How to start voting on Instagram. Instagram story poll: vote or lose. Rules for creating an interesting name for Instagram

27.04.2022 Windows and disks

Unlike VKontakte and Facebook, you cannot add voting to an Instagram post. Instagram posts are generally very simple in form. But now you can add the survey to Instagram stories! This option appeared in October 2017 and caused a storm of joyful emotions among users.

Let's figure out how to add a poll to your story and why you should do it at all.

How to make a poll in Instagram story

If you don’t know what stories are, be sure to. There you will find detailed description this section, with an analysis of its functionality.

In order to add a poll to your stories, you need to go to the stories section (camera icon).

Then create a new story using an old photo or taking a new one. And on this story, go to the stickers section. You should see a survey sticker there.

If you don't have this sticker, make sure you have the latest one installed. Instagram version. If the application version is new, but there is still no sticker with the survey, try switching the camera to the front and back, and then go to the stickers section again. If polls don’t appear again, well, you’ll have to come to terms with it and continue to live somehow without polls.

When you create a survey, you can write any text for it. But the color and size of this text cannot be changed yet. If the survey text fades into the background and becomes unreadable, we have 2 options:

  • Use a contrasting marker to draw on the place where you want to place the survey sticker;

  • through the normal text adding mode (Aa), add the text you need, make it colored and place it on top of the survey text.

You can also write the question text using Aa mode, and then add a poll sticker with only answer options.

The answer options in the survey can also be changed. Besides "yes" and "no", you can use any other words or even emojis.

You can take part in your own survey. By clicking on a response, you will see the percentage of participants' responses.

You can also see the survey results in the story statistics (bottom left). The number of people who voted for each answer and who chose which option will be displayed here.

You can upload a story with a survey from your computer using the deferred posting service. SMMplanner .

Why do you need voting on Instagram stories?

Polls and voting (is there a fundamental difference between these concepts?) are an excellent opportunity to find out the public’s opinion on any issue. If you run your Instagram account exclusively for yourself, you don’t want to consider yourself a blogger, you don’t sell anything, and you only have 1 person as a subscriber (and that’s your second account), then surveys are probably of no use to you. But if you are a blogger, a store, or just like to communicate online, then be sure to try Instagram voting! And that's why.

First of all, it's cool!

People love polls. It's funny. You can feel the importance of your opinion. To feel that you are counted. I’m not a psychologist, but there’s probably a scientific explanation for this, otherwise there wouldn’t be all these likes, dislikes and thumbs up and down. People love to vote and love to see the results of their vote. This probably gives a feeling of belonging to a certain group of like-minded people.

Another way to get feedback

I am often asked: “When is it better to publish posts: in the morning or in the evening?”, “Is it worth writing posts about....?”, “Will the section include....?” I'll be honest: I have no idea. The only one who knows the answers to these questions is your audience, you need to ask them. You can publish a large and detailed post asking for answers in the comments, or you can simply make a poll in stories.

In such a survey, you can ask subscribers to vote for when it is more convenient for them to read posts: in the morning or in the evening. You can ask if they will read the posts on weekends. You can offer to choose from two topics for future posts or from two titles for a section.

Of course, this survey will not be seen by 100% of your audience. And not 100% of those who saw it will vote. But you will still get some general picture. Besides, there is nothing stopping you from repeating this question again.

Opportunity to make stories more interesting

Stories are also content. And this content should also have some meaning. A rare subscriber will be interested in just photos of the sunset, without sound on the video, without a caption on the photo. Sometimes, perhaps, yes. Especially if the sunset is beautiful. But on an ongoing basis, “silent” stories will quickly get boring for everyone. And, to be honest, few of us know how to take truly beautiful photographs.

Voting allows you to turn a simple photo into interesting content. In this case, you can add absolutely any survey. You can even make a vote without any text at all, with two emojis. A little freakiness never hurt anyone.

A way to get silent people to talk

People on Instagram don’t immediately make contact, they don’t immediately start writing comments and responding to stories in direct messages. Voting in stories – easy way to get at least some reaction from the silent ones. Taking part in a survey is a very simple action, but it takes the subscriber one step closer to a full-fledged dialogue.

