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The first kiss is an event in life that you will always remember until you grow old. You need to know some “rules” that will help make this important event unforgettable. Some young boys and girls do not know how to kiss for the first time, what needs to be done to make the kiss memorable for a lifetime and to impress their partner in order to repeat romantic encounters and prolong the relationship.

Is the first kiss a problem?

It often happens that neither the girl nor the guy knows how to kiss. And that’s why they deliberately delay this moment. It would seem that it is easier for a girl: she follows and repeats the movements of the young man. No special initiative is required. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your inability to kiss: if a guy is smart, he will appreciate it and treat the girl with more tenderness and attention.

According to etiquette, a young man must show initiative and perseverance without shyness and brute force. And the first sign that a girl is ready for a kiss is a long look into the guy’s eyes. If a young man looks away or starts talking about something unimportant, it means he is not ready for this important moment.

In any case, always be natural, and if you feel the urge to kiss your partner and there is an appropriate romantic atmosphere, then do it and have fun. And you don’t need to worry too much if you don’t know how to kiss for the first time.

How to learn to kiss?

Many young boys and girls put off their first kiss because they don’t know how to kiss for the first time. What do we have to do? How to behave? What movements can be done and which cannot? The decision to kiss may come suddenly, but more often young people prepare for this both mentally and physically.

It should be noted that there is no real and clear advice on how and where to do this. You yourself will feel that the time has come for this exciting moment. The first kiss should be in a romantic setting, and it is important that you like your partner. It is necessary that no one disturbs you, and it is advisable that there are no witnesses. After all, not only the girl, but also the guy is worried, and unexpected questions or comments from others can ruin the first kiss, and then it will not be easy to decide to do it a second time.

Tips on how to learn to kiss for the first time include not only the kissing technique, but also preparation for this event.

You can create a romantic atmosphere yourself. For example, invite your partner to the cinema in the last row. And it doesn’t matter who does it first: a guy or a girl. It is the dark hall, the film about love, that is conducive to the first kiss. Only in the cinema can you often see a young guy and a girl kissing. Or you can kiss your lover or sweetheart goodbye after a well-spent evening together. At the same time, your partner’s behavior on a date will show you whether he is ready for the first kiss.

A guy shouldn’t ask a girl if he can kiss her: this will put her in a difficult position, make her embarrassed, and you won’t get a kiss that will be remembered for the rest of your life.

Preparing for a kiss

It is necessary to remember that a pleasant smell from your breath, as well as the aroma of your body, sets your partner up for a romantic wave. Therefore, it is important to take a shower or bath before a date and use deodorant, perfume or cologne with a mild odor. You should not take foods such as onions, garlic, spicy and fatty foods, or alcoholic drinks the day before. Smoking is contraindicated. You can use mints or chewing gum. But at the same time, you should not chew it during a date - this may discourage any desire, and advice on how to kiss for the first time may not be needed.

You can grease your lips with sugar to make them brighter and softer, and moisturize them with lipstick (this is a tip for girls).

If you are already ready for the first kiss, then you should also prepare your partner: you can talk to him gently, smile naturally, take his hand or hug him. At the same time, after looking into the eyes, you should not quickly look away. A sincere look can tell you that you are ready, and this can encourage your partner to take the first step.

The first kiss should not be too short or long. According to psychologists, the optimal time is 20-30 seconds. At the same time, you will feel a big explosion of emotions and get great pleasure. And there is no need to experience complexes about the fact that, supposedly, I don’t know how to kiss. Your feelings and mutual desire will help you.

What should you do when you have your first kiss?

If the initiator is a guy, then he needs to attract the girl to him, tilt his head to the side and gently touch her lips with his lips. Then, opening your mouth slightly, run the tip of your tongue across the girl’s lips. Then you can kiss the girl with just your lips without aggression or pressure.

A girl can also take the initiative into her own hands. This is best done when saying goodbye. You need to come close to the guy, thank him for a wonderful evening, look tenderly into his eyes and touch his lips for a while. The best thing in this case would be for the girl to leave quickly without delay in order to awaken the desire of a hunter in the guy: he will look forward to the next date.

You should not drag out the kiss: the first time a guy and a girl kiss no more than a minute. This is the time that is most optimal for an emotional explosion. Don't be alarmed if you salivate a lot: many people like it. During a kiss, the eyes close on their own: this is an indicator that a person is detached from the surrounding reality and immersed in the world of feelings. This also means that people like each other, and the first kiss is the beginning of a new, more vibrant relationship, which subsequently develops into love.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

Many people are afraid to kiss due to lack of experience communicating with the opposite sex and the fear that your kiss will not make the right impression on their partner. Don't be afraid of this. Even if you get embarrassed and make some awkward movement, this is not a reason to laugh at you. If your partner likes you and has sincere feelings for you, then he will be the one who will help you forget about your fears.

