Where can I get a Windows activation code? Where can I find the Windows key? Finding an activation key via KeyFinder

13.11.2019 Windows and disks

Hello admin, tell me how to find out Windows key , if it is not on the back of the laptop and this is the case on all new laptops.

When buying a laptop, the store told me that I didn’t need a Windows key, since I didn’t need to enter it anywhere. I have some kind of Windows 8 Single Language 64-bit Russian Region- (OEM) installed, and I’m also not supposed to have a disk from it. If Windows crashes, you can run the factory reset program and that’s it.
I also learned that if I want to install another Windows on my laptop, it’s unlikely to work and reinstalling the existing one myself won’t work either. And further important point- If hidden section I accidentally delete the factory settings during my experiments with reinstallations, then the laptop will be restored to me not under warranty, but for a couple of thousand rubles.

So I’m sitting and thinking, I paid 30 thousand rubles for the laptop, but it’s like it’s not mine. Find out the Windows key I can’t, I can’t install another operating system, they don’t give me a disk with Windows and drivers anymore, in short, use it for your health. It's all strange though! Gosh.

How to find out the Windows key

Hello friends! With a new laptop, you can do whatever you want and of course you can find out the key of Windows installed on it, but you need to do all this with skill. The sellers can also be understood, since many buyers, on the very first day of using a laptop, destroy everything with a hairdryer, and then, having played enough with ancient operating systems, they try to restore what they had, many do not succeed and they come to where the laptop was purchased and demand everything restored under warranty.

Therefore, before your experiments, insure yourself modern means Reserve copy data. You can back up all partitions of your hard drive onto DVDs or a portable hard drive USB disk. You can learn how to create a backup of the entire laptop hard drive or just the operating system from our articles.
Note: Installed on your Windows laptop 8 Single Language 64-bit Russian Region (OEM), this is normal basic Windows 8, but only with support for one Russian language. No, you can type in English, but the system control interface will always be Russian. Windows 8 Single Language (OEM) can be transferred to another computer and even upgraded to Windows Pro 8. If you want to reinstall the operating system on your laptop, then you can do it approximately like this - or like this -.

I will give two of the easiest ways to find out the Windows key. We will use the services of the ProduKey program and then AIDA64.

ProduKey software works quickly and without installation. You can download it on the official website


Click "Download links are on the bottom of this page"

If you have a 64-bit operating system, select "Download ProduKey for x64"

Below on the same page you can download the Russifier.

The program is downloaded in an archive, unzip the archive and run the ProduKey.exe file. In addition to the Windows key, you will find out all the keys for programs owned by Microsoft.

Find out the Windows key using the AIDA64 program

Let's go to the website of the developer of the AIDA64 program http://www.aida64.com/, click on the Download button.

Download, install and run the program. On the left side of the main program window, select operating system, then the same thing again.

We see the key of our Windows

Friends, read the continuation.

Most commercial software comes with special protection against unauthorized copying and installation. Although manufacturers use different methods to solve this problem, almost all of them prompt the user to enter a product key or serial number- at least that's how things are with Microsoft Windows and Office.

The string, consisting of letters and numbers, is an individual identifier that proves the legality of your copy. This data is required to authorize the installation of the software, as well as to receive support, so it can be important to know where the key is and how to get it.

Below are some easy ways to help you find your serial number for Windows and Office.

Find product key

Try to remember how you purchased software Microsoft, because this determines where to look for the product key.

If you bought a copy of Microsoft Windows or Office on disk, then first of all you should examine its box. Microsoft retail product keys are usually located on a brightly colored sticker located inside the CD/DVD cover or with back side. The key consists of 25 characters, usually divided into 5 groups of 5 characters.

If your computer came with Microsoft Windows pre-installed, the product key is usually printed on a colored sticker placed directly on the PC case. In case of Microsoft Office The serial number sticker must be on installation disk included with your computer. If you don't find it anywhere in the listed places, then you need to contact Microsoft to request a replacement for your lost key.

You can usually find your Microsoft Windows serial number on a sticker attached to your PC.