Opportunity to get the haters out

Wise people say: “Don’t ask a question to which you are not ready to hear the answer.” In the context of Instagram, this means that you don’t need to ask: “Do you like the way I look?”, “Do you love me?”, “How do you like my new haircut?” Someone will definitely write: “Your haircut is terrible and in general you’re not very good overall.” And it seems like you won’t be offended - I asked myself.

Who writes such honest answers?

  • Harmful people. They may not think so, but they respond out of spite.
  • Zhduny. Those who have long been waiting for the opportunity to tell you everything.
  • Haters. Who are ready to say not the most pleasant things in any incomprehensible situation.

In the statistics you can see who gave the “wrong” answer. And you can ban these users or hide your stories from them.

This kind of audience sifting is not fun for everyone. You can ban someone who missed an answer or voted without reading. But everyone has fun as they want.

In my opinion, it’s not worthwhile to partake in polls in stories; moderation is needed in everything. But adding voting periodically is a good idea.

How others are already using polls in stories

If you don't have any poll ideas yet, check out how other bloggers are using this feature. Below you will find some examples.

@pollyandbooks asks subscribers which style of her photos they prefer: flatley or room interior.

My survey, in which I’m trying to figure out how many of my readers, of those who watch stories, missed this post in their feed.


@krystal_bick wonders when her followers view Instagram: in the morning or in the evening.

Well, for clarity, here’s a video instruction on how to add a poll to stories:

I hope you are inspired and are already going to publish your first survey in stories. I tried to describe this function in as much detail as possible, but if you have any questions, write them in the comments.

UPD appeared in May 2018 new format polls in stories - with a scale. Here's how it works:

Do you dream of promoting your Instagram, but don’t know where to start? New tools that appear on Instagram after each update come to the rescue. For your attention, they offer a rather interesting and modern option - “survey”. Instead of standard stories, you have the opportunity to create a free advertising campaign.

An Instagram poll is incredibly popular among active Instagram page owners and popular bloggers. A poll in an Instagram story is created in a few clicks, and we’ll make sure of it. Read below on how to make a poll on Instagram history.

For those who are not familiar with what an Instagram story poll is, let us explain. A poll in history is a question with a clear answer. For example, do you like chocolate ice cream? Yes or no. Such questions help determine the target audience of your profile and your publications, if you run. Since survey questions are asked on the stories platform, they are available for 24 hours, that is, exactly 24 hours, your guests and subscribers will be able to take part.

If your profile is not private, then everyone can take part in the created voting. And you can easily view the dynamics of the answer and voting results.

Attention! Polls on Instagram are available to every profile. There are no restrictions on the use of this function, and special requirements not presented. The question and answer feature can be used to conduct voting. Bloggers resort to such a cunning move when they want to increase the activity and popularity of their profile, creating intrigue.

Adding a poll to Instagram

Every new user is interested in the answer to the question of how to make a poll in stories and what questions to come up with for an Instagram story. Below, we will tell you step by step how to launch your own surveys for subscribers.

  • Launch Instagram on your phone;
  • Tap your photo (avatar) or swipe the screen to the right to go to the section for adding stories;
  • Add a photo, picture, video;
  • Next, touch the stickers icon, which is located in the upper right corner. After touching, a window with all the emoticons will appear on the bottom panel and select the active “survey” button;
  • In the field that appears, we type the question and, if necessary, change the answer; if we are not satisfied with the yes/no option, we can replace it with agree/disagree, for/against - there are many variations. To change the answer, just click on the answer “yes”, placing the cursor and replacing the text;
  • We touch the publish button and after a couple of seconds your friends and subscribers will see a red frame around the atarka, which will indicate the addition new history. By tapping your photo to see what you've posted, guests and followers will have the opportunity to answer a question, thereby taking part in the event you host.

Important! When creating a question, the field size for a question can be changed. To do this, just use two fingers to pull the edges in different directions, increasing its size, or, conversely, towards the center, decreasing its size. With a slight movement of your finger, you can move the field, changing its location on the screen.