Books on relationship psychology will tell you how to kiss. A lesson can be taught to you good friend or video. Now there are also many interesting articles about this important event.

What do you need to do to be kissed?

There are some more tips on how to kiss for the first time and what you need to do to make you desirable to your partner. Firstly, you need:

  • visit the dentist regularly to eliminate all problems (sometimes you cannot hear the smell from your mouth, but it is unpleasant for others);
  • brush your teeth not only in the mornings and evenings, but also before a date;
  • be sure to clean the surface of the tongue, as a large number of bacteria accumulate on it, which can cause bad breath;
  • the guy should be clean-shaven, and the girl should have her hair neatly combed and without provocative makeup;
  • A girl should not wear bright lipstick: naturalness is more attractive;
  • Friendliness and a smile should be your constant companions.

The first kiss is the magic of love

To make your first kiss memorable for a lifetime, you must:

  • kiss only the person you really like and whom you feel with your soul;
  • do not drink alcohol for courage;
  • do not succumb to provocations and kiss without desire just to gain experience;
  • A girl should not be the first to kiss a guy: it is important to set him up and show him with your appearance that you are ready for the first kiss (although exceptions are possible).

And you should remember that the first kiss should be with the one or only one for whom you have feelings. And it doesn’t matter whether the kiss works out or not. Still, it will be remembered for a lifetime, and you can repeat it with your loved one even a few years later.

Men often wonder if it is possible to kiss a girl on the first date. It is possible, but if you take into account the reasons for a possible refusal and think about how to behave in a given situation. It’s great when the young lady herself hints at a kiss, but how to recognize it? Where and how is the best way to kiss a girl? What should you never do? This article will help you figure it all out.

On what date can you kiss a girl?

“Should you kiss a girl on the first date or is it better to wait until the second?” – there is no universal answer to this question. You can kiss a woman for the first time on the first date, and on the second, and on the fifth... It depends on the particular young lady, her beliefs and sympathy for you.

If a girl likes a man, then she is unlikely to object to a kiss at the end of the first meeting. If the kiss didn’t happen, but she agrees to a second date, then she definitely liked the guy. This means you can safely kiss her on your next date.

But if a man doesn't do this, the woman may think that he didn't like her.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you

Girls don't like to kiss in public, so she will probably look for a secluded place.

Woman long looks a man in the eye and pauses in the conversation so that he can guess her desire.

Also a girl reduces the distance between you- in the movies she puts her head on the shoulder of her companion, she walks on the street or stands a little closer.

In general, pay attention to her behavior: if she tries to touch you by chance, looks into your eyes and is silent, then these are sure hints that she is expecting a kiss.

Why doesn't a girl want to kiss

There are three reasons for this:

  1. She doesn't like the man. When a person is not hooked, there can be no talk of any intimacy with him. To check this, ask for a second date. If the girl doesn’t agree, then that’s the problem; if it’s the other way around, then there’s another reason.
  2. She doesn't want to seem approachable. In order not to appear approachable, the young lady waits for the second or third date for a kiss. If at the second meeting she won’t let you kiss her, then you can ask her. For example: “I understand: you don’t want to rush things. I'm right?". This question is quite delicate, but at the same time it helps to understand everything.
  3. She's shy about something. It can be anything, and often depends on certain circumstances: the woman is not confident in the freshness of her breath, she is embarrassed by her braces, or there are too many people around. To find out the reason, you can ask a question related to point 2 - the answer should clarify the situation.

How to kiss a girl on a date

Firstly, she should be ready for this, i.e. the first kiss should not be a sudden surprise. Think about the location - a park, an embankment or the porch of her entrance. The last option is ideal, because it is unspoken that a man kisses his lady goodbye. It is at this moment that she will be 100% ready.

Secondly, avoid large crowds of people, especially if among them there is a risk of meeting her friends. This atmosphere puts a lot of pressure on the girl, because she may feel awkward.

Third, start the kiss gently, and listen to her actions - if she responds to it, then you can extend it, and, for example, hug your companion by the shoulders. For the first time this is quite enough.

Fourthly, don't say anything stupid right after the fact. An unsuccessful phrase can ruin the entire romance of the moment, so after a kiss it will be enough to just smile.

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Often the girl herself hints that she does not mind a kiss - this is not so difficult to understand.

