, as well as to England, Germany, Israel, India, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Malaysia, the United States of America, South Korea and Japan. Mobile Internet traffic includes two gigabytes within the country, and the message limit is fifty SMS.

Comprehensive package "All in one"

Beeline's unlimited tariffs are not limited to cellular communications, SMS messages and mobile Internet. A breakthrough among communications companies was the combination of several services - cellular communications, home Internet and television.

What will Beeline please its customers this time? The "Everything for a Ruble" tariff is one of the interesting offers. Among several variations of the package plan, the most popular among Russians is the package for 1,200 rubles, within which the client receives ten gigabytes of mobile Internet, 2,000 minutes and 1,000 SMS messages. For an additional payment of one ruble, additional services are activated, which include landline Internet at a speed of 100 Mbit/s, 25 mobile channels and 127 home television channels.

This offer is the best option for a family. And although Beeline’s Moscow tariffs are distinguished by the greatest versatility of services, it is this comprehensive package that has gained well-deserved popularity in the capital.

Tariff offer "Signal"

Beeline tariffs without the Internet are not very common. Moreover, the company presented a package where the basis is access to the World Wide Web. But “Signal” is completely different from Beeline’s other unlimited tariffs - with its help, it provides the ability to regulate the operation of household devices. These include alarm systems, heating boilers, meters, video surveillance devices and navigators. One megabyte of transmitted or received data will cost two rubles. The subscription fee is only one ruble.

Beeline is one of the largest telecommunications and dynamically developing companies in Russia. Beeline infrastructure combines the latest mobile communication networks and the Internet based on 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G+ standards, offering one of the best coverage with reliable access to infrastructure and seamless roaming between networks that our planet can offer.

For consumers, this is expressed in a range of available tariff plans with a reliable connection and numerous services that make the use of telecommunications services as comfortable as possible for subscribers. Beeline tariffs are generally recognized as one of the most profitable on the market, and subscribers can also expect cheap internet.

How to check the tariff on Beeline? Dial the command *166# or a number to receive information; with the help of the operator, you can disable unnecessary options and refuse additional services, replacing them with in-demand ones, clarify payment options, and account balance.

"All inclusive" tariffs from Beeline - packages of calls, SMS and Internet

At Beeline, users can purchase tariff plans for the popular All Inclusive system. These are the most favorable integrated Beeline tariffs in 2017. After tour operators, telecommunications companies have successfully adopted this experience and offer subscribers a comprehensive range of services. One of them is the "Everything" plan. The key feature of this plan is that it is tied to a certain amount that is convenient for subscribers to pay.

Become a regular user of Beeline services and you will have access to new telecom opportunities that will significantly improve your quality of life, allowing you to connect your devices, additional phones of family members and home automation devices.

Tariffs with postpaid in Beeline

Postpaid tariffs, as already noted, are designed to support the loyalty and comfort of service of the company’s regular subscribers.

Prepaid customers can vary their connections and use resources per month as needed by paying a daily rate. This format does not allow planning the subscriber’s expenses with a high probability, in contrast to the expenses of regular users who receive an additional loyalty bonus.

Cheap rates for pensioners and students

There is a category of service subscribers who need communication services in a limited volume and use it on an irregular basis. At the same time, it has already become an absolute norm that every capable person has his own personal mobile phone. This opportunity should not be limited to individuals who use communications occasionally. Consumers of this service are pensioners, students, schoolchildren or housewives who can purchase one of the proposed tariff plans.

We offer you favorable Beeline tariffs for occasional use.

Tariffs for mobile Internet Beeline

Beeline is one of those companies that does not like to limit its clients to quotas. For this reason, they offer the largest limits among operators at relatively low or comparable rates to other providers. If you are interested in connecting your devices to the Internet, mobile Internet tariff plans from Beeline are one of the best offers on the market.

The range of network traffic offers for devices includes the following plans:

  • #EVERYTHING is possible. Tablet;
  • Unlimited for tablet;
  • Internet forever;
  • Internet forever + Highway;
  • Internet for tablet with postpaid Highway;
  • Simple Internet for a USB modem and others.

International calls and easy roaming

Beeline offers three roaming services to its users:

  • while traveling around Russia;
  • when traveling abroad;
  • profitable calls to other countries.