How to make a poll on Instagram? The answer is clear: interesting polls on Instagram stories are not easy. But they bring their results. First of all, in order to properly communicate with subscribers, you need to determine your target story. It is the target audience that will help you decide what content is best to upload to your profile pages to attract and increase your subscribers.

How to vote

There is no particular difference between a survey and voting on the Instagram network; it all depends on the wording of the question. Such functions are necessary if you lead an active virtual life in social network and you want. This type of feedback will help you decide on the thematic content of your profile. Using this tool, you can identify what time of day is best to publish new posts; hold a vote on the topic for the next post.

Bloggers often use this feature to generate activity on their page. This move is excellent advertising and promotion of your online store. Ask for help choosing a wardrobe item by voting for option 1 or 2, and just watch the process.

With the help of this tool, stories will become more interesting. Not all people subscribed to your account will actively participate by voting. But so that the efforts are not in vain, what is published in the album is relevant.

The album is located on your home page under your avatar. Any visiting guest will be able to view and answer the question posed.

To vote, you need to go to the user’s page, open the stories, read the information and touch the answer option with which you agree. You can also vote and respond to your own polls and polls.

By asking a question with a bit of intrigue, you will make voting more interesting.

How to find out who voted on Instagram

Developers never cease to amaze us. In addition to creating and publishing questions that interest you, the application maintains comprehensive analytics of the answers received and the number of participants.

These statistics can only be viewed by the organizer of the event. The rest of the voters, after choosing an answer, will only have access to the percentage of those who voted for one of the options. But you, as the owner of the created story, will have access to all the dynamics and results of the Instagram survey.

Before history disappears, I really want to see the results. To do this, tap your story and swipe up on the screen. Publication will decrease. And you will see everyone who watched, as well as which answer was chosen by each user and total percentage.

In addition to the survey, another feedback tool you can use is “ask me a question.” The point is that you are asked questions and you answer them. Your answers are published in stories and each new answer simply complements existing publications. The questions can be very different. You can answer as you wish.

If there are no new tools on your device in the mobile application, then try updating to latest version. Mobile software updates must be installed periodically to stable operation, fixing minor bugs and introducing new features and capabilities.

Mobile app Available for devices running Android, iOS, Windows OS. For iPhone owners, there is a technical requirement for models 5 and higher.

Hi all! Today I would like to tell you how to create a poll on Instagram in Stories. This will help you find out the opinions of your readers and subscribers. This is actually very easy to do. The only negative is that you can make only two answer options: positive and negative. In this regard, more informative. But in principle, you may not necessarily use them in this way.

How to vote on Instagram?

  • Take a photo now (to do this, just click on the round button on the screen in the center)
  • Upload a photo from gallery

If you chose the second, then click on the image upload icon, which is located in the lower left corner of the screen. After that, just select the photo you want.

Now, click on the special icon on the right top corner screen so you can add all sorts of widgets to the picture.

Next, you will automatically see an inscription with two answer options. You can change the question itself, as well as the answer options. To do this, just click on the desired cells to change their contents. Look what I got. It is not necessary to put only “Yes” or “No”. You can, for example, ask the question “What phone do you have,” and put “iPhone” and “Android” in the answer options. If you don't like the location of the vote itself, you can move it with your finger to a safer place.

Now all that remains is to click on the magic “Your Story” button and wait for your subscribers and friends to see a fresh story from you, where you need to know their opinion. In general, users usually like various kinds of questionnaires. So I think that in any case they will be interested.

By the way, you can send your survey only to some of your friends selectively. To do this, click on the “Recipient” button and select only those users whom you would like to interview.

Unfortunately, if you do, then nothing will work for you. The fact is that despite a bunch of possibilities, you won’t be able to create a poll on Instagram in Stories. Once you create a story and select a photo, you have no choice but to publish it. There are simply no other “goodies” such as “Boomerang” or widgets in the computer version. But you can always install Bluestacks emulator. In this case, everything is possible.