Windows 10

With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft introduced new way operating system authentication called digital resolution, but it doesn't work on all Windows 10 PCs.

In fact, you definitely have a digital resolution if you upgraded the OS on your PC from Windows 7 or 8.1 for free. You also get digital resolution if you pay to upgrade to Windows 10 in the app store Windows Store or installed a fresh copy of the OS and then paid for it in the same Windows Store.

However, if you received Windows 10 either bundled with a new PC, or purchased a Windows 10 installation DVD from a store, or purchased a digital copy of Windows 10, but not from the Windows Store, but from another online store, then you will have a traditional product key, not a digital permit.

What is digital resolution

If your PC has a digital resolution, Microsoft records your right to run Windows 10 on its servers. The upside is that you simply don't have a product key to lose. And if you need to reinstall the system, for example from a USB drive, you don't even have to activate your PC. Instead, after reinstalling Windows activation will pass background within a few hours (or, in extreme cases, several days).

But keep in mind that your digital resolution is based on your system configuration. If you change too many components at once and then try to reinstall Windows 10, you may encounter a problem.

From point of view new system control, it would be better, for example, to first replace the HDD or SSD, then reinstall Windows 10, and update other components after activation. Otherwise you may have to call hotline Microsoft for automatic activation. This doesn't happen very often, but it does happen.

However, major updates, such as replacing motherboard, will definitely require a call to Microsoft.

Retrieving a key from Microsoft Windows or Office

If you can't find your product key, but the program is already installed, you can use special programs, in particular Magical Jelly Bean Key Finder. This utility will quickly find the key for Windows (as well as keys for many other installed programs) and will show it on the screen.

1. Download Magical Jelly Bean and follow the instructions to install the software on your computer.

2. Launch the program. You can find it in the Start menu - start typing keyfinder and click.

3. The program will scan your installed software and find product keys for supported programs, including different versions Windows and Office.

4. When the scan is complete, you will see a window with a panel on the left side, which will list any installed versions Windows and Office.

5. Click on your version of Microsoft Windows and you will receive the key as well as other installation information. The serial number itself will be located in the ‘CD Key’ section on the right side of the window. Write this information down in case you may need it in the future. Make sure that you have rewritten all the symbols correctly, otherwise the key simply won’t work. And don’t pay attention to the ‘Product ID’ section - we don’t need it.

6. Click on the section with your Microsoft version Office to get your product key and other installation information. In the case of Office, everything happens exactly the same - your key will be located in the ‘CD Key’ section on the right side of the window. Make sure that you have rewritten all the symbols correctly, otherwise the key simply won’t work. You can also use Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to extract the keys of any software that is installed on your PC.

Losing your product key (CD Key / activation code / serial number) is always an unpleasant problem. In such cases, you usually have to contact the developers or even spend money on purchasing new version programs. Well, the most common option is that the “key” on the Windows license sticker has been erased (which the author has encountered). What should you do if you don’t want to pay, but you need an activation code right now? The application is not fully functional and needs to be reinstalled? Fortunately, there is a whole class of free utilities for restoring serial numbers, the most famous of which are Windows Product Key Finder Pro And Keyfinder, about which below.

So, suppose you “lost” the key to a honestly purchased Windows or office Microsoft package Office. In order to recognize it and save it at least in txt-file, one important condition is required: it must be “fished out” before uninstalling (removing) non-working software or formatting hard drive, because all keys are stored in encrypted form in system registry and will be irretrievably lost. Therefore, after reading the article, without delay, check the software stickers and, if they are damaged, restore and save them necessary information, for example, on a flash drive.

Windows Product Key Finder Professional

This utility is simple and understandable even without special knowledge in English. After installation, in open window program you will see decrypted activation codes for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 and, if available, MS Office XP / 2003 / 2007 / 2010 / 2013. It is not necessary to look for paper and pen, using the " buttons Save" And " Print"keys are instantly copied to text file or printed.

Free download from the official website Windows Product Key Finder .


Despite all the "advantages", the program noticeably litters the system registry, so the best option- below.

Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder

Perhaps the most advanced free key search engine in terms of capabilities is Keyfinder from developers from sunny Cyprus. Using the link below, I recommend downloading a registry-safe portable version of the program, which, when opened, will show all hidden “serials” in the right half of the window. It will also help restore registration data (username, product ID) and export information to a TXT / CSV file or on paper (see in the top panel " File"). By the way, the number of supported products, in addition to the Windows and Microsoft Office lines, is more than 300!

Download Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder(distribution + portable-version).

Let me remind you that in the Windows packages and Office key product is a sequence of 25 characters of the form XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. They can only activate the edition (version) of the software that is indicated on the license sticker, i.e. You cannot activate Windows 7 Professional using the Windows 7 Home key. Besides:

  • Retail - activated by key Retail-a copy of the application on any, but only one computer. Retail-the key in the form of a sticker can be carefully stuck on system unit or laptop.
  • OEM -key is used to activate one OEM-copies on the same PC on which it was first activated. OEM-sticker ( Certificate of Authenticity) is already glued to the body by the manufacturer.

Actually, that’s all, I’m sure you also successfully dealt with the copies and stickers.

Dmitriy dmitry_spb Evdokimov

Previously, if a laptop came with a pre-installed Windows operating system, there was a sticker on the bottom side with a product key or so-called license key. Nowadays these stickers are not put on laptops and it is no longer possible to simply find out the product key for them.

But, if you use some tricks, then the key Windows product 10 can still be found out. In this material we will look at several ways to do this.

It should immediately be noted that different ways retrieve keys from different sources, so the resulting keys will be different. So, the key extracted from the operating system will be different from the key that is extracted from UEFI motherboard.

How to view the product key in Windows 10 using third-party programs

If you want to find out the product key in Windows 10, then the most in a simple way will resort to using third-party programs. In this case you won't have to deal with Command Windows string or with PowerShell. All you need to do is install the program and run it.

The first program we'll look at is called ProduKey. This program is produced by NirSoft, known for its small utilities for Windows. You can download ProduKey.

The ProduKey program collects data about the keys installed in the operating system and displays this information in the form of a convenient table. With ProduKey you can find out not only the Windows 10 product key, but also keys from other Microsoft programs. For example, you can find out the license key for a package office programs Microsoft Office.

Also, the program ShowKeyPlus is often used to view license keys. This is an open source program source code.

A special feature of the ShowKeyPlus program is that it can retrieve a product key from several sources at once. Firstly, the program can extract the key from the operating system itself Windows systems 10 (in the program this is Installed Key), secondly from the computer’s UEFI (in the program this is OEM Key), and thirdly from the previous version of Windows, which is saved in the Windows.old folder.

How to view the Windows 10 license key without using third-party programs

If you don't want to use third party programs and are ready to tinker a little using the built-in tools in Windows 10, then you can resort to the following options.

To view the license key saved in the UEFI of your motherboard, you need to run the following command:

  • wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey

This operation can also be performed when Windows help PowerShell. To launch PowerShell, you can simply open the Start menu and search for “PowerShell.” You can also open the Run menu using Windows + R and enter the PowerShell command there. After PowerShell starts, you need to run the following command in it:

  • (Get-WmiObject -query "select * from SoftwareLicensingService").OA3xOriginalProductKey

After executing any of these commands, information about license key, which is saved in your motherboard's UEFI. If there are no keys saved in UEFI, then the commands will not give any result.