And finally, a useful video on the topic:

But if the kiss doesn’t work out, don’t despair - invite the young lady on a second date. If she agrees, then the next attempt will definitely be successful.

A kiss is an expression of sympathy and love. It's no secret that the further development of a relationship depends on the first kiss. You need to be prepared and not think for a long time about “kissing or not kissing.” The highlight of the first kiss is its spontaneity. Kiss your loved one at the behest of your heart. If you think for a long time and decide to take this step, then tension may arise between you and your partner, which is not a good way to start a relationship.

In this article we will learn the main rules and techniques of the first kiss, let's get acquainted with them.

How to kiss for the first time - 11 rules

  • It is important to remember the freshness of your breath. Be sure to brush your teeth before a date, and a mint can also help.
  • If you are a girl, then it is better not to use lipstick, it only causes inconvenience.
  • The first kiss should never be aggressive. A gentle and warm hug, and then a short, but very sensitive touch of the lips.
  • Before kissing, you should freeze for a moment. Close your eyes to remember and feel all the magic of the moment.
  • The first kiss should not be wet.
  • You may be overwhelmed with feelings and therefore may feel short of breath. Breathe through your nose, otherwise you will get very dizzy.
  • If you are a girl, then submit your lips to the guy and try not to slip from his lips. The first kiss should be a little shy and timid.
  • If you are a guy, make your lover feel wrapped in your tenderness and warmth. Hug her tenderly while kissing, let her know that you are the hero of her novel.
  • Be relaxed, if you are nervous or tense, your partner will immediately feel it.
  • If by chance your teeth collide during a kiss, it’s okay, just move your head back a little, so the kiss will become less persistent.
  • If the kiss turns out wet, do not wipe your lips immediately, it looks disrespectful. Your lover may think that you didn’t like the kiss itself.

How to kiss for the first time - kissing technique

There are many articles and descriptions on the Internet on the topic “How to learn to kiss?”, but this action cannot be described exactly. Watch your partner's reaction and do as your feelings tell you.

The beginning of the kiss should proceed slowly, with some embarrassment. Touch your lips one at a time, first the top, then the bottom, and then the top again. Such touches will let you understand how your partner feels, and if he reciprocates your feelings, then you need to add passion, increase the pressure a little and add language, after which feelings will definitely flare up. The main thing is not to be afraid. If your partner avoids the kiss, then you need to stop.

How to kiss for the first time - types of kisses

There are a huge number of types of kisses, certainly more than 50. But this does not mean that you should know and remember them. Every person has a favorite type of kiss. So you just need to decide.

  • Inato is a very gentle and romantic type of kiss. In this case, the entire surface of the lips is involved, in no case touching the tongue and teeth.
  • The fight of mouths is a very interesting and slightly strange type of kiss. In this case, each of the partners will win the game “who kisses whom?” There is light biting and lip sucking.
  • Samayan - in this type of kiss the man must lead. He takes the girl's tongue into his mouth and bites it, sucking a little. In turn, the girl seeks to take his tongue, which confirms the desire for a more violent intimate relationship.
  • Tenderness is a light kiss in which effort is not important. The couple touches lightly with their lips and the tip of their tongue.
  • Shy - a type of kiss during which the girl moves her lower lip, pretending that she is against the kiss, as if she is trying to escape from the guy.

Remember, a romantic kiss, especially the first, lasts no more than 2 minutes, and this time is enough to understand whether you want more. It is not necessary to set records, the main thing is that you and your partner feel comfortable. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video clip that will tell you about important details during the first kiss.

How to kiss correctly if a girl has to do it for the first time? The first kiss is of great importance for the development of a relationship with the guy you like. If you kiss poorly, your partner may begin to doubt whether to continue communicating with you in the same way. If your first kiss conquers a guy, then the probability further development wonderful relationships will increase several times. After all, you want to kiss a person who knows how to do it again and again. Let's look first useful tips, and the video lessons posted in the article will clearly help you take the first step in this direction.

So, important rules for girls who kiss for the first time:


It's best to kiss with your eyes closed. Until the moment your lips touch, do not take your eyes off your partner's eyes. Keep in mind that the distance between your faces should be minimal. Don't rush to close your eyes, but you shouldn't kiss with your eyes open either.


Breathing plays an important role, watch it. If you are planning a short, light kiss, then, if you have doubts about the freshness of your breath, you can simply hold it. But if you want a long kiss (they are the most pleasant), then holding your breath is of no use to you. When breathing stops, you will simply need to tear yourself away from your partner’s lips to take at least a breath of air, and this will undoubtedly blur the entire impression of your kiss. It is best to breathe evenly and calmly, as always. Do not sharply increase the rate of breathing, this will distract you and will not allow you to concentrate on the kiss and your sensations.