Each service package takes into account the specifics of the destination and user requirements. First of all, Beeline users are one of the few who can use uniform tariffs in their plans when traveling around Russia. The provider offers profitable calls to other countries, for example, free calls to Ukraine and other CIS countries from the second minute. Please note that the roaming service can be activated when traveling abroad only if you top up your balance over 600 rubles.

The most profitable roaming

Beeline makes available to all subscribers when traveling abroad the service The most profitable roaming, this international service does not require a connection, it offers favorable conditions for calls with a daily subscription fee. The subscriber has at his disposal Internet access, SMS or telephone calls in sufficient volume to be always in touch with his loved ones. The service can be connected to a favorable tariff All for 1800 + roaming.

Beeline corporate tariffs

A wide range of business services is available to corporate clients - from cloud PBX to mobile office and special tablets that help organize secure access to the corporate network. Corporate tariffs from Beeline are presented in such a way that the services are, first of all, accessible to businesses of various formats - from individual entrepreneurs to large corporations that need to form an internal telecommunications infrastructure. Beeline offers its own corporate networks and capabilities that will make your business more efficient.

The most favorable Beeline tariffs in 2017

Selecting the optimal package for calls and Internet surfing is a separate topic. Regarding Beeline, we can say that each plan will be the most beneficial in relation to one of the groups of consumers of the provider’s services. The main difference is to choose the most profitable service option for yourself. Beeline office staff or recommendations from our service can help with this.

It is worth mentioning some packages of interest to different groups:

  • service packages without Internet and monthly fees: tariff plan for pensioners “Mobile Pensioner” and per second;
  • All in one family packages, within which you can connect up to 6 relatives, mobile and home Internet, as well as mobile and home TV;
  • profitable Internet packages for personal devices Internet Forever + Highway, which provides access to the 4G network with high limits and low cost of services.

They also offer profitable premium plans and business packages costing from 300 to 3000 rubles. You can connect phones, computers and modems to the provider’s network under optimal conditions to solve various problems of deploying communication networks at home, in the office or for personal purposes.

Tariffs "All in one"

All-inclusive or All-in-one tariff plans are quite popular among network users who need a variety of network services - for home, work and entertainment, while also needing clear planning of monthly expenses. If you belong to the category of pragmatic users, the “All in One” package was developed specifically taking into account your requirements and includes, in addition to a wide range of services and telecommunications one-time services:

  • mobile communications, including packages with a family pool of numbers;
  • home Internet;
  • Mobile Internet;
  • mobile TV;
  • home TV;
  • insurance policy for the apartment.

The first impression when you see a list of available services and facilities is, of course, surprise. You don’t have to be surprised, but become a subscriber today and take advantage of this exclusive package. They also offer favorable tariffs without a subscription fee, where each service can be activated manually, but the total cost will be higher.

Constant increases in monthly fees on package plans (within which packages of free minutes, SMS and Internet traffic are provided) force subscribers to switch to more budget plans. Today we will try to find out which Beeline tariff is the cheapest without Internet and subscription fees.

Many subscribers, for example, older people, simply do not need additional services in the form of the Internet and SMS. In large cities, Wi-fi is available almost everywhere, including public transport, which means you can, on the one hand, always be online, and on the other hand, not overpay for communication.

Today Beeline offers tariffs that can reduce your costs by at least 5 times if you primarily communicate with subscribers of your network. In monetary terms, Switching to another plan will save you about 3,000 rubles per year- a considerable amount that can be spent on other needs.

It’s worth changing your tariff only if at the end of the month you have a lot of unspent minutes left, you practically don’t send SMS, and you use Wi-fi for the Internet. The cheapest tariff with a monthly fee of 300 rubles includes a package of 300 minutes.

You can check the balance of unused minutes by dialing the combination *102# and the call key from your number, in response you will receive an SMS with information about the balance on your account and in service packages.

You can also check your current tariff plan by dialing *110*05# and the call key on your phone, in response you will receive an SMS with the necessary information. Tariff parameters (call costs) can be viewed on the operator’s website.

Beeline offers four different plans with no monthly fees for use in your region:

  • "Zero doubts"
  • "Second-by-second"
  • "Welcome"
  • "Mobile pensioner"

Almost all of these tariffs have the same tariffs for SMS; one message costs 2.5 rubles for local numbers and 3.95 rubles for international and long-distance numbers, so comparisons should be made only based on the cost of calls.