How to view the results of a poll on Instagram?

I would like to immediately note that surveys on Instagram are not anonymous. That is, you will always know who voted for which answer. The voting results themselves will be available within 24 hours. After that, they will be deleted along with the history. But during this time you can go into them and see in real time who voted for what.

In order to do this, just swipe up in the story itself, after which you will see a list of users who voted with their answer options. All this data is available only to you as the creator. Regular users will not be able to see who voted or who chose what. They will only be able to see the overall percentage of responses.

What are votings for?

As a rule, surveys are needed to find out the opinions of your subscribers in a particular area. For example, a girl wants to go to a meeting, but doesn’t know what shoes to wear. She can poll her followers which shoes are better, “Red” or “Blue”.

Business accounts also conduct surveys, but more for marketing purposes, to learn, for example, about the tastes of their consumers. For example, a diner might ask how people like a new burger.

Well, if you want to promote your Instagram account or make beautiful designs for posts, then I recommend ordering the service at quarke. It's fast, convenient and safe.

Well, that's all for me. I hope you liked the article. So create polls on Instagram and see what your followers think about this or that issue. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

The “Poll” sticker in Instagram Stories appeared in October 2017, but remains relevant to this day. This is explained by the fact that the Stories format is very popular and is actively used for promotion, and the survey itself is good way find out the opinions of your subscribers and increase engagement.

In this article we will figure out how to make a poll in Instagram Stories and see who voted for which option. We will also offer a list of ideas and topics for conducting surveys.

How to create a poll in Instagram Stories

When composing a question, keep in mind that in essence only two answer options - “Yes” or “No”,“Black” or “White”, “VK” or “Instagram” ( to be or not to be😄). Therefore, taking into account the fact that the history is shown on the user’s screen in a matter of seconds, the question should be as short as possible, implying a quick, unambiguous answer.

Questions like “how Schopenhauer’s pessimism and irrationalism influenced the development of existentialism”- no need to ask. The best option will be: “Like it - don’t like it”, “whether you use it or not” and others.

So, let's start creating a survey ( do not confuse with questions on Instagram And quizzes).

Step 1. Adding a survey background. Add an image that is as close as possible to the topic of the survey. This could be a product, your photograph, any thematic picture or video.

Step 2. Choose to add a sticker. A square smiley face with one folded edge at the top of the page.

Step 3. In the window that opens, click “Survey”.

Step 4. Let's write the question itself. It’s better to think through a series of questions for a week or a month in advance, and also include them in your content plan.

Here, you can edit the answer options to replace the standard “Yes” and “No”.

Step 5. For quick navigation add your branded hashtag, click “Next” and make the story visible to everyone.

Surveys can also be used at launch advertising on Instagram.

Poll results: how to see who voted for what and which answer they chose

Swipe up to view detailed statistics. Here we can look:

  • total number of views;
  • number of votes for each option;
  • everyone who voted;
  • Opposite each person who participated in the survey is the option they chose.

What survey to do: ideas and topics for surveys in Instagram stories

One of the most important functions of surveys is to involve users in the life of the account. By choosing the proposed answer option, subscribers react to the question and the picture, and also remember you, which is very useful for increasing coverage.

Plus, an Instagram poll is a great opportunity to get feedback. But the question must be asked in such a way that it can be answered unambiguously, and quickly enough, while the story is being shown. Also, you can pin the story from surveys in current stories.

Ideas and topics for surveys:

  1. For a beauty salon: do you like or dislike the work (hairstyle, haircut, manicure, nail design), how often do you go for a manicure.
  2. For a fitness club: you did exercises today, and you’re already pressing a hundred, and you’re following proper nutrition.
  3. For a cafe/restaurant: it looks appetizing, we’re expecting you for a business lunch today, you drink coffee in the morning.
  4. For a clothing store: I like the look, I like + any product from the assortment.
  5. For the b2b segment: do you use automation services, are you involved in planning, does your company have KPIs.
  6. For everyone: you can ask personal questions and conduct provocative voting. This will help you get to know your target audience better and analyze how they will react to new content.