Don’t forget about your hands, caress your partner with them. You can touch him when kissing; touching the face, head, neck, and shoulders is quite acceptable. Act with love and tenderness, but do not overdo it. The first kiss should not be as exciting as kisses that precede a more intimate relationship.

Timely stop:

In order for the first kiss to be right, you need to feel when to stop. It should not be protracted, but not entirely short. Feel the reaction of your boyfriend's body, it will tell you the perfect moment to stop. As soon as you notice that your partner is leaning away from you or starting to close his lips, you need to stop. When in doubt, pause. After all, it is better to kiss again than to make the kiss prolong.
If you see that the guy is immediately ready to kiss you again, you can be sure that everything is going as it should.

Don't forget that guys are not like girls. They rarely think about relationships and practically do not fantasize about this topic. Therefore, you should not be overly delicate in the matter of a kiss, since perhaps it is your initiative that can give the first spark to the relationship. And don’t have a complex if you feel that you don’t have enough experience in kissing, everything will definitely work out!

For the first kiss you need to choose the right moment. It is best if there is no one else in the room except you. Undoubtedly, any guy will be flattered if a girl kisses him in front of his friends. But in this situation the necessary mood will not arise.

The best moment for a kiss is a romantic setting.
Guys, with rare exceptions, are small fans of romance, but they also tune in to it next to the girl they love. This is the best time for a kiss. Usually a woman plays a passive role in the manifestation of feelings. Most often, the man makes the first step, and the woman maintains the fire of feelings. But this does not mean that she cannot provoke the man she loves. It is within everyone's power to create a situation for him to kiss her himself. How to kiss a guy for the first time? To do this, grab his attention. Try to be as close to him as possible, you can sit on his lap, look at him with a loving gaze.

If you see that a young man is experiencing the same emotions as you, and there is a sensual attraction between you, then you probably won’t have to wait long for the guy’s first step. At the same time, it is possible that the guy will be timid and will not dare to kiss you.

Approach your boyfriend and look into his eyes. If he responds in kind and there is some kind of attraction or pleasant romantic tension between you, then most likely the guy himself will take the first step and kiss you.

However, he may be hesitant or not dare to kiss you first. In this case, there are two options:

Slowly move closer to his lips, looking straight into his eyes, when you finally touch his lips, slowly move away. It shouldn't even be a kiss, but a light glide across the lips. Then act on the guy's reaction.

You can directly ask him if he wants to kiss you. Don't be afraid that this will sound rude; on the contrary, there is some romance in it. You can add that you want a kiss, provided that he wants it no less. If a guy is really passionate about you, then after such a proposal he will definitely not resist and kiss you. Now you know how to kiss a guy correctly.

French Kiss

The French kiss is famous for its depth of perception and special intimacy. Thanks to this, he is considered an exceptional adult, completely different from the light touch of lips characteristic of the initial stages of a relationship.

If we briefly consider the French kissing technique, it consists in the fact that partners touch each other’s lips and cheeks (from the inside) with their tongue. In this case, there is a strong stimulation of the entire oral cavity as a whole, since this area is equipped big amount nerve endings and is very sensitive. Often the effect of a tongue kiss is described as an electric shock, since it stuns quite strongly. This kind of kiss is usually given at very deep, serious and relationships of trust.

Knowing and being able to kiss correctly in French means being confident in communicating with the opposite sex, and in addition, having many admirers or admirers. After all, in fact, there are very few people who know how to kiss a hickey correctly.

There is one small nuance: usually people give away their desire for a kiss by involuntarily looking at their partner’s lips. Catching this look, you can understand that the time has come for a kiss. If this is the first kiss, then a convenient moment may arise while saying goodbye to the guy, at the end of the date. It’s ideal if you feel when a guy is ready for a passionate kiss.

If the relationship is already developing “in full swing” or has been established, then simply “reach out” to the guy, and he will answer you in kind. Then gently touch your loved one’s lips with your lips; it would be nice if you hug or lightly hold his head or chin with your hands. At first, touch gently, not too forcefully, and only then increase the pressure and, opening your mouth slightly, lightly touch your partner’s tongue with your outstretched tongue. Then it would be quite appropriate to caress with rotational movements of the tongue; you can run it over the lips.

Knowing how to kiss with your tongue correctly means not only skillfully starting and continuing a kiss, it is equally important to know how to end it beautifully. To do this, move from caressing movements with your tongue to kissing with just your lips; finally, you can interrupt the kiss for a split second and lightly touch the guy’s lips, as if putting an end to it.