The choice of a new tariff depends on several factors:

  1. What subscribers do you call?
  2. How often do you call?
  3. How long do you talk?

If you communicate primarily with Beeline subscribers in your home region, the most optimal tariff for you is "Zero doubts."

The first minute of conversation within the network costs 1.3 rubles, then a minute costs 0 rubles. However there is one limitation: The maximum duration of a local call is half an hour per conversation.

In other words, 30 minutes will cost you 1.3 rubles, and 300 minutes (this is exactly the amount provided within the tariff plan with a subscription fee) only 13 rubles.

This tariff can rightfully be considered the cheapest without Internet and subscription fees. Even if we take into account that a minute of conversation with a subscriber of another operator ( , Tele 2) local region will cost 2.3 rubles, and calls within Russia cost 2.5 rubles (Beeline subscribers) and 5 rubles (to subscribers of other operators).

The exception is the Republic of Crimea; calls to this region are charged as follows: 12 rubles/minute for subscribers of the Kyivstar network and 24 rubles/minute for subscribers of other networks.

It's easy to switch to a tariff plan. If you haven’t changed your tariff in the last month, then switching to a tariff is free; if this is not the first change of plan over the past month, 150 rubles will be debited from your account.

To go, you need to dial 067410222 from your mobile number. You can also change the plan in your personal account on the Beeline website or in the smartphone application.

Favorable tariff plan for calls “within the tariff”

Rate "Welcome" also suitable for those who often communicate with Beeline subscribers if, for example, the whole family uses the operator’s services. The tariff will also allow you to save on calls to subscribers of other networks in your home region and throughout Russia.

For maximum benefits, it is better to switch to the “Welcome” tariff with the whole family. Calls with the option enabled “Calls within the tariff” Beeline numbers with a similar plan cost 0 rubles (no more than 50 minutes per day).

Thus, the cost of mobile communications can be zero, for example, if a child uses the tariff and calls only parents. At the same time, the main thing is not to forget to make a paid call once every three months so that the number is not blocked.

Calls to other numbers of all operators in your home region cost 1.7 rubles/minute, which is quite profitable if friends are connected to different networks. By periodically making calls and communicating with other subscribers for 50-100 minutes, you will spend only 85-170 rubles.

All long-distance calls cost the same regardless of the operator - 2.5 rubles/minute, this is more profitable than on other tariff plans.

The transition to the tariff is carried out under standard conditions (described above), to switch you need to dial 0674102013. Option “Calls within the tariff” connects automatically or by calling 0674113311.

If you want to save on mobile communications and notice that you call mainly for business purposes, to clarify some information, and talk for less than a minute (just a few seconds), the most optimal option for you is “Per-second” tariff.”

Within the tariff, calls to numbers of all operators in the home region cost 5 kopecks per second. (3 rubles/min.). The cost of a minute of long-distance communication is 3.9 rubles.

In fact, The tariff is suitable only for very economical subscribers, who speak only to the point and do not call other regions, because The cost per minute of conversation is higher than under other tariff plans without a monthly fee.

At first glance, it’s difficult to call the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff very profitable, because... calls to home network numbers cost 3.95 rubles per minute, and long-distance calls 7.5 rubles per minute (Beeline subscribers) and 14 rubles (subscribers of other networks).

However, within the framework of this tariff, you can designate 5 numbers of any operator, which you can call for 1.25 rubles per minute.

This tariff is ideally suited for pensioners who do not talk for a long time and mostly call their closest relatives and friends. The only thing you may need is help connecting to the service. "favorite numbers"

To do this, you must first activate the option by dialing *110*085# from your cell phone and make a call. As soon as you receive a notification that the service has been activated, you need to send an SMS to number 675, indicating the numbers in the text in a 10-digit format with spaces between them. The cost of sending SMS within the tariff plan is 1.95 rubles.

One or more numbers can be changed by sending an SMS with a new list to number 675. For changing one number, a fee of 15 rubles is charged, as well as the cost of sending SMS.

You can switch to this plan only at authorized centers of the mobile operator by providing your passport and pension card. If you have not changed your tariff in the last month, then switching to "Mobile pensioner" free, if this is not the first tariff change over the past month, 30 rubles will be debited from your account.

As a rule, Beeline tariff plans are transparent, simple and up-to-date. The popular mobile operator regularly updates its collection: some offers become obsolete over time and become history, while others, naturally the most popular, remain available to subscribers. Today, the most popular Beeline tariffs are “Business 1300”, “Business 1000” + “Business 600”, “Convenient”, etc.