In addition, there is a script in VBS language ( Visual Basic Script) with which you can extract the product key from the Windows 10 operating system. In order to use this script, you need to open the Notepad program and paste the following code into it:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
regKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"
DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "DigitalProductId")
Win10ProductName = " Windows version 10: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductName") & vbNewLine
Win10ProductID = "Product ID: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductID") & vbNewLine
Win10ProductKey = ConvertToKey(DigitalProductId)
ProductKeyLabel ="Windows 10 Key: " & Win10ProductKey
Win10ProductID = Win10ProductName & Win10ProductID & ProductKeyLabel
Function ConvertToKey(regKey)
Const KeyOffset = 52
isWin10 = (regKey(66) \ 6) And 1
regKey(66) = (regKey(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin10 And 2) * 4)
Cur = 0
Cur = Cur * 256
Cur = regKey(y + KeyOffset) + Cur
regKey(y + KeyOffset) = (Cur\24)
Cur = Cur Mod 24
y = y -1
Loop While y >= 0
winKeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & winKeyOutput
Last = Cur
Loop While j >= 0
If (isWin10 = 1) Then
keypart1 = Mid(winKeyOutput, 2, Last)
insert = "N"
winKeyOutput = Replace(winKeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0)
If Last = 0 Then winKeyOutput = insert & winKeyOutput
End If
a = Mid(winKeyOutput, 1, 5)
b = Mid(winKeyOutput, 6, 5)
c = Mid(winKeyOutput, 11, 5)
d = Mid(winKeyOutput, 16, 5)
e = Mid(winKeyOutput, 21, 5)
ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e
End Function

As a result, the VBS script will be executed and information about the Windows 10 license key will appear on the screen.

To activate Windows 7, a 25-digit special code is used - “product key”. Usually manufacturers indicate it on a special sticker on the computer case, but not always. Also, this inscription wears off over time, and it often happens that after just a year of using the laptop, the product key becomes unreadable.

If the user, for example, is faced with the need to reinstall Windows or the system simply crashes and loses its activation, then first of all you should find out the “Seven” key so as not to incur additional costs for purchasing a new one licensed Windows. Below are highlighted the most effective methods, allowing you to quickly view the key of the OS running on your computer.

The easiest way

If the user is wondering how to urgently find out the serial number of Windows 7 installed on his PC, then first of all it is necessary to examine the case of the laptop or desktop PC for the presence of a readable code on the sticker.

If it is missing, or due to severe wear it is impossible to identify the serial number, then the following are presented: software methods solution to the question posed.

Using a tool included with Windows 7 itself

It should be immediately noted that specialists from Microsoft did not take care of the convenience of their clients, and Windows 7 is able to show only a few characters of the required number.

The following sequential steps must be taken:

  1. Hold down "Win" and click on "R";
  2. In the empty column of the window that appears, type “slmgr.vbs /dlv” and open the found application;
  3. A menu with the last few characters of the key will be displayed on the computer monitor.

The instructions described below will help you find out the full number.

Using a written script

The required number is encrypted in the memory of the PC hard drive. Experts wrote a script for the eighth version of Windows, but it also works successfully for Windows 7. This script text needs to be pasted into Notepad and then saved with a special extension.

For the convenience of users using this instruction, all of the above operations have already been completed by the author of the manual, so you just need to click here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_w1_IySvxDlazNSWDNUY3E1OXc and download the file. After saving it anywhere on the computer, you need to quickly double-click on it with the mouse, and a window containing full key systems.

If you click on “Ok” in the menu that appears, additional information about the licensed product will appear.

Since this “VBScrit” was created for Windows 8, in the bottom line the user will see the name of the eighth version of the OS, but the third line should be read - “Windows 7 Key”.

Via the ProduKey application

The utility is freely distributed in global network and works great without installation. You can always download it on the official resource of the program developer “NirSoft”. After saving the archive file to the PC, the user only needs to take the following few steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the archive;
  2. Open the “Application” file;
  3. Ready! The utility menu will show the key and ID.

SIW program

The application will also help you quickly solve the problem in the following several steps:

  1. Open the application and go to the “Programs” tab
  2. Next, open the “Licenses” subsection;
  3. All. The necessary information will appear on the display.


By opening this freely distributed application on the Internet on your PC, you will immediately have access to the Windows 7 key.

Same free utility, which is located on the resource “vellisa.ru”. The main advantage of the program is the detail of the information it outputs.

"Free PC Audit"

To use the application's features, you must complete the following steps:

  1. After downloading, you just need to run the application file and wait for the OS analysis procedure to complete;
  2. Next, go to the “System” tab;
  3. Ready. In the right field of the utility you can find the number of the installed “Seven”.

This is one of the applications that has particularly wide capabilities, including displaying the OS key, which is shown in the “Operating system” column.