Unlimited Beeline tariffs in Russia: convenient, practical, economical!

Unlimited tariff plans today are offered by the vast majority of mobile operators and mobile Internet providers. This is not surprising, because for an ordinary subscriber who regularly uses wireless telephony, it is much more convenient, cheaper and easier to pay with a communication service provider using the prepaid method. Even taking into account the fact that Beeline postpaid tariffs are designed very competently and are focused on the benefit of subscribers, per-second billing (especially in the case of active telephone communication and intensive use of Internet devices) is not always the optimal choice. While Beeline's unlimited fixed-fee tariffs, which provide their owners with unlimited freedom of mobile communication, look more than attractive compared to their postpaid counterparts.

The leader in its field is the Beeline tariff “Business 600”, as well as its VIP version “Business 1300”. Moreover, both service packages were created for subscribers making calls primarily within the Russian Federation. The more expensive premium tariff plan differs only in the number of included minutes of outgoing calls to phones of other operators. In addition, Beeline tariffs include free high-speed mobile Internet access via 3G/GPRS/EDGE. Any incoming calls are, of course, free!

The “Business 1000” tariff plan is no less in demand, offering its users all the benefits of unlimited communication throughout Russia.

When choosing a Beeline tariff, do not forget to look at our exclusive collection of golden numbers; perhaps one of the beautiful and rare combinations will suit your taste!

What is the cheapest Beeline tariff? All the operator’s clients have asked this question more than once. Of course, there is no cheapest one. But some have very favorable prices, which were developed based on the needs of each person.

Some subscribers practically do not use communication services, therefore, they do not need either SMS packages or unlimited Internet. Someone, on the contrary, actively communicates and, if possible, uses all possible bonuses. The Beeline operator tries to find its own individual approach to each client.

For those who call only on business

For subscribers who practically do not use communication services and make extremely short calls, the cheapest tariff is “Per Second”.

This is the operator's only tariff plan that provides per-second billing for local calls. For a second of conversation, 5 kopecks are charged - quite a bit for those who make only short calls. Calls within Russia are also profitable - 3.90 rubles. per minute of conversation. The big advantage is that the cost is the same for outgoing calls to phones of all operators.

If you call only to Beeline

Subscribers who call only Beeline phones will undoubtedly appreciate it.

This tariff plan allows the operator’s subscribers to make profitable calls to Beeline numbers: the fee is charged only for the first minute of the call and amounts to 1.3 rubles. In fact this means that the cost of the entire conversation will cost a little more than a ruble. It's hard to imagine cheaper cellular communications. In addition, subscribers are automatically connected to the services “I have a contact” and a package for 100 SMS. But such conditions will seem beneficial only to those who do not call numbers of other operators: a minute of conversation with them will cost 2.3 rubles.

International calls

Some subscribers specifically get a separate Beeline SIM card and transfer it to in order to make profitable calls abroad.

On this tariff plan, you can use the “Calls within the tariff” option and make free calls to Beeline numbers that have switched to “Welcome!” Calls to any cell phones in your home area will cost 1.7 rubles. per minute of conversation, and throughout Russia - 2.5 rubles.

“Welcome” would not stand out in any way if it were not for the cheap rates for calls to other countries. For example, you can call Beeline numbers in Armenia, Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan for only 3.5 rubles. per minute, and for communication with China, 3 rubles per minute will be debited from the phone account. Subscribers are automatically connected to the “Calls within the tariff” and “Stay in the know+” services.


Of course, when talking about the operator’s favorable tariffs, one cannot forget about the “EVERYTHING!” line.

This line includes tariffs, and. They are all similar and include a specific set of services and are suitable for subscribers who actively use calls, SMS messages and the Internet.

For the amount indicated in the name of the tariff, the subscriber receives per month:

  • Free calls to Beeline numbers in Russia;
  • A certain number of minutes for calls to all operators in the home area;
  • Free SMS package. The terms of the package depend on the selected tariff. This can be 300 messages in your home area, and 500 in your region to mobile subscribers of any operators + throughout the country to Beeline phones.
  • Free Internet traffic or unlimited. The conditions for providing the Internet also depend on the tariff you choose.

On all tariffs of the “EVERYTHING!” line, except for “EVERYTHING for 300”, both prepaid and postpaid payment systems are available.